Become a vaccination ambassador is largely thanks to the
counteract any vaccine
our economy and both
sterling efforts of public
save and create jobs.
servants. ing 300 000 vaccines per
vented countless deaths.
eligible to be vaccinated –
day is now in sight.
At its peak, polio para-
and the process has been
lysed or killed over half a
made very easy.
more than 18 700 000 vac-
million people worldwide.
cines had been adminis-
According to the World
registered on the Elec-
Health Organisation, polio
tronic Vaccination Data
The success of the
Walk-ins by people not
cases have decreased by
System are allowed at all
campaign is proof of what
over 99% since 1988, from
vaccination sites – and
government can collec-
an estimated 350 000
this includes people who
tively achieve, and those
cases to 22 reported cases
do not belong to a medical
involved deserve high
in 2017. This reduction is
aid. Spread the word!
the result of a global vac-
Vaccination is our best Minister in The
South Africa’s entire adult population is now
As of 8 October 2021,
Mondli Gungubele
History has many examples of how vaccines pre-
The target of administer-
defence against COV-
cination campaign.
Another commendable aspect of our vaccination
In the 1950s, between
campaign is the out-of-
ID-19. Health Minister Joe
three and four million peo-
the-box ideas, such as
Phaahla has explained
ple in the United States
pop-up vaccination sites,
that we could face a num-
contracted measles each
drive-through vaccination
ber of waves in the future,
year. Of these, 400 to 500
sites and partnerships
but that mutations and
people died, 48 000 were
with religious and busi-
viral loads will decrease
hospitalised and 1 000 suf-
ness sectors.
role as Minister in The
as the percentage of vac-
fered swelling of the brain.
Public servants must
Presidency and it is one
cinated people increases.
Today, thanks to the devel-
be vaccination ambassa-
that gives me great pride,
This will eventually result
opment of a vaccine in the
dors. It is our duty to help
particularly when I con-
in fewer surges in infec-
1960s, measles outbreaks
spread the word that while
sider your contribution to
are rare and occur largely
being vaccinated might
in communities with low
not prevent COVID-19, it
vaccination coverage.
will lower the risks of se-
Our people need to
vere symptoms and death
his is my first message to public servants in my
largest mass vaccination
Unlike most medicines,
programme ever rolled out
which treat or help cure
in South Africa
diseases, vaccines actually
The significant strides we are making in the fight against COVID-19
help prevent them – this
know that vaccines are
and will ultimately help
is the message we need
safe, they are effective and
defeat the pandemic.
to convey to the public to
they are essential to grow
Public Sector Manager • October 2021