creating opportunity
2010 A N N U A L R E P O R T
t h e
C o m m u n i t y
F o u n dat i o n
The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation
service, financial stewardship, local expertise and
(GCRCF) is a public charitable foundation holding more
community leadership.
than 400 different charitable funds, large and small,
The mission of the GCRCF is to connect donors to
established by individuals, families, nonprofit agencies
the priorities they care about and to the needs of the
and businesses to benefit Linn County, Iowa.
community, to increase charitable giving and to provide
The GCRCF funds nonprofit activities in four essential
leadership on important community issues.
areas: Arts and Culture, Community Development
Since becoming a public foundation in 1992,
and the Environment, Education, and Health and
the GCRCF and its family of philanthropists have
Human Services.
distributed more than $60 million in grants.
Since our founding in 1949 as the Community Welfare
Whether you choose to give today or endow a fund to
Foundation, we have served the needs of eastern Iowa
support a cause or issue yet unforeseen, we encourage
and the wishes of our donors through personalized
you to learn more about the Community Foundation and how to become a part of our family of philanthropists.
324 3rd St SE Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 Email: Call:
319.366.2862 Fax:
319.366.2912 Online:
contents 1
Letter to the Community
Pooled Investment Allocation
Financial Highlights/ Assets by Fund Type
The Impact of Grant Making 2010 Grant Making Analysis
2010 Year in Review
How to Apply for a Grant Grant Writers’ Workshop
Van Meter Industrial
Types of Charitable Funds
Thea Leslie
Center Point Ambulance Service
New Funds Started in 2010
Iowa Legal Aid
Supporting Organizations
The Arc of East Central Iowa
38 Affiliates
16 Brucemorchestra
Darrel & Paul Morf
6 3 million
2 0 1 0 G r a n t s tota l e d
23 Donors Making a Difference
Staff and Volunteers
fr o m t h e
P r e s i d e n t
a n d
to the Community C h a i r
For the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation,
take great pride in helping nonprofits better fulfill their
2010 was a year of tremendous transition and growth:
mission through innovative programs that meet the
transition in our leadership; the move to our new home
needs of residents young and old. In 2010, the GCRCF
in the historic Torch Press Building; and growth in
distributed $6.3 million through more than 1,000 grants
our assets to reach more than $100 million, thanks to
to serve important initiatives ranging from support for
our community’s generosity. Notably, that included a
Brucemorchestra, the performance of Orchestra Iowa
generous gift from the William Whipple estate.
on the lawn at Brucemore, to Midnight Hoops, a
Shortly after the New Year, the Community Foundation
Friday night recreation event for youth in the Wellington
said goodbye to president and CEO Dan Baldwin as he
Heights neighborhood. The Foundation grants were
moved to Monterey, California, to become the president
awarded to 331 different organizations, including
and CEO of the Monterey County Community Foundation.
nonprofits, governmental entities and educational
Dan led the GCRCF for eight years and through his
institutions. Despite the volatility of the financial
leadership, the organization doubled in asset size,
markets in 2010, the Community Foundation earned
expanded grant programs and demonstrated community
an 11 percent return on its invested assets – boosting
leadership in critical areas, including the 15 in 5 community
assets to $111 million at year-end.
planning process and, most importantly, in the immediate
We were honored to receive a generous $7.5 million
response to and recovery from the flood of 2008.
gift from the estate of the late Bill Whipple in 2010. Bill
While the board conducted its search for a new CEO,
was an exemplary community leader whose positive
the GCRCF continued with smooth operations thanks to
influence has been felt by several generations of
the leadership of Karla Twedt-Ball, who served as interim
residents. He was a gentleman in the finest sense of
president and CEO until July.
the word and his commitment to the economic, social
On July 15, the GCRCF welcomed its fourth president
and cultural welfare of this area was impressive. Bill’s
and CEO, Les Garner, who most recently served as
influence will now be felt in perpetuity through a gift
President of Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa, for
that designates eight local nonprofits as recipients of the
16 years. During his time at Cornell, he filled a number
annual distribution of earnings from the endowed fund
of volunteer leadership roles in the community, including
he created. Bill also specified that part of that annual
serving as President of the Cedar Rapids Symphony and
distribution go into unrestricted funding, enabling future
Chair of the Board of Directors of the Cedar Rapids Area
leaders to respond to emerging and unforeseen needs
Chamber of Commerce.
and opportunities.
The Foundation and residents formally welcomed Les
When Bill was elected as an honorary director of the
and his wife, Katrina, with a reception and open house at
Community Foundation, he wrote that he hoped that the
The Torch Press in August. Built to house Luther Brewer’s
resources of GCRCF, along with those of the Hall-Perrine
new publishing venture in 1908, the Torch Press also
Foundation, would “assure an environment attractive to
served as home to the Cedar Rapids Art Center and as
prospective management of business and industry and be
an office building. The Community Foundation is proud
a significant factor in our continued growth and prosperity.”
to operate in a building with such historic significance
We wholeheartedly pledge to honor that wish.
and to be part of the central downtown as Cedar Rapids begins significant post-flood redevelopment. The Community Foundation enriches the quality of life in Cedar Rapids and surrounding areas in Linn
Les Garner Jr.
Ron Olson
County through our many grant programs. We also
P r e s i d e n t / C EO
2 0 1 0 B oa r d C h a i r
by Fund Type (as of Dec . 31, 2010)
Flood Funds
GCRCF Administration Funds .2% Operating Fund .5% CGA & CRT Funds 4.5%
Other Funds
Field of Interest Funds
Affiliate Funds
Agency Funds
Donor-Advised Funds
Scholarship Funds
Corporate Donor-Advised Funds
Designated Funds
Unrestricted & Special Funds
Financial Highlights
105million .5
11 .3 percent
Total assets under management
One-year rate of return for endowment pool
3 .4 percent
Five-year annualized rate of return for endowment pool
12million .8
Since inception annualized rate of return for endowment pool (1/94)
Total gifts (outright and deferred)
7 .8 percent
Number of donations received
882 618 donations donors from
6million .3
Dollar amount of grants awarded
Year in review
Growing Philanthropy and Our Assets
Wise and Effective Grant Making
The Community Foundation had assets of $111 million
More than 228 local nonprofits, 54 schools and
as of Dec. 31, 2010.
19 churches were awarded grants from one or more
Individuals, families, businesses and nonprofits
of our grant programs and funded 43 scholarships.
established 29 new funds. The Community
Overall, the Greater Cedar Rapids Community
Foundation now has 432 funds.
Foundation awarded $6.3 million in grants
The William Quarton Society, honoring those
supporting arts and culture, community development
who have established an endowed fund or will make a
and the environment, education and health and
planned gift, has nearly 300 members.
human services in Linn County. Since becoming a public foundation in 1992, the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation has
Financial Stewardship
Total assets under management
distributed more than $60 million in grants.
$105.5 million
One-year rate of return for endowment pool 11.3%
In 2010, 23 local nonprofits were awarded more
Five-year annualized rate of return for endowment pool
than $1 million from the Flood 2008 Fund that aids in
community rebuilding efforts after the historic flood of
Since inception annualized rate of return for endowment pool 7.8% Total gifts Dollar amount of grants awarded
2008. Since the flood, the GCRCF has awarded nearly $15 million in flood-related grants from the various
$12.8 million
funds held at the foundation.
$6.3 million
Through the County Endowment Fund program, each non-gambling county throughout Iowa received
Community Leadership
a distribution to be used for both granting and
Sincere thanks goes to outgoing board members
endowment building. In 2010, $368,000 was distributed
Rich Altorfer, Lorna Barnes, J. Scott Bogguss,
from the County Endowment Fund program to
Swati Dandekar and Gerald Matchett, whose
The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation for
terms ended in 2010. All have served on various
Linn, Jones and Wapello Counties.
grant committees during their tenure and have made significant contributions of time and leadership. Their support is deeply appreciated.
Advocacy, Initiatives and Community Partnerships
The Minnie Rubeck Award was presented to Laura
Investing time and interest in the legislative process has
Ebinger of Kids First Law Center. The Minnie Rubeck
brought tremendous results with creating awareness of
Award, named for an early contributor to the GCRCF, is
the benefits of philanthropy, the impact of the GCRCF
awarded to a nonprofit professional staff member.
in Linn County and the importance of the availability
Along with the heavy caseload (representing more
of Endow Iowa, a one-of-a-kind charitable tax credit
than 50 children at a time in high-conflict divorces),
program. GCRCF staff and board members worked to
Laura made it her mission to create a class for children
educate legislators in Des Moines to keep Endow Iowa
of divorce. Using her education and law degrees, she
intact so donors and nonprofits may continue to make
designed unique workshops for these kids. At the
an impact for generations to come. These outreach
workshops, the kids see they are not alone, they gain
and education efforts were successful and Endow Iowa
tools for handling common divorce scenarios and have
created $12.9 million in permanent endowments across
misperceptions clarified.
the state in 2010.
In 2007, the Sixth Judicial District judges mandated
The Bridge Builder Award was presented to John
attendance at the workshops for all children between
Morris, the first executive director of Discovery Living.
6 and 16 whose parents divorce in Linn County. Now
The Bridge Builder Award honors the exceptional
every school-age child of divorce in Linn County
achievement of a chief executive of a Linn County
benefits from the programs she created. More than
nonprofit organization.
1,000 children have attended the workshops.
John Morris was selected to receive the 2010
The Linn County Nonprofit Resource Center,
Bridge Builder Award for his exceptional leadership,
a program of the GCRCF, offered a variety of programs
innovation and commitment to Discovery Living and
for nonprofit professionals and board members to
the nonprofit sector. As the first executive director
help strengthen the nonprofits of our community.
of Discovery Living, John built the organization and
The LCNRC Institutes provide formal training and
changed the climate for people with developmental
structured peer engagement that will have lasting
disabilities by providing group homes where they live
impact on individuals and the nonprofit organizations
meaningful lives with dignity.
they work for. The Leadership and Managers Institutes
From the first group home in 1981 to 123 adults
sought to increase the participants’ knowledge of
living in 25 Discovery Living homes, he led the staff and
and skill set for key executive leadership areas.
board to meet the needs of many families. Because of
LCNRC Peer Groups continue to engage senior
his leadership, adults with developmental disabilities live
managers, marketers and executive directors of
full and meaningful lives and our community is better for
small nonprofits to allow for peer support and
that. John retired in October, serving more than 30 years
learning specific to the nonprofit sector. More than
as the executive director of Discovery Living.
1,700 nonprofit professionals participated in LCRNC programming this year.
Grants distributed since 1992
VanMeter Industrial :
Taking corporate philanthropy to heart
“Ordinary people doing extraordinary things” is
regions, VMI has a donor-advised fund with a local
the motto of Van Meter Industrial (VMI), but this
community foundation. In its central region, VMI
company takes that to a whole new level with its
partners with the GCRCF; in its west region with the
corporate philanthropy.
Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines; and in
Integrating philanthropy in its business operations
the east region with the Community Foundation of the
has long been a basic element of VMI’s core work ethic.
Great River Bend.
That includes a donor-advised fund VMI established
In addition, VMI sets aside a small percentage
in 2005 with the Greater Cedar Rapids Community
of its profits each year to support nonprofits in
Foundation (GCRCF). Since then, VMI has made 398
the community, a charitable event or cause
grants totaling $669,600 to the Cedar Rapids area.
supported by a VMI customer or fellow employee.
Van Meter not only gives back to its community
An employee charitable giving committee determines
through donations, grants
grant awards each month.
and sponsorships each
year, its employee-owners
in it,” Fleming notes. “It’s
contribute through numerous
wonderful to be a part of a
volunteer efforts.
company so dedicated to
“Our purpose is to be
that principle.”
our customers’ competitive
advantage by creating a
for grants is based on a
culture where the right
percentage of company-
people come to work, stay
wide profit each year.
and achieve their potential,”
After the 2008 flood, VMI
“We all firmly believe
The amount available
says Heather Fleming, VMI Director of Organizational
officials increased their financial commitment to help
Development. One of the five principles that guide
support flood recovery efforts. They also contributed to
VMI is giving back to the communities where VMI
GCRCF’s own flood fund.
employees work and live.
On an ongoing basis, VMI also hosts blood drives at
That takes the form of financial gifts, as well as
work and community events like the United Way Day
company policy encouraging each employee to take
of Caring, Fleming notes. Each year, VMI also hosts an
up to eight hours of company time each year to
event at Hawkeye Downs in May, picking up the tab
volunteer in a charitable effort of their choice.
for all in attendance. Participants are asked to make
Sometimes it’s an individual choice; sometimes it’s a
a financial donation, which is given to a different
department-wide commitment.
cause each year. In August 2011, VMI will sponsor
One of the nation’s largest electrical and automation
a Zach Johnson Day special golf event.
distributors, Van Meter’s corporate headquarters are
“We do some pretty amazing things,” Fleming says.
in Cedar Rapids, but it also has operations in 12 other
“It’s great to be a part of an organization that rallies for
locations across Iowa. In each of its three business
the greater good.”
669 thousand
3 9 8 G r a n t s tota l i n g
Giving from the heart:
Thea Leslie’s support helps arts, social services
Thea Leslie doesn’t consider herself extraordinary.
The Arc is a personal favorite, Thea notes, because
She describes her personal philanthropy in modest
a friend whose son is disabled was one of its founders.
terms. But her record speaks for itself.
Roger befriended the boy; today, Thea and the boy
Since 2006, she has established five designated funds
exchange email greetings each week.
at the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation
Roger and Thea were active birders and hikers and
(GCRCF) to benefit 10 different organizations, divided
Roger was an artist. They also began volunteering as
between arts and culture and social services. In 2010,
Braille transcribers in 1998 after reading about the
she added another fund and hopes to continue
declining numbers of transcribers. Both were certified
expanding her support.
by the Iowa Department for the Blind and made the
That’s giving on an extraordinary level.
Library of Congress program part of their daily lives.
The motivation was to use the annual stipend
“It was wonderful for both of us because we could be
from a charitable trust she established in 2005 to
totally engrossed in it,” Thea says.
benefit others. The Endow Iowa Tax Credit Program
There is only one other Braille transcriber in
helped make it easy. Through it, donors who establish
Cedar Rapids, who transcribes music for blind
endowed funds can claim state income tax incentives
musicians. Thea still spends time every day
worth 25 percent of the amount of their gift. A financial
transcribing various literary books assigned to her.
advisor suggested the GCRCF might be a good place to
“It’s a wonderful volunteer project,” Thea says.
“It’s like learning a different language. It makes you
“I realized I could really do something with that,”
feel good.”
Thea explains. “And I thought it would be nice to have this before I die. I’ll continue to support more as long as I can.” Thea’s beneficiaries range from the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art and Orchestra Iowa to Waypoint, Indian Creek Nature Center and The Arc. Each represents an element of the Cedar Rapids community she and her late husband, Roger, enjoyed or admired.
ambulance service upgrade
GCRCF grant helps
Being prepared is the first step in Center Point
worked with the project. The ambulance crew already
Ambulance Service’s response to the needs of the
has a connection to the more vulnerable area residents
extensive area it serves.
because of the nature of their service, she said, so the
Now that preparedness is even better, thanks to the
community safe room was a logical extension of the
installation of a new power generator and completion
upgrade project.
of a new community safe room. The Greater Cedar
Community support has been a key part of the
Rapids Community Foundation (GCRCF) supported that
process, Techau emphasized. Two fundraisers drew
project through a $15,000 grant in 2010 from its Linn
about $13,000 for the project: $8,000 during last year’s
County Fund.
community Pork Days event and another $5,000 from a
“The addition of the natural gas generator enables a
fundraiser last December.
significant upgrade in the ambulance headquarters so it
“We’ve wanted for some time to get that generator
can also serve as a community safe room for residents
installed, and this was our opportunity to do that,”
during disasters,” said Mike Techau, President and CEO
Techau said. “The Community Foundation grant helped
of Center Point Ambulance Service. “That enhancement
leverage the community support for this service. This
will also allow better medical response from the
was the first time we’ve applied to the Foundation. They
ambulance service during power failures.”
worked with us, and helped make the process easy.”
The ambulance service is a critical element of
The ambulance serves northwest rural Linn County,
community life in and around Center Point, ensuring
Alburnett, rural Central City, Center Point, rural Marion,
the availability of a reliable, professional department,
Monroe Township, Toddville, Troy Mills and Walker.
added Dawn Svenson Holland, a grant writer who
linn county fund
IowaLegal Aid’s Foreclosure Defense Project :
Critical aid in a time of crisis
Hope. Dignity. Justice.
sufficient time to
That is the motto of Iowa Legal Aid (ILA), but it
find alternative
also summarizes ILA’s mission in providing free legal
housing. But
assistance to low-income and other vulnerable residents.
many residents
That includes preventing homelessness and as the
and lawyers are
recession and foreclosure crisis has mushroomed since
unaware of
2008, ILA’s offices statewide were overwhelmed with
that protection.
homeowners’ requests for help.
“We enable
In 2008, ILA had 50 cases affecting 118 Linn County
people to
residents facing foreclosure. That figure reached
make informed
143 cases affecting 407 people in 2009. And in 2010,
it was 240 cases. That’s when the ILA asked the
Kringlen says. “A
Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation (GCRCF)
six-month delay
to help fund its Foreclosure Defense Project.
is critical. Homeowners can stay in their homes, explore
Last spring, the GCRCF granted $11,000 to ILA for the
ways to save their homes or look at other options.”
project, which enabled ILA staff attorneys to help more
Many residents who came to ILA “felt they had no
people, closing 228 cases and serving 619 residents. In
options,” Luedeman points out. “They admit they’ve
61 percent of the Linn County foreclosure cases closed
fallen behind. For them, just to have someone to
by the project last year, homeowners either prevented or
talk to, someone who knows how to deal with this, is
won significant delays in foreclosure on their homes.
a huge relief.”
“Without help from the Community Foundation, we
The GCRCF’s grant was key support for the Foreclosure
would not have been able to help as many people as
Defense Project.
we have,” says Corey Luedeman, senior staff attorney in
“The Foundation allowed us to help people we
ILA’s Cedar Rapids office.
wouldn’t be able to help otherwise,” Kringlen explains.
The ILA’s usual venue of poverty law – serving the
“Foreclosure work is among the most impactful work we
extremely poor – expanded with the foreclosure crisis,
do. If you can keep someone in a home they own, that
which touched all income levels. In Cedar Rapids,
has huge repercussions in the community.”
residents faced a double whammy: the recession and the
ILA will seek continued grant funding for the project
2008 flood. The mortgage market became more complex
in 2011, Kringlen says. “The successes have also been
and many desperate homeowners were being victimized
rewarding for staff.”
through scams.
“We’re getting new cases every day,” Luedeman
Finding legal counsel familiar with foreclosure can be
says. “The numbers are leveling off some, but there
tough, notes James Kringlen, ILA’s managing attorney in
are still people who need help. It’s why I come to
the Cedar Rapids office. Iowa law provides for a delay of
work every day.”
up to six months on the foreclosure sale of a home. This allows homeowners more time to negotiate or at least
James Kringlen, ILA’s managing attorney speaks with former clients.
Community Fund
Defining the future Strategic planning for the Arc:
Sometimes disaster clarifies priorities.
families of clients. What might have been a daunting
Like many agencies in Cedar Rapids, surviving the
undertaking flowed more smoothly than expected.
2008 flood left the Arc of East Central Iowa with new
“Arc offers a lot of programs,” notes Iris Muchmore,
appreciation for good preparation, clear goals and a
Arc’s board president. “But we had done our
visionary strategic plan to guide them forward.
homework. We defined our goals and set up one
“After the flood,” explains Delaine Petersen, the Arc’s
subcommittee per goal.”
executive director, “our board said, ‘this is a fresh start.’
By July, Arc had a new mission statement “which was
But the flood set us back a couple of years.”
to focus more on empowering than using a paternalistic
It wasn’t until April 2009 that Arc reopened its first
approach,” Muchmore says.
floor facilities to care for those with special needs. By
The plan has strengthened the Arc and made it more
autumn, board members wanted to begin work on a
capable, recognizing the challenges clients and their
new strategic plan, but there was no money to fund it.
families face and better ensuring the assets are in place
The board asked Petersen to “talk to our friends,”
to help them. The plan calls for more staff training;
she says. “Fortunately, we have a lot of friends in
using the Internet and social media to advocate and
Cedar Rapids.”
educate about the needs of those with intellectual
That includes the Greater Cedar Rapids Community
disabilities; and looking long-range at facility needs.
Foundation (GCRCF), which encouraged Arc officials to
“We really have made progress,” Muchmore says.
seek grant assistance.
“I’ve been in a lot of strategic plans that bog
“Everyone at the Community Foundation is
down and go nowhere. This was a success.
always willing to talk through things,” Petersen says.
I think it made us a stronger board.”
“What I find there is counsel that tells me, ‘we want
The plan is also helpful in
you to be successful.’”
orientation for new staff and board
A $4,800 GCRCF grant in February 2010 enabled a
thorough introspection of the agency, which serves
“I’ve been the director here for
about 750 clients with intellectual disabilities and their
23 years,” Petersen adds. “This is
families. The grant came at a critical time in Arc’s
the best strategic planning we’ve
efforts to recreate itself. Board members began talking
ever done. We wanted to get
with professional facilitators about how to proceed.
staff and managers in sync
“We had an old mission statement, but we had visions
so if we have another
of making things better,” Petersen explains. “We settled
disaster, we could handle
on ‘Defining the Future’ as our theme.”
it. Maybe the flood was
Focus groups gathered input from staff, board
a wake-up call for us.”
members, Arc Foundation board members and
4 8 thousand
O r g a n i z at i o n a l development fund
Bringing classical music outside
What could be better than relaxing on the picturesque
The community was ripe for an uplifting event. The
lawn of a historic home, absorbing the full flavor of a
first Opening Night Concert at Brucemore in September
symphony orchestra’s performance?
2008 drew 2,200. The easy accessibility and reduced-
The thought of merging Brucemore and Orchestra Iowa
price tickets made it a hit. In 2009, the outdoor concert
for a memorable musical experience had great appeal, but
drew 4,400 and Iowa Public Radio broadcast it.
logistics, cost and the vagaries of weather were daunting.
Last year, the Greater Cedar Rapids Community
Until the flood of 2008. That forced many area
Foundation (GCRCF) awarded a two-year grant of
nonprofits to think outside the box as they struggled with
$30,000 from its Momentum Fund to ensure the
recovery, trying to recreate themselves to adapt. Arts
concerts’ continuance. And while cold, rainy weather
groups met to reassess how to collaborate. For Orchestra
hampered last fall’s “Brucemorchestra” concert, it still
Iowa, the flood destroyed the Paramount Theatre, its
drew 2,000 people.
home base. The possibilities of performing at Brucemore
The next concert is set for Sept. 10, 2011. And while
suddenly seemed worth trying.
Orchestra Iowa will reopen a transformed Paramount in
“We wanted an opportunity to show the community
October of 2012, the popular opening night concerts at
‘we’re still here,’ in the aftermath of the flood,” says Robert
Brucemore will continue, thanks to the grant funding,
Massey, Orchestra Iowa’s executive director.
Massey says.
“We were all for it,” says Jim Kern, Brucemore’s
That commitment comes despite the complexities
executive director. “It was something Brucemore has
of performing outdoors. As Kern notes, Brucemore’s
been interested in for some time. It actually presented
landscape is as historic as the house, so care is critical
the Orchestra and Brucemore with a wonderful
in hauling heavy equipment and setting up a large stage.
opportunity to have sensational music in a pristine
Wet weather makes that especially tricky.
setting. If there’s one thing we know here at Brucemore,
For the orchestra, the cost can be prohibitive – at least
it’s hosting large-scale events.”
$100,000 for one outdoor performance with several
Brucemore’s annual Balloon Glow event draws up to
rehearsals, Massey notes. The orchestra’s instruments
11,000 visitors; Bluesmore, its annual
are extremely valuable – and sensitive to weather.
blues music festival, brings an
But, Massey adds, this event is now one of the
audience of 3,000-5,000.
biggest performing events in Cedar Rapids. It enables the orchestra to reach new audiences. And orchestra members are now deeply committed to it; some of their best performances have been at Brucemore, he adds. “So much of our success has been attributable to the musicians,” Massey says. “Even with last year’s cold (58 degrees), they were so pumped by the music they said, ‘we’re going to play.’ We can do repertoire we couldn’t do in the Paramount.” Kern echoes Massey’s enthusiasm. “Major cities do this,” Kern notes. “It’s reassuring that the community here appreciates this enough that we can offer it.”
momentum fund
Darrel &Paul Morf:
Guiding GCRCF growth to benefit community
Having been involved with the Greater Cedar Rapids
investment have made it so the Community Foundation
Community Foundation (GCRCF) from its earliest days
can have greater impact communitywide,” Morf says.
as a public entity, Cedar Rapids attorney Darrel Morf
Today, Darrel and his son, Paul, both practicing
offers a unique perspective on its development and
attorneys with Simmons Perrine Moyer Bergman PLC,
value to the community.
work closely with the Foundation. While they cannot
“I’ve been a part of the Foundation since it was
refer clients, they can inform them of the benefits
converted to a public charity, based on a challenge of
of establishing deferred funds and lifetime gifts to
Bill Quarton’s,” Morf recalls.
endow favored causes. They
That was 1987, when it was
both relish the involvement, as
called the Community Welfare
professionals and individuals.
Foundation. Quarton, among
others, pushed to transform
number of legal matters as the
that into the full-fledged public
GCRCF’s counsel,” says Paul,
foundation it is today.
adding that he and his wife also
“From its rebirth as a public
have their own donor-advised
foundation I was involved
fund they use to support varying
representing the Foundation as it
causes. “Across the community,
developed and then was fortunate
Darrel and Paul Morf
“We work together on a
the partnerships the Foundation
in having clients interested in encouraging it as a
has with Indian Creek Nature Center, for example, and
community asset to perpetuate its development,” Morf
the Symphony, and other nonprofits, bring so much
room for synergy and working together to get the most
That early, careful guidance helped the GCRCF take
benefit for the investment.”
shape as a resource.
He also stresses the advantages and ease of working
“I always saw it as kind of a parallel charitable
with the GCRCF to keep charitable gifts and legacies
organization that someday would be larger than the
focused where their donors want them to work, in
Hall-Perrine Foundation and have as large an impact,”
Morf notes. “The GCRCF allows those who aren’t
“Those gifts will stay true to their wishes with the
millionaires to still have an impact on the community in
Community Foundation’s oversight,” he adds.
areas they care about.”
“The GCRCF is a great asset for Cedar Rapids and
Morf cites the Foundation’s growth in expertise
will help assure the quality of life we want for this
and reputation as a tremendous resource, especially
community,” Darrel Morf says. “For people who want
in its staff.
to provide a legacy in enduring form with flexibility
“Their ability to really vet donor applications,
to respond to community need, the Community
do the legwork to assure that funds are well-used
Foundation is a great vehicle.”
and accounted for, plus the ability to provide sound
P o o l e d
I n v e s t m e n t
All o c a t i o n
a s
o f
D e c . 3 1 , 2 0 1 0
The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation (GCRCF) has
for single funds. This provides for greater opportunities without
a balanced approach to investing. The Investment Committee
increasing risk.
of the GCRCF board works closely with staff and a professional management consultant. Contributions made to the GCRCF are pooled for investment purposes much like a mutual fund, allocating total returns to
have united to increase the effectiveness and assure the future
greater diversification of investments than would be possible
Cedar Rapids Community Foundation endowment pool -2.6%; the five-year return was 3.4%, and the annualized
collection of interests of individual donors and agencies who
The primary advantage of pooling funds is that it permits
During the fiscal year that ended Dec. 31, 2010, the Greater return on investment was 11.3%. The three-year return was
each component fund. These component funds represent a
of charitable giving.
2010 Return on Investments
return since Jan. 1, 1994, is 7.8%. These returns are stated net of fees. The audited financial statements, containing all required disclosures and IRS Form 990, are available upon request in the Community Foundation’s offices or online at
T h e G re a t e r C e d a r R ap id s Co mmunity Fo und atio n
Statements of Financial Position Dec. 31, 2010, and 2009
Ass e t s
2010 2009 $ 3,150,175 $ 7,495,104
Cash and cash equivalents Receivables: Contributions and bequests, net Prepaid Expenses Investments Property and equipment, net Cash value of life insurance
281,653 1,832,400 29,185 10,009 105,528,656 85,410,536 1,874,060 596,189 310,090 301,888
$ 111,173,819
L IA B I L ITIE S LIABILITIES Accounts payable Accrued expenses Grants payable, primarily due within one year Amounts due under annuity and unitrust agreements Amounts held of behalf of others Total liabilities NET ASSETS Unrestricted: Operating Endowed Non-endowed Total unrestricted net assets Temporarily restricted Total net assets TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS
$ 95,646,126
A S S ET S $ 28,551 11,655 508,563 2,454,530 18,322,158
$ 69,520 23,577 204,829 2,535,194 16,584,394
802,164 84,326,973 2,177,648
576,367 69,693,044 3,462,568
$ 111,173,819
$ 95,646,126
Impact of Grant Making
Arts & Culture
Health & Human Service
% Community Development & the Environment
in millions
1.0 .5
All Corporate Donor Advised Agency Endowment
Designated Agency
County Endowment Grants
General Endowment (Unrestricted)
Field of Interest
Organization DonorAdvised
Individual DonorAdvised
Flood 2008 Fund
2008 Competitive Grant Programs
Number of Applications
Number Funded
2009 Amount Awarded
Number of Applications
Number Funded
2010 Amount Awarded
Number of Applications
Number Funded
Amount Awarded
NonProfit Recovery
Organizational Development
Linn County
Jones County
Donor-Advisors (competitive applications only)
Field of Interest Funds Flood 2008 Fund TOTAL:
2,626,867 $4,218,046
2,724,340 $4,240,140
1,044,567 $2,808,234
Grants are not always paid in the year they are approved. Number and amount of grants do not include grants returned from prior years.
H ow to
Appl y
f o r
G r a n t:
The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation seeks grant applications from charitable nonprofit organizations serving Linn County, Iowa. Organizations should be tax exempt under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, partnered with a 501(c)3 that has agreed to serve as a fiscal agent, or a governmental entity. The Community Foundation offers multiple funding opportunities based on the type of project, organization age and size, and area of community need. Grant awards range from small, one-time grants to larger multi-year commitments. Information about various grant programs, deadlines and application materials is available online at, or by contacting the program staff at the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation at 319.366.2862 or
G r a n t W r i t e rs ’ W o r k s h o ps : Each year, the Community Foundation offers workshops for grant writers to provide information on funding opportunities and the GCRCF grant making process. Each workshop offers an overview of the GCRCF grant programs, information on completing grant applications and when to apply for grants. To be added to our grant writers’ workshop email distribution list, please contact the Program Assistant at 319.366.2862 or email
The Foundation maintains strict standards to uphold the integrity of the grants process. Our conflict of interest policy applies to grant committees, board and staff and requires recusals in cases of conflicts of interest. Foundation review processes are methodical and transparent, with scoring tools for competitive grant applications available on the website,
Charitable Funds Types of
Giving through the Community Foundation is an effective way to ensure your charitable gifts go to the causes that are most important to you. Donors may contribute a wide variety of their resources using the following charitable options:
Agency Endowment Funds are established by
GreatAmerica Leasing Corporation, Lil’ Drug Store
nonprofit agencies to provide permanent, annual support
and many others.
for the organizations. Partnering with the Community
Designated Funds are permanently endowed funds
Foundation allows nonprofits to focus on carrying out
that enable you to make a difference and leave a legacy
their mission while knowing their fund is a part of a
forever. The nonprofits you choose receive annual gifts
large investment pool being managed professionally.
in your fund’s name. You may choose one or more
Bequests and Beneficiary Designations may
organizations for permanent support.
be a gift or portion of your estate to the Community
Donor-Advised Funds offer ongoing involvement
Foundation. In some cases, you may qualify to receive a
in the use of your gift. Working with our professional
substantial reduction in federal gift and estate taxes.
program staff, you recommend grants to support
Charitable Gift Annuities may be of cash or
charitable groups or causes of your choice in Linn
property to the Community Foundation. This will allow
County or elsewhere in the U.S. or anywhere in the
you to receive immediate tax benefits while ensuring
world. Your recommendations are submitted to our
that you or a loved one receives fixed quarterly or annual
local board of directors for approval and the Community
income payments for life.
Foundation then distributes grant funds on your behalf.
Charitable Remainder Trusts allow you to place
Field of Interest Funds focus on a particular
cash or property in a trust that pays annual income to
charitable area that you choose. Once you determine this
you (or another designated beneficiary) for life. After
cause you want to support, our grant program staff will
your death, the remainder of the trust transfers to the
work with grant committees to identify grant recipients
Community Foundation and is placed in a charitable
and make grants from your fund.
fund you have chosen. You receive income tax benefits
Unrestricted Funds allow you to address current
the year you establish this trust.
and future community needs. As an unrestricted fund
Corporate Donor-Advised Funds provide a
donor, you understand the dynamics of our changing
convenient, flexible way for businesses to extend
community and world and know that there are issues
their commitment to the local community with
yet to be determined. By working with the Community
charitable giving.
Foundation, grants will be awarded in your name or fund
Currently, the Community Foundation holds 19
name to nonprofits that address community needs today,
corporate donor-advised funds, including Altorfer, Inc.,
tomorrow and forever.
CRST, Diamond V Mills, The Gazette Foundation,
Donors Making A Difference
Diverse. Caring. Passionate.
Donors who have created funds at the Greater Cedar
Donors may take an active role in their grant making
Rapids Community Foundation (GCRCF) are as diverse
or entrust the Community Foundation to make grants to
and unique as the organizations and causes they care
support organizations or issues of interest to them. Some
about. Our donors care deeply about their community
leave a legacy to benefit the community in perpetuity.
and they are passionate about making a difference.
This year, the GCRCF awarded $6.3 million in grants
Our donors have set up funds as a family, business
to organizations in our community, around the country
or as part of a group with common interests. They are
and worldwide.
community leaders and volunteers, entrepreneurs,
Following is a list of funds donors have created at
retirees and professionals who support causes from arts
the Community Foundation and the organizations and
and culture, to preserving the environment, community
causes donors supported through their funds in 2010.
building, advocating for accessible health and human services and promoting education.
N e w A.P. Ghosh Advanced Placement Scholarship Non-Endowment Fund Anamosa Community School Foundation Endowment Fund Anna O. and William G. Anderson Endowed Designated Fund Anna Purna Ghosh Foundation Endowment Fund Anne and David Parmley Family Endowed Fund Anonymous Designated Fund 3
F u n d s
S ta rt e d
i n
2 0 1 0
John and Laura Locher Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cedar Rapids & East Central Iowa Agency Operations Endowment Fund
Keokuk Community Foundation QuasiEndowed Fund
Cobb Family Donor-Advised Fund
Kirkwood Community College Foundation Friends Fund
Doris L. Anderson Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
Lana F. Trousdale Hake Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
Garner Family Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
Linn County Historical Society Quasi-Endowed Fund
Harriet and Robert Eckard Designated Endowed Nature Fund
Marion Public Library Endowment Fund
Iva C. Robb Fund for Artistic Initiative, a Liars Theater Legacy Fund
Marion Public Library Friends Fund
James E. Anderson Designated Fund
Matthew 25 Ministry Hub Endowment Fund
Metro High Children’s Trail Endowed Fund Pat and Nancy Shey Family/ Sage Companies DonorAdvised Endowed Fund Planned Parenthood of East Central Iowa Friends Fund Rachel Baldwin York and Jerry York Endowed DonorAdvised Fund Robert & Caroline Kucharski Friends Fund Susan M. Thayer Unrestricted Endowed Fund William D. Severa Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Wythe Willey Family Charitable Fund
G r a nt
r e c i p i e n t s
Advancement Services of Jones County
First Lutheran Church
Affordable Housing Network, Inc.
First Presbyterian Church
African American Museum of Iowa
Foundation 2
Alburnett Community School District
Four Oaks
North Linn High School
Alburnett Community School District Foundation
Friends of the Cedar Rapids Civil Rights Commission
Novak Elementary School Old Creamery Theatre Company
American Advertising Federation Cedar Rapids Iowa City
Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois
Olin Day Care, Inc.
American Red Cross, Grant Wood Area Chapter
Grant Wood Art Festival
Orchestra Iowa
Anamosa State Penitentiary Museum
Arc of East Central Iowa Area Substance Abuse Council
H.D. Youth Center Hawkeye Area Council, Boy Scouts of America Heritage Agency
Bound Off, Inc.
Horizons – A Family Service Alliance
Carl and Mary Koehler History Center
New Bohemia
Olivet Neighborhood Mission Palo Vision, Inc.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cedar Rapids and East Central Iowa Boys and Girls Club of Cedar Rapids
Neighborhood Meal and Enrichment Program
His Hands Ministries Indian Creek Nature Center
Partnership for Safe Families Paul Petersen Foundation Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, Inc. Prairie Creek Intermediate School Prairiewoods Franciscan Spirituality Center Rebuilding Palo Fund, Inc. Red Cedar Chamber Music
Catherine McAuley Center
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Cedar Hills Neighborhood Association
Iowa Art Works
Salvation Army of Cedar Rapids
Cedar Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Iowa Dental Foundation
SPT Theatre Company St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation
Cedar Rapids Civil Rights Commission
Iowa Legal Aid Jane Boyd Community House
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
Jones County 4-H Program
Success Zone
Jones County Genealogical Society
Summit Schools, Inc.
Cedar Rapids Neighborhoods
Jones County Historic Preservation Commission
Svetlusky, the Czech Youth Ensemble in Cedar Rapids
Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre
Jones County Long Term Recovery Team
Tapestry Time Bank
Cedar Rapids Public Library Foundation
Jones Regional Medical Center
Temple Judah
Cedar Valley Habitat for Humanity
Junior Achievement of Eastern Iowa
Theatre Cedar Rapids
Cedar Valley Humane Society
Junior League of Cedar Rapids
Trees Forever
Center Point Ambulance Service, Inc.
Kids First Law Center
Tri County Historical Society
Central City Historical Society Corporation
Kirkwood Foundation
United Way of East Central Iowa
City of Martelle
Legion Arts/CSPS
Unity Community Garden
City of Wyoming
Linn Area Long Term Recovery Coalition
Ushers Ferry Historic Village
Coggon Fire and Rescue Association
Linn County Child Development Center
Walker Elementary School
Community Corrections Improvement Association
Linn County Conservation Board
Waypoint Services for Women, Children and Families
Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee
Linn-Mar School Foundation
Cedar Rapids Downtown District Cedar Rapids Mural Trail Society Cedar Rapids Museum of Art
Community Health Free Clinic Czech Village/New Bohemia Main Street District
Linn County Trails Association MAD DADS
Wellington Heights Neighborhood Association Willis Dady Emergency Shelter
Marion Cares, Inc. Marion Public Library
Discovery Living, Inc.
Matthew 25 Ministry Hub
Eastern Iowa Arts Academy
Mediation Services of Eastern Iowa
Ecumenical Community Center/Helping Hands Ministry
Mercy Medical Center Foundation
Families Helping Families of Iowa, Inc.
Monticello Emergency Medical Team
Family Promise of Linn County
National Czech and Slovak Museum and Library
First Call for Help Iowa, Inc.
Safe Place Foundation
Monticello Area Chamber of Commerce
Witwer Center, Inc. Workplace Learning Connection Wregie Memorial Library Wyoming Pioneers 4-H Club Wyoming Public Library Xavier High School Young Parents Network
F u n d s o f t h e G r e at e r C e da r R a p i d s C o m m u n i t y F o u n dat i o n Community Health Free Clinic Endowment Fund
Linn County Historical Society Collections Fund
Community Health Free Clinic Quasi-Endowed Fund
Linn County Historical Society Fund
Discovery Living Endowed Fund II
Linn County Historical Society Quasi-Endowed Fund
Discovery Living QuasiEndowed Fund
Linn-Mar Foundation Endowment Fund
Amana Arts Guild Agency Endowment Fund
Discovery Living, Inc. Agency Endowment Fund
Linn-Mar School Foundation Selness Fund
Amana Heritage Society Designated Agency Endowment Fund
Elaine Mykelby Young Artist Friends Fund
Lisbon Community School District Foundation Agency Endowment Fund
Agency Endowment African American Heritage Foundation Friends Fund Alternative Services, Inc. Agency Endowment Fund Alzheimer’s Association, East Central Iowa Chapter Quasi-Endowed Fund
Anamosa Community School Foundation Endowment Fund Anna Purna Ghosh Foundation Endowment Fund Arc of East Central Iowa Foundation QuasiEndowed Fund Artists in Schools Fund Bena Homestead Endowment Fund Big Brothers Big Sisters Art Christoffersen Memorial Scholarship Fund Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cedar Rapids & East Central Iowa Agency Operations Endowment Fund
Four Oaks of Iowa, Inc. Endowment Fund
Greater Delaware County Community Foundation Affiliate Fund
Cedar Rapids Public Library Foundation Fund Cedar Rapids Symphony Endowment Fund Cedar Rapids Symphony Quasi-Endowed Fund Cedar Rapids Symphony School Endowment Coe College Endowment Fund Community Foundation of the Great River Bend Endowment Fund
Marion Public Library Endowment Fund
Hawkeye Area Council, Boy Scouts of America Endowment Fund
Matthew 25 Ministry Hub Endowment Fund Matthew 25 Ministry Response Quasi-Endowed Fund
Henry and Bertha Tiemeyer Scholarship Fund Henry Davison Youth Center Fund
Camp Courageous of Iowa Endowment Fund
Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre Agency Endowment Fund
Marion Churches Senior Living Community Foundation Endowment Fund
Gems of Hope, Inc. Agency Endowment Fund
Indian Creek Nature Center Charitable Trust Endowment Fund
Cedar Rapids Museum of Art Quasi-Endowed Fund II
Lynne Stimple Memorial Trail Fund
Friends of the Iowa Medical Aid Fund
Heritage Area Agency on Aging Older Iowans Endowment Fund
Cedar Rapids Museum of Art Endowment Fund
Lynch/Schulz Environmental Education Fund
Four Oaks of Iowa, Inc. Quasi-Endowed Fund II
Boys and Girls Club of Cedar Rapids Agency Endowment Fund
Cedar Rapids Community School District Foundation Fund
Lutheran Services in Iowa Charitable Foundation Quasi-Endowed Fund
Four Oaks of Iowa, Inc. Quasi-Endowed Fund
Mercy Medical Center Foundation Endowment Fund
Indian Creek Nature Center Founders’ Fund
Mount Vernon Community School District Foundation Agency Endowment
Junior Achievement Endowment Fund Kirkwood Community College Foundation Endowment Fund Legion Arts Agency Endowment Fund Linn County Historical Society Agency Endowment Fund II
St. George Orthodox Church Cemetery Endowment Fund St. George Orthodox Church General Endowment Fund St. Joseph’s of Marion Agency Endowment Fund St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation Endowment Fund St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church Endowment Fund Systems Unlimited Agency Endowment Fund Theatre Cedar Rapids Trustees Agency Endowment Fund Trees Forever Agency Endowment Fund Trees Forever QuasiEndowed Fund Trees Forever QuasiEndowed Fund II
United Way of East Central Iowa Agency Endowment Fund
Mount Mercy College Endowment Fund
Jane Boyd Community House Agency Endowment Fund
Southeast Linn Community Center Agency Endowment Fund
Metro High Children’s Trail Endowed Fund
Miracles in Motion QuasiEndowed Fund
Isaac Newton Christian Academy Agency Endowment Fund
Red Cedar Chamber Music Agency Endowment Fund
United Nations Association – USA of Linn County, Iowa Endowment Fund
Miracles in Motion Agency Endowment
Iowa Legal Aid Foundation Endowment Fund
Planned Parenthood of East Central Iowa QuasiEndowed Fund
Mercy Medical Center Foundation Hospice House Friends Fund
Metro Youth Football Association Agency Endowment Fund
Indian Creek Nature Center Land Perpetual Care Agency Endowment Fund
Planned Parenthood of East Central Iowa Agency Endowment Fund
Waypoint Endowment Fund Westminster Presbyterian Church Agency Endowment Fund Westminster Presbyterian Church Quasi-Endowed Fund Witwer Center, Inc. Agency Endowment Fund Xavier Foundation Endowment Fund
National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library Fund
Young Parents Network Agency Endowment Fund
Neighborhood Transportation Service Endowment Fund
Corporate Donor-Advised
Old Creamery Theatre Agency Endowment Fund
Altorfer Machinery Company Non-Endowed Corporate Donor-Advised Fund
Peggy Boyle Whitworth Endowed Fund for Brucemore
Cedar Rapids Rough Riders Hockey Charitable Fund
CRST Pass Through Fund Diamond V Mills Corporate Fund The Gazette Foundation Corporate Donor-Advised Fund GreatAmerica Leasing Corporation Fund IGD Fund Lil’ Drug Store Products, Inc. Corporate Donor-Advised Fund McGrath Automotive Corporate Fund McGrath Automotive Group Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
Anonymous Designated Fund 2 Anonymous Designated Fund 3 Benjamin Christopher Tvedt Fund
Harriet and Robert Eckard Designated Endowed Nature Fund
Orville And Loanne Bloethe Endowed Fund for the H-L-V School District
Helen Troxel/Ella Johnson Miller Fund for Indian Creek Nature Center
Paul Christiansen Memorial Fund
Herbert L. & Dorothy E. Ellingson Charitable Fund
Bernice Pratt Circle of International Order of King’s Sons and Daughters
Inter-Religious Council Designated Fund
Blahnik/Garden Club Speakership Fund
Irene B. Konecny Designated Fund for Library Acquisitions for the Mount Mercy College Library
Bonnie Rae Picard Memorial Fund Carl & Doris McClain Ecological Restoration Fund
James E. Anderson Designated Fund James W. and Susan K. Turner Endowed Fund II
Carl and Jill Henrici Fund
Merit Construction Co./ Rinderknecht Associates, Inc. Donor-Advised Fund
Cedar Rapids Healthcare Alliance Fund
Midamar Corporation DonorAdvised Fund
Cedar Rapids Symphony Center Endowed Fund
Jay G. Sigmund Fund II
Cedar Rapids Symphony Endowed Chair
Jefferson High School Performing Arts Program
Charles and Evelyn Erb Quasi-Endowed Designated Fund
John and Dyan Smith Fund for Cornell College
New Frontier Foundation Paulson Electric/PEC Communications Corporate Donor-Advised Fund Paulson Electric/PEC Communications Endowed Fund Shuttleworth & Ingersoll, P.C. Fund Simmons Perrine Moyer Bergman Corporate DonorAdvised Fund Van Meter Industrial Corporate Donor-Advised Fund World Class Industries, Inc. 2008 Flood Relief NonEndowed Donor-Advised Fund Young Genius Fund (Henry Russell Bruce, Inc.)
John M. & Wilma Ann Wallin Sagers Endowed Designated Fund
Clifford A. Hendricks Fund
Joseph M. Kacena Endowed Fund
David & Ann Pickford Endowment
Ken and Ortha Harstad Fund
David & Chris Kubicek Endowed Fund
Kylie Hall Designated Endowment Fund
David H. & Rose Marie Burke Fund
Larry D. & Claire J. Sharp Endowed Designated Fund–Xavier High School
Dorothea E. Garberson Wildflower Project
Larry H. Christy Endowed Learning Alliance Fund
Dows Fund for Artists, Authors & Musicians
Lewis Bottoms Heritage Fund
Edna A. Herbst Fund
Martinek Memorial Trust Fund
F. Forbes Olberg and Ann Olberg Endowment Fund
Maurice G. and Leona Rapoport Designated Endowed Fund for Hadassah Hospital
F. William Beckwith Endowed Fund F. William Beckwith Endowed Fund II
15 in 5 River Timeline Project Fund
Friends of Inn-Circle Designated Agency Fund
A.P. Ghosh Advanced Placement Scholarship Non-Endowment Fund
Gehring Family Fund for Coe College
Anna O. and William G. Anderson Endowed Designated Fund
Jean H. Ashby Fund
Claire & Vernon Hudek Fund
Alex Strait Memorial Fund for Indian Creek Nature Center
Jay G. Sigmund Fund
Maurice G. and Leona Rapoport Designated Endowed Fund for Jewish Welfare Fund of Cedar Rapids, Iowa Michele Boyer Endowed Fund
George A. and Louise M. Kalous Endowed Fund
Nina & Victor Merveaux Designated Funds
Gladys Bock Children’s Fund for the Indian Creek Nature Center
Norman & Floy Erickson Endowed Fund Orville Bloethe Endowed Fund for the Center of Agricultural Law and Taxation at Iowa State University
Gordon and Jann Baustian Designated Fund Haas Family Designated Fund
Paul R. and Rebecca F. Shawver Endowed Designated Fund Peter F. Bezanson Fund Quarton Fund for Indian Creek Nature Center Quarton Fund for International Writing Program Quarton Fund for Waypoint Rick & Donna Flynn Fund Riverside Skate Park Robert W. and Elizabeth M. Allsop Endowed Fund Roger and Thea Leslie Endowed Fund Roger and Thea Leslie Endowed Fund II Roger and Thea Leslie Endowed Fund III Roger and Thea Leslie Endowed Fund IV Russell W. & Ruth E. Landis Designated Endowment Fund for St.Paul’s Methodist Church Ruth Opal Beatty Fund for Music Education of Shellsburg Youth Theodore & Elizabeth Trefny– Czech/Slovak Museum Fund Tokeim Family Designated Funds for Inn-Circle Tokheim Family Designated Fund for the Linn Community Food Bank Tokheim Family Designted Fund for Lutheran Church Initiatives for the Homeless Tree of Five Seasons and Plaza Maintenance Endowment Fund Trees Forever Jack Shaffer Memorial Fund Viola Elsenbast Fund Virginia J. Lyon Memorial Fund/Mt. Vernon Community Preschool William B. Quarton Endowed Fund William B. Quarton Fund for Coe College
William B. Quarton Fund for Community Health Free Clinic
The John Corey Bloomhall Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
William and Harriet Gasway Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
Joe and Cherri Lock Non-Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
William B. Quarton Fund for Hoover Library
Bloomhall Family Fund
Dean & Laura Gesme Family Fund
David Mahlke Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
William P. and Gayle S. Whipple Endowed Designated Fund
Katheryn M Boatman Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
Gray Donor-Advised Fund
George and Janelle McClain Family Fund
Witwer Senior Center of Cedar Rapids Fund
Gilda & Barry Boyer Fund
Field of Interest
Stephen & Sara Brandenburg Charitable Fund
Altrusa Club of Cedar Rapids Literacy Fund Fund for Education Excellence Fund for Management Resourcing G.P. Fund for the Environment Iva C. Robb Fund for Artistic Initiative, a Liars Theater Legacy Fund
Lana F. Trousdale Hake Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
Jean Brenneman Family Fund Buresh Family Endowed Fund Carol and James Burns NonEndowed Donor-Advised Fund
Robert A. Handler M.D. Ecology Education Fund
Jo & Larry McGrath Quasi-Endowed Fund
David T. Hanson Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
Nancy G. McHugh Fund
Allan and Sally Harms NonEndowed Donor-Advised Fund
Dick & Mary Meisterling Donor-Advised Fund
Hellickson Family Endowed Fund
Busse Family Endowed Fund
Katherine K. Hladky DonorAdvised Fund
Steve & Joanne Carfrae Fund
Hoffman Family Fund
Clancey Family DonorAdvised Fund
G. Richard & Jacqueline R. Johnson Fund
Clancey Family Endowed Fund
Mary & David Junge Fund
Cobb Family Donor-Advised Fund
David & Sherri Justice Endowed Fund
Peggy Fashimpaur Fund for Arts Education
Jane Cook Memorial Fund
Ralph E. and Barbara J. Hughes Endowed Fund for Church-Related Human Service Activities
Sutherland and Josephine P. Cook Donor-Advised Fund
Bert and Sue Katz NonEndowed Donor-Advised Fund
John A. & Elsie M. Nelson Fund Marshall Journalism Incentive Fund Nina E. and Victor Merveaux Fund for Historic Preservation
Red Ribbon Fund: For the Fight Against AIDS
Loren L. and Patricia A. Coppock Donor-Advised Fund
Robert E. and Corinne L. Yaw Fund
Matthew Craig DonorAdvised Fund
Tokheim Family Field of Interest Fund for the Homeless and Hungry of Cedar Rapids
The Dandekar Fund
Van Nostrand Fund for Health Related Activities Vern W. Reeder Memorial Fund White Cross Society Fund Youth Power Endowment Fund
Gerald T. Knox DonorAdvised Fund
Dillman Family Endowed Fund Ann Dorr Family Endowed Fund James and Rosemary Earl Family Endowed Fund Tiffany Ann Earl Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
Individual Donor-Advised
Kevin Eck and Sashi Solomon Family Fund
Anderson Family Charitable Fund
Florence & Melvin Galbraith Donor-Advised Fund
Gary L. & Alice Anderson Endowed Fund
Garner Family Donor-Advised Fund
Anonymous Fund 1
Garner Family Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
John and Mary Ellen Bickel Donor-Advised Fund
Kidneeds Fund
DeWolf Family Endowed Fund
Meffert Non-Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
Milagros Research Fund Frank & Cheryle Mitvalsky Fund Mohnsen Family Endowed Fund Paul and Jennifer Morf Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Ron and Sue Neil Endowed Fund Duane & Kay Nesetril Endowment Fund Duane & Kay Nesetril Fund The Gregory and Debora Neumeyer Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
Gerald T. Knox Fund, #2
John and Christine North Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
Kรถlln Family Endowed Fund
Tyler & Sarah Halbrook Olson Family Fund
Robert & Caroline Kucharski Friends Fund
Anne and David Parmley Family Endowed Fund
Robert & Caroline Kucharski Fund
Martha L. Parsons Endowed Fund
Michael A. Kudej Memorial Fund
Martha L. Parsons Family Fund
Sheryl Chehack Lamb Endowed Donor-Advised Fund for Health and Welfare
Jay and Bonnie Petersen Donor-Advised Fund
Robert J. & Sue B. Latham Fund Robert & Carol Lehman Endowed Fund Christopher and Jane Lindell Family Fund John and Laura Locher Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
Jo & Larry McGrath Endowed Fund
Project Victoria Fund William B. Quarton Fund Wendy Rivinius-Portz Memorial Fund Jack & Jacqueline Roland Family Non-Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Gary and Cathy Rozek Endowed Fund Bob Rush and Judith Whetstine Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
John M. & Wilma Ann Wallin Sagers Fund
Larry & Joni Witzel Family Endowed Fund
Duffy and Belva J. Schamberger QuasiEndowed Fund
Frank P. & Marie M. Woods Family Fund
Doug & Pat Sedlacek Donor-Advised Fund Doug & Pat Sedlacek Endowed Fund William D. Severa Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Larry D. & Claire J. Sharp Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Pat and Nancy Shey Family/ Sage Companies DonorAdvised Endowed Fund Silber Family Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Drew and Jo Ann Skogman Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Leroy & LaJuana Skogman Family Fund John and Dyan Smith Donor-Advised Fund Marty and Julianne Smith Endowed Fund Julie L. and Byron A. Tabor Endowed Fund Susan M. Thayer Donor-Advised Fund Marian S. Thomson Non-Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Toborg Family Fund Todd-Bridge Fund #3 Terry Trimpe Endowed Donor-Advised Fund James and Susan K. Turner Donor-Advised Fund James and Susan K. Turner Endowed Fund II Michael R. and Marla K. Valliere Donor-Advised Fund Carolyn and Charles Wellso Donor-Advised Fund
Delaware County Fish & Game Protective Assoc. Scholarship Fund Robert K. Dennis Scholarship Fund
Brian J. Worley Fund for the Performing Arts
Eastern Iowa Cash Management Association Scholarship Fund
Rachel Baldwin York and Jerry York Endowed DonorAdvised Fund
O.J. & Viola Elsenbast Designated Fund
Zylstra & Earl Family Fund
Charles & Edith Glidden Fund
Flood Funds
Iowa Physician Assistant Society’s Designated Endowed Scholarship Fund
Berthel Fisher 2008 Flood Relief Non-Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
Carole Jamieson Spirit Scholarship Fund
CRSA 2008 Flood Relief NonEndowed Donor-Advised Fund
Joslin Scholarship Fund Henry & Sara Katz Foundation Fund
Flood 2008 Fund Iowa Artist Relief NonEndowed Designated Fund ITC 2008 Flood Relief NonEndowed Donor-Advised Fund
Outstanding Student Leader Scholarship Fund Quarton-McElroy IBA Foundation Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Funds The Bob V. Bengtson Good Citizenship Award & Scholarship Fund For Students of Truman Elementary School
Bonnie Reames-Grant Memorial Scholarship Fund Vern W. Reeder Memorial Scholarship Fund
Stephen Bonfig Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mary E. Rickey Scholarship Fund
Suki Cell Scholarship Fund
Louis Joseph and Elmer Marvin Rosenbaum Memorial Fund
College Club’s Designated Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dave Shay-KGAN-TV Broadcast Journalism Scholarship
Joe Corbin Memorial Scholarship Fund
Wiesenfeld Family Fund
Joe Corbin Memorial Scholarship Fund II
Wythe Willey Family Charitable Fund
The Dick Damrow Educational Fund
Myron & Esther Wilson Endowment Fund II
Daybreak Rotary/Polk Elementary Scholarship
Jones County Fund Keokuk Community Affiliate Fund Keokuk Community Foundation QuasiEndowed Fund Judith & David Morgan Fund Keokuk Area Hospital Endowment Fund
JM Morgan Fund
All-McKinley Alumni Endowed Scholarship Fund
Weitz Company 2008 Flood Relief Non-Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
Jones County Endowment Fund
Kleiman Family Scholarship Fund
Linn-Mar School FoundationKiwanis Club Scholarship Fund
Rotary 2008 Flood Relief NonEndowed Donor-Advised Fund
Anamosa Community Foundation Fund
Keokuk Young Men’s Christian Association Foundation
Lavenz Memorial InCourage Scholarship Fund
Rockwell Collins 2008 Flood Relief Non-Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
Community AffiliateS
Kleiman Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
Komensky Society
Job and Small Business Recovery Fund
Zeta Phi Eta Memorial Scholarship Fund for the Performing and Communicative Arts
St. George Orthodox Church Scholarship Endowment Glenn & Mary Wendler Scholarship Fund
Keokuk Library Friends Fund Keokuk Public Library Foundation Fund Keokuk Public Community School Foundation Friends Fund Keokuk Community Foundation Friends Fund Keokuk Public Community School Foundation Fund Keokuk Area Hospital Foundation Friends Fund Keokuk YMCA Foundation Friends Fund Kenneth Sibbing Endowed Designated Fund Michael and Kathy Klauser Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Grand Theatre Corporate Foundation Fund Grand Theatre Corporate Foundation Friends Fund Three Rivers Conservation Foundation Endowment Fund Dr. Joseph and Isabelle Krichel Family Endowed Fund Klepfer Family Fund Klauser All Saints Fund
Myron F. and Esther S. Wilson Donor-Advised Fund
Doris L. Anderson Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
Linn County Endowment Fund
Susan M. Thayer Unrestricted Endowed Fund
Marion Metro Kiwanis Playground Fund
Wapello County Foundation Affiliate Fund
Linn County Fund
Ted and Maxine Welch Unrestricted Endowed Fund
Quarton-McElroy IBA Fund
Organization Donor-Advised
Rotary Centennial Project Capital Campaign Fund
Cedar Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce Corporate Donor-Advised Fund
Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids Metro High School Fund
Wapello County NonEndowed Fund Special Funds Board of Directors’ Fund Board Restricted QuasiEndowed Fund Library Funding Information Center Operating Fund Linn County Nonprofit Resource Center Fund President’s Fund REACT & K-12 Programs Youth Power Fund
Unrestricted Funds Community Fund Justin & Mildred Albright Fund Ruth L. Hastings Brown Fund Jeanne L. Howell Fund (Admin. Fund Component)
League of Women Voters Fund
Nina & Victor Merveaux Administrative Fund
Linn County Bar Association Endowment Fund
David and Mary C. Neuhaus William B. Quarton Unrestricted Fund
Marion Metro Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Kits Quasi-Endowed Fund
Robert & Marion South Fund
RJHS Society Donor-Advised Fund
Tree of Five Seasons NonEndowed Fund Washington High School 50th Anniversary Fund Friends of the Oak Hill Cemetery Endowment Fund
Supporting Organizations A supporting organization advances the general mission of the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation, but has its own distinct mission and purpose. The GCRCF provides administrative, investment, and/or grant making support to these organizations: K-12 Partnership Program The Rockwelll Collins K-12 Partnership program is a
support for the education process and promotes a
community outreach program working to enrich the
greater awareness of “real world” career options.
education of area students by collaborating with public
For more information on the K-12 Partnership,
and private schools and more than 1,200 Rockwell
please contact Kimberly Beals, K-12 Partnership
Collins employees. The program supports the effective
Program Coordinator, at 319.295.8122 or
teaching of basic K-12 curricula, increases parental
REACT Center The REACT Center, Rockwell Educational Access to
refurbished computers to area non-profit organizations
Computer Technology, is a non-profit organization
that work with youth and the community.
funded by Rockwell Collins Foundation and managed by
For more information on REACT, including how to
the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation.
make a computer and/or peripheral equipment donation
The REACT Center’s primary goal is to provide
or to request donated equipment, contact Barbara
refurbished computers and computer learning
Klawiter, REACT Center Administrator, at 319.393.9632
experiences to area schools, as well as provide
Remembering Bill Whipple
Bill’s recent life gifts and estate gift created funds at the GCRCF of $7.5 million. This is one of the largest gifts in the history of the Community Foundation, second only to William Quarton’s $35 million gift in 2007. The William and Gayle Whipple Designated Endowment Fund beneficiaries include: ▪▪ Coe College ▪▪ The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation unrestricted grant fund ▪▪ United Way of East Central Iowa ▪▪ YMCA of the Cedar Rapids Metropolitan Area ▪▪ Cedar Rapids Museum of Art
▪▪ Four Oaks of Iowa, Inc. ▪▪ Meth-Wick Community ▪▪ Carl & Mary Koehler History Center of Linn County Iowa
The passing of William Whipple on July 27, 2010, was
▪▪ Cedar Rapids Symphony Orchestra Foundation
a loss to the Cedar Rapids community, but his legacy of leadership, philanthropy and public service endures.
▪▪ Red Cedar Chamber Music
Bill was the first honorary director of the Greater Cedar
As an endowment, Mr. Whipple’s gift will grow and
Rapids Community Foundation (GCRCF); he and his wife
impact the community for many years to come through
Gayle were members of the Quarton Legacy Society.
the Community Foundation. Grants from the fund will be
Bill was also a founding member of the Meth-Wick
awarded to nonprofit beneficiaries in 2011.
Community, executive director and later board chairman
Gifts to the GCRCF in Bill’s memory will help fund
for the Hall-Perrine Foundation and served on the boards
future grant-making locally and qualify for Endow Iowa
of several community groups, as well as Coe College.
Tax Credits.
M e m o r i a ls Cedar Rapids Public Library Foundation Friends Fund
Keokuk YMCA Foundation Friends Fund
In Memory of Jack Stubr
In Memory of Andrew Kaiser First Community Bank
Ted and Tish Healey Community Fund
Diane and Jim Hankes
In Memory of Lord Richard Acton
Susan and Jack Rogers
Juli and Marty Smith In Memory of Jean Whalen Marnie and Gregg Davis Libby and Dan Eulberg Libby and William Green Bridget and David Lane Betty and Tony Martin Patricia Whalen and Jeb Martin Community Health Free Clinic Friends Fund In Memory of Brenda Suszko Harry Suszko
In Memory of Linda Godwin Lynda and Joseph Schimberg Project Victoria Fund
Joyce Stoker-Hadow and Harlo Hadow
Karin Blood Paul and Judith Botine
In Memory of M. Abouassaly St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church
Cedar Hills Community Church Bible Study Group
The Dick Damrow Educational Fund
Irma and Dee Dennis
In Memory of Dick Damrow
Eleanore Railsback Flitsch Leo and Collette Frederick
Candace Wong
Bernadine Hoyt
Tuesday Study Club
Ken and Nancy Hunt
In Memory of Dick Meyocks Dorothy Ramsey
Kenneth and Ann Krug
William P. and Gayle S. Whipple Endowed Designated Fund
Phil and Amy Kula and Family Laurel Lea Lewis
In Memory of William Whipple Candace and Richard Altorfer
Norma McVay Donna Mooney Charlotte Newland
Shirley Klug
Cliff Railsbeck Leonard and Jennifer Ranson
Wythe Willey Family Charitable Fund
Christine Luzzie and Patrick Bauer
Elnora, Arlene and Larry Ritze
Barbara and Patrick McClintock
Velma Roseberry
In Memory of Wythe Willey Anonymous
Janet and W. Mark Rosenbury
Wesley and Jacquelyn Simmons
Janice Rutledge
Phyllis Thompson
Judith and James Tulis
Kenneth and Linda Viggers
Cynthia and Sherman Berg
James and Doris Whitmore
Teresa Fortino Best and Gregory Best
In Memory of Richard C. Wenzel Sally and Allan Harms
Employees of the University of Iowa Grants Accounting Office
In Memory of Marge Haddy St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church
In Memory of Lucille Beatty Brian and Cynthia Beatty
J.W. and C.J. Sackett
Iowa Supreme Court Justices
Employees of Sign Productions
Grassley Committee, Inc.
Tree of Five Seasons Non-Endowed Fund
Iowa Legal Aid Foundation
Elmcrest Country Club
St. George Orthodox Church Cemetery Endowment Fund
Cecil and Molly Hotz
Scott Hartsook
Lynn and Kenneth DeKock
Lewis Bottoms Heritage
Everett and Ann Lunning
Dennis Groenenboom
CRST International
William Farr
Greens Grove Sewing Circle
In Memory of Rhoda M. Tenuta Carol and Jesse Escovedo
Dorothy and Ingwer Carstensen
In Memory of Janis Curran Catherine and Marc Gullickson
Wayne and Doris Larson
Iowa Legal Aid Foundation Friends Fund
Dawn Strait-Carstensen and James Carstensen
In Memory of Andrew Kaiser Northeast Missouri Electric Power Cooperative
Dean and Karen Dennis
Irene Konecny
Mercy Medical Center Foundation Friends Fund
Keokuk Young Men’s Christian Association Foundation
In Memory of Gladys Bock
Gil and Mary Kinyon
In Memory of Wythe Willey Mark Ogden and Iris Muchmore
Lisa and Terry Twitchell
Gladys Bock Children’s Fund for the Indian Creek Nature Center
Friends and Family
2 0 1 0
Linn County Bar Association Endowment Fund
Carol and Donald Steingreaber
Jay and Kerri Carson
Bruce Bock
i n
Earl and Patrcia Seltrecht
Russell and Brenda Wyseeryl Beachler
Gail and Joseph Gevock Mrs. John Greig
Michelle Hughes Iowa Cattlemen’s Association Susan and Paul Jahnke J.M. and T.L. Johnson Maureen and Joseph Kenney Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kirby Chris and David Kubicek Susan and Robert Latham Judith Lebeda Mary and John Long Nancy and Randy Lowenberg Diane and Tom McNulty Wendy and Jeffrey Meier Kathleen Neylan Brice Oakley Bonnie and Wayne Pansegrau Mary and David Petty Portico HR Charles Rohde
Arenson & Maas, P.L.C.
Dorothy and Michael Stallman
Cheri and Scott Arneson
Don Stickle
Jennifer and Michael Becker
Benjamin Kozlowski and Thomas Synhorst
John Bogaert and Shelley Campbell Bogaert Diona Carpenter
Mary Jane German
US Bank, NA Private Client Group & Trust Department JoAnn and Steven Wahle Susan Willey Sharon Willmore
W i ll i a m
H e r i tag e
S o c i e t y As
Dec . 31, 2010
If you have remembered the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation (GCRCF) in your estate plans, or if you have established an endowed fund at the Foundation, you are eligible to become a member of the William Quarton Heritage Society. We will not list your name without your permission. Please contact us at 319.366.2862 or for more information. Anonymous (8)
Robert C.* and Marjorie H. Fletcher
Robert and Caroline* Kucharski
Jack and Jackie* Roland
Rick and Donna Flynn
Lawrence and Kimberly Kudej
Anna O.* and William G. Anderson
William B. and Jo Anne F. Galbraith
Sheryl Chehak Lamb*
Judith Whetstine and Bob Rush
Gary L. and Alice Anderson
Les and Katrina Garner
Robert J. and Sue B. Latham
John M. and Wilma Ann Wallin Sagers
Thomas J. and Sarah E. Anderson
William and Harriet Gasway
Karen Ann Laughlin
William D. Severa
James* and Susan Lavenz
Larry D. and Claire J. Sharp
Marian J. Arens
David and Kathleen Good
Robert and Carol Lehman
Paul R.* and Rebecca F.* Shawver
Robert W. and Elizabeth M. Allsop
Carl* and Jacqueline Aschoff
Dean and Laura Gesme
Thea and Roger* Leslie
Rose and LaVern Gordon
Gary Rozek
Christopher and Jane Lindell
Laurie and Robert Silber Marilyn and Dayton* Sippy
Joan Greenblatt
Norman G.* Lipsky and Belle M. Lipsky
Drew and Jo Ann Skogman
Kathy L. Hall
David Mahlke
Gary and Robin Skogman
Ortha R.* and Ken* Harstad
George and Janelle McClain
Kyle and Susan Skogman
Mary Lou and Donald Hattery
Bruce and Judy McGrath
LaJuana Skogman
Ted and Tish Healey
Jo* and Larry McGrath
Duane Smith
Kay and John Hegarty
David and Ruth McGuire
Dyan and John Smith
Jason and Susan Hellickson
Nancy Green McHugh
Ellen Smith
Clifford A. Hendricks
Frank and Cheryle Mitvalsky
Marty and Julianne Smith
Kate Hladky
Mike and Ann Mohnsen
Al and Sara Sorensen
Jim and Ann Hoffman
Tara and Bob Moorman
Sue and Gary Speicher
Lee R. Horn
Paul and Jennifer Morf
Eleanor Streletzky
Barbara J. and Ralph E.* Hughes
Craig and Deborah Mrkvicka
Robert Synhorst Julie and Byron Tabor
Jean Brenneman
William B. Quarton* and Jean A. Hunnicutt
Bill and Cathy Munsell Virginia Myers*
Fred and Bev Timko
Ruth L. Hastings Brown*
Sher Jasperse and Daryl Julich
Kay and Duane Nesetril
Kathleen Toborg
David H. and Rose Marie Burke
David and Mary Johnson
Greg and Debbie Neumeyer
Sara and Dale Todd
William and Cheryl Nordstrom
Terry Trimpe
John and Christine North
James and Susan Turner
Ron and Sue Olson
Robert Untiedt
Mildred Joslin and Edward Kemp*
Sarah H. Olson and Tyler Olson
Michael and Marla Valliere
Mary and David Junge
Dave and Anne Parmley
Lee and Jay Clancey
Richard and Marion Patterson
R. Ray* and Barbara Weeks
David and Sherri Justice
Loren L. and Patricia A. Coppock
Vyrl* and Martha Justice
Jay and Bonnie Petersen
Joseph M. Kacena*
Ann and David B.* Pickford
Paul and Sara Corbin
George* and Louise Kalous
John P. Curran
Suzanne Rosenbaum Katz
James A. and Monica M. Piersall
Tom and Beth DeBoom
Merry and Bob* Kelley
Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Dennis
Frank and Geri Kintzle
Ann Dorr
Thomas and Clara Kleiman
Tiffany A. Earl
G.T. (Jerry) Knox
John R. and Cheryl G. Elliott
Peter and Ingrid Kรถlln
John M. Ely, Jr.* and Polly Ely*
Chris Kubicek
Norman* and Floy* Erickson
David Kubicek
Peggy Fashimpaur Kahr
Ted and Margaret Kubicek
Jean H. Ashby* Daniel R. Baldwin Lorna M. Barnes Gordon and Jann Baustian Helen (Skippy) Bell Bob V. Bengtson Peter F. Bezanson* Barbara Bloomhall and William A. Bloomhall, Sr.* Bill Bloomhall Jan Bloomhall Wilma J. Blosser Katheryn Boatman Scott and Joann Bogguss Barry and Gilda Boyer
Steven and Joanne Carfrae Richard* and Judith Chandler Ivan and Mary Bess Chester Barbara Christiansen Larry H. Christy
Gary Grant
G. Richard and Jackie Johnson Kenneth L. and Mildred M.* Johnson
Mike Plotz Wendy* and Randy Portz
Guy H. Wendler Susanna Wendler William P. * and Gayle* Whipple Dorothy J. White and Robert Dean Metcalf* Peggy Boyle Whitworth
William and Janis Quinby
Robert and Charlotte Worley
Mary E. Rickey Louise G. Roalson Dr. and Mrs. William John Robb
Maxine and Ted* Welch
William B. Quarton* and Jean A. Hunnicutt Curt and Sigrid Reynolds
John P.* and Jean W. Ferring
Josie Velles
Esther and Myron Wilson Jason and Leslie Wright Corrine and Robert* Yaw David Zylstra *Deceased
2 0 1 0 Bob V. Bengston Scholarship Ashlie Bunten, Cedar Rapids (Truman Elementary School) Charles and Edith Glidden Scholarship Ashley Corkin of Cedar Rapids (Mt. Vernon High School) Tyler Hubler of Cedar Rapids (Washington High School) Stephanie Koch of Solon (Kennedy High School) Deepika Mehta of Cedar Rapids (Linn-Mar High School) Kimberly Moorman of Coggon (North-Linn High School) Sarah Synovec of Cedar Rapids (Jefferson High School) College Club of Cedar Rapids Scholarship Taylor Buckley of Marion (Marion High School) Delaware County Fish & Game Scholarship Andrew Curtis of Manchester (West Delaware High School) Kelley Glanz of Manchester (West Delaware High School) Kayla Redfern of Manchester (West Delaware High School) Patrick Soppe of Manchester (West Delaware High School)
S c h o l a rs h i p
Eastern Iowa Cash Management Association Scholarship
Sarah Synovec of Cedar Rapids (Jefferson High School)
Andrea Biagioli of Ames (Iowa State University)
Lavenz Memorial InCourage Scholarship
George A. and Louise M. Kalous Designated Endowed Scholarship
Trisha Hinke of Cedar Rapids (Kennedy High School) Louis J. and Elmer M. Rosenbaum Memorial Scholarship
Peter Wang of Cedar Rapids (Linn-Mar High School) Glenn and Mary Wendler Scholarship Nathan Tendrick of Cedar Rapids (Kennedy High School) Henry and Sara Katz Scholarship
Eric Dohmen of Mechanicsville (North Cedar High School) Kleiman Family Scholarship Kristin Staude of Cedar Rapids (Jefferson High School)
Zeta Phi Eta Scholarship
Speaking Honorarium for Lieutenant General Ron Dardis
Jacqueline and Dominick Leone
Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids
Kristin Troost
i n
Abigail Johnson (Washington High School)
2 0 1 0 In Honor of Chris Curran Jean Brenneman
Metro High Children’s Trail Endowed Fund
Hannah Ferber
In Honor of Bev GrindemanAdams Dann Grindeman
Josie Velles
Project Victoria Fund In Honor of Anabel Berger Karla and Clint Twedt-Ball
QMAC IBA UNI Scholarship
Madeline Becker of Cedar Rapids (Washington High School)
In Honor of David Yate James and Shirley Giefer
In Honor of Abigail Stumpf Frank Chelednik
Taran Goecke (University of Northern Iowa)
Outstanding Student Leader Scholarship
Trey Forbes of Lone Tree (Lone Tree High School)
In Honor of Suzanne Nunn’s Birthday Leta Almeda
QMAC IBA UNI Scholarship
Carole Jamieson Spirit Scholarship
Meghan Nelson of Cedar Rapids (Jefferson High School)
Jeanette Harrington
Kallissa Bailey-Northrup (Kirkwood Community College)
Dillon Thiner of Graettinger (Graettinger High School)
Robert K. Dennis Scholarship
In Honor of Kadia Bandu
Joslin Scholarship
Kelsey Hammer (University of Northern Iowa)
Aubrey Lindgren of Marion (Cedar Valley School)
In Honor of John Bloomhall, Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Shuttleworth & Ingersoll, P.L.C.
Alexander Ponomarchuk of Bowling Green, Ohio (University of Iowa)
O.J. and Viola Elsenbast Scholarship
Tyler Hubler of Cedar Rapids (Washington High School)
Kidneeds Fund
Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids
Christopher Jones of Iowa City (Lone Tree High School)
Komensky Society Scholarship
Flood 2008 Fund
Vern W. Reeder Memorial Scholarship
Meghan Nelson of Cedar Rapids (Jefferson High School)
Deepika Mehta of Cedar Rapids (Linn-Mar High School)
Parker Boyd of Mechanicsville (North Cedar High School)
Mitchell Burgmeier of Dubuque (Wahlert High School)
Samantha Fillenworth of Cedar Rapids (Jefferson High School)
Sarea Frederick of Central City (Central City High School)
Joe Corbin Memorial Scholarship
Stephen Bonfig Memorial Scholarship
Kailey McGuire of Cedar Rapids (Jefferson High School)
Nina E. and Victor D. Merveaux Scholarship
Lauren Wade of Central City (Home School)
Kyle Ruth of Iowa City (Lone Tree High School)
Shelby Brooks of Marion (Marion High School)
Kristin Staude of Cedar Rapids (Jefferson High School)
Sarah Nachtman of Manchester (West Delaware High School)
H o n o rs
Speaking Honorarium for Roxanne Conlin
R e c i p i e n t s
Ronald and Sue Reider
Tree of Five Seasons NonEndowed Fund Speaking Honorarium for Gary Anderson Creative Artists
2 0 1 0
D o n o rs
Doris and Francois Abboud
Beacon Eye Associates
Cameron Concrete, Inc.
Community Health Free Clinic
Account Services Processing Center
John Beaird
Laura Comried
Brian and Cynthia Beatty
John Bogaert and Shelley Campbell Bogaert
Acme Graphics, Inc.
Jennifer and Michael Becker
Joanne and Steven Carfrae
Rosemarie Consunji and James Daher
Acme Refining
Benchmark, Inc.
Cargill Incorporated
Contract Exchange Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. John P. Bent III
Martha and James Caristi
Joan Convey Josephine Cook
Aero Rental
John P. Bent Jr. Charitable Lead Unitrust
Donna and Joseph Carlin Bridget R. Carnahan
Florence and Thomas Allen
Benzcoil, LLC
Diona Carpenter
Deborah Cooper and Paul Hudson
Larry and Carol Allen
Cynthia and Sherman Berg
David Carrick
Sara and Paul Corbin
Alliant Energy Fifth Season Race
Teresa Fortino Best and Gregory Best
Nancy and Daniel Carroll
Cotter Allstate Agency
Jay and Kerri Carson
Cheryl and Anthony Cox
Alliant Energy Foundation
Kerry Beyer Beyer & Rock Investments, LLC
Dawn Strait-Carstensen and James Carstensen
Brian and Molly Craig
Nancy and Michael Almasi Leta Almeda and Suzanne Nunn
Anna and Anthony Biancofiori
Creative Artists
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Dorothy and Ingwer Carstensen
Candace and Richard Altorfer
Steven and Mary Bilbrey
Nicole Carter
CRST International
Altorfer, Inc.
James and Nicky Bindler
Casey’s General Stores
Sally and Mark Cunliffe
Aluspec, Inc.
Patricia Williams and Salvatore Biondo
Cedar Hills Community Church Bible Study Group
Christopher Curran
Michael Black
Cedar Memorial Funeral Home/The Cedar Group
Active Network Sarah Adair
Anamosa Community School Foundation James E. Anderson
Karin Blood
Thomas J. and Sarah E. Anderson
Molly Bloom
William G. Anderson Louis and Ann Marie Angelucci Anonymous Arenson & Maas, P.L.C. Cheri and Scott Arneson
Cedar Rapids Symphony Cedar River Tower
Bruce Bock
Julianne Russell and Steven Cejtin
Kristin and Todd Boffeli Joann and J. Scott Bogguss
Jean and J. Harley Chapman
David and Martha Booth
Frank Chelednik
Paul and Judith Botine
Marlene Chevalier
Christopher Bowers
Nancy and Paul Craig Jean Cress
Richard Currie and Kimberly Kinney Currie D. A. Bunch Co. Marjorie Daft Mikael and Malette Dahl Lori and William Dano Jeffrey Davis Marnie and Gregg Davis Lynn and Kenneth DeKock Dean and Karen Dennis
Deanna and James Brems
Chicago Community Foundation
Jean Brenneman
Chicken Fried Farms, Inc.
Irma and Dee Dennis
Julie and Brian Ashmore
Audrey Bromberger and John Birmingham
Chunghi Choo
Deutsche Bank
Helen and James Atherton Susan and Anson Baker
Elizabeth and Dana Christiansen
Diamond V Mills
Clarissa Alcock Bronfman Kenneth Brown
Bonnie Bandeen
City of Cedar Rapids
Michael Distazio
Shannon and Christopher Bruns
Lee and Jay Clancey
Clare and Joseph Diviny
Eric Clason
Theresa and Aidan Diviny
Virginia and W. Bryan Clemons
Dloughy’s Auto Repair
CMC Impact Metals
Jean and Joseph Dolack
CME Group
Melissa and Bradley Doyle
Dawn and Brent Cobb
Jim and Laurie Dray
Sandra and Patrick Cobb
Steven and Kay Dummermuth
Coe College
William and Karen Duncan
Annette and Michael Collins
Christopher and Adrina Dunn
Community Foundation of the Great River Bend
Andrea and Jay Dworken
Georgina and Donald Arnold Helen Arnold Jacqueline C. Aschoff
Bank of America Matching Gift Program
Ardyce and Edward Brunsting
Bank of the West
Lois and Robert Buckley
Lorna Barnes
Budget Car Rental & Sales
Teresa and Greg Barnett
Diane Burke
Tracy and Gary Bartlett
Jim Burke
Charles Bassani
Dawn and Daniel Butler
Carolyn and Gregg Bauer
Margaret and William Butler
Jann and Gordon Baustian
Frank and Jeanne Byers
Cheryl Beachler
Stefani and Craig Byers
Eloise and Robert Dennis
Robert Dias
Tiffany A. Earl
Nancy and Richard Garberson
Edward L. Haney
Renee and Tim Isenberg
East Central Iowa Charitable Trust
Les and Katrina Garner
Diane and Jim Hankes
Steven Iverson
Richard and Elizabeth Garrels
Tork Harman
Susan Jackson
Robert Eckard Estate
Harriet and William Gasway
Sally and Allan Harms
Susan and Paul Jahnke
Jeffrey and Teresa Elgin
Gazette Foundation
Jeanette Harrington
Jalapeno Paint Werx
Jeanne and James Elliott
GE Foundation
Carolyn and Edward Harris
Mary C. James
Elmcrest Country Club
Susan and David Gehring Mary Jane German
Ortha & Ken Harstad Charitable Remainder Trust
Joyce and Leonard Jandik
Embrace Iowa Employees of Sign Productions
Gail and Joseph Gevock
Scott Hartsook
JLM Farms
Sima and Chirantan Ghosh
Ivan and Bonnie Hasselbusch
Dean Johnson
James and Shirley Giefer
Kathleen and David Hatala
J.M. and T.L. Johnson
Gladys Bock from Friends and Family
Susan and Thomas Hatala
Marion and Foster Johnson
C.T. and John Hayes
Mary and William Johnson
Deborah and Robert Goldense
Ted and Tish Healey
Charles Jones
Ron and Pat Gonder
Kay and John Hegarty
Caryn Gonzales
Daniel Heins
Jim Jones and Linda CoulterJones
Grassley Committee, Inc.
Carol and John Helbling
Destinee Jordan
GreatAmerica Leasing Corporation
Ed R. Hemphill
Nora and James Jordan
Joanne Hendricks
Joanne and Stephen Joyce
Greater Twin Cities United Way
Anna Henrikson
Janet Hiebert Fund
Joseph Kacena
Homestead Appraisals Ltd.
Mary and John Kane
Hopp-to-It Landscaping
Mary and Joseph Kane
Elmer Hornburg
Mary and Thomas Kane
Cecil and Molly Hotz
Phyllis and Lawrence Kane
Laura Howell
Robin and Raymond Kane
Andrew Groves
Mae Howes and Duane Barnhart
Thomas and Rosemary Kane
Lawrence Grubryn
Bernadine Hoyt
Guaranty Bank & Trust Company
Linda and Robert Keca
Colleen and Anthony Hranicka
John Kendrick
Catherine and Marc Gullickson
Michelle Hughes
Employees of the University of Iowa Grants Accounting Office Mrs. Fusun Erginbilgic Robert and Linda Erlandson Carol and Jesse Escovedo Rebecca and Don Esker Timothy and Karen Etherington Libby and Dan Eulberg Christine and Charles Everingham Joann Faribault Mary and John Farinella Farmers State Bank William Farr Philip and Cindy Feder Hannah Ferber Donna and Matthew Ferro Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fifth Season Cedar Valley Betty Jo and Ross Finazzo Jane and Varlyn Fink
Libby and William Green Greens Grove Sewing Circle Mrs. John Greig Dann Grindeman Dennis Groenenboom Gary and Patricia Gross
First Community Bank
Loretta Gunn
Melissa Flack
H & R Block
Eleanore Railsback Flitsch
Haddad Charitable Fund
Ken and Nancy Hunt John and Jill Hurst Hy-Vee
Jefferson High School
Janis and Robert Kazimour
Ted Kendzora Maureen and Joseph Kenney Keokuk Area Community Foundation Keokuk Community School District Foundation
Jane and Brent Fonner
James Haddad
Mary and Daniel Fox
IBM Employee Services Center
Marlene and Leonard Hadley
Christina and Barry Frantz
Indian Creek Nature Center
Joyce Stoker-Hadow and Harlo Hadow
Marsha Kinet
Industrial Metal-Fab, Inc. Iowa Cattlemen’s Association
The Kenneth K. Kinsey Family Foundation
Iowa Legal Aid Foundation
Frank I. Kintzle Gil and Mary Kinyon
Leo and Collette Frederick Edward Friedmann and Elizabeth Coyte
Haffner Carpentry, Inc. Lana Hake
John and Patricia Kerr
Friends of KIDNEEDS
Lydia Halbach
Frontier Natural Products CO-OP
Iowa Physician Assistant Society
Justin Haller
Iowa Supreme Court Justices
Peter Hambro
Kathy and Michael Klauser
The Irish Way Ltd.
Clara and Thomas Kleiman
Melinda Fus
Bruce and Beth Hammell
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kirby
Shirley Klug
Kathleen Lomonaco
Paula Mitchell
David and Ethel Knutson
John and Mary Long
Frank and Cheryle Mitvalsky
Sarah Halbrook Olson and Tyler Olson
Barbara and David Koch
Randy and Nancy Lowenberg
Peter and Nancy Mohler
Louis Orsaneo
Carl and Mary Koehler Trust
Dorothy Lunning
Moms Club of Cedar Rapids South
Nancy Owen
Mike Koenig
Everett and Ann Lunning
Tiffany Monjauze
Marita and Edward Owens
Elyse and Mark Koestler
Phyllis McRae Lusher
Rosemary and John Montagno
Bonnie and Wayne Pansegrau
Jean and Bill Koffemann
Donna Mooney
Kathleen and James Parker
Irene Konecny
Christine Luzzie and Patrick Bauer
Cheryl and Dale Moore
David and Anne Parmley
Anna Marie Krewer
John and Sue MacGregor
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan F. Moore
Marion and Richard Patterson
Isabelle M. Krichel and Deborah Krieg
Andrew and Catherine Maenner
Tara and Bob Moorman
Dan and Randi Paul-Heskins
Gail and Edward Maenner
Marie and Martin Moran
Paulson Electric
Kenneth and Ann Krug
Cynthia and Quincy Maquet
Paul and Jennifer Morf
William and Diane Peach
Chris and David Kubicek
Betty and Tony Martin
Janice Morgan
Jake Pease
Robert J. Kucharski
Martinek Memorial Trust
MorningStar Music Publishers
Eleanor and Martin Pendergast
Robert and Caroline Kucharski Charitable Fund
Marvin Cone Art Club
PEO Chapter LI
Lynn and Gerald Matchett
Mount Vernon Community School District
Phil and Amy Kula and Family
G. Kenneth Mathews Trust
JoAnne Mulholland Welsh
Bonnie and Jay Petersen
David and Linda Lakhdhir
Susan Matyiku
Jessica and Ryan Murphy
Mary and David Petty
Bridget and David Lane
Ruth and Dennis McCann
Kevin Murray and Jan Merfeld
Kimberly Lanegran and Daniel Ottemoeller
Barbara and Patrick McClintock
Naperville Dental Group
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Jerry and C.C. McConnell
William Nassif
Polli Phippen
Jon McCright
National Community Foundation
Lynne and Thomas Pickett
Laura and Patrick McDonnell
Joan and John Navarro
Portico HR
McGrath Automotive Corp.
Ronald Nelson
Michele and Robert Pospiech
Dee Ann McIntryre
Network For Good
Larry Potter
Diane and Tom McNulty
Network of Lovingkindness
Christine Powers
Joan and Scott McVay
Keith Newfield
Alberto and Paola Pravettoni
Norma McVay
Charlotte Newland
Rodley and Lisa Pritchard
Wendy and Jeffrey Meier
Kathleen Neylan
Larissa and John Purcell
Mary and Dick Meisterling
Jill and Denton Nordhues
Quarton Trust
Jane and Michael Melloy
Christine and John North
Kelly and Joe Quick
Michelle Mercer and Bruce Golden
Northeast Missouri Electric Power Cooperative
Cliff Railsbeck
Meredith Corporation Foundation
Diane Northway
James Randall
Mary and Pamela Meschler
Nucor Steel Tuscaloosa Inc.
Leonard and Jennifer Ranson
Donna and Michael Messinger
Elizabeth Rhoads Read
Metro Youth Football Association
Nyemaster, Goode, West, Hansell & O’Brien, P.C.
Marianne Miele
Oak Hill Cemetery Association
Rehab Management Services, LLC
Jason and Jennifer Milazzo
Brice Oakley
Ronald and Sue Reider
Erik and Patricia Miles
Melanie O’Donnell
Debra and Gregory Reiman
Debby and John Miljavac
Michael O’Donoghue Estate
Maureen McDonald Reiter
Jodi and Chris Miljavac
Mark Ogden and Iris Muchmore
Joanne and Daniel Rellihan
Miljavac Electrical Corporation
Donna Oldorf
Sigrid and Curtis Reynolds
Michael and Susan Miller
James Olita
Joanne and Don Ribble
Margaret Mills
Melanie and Douglas Olson
David Richert
Lori and David Miltenberger
Minny and Craig Olson
Mary Rickey Estate
Dean and Dorris Lanning Lynne Lanning and Richard Smith Wayne and Doris Larson Susan and Robert Latham Law Offices of Gregory Schley Lawlor Property League of Women Voters of Cedar Rapids-Marion Barbara Leaver Judith Lebeda Dokyoung and Song Lee Leeco Steel Nancy and Robert Lempicki Jacqueline and Dominick Leone Thea Leslie Laurel Lea Lewis Liars Theatre Lil’ Drug Store Products Linn County Bar Association Linn County Historical Society Linn-Mar School Foundation Rory Little Laura and John Locher Joe and Cherrie Lock Dolores and Richard Lofton
Sczerina Perot and Gary DiBianco
Dorothy Ramsey
Regis Class of 1970
Elnora, Arlene and Larry Ritze
Christina and Joseph Scott
Ann and Robert Swaney
Iva C. Robb
Jan and Tony Sdao
Andrea Roberts and Brian Naini
Patricia and Douglas Sedlacek
Abigail Swanson and James Freeman
James and Jona Seifert
Bart and Evelyn Swanson
Marla and Michael Valliere
Earl and Patrcia Seltrecht
Harriet Swanson
Van Meter Industrial, Inc.
David and Masako Semaya
Marcia and Stephen Swift
Josie Velles
William D. Severa
Benjamin Kozlowski and Thomas Synhorst
Page Victor
Julie and Byron Tabor
Kenneth and Linda Viggers
Takeda Pharmaceuticals Matching Gift Company
JoAnn and Steven Wahle
Rockwell Collins Charitable Corporation Rockwell Collins Matching Gift Program Susan and Jack Rogers Charles Rohde
Ting and John Sherry
Jack Roland
Winifred and William Shuttleworth
Janet Romano and Theodore Jadick
Shuttleworth & Ingersoll, P.L.C.
Jamie Rome and Leila Mankarious Rome
Simmons Perrine Moyer Bergman
Velma Roseberry Jonathan and Elise Rosen Janet and W. Mark Rosenbury Mr. Matt Rosner Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids – West Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids – Daybreak
Diane Tanner
Wesley and Jacquelyn Simmons
Eiling and Benjamin Tebockhorst Meryl and Robert Testut
Susan and Christopher Siwinski
The McLeod Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Jo Ann and Drew Skogman Susan and Kyle Skogman
Phyllis Thompson
Skogman Companies
Deborah Thornton
Dyan and John Smith
Marian and Hugh Thornton
James and Linda Smith
Beverly and Frederick Timko
Jeremy J. Smith DDS Family Foundation
Kenneth Torno Law Toyota Scion of Iowa City, Inc.
Julianne and Marty Smith
Donald and Lori Traweek
US Bank, NA/Private Client Group & Trust Department Corri and Brian Valenti
Tina and Timo Vierimaa
Barbara and Edward Watson Wellpoint Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Michael J. Welsh Patricia Whalen and Jeb Martin Gretchen and Timothy Whener William Whipple James and Doris Whitmore Diane and Martin Wiesenfeld Susan Willey Donna and David Williams Karen and Scott Williams
Erin Roth
Maureen and James Smith
Mary and Edward Rowen
Maureen Smith and Ivan Gazidis
RSM McGladrey, Inc.
Teresa and Roger Smith
Run the Flood
Smulekoff & Lipsky Fund
Barbara and A. Ruprecht
Ramez and Tiziana Sousou
Judith Whetstine and Robert Rush
Daryl and Susan Spivey
Mary Russell Curran and James Curran
St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church
Janice Rutledge
St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation
Maureen Tucci
Ryan Companies US, Inc.
Dorothy and Michael Stallman
Brad Tucker
J.W. and C.J. Sackett
B.B. Stamats Estate
Tuesday Study Club
R. Robert Woodburn, Jr. and Janet M. Smith
Sage Companies, LLC
Michael J. Stanly
Judith and James Tulis
Karen and Kevin Woods
Steve and Yukiko Saltzgaber
Anita T. Starman Estate
Susan and James Turner
Charlotte and Robert Worley
Tim and Terry Sammons
State of Iowa
Clint and Karla Twedt-Ball
Patti Wu and Fong Liu
Marsha and David Sanders
Carol and Donald Steingreaber
Lisa and Terry Twitchell
Russell and Brenda Wyse
Sawing & Shearing, Inc.
Stemcor USA, Inc.
Bob and Jana Ungs
Mary Jo and Tom Yates
Lynda and Joseph Schimberg
James Stewart and Janice Wilhelmi
United Fire & Casualty Co.
Nicole Yates
Robert Stewart
United Nations Association, Linn County Chapter
Jerry York and Rachel Baldwin York
Don Stickle
United Way of East Central Iowa
Jedediah and Wendy Young
Harry Suszko
United Way of Greater Los Angeles
Kathleen and Todd Zaehringer
C. Schmitz Christy Schrader Roger and Joyce Schreder Matthew Schultz Bernie Schupbach Schwab Charitable Fund
Trees Forever Trenam Kemker Bertha Tribuno Terry Trimpe Marjorie and Carlton Tronvold Kristin Troost Truist
Thomas Sutton
US Bank, NA
Josh Holland and Dawn Svenson Holland
Dolores Williamson Sharon Willmore Jim Wittnebel Theophilus and Elizabeth Wituszynski Joni and Larry Witzel Susan Witzig Judith Wohlman Candace Wong
Laurie and Mark Zaiger Alan and Kaori Zeigler Ann and John Zlabek
Affiliates gcrcf
Community foundations create opportunities for towns and regions to direct philanthropic resources locally. They provide a vehicle for donors to invest their contributions close to home, and for communities to build their quality of life. The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation supports the development of community foundations in eastern and southern Iowa through our work with geographic affiliates. Each affiliate is locally-governed and directed toward local needs, with the GCRCF providing fiduciary services, guidance and technical assistance. Geographic affiliates have access to the services and benefits of a fullyaccredited community foundation, such as participation in the state’s County Endowment and Endow Iowa tax credit program.
Jones County Endowment Fund The Jones County Endowment Fund focuses its grants on improving economic well-being and quality of life for Jones County residents. This includes promoting educational opportunities, community capital improvements, tourism and recreation and maintaining Jones County heritage. In 2010, this fund provided $96,818 in grants to the following organizations: ▪▪ Advancement Services of Jones County ▪▪ American Red Cross, Grant Wood Area Chapter ▪▪ City of Martelle ▪▪ City of Wyoming ▪▪ Jones County 4-H Program
Anamosa Community Foundation Fund In 2010, the Anamosa Community Foundation Fund provided $3,291 in grants to the following organizations:
▪▪ Monticello Emergency Medical Team ▪▪ Olin Day Care, Inc. ▪▪ Paul Petersen Foundation
▪▪ Anamosa Community School District
▪▪ Wyoming Pioneers 4-H Club
▪▪ Community Care, Inc.
▪▪ Wregie Memorial Library
▪▪ Iowa Department of Natural Resources Rotary Shelter Lodge
▪▪ Wyoming Public Library
For more information on the fund, contact Matthew G. McQuillen at 319.462.3577 or
▪▪ Monticello Area Chamber of Commerce
▪▪ Jones Regional Medical Center
▪▪ Anamosa State Penitentiary Museum ▪▪ Grant Wood Art ▪▪ Jones County Genealogical Society ▪▪ Jones County Historic Preservation Commission ▪▪ Tri-County Historical Society For more information, contact Doug Edel at 319.462.6031 or Holly Paulsen at 563.487.3261.
Keokuk Area Community Foundation The Keokuk Area Community Foundation (KACF) is a public foundation holding and investing many different funds, large and small, established by individuals, families, non-profits and business to benefit the Tri-State area of Southeast Iowa, Western Illinois and Northeast Missouri. Since their founding in 2005, their focus is to enhance and improve the future of the tri-state area by building endowments and donoradvised funds that provide dollars and grants for nonprofit organizations, charities, churches and educational institutions. In 2010, the Keokuk Area Community Foundation provided $550,764 in grants to the following organizations:
Linn County Fund The Linn County Fund focuses on enhancing quality of life and community development outside the Cedar Rapids metropolitan area, with priority given to applications from non-metro communities. Awards range from $2,000 to $15,000. Capital improvements are eligible for consideration. In 2010, this Linn County Fund provided $98,154 grants to the following organizations: ▪▪ Area Substance Abuse Council ▪▪ Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cedar Rapids & East Central Iowa ▪▪ Kids First Law Center ▪▪ Witwer Center, Inc.
▪▪ Three Rivers Conservation
▪▪ Young Parents Network
▪▪ Alcohol Drug Dependency
▪▪ Center Point Ambulance Services Inc.
▪▪ Big Brothers Big Sisters
▪▪ Junior Achievement of East Central Iowa
▪▪ Community Action of SE Iowa
▪▪ Workplace Learning Connection
▪▪ Girl Scouts (Region)
▪▪ Alburnett Community School District Foundation
▪▪ God’s Way Christian Center
▪▪ Carl & Mary Koehler History Center
▪▪ Grand Theatre Corporation
▪▪ Central City Historical Society Corp.
▪▪ Hancock Health Wellness Coalition
▪▪ Old Creamery Theatre Company
▪▪ Horner YMCA
▪▪ Red Cedar Chamber Music
▪▪ Jackson Township Fire District
For more information, contact Elizabeth Cwik at the GCRCF at 319.366.2862 or
▪▪ Keokuk Catholic Schools ▪▪ Keokuk Concert Association
Wapello County Foundation In December 2010, the Wapello County Foundation provided $106,630 in grants to the following organizations through the County Endowment program:
▪▪ Keokuk Group Home ▪▪ Keokuk Vision Foundation ▪▪ Lee County Red Cross
▪▪ Food Bank of Southern Iowa, Inc.
▪▪ West Hancok Canine Rescue
▪▪ Ottumwa YMCA
For more information, contact Roger Ricketts at 319.795.1407 or More information is available online at
▪▪ Ottumwa Youth Special Olympics ▪▪ City of Ottumwa ▪▪ Wapello County ▪▪ Wapello County Trails Council ▪▪ Ottumwa Civic Music Association ▪▪ Ottumwa Symphony Orchestra ▪▪ Wapello County Historical Society For more information about the Wapello County Foundation including grants not made in partnership with the GCRCF, contact Richard C. Bauerle at 480.837.7423.
Staff and Volunteers
A committed board along with dedicated staff and volunteers assure the future growth of the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation. Together, they keep abreast of changing problems and needs, positioning the Community Foundation to identify and meet new challenges in the community. The board of directors includes Linn County citizens who have had a long history of nonprofit involvement and experience.
Ron Olson, Chair
Swati A. Dandekar*
Cheryle Mitvalsky
Nancy Kasparek – Vice Chair
Chris DeWolf
Tom Moore
Rich Altorfer*
Ruth Hairston
Fred Timko
Gary Bartlett
Kay L. Hegarty – Treasurer
Kevin Welu
Lorna Barnes – Past Chair
Elizabeth Hladky
Dr. Ruth E. White
John M. Bickel
Nancy Kasparek
*term ended in 2010
J. Scott Bogguss*
Kathy Krusie
Loren Coppock
Gerald T. Matchett* – Secretary
Chair Emerita Nancy G. McHugh
Sean McPartland
C o m m u n i t y F o u n d a t i o n S t a ff Les Garner, Jr. President & CEO
Amber A. Mulnik Director of Communications
Emmylou Ball Accountant
Rochelle Naylor Grants Program Assistant
Wendy Blood Office Manager
Deb Orr Office Assistant
Jean Brenneman Director of Finance
Elizabeth Cwik Grants Program Associate
Katie Mills Giorgio Marketing Assistant, Linn County Nonprofit Resource Center
Karla Twedt-Ball Vice President of Programs
Robert Untiedt Executive Director, Linn County Nonprofit Resource Center Josie Velles Foundation Services Manager Peggy Whitworth Director of Resource Development
Special Programs Staff Kimberly Beals K-12 Partnership Coordinator Barbara Klawiter REACT Center Administrator
2 0 1 0 C o m m i t t e e s of t h e G r e at e r C e da r R a p i d s C o m m u n i t y F o u n dat i o n Grant Programs Field of Interest Funds 2010 Sarah Fare Suresh Ganu Kay Jackson Kathy Krusie* Cheryle Mitvalsky* Ron Olson* Organizational Development Sarah Fare Suresh Ganu Kathy Krusie* Cheryle Mitvalsky* Ron Olson* John Watson
Scholarship Jann Baustian Krista Beenen Amanda Cook Jo-Ann Cook Chris Crosby Ken DeKeyser Laura Dement Laura Donovan Dave Draker Pat Dunkel Sara Fare Melissa Fiacco Sara Fitzgerald Ruth Hairston* Christine Hathaway Marcia Hughes Gayla Huston Maggie Jackson Becky Koch Kari Lammer Anne Laverty Joan Murrin Kevin Papp Julie Perez Liz Posekany Kristin Roberts Jeff Schamberger Jane Schildroth Cathy Terukina Lisa Thirnbeck Melissa Winter Jerry Ziese
Community Fund Rich Altorfer* John Bickel* Gilda Boyer Elizabeth Hladky* John MacGregor Ron Olson* Chad Peterson Dorothy Simpson-Taylor Dr. Ruth E. White*
Momentum Fund Chris DeWolf* Loren Coppock* Ruth Hairston* Peggy Hardesty Nancy Kasparek* Sean McPartland* Ron Olson* Fred Timko* Peggy Whitworth Linn County Fund Gary Bartlett Swati Dandekar* David Gardner Elizabeth Hladky* Dave Machacek
Youth POWER Board Alham Al-Yassiri, Jefferson High School Emily Baker, Linn Mar High School Britt Bergquist, Washington High School Amanda Ellenberger, Intern, Coe College Nathalie Folkerts, Linn Mar High School Kerstin Flugum, Prairie High School Isaac Halyard, Washington High School Kerry McCartan, Xavier High School Quincy McGee, Washington High School Max McGee, Washington High School LeBon Mulangaliro, Jefferson High School Amanda Smith, Prairie High School Jenny Vestle, Washington High School Stephanie Wenclawski, Kennedy High School
Committee on Grant Making Lorna Barnes* Mary Lou Erlacher Cathy Gullickson Elizabeth Hladky* Jerry Matchett* Sean McPartland* Cheryle Mitvalsky Tom Moore* Ron Olson* John Wasta Dr. Ruth E. White* Community Outreach Lorna Barnes* Swati Dandekar* Ruth Hairston* Elizabeth Hladky* Tom Moore* Ron Olson*
FFEE/Marshall Journalism Kathleen Aller Tom Moore* Jane Nesmith Sally Sandberg Flood 2008 Fund Lorna Barnes* Scott Bogguss* John Chaimov Cathy Gullickson Ron Olson* Jerry Matchett* Sigrid Reynolds John Wasta Dr. Ruth E. White*
Investment Rich Altorfer* Gary Bartlett* Nancy Kasparek* Barbara Knapp Bob Kucharski Greg Neumeyer Denny Redmond Dale Rettenmeier John Slover Fred Timko* Kevin Welu* Resource Development Gary Bartlett* John Bickel* Loren Coppock* Chris DeWolf* Ron Olson* Bill Munsell
Finance Lorna Barnes* Kay Hegarty* Nancy Kasparek* Jerry Matchett* Ron Olson*
* GCRCF Board Member
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324 3rd St SE Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 fax: 319.366.2912 e-mail:
The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation is in compliance with national standards for services and operations that have been established by the Council on Foundations to guide sound policies, accountable practices, and ethical and operational integrity that strengthen the effectiveness of community philanthropy.