T h e
G r e at e r
2 00 9
a n n ua l
Communi ty r e p o rt
F o u n dat i o n
Amount Granted in 2009
Number of Different Charitable Funds:
1949 500 Founded in
Cont ents 1 Letter to the Community
24 financial advisors
Financial Highlights/Assets by Fund Type
25 Pooled Investment Allocation
2009 Year in Review
The Impact of Grant Making
2009 Grant Making Analysis
Profiles of grant recipients — 6 Indian Creek Nature Center 8 Area substance abuse council 10 cedar rapids museum of art 12 Kids First Law Center 14
kirkwood gap tuition assistance program
16 Olivet Neighborhood Mission 18 Metro Care Connection 20 Block by Block
27 How to Apply for a Grant
Grant Writers’ Workshops
Types of Charitable Funds
29 Donors Making A Difference New Funds Started in 2009 30
William Quarton Heritage Society
34 Memorials in 2009 36
Contributors to the Flood 2008 Fund
profile of giving
43 Supporting Organizations
22 Orville Bloethe
44 Staff and Volunteers
A b o ut th e
C o m m u n i t y
F o u n dat i o n
The mission of the GCRCF is to
connect donors to the priorities they
200 First St. SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
The Greater Cedar Rapids Community
care about and to the needs of the
Foundation (GCRCF) is a public charitable
community, to increase charitable
foundation holding more than 500
giving, and to provide leadership on
different charitable funds, large and
important community issues.
small, established by individuals,
Since becoming a public
families, nonprofit agencies and
foundation in 1992, the GCRCF
businesses to benefit Linn County, Iowa.
has distributed more than $54 million
The GCRCF funds nonprofit activities
in grants.
in four essential areas: Arts and
Being a philanthropist doesn’t take a
Culture, Community Development and
lot of money or time and there’s no age
the Environment, Education and Health
requirement. Whether you choose to
and Human Services.
give today or endow a fund to support
Since our founding in 1949 as the
a cause or issue yet unforeseen, the
Community Welfare Foundation, we
GCRCF makes it easy and rewarding
have served the needs of eastern
to be charitable. We encourage you
Iowa and the wishes of our donors
to learn more about the Community
through personalized service, financial
Foundation and how to become a part
stewardship, local expertise and
of our family of philanthropists.
community leadership.
Please note: after July 1, 2010, our new address is:
324 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 Email:
319.366.2912 Online:
L e tt e r t o t h e f rom the
Communi ty
Presiden t
began with trepidation.
We were six months removed from the largest natural disaster in our community’s history. Our investment portfolio, like all others, was suffering in the midst of unprecedented losses being experienced by investment markets worldwide. Donors to nonprofits were understandably skittish
Dan Baldwin
Lorna M. Barnes
P r e s i d e n t / C EO
2 0 0 9 B oa r d C h a i r
as their own net worth was in decline. And amidst this turmoil, the Greater
b The combination of several large
second floor. We’re thrilled at the
Cedar Rapids Community Foundation
new funds that utilized the Endow
opportunity to participate in the
(GCRCF) needed to begin the task of
Iowa tax credit program with the
rebuilding of our central business
finding a new home, as our current
second largest planned gift in
district while meeting the long-term
building was slated to land on the
the GCRCF’s history (from Joseph
“wet” side of the City’s proposed flood
Kacena) allowed us to record in
mitigation plan.
the range of $12.2 million. A very
with a healthy 22.7 percent return
That was a pretty gloomy start. By
large percentage of these funds
in 2009. This in spite of January
the time 2009 came to an end, we’d
are endowed, meaning they will
and February being aggressive
had an exceptional year. Here are some
generate significant support to area
extensions of the 2008 downturn.
reasons why:
agencies in perpetuity.
b The Block by Block program created
b The Foundation has found a new
needs of the GCRCF. b The GCRCF portfolio rebounded
b Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, the GCRCF awarded $8.2 million
tangible progress in neighborhood
home! After an eight-month process
through 1,000 grants in 2009. We
rebuilding. A partnership between
of needs assessment, research,
enjoy growing our asset base.
nonprofits (Affordable Housing
cost analysis and negotiations, the
We believe we have a role as a
Network, Matthew 25 Ministries
board of directors approved the
community leader. And we support
and the United Methodist Church)
purchase of the Torch Press Building
nonprofits through the Linn County
and funders (John and Dyan Smith,
in downtown Cedar Rapids. Located
Nonprofit Resource Center. But we
the GCRCF Flood 2008 Fund and
at the corner of 3rd Street and
are first and foremost a grant maker.
the United Methodist Church)
4th Avenue SE, the historic
The Greater Cedar Rapids Community
allowed for the rehabbing of 96
four-story, 16,000-square-foot
Foundation is only as successful as the
out of 104 properties in the first
building will enable us to house
generosity of citizens in Cedar Rapids
eight city blocks worked on by the
the Foundation and Linn County
and surrounding areas. This is a very
program. Efforts are underway to
Nonprofit Resource Center office,
philanthropic community and we
take on another 12 blocks. This
utilize the first floor for meeting
are proud to be an important link in
has brought real hope to families
and program space and lease the
converting philanthropic desire with high-impact grant making.
whose homes were directly in the path of floodwaters.
2 0 0 9
F i n a nc i a l
H ig h l i gh ts / A s s e t s
b y
F u n d T y p e
Total assets under management
2009 ROI:
Since inception annualized rate of return (1/94):
Total gifts (outright and deferred):
227 .
Assets by Fund Type (as of Dec. 31, 2009)
Designated Funds
Affiliate Funds Flood Funds
Unrestricted & Special Funds
1.1 1.4
Donor-Advised Funds Corporate Donor-Advised Funds
Agency Funds
1.0 Other Funds
Field of Interest Funds
Nina & Victor Merveaux Administrative Fund GCRCF Administrative Fund Operating Fund Anonymous Funds
Scholarship Funds
.10% .30% 1.00% 7.40% _____ 8.80%
Dollar amount of grants awarded:
Number of donations received:
8 .2 MILLION $
donations from
unique donors
The primary advantage of pooling funds is that it permits
Pooled Investment Allocation as of Dec. 31, 2009
greater diversification of investments than would be possible
he Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation
for single funds. This provides for greater opportunities
(GCRCF) has a balanced approach to investing.
without increasing risk.
The Investment Committee of the GCRCF board
works closely with staff and a professional management 2009 Return on Investments
During the fiscal year that ended Dec. 31, 2009, the GCRCF
Contributions made to the GCRCF are pooled for invest-
endowment pool return on investment was 22.7 percent. The
ment purposes. There are more than 500 total funds, of which
three-year return was -3.5 percent; the five-year return was
393 component funds in the combined Endowment Pool and
3.1 percent, and the annualized return since Jan. 31, 1994, is
a system unitization, much like a mutual fund, allocates total
7.6 percent. These returns are stated net of fees.
return to each component fund. These component funds
The audited financial statements, containing all required
represent a collection of interests of individual donors and
disclosures and IRS forms 990, are available upon request in the
agencies who have united to increase the effectiveness and
Community Foundation’s offices or online at www.gcrcf.org.
assure the future of charitable giving.
T h e
G r e at e r
C e da r
Ra p i d s
2 0 0 9 Ye a r
C o m m u n i ty
i n
F o u n dat i o n
R e v i ew
organized in the fall of 2008 as a public/private partnership
Growing Philanthropy and Our Assets
of elected city and county officials and local business leaders
As of Dec. 31, 2009, the total assets of the Greater Cedar
to address community challenges with post-flood recovery
Rapids Community Foundation (GCRCF) were $95 million.
and rebuilding. Its primary focus is to identify long-term
Individuals, families, businesses and nonprofits
economic development needs, facilitate public/private sector
established 40 new funds. The Community Foundation now
partnerships and identify and secure non-local sources of
has more than 500 funds.
funding critical to flood recovery.
The William Quarton Society, honoring those who have
Since the flood of 2008, the Community Foundation has
established an endowed fund or will make a planned gift,
worked in close partnership with the Linn Area Long Term
grew to more than 250 members.
Recovery Coalition (LALTRC), a partnership of more than 70 local nonprofits, government agencies, funding sources
Financial Stewardship
and faith-based organizations to support collaborative long-
The GCRCF endowment pool investment return was 22.7
term recovery efforts to rebuild the lives of those impacted
percent, as of Dec. 31, 2009. The three-year return was –3.5
by the flood. GCRCF staff members Karla Twedt-Ball, vice
percent; the five-year return was 3.1 percent. The return since
president of Programs; Jean Brenneman, director of Finance;
inception (1/94) is 7.6 percent.
and Elizabeth Pollard, grants program associate, continued their involvement in 2009 as key contributors to the LALTRC
by providing their leadership and expertise in grant making,
More than 50 local nonprofits were awarded $2 million
financial practices and effective case management practices
in 2009 from the Flood 2008 Fund that aids in community
rebuilding efforts after the historic flood of 2008. Since the flood, the GCRCF has awarded more than $13 million in flood-
Wise and Effective Grant Making
related grants from the various funds held at the Foundation.
The GCRCF made $8.2 million in grants to 331 nonprofit
A sincere thanks goes to outgoing board members
organizations and funded 81 scholarships, supporting
Rich Patterson and Gary Skogman, whose terms ended
arts and culture, community development and the
in 2009. Rich has served on the board since 2004 and served
environment, education and health and human services in
on the Fund for Educational Excellence grant committee.
Linn County.
Gary served on the board since 2004, including board chair in
Since becoming a public foundation in 1992, the GCRCF
2007 and a member of the Momentum grant committee. Both
has distributed more than $54 million in grants.
made significant contributions of time and leadership and
Through the County Endowment Fund program, the
their support is deeply appreciated.
Community Foundation received more than $387,000 to
The GCRCF continued its commitment to leadership
support charitable projects in Linn, Jones and Wapello
post-flood. In addition to its grant making programs, the
Counties. This state-funded program redistributes gambling
Community Foundation helped build additional momentum
revenue to non-gambling counties through qualified
through involvement in the Economic Planning and
community foundations. Twenty-five percent of the funds
Redevelopment Corporation (EPRC). The EPRC was
Number of New Funds in 2009
Quarton Society Members
250 9 5 +
Tot a
l As
help build an endowment for the county and 75 percent
the exceptional achievement of a chief executive of a Linn
passes through in grants for charitable projects. The GCRCF
County nonprofit organization.
manages the funds for projects in Jones, Wapello and rural
Mr. Moore received the Bridge Builder award for his
Linn Counties.
leadership in the development and sustainability of the organization, particularly with a successful $1.7 million capital campaign and recovery from the flood that destroyed
Advocacy, Initiatives and Community Partnerships
the museum in 2008. Mr. Moore’s vision and commitment
Coordinated in partnership with the Cedar Rapids Area
since 1994 has enabled the museum to open satellite offices
Chamber of Commerce, the GCRCF continues to support
in Davenport and Des Moines and to become the leading
various initiatives of the Fifteen in 5 community-planning
resource on Iowa’s African American history and culture.
program. Started in 2005, its mission is to accomplish 15
The Minnie Rubeck award was presented to Kathy
great ideas by 2010. More than 1,000 volunteers, including
Kaiden, Director of Development and Youth Development at
all GCRCF staff, are working on these initiatives.
Young Parents Network (YPN). The Minnie Rubeck award,
In 2009, the Community Foundation continued to manage
named for an early contributor to the GCRCF, is awarded to a
the funds of the Job and Small Business Recovery
nonprofit professional staff member.
Fund. Since the fund opened in the summer of 2008, 334
Ms. Kaiden was honored in recognition of her 18-year
local Cedar Rapids businesses received $6 million in direct
commitment to YPN. She currently manages YPN’s annual
assistance from the fund. This program was implemented
signature fundraising event, Broadway Maybies, and has
in partnership with the Cedar Rapids Area Chamber of
written grant applications garnering the organization more
Commerce Foundation.
than $2 million in funding to help support the organization’s
Investing time and interest in the legislative process has
services to families and children in Eastern Iowa.
been tremendously effective in creating awareness of the
The Linn County Nonprofit Resource Center (LCNRC),
benefits of philanthropy, the impact of the GCRCF in Linn
a program of the GCRCF, offered a variety of programs
County and the importance of Endow Iowa, a one-of-a-
for nonprofit professionals and board members to help
kind charitable tax credit program. GCRCF staff and board
strengthen the nonprofits of our community. The LCNRC
members worked to educate legislators in Des Moines to
Institutes provide formal training and structured peer
keep Endow Iowa intact so donors and nonprofits may
engagement that will have lasting impact on individuals and
continue to make an impact for generations to come.
the nonprofit organizations they work for. The Leadership
These outreach and education efforts were successful and
and Managers Institutes increased participants’ knowledge of
Endow Iowa created more than $9.5 million in permanent
and skill set for key executive leadership areas. LCNRC Peer
endowments across the state in 2009.
Groups engaged senior managers, marketers and executive
The Bridge Builder award was presented to Tom Moore,
directors of small nonprofits with peer support and learning
founding board member and executive director of the African
specific to the nonprofit sector. More than 1,000 nonprofit
American Museum of Iowa. The Bridge Builder award honors
professionals participated in LCRNC programming in 2009.
2009 ROI
I ndian M et ro
C r e e k
H i gh
N at u r e
s tuden ts
c r e at e
C e nt e r
ou tdoor
he idea behind creating an outdoor classroom
“Most of the students had never done anything like this,”
at Indian Creek Nature Center was ultimately
Wiedenheft notes. “Those with experience and skills were
to re-engage youth, parents and teachers in a
able to use them. They all really liked building the music
safe, natural environment. In a world where children are
movement area, which includes a limestone stage. They were
increasingly disconnected from nature and community, such
learning and using a variety of skills.”
a place could help them rediscover the joys of the outdoors.
Adult work crews assisted where heavy equipment was
So it seemed wholly appropriate last spring when Metro
needed for compacting gravel and deep digging. The students
High School staff approached
helped plant and dig a shallow
the Nature Center to help
water basin for a rain garden to
build such an outdoor space,
help control run-off.
expanding the Center’s “Sense
“A lot of them were interested
of Wonder” trail. Not only would
in controlling water run-off,”
the Center enhance and diversify
Wiedenheft says of the students.
its offerings, but students would
“Anything that involved learning
learn new skills and expand their
new skills and putting them to use
outdoor awareness.
really appealed to them.”
The Center staff invited
The 18 most active students were
all of the students at Metro,
given memberships to the Center
Cedar Rapids’ alternative school,
to encourage them to return. The
to participate. Those taking service learning classes spent
outdoor classroom was finished and dedicated in October.
the most time on the project, focusing on environmental
Today the Indian Creek Nature Center has one of the
responsibility and recovery from the 2008 flood.
leading outdoor classrooms in the state, thanks to the project,
Students and staff began work last spring, continuing
Wiedenheft notes. It is one of only three such certified areas
through the summer and fall. On weekdays, service learning
in Iowa.
students came to the Nature Center to work. Other students
“The Community Foundation grant enabled us to create
built components of the classroom at school and brought
an above-and-beyond your ordinary outdoor classroom,”
them out later to install, says Jean Wiedenheft, the Nature
she says. “It made a huge difference in what students were
Center’s land and facility steward.
able to experience and learn. Without it, we probably would
“It worked really well,” she adds. “It gave students a chance
have been able to only do about one-tenth of what we
to learn a skill and they really rose to that challenge. They
really got into it.”
Best of all, some of the Metro students still help at the Center.
Thanks to a $10,000 grant from the Greater Cedar Rapids
“Some volunteered after the project was done,” Wiedenheft
Community Foundation’s Community Fund, the project
says. “Some worked with our prairie grass burns. A few
included installation of permeable paving for the trail, the
still come out when I call them. They have a real strong
hiring of an experienced adult work crew to assist and the
commitment and sense of pride here.”
creation of a rain garden.
Photo courtesy of Linda and Robert Scarth
Today the Indian Creek Nature Center has one of the leading outdoor
Community Fund Grant
classrooms in the state. It
is one of only three such certified areas in Iowa.
h e l p s
i n
H i s pa n ic
O u t r e ach
e ff o r t
rom 2000 to 2007, Linn County showed a 67 percent
“The GCRCF grant has been absolutely instrumental
increase in its Hispanic population. As the Hispanic
in getting our Hispanic Outreach project off the ground,”
population grows, nonprofit organizations have
she says. “This grant allowed us to dedicate staff time and
responded by offering bilingual programming. Last year,
resources to launch a much larger scale initiative needed to
the Area Substance Abuse Council (ASAC) expanded its
get information to the Hispanic community.”
prevention services through reaching out to the Spanishspeaking population. ASAC had begun providing tobacco prevention
Community Fund Grant
programming in fiscal year 2009
to this growing community.
While working as part of a Linn County coalition to help Hispanic residents quit smoking, ASAC’s bilingual prevention specialist began hearing their concerns about alcohol abuse – binge drinking,
It’s been a learning experience for both providers and
and drinking and driving – within their community.
participating residents. Walker adds: “We have learned how
These concerns prompted ASAC staff to try expanding
important ongoing relationships and prevention efforts will
services to address the issue. They requested funding
be for impactful change.”
assistance from the Greater Cedar Rapids Community
The focus group of Hispanic women that ASAC established
Foundation (GCRCF); the GCRCF provided $7,500 from its
at the beginning of the project continues to offer advice and
Community Fund.
to share information.
ASAC began its new outreach in May 2009, setting up
“Many of these women have friends and family who have
events to make connections and build trust within the
been impacted by substance abuse and are desperate to
Hispanic community, conducting individual assessments,
gain information and resources to transform their lives for
developing a long-term strategy and establishing a focus
the better,” Walker points out. “These women have been at
group of Hispanic adults for feedback and input. As the
the forefront of the planning project and have committed
prevention message got out, disseminating information
to continuing to guide this project into the next stages
at community events about risks of alcohol abuse,
of development. We focus on distributing accurate and
ASAC collaborated with other service agencies to offer
culturally-sensitive materials in an environment of trust and
presentations in Spanish as well.
mutual respect. We’ve learned that when this is done, the
“The GCRCF grant was a critical part of ASAC’s ability to
information is welcomed and accepted.”
successfully connect with Hispanic men and women,” says Melissa Walker, ASAC’s deputy director for prevention services.
G C R C F g r a n t h e l p s M u s e u m d i v e r s i f y, e n r i c h i t s e x h i b i t s
ariety is key to engaging the public, especially in
It’s a constant balancing act, Pitts says, trying to host one
the arts. So when the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art
major show based on the Museum’s collection and include
(CRMA) drew up plans for a series of exceptionally
a traveling exhibition from another museum for greater
diverse exhibits for 2009-2011, its selections aimed to inspire,
exposure and variety.
educate and surprise its patrons.
“The traveling exhibits are very expensive. We’re priced out
Each exhibit required an education plan and marketing
of many exhibitions; $5,000 to $10,000 is considered a small
design to make the public curious enough to visit the
rental fee. And that’s just to get it here,” Pitts comments.
Museum to see the displays firsthand. Success depends
“But we can get back into the game with the Community
on extensive planning and reliable funding. Costs for
Foundation’s Momentum Fund.”
transportation, preparation, programming and marketing
The first exhibit in the fall, “Norman Rockwell: Fact and
new exhibits are significant. In most years, the Museum
Fiction,” explored the way Rockwell used Cedar Rapids as a
staff is able to raise basic funding to
backdrop for a November 1944 cover
install exhibits, and grant funds offer
story for the Saturday Evening Post,
further support.
showing how he moved from original
“Without publicity, the general
concept to finished product, relying on
public doesn’t know these shows are
going on,” explains Terry Pitts, CRMA
It was well-received, Pitts remarks,
executive director. “Our only real source
and the Museum heard a lot of feedback.
of funding is local businesses and
In early 2010, the second exhibit,
corporations if no grants are available.”
“Less Is More: The Vogel Collection,”
But in post-flood 2008 in Cedar
showed how artists can use the
Rapids, the old rules no longer apply.
most rudimentary materials to create
Fundraising for many public and private
evocative works of art. This cutting-
efforts is now a struggle. Once-solid resources cannot
edge collection of 50 artworks was recently donated to the
provide the support they previously proffered, Pitts notes.
Museum by a prolific collecting couple from New York City.
“This is a tough time, after the 2008 flood and with the
It drew a good response, Pitts notes, including 600 people
recession,” he adds. “There’s less to go around and there’s a
on the day after the opening, a very high turnout.
lot of need in the community.”
The third exhibit coming the fall of 2010 is “China
Fortunately, the Greater Cedar Rapids Community
Insights,” which illustrates how seven contemporary
Foundation (GCRCF) provided a $20,000 grant per year for
Chinese photographers view their own country. It offers a
two years from the Momentum Fund, enabling the CRMA to
rare opportunity for deeper understanding of the remarkable
maintain the quality and scope of three exhibitions scheduled
diversity of this vast country.
for September 2009 through August 2011.
The GCRCF grant provided key support and helped restore
That’s critical because the Museum relies on scheduling
the Museum’s audience, Pitts says.
three major shows each year, Pitts explains.
“Our attention is back to where it was before the flood,
“We’re mostly focused on these because there’s more
which is very good,” he notes. “Without a grant of this caliber,
cost associated with them and all our programming is built
our exhibition program would be devastated. It let us stay
around them,” he says.
in the market for rental exhibitions and that’s what provides the variety.” 10
“ Without a grant of this caliber, our exhibition program would be devastated. It let us stay in the market for rental exhibitions and that’s what provides the variety.” Terry Pitts, CRMA executive director
Momentum Fund Grant
x2 years
GCRCF helps Kids First Law Center meet its mission
roviding free representation for children in
Remote access software allows them to work from any
high-conflict custody and divorce cases entails a
location with their laptop and wireless connection. Now, they
lot of after-hours commitment for the staff at Kids
can work efficiently between meetings or from home when
First Law Center of Cedar Rapids.
client emergencies arise.
Kids First attorneys meet regularly with their young clients
“Remote access has been so great,” says Jenny Schulz,
after school, in the evening and on weekends. They arrange
Kids First executive director. “Now our employees can handle
meetings, settlement
client issues as they arise,
conferences, negotiations
even if it’s after-hours.
sessions and mediation to
That’s better for the kids
resolve conflict between
because we can resolve
parents, and advocate
these issues right away.”
for each child at all court
Often, evenings and
hearings. The three
weekends are the only
attorneys now represent
times the kids can call
135 kids.
their attorneys.
Two issues limit the
“We counsel them.
staff’s efficiency: a lack of
That’s why we want to be
clerical support and no
available. That’s the heart
remote access to case files
of our representation –
in the office database.
to be there for them,”
That’s where cutting-edge technology – like voice
Schulz explains. “These kids have a lot of anxiety because of
recognition and remote access software – can make a
all the drama in their lives.”
difference. Thanks to a $5,000 grant from the Greater Cedar
The voice recognition software, being installed this spring,
Rapids Community Foundation Organizational Development
will allow attorneys to dictate notes to a digital recorder,
Fund, Kids First staff can now retrieve information without
which transfers them to the computer. In such cases, Schulz
going to the office. They can work from home or check case
adds, it’s critical to get notes down while details
files from elsewhere.
are fresh.
With voice recognition software, attorneys can create
“This technology makes us so much more efficient,” Schulz
correspondence, case notes and pleadings much more
says. “It wouldn’t have been possible without the Community
quickly, accessing the office database from outside the office.
Organizational Development Fund Grant
“Now our employees can handle client issues as they arise, even if it’s after-hours.That’s better for the kids because we can resolve these issues right away.” Jenny Schulz, Kids First executive director
Illustrations courtesy Kids First Law Center.
Brid g i ng t h e G C R C F
s upport s
g a p :
K irk wood
Gap Tui tion
A s s i s ta n c e
elping students overcome obstacles, complete
funding could only support 81 students. By the end of the first
training programs and enter the workforce is
quarter of FY 2010, more than 60 percent of available funding
what the Gap Tuition Assistance Program at
had already been committed.
Kirkwood Community College is all about. One of the biggest
With deep budget cuts and burgeoning demand, the
blocks to success can be a disparity – or gap – in funding
Kirkwood Foundation sought fresh support from new
for tuition.
sources, including the Greater Cedar Rapids Community
That kind of disruption can spell real trouble, especially
Foundation (GCRCF).
for those seeking new job skills or training that leads directly
The GCRCF granted $10,000 from its Community Fund
to employment through short-term certificate programs like
to help Kirkwood expand the Gap program. It’s a welcome
Kirkwood offers through its Continuing Education & Training
partnership that’s made a tremendous difference, says Kathy
Services. These
Hall, vice president for resource development with the
programs are often
Kirkwood Foundation.
the quickest path to
“The need is just off the charts,” she says. “This grant from
work in fields where
the Community Foundation, plain and simple, is allowing us
jobs are currently
to help a lot more people.”
The Gap program provides tuition for students in four
occupational areas: business/information technology,
Students enrolled
in these noncredit
manufacturing/industrial technology, transportation and
programs aren’t
health care. The program also includes personal case
eligible for federal
management to find the perfect fit in training for the
financial aid and
individual. Staff works closely with students throughout the
rarely receive
program and helps find employment once their training
privately-funded scholarships. So three years ago Kirkwood
is complete.
established Gap Tuition Assistance, a workforce development
“Program Director Bethany Parker gives applicants a
program providing case management and tuition assistance.
great deal of support, from skills assessments and career
It bridges the funding gap, helping students facing multiple
counseling to connect them with the right profession,
barriers to succeed.
to support through the training period, and into the first
Initially, Kirkwood’s Workplace Training and Economic
stages of employment,” Hall notes. “Kirkwood’s Continuing
Development Fund supported the Gap program, using an
Education & Training Services staff works closely with area
internal allocation of a state funding stream. But with the
employers, who tell us what they need.”
difficult state budget situation and continued reductions
The Gap program’s success shows in the numbers: as of
in higher education funding, there are no guarantees of
Sept. 30, more than 75 percent of those who completed the
continued state support.
Gap program were successfully employed.
At the same time, the recession has pushed Kirkwood’s
enrollment to record levels: nearly 18,000 credit students this
can really shine – and does,” Hall says. “These short-term
past fall (up 17 percent over the previous year) and another
certificate programs are where we can put people back into
40,000 non-credit students.
the workforce – and with a career, not just a paycheck.”
In 2009, there were 926 referrals to the Gap program, but
“Meeting workforce development needs is where Kirkwood
“ The need is just off the charts… This grant from the Community Fund Grant
Community Foundation, plain and simple, is allowing us to help a lot more people.” Kathy Hall, Kirkwood Foundation
Funding Olivet Neighborhood Mission: G r a s s roots
Sustenan c e
n the aftermath of the 2008 flood, the enormous
ONM sought out and received help from civic
need for outreach and support for those
organizations, schools, grocery stores and area students.
devastated by the disaster did not recede with the
Those partnerships provided additional donations of food
flood waters. Nowhere was that more apparent than at the
and clothing.
Olivet Neighborhood Mission (ONM) in Cedar Rapids.
But by last summer, Thomas realized the 35-year-old
The combination of the flood’s impact, rising
nonprofit was going to need more help to continue
unemployment and the recession hit hard those most in
responding to the elevated demand. She requested $25,000
need: low-income families and individuals, the homeless and
over two years from the Greater Cedar Rapids Community
single parent families.
Foundation (GCRCF) Momentum
Jan Thomas, director of ONM, saw
Fund to better address the community
a drastic increase in demand for
need. Last fall, GCRCF granted that
ONM’s Clothing Closet and Food
request; the funds have made a
Pantry programs, which provide free
tremendous difference for ONM.
emergency clothing and food.
“Following the flood in ’08 and
means to help those people,” Thomas
for all of 2009, our traffic picked up
says. “It costs to administer programs
tremendously, by about 300 percent,”
and our costs have increased.
she says. “We were serving 70 to 80
We were able to meet those
people a day and we were open six
needs through the funds from the
days a week.”
Momentum Fund.”
“Those funds give us the
That demand remains high, Thomas points out.
ONM has now been able to go above and beyond providing
“The number of individuals and families we are serving has
just basic sustenance. Over the holidays, ONM was also able
increased dramatically and is staying at this high level,” she
to provide food and gift boxes to those who were struggling,
explains. “Our customers are struggling to get back on their
partnering with individuals and groups who sponsored or
feet and back on track with their lives. They are caught by the
“adopted” families in need.
circumstances of the economy and unemployment.”
“The community response has been just awesome. From
ONM’s Clothing Closet served 21,000 clients in 2009,
both businesses and individuals, it’s been incredible,”
a 46 percent increase over 2008. The Food Pantry’s requests
Thomas adds.
increased 79 percent over the same period.
The food pantry now is trying to provide healthier food
“We have had to go ‘outside the box’ in thinking about
choices for families, too.
how we can continue to serve our client needs and provide a
“Our food pantry is working toward better nutrition and
means to assist in improving their lives,” Thomas says. “Our
also, with our after-school program, providing treats that are
efforts are to serve the needs of others without reservation or
healthier so we help develop healthy habits,” Thomas says.
judgment, not turning anyone away.”
“If we can provide assistance for these people, we help fuel their families.”
“Our customers are Community Fund Grant
over two years
struggling to get back on their feet and back on track with their lives.� Jan Thomas, director of the Olivet Neighborhood Mission
S u p p o r t i n g M e t r o C a r e C o n n e ct i o n : C e d a r R a p i d s C o m m u n i t y Sc h o o l & A b b e Cen ter helpin g s tudents
D i s t r i ct
ometimes you don’t know how much you need
its Momentum Fund. Since last July, when the funding was
something until it’s there for you.
granted, MCC has begun providing 40 hours a week of
That’s been the case with the response to a
on-site mental health services in those three schools.
pilot project in the Cedar Rapids Community School District
“We believe it truly has helped,” says Rhoda Shepherd,
(CRCSD) expanding the availability of school-based mental
director of Student Services for the Cedar Rapids schools.
health services for students.
“With this grant funding, we’ve been able to assign one
The CRCSD and Abbe Center for Community Mental Health
person to three schools for 12 to 16 hours each per week.
have collaborated for more than 10 years on an ongoing
That’s about double the time we could provide before. It’s a
basis district-wide to remove barriers to learning for students.
big improvement. It allows these counselors to be at school
Abbe provides individual and family
more often to deliver the services directly
therapy and crisis intervention. Together,
to the students.”
their Metro Care Connection (MCC)
program mission is to provide school-
funding Abbe received to help expand
based primary and preventive health care,
services in other schools such as Taylor
addressing substance abuse and mental
and Harrison, 70 students each month
health. It serves about 1,800 students
have been helped since last year,
each year. Working on-site enables
Shepherd adds. Abbe therapists provide
earlier identification of children’s and
prevention/education skills groups on
families’ needs. The sooner they are
anger management, social and coping
addressed, the better.
skills and grief/loss issues, educating
Thanks to the GCRCF grant and
In the aftermath of the June 2008 flood and the onset of the
teachers as well as students.
recession, MCC’s workload has increased, with more need
Kathy Koehn, Abbe’s Director of Outpatient Services,
from students coping with displacement from their homes,
says feedback from several schools tells them they’d like to
financial struggles and other stresses that interfere with
maintain – and expand – the services.
learning and stability. The district identified 1,151 students
“We use team planning at the schools, with staff and Abbe
who were made homeless by the flood; school-based mental
working together,” Koehn says. “With additional time there,
health services have helped in their recovery. But MCC saw
people recognize that we’re there and what we’re providing.
an ongoing need among students for social, emotional and
We’re more accessible, more visible.”
behavioral support.
Teachers are reporting that students using the expanded
MCC requested grant funding for $50,000 over two years,
services accomplish more and settle in better to the classroom
through June 2011, to expand mental health services in three
environment, having worked through personal issues.
schools: Polk Elementary School, Franklin Middle School
“It’s helped greatly with awareness of these services,”
and Washington High School. The Greater Cedar Rapids
Shepherd says. “It’s been good for staff too. Everyone benefits.”
Community Foundation (GCRCF) provided that grant from
Momentum Fund Grant
over two years
“ It allows these counselors to be at school more often to deliver the services directly to the students.� Rhoda Shepherd, director of Student Services for the Cedar Rapids School District
B l oc k
b y
R e b u i l d i ng
B l o c k : Homes, Nei ghborhoods
ransformation” might be the best description
sources,” he explains. “Just having the Foundation’s name
for what the Block by Block program has
on something shows there’s stability and recognizes that this
accomplished in helping neighborhoods recover
works – and is working.”
from the June 2008 flood.
Planning began in July. The goal was to get eight
And the rewards of their hard work are visible in those
neighborhood blocks to join the program by the end of
now-rejuvenated, living neighborhoods that stood defeated
2009 and to have identified solutions for 75 percent of the
by the floodwaters.
homes there.
In June, one year after the flood, hundreds of Cedar Rapids
“We reached that goal,” Ball says. “Construction isn’t
homes remained uninhabitable or unoccupied, raising
finished on those blocks but we’re making good progress on
concerns about safety issues and long-term consequences
those blocks and seeing some pretty amazing turn-arounds.”
for residents in those neighborhoods. That’s when Block by
In just one block, for example, Ball notes, out of nine
Block kicked into gear.
abandoned houses, seven are now being rehabilitated.
A solutions-based approach that identifies and helps
“In 2010, we plan to add 12 more blocks,” Ball says. “By
neighborhoods revive, Block by Block worked with churches,
the end of 2010 we should have 20 completed blocks. There’s
agencies and other groups to encourage property owners
been some slow-down, with winter, but it’s picking up with
in the worst-hit blocks to reinvest in
spring coming.”
their property or find an alternative to
abandonment. Matthew 25 Ministry
into a neighborhood, knocking on
Hub led the effort, helping identify
doors and inviting residents to come to
flood-affected blocks and assist
organizational meetings.
neighborhoods in developing a “block
plan” for revitalization.
and quite a few who are skeptical. They
In June, with a six-month, $2 million
might come to a meeting but they really
project plan, Block by Block sought
question it,” Ball says. “After two or three
and received $200,000 from United
meetings, once they’re meeting with
Methodist Church and two grants from
construction people and planning, they
the Greater Cedar Rapids Community
start showing a little trust. Later on, almost
Foundation (GCRCF): $700,000 from
every single resident says, ‘I didn’t think
the Flood 2008 Fund and $1 million
Initially, the group’s members go
“At first, there are one or two excited
you could do it, but you did.’”
from the John and Dyan Smith Donor-Advised Fund.
Group-building — getting neighbors to get better
Courtney Ball and his brother Clint Twedt-Ball, co-directors
acquainted and work together — is vital.
of Matthew 25, credit the GCRCF funding as key to the
“Often, the residents would go out their back door when
undertaking’s success.
they left their house after the flood,” Ball explains. “Now, they
“The biggest thing was that the Community Foundation
go out the front door, see their neighbors and talk more. We
gave us the money to get started,” Courtney Ball says.
decided we wanted these neighborhoods really strong when
“Since then, we’ve gotten funds through the local sales tax
we walk away. People are connecting with each other now.
and the Iowa Finance Authority. But we couldn’t get started
Their block meetings are potlucks.”
without that money up front. The grants allowed us to set up
As plans continue, Twedt-Ball reflects on the unique
the partnership.”
collaboration of private philanthropy, faith-based groups and
Once that was underway, the momentum picked up,
government that made it all happen.
Clint Twedt-Ball adds.
“That doesn’t happen very often,” he says. “It’s been fun to
“The incredible success of it is the increased leverage the
work with.”
grant has given for additional money from other funding
John and Dyan Smith Donor-Advised Fund Grant
Flood 2008 Fund Grant
“ In 2010, we plan to add 12 more blocks. By the end of 2010 we should have 20 completed blocks.” Clint Twedt-Ball, co-director, Matthew 25 Ministry Hub
O rv i l l e Ta k i n g
Bl o e t h e :
e ndow men t to
pe rsonal
rville Bloethe’s fondness for his home town of
“I want to make the most of what I do,” he says. “I could
Victor is as homegrown as it comes.
see the advantage of doing it now because of Endow Iowa.
I took advantage of that.”
Maybe it’s the kindness of the townspeople, or
the simplicity and satisfaction of a life and work he still loves.
He’s referring to the Endow Iowa program, which provides
At 90, Bloethe could easily rest on his laurels. He’s been an
donors of qualifying gifts with state income tax incentives
attorney since 1947 and still works full-time in the old brick
worth up to 25 percent of the amount of their gift.
downtown building that houses his corner office. But Bloethe
“This is the right way to do this; it will help the school right
still loves helping a wide range of long-time clients.
now,” he explains. “I get to see them benefit from it. And it’s
“The greatest blessing I have is to come to work,” he says,
an unrestricted gift. I trust the school to use it well.”
smiling. “Truly, it’s the greatest gift I have.”
That trust comes from a lifetime spent honoring his roots.
There’s just one other thing Bloethe loves just as much, if
Born and raised in Victor, Bloethe and his two brothers grew
not more: its school. He still serves on the Hartwick-Ladora-
up three miles south of town. Bloethe remembers walking six
Victor (HLV) school board.
miles round-trip every day to school.
Now Bloethe has taken that commitment to a new level
“One advantage of that was I could think while I was
by establishing a $1 million endowment through the Greater
walking,” he says. “It was wonderful exercise and it helped
Cedar Rapids Community Foundation (GCRCF) to benefit
me recite and memorize the Gettysburg Address.”
the HLV district. It’s an unrestricted fund, which allows the
His father died when Bloethe was young; he and his
school district’s board members to determine how the money
brothers supported the family by farming. Bloethe finished
is used. The GCRCF is the steward of the endowment; it will
college, served in World War II in Australia and New Guinea
manage the gift, working closely with the school district.
and got his law degree from the University of Iowa College
“If there’s anything fundamentally important to the
of Law. He married the love of his life, Loanna, after their
community, it’s the school,” Bloethe says. “It’s really the heart
seventh date; they lived happily in Victor.
and soul of a community. And I give to everyone when I give
Bloethe established a national reputation as a legal
to the school.”
authority on taxes. He helped write the Iowa State Bar’s
Bloethe’s generosity stems, in part, from his involvement
widely-used Income Tax Manual. He served as Victor’s city
in school matters, especially during the 1970s when small
attorney for 56 years. He has taught a tax school every year
school districts were consolidating.
since 1976 for the Iowa Bar Association. His work today, he
“I was very involved with school consolidation,” Bloethe
says, is “a people practice,” with emphasis on estate plans,
recalls. “It was one of the toughest times because it meant
revocable trusts and wills.
so much to the people. It’s unfair to a community but it’s a
“I know the people here,” he adds. “They’re good to me and
matter of self-preservation. That’s why this school district is
I try to be good to them.”
so important to me, having seen the other side.”
Bloethe credits his longevity to oatmeal and daily walks.
In the fall of 2009, Bloethe decided to establish an
Every evening, he and his son walk for up to 45 minutes –
endowment. He’d heard good things about the GCRCF and
outside if the weather cooperates, or in the school gym if not.
his attorney, Paul Morf, pointed him in that direction. Bloethe
Philanthropy is nothing new for Bloethe. He and Loanna have
contributed the first half of his endowment in 2009; he’ll give
provided scholarships and given to Kirkwood Community
the rest in 2010.
Established a
DOLLAR Endowment benefiting HLV School District
“ This is the right way to do this; it will help the school right now…I trust the school to use it well.” Orville Bloethe, Esq.
Orville Bloethe, Esq. V i c to r , I owa
College and the University of Iowa College of Law. They once
Paul Morf, Bloethe’s attorney who helped set up the
gave a $100,000 challenge grant to Victor if the community
endowment, cites Bloethe as a role model of compassion.
could raise $200,000 to build a new medical clinic. They did it.
“Orville exemplifies the very best that an attorney can
Of his endowment through GCRCF, Bloethe says, “I know
be,” Morf notes. “His life is a shining example of the impact
what I’m doing is a little bit unique but I think it’s going to
a lawyer-statesman can have on his community. His
help the whole community, because the school is so much a
legacy is one of service to his community not only through
centerpiece. It touches everyone.”
his profession but also through significant community involvement and philanthropy.”
a n d
j o i n i ng
e ff o r t s t o
F i n a n c i a l
A dv i s o r s :
philan thropi c
he title – Trust Officer – says it all.
Community Foundation is a good fit for them,” she says.
“I can tell them that the best way to accomplish that is
Becoming a bank trust officer requires
expertise in handling estates’ finances and
through the Foundation. It’s a wonderful non-profit for those
advising clients and family members on their best options.
who want to support their community.”
It also involves gaining, and holding, the trust of those
Many clients have decided where to focus their
you counsel. Confidentiality and respect are key. No one
philanthropy long before meeting with her, Fitzgerald notes.
knows that better than Sara Fitzgerald, vice president and
Often, clients have strong feelings on what they want to
trust officer for Guaranty Bank in Cedar Rapids. Fitzgerald
support. Establishing scholarships is a popular option.
joined Guaranty Bank in 1983
and has 26 years of trust
for a lot of people,” she says.
“They can feel like they’re
The trust department helps
making an impact, making a
care for estates, investment
difference even if they don’t
accounts, conservatorships
have a lot of money.”
and trusts.
“We develop relationships
are more options than they
with bank clients,” she says,
realized is a good reason to
helping them look ahead
inform clients of what the
so they can address any
GCRCF offers, Fitzgerald adds.
concerns and lay out their
estate so it accomplishes
has many options for an
what they want. “Whatever we do, we do because of the need of the client.”
Sara Fitzgerald V i c e P r e s i d e n t & T ru s t Off i c e r G ua r a n t y B a n k , C e da r R a p i d s
For those clients who
“Those are good choices
Just finding out that there
“The Foundation
individual to use, from establishing a fund, giving to a community non-profit or adding to the general fund
express interest in leaving a financial gift for philanthropic
to help Cedar Rapids,” she says.
use, Fitzgerald recommends working with the Greater Cedar
Fitzgerald first heard about the GCRCF’s services through
Rapids Community Foundation (GCRCF).
a client about 10 years ago. Working with the Community
“Everyone is different. It’s important to make a connection
Foundation has enhanced her work and helped many of her
with the person so they feel they’re being helped in some
clients, Fitzgerald says.
way,” Fitzgerald explains. “Some might need more guidance
“The community is lucky to have the GCRCF in Cedar
or want to give more. It’s up to the individual.”
Rapids,” she says. “People are proud of their community and
Some clients indicate a specific desire to give to a single
GCRCF is the tool for them to use if they have intentions of
cause or entity. But for those who want to contribute to the
philanthropy or charitable giving.”
greater good – to benefit the community - “that’s when the
P o o l e d
I n v e s t m e n t
A l l o c at i o n
a s
o f
D e c . 3 1 , 2 0 0 9
The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation (GCRCF)
The primary advantage of pooling funds is that it permits
has a balanced approach to investing. The Investment
greater diversification of investments than would be possible
Committee of the GCRCF board works closely with staff and
for single funds. This provides for greater opportunities
a professional management consultant.
without increasing risk.
Contributions made to the GCRCF are pooled for investment
2009 Return on Investments
purposes. There are more than 500 total funds, of which more
During the fiscal year that ended Dec. 31, 2009, the GCRCF
than 390 component funds are in the combined Endowment
endowment pool return on investment was 22.7 percent. The
Pool. A system unitization, much like a mutual fund, allocates
three-year return was -3.5 percent; the five-year return was
total return to each component fund. These component funds
3.1 percent, and the annualized return since Jan. 1, 1994 is
represent a collection of interests of individual donors and
7.6 percent. These returns are stated net of fees. Copies of
agencies who have united to increase the effectiveness and
the GCRCF audited financial statements and IRS form 990
assure the future of charitable giving.
are available upon request.
T h e G r e a ter Cedar Rapids Community Foundation
Stat emen ts o f Finan cial Position Dec. 31, 2009, and 2008
A s s e t s
2009 $ 7,495,104
2008 $ 7,531,110
1,832,400 10,009 85,410,536
1,227,778 7,554 69,503,118
596,189 301,888
32,003 294,476
$ 95,646,126
$ 78,596,036
Cash and cash equivalents Receivables: Contributions and bequests, net Prepaid Expenses Investments Property and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation of $58,041 in 2009 and $52,150 in 2008 Cash value of life insurance
LIABILITIES Accounts payable Accrued expenses Grants payable, primarily due within one year Amounts due under annuity and unitrust agreements Amounts held of behalf of others
ASSE T S $ 69,520 23,577 204,829 2,535,194 16,584,394
$ 27,187 11,038 990,231 2,528,918 13,455,560
NET ASSETS Unrestricted: Operating 576,367 Endowed 69,693,044 Non-endowed 3,462,568 Support Trust
534,933 51,082,748 5,009,151 2,968,741
Total liabilities
Total unrestricted net assets
Temporarily restricted
Total net assets
$ 95,646,126
$ 78,596,039
T h e
I m p a ct
o f
G r a n t
M a k i n g
n 2009, the Greater Cedar Rapids Community
latter requests make up our competitive grant programs, so
Foundation (GCRCF) was pleased to have awarded
named because grants are awarded based on the relative
almost $8.2 million in grants to support charitable work in
merit of the project as compared to other applications.
Linn County and beyond. While $3.9 million was provided
In 2009, almost half of the Foundation’s grants were
to support flood recovery, the $4.3 million in non-flood-
competitively awarded from over 30 funds. Local
related grants slightly exceeded the total grants awarded
corporations that accept competitive applications reviewed
by the GCRCF in 2007, prior to the flood. This remarkable
286 applications this year. GCRCF grant committees reviewed
commitment to the on-going charitable work in our
the remaining applications. The varied knowledge and
community is a tribute to donor steadiness, unrestricted assets
experiences of the dedicated volunteers who make up
and the exceptional nonprofits that benefit our community.
Foundation grant committees ensure robust, high-quality
The Foundation awards grants in various ways,
grant decisions. This year, 70 volunteers reviewed and scored
depending on the type of fund. Donor advisors initiate
370 grant applications and 283 scholarship applications. This
grants by recommending funding for organizations. Other
commitment represents more than 1,000 hours in volunteer
grants come from designated funds that specify on-going
service. Certainly, the commitment of Foundation volunteers
support to pre-determined organizations. Many grants are
and donor advisors are key to putting the “community” in
triggered by the nonprofits themselves, with organizations
“community foundation.”
submitting applications to request project funding. These
2 0 0 9
G r a n t
M a k i n g
A n a ly s i s
in millions
Community Development & the Environment
Health & Human Service
Other Education
3 % 2 19
Arts & Culture
2.5 $2,024,340
$329,901 $197,069
Arts & Culture
Education Community Development/ Environment
20 14 13
Flood 2008 Fund
Health & Human Service
All Corporate Donor Advised
Agency Endowment
$188,722 $103,988
Designated Agency
County Endowment Grants
General Endowment (Unrestricted)
Field of Interest
Organization DonorAdvised
Individual DonorAdvised
Competitive grant programs are initiated by nonprofit organizations submitting an application to the GCRCF. These applicants compete for funding against those from other nonprofits. Staff review all submitted applications, which are then distributed to the donor-advisors or to GCRCF grant committees.
Competitive Grant Programs Number Funded
Amount Awarded
Number of Applications
Number Funded
Amount Awarded
Number of Applications
Non-Profit Recovery
Organizational Development
Linn County
Jones County
Field of Interest Funds
Flood 2008 Fund
Donor-Advisors (competitive applications only)
Grants are not always paid in the year they are approved.
H ow to
A p p ly
f o r
G r a n t:
The GCRCF seeks grant applications from charitable nonprofit
age and size and area of community need. Grant awards
and governmental organizations serving Linn County, Iowa.
range from small, one-time grants to larger multi-year
Organizations should be tax exempt under section 501(c)(3)
of the Internal Revenue Code, or partnered with a 501(c)(3)
Information about various grant programs, deadlines and
that has agreed to serve as a fiscal agent.
application materials are available online at www.gcrcf.org,
The Community Foundation offers multiple funding
or by contacting the program department at the Community
opportunities based on the type of project, organization
Foundation at 319.366.2862 or grants@gcrcf.org.
G r a n t W r i t e r s ’ Wo r k s h o p s : Each year, the Community Foundation offers workshops for
County Fund, in addition to the four regular workshops
grant writers to provide information on funding opportunities
offered in January and September.
and the grant making process. Each workshop offers an
To be added to our grant writers’ workshop email
overview of the GCRCF grant programs, information on
distribution list, please contact the Program Assistant at
completing grant applications and when to apply for grants.
319.366.2862 or email grants@gcrcf.org.
In 2009, the GCRCF added workshops specific to the Linn
The Foundation maintains strict standards to uphold the integrity of the grants process. Our conflict of interest policy applies to grant committees, board and staff and requires recusals in cases of conflicts of interest. Foundation review processes are methodical and transparent, with scoring tools for competitive grant applications available on the website, www.gcrcf.org.
T y p e s
o f
C h a r i ta b l e
F u n d s
iving through the Community Foundation is an
Unrestricted Funds allow you to address current and
effective way to ensure your charitable gifts go to
future community needs. As an unrestricted fund donor, you
the causes that are most important to you. Donors may
understand the dynamics of our changing community and
contribute a wide variety of their resources using the
world and know that there are issues yet to be determined.
following charitable options:
By working with the Community Foundation, grants will be awarded in your name or fund name to nonprofits that
Donor-Advised Funds offer ongoing involvement in the
address community needs today, tomorrow and forever.
use of your gift. Working with our professional program staff, you recommend grants to support charitable groups
Agency Endowment Funds are established by nonprofit
or causes of your choice (in Linn County or beyond). Your
agencies to provide permanent, annual support for the
recommendations are submitted to our board of directors
organizations. Partnering with the Community Foundation
for approval and the Community Foundation then distributes
allows nonprofits to focus on carrying out their mission
grant funds on your behalf.
while knowing their fund is a part of a large, professionally managed investment pool.
Corporate Donor-Advised Funds provide a convenient, flexible way for businesses to extend their commitment to the
Bequests and Beneficiary Designations may be a gift or
local community with charitable giving.
portion of your estate to the Community Foundation. In some
Currently, the Community Foundation holds 20 corporate
cases, you may qualify to receive a substantial reduction in
donor-advised funds, including GreatAmerica Leasing
federal gift and estate taxes.
Corporation, Diamond V Mills, The Gazette Foundation, Altorfer, Inc., Lil’ Drug Store Products Inc., Van Meter
Charitable Gift Annuities may be of cash or property to
Industrial and many others.
the Community Foundation. This will allow you to receive immediate tax benefits while ensuring that you or a loved one
Designated Funds are permanently endowed to make a
receives fixed quarterly or annual income payments for life.
difference and leave a legacy forever. The nonprofits you select receive an annual gift in your fund’s name. You may
Charitable Remainder Trusts allow you to place cash
choose one or more organizations for permanent support.
or property in a trust that pays annual income to you (or another designated beneficiary) for life. After your death, the
Field of Interest Funds focus on a particular charitable
remainder of the trust transfers to the Community Foundation
area that you choose. Once you determine a cause you want
and is placed in a charitable fund you have chosen. You
to support, our grant program staff will help to identify grant
receive income tax benefits the year you establish this trust.
recipients and make grant recommendations from your fund.
D onor s
M a k i ng
D i ff e r e n c e
D i v e r s e . C a r i n g . Pa s s i o n at e .
Donors who have created funds at the Greater Cedar Rapids
Donors may take an active role in their grant making or
Community Foundation (GCRCF) are as diverse and unique
entrust the Community Foundation to make grants to support
as the organizations and causes they care about. Our donors
organizations or issues of interest to them. Some leave a
care deeply about their community and they are passionate
legacy to benefit the community in perpetuity.
about making a difference.
This year, the GCRCF awarded $8.2 million in grants to
Our donors have set up funds as a family, business
organizations in our community, around the country and
or as part of a group with common interests. They are
community leaders and volunteers, entrepreneurs, retirees
Following is a list of funds donors have created at the
and professionals who support causes from arts and
Community Foundation and the organizations and causes
culture, to preserving the environment, community building,
donors supported through their funds in 2009.
advocating for accessible health and human services and promoting education.
N ew
F u n d s
St a r t e d
Jean H. Ashby Fund Gordon and Jann Baustian Designated Fund
i n
2 0 0 9
The Dick Damrow Educational Fund
Klepfer Family Fund
DeWolf Family Endowed Fund
Dr. Joseph and Isabelle Krichel Family Endowed Fund
F. William Beckwith Endowed Fund II
Kevin Eck and Sashi Solomon Family Fund
Roger and Thea Leslie Endowed Fund IV
Orville Bloethe Endowed Fund for the HLV School District
Christopher and Jane Lindell Family Fund
Michele Boyer Endowed Fund
Gehring Family Fund for Coe College
Jean Brenneman Family Fund
Haas Family Designated Fund
Ruth L. Hastings Brown Fund
Kylie Hall Designated Endowment Fund
Buresh Family Endowed Fund Busse Family Endowed Fund Cedar Rapids Rough Riders Hockey Charitable Fund
Iowa Legal Aid Foundation Endowment Fund
John and Dyan Smith Fund for Cornell College Tree of Five Seasons and Plaza Maintenance Endowment Fund
Marion Churches Senior Living Community Foundation Endowment Fund
Wiesenfeld Family Fund
Theatre Cedar Rapids Trustees Agency Endowment Fund
Martha L. Parsons Endowed Fund
David Mahlke Endowed Donor Advised Fund
Neighborhood Transportation Service Endowment Fund
Joseph M. Kacena Endowed Fund
Tyler & Sarah Halbrook Olson Family Fund
Trees Forever Jack Shaffer Memorial Fund
F u n d s o f t h e G r e at e r C e da r R a p i d s C o m m u n i t y F o u n dat i o n
Agency Endowment African American Heritage Foundation Friends Fund Alternative Services, Inc. Agency Endowment Alzheimer’s Association, East Central Iowa Chapter QuasiEndowed Fund Amana Arts Guild Agency Endowment Fund Amana Heritage Society Designated Agency Endowment Fund ARC of East Central Iowa Foundation Quasi-Endowed Fund Art Christoffersen Memorial Scholarship Endowment for Big Brothers Big Sisters Fund Boys and Girls Club of Cedar Rapids Agency Endowment Fund Peggy Boyle Whitworth Endowed Fund for Brucemore Camp Courageous of Iowa Endowment Fund Cedar Rapids Community School District Foundation Fund Cedar Rapids Museum of Art Endowment Fund Cedar Rapids Museum of Art Quasi-Endowed Fund II Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre Agency Endowment Fund Cedar Rapids Public Library Foundation Fund Cedar Rapids Symphony Endowment Fund Cedar Rapids Symphony Quasi-Endowed Fund Cedar Rapids Symphony School Endowment Fund Henry and Bertha Tiemeyer Scholarship Fund (Cedar Rapids Symphony Orchestra) Coe College Endowment Fund Community Health Free Clinic Endowment Fund Community Health Free Clinic Quasi-Endowed Fund Discovery Living Endowed Fund II Discovery Living Quasi-Endowed Fund Discovery Living, Inc. Agency Endowment Fund Four Oaks of Iowa, Inc. Endowment Fund Four Oaks of Iowa, Inc. QuasiEndowed Fund Four Oaks of Iowa, Inc. QuasiEndowed Fund II Gems of Hope, Inc. Agency Endowment Fund Hawkeye Area Council, Boy Scouts of America Endowment Fund Henry Davison Youth Center Fund
Mount Mercy College Endowment Fund Mount Vernon Community School District Foundation Agency Endowment Fund Mount Vernon Community School District Foundation Friends Fund Elaine Mykelby Young Artist Friends Fund (Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre) National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library Fund Neighborhood Transportation Service Endowment Fund Friends of the Oak Hill Cemetery Endowment Fund Old Creamery Theatre Agency Endowment Fund Planned Parenthood of East Central Iowa Agency Endowment Fund Planned Parenthood of East Central Iowa Quasi-Endowed Fund Red Cedar Chamber Music Agency Endowment Fund Southeast Linn Community Center Agency Endowment Fund St. George Orthodox Church Cemetery Endowment Fund St. George Orthodox Church General Endowment Fund St. George Orthodox Church Scholarship Endowment Fund St. Joseph’s of Marion Agency Endowment Fund St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation Endowment Fund St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church Endowment Fund Systems Unlimited Agency Endowment Fund Theatre Cedar Rapids Trustees Agency Endowment Fund Trees Forever Agency Endowment Fund Trees Forever Quasi Endowed Fund Trees Forever Quasi-Endowed Fund II United Nations Association – USA of Linn County, Iowa Endowment Fund United Way of East Central Iowa Agency Endowment Fund Waypoint Endowment Fund Westminster Presbyterian Church Agency Endowment Fund Westminster Presbyterian Church Quasi-Endowed Fund Witwer Center, Inc. Agency Endowment Fund Xavier Foundation Endowment Fund Young Parents Network Agency Endowment Fund
Heritage Area Agency on Aging Older Iowans Endowment Fund Indian Creek Nature Center Charitable Trust Endowment Fund Indian Creek Nature Center Founders’ Fund Indian Creek Nature Center Land Perpetual Care Agency Endowment Fund Bena Homestead Endowment Fund (Indian Creek Nature Center) Lynch/Schulz Environmental Education Fund (Indian Creek Nature Center) Lynne Stimple Memorial Trail Fund (Indian Creek Nature Center) Iowa Legal Aid Foundation Endowment Fund Friends of the Iowa Medical Aid Fund Isaac Newton Christian Academy Agency Endowment Fund Jane Boyd Community House Agency Endowment Junior Achievement Endowment Fund Kirkwood Community College Foundation Endowment Fund Legion Arts Agency Endowment Fund Linn County Historical Society Agency Endowment Fund II Linn County Historical Society Collections Fund Linn County Historical Society Fund Linn-Mar Foundation Endowment Fund Linn-Mar School Foundation Selness Fund Linn-Mar School FoundationKiwanis Club Scholarship Fund Lisbon Community School District Foundation Agency Endowment Fund Lutheran Services in Iowa Charitable Foundation QuasiEndowed Fund Marion Churches Senior Living Community Foundation Endowment Fund Mercy Medical Center Foundation Endowment Fund Mercy Medical Center Foundation Hospice House Friends Fund Metro Youth Football Association Agency Endowment Fund Miracles in Motion Agency Endowment Fund Miracles in Motion QuasiEndowed Fund
Community Affiliates All Saints Roman Catholic Church Fund (Keokuk) Anamosa Community Foundation Fund Community Foundation of the Great River Bend Endowment Fund Greater Delaware County Community Foundation Affiliate Fund Jones County Endowment Fund Jones County Fund Keokuk Community Affiliate Fund Grand Theatre Corporate Foundation Fund (Keokuk) Michael and Kathy Klauser Endowed Donor-Advised Fund (Keokuk) Dr. Joseph and Isabelle Krichel Family Endowed Fund (Keokuk) Keokuk Area Hospital Endowment Fund Keokuk Public Community School Foundation Fund Keokuk Public Library Foundation Fund Keokuk Young Men’s Christian Association Foundation Klepfer Family Fund (Keokuk) Judith & David Morgan Fund (Keokuk) JM Morgan Fund (Keokuk) Kenneth Sibbing Endowed Designated Fund (Keokuk) Three Rivers Conservation Foundation Endowment Fund (Keokuk) Linn County Endowment Fund Linn County Fund Mount Pleasant Community Affiliate Fund Wapello County Foundation Affiliate Fund Wapello County Non-Endowed Fund Corporate Donor-Advised Funds Altorfer Machinery Company Non-Endowed Corporate Donor-Advised Fund CRST Fund Diamond V Mills Corporate Fund The Gazette Foundation Corporate Donor-Advised Fund GreatAmerica Leasing Corporation Fund Hall & Hall Engineers, Inc. Corporate Donor-Advised Fund IGD Fund Lil’ Drug Store Products, Inc. Fund McGrath Automotive Corporate Fund
The McGrath Automotive Group Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Merit Construction Co./ Rinderknecht Associates Inc. Donor-Advised Fund Midamar Corporation DonorAdvised Fund New Frontier Foundation Fund Paulson Electric/PEC Communications Corporate Donor-Advised Fund Paulson Electric/PEC Communications Endowed Fund Shuttleworth & Ingersoll, P.C. Fund Simmons, Perrine, Moyer & Bergman Donor-Advised Fund Van Meter Industrial Corporate Donor-Advised Fund Young Genius Fund (Henry Russell Bruce, Inc.) Designated 15 in 5 River Timeline Project Fund Abbie Downing Educational Fund Alex Strait Memorial Fund for Indian Creek Nature Center Anonymous Designated Fund II Benjamin Christopher Tvedt Fund Bernice Pratt Circle of International Order of King’s Sons and Daughters Fund Blahnik/Garden Club Speakership Fund Bonnie Rae Picard Memorial Fund Carl & Doris McClain Ecological Restoration Fund Carl and Jill Henrici Fund Cedar Rapids Healthcare Alliance Fund Cedar Rapids Symphony Center Endowed Fund Cedar Rapids Symphony Endowed Chair Fund Charles and Evelyn Erb QuasiEndowed Designated Fund Claire & Vernon Hudek Fund Clifford A. Hendricks Fund David & Ann Pickford Endowment Fund David & Chris Kubicek Endowed Fund David H. & Rose Marie Burke Fund Dorothea E. Garberson Wildflower Project Fund Dows Fund for Artists, Authors & Musicians Edna A. Herbst Fund EPRC Fund F. Forbes Olberg and Ann Olberg Endowment Fund F. William Beckwith Endowed Fund F. William Beckwith Endowed Fund II
William B. Quarton Fund for Hoover Library Quarton Fund for Indian Creek Nature Center Quarton Fund for International Writing Program Quarton Fund for Waypoint Rick & Donna Flynn Fund Riverside Skate Park Fund Robert W. and Elizabeth M. Allsop Endowed Fund Roger and Thea Leslie Endowed Fund Roger and Thea Leslie Endowed Fund II Roger and Thea Leslie Endowed Fund III Roger and Thea Leslie Endowed Fund IV Russell W. & Ruth E. Landis Designated Endowment Fund for St.Paul’s Methodist Church Ruth Opal Beatty Fund for Music Education of Shellsburg Youth Theodore & Elizabeth TrefnyCzech/Slovak Museum Fund Tokeim Family Designated Funds for Inn-Circle Tokheim Family Designated Fund for Linn Community Food Bank Tokheim Family Designated Fund for Lutheran Church Initiatives for the Homeless Tree of Five Seasons and Plaza Maintenance Endowment Fund Trees Forever Jack Shaffer Memorial Fund Viola Elsenbast Fund Virginia J. Lyon Memorial Fund/ Mt. Vernon Community Preschool William P. and Gayle S. Whipple Endowed Designated Fund Witwer Senior Center of Cedar Rapids Fund
Friends of Inn-Circle Designated Agency Fund Gehring Family Fund for Coe College George A. and Louise M. Kalous Endowed Fund Gladys Bock Children’s Fund for the Indian Creek Nature Center Gordon and Jann Baustian Designated Fund Haas Family Designated Fund Helen Troxel/Ella Johnson Miller Fund/Indian Creek Herbert L. & Dorothy E. Ellingson Charitable Fund Inter-Religious Council Designated Fund Iowa Artist Relief Non-Endowed Designated Fund Irene B. Konecny Designated Fund for Library Acquisitions for the Mount Mercy College Library James W. and Susan K. Turner Endowed Fund II Jay G. Sigmund Fund Jay G. Sigmund Fund II Jean H. Ashby Fund Jefferson High School Performing Arts Program Fund John and Dyan Smith Fund for Cornell College John M. & Wilma Ann Wallin Sagers Endowed Designated Fund Joseph M. Kacena Endowed Fund Ken and Ortha Harstad Fund Kylie Hall Designated Endowment Fund Larry D. & Claire J. Sharp Endowed Designated FundXavier High School Larry H. Christy Endowed Fund Learning Alliance Fund Lewis Bottoms Heritage Fund Martinek Memorial Trust Fund Maurice G. and Leona Rapoport Designated Endowed Fund for Hadassah Hospital Maurice G. and Leona Rapoport Designated Endowed Fund for Jewish Welfare Fund of Cedar Rapids, Iowa Michele Boyer Endowed Fund Nina & Victor Merveaux Designated Funds Norm & Floy Erickson Endowed Fund Orville Bloethe Endowed Fund for the HLV School District Paul Christiansen Memorial Fund Paul R. and Rebecca F. Shawver Endowed Designated Fund Peter F. Bezanson Fund William B. Quarton Fund for Coe College William B. Quarton Fund for the Community Health Free Clinic
Field of Interest Altrusa Club of Cedar Rapids Literacy Fund Fund for Education Excellence Fund for Management Resourcing G.P. Fund for the Environment Hughes Fund for Church Related Human Services John A. & Elsie M. Nelson Fund Marshall Journalism Incentive Fund Nina E. and Victor Merveaux Fund for Historic Preservation Peggy Fashimpaur Fund for Arts Education Red Ribbon Fund:For the Fight Against AIDS Robert E. and Corinne L. Yaw Fund Tokheim Family Field of Interest Fund for the Homeless & Hungry of Cedar Rapids Van Nostrand Fund for Health Related Activities
Vern W. Reeder Memorial Fund White Cross Society Fund Individual Donor-Advised Anonymous Fund I Anderson Family Charitable Fund Gary L. & Alice Anderson Endowed Fund John and Mary Ellen Bickel Donor-Advised Fund Bloomhall Family Fund The John Corey Bloomhall Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Katheryn M Boatman Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Gilda & Barry Boyer Fund Stephen & Sara Brandenburg Charitable Fund Jean Brenneman Family Fund Bridge Fund II Buresh Family Endowed Fund Carol and James Burns NonEndowed Donor-Advised Fund Busse Family Endowed Fund Steve & Joanne Carfrae Fund Cedar Rapids Rough Riders Hockey Charitable Fund Clancey Family Donor-Advised Fund Clancey Family Endowed Fund Jane Cook Memorial Fund Sutherland and Josephine P. Cook Donor-Advised Fund Loren L. and Patricia A. Coppock Donor Advised Fund Matthew Craig Donor-Advised Fund The Dandekar Fund DeWolf Family Endowed Fund Dillman Family Endowed Fund Ann Dorr Family Endowed Fund James and Rosemary Earl Family Endowed Fund Tiffany Ann Earl Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Kevin Eck and Sashi Solomon Family Fund Florence & Melvin Galbraith Donor-Advised Fund Garner Family Donor-Advised Fund William and Harriet Gasway Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Dean & Laura Gesme Family Fund Gray Donor-Advised Fund Robert A. Handler M.D. Ecology Education Fund David T. Hanson Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Allan and Sally Harms Non-Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Hellickson Family Endowed Fund Katherine K. Hladky DonorAdvised Fund
Hoffman Family Fund G.Richard & Jacqueline R. Johnson Fund Mary & David Junge Fund David & Sherri Justice Endowed Fund Bert and Sue Katz NonEndowed Donor-Advised Fund Gerald T. Knox Donor-Advised Fund Gerald T. Knox Fund II Kolln ¨ Family Endowed Fund Robert & Caroline Kucharski Fund Michael A. Kudej Memorial Fund Sheryl Chehack Lamb Endowed Donor-Advised Fund for Health and Welfare Kidneeds Fund Robert J. & Sue B. Latham Fund Robert & Carol Lehman Endowed Fund Christopher and Jane Lindell Family Fund Joe and Cherri Lock NonEndowed Donor-Advised Fund David Mahlke Endowed DonorAdvised Fund George and Janelle McClain Family Fund Jo & Larry McGrath Endowed Fund Jo & Larry McGrath QuasiEndowed Fund Nancy G. McHugh Fund Meffert Non-Endowed DonorAdvised Fund Dick & Mary Meisterling DonorAdvised Fund Milagros Research Fund Frank & Cheryle Mitvalsky Fund Mohnsen Family Endowed Fund Paul and Jennifer Morf Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Ron and Sue Neil Endowed Fund Duane & Kay Nesetril Endowment Fund Duane & Kay Nesetril Fund The Gregory and Debora Neumeyer Endowed DonorAdvised Fund John and Christine North Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Tyler & Sarah Halbrook Olson Family Fund Martha L. Parsons Endowed Fund Martha L. Parsons Family Fund Jay and Bonnie Petersen DonorAdvised Fund Project Victoria Fund William B. Quarton Endowed Fund
Iowa Community AIDS Partnership Fund League of Women Voters Fund Linn County Bar Association Endowment Fund Marion Metro Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Kits Quasi-Endowed Fund Marion Metro Kiwanis Playground Fund Quarton-McElroy IBA Fund RJHS Society Donor-Advised Fund Rotary Centennial Project Capital Campaign Fund Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids Metro High School Fund Tree of Five Seasons NonEndowed Fund Washington High School 50th Anniversary Fund Zeta Phi Eta Fund Special Funds Justin & Mildred Albright Fund Board of Director’s Fund Board Restricted Quasi-Endowed Fund Ruth L. Hastings Brown Fund Community Fund Jeanne L. Howell Fund Library Funding Information Center Operating Fund Linn County Nonprofit Resource Center Fund Nina & Victor Merveaux Administrative Fund David and Mary C. Neuhaus Fund President’s Fund REACT & K-12 Programs Fund Robert & Marion South Fund Ted and Maxine Welch Unrestricted Endowed Fund William B. Quarton Unrestricted Fund YouthPOWER Fund
William B. Quarton Fund Wendy Rivinius-Portz Memorial Fund Jack & Jacqueline Roland Family Non-Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Gary and Cathy Rozek Endowed Fund Bob Rush and Judith Whetstine Endowed Donor-Advised Fund John M. & Wilma Ann Wallin Sagers Fund Duffy and Belva J. Schamberger Quasi-Endowed Fund Doug & Pat Sedlacek DonorAdvised Fund Doug & Pat Sedlacek Endowed Fund Larry D. & Claire J. Sharp Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Silber Family Endowed DonorAdvised Fund Drew and Jo Ann Skogman Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Leroy & LaJuana Skogman Family Fund John and Dyan Smith DonorAdvised Fund Marty and Julianne Smith Endowed Fund Julie L. and Byron A. Tabor Endowed Fund Susan M. Thayer Donor-Advised Fund Marian S. Thomson NonEndowed Donor-Advised Fund Toborg Family Fund Todd-Bridge Fund #3 Terry Trimpe Endowed DonorAdvised Fund James and Susan Turner DonorAdvised Fund Michael R. and Marla K. Valliere Donor-Advised Fund Carolyn and Charles Wellso Donor-Advised Fund Wiesenfeld Family Fund Myron & Esther Wilson Endowment Fund II Myron F. and Esther S. Wilson Donor-Advised Fund Larry & Joni Witzel Family Endowed Fund Frank P. & Marie M. Woods Family Fund Brian J. Worley Fund for the Performing Arts Zylstra & Earl Family Fund
Scholarships The Bob V. Bengtson Scholarship Fund for Students of Truman Elementary Stephen Bonfig Memorial Scholarship Fund Suki Cell Scholarship Fund College Club’s Designated Endowed Scholarship Fund Joe Corbin Memorial Scholarship Fund Joe Corbin Memorial Scholarship Fund II The Dick Damrow Educational Fund Daybreak Rotary/Polk Elementary Scholarship Fund Delaware County Fish & Game Protective Association Scholarship Fund
Unrestricted and Organization Donor-Advised Artists in Schools Fund Cedar Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce Corporate DonorAdvised Fund
Eastern Iowa Cash Management Association Scholarship Fund O.J. & Viola Elsenbast Designated Fund Charles & Edith Glidden Fund High School High Tech Fund Iowa Physician Assistant Society’s Designated Endowed Scholarship Fund Carole Jamieson Spirit Scholarship Fund Joslin Scholarship Fund Henry & Sara Katz Foundation Fund Kleiman Family Endowed Scholarship Fund Kleiman Family Scholarship Fund Komensky Society Fund Lavenz Memorial InCourage Scholarship Fund All-McKinley Alumni Endowed Scholarship Fund Outstanding Student & Special Teacher Fund Bonnie Reames-Grant Memorial Scholarship Fund Vern W. Reeder Memorial Scholarship Fund Robert K. Dennis Scholarship Fund Louis Joseph and Elmer Marvin Rosenbaum Memorial Fund Dave Shay-KGAN-TV Broadcast Journalism Scholarship Fund Glenn & Mary Wendler Scholarship Fund Zeta Phi Eta Memorial Scholarship Fund for the Performing and Communicative Arts Flood Funds Berthel Fisher 2008 Flood Relief Non-Endowed Donor-Advised Fund CRSA 2008 Flood Relief Non-Endowed Donor-Advised Fund ITC 2008 Flood Relief NonEndowed Donor-Advised Fund Flood 2008 Fund Job and Small Business Recovery Fund Rockwell Collins 2008 Flood Relief Non-Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Rotary 2008 Flood Relief Non-Endowed Donor-Advised Fund Van Meter Industrial Corporate Donor-Advised Fund Weitz Company 2008 Flood Relief Non-Endowed Donor-Advised Fund World Class Industries, Inc. 2008 Flood Relief Non-Endowed Donor-Advised Fund
W i l l i a m
Qua rto n
H e r i tag e
S oc i e t y
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D e c . 3 1 , 2 0 0 9
If you have remembered the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation (GCRCF) in your estate plans, or if you have established an endowed fund at the GCRCF, you are eligible to become a member of the Williams Quarton Heritage Society. We will not list your name without your permission. Please the GCRCF at 319.366.2862 or info@gcrcf.org for more information.
Anonymous (8) Robert W. and Elizabeth M. Allsop Thomas J. and Sarah E. Anderson
Robert C.* and Marjorie H. Fletcher Rick and Donna Flynn William B. and Jo Anne F. Galbraith
David and Chris Kubicek
Jack and Jackie Roland
Robert and Caroline Kucharski
Gary Rozek
Lawrence and Kimberly Kudej
Judith Whetstine and Bob Rush
Sheryl Chehak Lamb*
John M. and Wilma Ann Wallin Sagers
Gary L. and Alice Anderson
William and Harriet Gasway
Robert J. and Sue B. Latham
Marian J. Arens
Dean and Laura Gesme
Karen Ann Laughlin
Carl and Topsy Aschoff
David and Kathleen Good
James* and Susan Lavenz
Jean H. Ashby*
Rose and LaVern Gordon
Robert and Carol Lehman
Daniel R. Baldwin
Gary Grant
Thea and Roger* Leslie
Lorna M. Barnes
Joan Greenblatt
Christopher and Jane Lindell
Helen (Skippy) Bell
Kathy L. Hall
Bob V. Bengtson
Ortha R.* and Ken* Harstad
Norman G.* Lipsky and Belle M. Lipsky
Peter F. Bezanson*
Mary Lou and Donald Hattery
Bill and Jan Bloomhall
Ted and Tish Healey
Barbara Bloomhall and William A. Bloomhall, Sr.*
Kay and John Hegarty
Wilma J. Blosser Katheryn Boatman J. Scott and Joann Bogguss Barry and Gilda Boyer Jean Brenneman Ruth L. Hastings Brown*
David Mahlke George and Janelle McClain Bruce and Judy McGrath Jo* and Larry McGrath
Jason and Susan Hellickson
David and Ruth McGuire
Clifford A. Hendricks
Nancy Green McHugh
Kate Hladky
Frank and Cheryle Mitvalsky
Jim and Ann Hoffman
Mike and Ann Mohnsen
Lee R. Horn
Tara and Bob Moorman
Barbara J. and Ralph E.* Hughes
Paul and Jennifer Morf
David H. and Rose Marie Burke
William B. Quarton* and Jean A. Hunnicutt
Steven and Joanne Carfrae
Sher Jasperse and Daryl Julich
Bill and Cathy Munsell
Richard* and Judith Chandler
David and Mary Johnson
Virginia Myers*
Ivan and Mary Bess Chester
Kenneth L. and Mildred M.* Johnson
Kay and Duane Nesetril
Mildred Joslin and Edward Kemp*
William and Cheryl Nordstrom
Barbara Christiansen Larry H. Christy Lee and Jay Clancey Loren L. and Patricia A. Coppock Paul and Sara Corbin John P. Curran Tom and Beth DeBoom Dr. Robert and Eloise Dennis Ann Dorr Tiffany A. Earl John R. and Cheryl G. Elliott John M. Ely, Jr.* and Polly Ely* Peggy Fashimpaur Kahr John P.* and Jean W. Ferring
Craig and Deborah Mrkvicka
Greg and Debbie Neumeyer John and Christine North
Mary and David Junge
Ron and Sue Olson
David and Sherri Justice
Richard and Marion Patterson
Vyrl* and Martha Justice
Jay and Bonnie Petersen
Joseph M. Kacena*
Ann and David B.* Pickford
George* and Louise Kalous
James A. and Monica M. Piersall
Suzanne Rosenbaum Katz
Mike Plotz
Merry and Bob* Kelley
Wendy* and Randy Portz
Frank and Geri Kintzle
William and Janis Quinby
Thomas and Clara Kleiman
Curt and Sigrid Reynolds
G.T. (Jerry) Knox
Mary E. Rickey
Peter and Ingrid Kรถlln
Louise G. Roalson
Ted and Margaret Kubicek
Larry D. and Claire J. Sharp Paul R.* and Rebecca F.* Shawver Laurie and Robert Silber Marilyn and Dayton* Sippy Gary and Robin Skogman LaJuana Skogman Kyle and Susan Skogman Drew and Jo Ann Skogman Marty and Julianne Smith Duane Smith Ellen Smith Dyan and John Smith Sue and Gary Speicher Eleanor Streletzky Robert Synhorst Julie and Byron Tabor Fred and Bev Timko Kathleen Toborg Sara and Dale Todd Terry Trimpe James and Susan Turner Robert Untiedt Josie Velles R. Ray* and Barbara Weeks Maxine and Ted* Welch Guy H. Wendler Susanna Wendler William P. and Gayle* Whipple Dorothy J. White and Robert Dean Metcalf* Esther and Myron Wilson Robert and Charlotte Worley Jason and Leslie Wright Corrine and Robert* Yaw David Zylstra
Dr. and Mrs. William John Robb * Deceased
M e m o r i a l s
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2 0 0 9
Alex Strait Memorial Fund for Indian Creek Nature Center
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Goeke
Mary Pezley
Jean Maass
David and Leah Gudgel
Bob and Anne Merkel
In Memory of Alex Strait
Bill and Shelby Gullick
Anthony and Mary Ellen Pfeifer
Steve and Vicki Archibald Altrusa Club of Cedar Rapids Literacy Fund In Memory of Albertine Brody Erica Strohl
Barbara Poe
Jeff and Laura Hachmeister
Steven and Janis Renard
Thomas and Adrianne Hakes
Jack and Susan Rogers
Dwight and Patricia Handyside
Marjorie Roost
Jim and Diane Hankes
Donald Shannon
Ivan and Bonnie Hasselbusch
John and Christine Shields
Jack and Marjorie Hatfield
Irene Smith
Benjamin Christopher Tvedt Fund
Heartland Financial USA, Inc.
Jack and Mary Jo Smith
In Memory of Benjamin Christopher Tvedt George and Karolyn Stigler
Frances Hederich
George and Lorna Sparrow
Vera Hellweg
Donald and Carol Steingreaber
Mary Jo Hendrickson
Hugh and Marjorie Summers
Tim and Rita Hickey College Club’s Designated Endowed Scholarship Fund In Memory of Joan Hemphill Josie Velles
Mary Higgins Anne Hiller Martha Hollingsworth
Dr. Joseph and Isabelle Krichel Family Endowed Fund In Memory of Dr. Joseph Krichel Richard and Sharon Harker Michael and Kathy Klauser Isabelle Krichel Jane Abell Martha Barclift Richard and Alice Bowers Joseph and Margaret Boyle Bruce and Gretchen Brandt
JLM Farms Betty Johnson Keasling’s Pharmacy & Gifts
Rosalie Strang
In Memory of Ann Winslow Bastian Melissa Randall In Memory of George Berg Timothy and Mary Bennington
Thomas and Varaluck Berg
Arletta Marsh
Ashok and Purnima Chawla
N.J. and Sue Daskalos
Kenneth and Barbara McCredie
Alan and Jenni Doyle
Peggy Dietsch
Bertha McIntosh
Marvin and Judy Doyle
Mildred Medley
Frederick and Jacqueline Freese
John and Carla Dunlap
Donald and Judith Miller
John and Sharon Grimes
George and Lois Eichacker
Douglas and Sandra Miller
James and Gail Fleming
Raymond and Patricia Miller
Herbert and Carmen Hammerberg
Sarah Fletcher
Janice Morgan
Leslie and Jane Fowler
Michael Hirleman and Nancy Loonan Hirleman
Dottie Neumeister
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Earl Fox
James and Ruth Hodges
Doris Neyens
Paul and Alice French
Alan and Karen Kessler
George Norman
Jeffrey Fuller and Louise Maarcoux Fuller
Miriam Lamb
Jim and Joann O’Hagan
William and Sheila Landers
Larry and Jean Daggs
Malcom and Carol Ellison
Edward and Annette Peevler
In Memory of Dorothy Heald Jean Cavin Helen Schwietert
Greg and Cathy Ludwig
Thomas and Cindy Crew
Frederic and Diana Westbrook
Betty Young
Joan Logan
Kevin and Joni Crenshaw
Erin Timmerman
Hertz Farm Management Inc
Kerry Klepfer
Richard and Dolores Lofton
Jeanette Tadewald
Robert Wustrow
Friends and Family of George Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Brown
Keith and Nancy Sutherland
Jeffrey and Mary Weld
Flood 2008 Fund
E.J. Lew
Richard and Diane Stefani
Sandra Yarrington
Edward and Tammi Kircher
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krueger
Dean and Colleen Shupe
Betty Vanderloo
Jane Krebill
Louis and Kathleen Klepfer
Lloyd and Elaine Seaman
Ronald and Susan Wieben
Martha Zumwalt
Ed and Dev Kiedaisch
Martin and Laurie Reinhart
Mary Ann Underwood
Allan and Patricia Zastrow
Patricia E. Kemp Trust
Leroy and Margaret Pape
Stephen and Sharon Westbrook
Leroy Watson
Tom Hutchcroft
Rebecca Norlien
Lois Thompson
C. Dennis and Joyce Ward
Mardelle Holst
Ray and Judy Miller
In Memory of City of Cedar Rapids Traffic Engineering Department Employees Melvin Meyer In Memory of Roland Scharmer Thomas and Patricia Lanz Sven and Carol Larson Neal and Kathleen Scharmer Friends and Family of Roland Scharmer In Memory of Tim Tousey Chad Tousey
Gladys Bock Children’s Fund for the Indian Creek Nature Center In Memory of Gladys Bock Robert W. and Elizabeth M. Allsop Phyllis Barber Robert and Stephanie Caldwell Varlyn and Jane Fink Ray and Dorothy Fisher Clifford and Marjorie Franklin Ted and Tish Healey
Indian Creek Nature Center
John Nasser
Kenneth and Helen Kupka
Donald and Patricia Odegard
Mary Jo Langer
Barnes and Judith O’Donnell
Lumir and Norma Newmeister
Ann Oleson
Steven and Susan Ovel
Keokuk Community Affiliate Fund In Memory of Betty Lancaster Donald and Beverly Baustian Keokuk Community Foundation Friends Fund
Robert and Margaret O’Meara Kevin and Melanie Ostmo
In Memory of Lucille Huiskamp Richard Bowers Associates
Marilyn Osweiler Indian Creek Nature Center Founders’ Fund
Charles and Nancy Patrick
In Memory of BB Stamats Peter and Amy Alworth
Richard and Marion Patterson
Anonymous Elizabeth Adams Arnott David Barnhizer Mary Jen Bear Warren and Elizabeth Beckman
Curtis and Sigrid Reynolds Sarah and Moe Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Arlo S. Schultz William and Rachelle Shepard
Campbell Steele Gallery
Anne Stamats and William Stamats
Carolyn Davis Mary Hitchcock Davis Lois Donovan Anne Doty
Paul Christiansen Memorial Fund
RSM McGladrey, Inc. Richard and Jeanne Sentman
Barbara Coppock
In Memory of Doug Lewis Paul and Joy Sulc
Dr. and Mrs. John Purdie
Ryan and Katie Buresh
David and Lijun Chadima
In Memory of Danny Harris Paul and Alison Demyanovich
Ann Pickford
Barbara Bloomhall
Indian Creek Nature Center
Kidneeds Fund
Henry and Dorothy Patterson
In Memory of Paul Christiansen Dana and Elizabeth Christiansen
Brenda Harms Mrs. Horace G. Hedges Timothy Hill and Catherine Salata-Hill Hills Bank and Trust Company Joe Hladky John and Kathryn Hoover Thomas C. Jackson and Joanne Stevens Nancy and Thomas Lackner Bruce and Kimberly Lehrman Craig and Kimberly Leonard Frank and Marilyn Magid
Stamats Communications, Inc. TrueNorth Companies Marcia Whiteford and Ronald Thompson Wiederspan Gallery
Nancy McHugh Peggy Meek Alex and JoAnn Meyer
Gingie Hunstad Theodore and Mary Anne Kowalski Charles and Judith Lightner Nancy McHugh Margaret Quinlan David and Elizabeth Remley John and Kathy Teele Jane Van de Roovaart Haynes Julie Watts The Dick Damrow Educational Fund In Memory of Richard Damrow Anonymous
Project Victoria Fund
Mary Jen Bear
In Memory of Janis Curran Marc and Catherine Gullickson
Larry and Joan Buchanan
Quarton-McElroy IBA Fund
Timothy and Sue Winegarden
In Memory of Ford Roberts Calvin and Cynthia Bierman
Larry Zirbel and Ann Carson
Rollie Bredeson and Dawn Malllory
Jane Cook Memorial Fund
Hal Brown
In Memory of Jane Cook Kathy Cook’s Friends in Virginia and Maryland
George and Kathlyn Carpenter
Patricia Crawford Eric and Amy Engelmann Chris Erickson and Peggy Goth Thomas and Marilyn Gahm Marjorie Grovert Halo Innovations, Inc. Jack and Particia Hild Terry and Karen Hinderbrand Joe Hladky
Sally and Haven Simmons
Des Moines Radio Group
Randy and Diane Hora
Valene Joslin
Mary Fatzinger and Family
Bobbi-Jo Pankaj
Ben Harrison
Richard and Sherry McClymont
Barbara Turpin
Nell and Ed Hartlein
H. David and Paula Willey
John and Becki Hawkins H.G. Hokel Betty Hufford
Job and Small Business Recovery Fund
Dr. Phillip Hutchison Ray Marcks
In Memory of Charles F. Raines Professional Office Services
Norman and Lois Roelfs
Meers Advertising Jeffrey and Rhonda Millhollin Mark Morris E.W. and Cathy Munsell Kevin and Melanie Ostmo Charles and Mary Ann Peters Jenny Rammelsberg
Alan and Linda Smith
Retirement Planning Associates
Keokuk Area Hospital Foundation Friends Fund
Talmage Thompson and Ellen Cleveland
Ellis and Kathy Smith
In Memory of Bonnie L. Mathews G. Kenneth Mathews Trust
J.E. and Mary Turnbull
Nancy Mahany Fritz and Devonee McDonald
Carolyn Hastings
Gary and Susan Aulwes
Finy Durin Jonathan Dusek and Dina Igram Dusek
Ruth L. Hastings Brown Fund In Memory of Ruth L. Hastings Brown Grandfield & Dodd
Jim and Karon Warner Dean Westergaard
Westminster Presbyterian Church Quasi-Endowed Fund In Memory of Milly Smith Westminster Presbyterian Church
C o n t r i b u to r s to T h e G r e at e r C e d a r R a p i d s C o m m u n i t y F o u n d at i o n
Each year, the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation (GCRCF) receives gifts of all sizes from individuals, foundations and corporations. These generous gifts are used to support programs that improve the quality of life in Linn County, the U.S. and around the world. In 2009, the Community Foundation received gifts from the following donors or estates that were used either for the creation of new funds, additions to existing funds or unrestricted grant making support. Marva Abel Jane Abell Nicolas and Cristiane AbouAssaly
Daniel Baldwin and Anne Ylvisaker
Michael and Jeanne Bonner
Bank of America Foundation, Inc.
Michele and Bret Boyer
Account Services Processing Center
Phyllis Barber
Active Network
Lorna Barnes
Deborah and Brian Adams
David Barnhizer
Elizabeth Adams Arnott
Lynda Barrow
AEGON Transamerica Foundation
Jeff and Judi Barta
Aero Rental
Charles Bassani
African American Historical Museum & Cultural Center of Iowa
Richard and Alice Bowers Joseph and Margaret Boyle Tim Boyle
Martha Barclift
Bruce and Gretchen Brandt Rollie Bredeson and Dawn Malllory Timothy and Jacqueline Brennan Jean Brenneman
Gary and Tracy Bartlett
Bridge Club Doug Brock
Donald and Beverly Baustian
John and Margaret Brolly
Gordon and Jann Baustian
Richard Brondel
Jan Aiels
JD and ML Bayless
Gary and Diane Albers
John Beaird
Thomas and Florence Allen
Mary Jen Bear
Jeffrey Allerman and Susan Brown
Rhet Bear and Miranda Liu
Kenneth and Nancy Allerman
John and Marsha Beckelman
Buccaneer Computer Systems & Service, Inc.
Alliance Bank
Warren and Elizabeth Beckman
Larry and Joan Buchanan
Alliant Energy Foundation
F. William Beckwith
Robert W. and Elizabeth M. Allsop
John Beldon Scott
Bucks County Tape & Design, Inc
Michael and Nancy Almasi
Timothy and Mary Bennington
Leta Almeda and Suzanne Nunn Richard and Candace Altorfer Altorfer Inc. Peter and Amy Alworth Amana Arts Guild American Escrow, Inc. American Golf Foundation Gary L. and Alice Anderson Thomas J. and Sarah E. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Anhalt Anonymous Albert and Nancy Aossey W. Douglas Appling Steve and Vicki Archibald Donald and Georgina Arnold Michael and Sharon Artman Carl and Jacqueline Aschoff James and Gwendalynn Atty Gary and Susan Aulwes David Auman Baile Latino of Cedar Rapids Sharon Bailey Anson and Susan Baker
Hal Brown Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Brown Chris and Shannon Bruns Ardyce and Edward Brunsting
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Beatty
Ernest and Joanne Buresh
Edward Bell
Ryan and Katie Buresh Delores Burgmann
Thomas and Varaluck Berg
Jacob Burington and Barbara Blake
Dan Bern Neil and Renate Bernstein
Jim Burke
Kristie Berntsen
Lavern and Audrey Busse
Shelly Berry
P. Barry and Audrey Butler
Berthel Fisher & Company
William and Margaret Butler
Bernard D and Deborah Bertino
Robert and Stephanie Caldwell
Calvin and Cynthia Bierman
Cameron Concrete, Inc.
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Campbell Steele Gallery
Salvatore Biondo and Patricia Williams
Can Shed
Dorothy Bishop Gregory and Katherine Bjornsen Justin and Karen Bland Orville Bloethe
Katherine Bohannon H. Culver Boldt and Maria Lukas
Cedar River Soccer Association Shane and Sarah Cerone David and Lijun Chadima Ashok and Purnima Chawla Claudia Christensen Major Dana and Elizabeth Christiansen Helen Cielo Craft Robert and Elaine Ciesielka City of Cedar Rapids Traffic Engineering Department Employees City Revealed, Inc. Jay and Lee Clancey Craig and Pamela Clark W. Bryan and Virginia Clemons Coe College Jodi Cohen Bill and Ming Cole Louis and Sharon Collins Community Foundation of Johnson County Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin Community Health Free Clinic Community Theatre Building Corporation Patrick and Ann Connolly Francis and Diane Conroy
Joseph and Yara Conway
Ellen Carl
Kathy Cook’s friends in Virginia and Maryland
Roger Caudron
J. Scott and Joann Bogguss
Cedar Rapids Washington Class of ‘88
Joan Convey
Catholic Youth Swim League
Troy and Laura Boffeli
Cedar Rapids Sunrise Rotary
Steven and Joanne Carfrae
Jason and Lauren Casarella
Todd and Kristin Boffeli
Cedar Rapids Roller Girls
Capital Area Endodontocs PA
George and Kathlyn Carpenter
Mrs. Thomas Boffeli
Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre
Rosemarie Consunji and James Daher
Lynne Carlson
Marjorie Bode
Cedar Rapids Downtown District
Howard and Kathleen Cantz
Joseph and Donna Carlin
Barbara Bloomhall
Cedar Rapids Area Convention & Visitors Bureau
Annie Cooper Sandra Cooper William and Lorrie Cooper Laura Comried Barbara Coppock
Jean Cavin
Paul and Sara Corbin
Cedar Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce
Cornwall Trust
Richard and Sherry Cornish
Gordon and Jackie Cover
Eldora Rotary Club
Gazette Foundation
Allan and Sally Harms
Terry and Sheri Crandall
Jeffrey and Teresa Elgin
GCRCF Support Trust
Brenda Harms
Patricia Crawford
Malcom and Carol Ellison
GE Foundation
Jeanette Harrington
Kevin and Joni Crenshaw
Ely Rotary Club
David and Susan Gehring
Edward and Carolyn Harris
David and Olive Crew
Embrace Iowa
General Mills Foundation
Mark and Marcia Harris
Thomas and Cindy Crew
Eric and Amy Engelmann
Julie Gibbs
Percy G. Harris
Megan and Joshua Crosser
David and Marilyn Erb
Warren and Lori Gichard
Ben Harrison
CRST International
Chris Erickson and Peggy Goth
Joseph and Lorraine Gilbert
Ortha R. Harstad
CSA Lodge Christa #479
Philip and Kimberly Erisman
Cindy Glenn
Barbara and Dave Hartle
Kenneth and Jamie Cummins
Estherville Rotary Club
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Goeke
Nell and Ed Hartlein
Mark and Sally Cunliffe
Timothy Etherington
Caryn Gonzales
Marjorie Daft
David and Carolyn Evans
Joel and Ellen Gordon
Caroline Harwood and Everett Greenberg
Larry and Jean Daggs
Jack Evans
Ivan and Bonnie Hasselbusch
Arvind and Swati Dandekar
Christine and Charles Everingham
Graduate Student Government Assn., Inc.
Carolyn Hastings
Grandfield & Dodd
David and Kathleen Hatala
GreatAmerica Leasing Corporation
Jack and Marjorie Hatfield
Greater Des Moines Community Foundation
Melanie and Bruce Haupert
N.J. and Sue Daskalos Carolyn Davis Paul and Alison Demyanovich Robert and Eloise Dennis Peter and Ellen Densen Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery Melinda Derynck Des Moines Radio Group Desert Rose Golf Course Destinations Unlimited, Inc. S and C Dettman Chris DeWolf Diamond V Mills Mr. John Dilg Jo Ann and Samuel Dillon William and Helen Dillon Direct Marketing Solutions Rosi Disterhoft Aidan and Theresa Diviny DJ Smith Enterprises Lois Donovan Anne Doty Alan and Jenni Doyle Bradley and Melissa Doyle Marvin and Judy Doyle Julie Driscoll Melinda Drynck Neil and Colleen Duffie Ben Dukes Joe and Lisa Dumond John and Carla Dunlap Lance and Karen Dunn Finy Durin Jonathan Dusek and Dina Igram Dusek Carita Dyas Daniel Eberl and Mei Ling Joiner Kevin Eck and Sashi Solomon Gary and Patricia Eckley Josephine Edwards and AnnMarie Hirsch Robert and Josephine Edwards George and Lois Eichacker
ExxonMobil Foundation Brian Fagan Fairfax State Savings Bank Charitable Trust
Greater Kansas City Community Foundation
Joseph and Lynn Farinella Farmers State Bank
Don Hattery John and Becki Hawkins Robert and Maureen Hawley
Greater Twin Cities United Way
Jane Van de Roovaart Haynes
Joan Greenblatt
Sara Hazen
John and Sharon Grimes
Walter D. Head Foundation
Dennis Groenenboom
Ted and Tish Healey
Marjorie Grovert
Heartland Financial USA, Inc.
Andrew Groves
Frances Hederich
Lawrence Grubryn
Mrs. Horace G. Hedges
David and Leah Gudgel
John and Kay Hegarty
Bill and Shelby Gullick
Roger W. Heidt
Marc and Catherine Gullickson
John K. Helbling
Tara Gundacker
Vera Hellweg
Loretta Gunn
Ed R. Hemphill
Ted and Dianne Haas
Jeanette Hemphill
William and Shannon Haas
Aaron and Jennifer Henderson
Jeff and Laura Hachmeister
Dennis Henderson
Steven and Barbara Haffner
James and Tricia Henderson
Haffner Carpentry, Inc.
Jeff Henderson
Thomas and Adrianne Hakes
Mary Jo Hendrickson
Sherry Hale
H.M. and Maree Heng
Brian and Amy Hall
Daniel and Rosemary Hennessy
Hall-Perrine Foundation
William and Mary Henry
Saul Herrera
Halo Innovations, Inc.
Hertz Farm Management Inc
James and Sandra Ham
Charles and Anne Hesse
Hamburg Inn No. 2, Inc.
Tim and Rita Hickey
Dennis Hamilton
Janet Hickman
Bruce and Beth Hammell
Mary Higgins
Herbert and Carmen Hammerberg
Jack and Particia Hild
Frontier Natural Products CO-OP Jeffrey Fuller and Louise Maarcoux Fuller
Calista Hammes
Timothy Hill and Catherine Salata-Hill
Dwight and Patricia Handyside
Anne Hiller
Thomas and Marilyn Gahm
Jim and Diane Hankes
Hills Bank and Trust Company
Michael and Lorraine Gallagher
Edward L. Haney
Terry and Karen Hinderbrand
Gannett Foundation
Bill and Tami Happel
Bruce and Mary Gantz
Harding Middle School
Michael Hirleman and Nancy Loonan Hirleman
Emily Garberson
Richard and Sharon Harker
Thomas and Kathleen Gaus
Tork Harman
Mary Fatzinger Children of Mary Fatzinger Amy Faulkner Doug Feil Dennis and Grace Ferreter James and Connie Fetzer Fexco Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fifth Season Cedar Valley Varlyn and Jane Fink E.J. and Allen Fisher Ray and Dorothy Fisher James and Gail Fleming Sarah Fletcher Leslie and Jane Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Robert Earl Fox Rikki Franck John and Julia Frank Clifford and Marjorie Franklin Daniel and Kimberly Franklin Franklin High School Class of 1949 Barry and Christina Frantz Eric and Jayne Freeman Frederick and Jacqueline Freese Paul and Alice French Edward Friedmann and Elizabeth Coyte
Mary Hitchcock Davis Joe Hladky James and Ruth Hodges
Jim Hoffman
Joseph Kacena
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krueger
Jean Maass
Robert and Ann Hogg
John and Mary Kane
Ty and Debbie Krumm
John and Sue MacGregor
H.G. Hokel
Joseph and Mary Kane
Steve and Kathy Krusie
Carrie Machacek
A.C. Holden
Thomas and Mary Kane
David and Chris Kubicek
Andrew Maenner
Martha Hollingsworth
Thomas and Rosemary Kane
Brian and Susan Kucera
Frank and Marilyn Magid
Dean and Rise Holloway
Beheram Kasad
Gail Kucera
Nancy Mahany
Mardelle Holst
Keasling’s Pharmacy & Gifts
Robert and Caroline Kucharski
David Mahlke
David and Barbara Holzhauer
Teresa Keen
Kenneth and Helen Kupka
Nicole Manos and Aaron Tritle
John and Kathryn Hoover
Robert Kehoe
David and Elizabeth Kutter
Matt and Kristi March
Randy and Diane Hora
Gordon and Deanna Kellenberger
KZIA, Inc.
Ray Marcks
Sandra Keller
Nancy and Thomas Lackner Jack and Lori LaFayette
Marion Churches Senior Living Community Foundation
Kathleen Horan Jo Ellen Hovind Betty Hufford Gingie Hunstad Kevin and Rose Hussey Tom Hutchcroft Dr. Phillip Hutchison Hy-Vee IBM Employee Services Center IGD Linda Imhof Indian Creek Nature Center Inflection Point Insurance Associates of Cedar Rapids, Inc Iowa Legal Aid Foundation Iowa Physician Assistant Society Iowa Psychological Association Iowa Telecom Iowa United Methodist Foundation Margaret Jackson Michael and Sarah Jackson Susan Jackson Thomas C. Jackson and Joanne Stevens Betty and Jacqueline Janco Dennis D. Jandik Tanya Janulecwicz
Catherine Kelly
R E. Laird
Matthew Kelly
Miriam Lamb
Scott and Holly Kelly
William and Sheila Landers
Patricia E. Kemp Trust
Mary Jo Langer
Ted Kendzora
Linda Langston
Keokuk Area Community Foundation
Dean and Dorris Lanning Lynne Lanning and Richard Smith
Michael and Jennifer Kephart John and Patricia Kerr
Thomas and Patricia Lanz
Alan and Karen Kessler
Dennis and Cheryl Larsen
Ed and Dev Kiedaisch
Sven and Carol Larson
Benjamin and Angelika Kieffer
Marion Musical Literary Club Amanda Marrow Arletta Marsh Eric and Andrea Martin Martinek Memorial Trust Marvin Cone Art Club Mary Queen of Angels Knights of Columbus Jerry and Lynn Matchett G. Kenneth Mathews Trust Shannan Mattiace
Richard Lawless
Maximum Graphics Corp
League of Women Voters of Cedar Rapids-Marion
Dennis and Ruth McCann George and Janelle McClain
Kimberly Clark Foundation Matching Gift Center
Barbara Leaver
Patrick and Barbara McClintock
The Kenneth K. Kinsey Family Foundation
Joseph and Bridget Lebender
Richard and Sherry McClymont
Caroline Ledeboer and Alan Eacret
Jerry and C.C. McConnell
Legion Arts
Kenneth and Barbara McCredie
Marvin and Louise Kiel Debra Killion
Lance and Kelley Kirby Edward and Tammi Kircher
Bruce and Kimberly Lehrman
Nickelas and Alana Kirkpatrick
Deborah Leichsenring
Michael and Kathy Klauser
Craig and Kimberly Leonard
Thomas and Clara Kleiman
Dominick and Jacqueline Leone
Deborah Kleiman and Greg Hapgood
Thea Leslie Dr. James Levett
Jennifer Kleiman and Michael Wunn
Steven and Barcey Levy
Theodore McCracken Fritz and Devonee McDonald Anne McFadden Guy and Bonnie McFarland Kevin and Robin McGlynn Larry McGrath Mike McGrath Auto Center McGrath Automotive Corp.
E.J. Lew
Valerie Jaramillo
Kathleen Kleiman and Michael Glavan
Peter and Janice Jauhiainen
Stephen and Kristin Kleiman
Charles and Judith Lightner
Joyce Jeanblanc
Jonathan and Carol Klein
Lil’ Drug Store Products
Jefferson High School Class of 1989
Tom and Barb Klein
Lindale Mall
Mark and Joann Igoe
Kathy Klepfer
James and Sara Jane Lindberg
Kerry Klepfer
Christopher and Jane Lindell
Louis and Kathleen Klepfer
Linn County Historical Society
Rachel Klimek
Linn-Mar School Foundation
Beverly Klug
Jeffrey Lirby
Scott Knapp
Thomas Liston
Daniel Knuckey
Joe and Cherri Lock
Carl and Mary Koehler
B.L. and Amy Lofland
Francis and Teresa Kosich
Richard and Dolores Lofton
Theodore and Mary Anne Kowalski
Joan Logan
Terry and LaDonna Krejci
Greg and Cathy Ludwig
Meredith Corporation Foundation
Patricia Lukens
Todd and Dana Merfeld
Jamie and Linda Lundahl
Merit Construction Company
Gary and Barbara Lundquist
Bob and Anne Merkel
Michael and Julie Lynch
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc.
Ronald Jizzi JLM Farms B. Larry and Judith Johnson Betty Johnson Foster and Marion Johnson John and Cynthia Johnson Jack and Darlene Jones Jim Jones and Linda CoulterJones Valene Joslin Stephen and Joanne Joyce Jumpstart Mary and David Junge Rosemary and C.L. Jungmann
Jennifer Lewis
Keith and Cheryl Krewer Isabelle Krichel Deborah L. Krieg
Nancy McHugh Bertha McIntosh Bruce and Jennifer McKee Estate of Helen McKee Robert K. McMaster Daniel and Karla McMurrin Jane McNulty Chick Scott and Joan McVay Mildred Medley Peggy Meek Meers Advertising Dick and Mary Meisterling Daniel Memmen Mercy Medical Center
Jeff and Amy Mesch
Catherine and James Nepola
Philip and Barbara Peterson
Rocklin Chiropractic Clinic
Rob and Jolene Mesch
William and Diana Neppl
Mary Pezley
John and Mary Meschler
Network For Good
Anthony and Mary Ellen Pfeifer
Rockwell Collins Charitable Corporation
Metro Youth Football Association
Network of Lovingkindness
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Alex and JoAnn Meyer
Dottie Neumeister
Andrea Meyer Noel and Carla Michael John and Debby Miljavac Miljavac Electrical Corporation Dennis and Sheri Miller Donald and Judith Miller Douglas and Sandra Miller Jason and Wanda Miller John Miller and Faith Russell Ray and Judy Miller Raymond and Patricia Miller Richard and Beth Miller Ted and Sally Miller Jeffrey and Rhonda Millhollin Joseph Mills and Margaret Schneider Mills Joe Minessale Frank Mitros and Monica Maloney Mitros
David C. Neuhaus
George Norman Shirley Northway Barbara Novak Cindy O’Toole Barnes and Judith O’Donnell
Kevin and Melanie Ostmo
James and Rika Moore
Marilyn Osweiler
Martin and Marie Moran
Steven and Susan Ovel
Janice Morgan
Armond and Polly Pagliai
Rina Morre
Barb Palmer
Mark Morris
Bobbi-Jo Pankaj
Mount Pleasant Utilities
Leroy and Margaret Pape
Mount Vernon Lisbon Woman’s Club
James and Kathleen Parker
Ronald and Margaret Nelson Ronald Nelson Nephropathology Associates, PLC
Casey Prince
Diane Northway
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan F. Moore
Jeff and Alisa Nelson
Anil Prasad and Enid Brenner Prasad
Rebecca Norlien
Debra Orr
Ronald and Sue Neil
Pauline Poyner
David and Anne Nordstrom
Monticello Rotary Club
Neighborhood Transportation Services
Melissa Poulsen
Kimberly Noles
Tyler and Sarah Olson
Edward and Louise Needham
Robert and Michele Pospiech
Brian and Michele Nolan
Kathleen Montgomery
John and Joan Navarro
Barbara Poe
Bob and Dorothy Nolan
Ann Oleson
Carla Nauman
Steven Platt
Leroy and Mary Noel
John and Rosemary Montagno
William Nassif
Dennis and Carla Platt
Noble Investments Inc
Donald and Patricia Odegard
John Nasser
Mario Pirrello
Carol Nilles
Moms Club of Cedar Rapids North
Lisa Nagle
Fred and Janet Pilcher
Janet Nicol
Robert and Margaret O’Meara
E.W. and Cathy Munsell
Warren and Michelle Piette
Doris Neyens
Andrew and Erin Moeller
Lorraine Mueller
Thomas and Mary Piecyk
Lumir and Norma Newmeister
Jim and Joann O’Hagan
John and Katherine Moyers
Ann Pickford
Greg and Debora Neumeyer
Frank and Cheryle Mitvalsky
Moyer & Bergman, PLC
Mari Phelan
Jenny Rammelsberg Shannon Ramsay Mark Ramsey
Edward and Annette Peevler Pella Rolscreen Foundation Martin and Eleanor Pendergast Penn, Schoen & Berland Assoc Pepper Hill Kennel Perfect Vision Productions Thomas and Mary Perks Michael and Carol Personte Charles and Mary Ann Peters Jay and Bonnie Petersen
Rotary - Cedar Rapids Sunshine Rotary Club Branch 2193 Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids West
Edward and Mary Rowen RSM McGladrey, Inc. Charles and Janice Runels Bob Rush and Judith Whetstine William and Alice Russell Mary Russell Curran and James Curran James and Cecelia Ryan Scott and Diane Ryan Adam Sadler
Brian Randall and Mary Kemen
John M. and Wilma Ann Wallin Sagers
Melissa Randall
Saint Joseph’s University
Dorothy Ray
Courtney Sanderson
RBC Foundation
Nicole Sassa
Real Property Specialists Group
Vincent and Frances Sassa
Yutaka and Rebecca Sato
Ronald and Sue Reider
Aaron Saylor
Gregory and Debra Reiman
Ed and Joan Schaffer
Martin and Laurie Reinhart
Duffy and Belva J. Schamberger
Tim and Ann Rellihan
Gregory and Kristine Schares
David and Elizabeth Remley
Neal and Kathleen Scharmer
Steven and Janis Renard
Friends and Family of Roland Scharmer
Retirement Planning Associates
Hazel Pegues
Ross Electric, Inc.
Rotary International District 7490
Julie Raffel
William and Diane Peach
W Mark and Janet Rosenbury
Rotary Club of Elmbrook
Margaret Quinlan
Todd and Dana Patterson
Marjorie Roost
John and Larissa Purcell
William and Janis Quinby
Richard and Marion Patterson
Jamie Rome and Leila Mankarious Rome
Rotary Club of Concord, MA
Jon and Mary Quass
Henry and Dorothy Patterson
Jack and Jacqueline Roland
Professional Office Services
Quarton Trust
Charles and Nancy Patrick
Rohde Family Charitable Foundation
Daniel and Angele Proctor
Barbara Putnam
Martha Parsons
Jack and Susan Rogers
Rotary Club of Cedar RapidsDaybreak
Elizabeth Putman
David and Anne Parmley
Norman and Lois Roelfs
Rodley and Lisa Pritchard
Dr. and Mrs. John Purdie
Stefanie Oelmann
Rockwell Collins Matching Gift Program
Reuben and Muriel Savin Foundation
Scheels All Sports
Curtis and Sigrid Reynolds
Robert and Elizabeth Schieffer
Richard Bowers Associates
Roger and Marilyn Schnittjer
Sarah and Moe Richardson
Christy Schrader
David and Richelle Riley
Roger and Joyce Schreder
Kathy Rinkerberger
William and Candace Schulte
Richard and Janice Risdale
Mr. and Mrs. Arlo S. Schultz
Rochester Area Community Foundation
Matthew Schultz
Jane Scheer and Robin Hursh
Helen Schwietert Barbara Scoles Joseph and Christina Scott Nick and Janett Scott Tony and Jan Sdao Monica Seabeck Lloyd and Elaine Seaman Fyoyd and Dona Seiberling Kevin and Geri Seiberling James Seifert Richard and Jeanne Sentman Francis and Madonna Shammo Donald Shannon William and Rachelle Shepard
Anne Stamats and William Stamats
Chad Tousey
Julie Watts
Stamats Communications, Inc.
Eric and Sarah Tow
Jerry and Debra Weeter
Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc.
Richard and Julia Weidman
Toyota Scion of Iowa City, Inc.
Diane Weimer
Douglas and Jennifer Trask
Christopher and Kelly Welch
Trees Forever
Jeffrey and Mary Weld
Reed and Rebecca Trefz
Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Michael J. Stanly Louis and Ann Stark Anita T. Starman Estate State of Iowa Richard and Diane Stefani
Terry Trimpe
Brett and Angela Steffen
Josephine S. Trubek
Donald and Carol Steingreaber
TrueNorth Companies
Steve’s Ace Hardware Inc.
George and Karolyn Stigler
Trust for the Future
Wendy Stivers
Brad Tucker
John and Jackquelyn Stokes Robert and Alice Stott
Michael Tully and Mary Matthews
Karla Stout
Sean and Amihope Tully
Peggy Stover
J.E. and Mary Turnbull
Rosalie Strang
Barbara Turpin
William and Winifred Shuttleworth
Erica Strohl
Kathleen Tyrrell
Anne Stuhlman
Shuttleworth & Ingersoll, P.L.C.
Bob and Cindy Stuhlman
Brad Simanek and Tricia Hoffman-Simanek
Daniel Stuhlman
UC Hastings College of Law Class of 2011 ASUCH Section 2
John and Trisha Shepherd John and Christine Shields Eraj and Celeste Shirvani Dean and Colleen Shupe
John and Jeri Simenec
John Stuhlman
Sally and Haven Simmons
Sarah, David and Michael Stuhlman
Simmons Perrine PLC
Tom and Linda Stuhlman
Christopher and Susan Siwinski
Joseph Stuhlman and Kathryn Carney
Gary and Robin Skogman Kathleen Slane Elizabeth Slappey Robert and Lisa Slesinger Alan and Linda Smith Ellis and Kathy Smith Francis and Gwendolen Smith Irene Smith John and Dyan Smith John Smith
Scott and Stephanie Uhlir Mary Ann Underwood United Business Media United Way Special Distribution Account United Way United Way of East Central Iowa
Robert and Cynthia Stuhlman Ronald and Sharon Stuhlman Ronald and Donna Stuhlman Paul and Joy Sulc Hugh and Marjorie Summers Keith and Nancy Sutherland Thomas Sutton Josh and Dawn Svenson Holland
Wells Fargo Bank Trust Operations Michael J. Welsh Robert and Nancy Welsh Carol Wengraitis and Denise Chilinskas Frederic and Diana Westbrook Stephen and Sharon Westbrook Dean Westergaard WestLB AG Westminster Presbyterian Church John Weyer Timothy and Gretchen Whener Marcia Whiteford and Ronald Thompson Ronald and Susan Wieben Shawn Wiederin Wiederspan Gallery Martin and Diane Wiesenfeld
United Way of the Bay Area
H. David and Paula Willey
United Way Special Distribution Account
Fred and Lois Willhoite Nicholas Williams
United Way, Inc.
Scott and Karen Williams
University of Iowa Community Credit Union
Timothy and Sue Winegarden
Van Meter Industrial, Inc.
Larry and Joni Witzel
Betty Vanderloo
Jon Swanberg
Wellpoint Foundation
Allen Witt R. Robert Woodburn, Jr. and Janet M. Smith
Byron and Julie Tabor
Thomas and Katheryn VanderMolen
Jeanette Tadewald
Josie Velles
Hazel Tanenbaum
Veridian Credit Union
Charles Wunder and Marcia Barnes Wunder
Marie Taylor
Monica Vernon
Robert Wustrow
John and Kathy Teele
Rhoda Vernon
Xavier High School
Amanda Sue Teply
George Veto and Sheila Hibbard
Sandra Yarrington
Jeffrey Textor
Vickie Vlasek
Nicole Yates
The Port Arthur Foundation
William and Carol Von Hofen
Tom and Mary Jo Yates
Christie Thomas
Catherine Wade
Corinne L. Yaw
Gary Thompson
James Wade
Forest and Josephine Yocum
Daryl and Susan Spivey
Gary and Diane Thompson
Patricia Wade
Betty Young
St Martha’s Church Home and School Assoc
Lois Thompson
Dr. Jerry D. Walker
Donna Young
Shirley Thompson
Walker Methodist Chruch
Young Womens Guild
St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church
Talmage Thompson and Ellen Cleveland
C. Dennis and Joyce Ward
Joseph and Kineret Zabner
St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church
Hugh and Marian Thornton
David and Sharon Ward
Mark and Laurie Zaiger
Jim and Karon Warner
Allan and Patricia Zastrow
St. Luke’s Health Care Foundation
Erin Timmerman
Sue and Tom Warner
Larry Zirbel and Ann Carson
James E. and Jo A. Wasta
Brian Zumhof and Carol Zhanel Zumhof
Jack and Mary Jo Smith Marty and Julianne Smith R. H. Smith Roger Smith Vera Snow Nancy Sondel Bonnie Sorensen Robert South Trust Thomas and Karin Southard George and Lorna Sparrow
St. Martha’s Senior Club Lee Staak
Ticor Title Insurance Company Richard Tkach
Stephen and Diane Waterson
Kathleen Toborg
Edward and Barbara Watson
Dale and Sara Todd
Leroy Watson
Mary Tompkins
Mark Woods
Martha Zumwalt Paul and Terry Zuschnitt
C o n t r i b u to r s to t h e
F l o o d
2 0 0 8
F u n d
Donors from Linn County, across the country and around the world gave generously to
the Flood 2008 Fund following the June flood disaster. In 2009, the Community Foundation received gifts from the following donors that were used to help flood-affected individuals and families, assist non-profits gain stability post-flood and to address systemic issues resulting from the flood.
Jan Aiels
Coe College
John and Sharon Grimes
Rachel Klimek
Gary and Diane Albers
Jodi Cohen
Lawrence Grubryn
Scott Knapp
Alliant Energy Foundation
Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin
Sherry Hale
Terry and LaDonna Krejci
Laura Comried
James and Sandra Ham
Ty and Debbie Krumm
Joseph and Yara Conway
Herbert and Carmen Hammerberg
Brian and Susan Kucera
Sharon Bailey
Annie Cooper
Harding Middle School
Gordon and Jackie Cover
Barbara and Dave Hartle
KZIA, Inc.
Bank of America Foundation, Inc.
David and Olive Crew
Donald P. Hattery
Lynda Barrow
Megan and Joshua Crosser
Sara Hazen
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Beatty
CSA Lodge Christa #479
John K. Helbling
Timothy and Mary Bennington
Kenneth and Jamie Cummins
H.M. and Maree Heng
Thomas and Varaluck Berg
Melinda Derynck
Hertz Farm Management Inc
Dan Bern
Desert Rose Golf Course
Neil and Renate Bernstein
Destinations Unlimited, Inc.
Michael Hirleman and Nancy Loonan Hirleman
Kristie Berntsen
Rosi Disterhoft
Shelly Berry
DJ Smith Enterprises
Berthel Fisher & Company
Alan and Jenni Doyle
Marjorie Bode
Julie Driscoll
Katherine Bohannon
Melinda Drynck
Bridge Club
Joe and Lisa Dumond
Doug Brock
Gary and Patricia Eckley
Richard Brondel
Malcom and Carol Ellison
Buccaneer Computer Systems & Service, Inc.
Embrace Iowa
Iowa United Methodist Foundation
Jacob Burington and Barbara Blake
Philip and Kimberly Erisman
Margaret Jackson
Farmers State Bank
Michael and Sarah Jackson
Amy Faulkner
Valerie Jaramillo
Franklin High School Class of 1949
Peter and Janice Jauhiainen
American Escrow, Inc. American Golf Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Anhalt
Can Shed Jean Cavin Cedar Rapids Area Convention & Visitors Bureau Cedar Rapids Downtown District Cedar Rapids Roller Girls Cedar Rapids Washington Class of ‘88 Ashok and Purnima Chawla Helen Cielo Craft City of Cedar Rapids Traffic Engineering Department Employees City Revealed, Inc.
James and Ruth Hodges A.C. Holden David and Barbara Holzhauer Jo Ellen Hovind Hy-Vee Insurance Associates of Cedar Rapids, Inc Iowa Psychological Association
David and Elizabeth Kutter Nancy and Thomas Lackner Miriam Lamb William and Sheila Landers Thomas and Patricia Lanz Dennis and Cheryl Larsen Sven and Carol Larson Caroline Ledeboer and Alan Eacret Deborah Leichsenring Jennifer Lewis Lindale Mall Linn County Historical Society B.L. and Amy Lofland Michael and Julie Lynch Jean Maass Carrie Machacek Nicole Manos and Aaron Tritle Matt and Kristi March Marion Musical Literary Club Amanda Marrow Marvin Cone Art Club
Joyce Jeanblanc
Shannan Mattiace
Fifth Season Cedar Valley
Jefferson High School Class of 1989
George and Janelle McClain
E.J. and Allen Fisher
Anne McFadden
John and Cynthia Johnson
Rikki Franck
Robert K. McMaster
Robert Kehoe
Frederick and Jacqueline Freese
Daniel and Karla McMurrin
Sandra Keller
Gannett Foundation
Mercy Medical Center
John and Patricia Kerr
GE Foundation
Bob and Anne Merkel
Alan and Karen Kessler
Warren and Lori Gichard
Andrea Meyer
Kimberly Clark Foundation Matching Gift Center
Noel and Carla Michael
Nickelas and Alana Kirkpatrick
Jason and Wanda Miller
James and Connie Fetzer
Cindy Glenn Greater Des Moines Community Foundation
Tom and Barb Klein
Dennis and Sheri Miller Ray and Judy Miller
Ted and Sally Miller
Melissa Poulsen
Jane Scheer and Robin Hursh
Erin Timmerman
Joe Minessale
Elizabeth Putman
Christy Schrader
Chad Tousey
Andrew and Erin Moeller
Jon and Mary Quass
Helen Schwietert
Eric and Sarah Tow Trust
Moms Club of Cedar Rapids North
Mark Ramsey
Barbara Scoles
Trust for the Future
James and Rika Moore
Brian Randall and Mary Kemen
Nick and Janett Scott
Brad Tucker
Melissa Randall
Lloyd and Elaine Seaman
United Way
RBC Foundation
Fyoyd and Dona Seiberling
Real Property Specialists Group
Kevin and Geri Seiberling
United Way Special Distribution Account
Gregory and Debra Reiman
Dean and Colleen Shupe
Van Meter Industrial, Inc.
Martin and Laurie Reinhart
Brad Simanek and Tricia Hoffman-Simanek
Veridian Credit Union George Veto and Sheila Hibbard
John Smith
Vickie Vlasek
David and Richelle Riley
Roger Smith
Walker Methodist Chruch
Kathy Rinkerberger
Vera Snow
David and Sharon Ward
Richard and Janice Risdale
Bonnie Sorensen
Richard and Julia Weidman
Ross Electric, Inc.
St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church
Diane Weimer
Richard and Diane Stefani
Frederic and Diana Westbrook
Rina Morre Mount Vernon Lisbon Womans Club Carla Nauman Jeff and Alisa Nelson Ronald and Margaret Nelson Ronald Nelson Network For Good Kimberly Noles Rebecca Norlien Cindy O’Toole Stefanie Oelmann
Reuben and Muriel Savin Foundation
Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids RSM McGladrey, Inc. Adam Sadler
Brett and Angela Steffen Steve’s Ace Hardware Inc.
Leroy and Margaret Pape
John M. and Wilma Ann Wallin Sagers
Wendy Stivers
James and Kathleen Parker
Saint Joseph’s University
Rosalie Strang
Pella Rolscreen Foundation
Courtney Sanderson
Keith and Nancy Sutherland
Penn, Schoen & Berland Association
Aaron Saylor
Thomas Sutton
Perfect Vision Productions
Ed and Joan Schaffer
Jeanette Tadewald
Gregory and Kristine Schares
Amanda Sue Teply
Neal and Kathleen Scharmer
Jeffrey Textor
Friends and Family of Roland Scharmer
Gary and Diane Thompson
Debra Orr Barb Palmer
Philip and Barbara Peterson Dennis and Carla Platt
Robert and Nancy Welsh Stephen and Sharon Westbrook Ronald and Susan Wieben Shawn Wiederin Fred and Lois Willhoite Nicholas Williams Sandra Yarrington Corinne L. Yaw Donna Young Mark and Laurie Zaiger Brian Zumhof and Carol Zhanel
S u p p o rt i n g
O r g a n i z at i o n s
A supporting organization advances the general mission of the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation (GCRCF), but has its own distinct mission and purpose. The GCRCF provides administrative, investment, and/or grant making support to these organizations: Linn County Nonprofit Resource Center The Linn County Nonprofit Resource Center (LCNRC) was established in 2005 as a semi-autonomous program of the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation. The LCNRC is a training
2009 Linn County Nonprofit Resource Center Advisory Board Dan Baldwin, Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation (ex-officio) Ed Brandon, Boy Scouts of America-Hawkeye Area Chapter Lois Buntz, United Way of East Central Iowa (Vice President) Cindy Dietz, Rockwell Collins (Secretary-Treasurer) Helen Elsbernd, Prairiewoods Franciscan Spirituality Center Jim Ernst, Four Oaks (Past President)
K-12 Partnership Program The Rockwell Collins K-12 Partnership program is a community outreach program working to enrich the education of area students by collaborating with public and private schools and more than 1,200 Rockwell Collins employees. The program supports the effective teaching of basic K-12 curricula, increases parental support for the education process and promotes a greater awareness of “real world” career options. For more information on the K-12 Partnership, please contact Kimberly
and resource center for nonprofit
John Herbert, Legion Arts/CSPS
Beals, K-12 Partnership Program
organizations in Eastern Iowa.
Liz Hoskins, Waypoint
and strengthening the nonprofits
Mike Humbert, The Alternative Board of Eastern Iowa
REACT Center
of Linn County. The LCNRC offers
Jim Kern, Brucemore
workshops, peer groups, and other
Robert Massey, Cedar Rapids Symphony/Orchestra Iowa
Its mission is to build vibrant communities by promoting, supporting,
trainings; is an advocate for Linn County nonprofit organizations and engages nonprofit board members. Local nonprofits can be directed to best practices in a variety of areas such as finance, board development, fundraising, and marketing, as well as find information on consultants
Coordinator, at 319.295.8122 or
Hazel Pegues, Diversity Focus
The REACT Center, Rockwell Educational Access to Computer Technology, is a non-profit organization funded by Rockwell
Delaine Petersen, The Arc of East Central Iowa
Collins Foundation and managed by
Dan Strellner, Abbe, Inc. (President)
Brian Stutzman, Young Parents Network
to provide refurbished computers and
and other resources in these areas.
For more information on the Linn
The LCRNC also seeks to be a partner
County Nonprofit Resource Center,
with existing nonprofit professional
contact Executive Director,
organizations in their training and
Bob Untiedt, at 319.366.2862 or
professional development efforts.
the Greater Cedar Rapids Community The REACT Center’s primary goal is computer learning experiences to area schools, as well as provide refurbished computers to area non-profit organizations that work with youth and the community. For more information on REACT,
An advisory board of nonprofit
including how to make a computer
professionals and other community
and/or peripheral equipment donation
leaders guides the LCRNC. This
or to request donated equipment,
structure allows nonprofits to seek
contact Barbara Klawiter, REACT
advice and services on issues most
Center Administrator, at 319.393.9632
central to their administration in an
or baklawi5@rockwellcollins.com.
environment completely separate from the GCRCF’s grant-making programs.
St a ff
a n d Vo l u n t e e r s
A committed board along with dedicated staff and volunteers assure the future growth of the Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation. Together, they keep abreast of changing problems and needs, positioning the Community Foundation to identify and meet new challenges in the community. The board of directors includes Linn County citizens who have had a long history of nonprofit involvement and experience.
2009 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Lorna M. Barnes, Chair Ron Olson, Vice Chair Rich Altorfer Gary Bartlett John M. Bickel J. Scott Bogguss - Past Chair Loren Coppock
Swati A. Dandekar Chris DeWolf Ruth Hairston Kay L. Hegarty – Treasurer Elizabeth Hladky Nancy Kasparek Kathy Krusie
Gerald T. Matchett – Secretary Sean McPartland Cheryle Mitvalsky Rich Patterson* Gary Skogman* Fred Timko Dr. Ruth E. White
Honorary Director William P. Whipple
Chair Emerita Nancy G. McHugh
*term ended in 2009
G r a n t
M a k i ng
Committee on Grant Making Jerry Matchett (Chair) Lorna Barnes** Mary Lou Erlacher Cathy Gullickson Sean McPartland Ron Olson John Wasta Dr. Ruth White
Community Fund Dr. Ruth White (Chair) Rich Altorfer Lorna Barnes** John Bickel Gilda Boyer* Elizabeth Hladky John MacGregor* Rhonda McCombs* Chad Peterson*
C o m m i tt e e s Momentum Fund
Field of Interest Funds and Organizational Development Fund
Sean McPartland (Chair) Lorna Barnes** John Chaimov* Loren Coppock Chris DeWolf Ruth Hairston Peggy Hardesty* Fred Timko Peggy Whitworth*
Rich Patterson (Chair) Kathleen Aller* Ann Hoffman* Liz Hoskins* Trace Pickering* Kurt Rogahn* Sally Sandberg*
Ron Olson (Chair) Lorna Barnes** Suresh Ganu* Kathy Krusie Greg Neumeyer*
Linn County Endowment Fund
Flood 2008 Fund
Elizabeth Hladky (Chair) Lorna Barnes** Gary Bartlett Swati Dandekar Dave Mahacek*
*Non Board Member
**Board chair is member of all committees
Fund for Educational Excellence
Jerry Matchett (Chair) Lorna Barnes** Scott Bogguss John Chaimov* Cathy Gullickson* Sigrid Reynolds* Ruth White John Wasta*
2009 Scholarship Committee Volunteers
Kristin Neal, Mt. Mercy Student Director
Alycia Lee, Senior, Linn Mar High School
Wendy Blood
Marcia Hughes
Kristin Roberts
Peyton Doss, Junior, Metro High School
Max McGee, Sophomore, Washington High School
Cheryl Carder
Gayla Huston
Amanda Cook
Maggie Jackson
Monica RyanRausch
Ellen Gardner, Junior, Alburnett High School
Jason Milke, Junior, Xavier High School
Jo-Ann Cook
Clara Kleiman
Nancy Craig
Kathleen Kleiman
Ashwath Gunasekar, Senior, Kennedy High School
Luke Reynolds, Senior, Washington High School
Laura Donovan
Becky Koch
Dave Draker
Kari Lammer
Allison Johnson, Senior, Washington High School
Christine Smith, Junior, Washington High School
Melissa Fiacco
John Laverty
Sara Fitzgerald
Russ Novotny
Emily Kratovil, Junior, Washington High School
Jeralyn Westercamp, Senior, Kennedy High School
Ruth Hairston*
Kevin Papp
Christine Hathaway
Julie Perez
Marlene Hill
Ellen RamseyKacena
*GCRCF Board Member
Oline Stigers Mary Stull Cathy Terukina Lisa Thirnbeck Mindy Thornton Crystal Usher Laurie Wahlert Melissa Winter Jerry Ziese
Pictured left to right: Dan Baldwin, Wendy Blood, Bob Untiedt, Jean Brenneman, Emmylou Ball, Amber Mulnik, Josie Vellis, Deb Orr, Katie Giorgio, Elizabeth Cwik Pollard, Karla Twedt-Ball, and Bud Synhorst.
2 0 0 9
C o m m u n i t y
F o u n dat i o n
St a ff
Daniel R. Baldwin President & CEO dan.baldwin@gcrcf.org
Deb Orr Office Assistant deb.orr@gcrcf.org
Emmylou Ball Accountant emmy.ball@gcrcf.org
Elizabeth Cwik Pollard Grants Program Associate elizabeth.pollard@gcrcf.org
Wendy Blood Office Manager wendy.blood@gcrcf.org
Robert “Bud� Synhorst Vice President of Resource Development bud.synhorst@gcrcf.org
Jean Brenneman Director of Finance jean.brenneman@gcrcf.org
Karla Twedt-Ball Vice President of Programs karla.twedt-ball@gcrcf.org
Amber A. Mulnik Director of Communications amber.mulnik@gcrcf.org
Josie Velles Foundation Services Manager josie.velles@gcrcf.org
Special Programs Staff Kimberly Beals K-12 Partnership Coordinator kjbeals@rockwellcollins.com Katie Mills Giorgio Marketing Assistant, Linn County Nonprofit Resource Center katie.giorgio@gcrcf.org Barbara Klawiter REACT Center Administrator baklawi5@rockwellcollins.com Robert Untiedt Executive Director, Linn County Nonprofit Resource Center robert.untiedt@gcrcf.org
200 First Street SW Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404 319.366.2862 after July 1, 2010 324 3rd St SE Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 fax: 319.366.2912 e-mail: info@gcrcf.org www.gcrcf.org
The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation is in compliance with national standards for services and operations that have been established by the Council on Foundations to guide sound policies, accountable practices, and ethical and operational integrity that strengthen the effectiveness of community philanthropy.