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Give Day ––October 18, 2021
Give Day ––October 18, 2021
Leaders in men’s and scouting ministries are doing the remarkable. We continue to expand our ministries. processes. We continued to provide training resources for men and youth around the world.
A “World Day of Prayer” with leaders of The African Methodist Episcopal Church, the African American Episcopal Church Zion, and the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church was held this past year.
We are called to reach and disciple more men and more youth, and the demand for more materials in men’s and scouting ministries dramatically increased during this year.
Despite the increased costs, we continue to produce much needed original print and electronic resources.
We were fortunate to hold the National Association of Conference Presidents of United Methodist Men and the United Methodist Men Foundation meetings virtually this year. The leadership of the United Methodist Men were able to receive valuable training in a virtual environment.
We are beginning to see an increase in travel now that the pandemic is has allowed for face-to-face meetings. Yes, Zoom is serving us well, but face-toface meetings with new users are important as we move forward.
We invite you to join us in our effort to “coach men and youth to thrive through Christ, so others may know Christ” on October 18, our third annual Give Day. FOUR EASY AND The “why” is simple, there is a continued financial need to dramatically expand the SAFE WAYS TO CONTRIBUTE: discipleship opportunities for men and young people. Text: UMMen to 44321 Former funding sources continue to struggle. Your generosity, last year, Call: allowed us to continue to provide faith- 1-866-297-4312 building opportunities. Click: Consider this, hundreds of men and http://bit.ly/ummgive2021 women, clergy and lay people across this country joined in a grass-roots Send: prayer ministry. These men and Mail a check to women are hungry for more training P.O. Box 440515., and more resources. Nashville, TN 37244-0515 Also, within the last six months, hundreds of scouting volunteers have been trained by professionals reflecting our work with youth in BSA, Girl Scouts, and Campfire. In 2021, we trained more leaders in these areas than any previous year. While face-to-face events were cancelled, our work continued and expanded through technological