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Georgia Dressage and Combined Training Association Regular Meeting Minutes Overview

May 20, 2019

President Caren Caverly called the regular meeting of the GDCTA to order on May 20, 2019, at 7:00 pm at Shannondale Farm, 2395 Birmingham Rd, Milton, GA 30004.

Recording Secretary, Joanne Morse, performed roll call. A quorum of the board consisting of Caren Caverly, Peri Lambros, Julie Shannon, Erin McCloud, Liz Molloy, Joanne Morse, Amanda Garner, Rebecca Bowman, Lori Goodwin, Amanda Moretz, Susan Collins, and Peter West were present. The minutes of the regular meeting for April 15, 2019, were sent and approved as corrected.

Treasurer’s Report, Peter West, April is showing a loss but part of that was recovered with a price adjustment on the letterman jackets.

Membership, Mary Lou Freil, Membership is down for this month. Mary Lou has been having an issue getting mail forwarded to her new house which we believe to be the issue. A problem with payment processing on the website was also discovered and has since been rectified.

Gala Chairperson, Caren Caverly, Caren has located a type of pop up back drop for photos at the Gala. Still looking into getting sponsors to cover cost.

Insurance Chairperson, Caren Caverly, All attendees and volunteers at events now must sign the hold harmless release form.

Youth Chairperson, Liz Malloy, The kids submitted a budget to do a clinic at the beginning of the year but that has been changed to a budget for a meet and greet that will cost less. Youth committee would like us to lower the scores needed to earn a letterman jacket for dressage. We have asked the Youth committee to provide more information and data for us to make an informed decision. Will discuss further at the next meeting.

Regionals, GDCTA is hosting 2019 but the show will be in Ocala 2020. New arenas have arrived.

USDF Convention, Convention takes place in December in Savannah, Georgia. GDCTA is the hosting GMO, hosting the Welcome Reception December 5th . It will have a “Back to the 70s” theme. There will be awards offered at the party for best dressed, dancing, etc.

Education and Young Horse Chairperson, Julie Shannon, June 22-23 Betsy Steiner and Kathy Connelly clinic is full.

Nominating Committee, Julie Shannon and Lori Goodwin, All officer positions are open as well as 3 board seats. People who are interested in joining the board need to come to board meetings to experience the process before joining the board.

Next meeting is June 17, 2019, at 7:00 PM Shannondale Farm 2395 Birmingham Rd Milton, Georgia.

See you there!

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