Collected Remarks - July/August 2021

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Dearest members: Here is a recap of the big news you need to know… NEW: Volunteer registration is now an option for all of our events. And, do we need volunteers! The Oct 8-10 show is huge with 7 competition and 3 warm-up arenas. You guessed it – we need a lot of people to help run that smoothly. Contact Heather Askew 404-272-1789 or sign up to help us out. To make it more fun that weekend, there will be a drawing for $250 for a volunteer at that event. Each day you volunteer gets you an entry into that drawing! Love to scribe? Join us September 25th to learn how to use the electronic/paperless system we will be using at this show. But before we get to October, there’s a lot happening. What’s interesting about these events? Read on! •

August 7-8 Jeremy Steinberg Dressage Clinic at Shannondale Farm Not only is Jeremy a fabulous clinician but we added a half day of auditing free for our members!

Sunday Adult Social ~ Getting to Know You~ This social event is for GDCTA adult members. It includes a half-day auditing (Sunday afternoon) followed by a wine & cheese party. It's free but please pre-register so we know how many to expect. Auditor ticket and Adult Social registration:

August 14 Jump-A-Round with Sunny Stevens at River Mist Equestrian in Milton, GA Instructor Sunny Stevens has a passionate desire to pass on the knowledge she has obtained over many years. Structure: Jump the course, then get feedback from Sunny, then jump the same course and she will judge it a second time. Riders will get 2 “scored” rounds. Register:

August 21-22 GDCTA Summer Finals Schooling Show at Wills Park This open show includes championship classes on Sunday for Dressage Seat Equitation and the Lisa Seger Insurance AA Medal. Find out if you are qualified: Enter by August 13 on

SATURDAY: Youth Social ~ Getting to Know You~ This social event is for GDCTA Jr/YR members. There will be pizza and soft drinks. It's free!

But wait, there’s more! The entry proceeds from the Tadpole CT classes on Saturday will be donated to the GDCTA Youth Committee for use toward their clinics and other programs. So, enter at Tadpole level! Remember that scores earned at GDCTA-hosted shows, count twice toward the requirements! You could qualify for dressage in one two-show weekend. Woohoo!

That’s all we can handle for August but September is loaded too: • September 4-5 Labor Day Classic I & II at the Horse Park, Conyers, GA Enter by August 23rd on • Sept 11-12 Kim Severson Jumping Clinic at Starting Point Farm, Moreland, GA Details and registration: • Sept 17-19 Dressage4Kids at GIHP, Conyers, GA • Details: • Sept 25: Electronic Scribe Training – Learn how to scribe using the new FoxVillage Electronic Scribe System Details and registration: Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Caren 5

Caren Caverly President, GDCTA 770-713-4025

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Collected Remarks - July/August 2021 by GDCTA - Issuu