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Liz Faso Memorial VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR sponsored by Wilsun Custom Horse Products
~Volunteer encentive program for GDCTA Volunteers~
(check the events calendar https://bit.ly/GDCTA_Events to find the events that will work for you! Board members, paid positions and Chairs are not eligible.)
1) $1000.00 to the member with the most hours volunteered at GDCTA events and participating shows
2) $750.00 to member with the 2nd highest number of hours
3) $500.00 to member with the 3rd highest number of hours
4) $250.00 raffle consisting of every volunteer with 24 hrs volunteering
This program is running from January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023, and will be awarded at the Awards Gala in January 2024.
Volunteer! Become a volunteer by registering through each event or by going to https://www.gdcta.org/volunteer.
GDCTA is a member-focused and member-run organization that depends on volunteers! We encourage you to become involved in any of the many activities we offer. Share the excitement from the inside!