Gala: ccaverly@comcast.net
Caren Caverly 770-713-4025
Grant: haileysdq@gmail.com
Barbara Taylor 404-274-4411
Insurance: ccaverly@comcast.net
Caren Caverly 770-713-4025
Kudzu Klinics: wkssduffy@bellsouth.net
Kathy Duffy 770-442-9749
President: ccaverly@comcast.net
Caren Caverly 770-713-4025
Membership: gdctamembership@gmail.com
Mary Lou Freil 770-330-2489
VP Dressage: Julie@shannondale.com
Julie Shannon 770-569-9555
Penny Morse 770-316-8655
VP Eventing: plambros@bellsouth.net
Peri Lambros 678-372-4105
Newsletter Co-Editors: designonpenny@yahoo.com &
Recording Secretary: spalbeck@gmail.com
Stephanie Beckwith 404-428-8321
webmaster@gdcta.org Schooling Show Recognition: gdcta.shows@gmail.com
Chris Hutchings 404-630-9133
Joanne Morse 770-313-6283
Sponsorship/Public Relations: scollinshcit@gmail.com
Susan Collins 404-558-5034
Treasurer: pwest@radix-consulting.com
Peter West 762-448-9049
Volunteer Coordinator: heidiann5683@yahoo.com
Heidi White 706-248-6305
Website Manager: webmaster@gdcta.org
June Brewer 678-677-4404
Ken Berry gdctaawards@gmail.com
Rebecca Bowman gallop766@aol.com
Susan Collins scollinshcit@gmail.com
Erin McCloud mcclouderinl@gmail.com
Elizabeth Molloy 770-634-4089 missliz@taramiaridingschool.com
COMMITTEE CHAIRS Ken Berry 404-735-5823
Collegiate Program: Amanda Garner amanda@epiphany-farm.com 404-245-6688 & Lauren Turner laturner423@gmail.com 843-224-8710 Education: Julie@shannondale.com
Cover photo . . . Jann Smith, Century Club ride on Dancing Feet a.k.a Frankie. More on page 3
Youth Liaison: Liz Molloy missliz@taramiaridingschool.com 770-634-4089
Newsletter Submission Guidelines
Carla Jimmerson 404-421-0509 carlajimmerson@hotmail.com
Awards: gdctaawards@gmail.com
GDCTA is led by your peers and exists to serve our members’ needs. If you would like to be involved with committee or just have general suggestions, please contact the appropriate member.
June Brewer 678-677-4404
Corresponding Secretary: joannemorse1@yahoo.com
Julie Shannon 770-569-9555
Collected Remarks is the official publication of the Georgia Dressage and Combined Training Association, Inc. (GDCTA), a non-profit, exempt corporation organized under Section 501© (3). It is the monthly newsletter designed to inform, educate and entertain the membership. The Editor encourages members to submit original advertising, articles, photographs, and artwork for possible publication. Articles should be submitted via email and be PC compatible. Articles taking political positions or promotional in nature will not be considered for publication. ‘Collected Remarks’ reserves the right to reject any advertising or article deemed to be unsuitable for this newsletter. Make checks payable to GDCTA and mail to Peter West, 20 Wild Turkey Lane, Jasper, GA. 30143. All display ads should be submitted as a print ready PDF with images and fonts embedded or in a JPEG file. All articles and classified ads should be sent to the Editors via email (designonpenny@yahoo.com or horseprint@aol.com) and be submitted in PDF or Microsoft Word formats only. Editorial contributions are welcomed although publication cannot be guaranteed. GDCTA is not responsible for the opinions and statements expressed in signed articles or paid advertisements.
DISCLOSURE Complete GDCTA Board of Directors meeting minutes are available upon request to the Recording Secretary. Financial records are available upon written request to the Treasurer. For information regarding Awards, Schooling Show Recognition, Membership, Education, Youth Programs, the Website, etc., contact the appropriate chairperson for that committee.
Reaching a Milestone By Jann Smith
On July 9, 2017, I achieved my one of my ambitions and that was to become a member of the Century Club. The Century Club recognizes dressage riders and horses whose combined age totals 100 years or more. Horse and rider perform a dressage test of any level, at a dressage show or event, and are scored by a dressage judge or professional. As I read about the Century Club shortly after its inception and told myself ,“one day.” A move to Virginia had me looking for another place to ride. I found a place close to where I was living. The owner/trainer suggested I try dressage. I abandoned hunters in favor of a new discipline. Years later, another move landed me in Georgia. It took some time to find another place to ride. Several months passed. And by a roundabout way I met Kathy Purtill. After a couple of lessons, I knew I was “home “. Thanks are due to several people for enabling me to achieve this accomplishment. Thank you to Evie Dinkins for allowing the event to be held at her Silver Lining Stables, to Keli Gamrbill and Susan Heuke for being judge and scribe. To Kim Jones for allowing me to ride her very special horse. Dancing Feet “Frankie” is one of a kind. He has given me much confidence. He is a joy to ride. To a terrific trainer Kathy Purtill thanks for all she has taught me. I am so grateful for all she has done for me. She planned my Century Ride and taken care of all the details. Thank you seems very inadequate. GDCTA is pleased to host Region 3 Championships in 2018
A Training Guide for the Introductory Level Tests By Danielle Perry
This article is going to take you through the first five movements of the USDF Introductory Tests A&B so take out a copy and read this article along with the test. The first test movements and the last test movements should be the introduction to the judge. It’s always good to practice halts and centerlines throughout your training time so that they feel like a natural part of your riding routine. Test A – Box 1 “Enter working trot rising, and between X & C medium walk.” The Directive box states ‘Straightness on the centerline and in transition; clear trot and walk rhythm.’ Seems simple enough –yes? You need to enter at A and go down the centerline on a horse that’s not straight with a rider that’s not straight either. A major maxim of dressage is to ride your horse forward and make him straight. It’s not easy because horses are left or right handed like humans and the training process involves us learning to be ambidextrous and training our horses to be the same. Then you have to do that in a steady tempo. It’s actually a good thing for several horse types that there isn’t the pressure of a halt at the beginning of the test so plan a smooth walk transition. After X there should be a walk transition but the transition should not be at C! The movement says between X and C. Dressage tests are tests of execution or following directions for a movement. Walking at X or not walking until C means it didn’t happen between X and C. Plan to start to ask from the walk transition as you pass X. You then have to turn at C. Think about riding very straight to C but start to plan your bend in the direction of the turn a stride or two before C so the turn is balanced and you and your horse are looking in the direction of the turn. An exercise idea is to put cones down the center line from A to X so you can plan your walk transition. Then place a cone where you want to start changing the horse from straight to bend for the corner. Walk around the cone to the corner with a cone in the corner so you have a visual aid to bend the horse around. For this entire movement you receive one score so ride each ‘section’ of the movement well. The test entry is the first place a green horse or rider gets flustered. The horse sees the judge’s box and feels your tension and starts to snort or stop. It’s important to maintain a determined focus forward and as calmly as possible keep the horse moving if the horse will not go all the way to C then ride forward towards the corner. The Score might be lower for the entry but it’s better than being eliminated if you have resistance for more than 20 seconds or carries the resistance into the next movement for example cantering at M instead of trotting.
This is where you need to be able to walk straight down center line towards the judge’s box and then begin to bend the horse to the right and turn at C. It’s important for you to concentrate on your horse and the turn. It’s also useful if you’ve ridden your horse towards something scary – like a towel on the fence or other ideas to ensure they listen to you over whatever is scary at the fence. You then need to keep bend in the corner and then prepare for your transition to trot at M. In the corner is where you want to keep the bend and half halt to get the horse listening for the transition at M. As the horses’ nose/shoulder passes M you want to be trotting. Box 2 ‘C track right’ (or turn right) There is a transition because the box also states “M working trot rising.” The Directives discuss the ‘Balance and bend in turn. Quality of transition.’ The corner is important since you can half halt your horse and prepare to trot at M. Getting to box 3 you need to trot all the way down the long side which is implied movement between Boxes 2 and Box 3. You do not receive a separate score for that but it certainly leaves a lot of room for you and your horse for freestyle interpretation! If you’re riding a green horse or an OTTB project straight down that long side can become quite the challenge! If you’ve already forgotten to breathe through your test you need to at least try at this point so you both relax. It’s also useful to use some breathing half halts and time them with your posting to focus yourself and your horse. How you trot down the long side and prepare for the circle also gives the judge a clue as to how the circle will be executed so focus on the steadiness of the trot and maintaining the horse on the rail. Box 3 ‘A circle right 20 meters, working trot rising.’ The Directives discuss the Roundness and size of circle; clear trot rhythm and bend. You need to figure out which direction is best for your horse and this is where test riding savvy comes in. The judge is not sitting on your horse and feeling what you are feeling. If the horse is so heavy in your hands your arms are being pulled out of their sockets, and if you’re smiling and not grunting with the effort, the judge may not see the heaviness. If you ride the 20 M circle a little more forward to help keep the tempo on the hollow side or a little less forward to keep the bend because it’s your horses’ stiff side ,it doesn’t really matter because the judge sees is the steadiness of the trot, the bend and if the circle is round. It’s important to notice a little less. If one circle is a race and the other takes 20 min to circumvent that stands out in the judge’s mind. Exercises for a 20 m circle could be an endless novel! The 20 meter circle is a miracle! The truth is if riding a 20 m circle was easy and instantaneous it probably wouldn’t be in a test! It’s not as easy as it looks for a bunch of reasons. The horse is so stiff to one side bending at this stage is
not really fun for the horse or rider on that side. Also the circle feels so large keeping the horse bent correctly all the way around. Without falling through the outside aids is a lot of work and concentration. It’s easy to cut off the last quarter of the circle especially if the outside leg and outside rein is not well understood. Or the horse falls in from A to the rail – thus falling through the inside leg aid and the circle is too small. The circle is also a challenge because you and your horse able to maintain a steady tempo while you’re navigating the circle and maintaining the bend. Let’s take a look at the diagrams at the end of the test where the collective remarks are written. It’s a great idea to study these and put out cones in your arena for both the small and large arena by approximating where the letters are so you can practice in both rings. To ride the 20 meter circle in a small arena at A you’ll note that you touch the short side rail at letter A and then the long side rail just past K and go all the way out to the line between E and B and the touch the long side rail again just before F and then back to A. I’ve always felt a 20m circle feels like a big circle! It’s sometimes hard for me to have spatial awareness of a meter but I have spatial awareness of measurements in feet or inches. I like to convert in my head that a 20m circle
is about 65 feet or so in diameter. That’s a long way across and it takes a while to ride it all the way around. The use of cones and or poles during training rides will help you gauge the distance and balance the circle equally on both sides. It will also help if place a cone in the corner and navigate behind the cone for a corner and in front of the cone for a circle so you can avoid the dreaded judges’ comment – “Circles don’t have corners.” Box 4 ‘K-X-M Change rein’ which means ride across the diagonal. The Directives state ‘Clear trot rhythm and straightness on diagonal; bend through corners.’ You have to believe the test writer’s really having a great sense of humor. Right after they challenge the inside and outside aids on a circle there’s the straight line challenge! So the horse that likes to bend and doesn’t look outside the circle all the way around but doesn’t like to be straight now has no benefit of the rail and has to be straight between your aids on the diagonal. It’s also a good idea to alternate a straight line diagonal with a 20 M circle so you can feel the difference between bend on a circle and a very straight line. Sometimes by you and your horse feeling the opposite, your brain and body and horse get to say – ah! Is that what you want? Now I get it! For some horses the biggest challenge is not turning this into a race across the diagonal as the horse gets to see that wide open space and decides to go for it. This is where your posting rhythm needs to stay steady so the quick horse doesn’t rush. For the horse that sees the diagonal as the longest line of his life and wants to rest at X you get to do the opposite of the quick horse – you get to post a little faster with perhaps some calf squeezes in the rising so you can encourage them to move along. It’s important here too that you stay steady in your post to maintain the quality of the gait. The idea is that you show one trot that the horse has on the diagonal not all the varying trot tempos on one diagonal. This is a great place to put some cones or markers in your arena on a long or short diagonal to practice riding between them like keeping your bicycle on the sidewalk or a car between the lines. You want to focus on feeling both of your calves one either side of the horse to keep them straight. The cones or poles will keep you from drifting one way or the other since they will be a visual marker. It will also allow you to plan where to begin to start your half halts and bend so prepare to ride the correct bend into the corner. After the straight line you need to be able to show bend and some shortening of stride in the corner which helps the horse bend. Thinking shoulder fore into the corner should help get you into and out of the corner properly.
From page 10
Box 5 ‘Circle Left 20 meters, working trot rising.’ The Directives state ‘Roundness and size of the circle; clear trot rhythm and bend.’
easy and you two can show off a bit or don’t think about so much. Then there are the test movements that are harder for you two and it takes more work on your part to help the horse in the movement. Such as this circle – does it take a lot more leg to keep the horse from falling in at this time? Or does your outside leg have to be a ‘brick wall’ so the circle doesn’t become a 40 m circle? Some exercise ideas during training to work on the bend and balance on the circle is the spiral in and out exercise. If you can easily ride a 20 meter to 18 m circle but the horse loses balance, bend or forward motion at the 15 m then you work on that exercise in your training program until it is easy. Then you can add a 12 and 10 M circle and once again, usually in one direction it’s much harder for the horse and you practice until it’s easy. This is where your training notebook can be valuable so you can see your progress over time.
Back to the beloved 20 m circle we go and this it’s in the opposite direction. In dressage tests you ride the movements on both the left and right side of the horse to show equal development. This circle has the added bonus of being ridden near the super scary judge’s box. This is where especially for green horses to help their development and focus and confidence on your during training you want to have a little distraction when your ride – such as a person standing there, a tent or car, etc. – so your horse doesn’t find the addition of the judges and scribe to be unusual. For the 20 meter circle at C you start at C, touch the rail just past H and then ride out to the ‘E to be B line and then touch the rail just before M and then back Practice riding the exact circle size. Dear riders to C. It’s also where you need to know your we Judges cannot stress enough please ride the horse based on which test movements are entire 20 meters in a very round circle! We do not
North American Junior Young Rider Championships (NAJYRC) Gold Medlists! By Caroline Garren
proposals and making phone calls to potential sponsors without being a professional. This element allows the junior riders to get a taste of what would be required if they choose to pursue riding at the professional level. Our team pulled together with support from 23 sponsors; once again our generous lead sponsor was our local GMO, the GDTCA. We were fortunate to have three GDTCA members sponsored, Juliet Hess, Marline Syribeys, and me. In addition to obtaining sponsors, coordinating outfits and selecting team apparel is a huge part of the agenda before the show. Region 3 logos must be embroidered; polos bought, and jog ensembles put together.
Last month, I had the amazing opportunity to participate in my first North American Junior Young Rider Championships (NAJYRC) as a Junior Rider representing Region 3. NAJYRC was held on July 18th through the 23rd in Saugerties, New York, at a facility called HITS-on-the-Hudson. The competition includes an FEI team test, an individual test, and potentially a musical freestyle. NAJYRC is unique because of the team portion. The Region 3 team The primary concern for many consisted of four Junior Riders NAJYRC competitors is often (Caroline Garren, Juliet Hess, Jortransportation since NAJYRC dan Lockwood & Morgan-Bailey includes riders from Canada, Horan) and four Young Riders Mexico, and the United States. (Barbara Davis, Marline Syribeys, Though our trip was certainly Katrina Sadis & Rachel Robinnot the longest, the 18-hour son). In order to help finance getdrive from Atlanta to Saugerties Region 3 Young Rider Team - Katrina Sadis, Rachel Robting the team to the event, we was enough to make any horse inson, Marline Syribeys & Barbara Davis reached out to sponsors regardowner cringe. We did our best ing donations even as soon as the team was fito make the drive as easy on our horse as possinalized. It was an invaluable experience crafting ble by offering different forages and giving him fluids before the drive. This was the longest my family and I had ever shipped a horse so it was invaluable to learn what works for him and what doesn’t. One of my favorite things about the competition was the chance to reconnect with youth program friends from Texas, Boston, and even Canada.
Initially, our main concern was making our horse comfortable and preparing him for such a large, busy show ground. The atmosphere of NAJYRC can be difficult for some horses and competitors. The competition this year combined junior and young rider show jumping with the dressage.
The NAJYRC combined with a hunter show resulted in a large number of horses and riders. Under such circumstances, it’s easy to experience sensory overload. My trainer, Karen Lipp proved invaluable in terms of mentally preparing us for the competition, as well as the intense summer heat. I particularly enjoyed watching the jumpers ride as so few dressage shows allow for this opportunity. After the competition began, time flew by. NAJYRC is structured like a junior Olympics including team, individual components, medals, and even press conferences. The entire team competes in the team test on the first day followed by individual competition after which the top 18 riders advance to the freestyle competition. The format of the competition resembles a CDI with fenced stabling, security checks, and a preliminary jog before the first and third days of competition. Five judges are positioned on the outside of the ring making high scores more difficult to achieve. Region 3 Highlights –
NAJYRC Junior Rider Team Member Caroline Garren and her horse Bell Angelo preparing for the jog
Young Rider Team Gold – Barbara Davis, Marline Syribeys, Katrina Sadis & Rachel Robinson Bronze Young Rider Freestyle & Style Award – Marline Syribeys Our hosts graciously offered multiple events and parties at Diamond Mills, Saugerties Steamboat CO, and even an outing to New York City. Chef de Equipe Sue Bender and Coordinator Liz Malloy made sure to keep everyone apprised of developments and organized. We are truly grateful for the preparation and organization Sue and Liz performed behind the scenes ultimately making the experience enjoyable for everyone. Sue’s dedication and service were even formally recognized in a ceremony in which she received the Albers Award.
Congratulations to our Region 3 youth, their trainers, parents, and their support “staff” on doing such a wonderful job representing our area! We appreciate the effort it took to make it come together so well. ~The GDCTA Board
From page 11
like seeing potato shaped circles, a circle with square corners, an ellipse, circles that start at C and touch almost to A. There’s also the balance of the circle – both sides need to be the same size. One side of the circle shouldn’t be huge and the other side is tiny. This is where using cones, sticks or shaving cream on the ground can mark it out for you so it’s sure points on your test since geometry is a major component of this test. Showing is a fun way to see how you’re progressing but riding your horse is more akin to exercising with your best friend. It’s the time you spend together and the way it just makes you feel like a better version of yourself that’s important. Use the Intro information we’ve covered in this article to build your riding plan and ride inspired! Danielle M Perry is a USDF Bronze and Silver Medalist and has her USDF L Graduate with Distinction. She’s accepted into the USEF’s ‘Little r’ judging program. She runs a successful training and sales barn RevelationFarm.com or https://www.facebook.com/RevelationFm. Danielle is always accepting new clients or horses in training to help them have fun and progress in their training.
GDCTA would like to sincerely thank our sponsors for having such caring and giving hearts because without their financial support our events would not be nearly as successful or fun. To all who volunteer for us, we say thank you! Our events would not run smoothly without your long, sometimes pre-dawn, hours of dedication. “Together we make a difference in our community!�
The GDCTA Summer Finals Schooling Show held at Wills Park August 5 and 6 was a great success! Part of the fun at the show is crowning new champions – members who met the eligibility requirements were invited to compete for Champion status in three classes: Dressage Seat Equitation 14 & under, Dressage Seat Equitation 14 & up, and the Lisa Seger Insurance Adult Amateur Medal class (Training level, test 3). Congratulations to our Champions! Well done! Dressage Seat Equitation 14 & under Championship Class (C) Osborn, Sandy 348 Brynn DeLong
Nada to Prada
363 Annelise Marie Lance
Mr. Sky King
144 Abigail Goodwin
Daddy Said Yes
Dressage Seat Equitation 14 & up Championship Class (C) Osborn, Sandy 379 Sarah Bowman
368 Heather Roberts
Lady Liberty
437 Keri-lyn Thomas
San La Rouge
396 Alyssa Jacobs
Tu Bit
Brynn DeLong
Lisa Seger Insurance Adult Amateur Medal Championship Class (C) Osborn, Sandy 387 Manuela Daniel
Santo Domingo
342 India Wilkinson
333 Andrea Carroll
Zahrena's Legacy
324 Nicole Thomas
Second Chance
343 Tucker Fields
New this year – Western Dressage classes. Continued on page 22 Manuela Daniel with LSI Representative Pagan Gilman
Heather Roberts (left) & Sarah bowman (right)
For a complete list of results, please visit the website page: www.gdcta.org/results
Mark your calendar!
January 27, 2018 Atlanta Marriott Alpharetta, GA
Scott Hassler Shannondale Farm November 4-5