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Oct. 2015 Issue

Hill Country Magazine FREE

Outdoor Sculptures Out and About In Boerne

Making Money Coin Art Realism

Scarfs x2 Camm vs. Sinclair

Hot Rods & Scarecrows Weekends in the City

BPA @ Cana Hill Country Invita onal Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events

Photography and Design by: Gabriel Diego Delgado

Available at JR Mooney Galleries—Boerne / www.jrmooneygalleries.com / 830-816-5106

Russell Stephenson “First Frost” Oil on Panel 24” x 24”

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Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, October 2015

Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, October2015,

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FEATURES Oct. 2015 Issue No. 7


Outdoor Art First Annual outdoor sculpture comple on with Art al Fresco in Boerne


THCI Annual BPA art exhibi on

Coins &Planes Carlton Eddy and his coin collec on

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Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, October 2015



IN THIS ISSUE Camm Vs. Sinclair

24 48

Ba le of the Scarves

PLUMAGE PLUMAGE--TX October 2015 Issue

Frames New selec ons of home decor

PUBLISHER Gabriel Diego Delgado Contribu ng Writers


Gabriel Diego Delgado

A Note from the Publisher –P.8

Katherine Shevchenko Melissa Adriana Belgara

On the Cover—P.10 All artwork photography courtesy of J.R. Mooney Galleries of Fine Art Prices are for current artwork, and can change at any me

Contributors— P.11

© 2015 JR Mooney Galleries

Designer’s Quill—P.56

305 S. Main Boerne, Texas

78006 830‐816‐5106

Edited by Gabriel Diego Delgado, Marla Cavin, Katherine Shevchenko , Be y Houston Design by: Gabriel Diego Delgado

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Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, October 2015

Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, October2015,

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A Note from the Publisher

October is the beginning of the holiday season. We are celebra ng Halloween, and decora ng for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Let’s not forget the li le things: the small details, the good‐bye kisses, the subtle touches, the warm embraces and the polite gestures as the whirlwind of the Holidays whips us all around in this jubilee. Yes, I know Dickens on Main is coming up. Yes, there is the Diva’s Night Out, the Stocking Stuffer Stroll and the Scarecrow Stroll, but stay steadfast my friends, the holidays is indeed a me for family. Remember those closest to you, the compadres, la familia, the hombres. Dia De Los Muertos is a me to honor those no longer with us. Now...ride into the Holiday Season Storm and enjoy it with purpose. PLUMAGE‐TX hopes to use its pages as a vehicle to educate, entertain and enlighten our audience on a variety of topics ranging from reviews, news, ar st narra ves, interviews, cri cism and a cohort of other art related stories from within the gallery walls to the major metro centers. I hope you find this informa ve and hope you con nue to follow the ar s c happenings around you in your local neighborhoods.


Gabriel Diego Delgado, Publisher gabrieldelgadoartstudio@yahoo.com gabrield@jrmooneygalleries.com

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On the Cover

On Oct. 10, 2015 the Hot Rod Run closed Main Street for the weekend. Families, car aficionados, hobbyists, and marketday‐ers converged on Main to take full advantage of the closed thoroughfare. With hundreds of coups and roadsters there was eye candy as far as you could see—well, from James St. to Blanco St. and the city square. Chrome was everywhere. Polished surfaces were eminent. Yes, the smell of gas permeated the air, but there were smiles everywhere. A ‘Blast from the Past’ brought in a welcomed air of 1950’s nostalgia. Good mes, soda pop parlors, root beer floats, cherry bombs, drag races and reliving those cherished moments.

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Gabriel Diego Delgado is the Gallery Director at J.R. Mooney Galleries of Fine Art, Boerne, Texas. He has spent almost a decade in Nonprofit Art Management‐ working as a Curator of Exhibi ons at the Sta on Museum of Contemporary Art, Houston; Project Manager of Research and Development at the Museo Alameda, a Smithsonian Affiliate, San Antonio. He is a Freelance Curator and Arts Reviewer for several publica ons. His artwork has been shown in Arco 2012 Madrid, Spain; New York, New York, MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art) D.C. as well as numerous galleries and venues throughout the U.S. He is currently working on his Fine Art Appraisal License. Katherine Shevchenko has a ended the San Francisco Academy of Art University and the University of Texas at San Antonio where she received her Fine Arts Degree with an emphasis in Pain ng. Her experience ranges from interning as a curatorial assistant at Southwest School of Art to teaching art to students of all ages. Currently, she is an art consultant/framing designer at the J.R. Mooney Gallery in Boerne. Some of her contribu ons include wri ng ar cles, hos ng and edi ng the J.R. Mooney podcast, "Mooney Makes Sense" and art catalog design. She is also an ar st that specializes in pain ng in oils and other media. Melissa Belgara, a na ve Texan that grew up in Houston, lived in San Marcos and San Antonio has recently moved with her family to Boerne. Her experience in Commercial Real Estate Marke ng provides a unique perspec ve of this quickly expanding area of Texas. She holds a Bachelor's degree from the University of Houston in Communica ons, as well as a Masters degree in Organiza onal Management. Currently, she spends most of her me caring for her two daughters, subs tute teaching and looking for crea ve ways to explore and discover the Hill Country's ar sts' communi es.

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1.800.537.9609 www.jrmooneygalleries.com

305 S. Main St Boerne, TX 78006 830-816-5106

Custom Framing Conservation Museum Fine Art Photography Shadow Boxes Ready-Mades More... Original Paintings Giclees & Prints Picture Lights

8302 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 210-828-8214

Ar st Spotlight

Flipping for Coin Art “Carlton Eddy’s Childhood Fascinations”

1943 Copper Cent

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Carson City

Capped Bust 50c

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Ar st Spotlight


arlton Eddy, a Boerne area ar st is a rare kind of ar st who currently specializes in an even rarer kind of genre‐ the unusual pictorial depic ons of coins in art. Sure anyone can go on Etsy©, Instagram®, and a host of other online cra sites and see money and coins represented in fine art. Most of are up‐close details, mul panel home décor or the brazen mimicked painted portraits directly on the money bestowing President Washington as Batman or Lincoln as a minion, but Eddy is in a league all his own. He is able to accurately replicate the finest details of the coin, in their en rety and o en places them within a context or s ll life of historically relevant ar facts he buys off EBay® that date back to the me era or area in which the coins were minted.

Eddy’s personal journey into art begins with his children. “I started to draw on my daughter’s brown paper bag lunch. Give her drawings of things she liked to make her ea ng lunch fun,” he says. “I always had a knack for drawing in art…my brother is an ar st…I have a niece who is a great ar st too,” he adds. “The teacher would collect these drawings I did on her lunches and give them back to us at the end of the year like a chronological meline collage of my drawings.” The Navy played an important role in the shaping of Eddy’s ar s c career; in more than one way. In 1988 his son joined the Navy. “I felt like he had gone and died, it was such a precipitous choice it seemed. I wanted to be part of that experience, to see him through his days, weeks and months there. I wrote him every day,” he said. By that me Eddy was well into his explora on of avia on art. So with sending his son le ers every day, he would draw on the envelopes of the le ers with avia on and Navy inspired art. “Later on, some of those drawings turned into sketches I used for my pain ngs,” Eddy said.

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Slabbed Saint II

Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, October 2015

Growing up in a naval family, Eddy was always fascinated with airplanes. He has no formal art training, but his knack for dra smanship, detail and accurately allowed him to thrive in an uncommon art community. “You know civilians normally could not get close to military airplanes,” he said. “I would o en go and photograph the air shows. As an adult I invested in a good camera and got be er at my photography.” Finally with enough persistence and effort he was able to begin photographing the flight line of Kelly Air Force Base in the mid 70’s. “Eventually, I was able to judge light and exposure, I would wait to for the right 1933 $20 St. Gaudens cloud forma ons to dri in and capture the perfect shot of the perfect airplane angle,” he noted. “A er a long day of photographing the full avia on flight line that one day, there was a Vought F‐8 Crusader fighter jet in from of me, so I started to sketch it,” Eddy remembers. “A er that, I started to work on black and white pen and ink drawings of the planes at Kelly. I would send images to my brother and he would cri que them, one me he asked why I wasn’t doing any in color. So I started using color.”

“Eventually, I was able to judge light and exposure, I would wait to for the right cloud formations to drift in and capture the perfect shot of the perfect airplane angle…”

By growing accustomed to minute details and photorealis c accuracy, Eddy began to understand his fascina on with airplanes went Loose Change II back to his childhood, his curiosity of the fast, blazing supersonic speeds of the aircra . This evalua on led him in another direc on. A er years of working on several air cra carriers and pain ng, sketching Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, October2015,

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Ar st Spotlight

and photographing the ac ve military aircra , his passions forayed into another obscure direc on‐ Coins in art. “About five years ago, I discovered gold and silver coins,” Eddy says. “Sure I was aware of these coins as a li le kid, you know you remember the excitement of ge ng silver dollar, and you knew the value of it, and what

Coun ng Gold

“Sure I was aware of these coins as a little kid, you know you remember the excitement of getting silver dollar, and you knew the value of it, and what candy you could get for it…” candy you could get for it, but as an adult you place a nostalgic quality on the coins. You begin to place them in historical context like the western fron er when some of the original California coins were being minted. The excitement of the discovery of gold in California, and the government min ng more gold coins for treasury, that is just fascina ng to me,” he says.

“When I painted my first coin, I thought this must be how the engraver must have felt while carving the design. I was so ecsta c. These coins are a physical object between history and now.” Carlton Eddy’s challenge was to recreate the coins in a relevant se ng. For Eddy, art is a celebra on, a way to pay homage to the things important

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Time to Play

Toned Morgan

He jokes that his art collectors are o en rare coin dealers and collectors themselves, so he o en asks for payment of his pain ngs in gold and silver coins; ar facts to use again in future pain ngs. “I approach the coin art like I did the avia on art; I use it to relive my childhood, but through western fascina ons.” “I was a contract ar st for the Navy; my art has blossomed into something beyond my wildest dreams,” he concludes. By: Gabriel Diego Delgado

Four Aces

Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, October2015,

Gold Fever

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Ar st Spotlight

Double Eagles

Supplemental Informa on: Trained as a reproduc ve physiologist, Carlton A. Eddy, Ph.D., pursued a professional career in academic medicine as a faculty member specializing in the treatment of infer lity at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. By avoca on he is an avid military avia on enthusiast and ar st. He has wri en and illustrated ar cles in various military avia on journals including Naval Avia on News, Approach, Wings of Gold, and the Tail hook Journal. His work is displayed in the Na onal Museum of the Pacific War in Fredericksburg, Texas, the Na onal Museum of Naval Avia on in Pensacola, Fla., the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, and at naval air sta ons and Air Force bases throughout the country. It is held private collec ons in the U.S. and abroad. Source: www.uscg.mil $1000 in Gold

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Design by Katherine Shevchenko

Design by Katherine Shevchenko

Gallery News

Seth Camm and Sidney Sinclair: Two Different Approaches to Portraiture In the recent J.R. Mooney Galleries exhibi on, “Antecedent/Au Courant” there was an opportunity to observe two different approaches of portraiture of women as evidenced in “Alter Ego” by Sidney Sinclair and “Woman with Scarf” by Seth Camm. These two ar sts have envisioned their chosen subject in their own unique way, yet upon further examina on there are ways in which they intersect, highligh ng the similari es present in their individual feats of cra smanship. Within each pain ng, the se ng is minimal, with no real sense of depth or space, no element of material nature, just a field of color that exemplifies a characteris c air. The subjects are portrayed with limited color pale es, rendered in oil with singular light sources and with the brush strokes loose and fluid, rendering the textures and fabrics with proficient ease in the medium. Backgrounds are minimal in both Sidney Sinclair pieces; the environs offer no clues as to who these women are, nor is there a concrete affirma on present that there is an inclina on to do so. Each composi on is focused on the female figura ve portrait, with the upper quarter of the torso included, both wearing a scarf as a crowning adornment. Visually and metaphorically the scarves that adorn our female figures can hint at a subtle answer as to who they are. Scarves have been used to create a sense of exo cism and mystery as in Sinclair’s portrait, in which the tle, “Alter Ego” evokes a refuge in an incognito self as a source of strength, a modernist

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“Visually and metaphorically the scarves that adorn our female figures can hint at a subtle answer as to who they are.”

Seth Camm

embodiment of the feminine. This woman looks straight at the viewer, gaze unwavering, confident in her skin and self‐awareness. The tones are cool and lush, violet and turquoise hued blues that lend an air of calm serenity, infused with the airiness of the white, the ephemeral architecture of a dreamlike space. The feeling is one of refined sophis ca on, an idealized archetype of the no on that the lure of “Alter Ego” beckons to one, an escape to a more invi ng passage gran ng the permission to actualize unexpressed aspira ons.

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Gallery News

In contrast to Sinclair’s airiness and light, Camm has created a more dense and grounded plane, with a memorable damsel with a white scarf embellishing her head in an old world fashion, which harkens back to golden hued pa nas of Old Masters pain ngs, giving credence to the anachronis c atmosphere that Camm’s deep earthy pale e evokes. The shadows and values scheme is much heavier and pronouncedly darker with deep browns and blacks. Textural layers and applica ons of paint that are signature to Camm’s technique are also at play here, crea ng a substratum of many hues that contribute to the modeling of the flesh tones. Whereas, Sinclair’s approach is more smooth and subtle in comparison, even with the brush strokes apparent. Camm’s lady grasps her scarf, gazing off to the side to an unknown focal point that captures her a en on, with a slightly wis ul expression, not as confronta onal, with an innocent yearning.

“The ar st uses the model’s stature, poise and subtle expressions to manifest a portrait that some mes is a commentary about the model in ques on, or at mes is actually a doorway into the mind of the ar st himself.”

The ar st uses the model’s stature, poise and subtle expressions to manifest a portrait that some mes is a commentary about the model in ques on, or at mes is actually a doorway into the mind of the ar st himself. Nonetheless, the awareness of the narra ve is always finally consolidated in the conscience of the viewer of the work itself. For both ar sts, portraiture becomes an outlet for their elucida ons, expressing varying facets of femininity that is embodied through the mood, atmosphere and the model’s presence. Sinclair’s “Alter Ego” is technically an enhanced giclée print, that she has repainted in oils to recreate an original artwork. By: Katherine Shevchenko

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Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, October 2015

Feel confident entrusting your cherished memories and fine art. Master framers with over fifty years experience in custom framing and shadow boxes. We carry a versatile selection of framing mouldings and mats from: Laron Juhl, CMI Moulding, AMPF, Max Moulding and many more! Come in today and have a consultation with one of our framing designers and be inspired!

Custom Framing Conservation Museum Fine Art Photography Shadow Boxes Ready-Mades More... Original Paintings Giclees & Prints Picture Lights 305 S. Main St Boerne, TX 78006 830-816-5106

8302 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 210-828-8214

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Photography and Design by: Gabriel Diego Delgado

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Come See Our New Lines of Custom Framing Designs Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, October2015,

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Press Release

Join the J.R. Mooney Galleries of Fine Art ‐ Boerne on Saturday Nov. 7, 2015 from 4 pm to 8 pm for an exci ng evening of Fine Art in “Texas Vintage”. The artworks in “Texas Vintage” are a curated selec on of long established fine art ar sts that in‐ cludes a ermarket originals by G. Harvey, Porfirio Salinas, W.A. Slaughter, Jose Vives‐Atsara, Billy Saathoff, Joe Peacock, Rob‐ ert Wood, Santa Duran, Helen Hunter, and many Texas favorites.

“Texas Vintage”

An Eloquent Evening of Fine Art in the Lone Star State The genre of Texas Vintage Art has recently been the topic of discussion in regional and na onal auc on houses, among pri‐ vate collectors and fine art appraisers. With a few highly successful and much an cipated a ermarket auc ons in both Texas and New Mexico, a small cohort of Texas ar sts have seen an increase in the demand of works da ng from the mid 1950’s to the 1990’s. In “Texas Vintage”, J.R Mooney Galleries of Fine Art is proud to curate a powerful selec on of artworks that give us a glimpse of the dynamic force of Texas Vintage Art. Pulling from mul ple sources and collec ons, the gallery will show‐ case masterpieces, unique acquisi ons, and rare fine art in this not to be missed exhibi on of Vintage Texas Art. This is a one night only affair featuring coveted troves from regional, na onal and interna onal acclaimed Texas ar sts. G. (Gerald) Harvey, one of the most regionally recognized ar sts of western nostalgia, recently reached a new a ermarket auc‐ on record in April 2015 at $400,000.00. With an average ceiling of $150,000 ‐ $200,00.00 for his signature western pain ngs, “Texas Vintage” will be showcasing his earlier landscape pain ngs from the 1950’s as well as select pain ngs from his tradi onal cowboy/ranch hand/west Texas oil varie es. Accompanying this selec on of highly collectable, midcentury work will be “ready‐ to‐hang” framed reproduc ons on canvas and paper from Somerset Publishing; all framed by J.R. Mooney Galleries. Jose Vives‐Atsara, one of San Antonio’s most celebrated Spanish ar sts will be represented with a body of s ll life pain ngs, landscape, and floral pain ngs; bringing to light artwork from the archived collec on of the gallery and exhibi ng por ons of the a er‐market collec on that have not been seen in over 20 years. Porfirio Salinas, an Early Texas landscape painter who gained interna onal recogni on for his stylis c depic ons of the Texas Hill Country and in par cular bluebonnets, was a favorite painter of President Lyndon Johnson who hung five of Salinas’s bluebonnet pain ngs in the White House ‐ three in the bedrooms and two for the study. “Texas Vintage” will include mul ple selec ons of Salinas’s Texas Hill Country landscapes spanning several seasons and eras.

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Other selec ons of Texas Hill Country aesthe c, western selec ons, bronze reliefs and sculptures, bluebonnet depic ons will include artworks by W.A. Slaughter, Robert Wood, Joe Peacock, Billy Saathoff, Santa Duran, Helen Hunter, and many other Texas favorites. ABOUT J.R. MOONEY GALLERIES OF FINE ART J.R. Mooney Galleries of Fine Art is a full service Fine Art Retail Gallery, specializing in Texas Vintage, Local & Regional, and Contemporary Art; coupled with a world renowned custom frame shop. J.R. Mooney Galleries of Fine Art was founded in San Antonio, Texas in 1947 by Joe and Adelle Mooney. Emerging as Modern Paint Company in 1947, with the largest selec on of professional ar st grade art supplies in San Antonio, the Mooney family eventually expanded their business. Modern Paint Company be‐ came J.R. Mooney Galleries of Fine Art to showcase local, regional and interna onal ar sts while diving into custom framing, ar st representa on and other unique a ributes. J.R. Mooney Galleries of Fine Art has metamorphosed again with an iden ty reflec ve of over a half‐century existence; becoming custom framing experts and specializing in an array of museum quality art services. J.R. Mooney Galleries is currently providing fine art services at their signature Broadway address in San Antonio and at thier Boerne loca on. J.R. Mooney Galleries of Fine Art has provided framing services for every American President since John Kennedy and every Texas Governor since John Connally. The galleries have also supplied the Va can, the Royal Palace in Madrid, Queen Beatrix of Holland, as well as major collec ons and collectors in Europe, Asia, South America and Australia. 8302 Broadway St. San Antonio, TX 78209 (210) 828‐8214 & 305 S. Main St Boerne, TX 78006 (830) 816‐5106 Gallery Hours: San Antonio – Mon. – Sat. 10 am – 6 pm / Boerne – Tues. – Sat. 10 am – 5 pm Admission is open to the public and FREE

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Photography and Design by: Gabriel Diego Delgado

Custom Framing Conservation Museum Fine art Photography shadow boxes Ready-Mades More

Original Paintings Giclees & Prints Picture Lights

1.800.537.9609 210.828.8214 830.816.5106


Bringing Boerne Back How the Public Art Competition Promotes Artistic Diversity By: Gabriel Diego Delgado

City of Boerne


s many of you know the City of Boerne has seen an influx of nine contemporary sculptures into the urban foray. As part of a five year outdoor public sculpture program under the guidance of Mayor Michael Schultz, and the umbrella organiza on, Art al Fresco, this unique public display of fine art is an opportunity to introduce an o en misunderstood ar s c genre into the consciousness of the local Boerne resident as well as any art apprecia ng tourist. Placed in specifically selected loca ons off the illustrious and paved river path, Boerne’s Historical Hill Country Mile, and the Patrick Heath Public Library, anyone can feel, touch, and view these (soon to be ten) public sculptures.

A few writers have a empted to add factual emphasis on this city ini a ve with the datum that the city can buy any one of these art pieces if desired, that the public can vote on their favorites, and then discuss in length how many other sculptures are in the city’s permanent collec on. However, in a need to expand this milestone in the City of Boerne’s cultural development, diversity and growth, we have to actually take the me to inves gate, assimilate and begin to fathom the integral and scholarly importance of these sculptures. To best understand contemporary art and especially contemporary public art installa ons, we need to o en draw on the historical aspects of the genre, field, composi on, material, focus, narra ve and the physical object itself. An educa onal crash course and lesson in Art Apprecia on 101 is now in session. First off, as one writer so commented, I have to say these sculptures do not “look like they fell off the back of a construc on truck.” Yes, they are not the tradi onal Western, Na ve American, wildlife or ‘insert your own comfort zone art adjec ve’ artwork installa on that many of us like and conform to within our own Boerne way, but that is okay as we embrace the outer cuff of “contemporary art”. Granted, Boerne is NOT New York, Los Angeles, New Orleans, or even for that ma er, Fredericksburg, but the inclusion of culture within the arts is one step in the right direc on to embrace a sense of local, regional, na onal and interna onal ethos. We have to disclose we are not trying to be bigger than who we are and that the admi ance of the contemporary art market trends of larger metros (like what’s happening on both coasts and Houston) might not ever be applicable to our finite art community. But, once we actually acknowledge our naive vices of “If I don’t understand it, I don’t like it,” the sooner we will be able to move onto the next phase.

“To best understand contemporary public art installations, we need to often drawn on the art historical aspects of the genre, field, composition, material, focus, narrative and the physical object itself.”

Two of the current nine public sculptures done by the same ar st bring to mind a great opportunity for academic discussion. In looking at art, one is o en not presented with an opportunity to discuss the work with the ar st ‐ to get the real insight on understanding it “straight from the horse’s mouth” (acknowledge Texas metaphor and a safe kind of speech as we delve into the ‘uncomfortable’); we rely on the curatorial nota ons in the museum, the docent walkthroughs, and the museum and gallery wall labels for clues, cues and complemen ng cultural codices to begin an understanding of what we are looking at. So with that said, we can venture into an analysis of a few key sculptures in this year’s selec ons by the Boerne Public Art Compe on Commi ee.

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Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, October 2015

Jeffie Brewer’s “Yves Klein Blue Heron” is the first and foremost an art historical play on words and en tled tongue‐in‐cheek linguis c joke that demands a en on. Of course this larger‐ than‐life metal sculpture of a Blue Heron is minimal, almost 2 ‐D. A simplis c rendi on of the local bird found gamefish‐ly gamboling in the marshy shores and banks of the Cibolo Creek. With Cibolo Creek and the Cibolo Creek Nature Center having one of the countries few Blue Heron rookeries, it makes sense for the ar st to adapt his ar s c vision to a relevant and local wildlife subject ma er. Infinitely scru nizing the water shallows across the riverbanks, the bird’s grandiose gaze gives us the impression of the majes c elegance of this Ardeidae family member. We assume without a cogni ve pause that everyone understands the unpreten ous applica on of color to the metal and its rela on to the bird’s natural hue. However, that brings me to my point. As the tle of the piece emphasizes, the blue color is no ordinary blue, it is “Yves Klein” Blue. Oh no, now wait, what is that? Enter in the art history’s crucial role in understanding this specific artwork. Yves Klein was a French Ar st of European importance of the post WWII era. Klein was also a member of the French Nouveau realism group and a ‘pioneer’ in the ongoing progress of performance, minimal and some mes Pop Art. His signature style of pain ng, whether it was his a ermath performance pain ngs or

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City of Boerne

his minimal color field pain ng, they included only one color‐ Yves Klein Blue of YKB. Klein was able to partner with a chemist/scien st and create his own line of ultramarine blue pigment that contained synthe c alkyds for texture. Klein was a mix of showman and shaman who o en had blue painted, nude models drag themselves and each other cross yards of white paper, making improvised tracks and

...“Bunny” lives in a place of juxtaposed urban complexity; a microcosm of developmental growth, plant rejuvenation, pristine natural ecology and labored pathways of his signature cobalt color. The paint on the models and paper would be evidence of the performance and the existence of the person, the act, and the tussle. Silhoue es of models in YKB would be ar s c paint angels, formed on paper accompanied by the playing of a one note symphony of a full orchestra. He once claimed to have jumped out a two story window, accompanied with photo‐documented evidence that he could fly. Ar st as shaman is a universal connota on spanning many con nents and cultures.

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Now with “Yves Klein Blue Heron” we can understand not only is this a blue‐colored bird, but it is also a direct acknowledgement of the YKB hue of the 1960’s. Insert a validated conceptual context with the spir‐ itual subtexts of the ar st’s career and self‐imposed supernatural afflic ons to our understanding of this contemporary art sculpture. It is safe to say we can now contemplate this blue bird affixed with a spiritual essence, a regal atmospheric aura of sorts; a solitary water fowl content behind a liquor store basking in a contemporary art nirvana. Similarly, “Bunny” by Brewer is a pop icon mash‐up of minimal art co‐opted with a jovial childlike apprecia‐ on. Again, Brewer’s nominal emphasis on natural features of the rabbit gives rise to accentuated curves, linear exaggera ons and elongated ears. A cerulean and metal rendi on of an edible PEEP© “Bunny”, it is a gigan c visual eye‐candy, sprinkled on the manicured landscape of the far le end of the town’s square.

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City of Boerne

Back dropped by the Ye Kendall Inn, the public bathrooms, trimmed greenery, developed riverbank landscaping and the Cibolo Creek, “Bunny” lives in a place of juxtaposed urban complexity; a microcosm of developmental growth, plant rejuvena on, pris ne natural ecology and labored lands. This sculpture could easily fall into the o en cited and overhead naïve vault of, “I can do that.” Yes, maybe you could, but you didn’t, Brewer did, and he was accepted into a na onal sculpture contest, has made a name for himself in the regional accolades of public sculpture and grinded through many studio problem solving blunders before arriving at the sculpture we see before us. Half mountainous ears and half Donald Judd‐like cubist minimalism, “Bunny” can be dissected horizontally but appreciated wholly. For readers’ reference, Donald Judd was a very accomplished American ar st who is primarily remembered for his minimalist cube and rectangular sculptures. Marfa, Texas revels in his ar s c genius. Banal cubes and rectangles can be found do ng the west Texas landscape. A contemporary ar st playground, Judd is credited with making Marfa the ar s c des na on it is today. Understanding the characteris cs of minimalism is evidence that something as simple as this “Bunny” can be presented with aspira ons of Judd a ributes. It is not always as simple as it looks, once you dive deeper into the categorical and historical lineage of pop art crea ons you begin to see chronological references and conceptual arrivals of sort, and how the ar st has presented us with such ar s c prose. Simplis c can be good, if you can understand the role it plays in viewing apprecia on and history. Brewer contributes just enough informa on for us to conclude this is a rabbit and it has a place in this world. Take a minute to consider this sculpture; there is more than what the surface gives us. Don’t be too judgmental and balk too soon at the unsophis cated devices of this selec on. You can easily dismiss the importance of this piece with a shrug or a laugh, but take a moment and analyze; you’ll be surprised on how you categorize the unfamiliar. Seven, soon to be eight, other sculptures are included in this inaugural year of the city’s public art compe on. Whether any of these selec ons stay in Boerne is hard to say. Comments from the old guard of the art community despise contemporary art; the younger agents of provocateur see change is good. Those looking for Na ve American and Cowboy Bronzes will indeed be disappointed. Tourists might view aspects of this cultural ini a ve with surface quality inquisi veness. However, be assured this a empt and cultural diversifica on is only one step toward a broader horizon of art apprecia on for the ci zens of Boerne. Take comfort in the fact we have not stepped into the realm of conceptual happenings or post‐ graffi guerrilla art. Yes those may come too, but one step at a me. Educa on is key to understanding something you know nothing about; a new level of apprecia on can be sought when you do. Take me to see all nine sculptures and see how they make you feel, analyze their environments, touch the materials used, see the kine c a ributes of some and revel in the simplis c manners of others. Art is Life, Life is Art. Go out and explore what Boerne has to offer. More informa on on the public outdoor sculptures and the City of Boerne art ini a ve, visit: www.artalfresco.org

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305 S. Main St Boerne, TX 78006 830-816-5106

8302 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 210-828-8214

Custom Framing Conservation Museum Fine Art Photography Shadow Boxes Ready-Mades More…

Original Paintings Giclees & Prints Picture Lights

Fine Art for All Occasions Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, October2015,

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8302 Broadway St

305 S. Main St

San Antonio, TX

Boerne, TX





Custom Framing Conservation Museum Fine Art

Original Paintings


Giclees & Prints

Shadow Boxes

Picture Lights


46 / PLUME‐TX Magazine

Fine Art for All Occasions

Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, October 2015

How Dare You: A Mul ‐Media Exhibi on of Women Ar sts Opening Recep on from 5‐8 pm at the Carver Community Cultural Center. Thursday, November 5th. Curated by Anel I. Flores and Sarah Cas llo. There is art in everything ‐‐ Our home, our phone, our car, and even something as complex as our physical body. And, in the rat race that is life, there tends to be very li le art that causes us to stop and implore the lines, func ons, and story that lie within it. How Dare You? will exhibit works of art by San Antonio women ar sts who s mulate, provoke, and capture her viewers; al‐ lowing space for the movement and speed of the compe ng world to fall away. Fourteen women photographers will be featured in the show: Claudia Zapata, Le cia Rocha Živadinović, Audrya Flores, Tk Tunchez, Raquel Zawrotny, Linda Arredondo, Kristel Puente, Kat Shevchenko, Stephanie Torres, Adriana Garcia, Maria Vascon‐ cellos, Amanda Bartle and Ashley Mireles. Exhibi on Dates: Thurs, November 5 ‐ Saturday, November 28 A special thank you with much love and apprecia on to La Botanica for their custom cocktails, Sweet Chela’s for the custom cupcakes, and The Carver Cultural Center for the exhibi on space. Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, October2015,

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Home Accessories

antastic rames Custom Framing Consultants and Designers realize there is a naïve‐ness that exists within the general public on choosing the perfect frame for their fine art needs. In this segment of “Fantas c Frames”, we will take a look at several new family or series of frames available at your local custom frame shop. Highlights from the family are wood grains, Texas Pride, Floater Frames, Shabby Chic, Rus c, and Tradi onal.

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Photography, Design and content by Gabriel Diego Delgado unless otherwise stated.

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Home Accessories

CMI Moulding “Stars and Texas” Series 1 3/8” ‐ 2 1/8” wide Texas Pride is found among the stars embellished on this moulding. The scroll around the star mo f has an element of western rus c. Look for this moulding to be added as an accent within a stepped framing design. Can be used to accent the landscape and western genres of art. More informa on can be found at: www.cmimoulding.com

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Monarch Moulding “Madrigal Wood” Series 1 3/4” ‐ 2 1/2” wide Weathered wood is paired with a faux rope or spindle mo f , sealed with a high gloss finish. Ranging from a natural wood to walnut, the pucks and gouges in the wood is appealing as a distressed mark making for a nice rus c aesthe c. More informa on can be found at: www.monarchmoulding.com

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Home Accessories

The Woods of Designer Moulding “Heirloom Collec on” Series 2” wide Manufactured in an array of aged woods, this float moulding has a curved crest and allows for a tradi onal profile with the contemporary float framing. More informa on can be found at: www.designermoulding.com

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Roma Moulding “Palladio” Series 1 7/8” ‐ 3 7/8” wide Distressed finish with old world charm. Tagged as a primi ve series within the Palladio family, this ornate appeal is anything but primi ve. The carved scrolls give an embellished importance without the gaudiness of the super ornate religious connota ons that accompany highly decora ve mouldings. More informa on can be found at: www.romamoulding.com

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Home Accessories

CMI Moulding “Dri wood” Series 2” ‐ 2 3/4” wide “Rus c aesthe c with a glossy ‘dri wood’ appearance. This moulding offers a faux wood finish with earth ones that are accented by distressed and aged wood. The grain is a major visual influence on this moulding.” More informa on can be found at: www.cmimoulding.com

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LARSON‐JUHL “Isabella” Series 3” wide “An que, hand‐painted with gilded ornamenta on; influenced by Spanish style Key elements: tradi onal, embossed, distressed, global More informa on can be found at: www.larsonjuhl.com

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current trend in home interior design for the fall 2015 is the inclusion of the ‘natural’. Indoor garden areas, home grown herb po ers, natural stone, fibers, and mimicked textures all play a role in how to introduce calm and serine color pale es. With this annexa on of the outdoors to indoors, we see the brass and copper fixtures intertwined with rus c stone. This combina on is also incorporated into the ver cal, meaning that wood grains are important on walls as well as the typical cabinets, surfaces and counters. Art has its own rules to play in this fall mo f of earth tones. This season gives pain ngs a license to be more melancholy in their aesthe c, flourishing with earth tones that ground the fine art within the environment. This helps to anchor all elements of the room together. Complimen ng color schemes within the fine art pale e need to feel integrated into the overall sensibility of the room. The living spaces have become more geared toward relaxa on and calmness. Before, the bedroom was for relaxing, reading and sleeping. As our living spaces become more urban, the need to maximize space influences

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room devo ons. Urban living means smaller inner city lo spaces, so the bedroom is a converted living space; the open floor plan dictates mul ‐func onal accessibili es. One example of this trend that we see in the work carried at J.R. Mooney Galleries is the adapta on of metallic background colors by interna onal impressionist ar st, J. Morgan. Morgan’s metallic bronze and copper backgrounds allow his impressionis c flower colors to ‘pop’. Bold and bright floras seem to resonate on the surface of the bronze under‐layer. By introducing this rich and gleaming earth tone, he has singlehandedly achieved a sense of interior gestalt. His pain ngs blend in with the fall color pale e as well as compliment the brass and copper fi ngs, fixtures, knobs and handles. J. Morgan’s artwork can be found at J.R. Mooney Galleries‐Boerne and San Antonio, TX. By: Gabriel Diego Delgado Gallery Director Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, October2015,

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Weldon E. Lister, a Boerne based Master Engraver, Jeweler, and fine ar st has fabricated a new sculpture that emphasizes this month’s “Designer’s Quill” trend. A reclaimed , burned tree stump is host to copper stems and Cripple Creek Turquoise gems that infuse found object with fine art. “Un tled”, by Lister is one in a proposed ongoing body of work rela ng reclaimed and upcycled material with elements of fine art and jewelry. More of Lister’s art can be found at www.weldonlister.com

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Custom Framing Conservation Museum Fine art Photography shadow boxes Ready-Mades More

Original Paintings Giclees & Prints Picture Lights 305 S. Main St Boerne, TX 78006 830-816-5106

8302 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 210-828-8214

1.800.537.9609 www.jrmooneygalleries.com

Photography and Design by: Gabriel Diego Delgado


Fair Market / After Market Summaries of Current Art Market Selec ons from A er Market

Title: “Mountain of Tranquility” Ar st: Charles Pabst Medium: Oil Date: N/A Dimensions : 40” x 25” Price: $9,750.00 Available at: J.R. Mooney Galleries Provenance: Sales Price**: $3,360 **(Includes auc on fee to buyer) Low Es mate: $2,000 High Es mate: $3,000 Auc on Lot: 126 Auc on House: Altermann Galleries Auc on Date: 08/13/2011 (Source: www.askart.com) Ar st Bio: Arizona ar st, Charles H. Pabst came to Arizona from northern California, where he was born and raised in Santa Clara Valley, California. He graduated from Arizona State University with a degree in Fine Arts and then decided to remain in Arizona work‐ ing as a commercial ar st for seven years. In 1978 Charles began pain ng full me as a fine ar st. Primarily a landscape ar st, Pabst depicts the beauty of the American West. For subject ma er Charles travels throughout the Southwest with his family to explore, photograph and paint the diverse panorama of the west. Source:Dr. Lew Deitch, Art Book of the New West, "Charles H. Pabst” www.charlespabst.com

Suggested price reflects frame and current demand and availability of original art on a ermarket status.

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Title: “Ballroom” Ar st: Chris an Jereczek Medium: oil on canvas Date: N/A Dimensions : 31” x 27” Price: $4,250.00 Available at: J.R. Mooney Galleries of Fine Art Provenance: Unknown Ar st Bio: Jereczek was born in Berlin, Germany, on November 11, 1935. He began to realize his talent as a sculptor while being a stone mason, and entered the Art Academy in Berlin. There he studied under Professors Heinz Drake, Max Worner, and Theo Balden. Later he took private lessons in Frankfurt am Main from the noted Professor Eugen von Warun‐Sekret. His studies in the various styles of the European Masters con nued at the Academy Keiw in Paris, and the Art Academies in Munich and Dusseldorf. Jereczek has traveled extensively to the major art centers of Europe, a ending the Interna onal Summer Academy in Salzburg conducted by the Austrian Master, Oskar Kokoschka. His beau ful pain ngs of the flower markets of Europe ‐ Amsterdam, Paris, Verona (Italy), and the flower fields of Spain, Yugoslavia, and Mallorca, place him among the premier colorists in Europe. His female figures and ballet dancers reveal a sensi ve touch, characteris c of one influenced by the Master Ar sts of all Europe. (Source: www.askart.com) Comparables: High Auction Price at $2,400.00 on 6/12/15

Suggested price re lects frame and current demand and availability on original art on aftermarket status. Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, October2015,

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Custom Framing

Original Paintings


Giclees & Prints

Museum Fine art Photography shadow boxes Ready-Mades More

Picture Lights


Feel confident entrusting your cherished memories and fine art

Master framers with over fifty years experience in custom framing and shadow boxes

We carry a versatile selection of framing mouldings and mats from: Laron Juhl CMI Moulding AMPF Max Moulding and many more! 1.800.537.9609 210.828.8214 830.816.5106


305 S. Main St Boerne, TX 78006

Come in today and have a consultation with one of our framing designers and be inspired!

Art Community 66 / PLUME‐TX Magazine

Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, October 2015

Photographs of the Boerne Professional Ar st s Grand Opening fes vi es from the Friday, Oct 16, 2015 night of the Texas Hill Country Invita onal exhibi on at the Cana Ballroom of the St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church. The public opening was from 7 pm—9pm. Exhibi on patrons were able to view over 45 ar sts’ artwork from this year’s selec on of Texas ar sts. A host of different categories included: acrylic, oil, drawing, sculpture, po ery, jewelry, and much more. The Texas Hill Country invita onal is one of two annual events sponsored by the Boerne Professional Art, the second event will be in the spring‐ “Parade of Ar sts” More informa on about how to join the Boerne Professional Ar st organiza on can be found at : www. boerneprofessionalar sts.com

All photographs by Gabriel Diego Delgado

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Custom Framing Conservation Museum Fine Art Photography Shadow Boxes Ready-Mades More... Original Paintings Giclees & Prints Picture Lights 305 S. Main St Boerne, TX 78006 830-816-5106

8302 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 210-828-8214 1.800.537.9609


Boerne Community

Keys to the Hills Hot Rod Run, Oct 9, 10 & 11

—The Pride of Texas Street Rods club held its 29th annual "Key to the Hills Rod Run" on October 9, 10 and 11, 2015. The year’s automo ve exhibi on features almost over 500 pre‐1949 coupes, sedans and roadsters. Families, Car Aficionados, Hobbyists, and weekend roamer enjoyed a pedestrian only Main Street in Boerne, a center of town though fare that was closed from Rosewood St. to Blanco St. The actual hot rod run, or processional had the cars leaving downtown Boerne at 5pm with a predes ned cruise through the picturesque Texas Hill Country. More informa on on the Keys to the Hills Hot Rod Run can be found at: www.visitboerne.org

All photographs by Gabriel Diego Delgado

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Every year in October, the retail businesses in collabora on with the Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce have a contest for Fall that highlights the art of scarecrows. The solidarity of this fall inspired décor has amassed simple and complex merchandising efforts. All along the Boerne Historic Mile on Main Street, shoppers can take joy in seeing individualized arrays of this “If I only had a brain” statue. Look for this yearly device in October every year for addi onal shopping fun. More about the Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce can be found at: www.boerne.org

All photographs by Gabriel Diego Delgado

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2 Calendar Events for the Hill Country ‐‐Family Friendly Shopping and Much More‐‐

Informa on provided has been sourced from various online event calendars and press releases. It is intended to act as an event guide and informa on about the events and cited text an be found at the referenced websites. Boerne Wild Game Dinner On November 7, 2015 from 5 pm—10 pm, go hog wild at the Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce Annual Wild Game Dinner at the Kendall County Fairgrounds. This will be the third year of the popular fund‐raising event. Admission includes food, drink, all you can eat of the savory wild game dishes, live & silent auc ons and registra on for door prizes. Of course, there’s also “not ‐so‐wild” food. Enjoy some old favorites like smoked turkey, smoked pulled pork, brisket tacos and beans. Then move on up to something a li le more exo c like fried alligator, Cajun crawfish pasta, stuffed pheasant, bison sliders or bacon‐wrapped Nilgai, duck gumbo, spicy jambalaya and flavorful axis carne guisada. Tickets to this event art $20.00. For more informa on about this annual event, visit: www.boerne.org Boerne Handmade Market On November 7, from 9—4 pm the Boerne Handmade Market will be providing a small town charm with their signature shopping experience at the Pavilion on John’s Rd. This is ar san market focused on handmade cra s, upcycled artsy delights, and shabby chic and rus c handmade home décor items. For the first me ever, Boerne Handmade Market is having a Kid Market. BHM Kid Market will be at BHM on November 7 and will offer cra ing kids the opportunity to sell their goods at their very own booth. BHM will be accep ng a limited number of kid cra er booths. For more informa on on this event please visit:www.visitboerne.org & www.boernehandmademarket.com Diva Night On November 12th, from 5 pm—9 pm, the Boerne Chamber Retail Commi ee and the Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce is calling for women to take to the streets – Main Street, that is. It’s holiday DIVA NIGHT in Boerne and the shops will be open late, brimming with holiday bounty, overflowing with finger food and wine, and filled with lively ladies in their aras and boas – all to ring in the holiday season. Every year the shops on Main Street kick off the holidays with this opportunity to par cipate in a “private” party in the places we already love to shop. The shops are loaded with brand new merchandise, just in me for this fun event. For more informa on visit: www.boerne.org

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New to Boerne By; Melisa Adriana Belgara

Dickens on Main On Friday November 27th & 28th, Dickens on Main brings dings of good cheer to Boerne for its 16th annual premier Christmas event. Stroll with loved ones through a decorated historic downtown, along the Hill Country Mile, while the sights and sounds of the weekend fill you with holiday spirit. Pull out your pe coats, dust off your top hats and let Dickens on Main take you back in me! This family‐friendly fes val is the highlight of the season. For a full lis ng of events, schedules. Programs, and par cipa ng vendors, sponsors and retail loca ons, visit: www.dickensonmain.com

________________________________________________________________________ UPCOMING OCTOBER – NOVEMBER EVENTS IN COMFORT October 1 – 31: SCARECROW INVASION Crea ve ad fun scarecrows overtake the town! October 17 & 18: COMFORT VILLAGE ANTIQUES SHOW 10 am – 5 pm at the Comfort Park November 14: DIVA DAY An exci ng day of special sales and in‐store promo ons to help you jump start your holiday decora ng and shopping. 10 am to 5 pm at par cipa ng stores. November 17: GIRLS NIGHT OUT Grab your girlfriends and join 20 local merchants for a magical evening of shipping and yule de refreshments. 4 pm to 9 pm at par cipa ng businesses. November 28: CHRISTMAS IN COMFORT Arts and Cra s Booths, Music, Food Court, Local Shopping, Santa and his Elves, a Lighted Night Parade and much more.

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