Sept 2015 plumage 9 29 2015

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Sept. 2015 Issue

Hill Country Magazine FREE

Margie Barker


Over 50 Years of Fun

Jose Vives-Atsara Reflec ons

Hill Country Invita onal BPA

Favorites People and the Pain ngs They Love

Auctions Fair Market Value

Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events

Photography and Design by: Gabriel Diego Delgado

Available at JR Mooney Galleries—Boerne / / 830-816-5106

Russell Stephenson “First Frost” Oil on Panel 24” x 24”


FEATURES Sept. 2015 Issue No. 6


Reflec ons Jose Vives‐Atsara and his obscure composi onal treat

THCI Annual BPA art exhibi on

22 Favorite People and the art they like

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Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, September 2015



IN THIS ISSUE Margie Barker A Life in the Arts

40 A er Market


See the Comparables

PLUMAGE PLUMAGE--TX September 2015 Issue

PUBLISHER Gabriel Diego Delgado Contribu ng Writers


Gabriel Diego Delgado

A Note from the Publisher –P.8

Katherine Shevchenko Melissa Adriana Belgara

On the Cover—P.10 All artwork photography courtesy of J.R. Mooney Galleries of Fine Art Prices are for current artwork, and can change at any me

Contributors— P.11

© 2015 JR Mooney Galleries

Framing of the Month—P.74

305 S. Main Boerne, Texas

Designer’s Quill—P.78

78006 830‐816‐5106 Edited by Gabriel Diego Delgado, Marla Cavin, Katherine Shevchenko , Be y Houston Design by: Gabriel Diego Delgado

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Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, September 2015

Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, September 2015,

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A Note from the Publisher

September is back to school, back from vaca ons and back to the daily rou ne. Yes, it is a normalcy, and some mes monotonous, but never fear, the heat will dissipate from me to me, the evenings will get cooler and we will have more me to enjoy all the Hill Country has to offer. This picture is a detail of my journey through the “Ordinary People & Extraordinary Art” photography series we launched at the J.R. Mooney Galleries, Boerne loca on to showcase the general public and the art they like. We provide our readers with a one sentence summary of why this person likes that par cular pain ng or art piece. Feel free to stop in at the gallery and let us know which one is your favorite. Come out and enjoy!! PLUMAGE‐TX hopes to use its pages as a vehicle to educate, entertain and enlighten our audience on a variety of topics ranging from reviews, news, ar st narra ves, interviews, cri cism and a cohort of other art related stories from within the gallery walls to the major metro centers. I hope you find this informa ve and hope you con nue to follow the ar s c happenings around you in your local neighborhoods.


Gabriel Diego Delgado, Publisher

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Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, September 2015,

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On the Cover

Met this gentleman in the dark crevices of the Creek Restaurant in Boerne, Texas. Part Texas, part taxidermy, part dive bar aesthe c, this charmer was a glorious sight to see as you tuck yourself into the side bar area across from the fine dining . I was enamored by his large antlers, his listless smile, his pouty demeanor and his bedroom eyes. Yes, he had me at hello. Gree ng everyone who walks by, you are ever so blessed if you are indeed the few who make his acquaintance. The dayglow and neon bar lights add a “Roxanne you don’t have to put on the red light” kind of feel. Be sure to check him out one day as you sit down for a wonderful meal.

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Gabriel Diego Delgado is the Gallery Director at J.R. Mooney Galleries of Fine Art, Boerne, Texas. He has spent almost a decade in Nonprofit Art Management‐ working as a Curator of Exhibi ons at the Sta on Museum of Contemporary Art, Houston; Project Manager of Research and Development at the Museo Alameda, a Smithsonian Affiliate, San Antonio. He is a Freelance Curator and Arts Reviewer for several publica ons. His artwork has been shown in Arco 2012 Madrid, Spain; New York, New York, MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art) D.C. as well as numerous galleries and venues throughout the U.S. He is currently working on his Fine Art Appraisal License.

Katherine Shevchenko has a ended the San Francisco Academy of Art University and the University of Texas at San Antonio where she received her Fine Arts Degree with an emphasis in Pain ng. Her experience ranges from interning as a curatorial assistant at Southwest School of Art to teaching art to students of all ages. Currently, she is an art consultant/framing designer at the J.R. Mooney Gallery in Boerne. Some of her contribu ons include wri ng ar cles, hos ng and edi ng the J.R. Mooney podcast, "Mooney Makes Sense" and art catalog design. She is also an ar st that specializes in pain ng in oils and other media. Melissa Belgara, a na ve Texan that grew up in Houston, lived San Marcos and San Antonio has recently moved with her family to Boerne. Her experience in Commercial Real Estate Marke ng provides a unique perspec ve of this quickly expanding area of Texas. She holds a Bachelor's degree from the University of Houston in Communica ons, as well as a Masters degree in Organiza onal Management. Currently, she spends most of her me caring for her two daughters, subs tute teaching and looking for crea ve ways to explore and discover the Hill Country's ar sts' communi es.

Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, September 2015

Boerne Spotlight

Jose Vives-Atsara ‘Mirrored Impression’ By: Gabriel Diego Delgado

River’s Reflec on An analysis of “El Cas llo en Reflejos, Catalonia, Spain” by Jose Vives‐Atsara Gabriel Diego Delgado

“El Cas llo en Reflejos, Catalonia, Spain”, by Jose Vives‐Atsara is a prime example of a pain ng that makes you hesitate, to stop in your tracks and take a second glance; a visual shillyshally encompassed by a harm‐ lessly dominant watery mirror‐image in a ghostly gestalt. This oil painted existen al echo coerces you to ponder your existence (well, not quite), but Vives‐Atsara does force you to reevaluate what we know about composi on in the tradi onal landscape pain ng genre.

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Yes, this vintage pain ng (circa 1963) of a castle in Catalonia, Spain, is formulated in a way that breaks the mold of composi on in the tradi onal sense of an impressionis c pain ng. Many ques ons come to mind when evalua ng “El Cas llo en Reflejos”. First of all, our brain says, “Hey! Wait! Which way is up?” We ins nc vely fight to resist the awkward art museum cliché of turning our head sideways to help us formulate those internal thoughts. In our ability to comprehend contemporary art, we begin to suppress an interior struggle to ques on its validity with an ingrained and primordial self‐doubt ar s c chip on our mental shoulder. Ward off that ins nc ve tempta on to twist your neck askew so that one of your ears is up, like a canine. It won’t help you fathom any more of this pictorial puzzle as you unbearably struggle with this artwork like it is some cryp c but visual language presented to you with a seemingly fic onal and mischievous inten on by an ar st aimed at sadis cally avenging art by driving us mad.

“...and we ins nc vely

fight to resist the awkward art museum cliché of turning our head sideways to help us formulate those internal thoughts.”

When you realize it’s all about the reflec on in the water, you have to reestablish the horizon line, gain your bearing as to where you are in rela on to the castle in the foreground. Then, we begin to calculate the surrounding. What is the terrain? Where is the ar st posi oning us? Is it an impossible perspec ve or just a detail with some ar s c liber es?

Once we perfect our posture we begin to comprehend the whole pain ng is all about the small castle in the water’s reflec on. It fills us with a queasy ver go, gaunt in the subtle picture plane, like some painterly echo of mes gone past, an ar s c and historical view of some medieval period, a flash in history when this structure was vital to the survival of the surrounding area. Now it’s a cool and calm reflec on in the tranquil waters below, reaching out from some picturesque grave, a kind of allegory of the John Evere Millais's depic on of Ophelia offering herself to death in the cold water, floa ng down the stream in a macabre melody of ancestral auras.

Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, September 2015

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Once ruled by the Crown of Aragon in the Mediterranean and complete with over 600 medieval fortresses, the autonomous region of Catalonia, Spain is a majes c territory comprised of smaller provinces that include: Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, and Tarragona. Jose Vives‐Atsara portrays one of these numerous castles with painterly inquisi on, giving us an impressionis c reflec on, just enough detail for curiosity, matched only by a legion of historical prominence. ©Gabriel Diego Delgado Other examples of Jose Vives‐Atsara signatures, provenance, and self directed studio inventory system; signed & dated

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305 S. Main St Boerne, TX 78006 830-816-5106

Custom Framing Conservation Museum Fine Art Photography Shadow Boxes Ready-Mades More... Original Paintings Giclees & Prints Picture Lights

8302 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 210-828-8214


“...Although the mountains are majestic and glorious, the cactus are the long forgotten… I think they are the stoic ones.” Huertas Aguiar “Teddy Bear Cactus” Oil 30” x 40”

“...The trees are very nice...and I like the field. Can we paint when we get home?” K. Adams “Wine Country” Oil 24” x 20”

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Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, September 2015,

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“...As a painting it is an intriguing intersection of conceptual application embodying organic elements.” Russell Stephenson “Castlelaine” Oil 24” x 36”

“...You know Ramon Kelley has a way of painting something ordinary and making it seem magical.” Ramon Kelley “A Cocky Fellow” Oil 5” x 7”

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“...I like the depressive aesthetic of the European cityscape, a kind of postWWII urban decay.” Antonious Henricus“Toon” Koster “Night City” 24” x 36”

“...I like the freedom of color, its wonderful …” Cliff Cavin “Orange Canyon” 8” x 10”

Feel confident entrusting your cherished memories and fine art. Master framers with over fifty years experience in custom framing and shadow boxes. We carry a versatile selection of framing mouldings and mats from: Laron Juhl, CMI Moulding, AMPF, Max Moulding and many more! Come in today and have a consultation with one of our framing designers and be inspired!

Custom Framing Conservation Museum Fine Art Photography Shadow Boxes Ready-Mades More... Original Paintings Giclees & Prints Picture Lights 305 S. Main St Boerne, TX 78006 830-816-5106

8302 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 210-828-8214


Margie Barker

A Life of Creativity Archival images courtesy of the University Archives, Newton Gresham Library, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas

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Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, September 2015

Wri en by : Katherine Shevchenko


argie Barker, a painter represented by JR Mooney Galleries, is 81 years ‘young’ and has been ac vely showing her landscape pain ngs in San Antonio and the Boerne area for almost half a century. Born Margie Petzoldt in 1934, she spent her early years in Old Washington County in Navasota, Texas. Since childhood she has always been ar s c, sketching with pencils and coloring, doing embroidery and crochet. Margie recalls, “I don’t know where it came from, because none of my family does. I’m the only one who has any real ar s c bent.” She did not receive any formal art instruc on un l a ending Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas in 1952‐1956. One of her favorite instructors, a re red illustrator, had encouraged her to diligently draw. Margie elaborates, “That was one of the things that my instructor did preach ‐ do lots of li le sketches. And most of them were not complete, some of them I took and put in pen and ink, mostly because I enjoyed doing it.” At the me, Margie had longed to go into a career of fashion illustra on, and her primary mediums were watercolor and pen and ink. As an ar st on the yearbook staff, she did illustra ons of the university buildings for the 1956 Sam Houston Yearbook, “The Alcalde.” Margie Petzoldt graduated from Sam Houston State Teachers College on August 24th, 1956 with a Bachelor of Science degree. A er gradua on, Margie married Bill Barker and the couple moved to McAllen, due to Bill’s acceptance of a job at Texas A&M University: this is where they had two children and started their family. The couple eventually se led down in the Helotes area approximately forty years ago a er Bill got offered a job at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. They have called Helotes home ever since, “It’s such lovely area,” says Margie. In Helotes, she began exploring pain ng the landscape and taking art lessons when she found the me while caring for her family and home. Love of the landscape began with art teacher and accomplished landscape painter, Audrey Montgomery, who was a key influence on Margie’s

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ar s c development. Ms. Montgomery pushed Margie out of her comfort zone, as her landscape pain ngs were s ll just close up sketches at the me. Margie explains, “I did not try to do the whole thing; she helped to push me to do the whole thing.” She also took portraiture lessons with ar st Harold Gore and had begun working in oils with a local doctor turned ar st/ teacher. “I was working in oils to begin with, but I have a tendency to pat things to death. But, I stopped using the oils for awhile because I had a handicapped grandson, and he passed away a few years ago. He was a love; a lot of work, but he was a love, worth every bit of the trouble,” Margie recounts. The me for art became limited for her due to the necessity to devote a en on and me to care for his needs as he grew older. The need to work for acrylic also prompted Margie to reinvent herself with a new applica on of the medium which lent itself to further refining her style. Margie discusses the factors that prompted her to switch, “I started working with acrylic to make me get more contrast and on some things you can get a sharper detail. I would lose the sharpness [with oils]. However it’s harder to get the exact color I want with acrylics because they dry darker....” For viewers seeing Margie’s work for the first me, they are surprised when it is revealed that they are indeed painted in acrylic, not oil. She says, “…I’ve gone over my acrylic enough that they would be considered oil, instead of acrylic, because I have not le much un undone. Part of it is ge ng back a li le bit of the so ness that I’ve felt like I’ve lost.

“I don’t know where it came from, because none of my family does. I’m the only one who has any real ar s c bent.”

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But, of course, I needed to lose some, ge ng that happy medium is not always easy.”

“...She did not receive any formal art instruc on un l a ending Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas in 1952‐1956. As an ar st on the yearbook staff, she did illustra ons of the university buildings for the 1956 Sam Houston Yearbook, “The Alcalde.”

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Margie has an admirable work ethic and now “paints just about every day.” The pain ng process may begin with discerning a need for a par cular season that is needed for her inventory. She also refers to her large library of reference material that has been amassed over the years. Margie further details, “I’ve got probably a couple thousand photographs, I clip out pictures to add to my knowledge that I can’t get myself.…” While she has done en plein aire pain ng, she primarily enjoys sketching outside to further bolster her pain ng references. Margie admits that, “I find that I do be er sketching and then taking pictures to do the detail work. I do refer back and use my sketches and use the knowledge to get the detail and get the cactus, to get the plants to move back and get the distance.” As she spends much me behind the canvas pain ng the scenery she enjoys, inspira on is derived from from, “Life in general… I like ge ng outside… just seeing what’s out there.” Some beloved locales that she enjoys pain ng are Lost Maples State Park, Palo Duro Canyon, the rivers of the Hill Country and McKintrick Canyon. Reminiscing back to the mes when her kids were in school, and she was just beginning to build her art career; mo vated by par cipa ng with the River Art Group and having her work picked up in a couple of galleries, “It kept me working and dreaming of what I could do. I would like to make it be er, make my kids proud of me.”

Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, September 2015

Now, with more me to create and par cipate in shows, Margie doesn’t miss a beat; when asked where she gets her energy from, she states, “Because I am doing what I like doing.” She remains ac ve, as a regular gallery a endant at the River Art Gallery in downtown San Antonio, o en working once a month or more. She is also a member of the Boerne Professional Ar st’s Associa on, and par cipates in the Boerne Parade of Ar sts and the Hill Country Invita onal exhibi ons. She a ends openings at her represen ng gallery at J.R. Mooney Gallery in Boerne, TX. “I feel like my work is picking up, so I would like to see where it’d bring me. It’s s ll a challenge. It’s s ll fun.” She is s ll working and overcoming challenges in her crea ve work. Cataract surgery has not slowed her down, while it has affected her art process, some details have become more enhanced, “Yet, at a certain distance I can see level; at a certain distance it just slopes and one end of the picture is larger than the other.” This has prompted her to be more careful in evalua ng her pain ngs while they are in process. A er a life me of pursuing her crea ve dreams, Margie lives and embodies her philosophy to all aspiring ar sts, “Get out and draw, work. Just keep at it, follow your ins ncts. Do what you love to do.” Time by the easel and discipline remain a priority in her life, as well as the drive to keep improving, Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, September 2015,

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“I’ve been working on ge ng them [the pain ngs] be er; I’m not too old to learn. I’m working on it.” Margie will be showing with fi y of her peers in the upcoming Texas Hill Country Invita onal hosted by the Boerne Associa on of Professional Ar sts. It will take place in the Cana ballroom of St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church located in Boerne, TX. Please go to h p://boerneprofessionalar for more detailed informa on about the event. **Special thank you to: Barbara Kievit‐Mason, Archivist of the SHSU University Archives, Illustra ons and Yearbook images courtesy of SHSU Univeristy Archives

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Margie Barker, Detail of Texas Bouquet, Acrylic 18” x 36”

Texas Bouquet Tribute to Margie Barker’s Signature Prickly Pear Cactus Painting Wri en by: Katherine Shevchenko

Lifelong Texas resident ar st Margie Barker simply stuns with this beau ful rendi on of a close‐up view of a signature flora of south Texas: Opun a engelmannii, also known as the prickly pear cactus. Her skillful mastery of her medium and cra are on full display. In the foreground we are presented with a prickly pear that is in full bloom with the details generously rendered, from the slivery needles to the gently cast shadows underneath them like subtle wisps; the blossoms are delicately so in a profusion of dreamy pastel pinks and yellows, effluent and alive. Beyond the cactus there are trails between the raw and craggy vegeta on that readily dot the Texas Hill Country landscape. Due to the amount of me culous cra smanship present, evident in the carefully rendered organic textures and a en on given to the natural elements; this true to life composi on emotes the rugged poetry of wild Texas. The paths keep receding back and leading the eye to venture further beyond, punctuated by the muted greens of the dense clusters of prickly pear nestled underneath exposed branches. This is the Texas Margie knows and loves, an ode to the tenacious beauty that ul mately triumphs in its challenging environment. “Texas Bouquet” is available at J.R. Mooney Galleries in Boerne, Texas. For more selec ons of Margie Barker’s artwork, visit:

Margie Barker, Texas Bouquet, Acrylic 18” x 36”

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g{x _âv~ç lxtÜ

-The B.P.A presents the Annual Texas Hill Country Invitational -

By: Gabriel Diego Delgado

Rews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, September 2015,

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he Boerne Professional Ar st (BPA) associa on is gearing up for their exuberant fall season with the kick‐off and public opening of the annual “Texas Hill Country Invita onal” (THCI) art exhibi on and sale at the Cana Ballroom of St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church on Main Street in Boerne, Texas ‐October 16th, 17th and 18th. BPA President, Ed Hall; VP of Marke ng, Pamela Gardner and Event Chair, Nancy Yarbrough were on‐ hand to discuss the latest news on this much an cipated art event.

“This is the Premier Art Show in the Hill Country,” says Ed Hall exci ngly. Drawing from a roster of over 50 formal members of the BPA organiza on, the THCI will be chockfull of an eclec c mixture of ar s c delights The THCI art exhibi on and sale now in its 13th year, is gaining regional momentum as it evolves, changes and morphs to fit and accommodate the needs of the ar sts who par cipate in the event. From a hotel’s conference room, to Ye Kendell Inn to Tapi o Springs Golf Country Club & Resort to The Dienger Building to St. Peter’s Church, this exhibi on originally started almost 6 years a er the ini al “Open Studios”/ “Parade of Ar sts” model; an ini a ve put forth by former Boerne Mayor Heath. “Jay Hester, Bill Scheidt, Sidney Sinclair, and maybe one or two other ar sts have been doing it since the beginning,” Gardner says. “It has drawn more and more ar sts every year.” “We have ar sts from Corpus Chris e, Houston, Georgetown, Coastal Bend regions, Killeen, Angleton, and many more….it’s a state‐wide exhibi on for all our members, it’s in the tle, ‘Texas’”, says Hall. With over 50 par cipa ng ar sts, The THCI has a wide assortment of genres, aesthe cs and categories of art for sale. The ar s c diversity includes: jewelry, po ery, pen & ink, pencil drawings, oil pain ngs, acrylic pain ng, bronze sculptures, photography, watercolor, glass, encaus cs, pastel, clay, digital art, mixed media, and serigraphy.

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This year’s three party juror selec ons are Paula Horner, current President of the Hill Country Council for the Arts, and owner of Petland, Boerne; Roberta Buckles, San Antonio ar st and instructor; and Jim Landers of Landers Photography in San Antonio. The jurors will be selec ng winners for 8 categories: oil, acrylic, watercolor, 3‐D, 2‐D, Dry Media, Photography, and Mixed Media. From these winners, they will also select a ‘best of the best’ award, and grant one of the top category victors a “Best of Show” award; an ar s c acknowledgement that guarantees admission to next year’s event, bragging rights, and a trophy, not to men on peer‐to‐peer venera on. All public a endees will receive a 32 page program that includes all list of all par cipa ng ar sts, a sample of their artwork, places for note taking, schedule of daily events and promo onal for sponsors. As of this prin ng, 6 ar sts have signed up and will be hos ng a series of 45 Jay Hester circa 1985 minute demonstra ons about their artworks. For those who want to see how these ar sts create their works, these demos are perfect for public to ar st interac on, are conducted in small se ngs and free of charge. “In addi on to the free exhibi on program, the general public will also be able to vote on a People’s Choice Award,” says Gardner. “Any a endee can vote once on who they think is the best ar st at the event…it’s a great way for the public to be involved and shows them that we appreciate their individual opinions on the various art styles the BPA displays.”

“...We have ar sts from Corpus Chris e, Houston, Georgetown, Coastal Bend regions, Killeen, “One of the main differences from last year to this year is the Angleton, and many more….it’s a expanded two day paint‐out sessions,” says Hall. state‐wide exhibi on for all our As an Oil Painters of America (OPA) sanc oned event, the ‘Paint‐ members.” Out’ will allow registered ar sts

who are not official members of the BPA to s ll par cipate in the art sale and exhibi on as part of the ‘Wet Paint’ sale sec on. Spanning over 48 hours, the paint‐out is actually an en plein aire opportunity for people who want to paint on loca on and then bring in the final artworks to the THCI event and offer them for sale in the main lobby of Rews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, September 2015,

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the ballroom. “Ar st are allowed to hang two pieces for sale and can take 100% of their proceeds from the sale, the BPA is not asking for any commission for those sales,” says Gardner. “Registered ar sts pay $15.00 for one day or $25 for two days to par cipate in this year’s ‘Paint‐out’, and have their artwork for sale during this wonderful art exhibi on and sale. En Plien Aire ar sts will be pain ng outdoors throughout Boerne and its parks, recrea onal and heritage centers…About 4 years ago we started off with maybe 5 or 6 painters out and about in Boerne, this year we are hoping for as many as 40 ar sts, up from last year’s 25.” “Another difference this year that we are super excited about is the addi on of more display panels. We have added more sec ons to the ar sts’ display area,” says Hall. “More display panels for par cipa ng ar sts…means more room to show art.” “Last year’s a endance was around about 700 people over the full three day weekend. This year we expect 800 ‐ 1,000 patrons to come on out and see what the BPA ar sts have to offer. This show is a compila on of high‐quality and diversified media at affordable prices…and not all of it is western…THCI has figura ve, landscape, Na ve American, Contemporary, Western, architectural , s ll lifes, florals and country me nostalgia, as well as a host of various techniques and media.” With previous years marke ng strategically set in na onal magazines like Southwest Art and American Art Collector, the BPA Board decided this year to market locally with street banners and signage and local

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adver sing. “There is more of an emphasis on the regional market for this exhibi on,” says Hall. “We are working with the Boerne CVB as well as the Boerne Chamber of Commerce to help promote the events. Jennings Anderson Ford in Boerne and the Dienger Trading Company have been wonderful financial supporters for the THCI events over the last few years. They are a great group of people who unselfishly give to the Boerne community…we are gracious for people like them. They help the annual BPA art exhibi on to con nue to showcase the best of what we (BPA) have to offer.” For more about the BPA Texas Hill Country Invita onal Art exhibi on and sale, visit their website at www.boerneprofessionalar

“Last year’s a endance was around about 700 people over the full three day weekend. This year we expect 800 ‐ 1,000 patrons to come on out and see what the BPA ar sts have to offer.”

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Last year’s ‘Best of Show’ winner was glass ar st, Kathleen McBride with a fused glass art‐piece.

Publisher’s Note: Bill Scheidt, Margie Barker, and Sidney Sinclair are three ar sts represented by J.R. Mooney Galleries of Fine Art‐ Boerne who will be on exhibit in the THCI at the Cana Ballroom.

Schedule of Events Wednesday and Thursday, October 14 ‐ 15, from 7:30 am – 5 pm En Plein Aire “Paint Out” Friday, October 16, from 7 – 9pm Preview and Opening Night Saturday, October 17, from 10am – 8pm 2015 Texas Hill Country Invita onal The Texas Hill Country Invita onal will be open to the public with ar sts in a endance to describe the works they have on display. Ar sts’ lectures and demonstra ons will be held from noon – 5pm. Sunday, October 18, from 10am – 3pm 2015 Texas Hill Country Invita onal

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Photography and Design by: Gabriel Diego Delgado

Come See Our New Lines of Custom Framing Designs

Breaking News

The 13th Annual

Texas Hill Country Invitational Art Show & Sale October 16 - 18, 2015

Boerne Professional Artists (BPA) will host their premier Art Show & Sale in the Cana Ballroom of St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church on October 16 - 18 of this year. With more than 50 talented artists participating, it will be the largest in the 13-year history of this event. Works of art will include paintings in oils, acrylics, pastels and watercolor; graphite, photography, pottery, jewelry, fused glass, encaustics, reliefs, sculpture and mixed media.

Additionally, featured artists will conduct a series of “how-to” lectures and demonstrations throughout Saturday afternoon. And, the top three winners of the “Drawn to Animals” Children’s Art Contest will have their artistic efforts on prominent display throughout the three-day event. The prestigious Oil Painters of America (OPA) has again endorsed BPA’s two full-day En Plein Aire “Paint-Out”, the Wednesday/Thursday prelude to the Invitational. ‘En Plein Aire’ is a French term that translates to ‘open air’, so we’ll be seeing as many as 40 artists at work mid-week in the open air prior to the Invitational. The finished works of the “Paint-Out” artists will be offered in a “Wet Paint” Sale that begins during the opening night preview event in the Ballroom. And all of this will be held in the heart of Boerne in a most elegant venue with breathtaking northern Hill Country views that is easily accessible with plenty of free parking.

Schedule of Events… Wednesday and Thursday, October 14 - 15, from 7:30 am. – 5 pm En Plein Aire “Paint Out” En Plien Aire artists will be painting outdoors throughout Boerne and its parks, recreational and heritage centers. Finished works of the open -air artists will be offered in a “Wet Paint” Sale that begins during the opening night preview event in the Ballroom.

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Friday, October 16, from 7 – 9pm Preview and Opening Night


Saturday, October 17, from 10am – 8pm The Beginning of the 2015 Texas Hill Country Invitational The Texas Hill Country Invitational will be open to the public with artists in attendance to describe the works they have on display. Artists’ lectures and demonstrations will be held from noon – 5pm. Sunday, October 18, from 10am – 3pm The Finale of the 2015 Texas Hill Country Invitational Make your reservations now to stay in the beautiful Hill Country town of Boerne, so that you don’t miss a single day of this spectacular event! Special hotel rates are available at Comfort Inn & Suites Texas Hill Country and Fairfield Inn & Suites. Just use the code “ART” when you call.

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Photography and Design by: Gabriel Diego Delgado

Custom Framing Conservation Museum Fine art Photography shadow boxes Ready-Mades More

Original Paintings Giclees & Prints Picture Lights

1.800.537.9609 210.828.8214 830.816.5106


antastic rames Custom Framing Consultants and Designers realize there is a naïve‐ness that exists within the general public on choosing the perfect frame for their fine art needs. In this segment of “Fantas c Frames”, we will take a look at several new family or series of frames available at your local custom frame shop. Highlights from the family are wood grains, faux burl, 1980’s neon contemporary and urban rus c shabby chic couture.

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Photography, Design and content by Gabriel Diego Delgado unless otherwise stated.

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“Age brings with it a subtle beauty. Our Cabane mouldings rus c charm, rich hues and subtle highlights of color are hand applied and distressed by skilled ar sans whose careful a en on to detail evokes the beauty a ained only by me and nature.” ‐Source:

ROMA Moulding “Cabane” series 2.25” wide 68 / PLUME‐TX Magazine

Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, September 2015

WALL Moulding “8750’s” series 2.50” wide

From the Tuscany series with a two part fabrica on. The top layer of distressed wood swatches are accented with a small mo f fillet edge overtop a simple wood stripping. The series is reminiscent of a American Dougless style frame with segmented rus c burl. This family offers a moulding with strong segment break lines and an ornate inner liner. More informa on can be found at:

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Bringing back the neon colors of the 1980’s, FPF Moulding is offering a sleek high gloss black frame accented with edged color. The bold accents add a playful quality to a tradi onally contemporary sleek frame. ‐Source:

FPF Moulding “K” series 1.00” wide 70/ PLUME‐TX Magazine

Reviews/ Commentary/ Exhibi ons/ News/ Events, September 2015

AMPF Moulding “Giovana III” series 1.75” wide

AMPF has expanded the Giovana collec on to include this new series of contemporary rus c. Minimally distressed woods are bright and bold with a small selec on of basic colors that add a touch of La n America aesthe c to an ordinary project. More informa on can be found at:

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Billed as a transi onal contemporary moulding, this framing selec on adds elements of tradi onal 1870’s American with distressed contemporary More informa on can be found at:

LARSON‐JUHL Moulding “Lucerne” series 2.25” wide 72/ PLUME‐TX Magazine

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LARSON‐JUHL “An ca” series 2.00” wide

“Warm, natural, genuine burl mouldings with the look of me‐worn an ques.” Descrip ons of aesthe c include: Tradi onal, Rus c, Veneer, Distressed

More informa on can be found at:

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Framing Business



Detail of framing corner

G. Harvey’s “Where Dreams Come True” Giclee, 30” x 40”, $1,870.00 (price includes frame) The premise behind this mul ‐stacked framing design was all about complimen ng the image as well as the me era. The rus c ornate wood aesthe c adds dimension to the western genre while not over powering the overall viewing experience.


The outer wood mo f is complimented by the inner scrolls on the third step. The two levels of brown add a much needed tradi onal essence as the design elements explore the linear aspects within the image itself. The outer moulding (frame) is made by Interna onal Moulding. The inner stack moulding (frame) is by Presta/Monarch Moulding.

3 4 4

* Although this looks like a four step moulding design, it is actually two mouldings with built‐in step downs.

J.R. Mooney Galleries of Fine Art is a full service gallery that includes a custom frame design center within both loca ons: San Antonio and Boerne, Texas. With such unique facili es, J.R. Mooney Galleries not only has the ability to frame everyday documents like diplomas, family photographs, prints and posters, but they also have the ability to fabricate custom, museum quality and archival fine art display presenta ons that include shadowboxes, cases and custom cabinetry.

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Framing Business


Detail of framing corner

Aldo Loungo’s “Midmorning Cappucino”, Acrylic on Canvas, 24.75” x 31 7/8”, $17,780.00 (Price includes frame).


The premise behind this mul ‐stacked framing design was all about com‐ plimen ng the image and giving visual weight to the slate grays and black tones in the picture. The large carved mo f on the outside frame adds a decora ve element to an otherwise non‐detailed pain ng. With a brushed and speckled inside step radia ng distressed silver, this outer frame has major elements that add another level of eye candy to the experience. The inner frame moulding step adds a certain sophis cated contemporary look with the sleek black liner. The built in silver fillet gives defini on to the color pale e and its mid tones.


The outer moulding (frame) is made by Max Moulding and is part of the Palazzo series. The inner stack moulding (frame) is made by Larson fram‐ ing and is registered with the Black Umber family.

J.R. Mooney Galleries of Fine Art has provided framing services for every American President since John Kennedy and every Texas Governor since John Connally. The galleries have also supplied framing services to the Va can, the Royal Palace in Madrid and Queen Beatrix of Holland, as well as to major collec ons and collectors in Europe, Asia, South America and Australia.

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Feel confident entrusting your cherished memories and fine art

Master framers with over fifty years experience in custom framing and shadow boxes

We carry a versatile selection of framing mouldings and mats from: Laron Juhl CMI Moulding AMPF Max Moulding and many more!

Come in today and have a consultation with one of our framing designers and be inspired!


s we round out the second half of the 2015 year, let’s take a look at one of the current interior design trends affec ng online purchase sales –Animals. Animal print, animal pillows, animal images, animal collages and a host of other animal related aesthe cs are sweeping the na on for interior accessory items. Even the Huffington Post has seen a shi in this seemingly 80’s fad.

Huffington writer, Amy Preiser penned a new ar cle tled, The Most Popular Decora ng Ideas in America. In this post, she states, “Each month, 20 million people visit to create shop‐able image collages and discover ‐‐ and set ‐‐ trends. Their data shows that the most‐searched décor trend from the past six months is animal accents, led by peacocks and elephants.” Now we have to ask ourselves, “Why the change?” Well as we know, trends are cyclical. What is popular in one genera on or decade does come back with a contemporary twist later on. In this case, with the explosion of hand‐cra ed art websites of Pinterest inspired cra ers selling their artsy wares, we have thousands and thousands of products to choose from to add to our unending collec ons. Search engines provide more than ample amounts of relevant finds for the perfect item to fill the niche. Animals are just the thing to give a playful prose in an eclec c assortment of interior design concepts. From tradi onal leopard prints to hipster feathers to animal minimalism, everything is accessible to fill the demand.

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The DIY bohemian rus c aesthe c of distressed barn wood, industrial wood pallet furniture, and rope everything is the flawless décor to add such worldly possessions. Long live the Animal Kingdom (At least un l 2016). At J.R. Mooney Galleries of Fine Art, represented ar st, R. Henderson peaks with fashionable taste as he delivers pop art inspired animal profiles. From hippopotamuses lurking in the imaginary waters below to full‐on‐ frontals of longhorns and ca le, Henderson’s pain ngs help ins ll a sense of worry‐free innocence. Working as both accents and impact pieces, his pain ngs accurately reflect the current trend of animal amusement. By: Gabriel Diego Delgado

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Custom Framing Conservation Museum Fine art Photography shadow boxes Ready-Mades More

Original Paintings Giclees & Prints Picture Lights 305 S. Main St Boerne, TX 78006 830-816-5106

8302 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 210-828-8214


Photography and Design by: Gabriel Diego Delgado


Fair Market

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Value Stories Michel Margueray was born in 1938. He currently resides in France and is ac vely s ll pain ng at 77 years old. Dedica ng most of his studio me to European coastal scenes, his a er‐market aesthe c is dominated by his beau ful harbors and sailboats. Margueray also painted landscapes depic ng the rural lifestyles of European villages and towns. Spotlight a er‐market auc on results for Margueray are: 

“Neige Rue De Beausejour, Vire Les Monts”, 19” x 24” oil on canvas, Catherine Charbonneaux

High es mate: $3,201.00/ Low es mate: $2,561.00 Sold Price: ‐Not sold‐ (This item for auc on is a close ‘comparable’ to the one pictured to the le with similar aesthe cs and rural snow landscape.)


“Paris” 19” x 24”, oil on canvas, Chevau‐Legers Echeres Mar n‐Chausselat

High es mate: $2,409.00 / Low es mate: $2,141.00 Sold Price: $$1,873.00


“Plage Pres De Calvi”, 35” x 45”, oil on canvas, Eric Pillon Echeres

High es mate: $3,092.00 / Low es mate: $$2,473.00

Sold Price: $2,473.00

Pictured to the le : “ En Route Pour Plecole Ineige (Ma n) ‘Family’ , oil on canvas, 20” x 24”, Asking Price: $1,520.00 available at J.R. Mooney Galleries of Fine Art, Boerne/San Antonio, Circa mid‐ 1980’s, No visible damage or conserva on work needed. Paint quality and varnish are in excellent condi on. Sales price asked includes frame

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Fair Market

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Value Stories Bill Mi ag was born in West Texas, and was raised in New Mexico. He received his Bachelore e degree from New Mexico State University , a ended the pres gious Sco sdale Ar st School and took graduate courses at Eastern New Mexico University and UCLA. He paints what is coined as the “Southwestern Scene”. Using broad strokes and a pale e knife, Mi ag paints thick impasto impressionis c landscape scenes of his beloved South, Na ve Americans, and the Western Genres. Mountains with magnificent cloud forma ons are o en complimented with a stylized pale e of bold earth tones mixed with a pastel sensibility. His Na ve American artworks have intrinsic and detailed portrayal of this culture’s legacy. Spotlight a er‐market auc on results for Mi ag are: 

“A Look at the Past” 28” x 38”, oil on canvas, Charles M. Russell Benefit Auc on

High es mate: $10,000.00 / Low es mate: $8,500.00 Sold Price: $5,000.00


“Miller Time”, 12” x 16”, oil on canvas, Auc on in Santa Fe

High es mate: $2,000.00 / Low es mate: $1,000.00 Sold Price: $413.00


“Creekside Camp”, 12” x 18”, oil on canvas, Sco sdale Art Auc on

High es mate: $3,000.00 / Low es mate: $2,000.00 Sold Price: $3,080.00

Pictured to the le : “Southwest”, Bill Mi ag, oil on canvas, 8” x 15”, Asking Price: $1,995.00 available at J.R. Mooney Galleries of Fine Art, Boerne/San Antonio, Not dated, No visible damage or conserva on work needed. Paint quality and varnish are in excellent condi on, No visible signature on exposed front of pain ng. Sales price asked includes frame and linen inside liner provided by the gallery. Frame does come with front bronze nameplate.

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Fair Market

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Value Stories Robert Hamman enjoyed pain ng his beloved Texas. Originally from San Antonio, this Texas na ve was inspired by the early 1960’s landscape painters like P. Salinas, R. Wood, D. Windberg, and many others. Enthralled by European fashion at the turn of the century, Hamman o en depicted Early European/ Victorian/ Edwardian era women in tradi onal dress, o en garden‐side. Street scenes, beaches, and European plaza depic ons can be found in his work alongside Texas Hill Country, Windmills, landscapes, bluebonnets and country‐ me nostalgia. Spotlight a er‐market auc on results for Hamman are: 

“Old Ranch Posts”, 24” x 30”, oil on canvas, Vogt Galleries and Auc on House

High es mate: $1,800.00 / Low es mate: $1,200.00


Sold Price: $4,633.00

“A Gracious Time”, 24” x 20”, oil on canvas, Vogt Galleries and Auc on House

High es mate: $2,200.00 / Low es mate: $1,800.00 Sold Price: $1,469.00


“San Antonio River Walk”, 30” x 40”, oil on canvas, Vogt Galleries and Auc on House

High es mate: $2,000.00 / Low es mate: $1,000.00 Sold Price: $2,938.00

Pictured to the le : “Paris Fountain”, oil on canvas, 20” x 30”, Asking Price: $2,750.00 available at J.R. Mooney Galleries of Fine Art, Boerne/San Antonio, Circa mid‐1980’s, No visible damage or conserva on work needed. Paint quality and varnish are in excellent condi on. Sales price asked includes frame and picture light moun ng hardware.

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Fair Market

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Value Stories Christa Kieffer was born in Tubingen, Germany. She a ended the Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles. Dubbing her art the “La Bella Epoque”, or the beau ful era, Kieffer concentrated her efforts on developing a very specific aesthe c of Paris street scenes. Peaking collectors interests in the 1980’s, Kieffer released several print reproduc ons of her artwork; along with a large assortment of original pain ngs. As the art market trend shi ed, her artwork became less desirable. With a resurgence of Paris city life and architecture we saw “hot” thirty years ago, this delicate boulevard has a nuance of European freshness. Currently, Kieffer has only one past auc on result for original art. Her a er‐market presence is mostly the reproduc ons on paper. With a studio in Point Reyes Na onal Shoreline in California, Kieffer is s ll ac vely pain ng. Spotlight a er‐market auc on results for Kieffer are: 

The Garden Party”, 23.38” x 29.38”, oil on canvas, Crescent City Auc on Gallery, LLC

High es mate: $1,500.00 / Low es mate: $900.00

Sold Price: $580.00

(As of prin ng of this publica on) there is a second a er‐market pain ng going to auc on on 09/18/2015 tled, “A Paris Evening”. “A Paris Evening”, 30” x 48”, oil on canvas, DuMouchelles Auc on House. High es mate: $20,000.00 / Low es mate: $15,000.00 This auc on es mate is an anomaly, and does not reflect fair market value at this me.

Pictured to the le : “Paris”, oil on canvas, 18” x 24”, $2,590.00 available at J.R. Mooney Galleries of Fine Art, Boerne/San Antonio, Circa 1985, No visible damage or conserva on work needed. Paint quality and varnish are in excellent condi on. Sales price asked includes frame provided by the gallery.

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Fair Market

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Value Stories Porfirio Salinas was born in Bastrop, Texas on November 6, 1910. He lived most of his life in San Antonio, Texas where he died on April 18, 1973. Salinas a ended the public schools of San Antonio for three years and was largely self‐taught as an ar st. He learned from watching Jose Arpa, Director of the San Antonio Art School, sketch in the streets and fields of San Antonio. He also learned from Robert Wood, a prolific landscape painter, who is rumored to have paid him five dollars a picture to paint in bluebonnets on his canvases because he hated to paint bluebonnets. Salinas was conscripted and served in the Army from 1943, to 1945. He was assigned to Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, where he painted murals for the officer’s lounge and other special assignments for Colonel Telesphor Go chalk, Recep on Center Commander. Unique to his situa on as an Army resident ar st, Salinas was allowed to live at home, where he con nued his easel pain ng for the en re dura on of his tour of duty. Salinas dedicated himself to pain ng landscapes of Central Texas with par cular a en on to the bluebonnets that grow in abundance in the spring me. Although Salinas did not receive the a en on of the professional art establishment‐art galleries and museums, and art cri cs and art historians‐he achieved a popular following among many Texans as well as the poli cal leaders of Texas and the United States, among them Sam Rayburn and Lyndon B. Johnson, who began to collect his work in the 1940s. The recogni on of his work beyond the borders of Texas dates from Johnson's presidency. This popularity allowed Salinas to command high prices for his work. Spotlight a er‐market auc on results for Salinas are: 

“Cowboy and Ca le”, 1944, 47” x 68”, oil on panel, David Dike Fine Art

High es mate: $60,000.00 / Low es mate: $40,000.00

Sold Price: $74,750.00

Pictured to the le : “Evening Glow”, oil on canvas, 8” x 10” $7,500.00 Available at J.R. Mooney Galleries of Fine Art, Boerne/San Antonio, Circa 1960’s , No visible damage or conserva on work needed. Paint quality and varnish are in excellent condi on. Sales price asked includes frame provided by the gallery.

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Custom Framing Conservation Museum Fine Art Photography Shadow Boxes Ready-Mades More… Original Paintings Giclees & Prints Picture Lights 305 S. Main St Boerne, TX 78006 830-816-5106

8302 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 210-828-8214

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305 S. Main St Boerne, TX 78006 830.816.5106 Above: J. Morgan 8302 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 210.828.8214 “Flowing Hills of Color” , 24” x 12”

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In & Out

Outside the Gallery: J.R. Mooney Art in the Home & Office

Fine Dining room

Board room

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Entry Hall

Overhead in entry way


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Recep on room

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Custom Framing

Original Paintings


Giclees & Prints

Museum Fine art Photography shadow boxes Ready-Mades More

Picture Lights


Feel confident entrusting your cherished memories and fine art

Master framers with over fifty years experience in custom framing and shadow boxes

We carry a versatile selection of framing mouldings and mats from: Laron Juhl CMI Moulding AMPF Max Moulding and many more! 1.800.537.9609 210.828.8214 830.816.5106

305 S. Main St Boerne, TX 78006

Come in today and have a consultation with one of our framing designers and be inspired!

Outside the Gallery: J.R. Mooney Art in the Home & Office

Recep on room with complimen ng floral arrangement

Interior hallway

Back hallway with adjacent pain ngs that flow through space

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Wine counter and rack

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Formal living room with floral accent and large impact pain ng above furniture

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Custom Framing Conservation Museum Fine art Photography shadow boxes Ready-Mades More

Original Paintings Giclees & Prints Picture Lights

305 S. Main St Boerne, TX 78006 830-816-5106 8302 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 210-828-8214

Inside the J.R. Mooney Gallery– Boerne: Salon style hanging aesthe c

(floor to ceiling)

Recep on room with complimen ng floral arrangement

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Installa ons with Home Décor accessories : J.R. Mooney Galleries of Fine Art

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Custom Framing Conservation Museum Fine Art Photography Shadow Boxes Ready-Mades More... Original Paintings Giclees & Prints Picture Lights 305 S. Main St Boerne, TX 78006 830-816-5106

8302 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 210-828-8214 1.800.537.9609




When you are a new family to Boerne, you come to realize that the li le things really do ma er. It sounds like a cliché, but immediately three things become more appreciated: Time with family, ease of travel and access to fun adventures. ‐‐Top 4 Lifestyle Upgrades‐‐

Proximity to EVERYTHING! From home, the elementary school, all of the restaurants and shops on Main Street, H.E.B. and Wal‐Mart are within 2.5 miles. Walking is an op on here! If you have children, walk to school in the morning and plan to do a walking pick‐up in the fall and spring seasons when the Texas heat is more forgiving. Casual and Caring Community Have you ever stopped to count the number of cool things your community has to offer? The list in Boerne starts with family friendly loca ons like Boerne Lake, Patrick Heath Public Library, two City Parks and mul ple neighborhood parks and walking trails, Cibolo Nature Center and a long list of restaurants that have play areas (even a coffee shop that has a small play spot). Quality of Educa on Boerne ISD is one of the highest ranking districts in Texas and has na onal recogni on as being one of the top best school districts in the na on. The private schools are quality educa on and can be an op on for families looking for something more specialized, religious, or set apart from public schooling.

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New to Boerne By; Melisa Adriana Belgara

Surrounding Communi es Star ng with the Hill Country, there are scenic drives, Guadalupe State Park, vineyards and dis lleries, as well as sweet small towns like Comfort, Kerrville and Camp Verde that offer peaceful strolls. All of these are within 45 minutes of Boerne! Stretching to the surrounding large ci es you can easily access San Antonio (20 minute drive without traffic) which has history galore, as well as good food, music and museums. Aus n (1 hour 45 minute drive on a Saturday or Sunday, since traffic on IH‐35 can be crazy) the State Capitol and home of SXSW, Corpus Chris (2.5 hours via IH‐37 South), a coastal city with sand and fresh seafood! Don’t forget Houston, the interna onal sensa on with full size sports and entertainment (about 3 hours on IH‐10 East).

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Seth Camm spotlight features for Antecedent / Au Courant

Bill Scheidt spotlight features for Antecedent / Au Courant

Sidney Sinclair spotlight features for Antecedent / Au Courant

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J.R. Mooney Galleries of Fine Art would like to thank all those that came out to support the opening recep on for Antecedent / Au Courant on Sept. 17, 2015. It was a lovely night shared with friends and family. We look forward to many more events at the J.R. Mooney Galleries –Boerne, TX in the coming year!

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