Visalia Business Connection, Volume 1, Issue 1 (Summer 2012)

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Visalia Chamber of Commerce 220 N. Santa Fe, Visalia, CA 93292

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summer 2012 Vol. 1 Issue 1

Business Connection

If forced to boil down the value of a Chamber of Commerce to its members in one phrase, I think I would be hard pressed to come up with one better than the name of this new publication. Connections come in many forms. Connections can mean new business partners, customers, or vendors … and that’s something we certainly want to help our members find. Connections can lead to opportunities to influence public policy in a way that makes it more likely businesses will succeed … another key function of the Chamber. Connections can help business owners find and implement best practices … a valuable way for our members to maximize the ROI on their membership investment. This new publication will be an important tool in achieving our mission of helping business thrive. We’ll use these pages to highlight excellence and best practices, to tell the stories of local business successes, and to provide information that will help our members do their business better. One of the highlights of our year is our Annual Awards program. We get a chance to honor individuals and companies which represent that which is truly great about our community. One of the real strengths of a community is the ability to recognize the good and great among us - and then to learn from these examples how to leverage that greatness into even more success. It is fitting that the first issue of our new venture gives us the chance to spotlight a range of businesses and individuals who have made a habit out of excellence. Within their stories, we believe, are lessons all of us can learn from and apply to our benefit. Because this issue also includes a bonus section – the directory of Chamber members – you can also use it to create direct business connections! We look forward to bringing you ideas and helpful information on a regular basis … to increase your Business Connection to Success!

Stephen Peck

Glenn Morris

Peck Planning & Development Board Chair, 2012-2013

President & CEO

Visalia Chamber of Commerce The Visalia Chamber of Commerce is the largest business organization in Tulare County. Its members include small businesses, corporations, associations, and individual professionals. Since 1899, the Chamber has worked diligently with local government, education, private industry and a host of other agencies and organizations to improve the business environment and promote Visalia as a premier community in which to live, work, and do business. The Chamber organizes and directs the efforts of all who share the desire to improve the conditions under which business is conducted. Through participation in the Chamber, members are able to accomplish collectively what they could not do individually. Businesses that join the Chamber receive a multitude of benefits and advantages ranging from networking, marketing and advertising opportunities, to legislative advocacy, educational forums to benefit business, and economic opportunities. The Mission of the Chamber The mission of the Visalia Chamber of Commerce is to: • Promote a strong local economy • Provide opportunities for business leaders to network and build relationships • Deliver programs which help businesses grow and improve • Represent business and advocate on its behalf with elected and appointed decision makers • Enhance business opportunities through community leadership



in this issue

Connection Volume 1, Issue 1 • Summer 2012

2012 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman of the Board Stephen Peck Peck Planning & Development

Chair-Elect / Vice Chair, Membership Matt Graham Hyde Commercial Real Estate Immediate Past Chair Rick Wehmueller Visalia Community Bank Vice Chair, Advocacy Matt Seals Seals/Biehle General Contractors

Rick Remillard VF Outdoor Samantha Rummage Holiday Inn Hotel & Conference Center

Dena Cochran Kaweah Delta Health Care District Richard Feder Visalia Mall Judy Fussel Buckman-Mitchell Financial & Insurance Services William Martin Martin & Martin Properties E. William Maze American H20 Systems Norris McElroy Kawneer Company

13 14 15 17 18 20 22 23 24 27 28

Ex-Officio Director Steve Salomon City of Visalia PUBLISHED by Visalia Chamber of Commerce 220 N. Santa Fe Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 734-5876 GRAPHIC DESIGN by Cary Schein The Schein Company 559.553.5077 ADVERTISING SALES by Mike Cox 559.734.5876 PRINTING by Jostens Commercial Printing Phone: (559) 651-3300 Fax: (559) 651-9098


Please send to Visalia Chamber of Commerce, ATTN: Business Connection, 220 N. Santa Fe, Visalia, CA 93292. Business Connection is an official publication of the Visalia Chamber of Commerce, published quarterly and distributed to business and community leaders throughout the Visalia trade market. Views expressed in columns are those of the columnist and not necessarily those of the Visalia Chamber of Commerce, its officers and directors, or its membership at large. Every effort has been made to ensure the information in this publication is correct and accurate as of the publication date. Business Connection does not warrant the accuracy or claims of its advertisers. The appearance of advertisements in this publication does not constitute support or endorsement for any product, person, cause, business, or organization unless specifically noted. Please send comments, questions, article suggestions, or requests for information to, or fax them to us at 559.734.7479. The online version of this publication can be viewed at ©Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Reproduction by any means of the entire contents or any portion of this publication without written permission is prohibited.



Vincent Salinas Financial Advisor

Karen Tellalian DMI Agency

Anil Chagan Infinite Hospitality


Patrick Salazar State Farm Insurance

Vice Chair, Finance Michael Gunning, CPA

Stan Carrizosa College of the Sequoias

2012 chamber of commerce ANNUAL AWARDS

Richard Nunes, Jr. Buckman Mitchell, Inc.

Tom Seidler Visalia Rawhide Baseball Club

Karen Bruce Visalia Ceramic Tile


Skip Nugent Best Buy Markets

Vice Chair, Economic Development Kerry Hydash Family HealthCare Network

Vice Chair, Programs & Services Colby Wells The Gas Company


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b us i n ess d i re c t o r y

2012 Large Business Winner W almart’s mission is simple: saving people money so they can live better. As a member of the Visalia Chamber for almost 20 years, Walmart is dedicated to its longstanding relationship with Visalia businesses, residents, customers, and suppliers throughout Tulare County.

Over the last two decades, Walmart has established and grown its presence in Visalia to meet the growing needs of local customers. In fact, the retailer’s second store recently opened on Mooney Boulevard and includes fresh, affordable groceries and will provide the community with up to 300 new, quality jobs with career opportunities. With this

new addition, Walmart now employees approximately 600 full and part-time local area residents.

The economic benefits from Walmart extend well beyond its walls. Millions of dollars in products and services have been purchased from local Tulare County suppliers, greatly adding to the Visalia economy. Walmart is proud to be able to make a positive impact on the Visalia economy through job creation, career development and local revenue generation. In addition, Walmart believes in operating globally and giving back locally. The Walmart Foundation helps support local communities by funding

organizations working to improve the lives of associates, customers and neighbors. It is also the reason Associates are encouraged to volunteer and become active members of their communities and local organizations. The innovative Volunteerism Always Pays (VAP) program helps associates volunteer on their own or with a group of associates interested in the same cause. Walmart also offers The Associate in Critical Need Trust Fund which provides associates the opportunity to donate a small portion of their pay to a fund that provides assistance to a coworker or family in a time of critical need.

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2012 Medium Business Winner D elta Nursing & Rehabilitation provides the highest possible quality of life for the elders entrusted in their care. Being gracious, courteous and professional are the hallmarks of their care partners who maintain a clean and safe environment for patients and their families.

Operations began in 1991 when Allan Fisher and his son Mark purchased an antiquated building equipped with black rotary phones. Together, the father-and-son team transformed the facility into the only center in Visalia with a 5-star rating by the federal government’s Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. “We were incredibly honored to have been selected as a finalist for such a prestigious award against some stiff competition – to be able to come away a winner is an extraordinary

a c c o m p l i s h m e n t ,” explains Mission Care Group President and CEO Mark Fisher. “Along with our 5-star rating from the federal government, we are thrilled to be recognized for the countless innovations we are bringing to the forefront of rehabbing and caring for our seniors today.” Of the patients who undergo rehabilitation at Delta Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, 80% return to where they were living prior to their hospitalization while the remaining patients go to an assisted environment or stay with the Delta in their Skilled Nursing unit. “We all work very hard to make Delta Nursing and Rehabilitation Center one of the best - not because of rules or regulations - but because we sincerely desire to think in terms of what is best and right for our Elders, patients, guests and Care Partners,” Mark explains.

“We are thrilled to be recognized for the countless innovations we are bringing to the forefront of rehabbing and caring for our seniors today.” 6

B u s i n e s s C o n n e c tio n |

2012 Small Business Winner A ccelerated Receivables Group is not your typical debt collection agency. Founders Patrick and Deborah Lozano each brought considerable executive management experience to the table as well as a desire to build a collection agency aimed to discerning clientele.

AR Group performs collection services for companies and professionals who care about the way their clients are treated; even if those clients are facing hard times and need to be turned over to a collection agency. The Lozanos and their team of highlytrained specialists have made great strides in overcoming the stigma associated with the typical collection agency as heavy-handed, annoying, and a constant irritant. “Our approach has been different from day one,” Patrick explains. “We see better results by treating people fairly and as valuable human beings. We help them find solutions to pay off their debt rather than making them feel bad about it and subjecting them to undue harassment.” With this unique approach based on ethical reciprocity (AKA the Golden Rule), businesses can retain valued c u s t o m e r s a n d b u il d p o s i t i v e bonds with customers.

This diplomatic approach has worked well for AR Group. Since opening their doors in June of 2006, the agency has collected $10 million in debts for their clients ranging from large companies to small business owners. “Too many companies in this industry still utilize outdated and menacing collection tactics. AR Group builds bridges of communication and respect with our debtor-clientele. We employ many techniques geared towards ‘cooperative repayment of debts,” Patrick describes.

“We see better results by treating people fairly.” The Lozanos have been active Chamber members and both have served in various leadership roles over the years. ”Joining the Chamber is no different for a business than joining a gym is for personal health reasons. If you don’t use all of the resources provided to your benefit, your yield is much lower than desired. If you leverage the Chamber to its full extent your business will become stronger and healthier,” Patrick explains.

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2012 Agri-Business Winner J.C.

Lansdowne, Inc. markets and distributes high quality fuels and lubricants to local farmers, ranchers, and dairy operations and is the exclusive supplier of 76 Lubricants (a division of Conoco Phillips). J.C. Lansdowne has received national recognition as a “Top Tier Marketer” for exceeding the Conoco Phillips’ rigorous Marketer Operations Standards for the storage, handling, transportation, and delivery of branded 76 lubricants.

“Our company has been fueling the Valley’s agricultural industry since 1947.” The family business dates back four generations and is led by President Steven C. Lansdowne. Along with his wife Linda as CFO, and son Ryan who serves as vice-president, they continue to grow the business built on family values and forward thinking. “Being family-owned and operated is probably one of our biggest advantages,” Steven explains. “Our company has been fueling the Valley’s agricultural industry since 1947 when my grandfather became the consignee for Union Oil Company of California. He marketed 76 fuels and oils between Bakersfield, Visalia, and 8

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Fresno,” Steven describes. Visalia and this region has been an integral part of the company and its success over the past 65 years as the Lansdowne family has serviced the San Joaquin Valley’s rich agricultural area with the fuel that allows farmers to grow the food that supplies our tables. J.C. Lansdowne distributes agricultural, commercial, and industrial petroleum products in Tulare, Kings, Fresno, and Kern Counties. The business is recognized for their shiny trucks and unique in-transit delivery system which entails advance scheduling for the majority of business with special delivery requests accommodated en route by the driver. The flexibility offered with this delivery concept saves customers time and money. Steven believes customers appreciate having an establishing relationship with a local family-owned business which shares similar values and a history in the community. “We live here, work here, and have roots in Visalia. Our recognition as Agri-Business of the Year is a tremendous honor for our company and our family, and has been made possible by the support of our employees and loyal customers who call Visalia home,” says Ryan.

The Visalia Certified Green Business Award recognizes the environmental measures implemented by a local business to reduce energy and water consumption, reduce waste, increase recycling, and prevent pollution. This year’s honor goes to Tazzaria for their dedication to environmental responsibility and diligence in finding ways to execute “green” measures at their downtown location. “It feels great to be able to give back, in such a large way to the community that has shown us great support over the past 10 years,” explain Tazzaria owners James Jessen and Michelle Bacci-Jessen, who have executed a composting program and initiated a more aggressive recycling system as a result of the certification process. The Visalia Green Business Program (GBP) was developed in partnership with the Visalia Chamber of Commerce, the City of Visalia, and local utility companies to create a “one-stop” program that makes it simple for a business to get started and to access the resources needed to complete their “green” business certification.

2012 CFO of the Year Robert Half International is pleased to partner with the Visalia Chamber of Commerce for the second annual CFO of the Year Award which honors a top financial officer for his or her outstanding fiscal leadership and asset management. The 2012 CFO of the Year was presented to Larry Benevento of ServiceMaster by Benevento in Visalia. Larry purchased ServiceMaster in 1985 and has been servicing Tulare, Kings, and Kern Counties for more than 27years. His management training, keen business sense, and understanding of organizational planning has allowed ServiceMaster to remain profitable in a tough economy.

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Lynn Havard Mirviss WOMAN of the Year


Nursing Education Consultant and Registered Nurse, Lynn Havard Mirviss has a nursing career spanning 50 years, including 27 years as a nursing instructor and dean at College of the Sequoias before she retired in 1998. Since 2010, Lynn has served on Kaweah Delta Health Care District’s board of directors and has dedicated her professional life to the advancement and expansion of nursing education and health care. The Lynn Havard Mirviss Education Center at Kaweah Delta Health Care District (KDHCD) opened in 2007 and offers a state-of-the-art environment for education, training and validation of clinical skills for nursing and other health care professionals. Her experience has helped Tulare County residents gain a better understanding of a variety of health care issues.

Lynn is past president and life member of the KDHCD Guild as well as a past president and current board member of the KDHCD Foundation. She has served as a board member for many organizations in the community, including Habitat for Humanity of Tulare County, Visalia YMCA, the Tulare County Symphony, and several others. She has participated in multiple Visalia school bond campaigns, has served on the Measure T committee for the City of Visalia, named to the COS Hall of Fame, and was honored as Soroptimist Woman of the Year. “I have loved Visalia since we first moved here in 1958. I think Visalia is unique in the friendly, caring and generous nature of the people here. If I have given anything to Visalia, it is but a fraction of what Visalia has given to me,” she describes.

I have loved Visalia since we first moved here in 1958.


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Tom Link Man of the Year


s a former boy scout and coowner of Link’s Men’s and Women’s Wear, Tom Link is a true legacy in Visalia as seen by his extensive contributions to the community over the last five decades. “I am humbled and gratified to be named the 2012 Man of the Year. It has been and continues to be a very gratifying experience to volunteer my time and efforts toward the improvement of the quality of life in our community,” he explains. Tom is a former president and board member of the State of California Parks and Recreation Commission. His service on the Visalia Parks and Recreation Commission was an integral part of the design and approval of many city parks, including Visalia Riverway Sports Park. Tom participated with the Thousand Hands Organization in the planning, design, theme, and the hands-on construction of the Jim Byrd Playground. He worked with the 2010 Man of the Year, Alan George, and helped organize and build the Ralph S. Moore Community Rose Garden in the Veterans Memorial Park in Visalia.

Tom currently serves on the executive board of the Downtown Visalia Property Owners Association (POA) a s w e ll a s t h e P O A O p e r a t i o n s Committee. He is a past president of the Downtown Visalians and a current member of the organization’s Business D e v e l o p m e n t C o m m i t t e e. W h il e serving on the board of trustees at the Visalia Public Cemetery, he helped design and approve the building of the Veterans Memorial. Tom raised $10,000 for the Visalia YMCA and served as past president and board member for the association. He is proud to have had the opportunity to work with CASA of Tulare County to become a courtappointed advocate and mentor to several boys over the past three years. Tom has been a member of the Visalia Host Lions Club for over 40 years; serving twice as president as well as in other leadership capacities for the club. He is a recipient of the Good Samaritan Award, has been recognized as Lion of the Year, and elected to the COS Hall of Fame, to name just a few of his many honors.

It has been and continues to be a very gratifying experience to volunteer my time and efforts toward the improvement of the quality of life in our community.

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Qualify first: Have you ever delivered your very best presentation,

only to learn the person you have just “wow’d” has no authority to make a buying decision? Unfortunately most salespeople discover such obstacles after they’ve freely given away their knowledge, specific solutions, and pricing. At that point the salesperson is no longer needed and is relegated to voice mail jail. Retain as much of your knowledge, advice, specific solution information, and pricing as you can until you clearly understand what the steps are to getting the sale and the odds of winning. If the odds are too low, or the maze too deep, you’re free to move on to other opportunities. Time is the only asset of a salesperson. Invest it prudently and selfishly.

Make decisions your goal: Salespeople, on average, spend

roughly 40% of their time chasing prospects who will never buy – largely because they’re afraid to hear the word “no” when this should be your second favorite answer. Allowing yourself and your prospect to be comfortable with a no is an important step in creating genuine communication. When a prospect no longer feels pressured to say yes, they are free to examine your offering from a neutral position, and more likely to be open to information and alternate viewpoints.

Manage activities, not outcomes:

dale Bierce Sandler Training

5 Key Strategies

You can’t control who says yes. You can control how many people you ask. Seems simple huh? If you swing the bat enough times, you’ll soon accurately understand your batting average, which will allow you to table your production by mapping your activities. At the end of the day you can rest assured that you completed the leg work that historical averages say will result in the desired sales production by year’s end.

for Driving Sales

in the New Economy

Train on the conceptual side:

Most salespeople spend their selling life in a subservient relationship. The buyer perceives the salesperson as beneath them in some invisible hierarchy of power, and the salesperson falls into role. Far more beneficial to both is a frank, open, mutually respectful conversation to discover if there is a valid reason to do business together. This requires that a salesperson believe they belong in a peer-to-peer conversation with high level decision makers. A person will perform in their role only in a manner that is consistent with how they see themselves conceptually. Improving self concept takes time and effort.

Practice weekly at least: Physicians, attorneys, accountants, and other highly-paid professionals tend to do four things consistently: (1) study their craft’; (2) invest in themselves; (3) use a systematic process; and (4) practice regularly. Sales careers seem to be the only potentially high-paying profession where the norm is to get virtually all practice in front of prospects. That’s expensive. More importantly, it’s hard on the ego (see strategy four above). Practice weekly at the least. Every profession has its necessary evils. In sales, it’s role playing and practicing. You don’t have to like it; you just have to do it. Or you can keep practicing in front of potential sources of revenue. Your choice.

Work on a new strategy every 30 days, with persistent patience, and you’ll be on your way to improved sales performance. Dale Bierce is the President of the Sandler Training Center in Fresno. For comments or questions, email or call 559-412-8178. Business Connect ion |


b usi n e s s pra c t i c e s


Conflict happens! It takes courage to resolve conflict at work – and we are often tempted to ignore it. We feel intimidated because we are not skilled at resolving it; we may not want to give up what we want; or we may not want anyone to get hurt, including ourselves. But in order to have a healthy, productive, and creative workplace – conflict must be managed and resolved, not buried. As a leader, you are responsible for creating an environment that enables people to thrive, which includes one where conflict is resolved, not ignored. The following steps will help resolve your own conflicts, as well as provide tools for coaching your employees to bring conflict to a healthy conclusion. Carol Halajian, MBA Verla Oliver, SPHR-CA Triad Solutions/ SinglePoint Outsourcing

1. Decide what outcomes you would like to see regarding the conflict; 2. Meet with the individuals involved and make them aware that the tension from the conflict is affecting others and hurting the organization; 3. Set ground rules for the discussion. Everyone is allowed to express their thoughts, opinions, and feelings without challenge or discussion. Verbal and body language should be respectful… no eye-rolling! The goal is for everyone’s perspective to be understood; 4. Point out that although it may not be evident, the individuals in the meeting likely have a common goal regarding the workplace: working in a department where there is harmony between the workers, providing excellent customer service, helping the company be successful, etc.; 5. Clarify and agree on the issue. Focus on the problems, not the people. Try to avoid starting sentences with “You…”

“To have a healthy, productive, and creative workplace – conflict must be managed and resolved, not buried.”

6. Ask each individual in the meeting what changes would help resolve the conflict: what do they wish their coworker(s) would do more of, less of, or stop doing altogether; 7. Explore and discuss solutions that will meet the needs of each party without labeling anyone as a “winner” and a “loser.” In the end, “losers” generally make unhappy coworkers and can lead to more conflict; 8. Gain commitment to the changes; 9. Follow-up with the individuals within a month for feedback on the committed changes.

Be courageous! Managing conflict will lead to a more creative, harmonious, and productive workplace.

If you are interested in support for the Human Resources function of your business, call SinglePoint Outsourcing at (559) 625-4800 or visit for information.

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leade r sh ip

Competitive Advantage:

Your Employees

Your employees are your most valuable asset. If they aren’t engaged in their work with the company, they may be looking for the next job opportunity elsewhere. Investing your time and resources into building a focused workforce enthusiastic about working for your company is an investment in making sure your business survives and thrives. If your business is filled with disengaged employees who do their eight to five but are “checked out” mentally from their work, you’re losing money. In a recent Gallup employee survey, it is estimated that employee disengagement costs businesses $328 billion every year. On the other hand, engaged employees are more productive, more profitable, and more likely to stay with your company. So what can business leaders do?

Encourage Learning Employees are looking to grow their knowledge and understanding of their industry or field, and an employer who fosters an environment of learning means employees are likely to stay. According to the Corporate Executive Board, employees who are engaged are 87% less likely to leave their companies than disengaged employees. When your organization offers opportunities for employees to participate in industry-related associations, attend conferences to add to their skill sets, or encourages further education with incentives, you’re building a company for the future. Mentor and future leadership programs are also a great ways to create loyalty among workers.

Live Your Values Companies that lack a set of clearly defined values that are lived and breathed by the entire organization are missing out on a facet of business that can attract, and keep, the most talented and dedicated employees. This type of organizational

culture must start at the top and be present in every level of leadership down the chain of command for it to make a significant impact. The next generation of workers is looking for employers who are not only passionate about their business, but who also clearly live the values they have defined as important to them. Recruiting and keeping the youngest and brightest minds in your field will take more than just an attractive salary and benefits package. It will mean holding your co-workers and yourself accountable for living up to the values laid out by the leaders of the company.

Kris Brokaw

Express Employment Professionals

Recognize & Reward

rewards that will show your gratitude for a job well done. Businesses should also take advantage of performance reviews and provide regular feedback to employees as they make improvements on their past reviews.

Studies have consistently shown that turnover costs as much as 60% of an employee’s annual salary according to Society of Human Resource Management. When employees aren’t feeling recognized for their work, they are prone to leave. Combat this with a system that promotes frequent employee recognition with verbal and written communications, as well as

Take a look at your current workforce. Is your business filled with employees who will work hard to see the company succeed even in difficult economic or uncertain times? If you haven’t considered the cost of disengaged employees, don’t go another day without analyzing how this could negatively impact your business.

For more information about Express Employment Professionals, call (559) 738-7822 or visit

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Effective Social Media Marketing Almost every business is using it, but most organizations still aren’t doing it effectively and remain “unlikeable”. Social media can be your most powerful, cost-efficient marketing tool if used correctly. So, how do we do it? Before implementing these marketing strategies, businesses should take note of a couple of fallacies. First of all, using social media is not free. Just because you aren’t writing a check every month doesn’t mean you won’t see an impact in your expenses. If done correctly, social media is an investment in time. Because time is money, this is an expense you must consider. Secondly, social media will not bring you overnight results (with a few exceptions we’ll examine later). Implementing a successful marketing program through social media is a process. Over time, your audience will take control and customers will come to you seeking out your product or service. Is your company on Facebook or Twitter? If so, how are you telling the world about what you do? I’ve seen a lot of businesses with print ads as well as signs in their windows urging others to “Like” them on Facebook. Sometimes companies will display the Facebook/Twitter logos in their literature, expecting people to “Like” or “Follow” their business. The fact is… nobody cares that you are on social media because almost everybody is using social media. You must have a call to action for people to engage with you. If you have been to a Visalia Rawhide baseball game this season, you may have noticed this call to action. Not only do we tell people to “Like” us on Facebook or “Follow” us on Twitter, we tell them why they should. During one game, we partnered with Buffalo Wild Wings in Visalia and set up a table with a computer where people could come “Like” Buffalo Wild Wings and the Rawhide on Facebook. If fans complied, they received two free ticket vouchers as well as six free wings to Buffalo Wild Wings. This is one of the ways social media can bring in a new audience instantly!

Don’t be afraid to provide value; share links and stories in the community that targets your audience. Ninety per cent of your posts should be non-promotional (the last thing customers want is a running commercial on their news feed). This is a common mistake I see businesses making. Instead, pose a question or a direct challenge to your fans. Give something away through a Facebookhosted contest or sweepstakes event. It should be entertaining in order for your audience to engage with you!

Josh Jackson Visalia Rawhide

Don’t hesitate to ask fans to “Like” your post. In our case, engagement rates are about three times higher when we ask our fans to “Like” a particular post. Also, status updates which pose questions are up to six times as engaging for us. If there is one thing I’ve learned in social media, people love to know that their opinions are heard. So ask for opinions! Social media is all about feedback. Inevitably, you will receive some negative feedback from an unhappy customer along the way. Don’t ignore these comments! This is another very common mistake. If you delete or ignore a negative comment, it is the equivalent of hanging up on that person in front of millions of people, and will not go unnoticed. Make sure to apologize and respond to the complaint publicly and then solve the problem in a quiet manner by sending the customer a private message. That way everyone sees that you are actively finding a solution and you aren’t letting the problem escalate in a public forum. This is a start to getting your company on the path to being very “likeable” on social media platforms. Invest your time, call your customers to action, and interact with them!

For more information on businessrelated social media, email josh@

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mark e tin g s t ra t e g i e s

Does your marketing need a fitness plan? Karen Tellalian DMI Agency

Recently I looked in the mirror and barely recognized what I saw. After years of neglecting any sort of fitness routine, my body was worse for it. Funny thing how slow and subtle changes seem to appear out of the blue. I had no one to blame but myself, but there was no time to waste. If I plan on getting back into a swimsuit again, ever, I’d better start doing something - and quick. Knowing it would be beyond my ability to handle on my own, I sought the advice and training of an expert - someone who could assess my ability and develop a personal fitness plan that would work, for me. As I’ve begun the agonizing breaking down and rebuilding of my muscles, it occurred to me how often the same could be said about our marketing efforts. Things seem to be going well, everything in tip-top shape, when one day we look at our revenues and wonder, “What happened to our once-healthy company?” When was the last time your marketing had a check-up? Chances are, unless you’ve had a crisis of some kind, it’s been a while. Although not an all-inclusive list, below are a couple of questions to ask yourself:

What is the quality of my product or service? Does your product or service measure up to what your customers expect?

Do I have loyal customers? Are your customers still loyal supporters, offering referrals and ordering or purchasing from you on a regular basis? If not, it might be a good time to get some client feedback.

Are my prices competitive? Although we never recommend being the low-cost leader, it’s a good idea to at least know what your competitors are charging. You might find out you need to raise your prices, or if you are the high-priced leader, establish value in your customer’s mind.

Am I attracting new customers? In any business you always need new customers in order to grow. Your agency can help you hone in on your target and develop tactics to reach those potential sales.

Are my marketing efforts appropriate? Just because a message or strategy worked five years ago doesn’t mean it’s still appropriate today. Things change. Marketing communication strategies change.

What tactics should I be using? You only need to look at the results in order to determine if your current tactics are working. It might be time to ramp it up a little.

Just like any fitness routine, if you’re out of shape there is no overnight solution. Proper planning and execution take time, but it’s always worth the effort. For more information about DMI AGENCY, call (559) 739-1747 or visit 18

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business finance


IS THIS A REAL PROBLEM? Is peak oil imminent? Lots of people seem to think so. We heard any number of times in the past that the world would be running out of petroleum in the not too distant future. Fortunately, none of these claims have come to fruition. Could this time be different? Maybe the oil in the ground will run out some day. For the time being, the discovery of proven reserves continues to significantly outpace the rate of extraction, the claims that we’re facing immediate shortages seem questionable. Dick Stanley

Mesa Management

As usual, there are those who will say the numbers are manipulated by counting inaccessible reserves. No question that while there are huge quantities of shale oil in the ground, the era of cheap and readily accessible oil is over. They might cite the idea that oil prices are much higher than they were 10 years ago, yet this is mostly a government-created monetary phenomenon resulting from excessive money creation beyond the economy’s productive capacity. When oil is priced in gold, oil is still very cheap — almost as cheap as it has ever been. The argument that the vast majority of counted reserves are economically inaccessible is fundamentally flawed because demand will drive the price of oil up and technological advancements will make the extraction of oil more doable. In the long run, there is only one equation that really matters in determining whether oil is extractable, and that is whether there is a net energy gain; whether energy-in exceeds energy-out. If a net energy gain exists, it’s feasible. Certainly, we are moving toward a higher cost of energy extraction. For example, shale oil has a lower net energy gain than conventional oil, but still typically produces five times as much energy as is consumed in extraction. But the Earth’s extractable hydrocarbons might eventually dry up, whether that’s in 200 years, 500 years, or longer. As the cost of renewable energy continues to fall, more and more of us will adopt it. I don’t buy the myth that markets are stupid — if humanity needs renewable energy (I believe we do) the market will see to it (I believe that is slowly happening). Markets are just the sum of human preferences.

So, no… I’m not lying awake at night worrying about imminent peak oil. There’s plenty of extractable oil, and renewable energy may eventually supplement and replace it. But will politics get in the way of energy extraction? Of course! The U.S. has huge hydrocarbon reserves, yet regulation is preventing drilling and shipment, leaving America dependent on foreign oil. Never taken into consideration are two related factors that will weigh heavily on how and what we consume for our energy needs. To date, we have explored only the top four miles of the earth’s crust. There are another 10+ miles that may contain all kinds of natural resources. New technologies will be developed which will aid in the extraction of oil and the continuing fall in the price of renewable energy. Not only will it “put to bed” the peak oil worry, but it will insure a “bright “energy future.

For questions about this or other investment strategies, call Mesa Management at (408) 599-8295 or visit


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Business Connect ion |


e m ploy m e n t law

Refusal to Sign Disciplinary Document

Disqualifies Employee from Unemployment

In the recent case Paratransit v. Unemployment Ins. Appeal Bd., a court of appeal held that an employee’s refusal to sign an acknowledgement of receipt of a disciplinary notice constituted insubordination and misconduct, thereby disqualifying the employee from unemployment. The employee claimed that he was entitled to unemployment benefits after he was terminated for refusing to sign a disciplinary notice.

Patrick Moody

Barsamian & Moody

. raig Medeiros worked as a driver for a transportation business that provided services for the C elderly. After a passenger lodged a complaint against Medeiros, the company investigated and determined that the misconduct had in fact occurred. The business was unionized, and the collective bargaining agreement required that all disciplinary notices be put in writing. The company met with Medeiros and asked him to sign a disciplinary notice acknowledging receipt. When Medeiros refused, he was terminated for insubordination. .Medeiros filed for unemployment, but his claim was initially denied. He appealed, and the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board overruled the administrative law judge and granted his claim, holding that the refusal to sign was, “at most, a simple mistake or an instance of poor judgment.” This was significant, because the Unemployment Insurance Code disqualifies an employee from receiving unemployment benefits if they are terminated for misconduct, which is defined as “willful or wanton disregard of an employer’s interests… (but not) mere inefficiency….” The company appealed the decision to the Court of Appeal, and the court reversed its decision. The appeals court found that Medeiros’ refusal to sign did constitute insubordination and misconduct because he directly disobeyed his employer’s directive to sign the document. What This Means for Employers: .Employers should always conduct a thorough investigation when an employee is accused of misconduct. Disciplinary action should be based on the seriousness of the violation. If a written warning is issued, and the employee refuses to sign an acknowledgment of receipt of the warning, note the refusal to sign on the document. Employees cannot be forced to sign such a document, but if they refuse, it may be considered misconduct as demonstrated by this case, and may affect their right to unemployment benefits.

This article is for education and information purposes only; it should not be construed as legal advice. For specific legal assistance, contact Barsamian & Moody at (559) 248-2360 or toll-free at (888) 322-2573.


B us i n e s s C o n n e ctio n |

t e c h n ology

Your Web Shadow Your online identity is an important part of your reputation. You want it to remain safe while reflecting your best qualities – especially if you are in business. More and more of what you do will leave traces online and the web is often the first place someone will look to for information about you and your business. Being “findable” can bring you opportunities you didn’t know existed. Here are some suggestions for looking your best online: Keep your public and private lives separate. If you use personal social media, keep it private and distinct from your business. Pause before you publish as everything you say will be there forever; even private communications may end up being forwarded or even posted online. If you own a business, be sure you have an email address, website, newsletter, blog, and social media that all use the same domain name and match your business name. Use it consistently in all of your marketing. Similarly, consider building your personal brand as you build your career. Register a domain tied to your name ( is intended just for personal domains). Set up a simple website with a blog, and post items to build your reputation with your profession. Get signed up on personal social media, particularly, and nurture your online network of business contacts. Sign your business up in local search – claim your location in Google Maps, Bing and Yahoo. Check for other sites you should register with and monitor reviews of your business using tools from brightlocal. com and Join the major social media sites, even if you are not planning to be active on them. Get enough fans on your business Facebook page to claim a name that matches your business domain name. At the least, provide your business contact information, and a link to your website or blog. Be the first and the best source of information about yourself. Use to

check what sites your name is taken on, and to be sure you register with all the available social media. Check and manage your reputation online using your name as well as your business name, including common misspellings. Use tools to notify you when something needs your attention. Google alerts will email you with new web content when specific keywords are found (; •

Use Technorati to search blogs for specific words or topics;

Use the Delicious search box or tag page to monitor your online reputation;

To keep an eye on a particular website, monitors any changes; and monitor social media for mentions of keywords;

a feed from Twitter Advanced Search will also monitor and search for keywords and trends mentioned in tweets;

If you do find inaccurate or negative posts, respond politely and accurately; contact the poster and clear up any misunderstandings when possible.


Torian Group, Inc.

Keep track of who is linking to you. Use tracking tools such as Yahoo Site Explorer and Google Analytics to find out who is mentioning or linking to your online content. Google SideWicki is a browser plug in that allows anyone to post comments on any websites. Create an account, and monitor your website for posts. Find out what sites and communities are relevant to your industry and expertise and join those communities. Understand which networks are important to you. Start by listening and see where you can add value by participating. Know where people similar to you hang out, and find a way to contribute. Over time, you can build your reputation. The internet is a powerful tool. Make sure it is working for you.

For questions or information on computer consulting or networking, call Torian Group, Inc. at (559) 733-1940 or visit

Business Connect ion |


hr pra c t i c e s


Cell Phone In Use Just about everyone has a cell phone these days, and many of those people are employees who receive business calls on their personal or business cell phone. Because most cell phones do not clock out at the end of the business day, and are generally not turned off after work hours, employers can unintentionally accrue overtime obligations as a result of employees engaging in work on cell phones, tablets, PDAs, or other mobile devices.

DAVID MILLER Pacific Employers

. f special concern are the smart phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs) which not only provide acO cess to phone calls, but provide email, calendars, Instant Messenger and Facebook applications after hours or even during lunch breaks. Under state and federal wage and hour laws, the time an employee uses a smart phone to send emails to colleagues or customers is compensable time, which is time for which the employer has to pay. . hen those minutes or hours push the employee over eight hours a day and/or 40 hours per week, they W will also trigger an overtime liability. Although not an issue with exempt, salaried personnel, this can be a significant risk for hourly workers. . he problem increases with the frequent use of emails and the ability of managers and customers to conT tact employees anytime during the day or night with requests and instructions. The time that the employee devotes to reviewing and responding to those messages would generally be deemed compensable time. . he employer that mandates employee accessibility via smart phone or other electronic device significantly T increases the risk of unpaid wage liability. This may raise issues of on-call time as well as actual work time depending on the frequency of off-hours phone calls, emails, and other work direction. The widespread use of smart phones and similar devices has only recently gained the attention of the Labor Commissioner which has resulted in several court rulings. As technology capabilities continue to expand, so will the rise in claims for wages and overtime. In the future, employers can expect this issue to become a significant challenge affecting their workforce.

Reduce Your Risks: Draft proper policies & implement practices


Admonish employees to record all hours worked.


prohibit the use of company email or smart phones for after-hours work activities.




remind employees of the company’s overtime policies and need for authorization before performing overtime work. Closely monitor telecommuting by nonexempt employees.

B us i n e s s C o n n e ctio n |

. n argument can be made that an employer should not be held liable for A overtime wages if the employer had no actual knowledge of the off-theclock hours worked by the employee. However, those arguments can be difficult to sell and any encouragement by the employer of after-hours use of a cell phone/PDA for business purposes could be fatal to that defense. If the amount of time devoted to these tasks is truly negligible, such as a short “yes” or “no” email after hours, there is not likely to be any risk of liability. However, lengthy discussions or long email strings may lead to a very different—and very expensive result. .Exempt employees, who are paid on a salary basis regardless of the number of hours they work in a given week, do not pose any risk with regard to wage and hour exposure from their use of smart phones or other mobile devices. However, the circumstances in which employees are exempt from overtime are quite narrow, and most workers will not qualify for them. Be sure your employees are clearly exempt before ignoring their afterhours mobile phone/tablet/ PDA use.

For information about this or similar labor law issues, call Pacific Employers at (559) 733-4256 or visit and click on the “What’s New!” link.

Business Connect ion |



t h e law @ work



Preserving the at-will relationship

California is an at-will employment state. A landmark California case put it thusly: “An employment, having no specified term, may be terminated at the will of either party on notice to the other,” Dore v Arnold Worldwide, Inc. (2006) 39 C4th 384, 391, 46 CR3d 668. It is in every employer’s best interest to keep the at-will relationship intact. Failure to do so can create situations where the employment relationship may be only be terminated upon a showing of good cause. There are several ways in which the at-will status of an employee can be modified. This article will explore some of these. Certain employer communications or actions can give rise to an enforceable expectation by the employee that he or she may only be terminated for good cause. Some examples include verbal assurances of job security, regular promotions, salary increases, and bonuses. Some creative employee-rights attorneys will even use birthday cards with innocuous statements from supervisors – like “Keep up the good work!” or “What would we do without you?” – as evidence that an employee expected that termination could only be for good cause.

Brett T. Abbott

Gubler, Koch, Degn & Gomez LLP

However, oral assurances, or regular promotions and salary increases do not automatically establish an implied contract, i.e. that termination can only be for good cause. Several courts have concluded that without more, “promotions and salary increases are natural occurrences of an employee who remains with an employer for a substantial length of time... and should not change the status of an ‘at-will’ employee to one dischargeable only for just cause,” Miller v Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. (1989) 210 CA3d 1554, 1559. Courts will often consider other documents prepared by the employer to determine the existence of an implied contract to terminate only for cause. These writings include employment applications, letters, stock option agreements, bylaws, and other writings bearing on the employment relationship. Yet the safest bet is to include express language in an employee handbook which makes the at-will relationship explicit, and states that such relationship can only be modified in writing by the president/owner of the company. It’s also imperative to have the employee sign-off on his or her copy of the employee handbook, showing that he or she has read, understands, and agrees to be bound by the at-will relationship.

This article is for education and information purposes only; it should not be construed as legal advice. For specific legal assistance, contact Gubler, Koch, Degn & Gomez LLP, (559) 625-9600, or visit

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workpla c e s a f e t y



Are …Is On... You


The valley heat has arrived! For those professions that work outdoors in sizzling temperatures, employee safety is a top priority. Educating employees about heat safety allows workers to get in the habit of planning for their work day before it begins. Consider these steps when coping with the soaring temps:

Stay Hydrated… The body doesn’t hydrate immediately – so if workers are not thinking about their work

Teresa Inglehart

President SHRM Tulare-Kings Counties

day until they arrive, it is too late. Encourage employees to proactively plan for their upcoming work week – a cold beer today will dehydrate the body tomorrow - and in excess, even two or three days later. Caffeine beverages like coffee, soda, and energy drinks can also be detrimental to staying hydrated. Replace your morning coffee with decaf and add an apple for your morning pick-me-up with the added benefit of hydration and nutrition.

Stay Protected… Many work tasks involve direct sun exposure, so wearing appropriate clothing such as long sleeves, hats, and sunscreen is essential. Take frequent breaks in a cool shaded area, have umbrellas or canopies handy to block direct sunlight, or if needed, take shade in a vehicle and crank up the AC. If you do get sunburned, allow the heat to release from the skin and apply cold rags when possible. Stay Informed… Educate your workforce about the signs and symptoms of heat illness so your

For more information on HR-related issues, email or call (559)651-2925

workers are prepared to take necessary action. Identifying problems before they arise means a better chance of getting help before the situation becomes severe or life-threatening. Be sure your workers are familiar with the following: • Heat stroke: the most serious of heat stress caused by the body’s failure to regulate its core temperature. Sweating stops and heat cannot be released. Signs include confusion, loss of consciousness, or convulsions as body temperature reaches 106° or higher. Skin may be hot, dry and red. Dial 911 and treat promptly with first aid. Move the victim to a cool area, fan vigorously, and soak clothing in cool water to help reduce body temperature. • Heat exhaustion results from loss of fluid through excessive sweating and dehydration. Look for extreme fatigue, giddiness, nausea, or headache. Body temperature may be slightly elevated with clammy skin and heat cramps may occur due to the body’s loss of salt. Rest in a cool place and drink water or an electrolyte solution to immediately replace potassium and salt. Severe cases include vomiting or loss of consciousness and may require professional medical attention. • Heat Rash (AKA Prickly Heat) can be extremely uncomfortable and disrupt activities and prevent sleep. Signs include a rash, itching, or burning. Keep the skin dry and the area as cool as possible. Weekend time and off-work sun exposure can affect health for days after. Heat illnesses may present themselves while at work - creating increased treatment costs, increased absences, and decreased productivity. Prepare your workforce with viable options and the knowledge to stay healthy.


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Redwood Springs (formerly Visalia Nursing & Rehab Center) is the ideal place to continue to HEAL after you leave the hospital. Our warm and dedicated team of physical, occupational and speech therapists will do everything possible to get you back to your normal life as quickly as possible. At Redwood Springs Healthcare Center, healing is more than an art ‌ it’s a WAY OF LIFE. 1925 E. Houston Ave. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 732-1020

Still need time to...

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B us i n e s s C o n n e ctio n |

The Visalia Chamber is committed to: • Creating a Strong Local Economy • Representing the Interests of Business to Government • Promoting the Community • Providing Networking Opportunities

Visalia Chamber of Commerce Annual Report: 2011-2012 Program of Work: 2012-2013


Peck Planning & Development Board Chair, 2012-2013

2012 will eventually be viewed as a important turning point in the history of the Chamber of Commerce. For the last five or six years, the Chamber has been working to deliver services and value to its members, while being handcuffed by significant debt and a declining economy. 2012 looks to be the year that both of these challenges begin to improve. The sale of the Chamber’s office building removes the need for the Chamber to worry about making debt payments and allows us to return our focus to membership services, programs, and to creating positive outcomes for business and the overall community in Visalia. And, while we certainly aren’t out of the economic woods yet, there appear to be signs of moderate improvement with hope for more business growth in the near future. The leadership of the Chamber includes a diverse group of business and community leaders. Collectively, we live each day with the same economic challenges that each of our members must overcome. As a result, we are sensitive to the fact that the return on your investment with us has to be real and significant. We believe that the mix of programs and features that are part of the Chamber’s menu today deliver that level of return. As you consider where your business will invest in the coming year and develop your marketing plans, we encourage you to look carefully at the tools and opportunities the Chamber brings to the table. Our ultimate goal is to be an essential business partner with each of our members … something you engage in because it makes your business and your community better. Finally, we pledge to be an organization that listens and responds to its members. If we can improve services and benefits, let us know where and how. 2012 will be a year of renewal for the Chamber – and hopefully one of success for all of our members! 32


We asked our members what they wanted us to be working on and how we were doing. While the Chamber overall received positive reviews from the vast majority of our members, we were able to take the feedback received and use it to adjust our work programs to better align with the needs and priorities of our members.

Members: Desired Values & Performance Ratings 100



90 80

% Rating Item As “High”









79 71










50 40



30 20 10 0

Promote the Community

Inform & Educate Members

Retain/Grow Existing Jobs

Attract New Jobs


Represent Enhance Enhance Help Elect Business to Community Business Business Government Relationships Friendly Candidates

Help Pass Business Related Ballot Items


of Chamber to Business

8% 14% 53% 25%





Based on the feedback received from our members, membership in the Chamber is a solid investment that pays off for local businesses. Seventy-five percent (75%) responded that they had received as much or more back in value as they paid in dues. Eighty-five percent (85%) reported that the Chamber was relevant to their business. The Chamber scored its highest marks for its efforts to promote and enhance the quality of our community, enhance business relationships, and education/inform members The Chamber also was recognized for our efforts to advocate on behalf of business with government leaders. In terms of what they want to see us work on more in the future, members were clear that issues related to economic development, jobs, and business success need to be at the forefront.



(down 10%)

Gross Revenue per Member


(up 7%)

Attendance at Major Events

2,886 people

(up 15%)

Attendance at Workshops/Seminars

674 people

(up 48%)

Volunteers Engaged in Chamber:

327 people

(Represents over 6,500 hours or $265,000 in donated time.)

E-Blasts Sent

390 messages (average audience of 1,200)

E-News Sent:

26 issues

(average open rate of 20%)


55 people

(up 49%)

B us i n e s s C o n n e ctio n |


In response to the feedback received from our members, the Chamber developed our work plan for 2012-2013 to enhance the value of membership and impact of the Chamber. Our plan includes the following elements:


First and foremost on everyone’s mind is the state of our economy and the fragile nature of the emerging recovery. The Chamber is committed to working with local businesses and community leaders to ensure that our members benefit from opportunities to strengthen their operations and position themselves for opportunities as they arise. Specifically, we will: Education & Training. The Chamber will continue to grow our educational programs. Members will have access to programs ranging from free “brown bag style” seminars to quarterly breakfast sessions and major training programs like the Disney Institute program last spring. Watch for programs focusing on social media as a business tool, doing business with large institutional buyers, and more. The Chamber’s flagship educational program, Leadership Visalia, will be improved. A new facilitator is joining the program, which will include both a greater focus on leadership skill development and an enhanced connection with employers. Increased Business Activity. A number of new tools have been added to the Chamber website which members can use to facilitate business-to-business activity. We will work to increase purchases made locally by large institutional buyers by ensuring members know about opportunities in these areas and by promoting the application of “local preferences” on the part of institutional decision makers. New Publications. The Visalia Business Connection will be published quarterly and contain information useful to the operation and improvement of businesses, as well as serve as a much improved advertising platform. The Visalia Business Update, the Chamber’s monthly newsletter will continue to be published and distributed in partnership with the VisaliaTimesDelta as well, with a more focused mission of telling the story of the Chamber and our members.




Chair: Stephen Peck, Peck Planning & Development Past Chair: Rick Wehmueller, Visalia Community Bank Chair-Elect / VC - Membership: Matt Graham, Hyde Commercial Real Estate VC – Advocacy: Matt Seals, Seals/Biehle General Contractors VC – Economic Development: Kerry Hydash, Family HealthCare Network VC – Finance: Mike Gunning, CPA VC – Programs & Services: Colby Wells, The Gas Company

BOARD MEMBERS Karen Bruce, Visalia Ceramic Tile Stan Carrizosa, College of the Sequoias Anil Chagan, Infinite Hospitality Dena Cochran, Kaweah Delta Health Care District Richard Feder, Visalia Mall Judy Fussel, Buckman-Mitchell Financial & Insurance William Martin, Martin Enterprises E. William Maze, American H20 Systems Norris McElroy, Kawneer Company Skip Nugent, Best Buy Markets


The Chamber will make member engagement a priority through expanded opportunities for members to volunteer for Chamber committees/task forces, serve in leadership roles within the Chamber, and leverage their membership into opportunities to engage with peers on policy, operational, and other dialogues.

Richard Nunes, Jr., Buckman-Mitchell, Inc.

Engagement efforts will include opportunities to work on projects and invitations to join special interest roundtables. Additionally, the Chamber website will include features that members can activate and control on their own to customize their Chamber experience.

Vincent Salinas, Financial Advisor


The next few years will prove pivotal in the overall future of our community. Significant decisions face us as we struggle with questions about how we want to grow, what kinds of services and amenities we expect, and how we will pay for the city we want. As the voice of a significant component of our community, e.g. the business employers, the Chamber needs to be engaged in these discussions not only as a participant, but as a leader in setting the agenda, determining the priorities, and then setting the process to get us where we want to go. The Chamber has been engaged effectively in the past on issues that impact the City of Visalia and we will continue to play an active and strong role in those conversations. At the same time, we recognize that we need to be much more engaged in county, regional, and statewide issues. The Chamber also needs to find ways to increase the speed with which take positions so we can be more agile and effective in being the voice of business.

Rick Remillard, VF Outdoors Samantha Rummage, Holiday Inn Hotel Patrick L. Salazar, State Farm Insurance Steve Salomon, City of Visalia (ex-officio) Tom Seidler, Visalia Rawhide Baseball Club Karen Tellalian, DMI Agency

PROFESSIONAL STAFF Glenn D. Morris, President & CEO Sue Summers, VP Operations Mike Cox, Director of Sales & Membership Lisa Salazar, Public Relations Specialist Anna Uriarte, Membership & Sales Assistant

220 N. Santa Fe • Visalia, CA 93292 559.734.5876 • 559.734.7479 (fax)

Business Connect ion |




Free Training Programs



Lunch Bytes & Business Advantage Seminars

1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month @ noon; Free, bring a brown-bag lunch and learn best practices to improve your business!

Business After Hours


4rd Thursday of each month @ 5:30pm. Check website for listing of host businesses. Great opportunity to network, build business contacts, etc.

Quarterly Breakfast Trainings 4th Friday of each month @ 7:30am. Each quarter features three programs, focusing on critical business needs. Topics include: • Sexual Harassment • HR/Legal Update • Customer Service

Accredited By

The Joint Commission


Traditional, Annual Events • Oktoberfest 10/5/12

• Christmas Tree Auction 11/30/12

• Annual Membership Meeting 5/10/13 • Annual Awards Celebration 6/20/13

Special Events for 2012-13 The Chamber is excited to offer several new events this year. Watch our website and your mail for details! • Social Media Expo

• Countywide Legislative Update • Disney’s Approach to Excellence in HealthCare • Home-Based Business Expo • Doing Business With … Expo

INVESTOR SPONSORS CIGNA • Educational Employee Credit Union KJUG FM106.7 • In-Shape Health Clubs Lamp Liter Inn • redwood springs healthcare center Visalia community Bank • VISALIA MEDICAL CLINIC


Family HealthCare Network

Accredited By The Joint Commission

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Family Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Internal Medicine Pediatrics Immunizations Sports & School Physicals Adult & Children’s Dental Behavioral Health Nutrition Counseling Health Education Laboratory Services Cutler/OrOsi




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400 E. Oak Ave. 559-741-4500


201 E. Lakeview Ave. 559-564-0100


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Business Connect ion |




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Business Connect ion |


Accountants, CPAs & Bookkeepers American Tax-Credits Group, Inc Jonathan Ortega 100 Willow Plaza Ste 410 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 412-0836 Artis & Company, Inc. Richard Artis II 222 N. Garden St., Ste. 300 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 635-2900 Bastrire Edwards, CPAs Sharrie Arciniega 3330 W. Mineral King Ave. Ste. C Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-9240 Donald J. Kaplan, CPA Donald Kaplan 525 W Main St, Ste A Visalia, CA 93291-6116 (559) 734-0875 Douglas M Berg, CPA Douglas Berg 2908 West Main Street Ste. A Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 734-4952 Frazer, LLP Bob Matlick 2250 W. Main St., Ste. B Visalia, CA 93291-4523 (559) 732-4135 Gilman, Harris & Travioli Sam Gilman 313 E. Caldwell Ave Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 627-2725 Hocking, Denton, Palmquist & Company Tim Denton 3326 W. Mineral King Ave. Visalia, CA 93291-5711 (559) 625-4444 Lynn Conley, CPA Lynn Conley 1301 W. Center Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-4908

M. Green & Company, CPAs Marla Borges 3900 W. Caldwell Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 627-3900 Michael K. Gunning, CPAs Michael K. Gunning 1103 W. Center St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-1505 Noell Agnew & Morse, LLP Kevin Canaday 1001 N. Demaree Rd. Visalia, CA 93291-4101 (559) 733-5500 Pine, Pedroncelli & Aguilar, Inc. Karen Pedroncelli 3924 W. Caldwell, Ste. B Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-9800 Sciacca & Company, CPAs Fred Sciacca 2200 W. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-5338 Scott, Mainord & Langley & Simmons, Inc. Jo Ann Brookshire 3600 W. Mineral King Ave, Ste. C Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-3200 Vollmer, Daniel, Gaebe & Grove, CPAs Jody Grove 100 Willow Plaza, Ste. 400 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-1051

ADVERTISING SERVICES & GRAPHIC DESIGN DMI Agency Karen Tellalian 801 W Main Street Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 739-1747

Latronico Communications Richard Latronico PO Box 2753 Visalia, CA 93279 (559) 901-7910

*The information contained in this publication is provided in good faith, and every reasonable effort was made to ensure that it was complete and accurate at the time of publication. The Visalia Chamber of Commerce does not warrant such accuracy or the claims of its advertisers. Information in this directory is to be used for general business purposes and should not be resold or copied into a database for continued solicitation.


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Latronico Communications, cont. Need professional help...with sales or marketing, advertising planning, media buying, public relations or promotions? We handle it all! the

SCHEIN media

c o m p a ny



The Schein Company Cary Schein (559) 553-5077 Media, Image, Design... for every message, channel & platform. Valley Yellow Pages Lou Marquez 1601 New Stine, Ste. 150 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 836-8888 Vaneno/Bitney, Inc. Marcie Vagnino 107 So. Church, Ste. E Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-1023 Visalia Times-Delta See our listing under NEWSPAPERS for details (559) 735-3200 Walterscheid Advertising & Marketing Gary Waltersheid 5842 W Buena Vista Ave Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 679-8941

AGRICULTURAL SERVICES Biagro Western Sales, Inc. Jessica Vasquez 12222 Ave 352 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 635-4784 Cottonwood Packing Corp. Joe Fischer 35917 Road 156 Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 798-2314 CRS Farming, LLC Eric Shannon 11878 Ave 328 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-1114 Farm Credit West Donald O’Dell 3000 W Main Street Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-4501 Klink Citrus Association Rod Senn 32921 Rd 159 Ivanhoe, CA 93235 (559) 798-2120

World Wide Sires Tom Garcia 5545 Avenida De Los Robles Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 622-2222

AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE AMS, Inc. Darrell Tunnell 9519 Airport Dr. Visalia, CA 93277 (559)651-0190

AIRLINES & CHARTER SERVICES Great Lakes Airlines Kassi Mohlenkamp 1022 W Aiport Parkway Cheyenne, WY 82001 (307) 432-7024 **See our Ad on Page 25

ALARMS & SECURITY SYSTEMS Protection One Michael Hopkins 724 N Elko St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-4950 Valley Advanced Security & Network Solutions Logan Johnson 3950 South K Street Tulare, CA 93274 (559) 686-9496 Video surveillance, network solutions & computer services.

AMBULANCE SERVICE American Ambulance of Visalia/Valley Response Magazine Paul Main 2017 E. Noble Ave. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 730-3015 American Medical Response Mobile Life Support T.J Fischer 2412 E. Valley Oaks Drive Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 749-0911

APARTMENT & CONDOMINIUM RENTALS Burgundy House Apartments Amy Espinosa 2901 E. Stewart Ave. #D Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 738-8686

FOUR CREEKS VILLAGE Deb Spurlock 2800 E Douglas. Ave. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 732-6120

Bourdette & Partners Miriam Bourdette 2924 W. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-8425

Perine & Dicken Mary Vorst 7211 W. Pershing Ct Suite E Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-0759

KIMBALL COURT SENIOR APARTMENTS Debra Menter 303 West Kimball Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 738-8450

Dowling Aaron Incorporated Timothy Lawson 403 N Floral St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 432-4500

Rauber & Johnson Jana Spade 1007 N. Demaree St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 741-1800

MILL CREEK PARKWAY TOWNHOMES Dolores Castro 3433 E Manzanita Drive Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 738-8450

Frederic A. Jacobus Frederic Jacobus 2929 W. Main St., Ste. H Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-5014

OAK VIEW APARTMENT HOMES Connie Carrasco 4700 W Caldwell Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 733-3213

Appliance Sales & Service FRANK’S APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE Mike Torres 2410 E Mineral King Ave. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 732-2112

ARCHITECTS Canby Architecture Studio, Inc. Stan Canby 200 N. Santa Fe St. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 625-3108 Mangini Associates, Inc. Tellian, Parish & McLain Chris McLain 4320 W Mineral King Ave Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 627-0530

ARTS & CRAFTS Fine Art Rentals Pat Mumma PO Box 4408 Visalia, CA 93278 (559) 733-1515

ATTORNEYS & LEGAL SERVICES Barsamian And Moody Krista Osha 1141 W. Shaw Ave., Ste. 104 Fresno, CA 93711-3704 (559) 248-2360

Gubler, Koch, Degn & Gomez LLP Warren Gubler 1110 N. Chinowth St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-9600 Houk and Hornburg Thomas Hornburg 1220 W. Center Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-1065 John T. Crowe, Attorney at Law John Crowe 3939 W. School St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 734-0747 Law Offices of James P. Hurlbutt Karen Hurlbutt 134 N. Akers St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 738-9646 MCCORMICK, KABOT, JENNER & LEW S. L. Kabot 1220 W Main Street Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 734-6729 PELTZER & RICHARDSON L. C. Alex Peltzer 100 Willow Plaza, Ste 300 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 636-0200 Perez Law Firm Victor Perez 1304 W. Center Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-2626

Ruddell, Cochran, Stanton, Smith, & Bixler LLP Glenn Stanton 1102 No. Chinowth Rd. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-5770 Williams, Jordan, Brodersen & Pritchett LLP Thomas Brodersen 2222 W. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 635-9000

AUDIO EQUIPMENT & SERVICE ASB Soundworks Andy Border 106 N Anthony Street Visalia, CA 93291-6500 (559) 733-3384


Groppetti Automotive Don Groppetti PO Box 1431 Visalia, CA 93279 (559) 734-3333 x2201

AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES Alex’s Paint & Body Alex Lucio 3111 E. Noble Ave. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 734-0720 Auto Oil Changers Don Nelson 1630 E. Main St. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 627-1093 **See our AD on Page 27 233 E. Tulare Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559)732-1190 3550 S. Demaree Rd. Visalia, CA 93277 (559)627-1093 Carroll’s Tire Warehouse Paul Rocha 1143 E. Main St. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 733-5040 CESARES’S BODY & PAINT SHOP, INC. Bert Henry 920 E. Center St. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 735-3964 Jenkins Automotive, Inc. Sue Wallen 809 E. Center St. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 732-0843 MAIN STREET TIRE & WHEEL Hassan Zubair 2028 E. Main Street Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 625-8473

Monarch Ford Paul Deathridge 132 N. D St. Exeter, CA 93221 (559) 592-3800

Quality Paint & Body, Inc Debora Lemons 739 N Ben Maddox Way Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 734-3501

Visalia Buick-Pontiac-GMC & Indian Motorcycle 1313 East Main Street Visalia CA 93292 (866) 278-0163

Qualified professionals who treat your vehicle as if it were their own, Quality Paint and Body gives you the excellent service you deserve

Visalia Honda/Izuzu Mike Mora 1016 S. Ben Maddox Way Visalia, CA 93279 (559) 627-4444

Roger Vogt’s Performance Auto & Air Roger Vogt 1548 E. Main St. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 635-3288

Business Connect ion |


Smith Auto Parts Ryan Cochran 216 S. Bridge St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 734-1526 Tom’s Body & Paint, Inc./ Tom’s Towing Duane Maxwell 2000 E. Mineral King Ave. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 732-3914 Visalia Auto Body Stan Matta 601 E. Acequia Ave. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 734-4115

BAKERY Goodies Cookie & Specialty Cakes Natalie Fronczck 1613 E Noble Ave Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 625-4663 National Pretzel See our listing under FOOD PROCESSING for details (559) 651-0600

BANKS Bank of America (MAIN) Lynn Knudsen 212 E. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559)802-4166 Bank of America (Mooney) Della Bursiaga 2400 S. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93277 (559)739-3862

Bank of the Sierra (MAIN) Jeri Eubanks 128 E. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 740-4200 Community Bank providing loans and deposits. Serving consumers and businesses Bank of the Sierra (Mooney) Beth Messinger 2515 S. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93277 (559)636-0100


Bank of the West (Demaree) Marc Ehlers 220 S. Akers Street, Ste. D Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 738-9060 Bank of the West (Mooney) David Brett 2301 S. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93277 (559)732-4118 CapitalSource Bank Lori Tucker 101 E Main St Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-8868 Chase Erica Barrios 200 S Court Street Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 636-2462 Citizens Business Bank Janet M. Robertson 500 W. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 636-2500 **See our Ad on Page 25 Rabobank, N.A. George Vasquez 618 W. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 741-2011

Visalia Community Bank Tom Beene 120 N. Floral St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-8733 Visalia Community Bank is dedicated to providing excellent banking services to local businesses, including SBA loans, lines of credit and more. Local decisions; friendly staff. Judy Silicato 2245 W. Caldwell Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 737-5640 Maria Alaniz 2136 N. Dinuba Blvd. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-8733 Stefani Woods 300 E. Pine St. Exeter, CA 93221 (559) 594-9902 J. R. Delgalio 5412 Avenida de los Robles Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 730-2856 Westamerica Bank Nicole Paramore 800 W. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 738-7868


Suncrest Bank Michael Wilson 400 W. Center Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 802-1000

GoldStar Barbershop Frank Zaragoza 110 W Main St Ste # E Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 471-8333

Tri Counties Bank Pat Montion 509 S Pinkham Street Visalia, CA 93292-1573 (559) 741-2940


Union Bank of California Celeste Haughton 5201 W. Goshen Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 739-2530 Valley Business Bank Michael Rivera 701 W. Main Street Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 622-9000

B us i n e s s C o n n e ctio n |

Amore Salon & Day Spa Jessica Griffeth 1748 S Mooney Blvd Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 713-6683 Courtyard Aesthetics Lucy Silva 112 N. Akers St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 735-3117 Serenity Salon & Spa Valerie Nepinsky 319 West School Street Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-7256

Tiffany’s Luxury Medispa Tiffany Smith-Edmonds 4037 S. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-4772

BEVERAGE & BOTTLING COMPANIES Donaghy Sales, LLC Alex Contreras 2363 S Cedar Fresno, CA 93725 (559) 486-0901 Sequoia Beverage Company Manny Mendoza 2122 No Plaza Dr Visalia, CA 93278-5025 (559) 651-2444 sequoiabeverage Distributor of AnheuserBusch products Valley Wide Beverage Company John Amendola 4010 E. Hardy Ave. Fresno, CA 93725 (559) 650-1500 x11

BICYCLE SALES & SERVICE Visalia Cyclery Bill Kelly 1829 W. Caldwell Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 732-2453

BOUTIQUES & WOMEN’S APPAREL Blush Boutique Amelia Acevedo 3117 S Mooney Blvd Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 622-0474 Chelsea Street Boutique Marlene Sciacca 114 East Main Street Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 734-7467

BUS LINE & CHARTER SERVICE City of Visalia see our listing under GOVERNMENT for details (559) 713-4590 Classic Charter Melissa Riddington PO Box 288 1111 Ferne St Visalia, CA 93279-0288 (559) 738-1111

Orange Belt Stages Mike Haworth 2134 E. Mineral King Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-4408 x211

CAR WASH Surf Thru Express Car Wash Todd Gall 1208 S Mooney Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 738-8771

CASINO Chukchansi Gold Resort and Casino Kyle Lewis 711 Lucky Lane Coarsegold, CA 93614 (559) 692-5200

Lamp Liter Inn See our listing under LODGING for details (559) 732-4511 Marriott Hotel at the Convention Center See our listing under LODGING for details (559) 636-1111 Sue Sa’s Creative Catering Sue Sa 720 W. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-9001

CEMETeRY Visalia Public Cemetery District Dona Shores 1300 W. Goshen Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 734-6181

CERAMIC TILE SALES & SERVICE Tachi Palace Hotel & Casino David Zamarin 17225 Jersey Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245-9760 (559) 924-7751

Stockdale Ceramic Tile Center Inc. Carol Ruddy 1742 E. Main St. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 636-2100

The Tachi Palace Hotel and Casino in Lemoore offers its guests and players nothing less than an extraordinary experience. The hotel has 225 guest rooms and suites and the casino features 2,000 of the newest slot and video games, along with 38 tables and poker.

Visalia Ceramic Tile, Inc. Karen Bruce 917 N. American St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-2925

**See our Ad on Page 22

CATERING & BANQUET SERVICES Busybee Cuisine Terri Fell 4303 W Noble Ave Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 625-4600 Central Valley Grill Bev Anderson 3360 S Fairway Visalia, CA 93277 Elaine’s Table at Tre’s Bien Elaine Dakessian 3615 W. Walnut Ave Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 734-2436 Holiday Inn Hotel & Conference Center See our listing under LODGING for details (559) 651-5000

CHAIN SAW DISTRIBUTOR Pacific Stihl Denise Saavedra 9860 W. Ferguson Ave. #A Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-1890

CHEMICAL DISTRIBUTION Basic Chemical Solutions. Scott Lewis 7625 W. Sunnyview Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-3739

Hydrite Chemical Co Steve Reid 1603 Clancy Ct Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-3450

Hydrite Chemical Co. CONT. Hydrite Chemical Co. is one of North America’s leading manufacturers and distributors of chemicals for the food, dairy, beverage, agriculture, paints, inks, coatings and other manufacturing industries.

CHILD CARE CENTERS & PRESCHOOLS Tulare County Office of Education Child Care Ray Chavez 7000 Doe Ave., Ste. C Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-0862

CHIROPRACTORS Community Chiropractic Group John Thomas 1628 S. Court Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 627-1710

CHURCHES First Presbyterian Church Richard Hansen 215 N. Locust St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-8627 GATEWAY CHURCH Ed Kemp 1100 S. Sowell Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 732-4787 Visalia First Assembly Lori Buchter 3737 S. Akers Ave. Visalia, CA 93277-9202 (559) 733-9070 x104

CLEANING & RESTORATION ServiceMaster by Benevento Melissa Kaminski Debbie Gullord 744 E. Douglas Ave. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 625-8554

SERVPRO of Visalia Scott Smith 1320 N Marcin St Unit A Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 635-4292

Valley Cleaning & Restoration, Inc Lynn Lassotovitch 641 South Plano Porterville, CA 93257 (559) 781-4800 24-hour commercial/residential cleaning and water/fire restoration serving the South Valley “the Local Choice”, by exceeding the customer’s expectations thus restoring our customer’s lives.

CLOTHING STORE Link’s Men’s & Women’s Wear & Tuxedo Rentals Bob Link 115 E. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-4858 TWICE UPON A TIME Shannon Radabaugh 1553 E Noble Ave Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 733-1234

COLLECTION AGENCY Access Capital Services, Inc. Gina Erbe 419 W Murray Ave Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-5221 Acclaim Credit Technologies Bruce Tschannen 227 N. West St. Visalia, CA 93278 (559) 741-7111 AR Group Patrick Lozano PO Box 7297 Visalia, CA 93290 (559) 734-4462

Financial Credit Network, Inc. Alicia Sundstrom 1300 W. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (800) 540-9011 FCN is a third party collection agency specializing in all types of debt collection. We believe in valuing people and collecting money, in that order!

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COMPUTER CONSULTING & SERVICES Economy Computer Repair Clinton Eaton 5720 W Judy Ct Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 381-9517 EMD Networking Service Lolen East 4930 W Kaweah Ct Ste 200 Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 636-7000

Torian Group, Inc. Tim Torian 621 W Willow Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-1940 Torian Group provides computer networking consulting and service, internet marketing, and web design. - “Technology with Integrity”. Established in 1983. Trilotech Mark Thomas Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 802-3087 Valley Network Solutions Daniel Duffy 364 W. Fallbrook Ste 101 Fresno, CA 93711-5858 (559) 650-2600

CONSIGNMENT STORE Just Between Friends Kim Colburn 3651 W Sunnyview Ave Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 786-6518 Practically Perfect Jo Moffitt 26798 S. Mooney Blvd. Tulare, CA 93274 (559) 366-7222 Smarty Pantz Monica Podesta 3296 S Mooney Blvd Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 627-1234

CONSTRUCTION - GENERAL Ken’s Stakes & Supplies, Inc. Joe Hallmeyer 193 S. Mariposa Ave. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 747-1313 Kitchell-CEM Randy Rominger 2344 Tulare St., Ste. 301 Fresno, CA 93721-2295 (559) 263-9660

Mangano Homes Andy Mangano 1005 N. Demaree Visalia, CA 93291-4101 (559) 627-1300

Sundowner Homes Inc. Dave Wind 8627 West Goshen Ave Ste E Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-0812

Seals/Biehle General Contractors Matt Seals 9410 W. Placer Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-4040

Visalia Plumbing Mike Finn 1048 N Marcin Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 627-5325

**See our Ad on Page 29


PPG Pittsburgh Paint Co Darwyn Rold 3298 S Mooney Blvd Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 627-4100

Summit Homebuilders Inc Todd Griffin 481 E Noble Ave Farmersville, CA 93223 (559) 738-5284

Nelson’s Roofing James Nelson 559 W. Noble Farmersville, CA 93223 (559) 636-2594


Valley Steel Construction Charley Warner 833 North Plaza Dr. Visalia, CA 93278 (559) 651-1550

Rascon Custom Roofing, Inc. Vera Ramos 932 E. Douglas Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 733-3169



Bryan Company Kristi Bryan 6694 Ave 304 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-3516

Delta Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Mark Fisher 514 N. Bridge St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-8614


Thiesen-Dueker Financial Consulting Group Ryan Purkiss, CFP 4130 South Demaree Rd Ste. A Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-4005 Vicki Stasch Management Consultant Vicki Stasch 2003 39th Street Anacortes, WA 98221 (559) 288-5044

CONSULTANT - ENVIRONMENTAL BSK Associates Danny Cohen 567 W Shaw Avenue, Ste B Fresno, CA 93704 (559) 497-2880

CONTRACTORS - BUILDING & GENERAL BJ Perch Construction Inc. Basil Perch 7034 W. Pershing Ct. Ste. A Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-5800 Fistolera Construction Mike Fistolera 210 S Mooney Blvd Ste F Visalia, CA 93291-4542 (559) 625-8372



Forcum/Mackey Construction Joe Mackey 15695 Jasmine Ave. Ivanhoe, CA 93235 (559) 798-1837

B us i n e s s C o n n e ctio n |


Koller Plumbing Company, Inc. Jack Base 2500 E. Valley Oaks Drive Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 734-9213 Redi-Rooter Plumbing Lauralee Kleinhans 1640 E. Mineral King Ave. Visalia, CA 93278 (559) 627-6790

**See our Ad on Page 16

A - C Electric Company Chris Ford 1035 W Murray St Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-4733

Glory Days Assisted Living Melinda Aguilar 1303 S Pinkham Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 625-1452

Dan Freitas Electric, Inc. Dan Freitas 983 E. Levin Ave. Tulare, CA 93274-6525 (559) 686-9572

Kaweah Manor Convalescent Hospital Teresa Menezes 3710 W. Tulare Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 732-2244

CONTRACTORS - GRADING & PAVING Galante Bros Enterprises Dana Galante 1525 E Noble, PMB #256 2321 E Noble Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 734-4313

Linwood Meadows Care Center Ryan Rasmussen 4444 W Meadow Lane Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 627-1241

Westgate Gardens Care Center Nancy Jansma 4525 W Tulare Ave Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 733-0901 **See our Ad on Page 19

CONVENIENCE STORES The Barn Raj Dillon 19558 Ave. 296 Exeter, CA 93221 (559) 594-9157

CREDIT UNIONS Educational Employees Credit Union Lisa Franks 3612 S. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 738-5600 Tucoemas Federal Credit Union Linda Reese 5222 W. Cypress Ave. Visalia, CA 93278 (559) 732-8892 Tulare County Federal Credit Union Dina Pennington 5133 W Walnut Ave Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 636-7400 Valley Oak Credit Union Leticia Avila 600 W. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 636-3084

DENTISTS Gerald M. Schneider, D.D.S. Gerald M. Schneider 100 N. Stevenson St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 627-0292 Hapy Bear Surgery Center, LLC Jeremy Pierson 1979 Hillman Street Tulare, CA 93274-1601 (559) 732-4279 Keith Williams, DDS Janet Belknap 2744 W Main Street Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 734-6492

Megan Fulmer-Ide, D.D.S Megan Fulmer 1045 N. Demaree St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-2744 Richard E. Dunn, D.D.S.,MS Orthodontist Richard Dunn DDS 101 W. Tulare Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-3030 Visalia Dental Group Ginny Lenz 300 E. Mineral King Ave., #203 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-7901


Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Jonathan Friberg 1819 E. Noble Ave. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 636-2302

DEVELOPERS & BUILDERS - COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL Malcolm G. Dutch Construction, Inc. Cathy Moreno 1441 S Mooney Blvd. Ste F Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 732-5067 Mangano Company, Inc. Craig Mangano 1005 N. Demaree Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-2200 MSJ Partners Patrick Daniels 2050 Main Street, Ste 250 Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 660-1456 x230 Paloma Development Co. Harvey May 222 N. Garden St Suite 200 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 713-0202 Peck Planning & Development LLC Stephen Peck 1850 S. Masselli St Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 731-5778 The Allen Group Jenny Saubert 125 S. Bridge St., Ste. #100

The Allen Group, Cont. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-5425 The Orosco Group Amy Reinecke 10 Harris Court Ste B1 Monterey , CA 93940 (831) 649-0220

DEVELOPERS & BUILDERS - RESIDENTIAL Lagomarsino Group Matthew Warmerdam 222 N. Garden Street, Ste. 400 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 735-9700

McMillin Homes Carrie Williams 5607 Avenida De Los Robles Visalia, CA 93291-5915 (559) 713-2660 McMillin Homes’ new home communities, 292 North and South, are nestled in the heart of northwest Visalia- off of Roeben and Riggins. Come see us!

DISTRIBUTION & LOGISTICS Jim’s Formal Wear Jim Saxton 8731 W. Doe Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-3900

VF Outdoor, Inc. Steve Venegas 2525 N Plaza Drive Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 739-5702 VF Outdoor, Inc., a subsidiary of VF Corporation, is a leader of active lifestyle apparel with brands like The North Face®, Timberland®, Vans® and JanSport®.

DRY CLEANERS & LAUNDRY SERVICES Country Club Cleaners John Lauffenberger 2000 W. Whitendale Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 734-1762 Key West Cleaners Anthony Coppola 5219 W. Goshen Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 734-5800 Lucky Day Laundry Vern & Melanie Phan 3539 W Noble Ave Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-8400 **See our Ad on Page 21 Martinizing Dry Cleaner Gary Coppola 717 W Main Street Visalia, CA 93291-6145 (559) 732-6254


Jo-Ann Stores West Coast Distribution Center Bruce Nicotero 2500 N. Plaza Dr. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 713-3400 We are the nation’s largest specialty retailer of fabrics and one of the largest specialty retailers of crafts, serving customers in their pursuit of apparel and craft sewing, crafting, home decorating and other creative endeavors. Ruan Transport Corporation See our listing under TRUCKING COMPANY for details (559) 686-2857 x277

CVBI Small Business Dev Ctr Gil Jaramillo 220 N Santa Fe St Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-3051 x100


Brandman University Sonia Gutierrez-Mendoza 649 S County Center Drive Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-4436 Central California Connections Academy Tiffany Carrasco 4020 S Demaree St , Ste B Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 713-1324

Business Connect ion |


Central Valley Christian School John DeLeeuw 5600 W. Tulare Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 734-9481 **See our Ad on Page 36

College of the Sequoias Stan Carrizosa 915 S. Mooney Blvd Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 730-3731

Crescent Valley Public Charter David Petropulos 309 W. Main St suite 110 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 741-9188 Crescent Valley Public Charter School uses a Personalized Learning one-on-one instructional model that allows each student to focus on one or two subjects at a time. **See our Ad on Page 15 Farmersville Unified School District Grant Schimelpfening 571 E. Citrus Farmersville, CA 93223 (559) 592-2010 Fresno Pacific University Visalia Center Brice Yocum 245 N. Plaza Dr. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 622-9958

National University Dr Bernell Hirning 20 River Park Place West Fresno, CA 93270 (559) 256-4900 National University (NU) is the second largest private, WASCaccredited, non-profit university in California with degrees in Nursing, Education, Psychology, Letters & Sciences and Business. Fresno and Bakersfield are the closest Campuses. 44


San Joaquin Valley College, Inc. Mark Perry 801 S. Akers Street Ste. 150 Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 734-9000 San Joaquin Valley College provides career-focused education to students throughout California. Certificate and associate degrees are awarded in business, healthcare, and technology fields. St. Paul’s School Cathy Guadagni 6101 W. Goshen Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 739-1619 STUDENTS INTERNATIONAL Shellie Bowman 204 E Oak Street Ste 4 Visalia CA 93291 (559) 627-8923 Tulare County Office of Education Jim Vidak 2637 W. Burrel Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-6101 University of Phoenix Riverpark Learning Center Roy Kintz 45 River Park Way Place Ste 101 Fresno, CA 93720-1565 (888) 722-0055 University Preparatory High School John Kelly 915 S. Mooney Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 730-2529

Visalia Unified School District Craig Wheaton 5000 W. Cypress Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 730-7300 Visalia Unified School District serves over 27,000 students, preK to adult at forty school sites. VUSD is the highest achieving unified district in Tulare County.

B us i n e s s C o n n e ctio n |

Consolidated Electrical Distributors, Inc. Mark Davidson 711 E. Murray Ave. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 734-9221

EMPLOYER SERVICES Pacific Employers Candice Weaver 306 N. Willis St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-4256

Express Employment Professionals Tony Martin 4002 So. Demaree Suite B Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 738-7822 Kelly Services Janie Mann 1118 N Chinowth St Visalia, CA 93291-7896 (559) 625-8939 Manpower, Inc. Peggy Maslowski 4218 S. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-5722

SinglePoint Outsourcing, Inc. John Anderson 1025 N. Demaree Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-4800

Milan Institute Patrick Taylor 6500 S. Mooney Blvd., Unit A Visalia, CA 93277-9535 (559) 684-3900


Personnel Solutions Unlimited, LLC Shelly Little 4148 S. Demaree St. #B Visalia, CA 93277-9514 (559) 734-0570

Continental Labor & Staffing Resources Lorraine Filomeno 1810 S Central Ave Ste #C Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 635-0335

CSET-Community Services & Employment Training Mary Alice Escarsega 312 NW 3rd Street Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-4194 CSET is a non-profit organization that provides services to strengthen youth, families, and communities through education, employment training, youth development and environmental stewardship. The Sequoia Community Corps, a program of CSET, offers vocational training. **See our Ad on Page 36

Employment Development Department Juan Vasquez 4025 W. Noble Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 713-5150

**See our Ad on Page 30

Robert Half International, dba Officeteam/Accountemps Lindsay Holland 3130 W. Main St. Ste.D Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-7661 Spherion Glenna Gates 3640 S. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 627-4040

ENGINEERING & SURVEYING 4Creeks, Inc Matt Ainley 2929 W Main Street Ste A Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 802-3052 Keller & Wegley Consulting Engineers Dennis Keller 209 S. Locust St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-7938 Lane Engineers, Inc. Lawrence J. Simonetti 979 N. Blackstone St. Tulare, CA 93274 (559) 688-5263

Provost & Pritchard Consulting Group Sheila Gonzales 130 N. Garden St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 636-1166 Quad Knopf, Inc. Janel Freeman 5110 W. Cypress Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 733-0440 TPG Consulting, Inc. Charley Clouse 222 N. Garden St. Ste. 100 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 739-8072


EQUIPMENT RENTAL & SALES B S & E Company, Inc. Richard Hernandez 1924 E. Main St. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 732-5621 Kaweah Lift Kathy Casey 7277 Ave 304 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-2982 Lawrence Tractor Company Richard Nunes 2530 E. Main St. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 734-7406


Adventure Park of Visalia Roger Hurick 5600 W Cypress Ave Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 635-7275 City of Visalia see our listing under GOVERNMENT for details (559) 713-4365 Friends of the Fox-Fox Theatre Paul Fry 308 W. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-1369 Kaweah Marina, Inc. Brad & Jeanne Howard 34467 Sierra Drive Lemon Cove, CA 93244 (559) 597-2526 Lolli & Pop Liza Salvatore 7329 Ave 306 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 723-5489 Republik Lounge & Nightclub Frank Vega 115 N Locust Street Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 627-2239 republik lounge & nightclub facebook

City of Visalia see our listing under GOVERNMENT for details (559) 713-4000 International Agri Center Jerry Sinift 4500 S. Laspina Ave. Tulare, CA 93274 (559) 688-1030


Freestyle Event Services Mike Broida 3559 Landco Dr Ste A Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 324-1234 JJ Blooms Floral Design & Event Planning Jessie Casas 1401 W. Myrtle Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 287-3678

FLOOR, WALL & WINDOW COVERINGS Franey’s Carpet One Floor & Home Design Center Dave Franey 121 N. Encina St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-9990



Creative Flowers Donna Thompson 124 N. Willis Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 627-0370

Miller Memorial Chapel Gary Giraudi 1120 W. Goshen Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-8371

Peter Perkens Flowers Inc. Kristi Jensen 1420 W. Center St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 734-6788

Salser & Dillard Funeral Chapel Jeff Salser 127 E. Caldwell Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 635-1144



McKellar Farms Robert McKellar 32988 Road 164 Ivanhoe, CA 93235 (559) 798-0557

Janeen’s Furniture Gallery Janeen Robbins 220 W. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-8884

Ruan Transport Corporation See our listing under TRUCKING COMPANY for details (559) 686-2857 x277

Weatherby’s Furniture Guild Jay Rankin 2032 So. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-3232

FOOD PROCESSING Altas World Food & Ag, Inc. Brody Blain 1240 E. Caldwell Ave. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 732-5365 Kaweah Container Inc Lynne Hare 2223 N Shirk Road Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-8378

National Pretzel Ed Desrosiers 7607 West Goshen Avenue Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-0600

FRAMING & ENGRAVING FASTFRAME Delfina Barragan 1107 S. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 734-0988 Sharples Frame & Art Center Don Sharples 118 S. Court St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-4304

GIFT & NOVELTY STORES Amanda Koenig Independent Scentsy Consultant Amanda Koenig 6332 W Whitley Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 679-7819 Body By Vi (ViSalus Science) Independent Promoter THE NAKED NUT Sheridyn Blain 1240 E. Caldwell Ave. Visalia, CA 93292 Wright’s Hallmark Don Wright 2023 So. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 627-0334

GOLF Valley Oaks Golf Course Brett Shuman 1800 S. Plaza Dr. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 651-1441 x15

Business Connect ion |


Visalia Country Club Rick Evans 625 Ranch St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 734-3733

GOVERNMENT Assemblywoman Connie Conway Connie Conway PO Box 8134 Visalia, CA 93290 (559) 636-3440

City of Visalia Diane Davis 425 E Oak Ave. Ste 301 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 713-4300 Centrally located in the heart of the San Joaquin Valley, Visalia draws visitors from metropolitan areas with its picturesque communities and stunning landscapes against the backdrop of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. With its rich culture, prosperous busine

Tulare County Health & Human Services Agency Marta Martinez 5957 S Mooney Blvd Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 624-8000 Tulare County Workforce Investment Board, Inc. Adam Peck 309 W. Main Suite C Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 713-5200

GROCERY Best Buy Market Skip Nugent 1300 W Walnut Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 732-7981 R-N Market Anna Low 737 So. Lovers Lane Visalia, CA 93292 559) 734-0676

Save Mart Supermarkets Jeff Wester 1591 E Noble Ave Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 636-8405 5203 W. Walnut Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-9400 3615 W. Noble Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 622-0846

County of Tulare Julieta Martinez 2800 W. Burrel Ave Visalia, Ca 93291 (559) 636-5000 Employment Development Department See our listing under EMPLOYMENT SERVICES for details (559) 713-5150 Tulare County Department of Child Support Services Debra Olvera 8040 West Doe Avenue Visalia, CA 93291 (866) 901-3212 www/government/child/default.asp


5201 W. Goshen Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 738-9127 Visalia Grocery Outlet Bargain Market Ashley Spelman 2323 S. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 739-2953

HARDWARE - COMMERCIAL/WHOLESALE Empire Supply Company, Inc. Ron Bueno 700 E Race Ave Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 734-9224

B us i n e s s C o n n e ctio n |

Lowe’s Jimmy Padilla 4144 S. Mooney Blvd Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 624-4300

HEALTH & NUTRITION California Fitness Academy Justin Levine 6910 W Pershing Ct Visalia, CA 93291 559) 334-8990, Denny Kroeze Juice Plus Denny Kroeze 4748 W Addisyn Ct Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 372-3641

HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SERVICES BMI Mechanical Garth Brott 1115 S. Blackstone St. Tulare, CA 93274 (559) 688-7571 Superior Air Larry Kapigian 8244 W. Hillsdale Ct. #11 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 734-2002


Family HealthCare Network See our listing under MEDICAL CLINIC for details (559) 737-4700

Auspice Home Care Solutions LLC Kelli Aguollo 1754 E. Bullard Ave #102 Fresno , CA 93710 (559) 436-4782

General Nutrition Center (GNC) Justin & Rebecca Reynolds 3318 N Dinuba Blvd Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 627-3504

Casa Grande Senior Care Home Joe Silveira 347 E. Walnut Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 733-0233

In-Shape Health Clubs Adena Alati 909 No. Demaree Rd. Visalia, CA 93291 (559)733-1041

Optimal Hospice Foundation Ann Smart 2439 W Whitendale Ste B Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 741-7220

1313 S. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93277 (559)741-1700 Meridian Center for Wellness Carol McLellan 1105 W. Center Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 636-6430 The Lifestyle Center Tony Foster 5105 W. Cypress Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 624-3400

HEARING AIDS - SALES & SERVICE Corrective Hearing Service Sam & Donna Hernandez 2336 W Sunnyside Ste A Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 734-1880

Redwood Springs Healthcare Center Brandon Bigelow 1925 E. Houston Ave Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 732-1020 **See our Ad on Page 29

HOSPITALS & SURGERY CENTERS Kaweah Delta Cypress Surgery Center Renda Liden 842 So. Akers St. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 740-4094

Kaweah Delta Health Care District 400 W. Mineral King Ave. Visalia, CA 93291-6263 (559) 624-2000 Kaweah Delta Healthcare District offers a comprehensive scope of healthcare services including a well-respected pediatric hospitalist prorgram, nationally recognized cardiac and cancer programs, and more. It is the only facility with magnet status in the San Joaquin Valley serving children and adults, and the only Level III trauma center serving Kings and Tulare counties

INSURANCE Ahart Benefit Insurance Services Jack Ahart, Jr. 5060 N. Fruit Ave. Fresno, CA 93711 (559) 243-4440 Al Benoy Insurance Services Al Benoy PO Box 3001 Visalia, CA 93278 (559) 734-4288 Allstate Insurance Rick Kunkleman Agency Rick Kunkleman 3745 W Caldwell Ste F Visalia , CA 93277 (559) 741-2170 Anthem Blue Cross Frank Ardon Jessica Hernandez 3330 W. MIneral King Ave. Ste. A Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 623-0480 Ben-E-Lect Mark Reynolds 5429 Avenida De Los Robles, Ste. A Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-1240 x 2418 **See our AD on Back Cover

Buckman-Mitchell Financial & Insurance Services Judy Fussel 500 N. Santa Fe St. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 635-3543

Buckman-Mitchell, Inc. Clifford H. Dunbar 500 N. Santa Fe St. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 733-1181 Buckman-Mitchell, Visalia’s oldest & largest insurance agency, is a relationshipdriven firm specializing in all lines of coverage (Life, Health, Commercial, Personal & More) Carl Nelson Insurance Agency Melissa Menezes 2336 W. Sunnyside Ave. #C Visalia, CA 93277-7204 (559) 622-9400 Chimienti & Associates Insurance Services Cathy Chimienti 3400 W. Mineral King Ave., Suite B Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-1670

CIGNA Karen Baker 5300 W. Tulare Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 738-2000 CIGNA Healthcare is a leading global health services company whose mission is to improve the health, well being and sense of security of the people we serve. Employer based services include medical, dental, vision, life, disability and accident insurance, DG Insurance Agency, Inc. Valerie Garrison 309 N. Garden St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-0221

Elaine Rider State Farm Insurance Agency Elaine Rider 4910 W. Mineral King Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-4330

Peggy Furnas Insurance Agency Peggy Furnas 220 N Santa Fe Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 909-0415

Giffin, Sanchez, & Parker Insurance Lisa Giffin 116 E Main Street Ste 150 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 741-9740

Principal Financial Group Bob Mandolesi 3530 W. Mineral King Ave., Ste. C Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 627-3550

Health Net Armando Cabrera 6013 Niles Street Bakersfield, CA 93306-4696 (559) 840-7108

Renberg - Trogdon & Cavale Insurance Services Mike Cavale 1013 W. Center St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-1021

Karen Gross State Farm Insurance Karen Gross 1505 N Dinuba Blvd Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-8700 Korsgaden & Jansma Insurance Agency Sharon Jansma 1700 W. Walnut Ave., Ste. A Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-4926 Lewis & Associates Insurance Brokers, Inc. Jim Smallwood 700 W. Center Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-7272 Mitchell Insurance Services Kelly Mitchell 1039 N. Demaree St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 713-1315 New York Life Scott Sisk 7112 N Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93720 (559) 302-8192 Patrick L. Salazar State Farm Insurance Agency Patrick L. Salazar 5127 W. Walnut Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-2318

SHARP INSURANCE Don Sharp 303 No West St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 734-9246 **See our AD on Page 14 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. Central Valley AFO Mary Sanchez 4040 S Demaree, Ste B Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-5135 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Cary Runnells 30 River Park Place West Ste 130 Fresno, CA 93720 (559) 440-9147 United Valley Insurance Agency Keri Hennesay 410 W Center Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-5999

INTERNET SERVICES Screen Radio Michael Lewis 120 S. Church # 148 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 334-0170

INVESTIGATION SERVICES Pipkin Detective Agency Rocky J. Pipkin 4318 W Mineral King Ave Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 622-8889

Business Connect ion |


INVESTMENT SERVICES Mesa Management Company, LLC. Dick Stanley 2202 Fortini Rd san Jose, CA 95120 (559) 909-1907 Mutual Securities Robert Linderman 113 N. Church St. Ste. 401 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-6000 Pacific Capital Strategies, Inc. Rodney Dir 515 W Center St Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-3525 Paladin Investment Group Jerry Hayton & Trish Arnold 4130 S Demaree Rd Suite A Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-4005 Stifel Nicolaus & Company Incorporated Monica Peterson 217 E. Caldwell Ave Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 622-1040

JANITORIAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES ServiceMaster by Hellstern Ron Hellstern PO Box 4332 Visalia, CA 93278 (559) 738-8927

Tulare County Library, CONT. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 713-2700

LOANS & DEPOSITS Mason-McDuffie Mortgage Corporation Cindy Kemp 2920 W. Main Street Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 741-0991 x103

LODGING Comfort Inn & SuitesAirport Drive Rachel Rodriquez 9300 W. Airport Dr. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 651-3700 Comfort Suites Downtown Anil Chagan 210 E Acequia Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 738-1700 **See our Ad on Page 30 Fairfield Inn Molly Bambl 140 S. Akers Rd. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 636-7600 Hampton Inn Anil Chagan 4747 W. Noble Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 732-3900 **See our Ad on Page 30

JEWELRY Ashoori & Co. Jewelers Sarah Ashoori 4212 S. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-3119 Michael’s Custom Jewelry Michael Phelps 316 W. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 734-7079 Quality Jewelers Paul Heidenreich 213 W. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 734-0606


Holiday Inn Hotel & Conference Center Samantha Rummage 9000 W. Airport Dr. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 651-5000 Largest Hotel & Conference Center from Sacramento to LA *Cafe California *Mohaganys *Affordable *Corporate Rates *FREE Parking, Wi-Fi, Business Center Kaweah Park Resort Cory Clark PO Box 1092 Three Rivers, CA 93271-1092 (559) 561-4424

Tulare County Library Brian Lewis 200 W. Oak Ave. 48

B us i n e s s C o n n e ctio n |

La Quinta Inn Chong Kang 5438 W. Cypress Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 739-9800

Lamp Liter Inn Robert Lee 3300 W Mineral King Ave Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-4511 Nestled in a beautiful garden setting the Lamp Liter Inn and its preserved charms offers complimentary Wi-Fi, a spacious Conference Center, and a delightful onsite restaurant and bar.

Marriott Hotel at the Convention Center Carrie Groover 300 S. Court St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 636-1111 Visalia Marriott Hotel offers 195 stylish rooms complemented by first-rate service. We are Visalia’s Premier option for Weddings, Conventions & Meetings Motel 6 Mike Patel 4645 W. Noble Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 732-5611 Sequoia/Wuksachi Village & Lodge Andy Grinsfelder 64740 Wuksachi Way Sequoia Nat’l Park, CA 93262 (559) 565-4070 Super 8 Motel Nilay Patel 4801 W. Noble Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 627-2885

MAILING SERVICE Kast & Company Communications Larry Kast PO Box 7173 Visalia, CA 93290 (559) 732-5030


Tri-Mag, Inc. Jia Ming Li 1601 N. Clancy CT. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-2222 Tri-Mag, Inc. manufactures power related product including switching power supply, DC-DC Converter and AC Line Filter for the application of Medical, industrial, telecommunication, LED sign, military and gaming industrial.

Voltage Multipliers, Inc. Dennis Kemp 8711 W. Roosevelt Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-1402 Voltage Multipliers Inc. manufactures high voltage diodes and miniature high voltage power supplies.


Butler Manufacturing Company / BlueScope Buildings NA Don Bratcher 7440 Doe Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-5300 Manufacturing, Engineering, and Sales of Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings California Wire Cloth, Inc. Barbara Clay 8300 W. Elowin Ct. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-3737

International Paper Anthony Muia 1600 Kelsey Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-3535

MEDICAL CLINIC Kawneer Company, Inc. Norris McElroy 7200 W. Doe Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-4000 Kawneer’s product portfolio including entrances, framing systems, windows, curtain walls – can be found on commercial office buildings, schools and retail outlets in our community. Lake Company/Tube Mill Ziegfried Edwards 1515 N. Shirk Rd. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-4019

Pacific Southwest Container Jason Thalls 9525 W. Nicholas Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-5500 Screw Conveyor Corporation Randy Smith 7807 Doe Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-2131

MARKETING SERVICES & PROMOTIONS Executive Marketing Services Mark Pettenger 1809 S Giddings Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 735-9712 Golden Gate Media Group David Orozco 1729 Avenue Park Dr San Pedro , CA 90732 (310) 872-7395 Lockwood Agency Nancy Lockwood 500 N. Willis St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-3737 Visalia Times-Delta See our listing under NEWSPAPERS for details (559) 735-3200

Elite Corporate Wellness Nicholas Gambini 5323 W. Hillsdale Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-7772

Accredited By

The Joint Commission

Family HealthCare Network Harry Foster 305 E. Center Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 737-4700 Family HealthCare Network is the largest primary health care provider in Tulare County. The private, non-profit organization founded in Porterville in 1976 employs nearly 700 professional and support staff and contributes over $226 million per year to the community. **See our Ad on Page 35 30979 Road 67 Goshen, CA 93227 (559) 737-4700 33025 Rd. 159 Ivanhoe, CA 93235 (559) 798-1877 12586 Ave. 408 Orosi, CA 93647 (559) 528-2874 1107 W. Poplar Ave Porterville, CA 93257 (559) 781-7242 323 W Putnam Porterville, CA 93257 (559) 791-7000 PO Box 398 Springville, CA 93265 41651 Sierra Dr, Ste A Three Rivers, CA 93271 (559) 561-4683 400 E. Oak Street Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 731-4700 101 N. Palm Woodlake, CA 93286 (559) 564-0100 Kaweah Delta Health Care District See our listing under HOSPITALS & SURGERY CENTERS for details (559) 724-2000 1014 San Juan Ave Exeter, CA 93221 (559) 592-7300 839 N Sequoia Ave Lindsay, CA 93247 (559) 562-1546

Kaweah Delta Sequoia Prompt Care 1110 S. Ben Maddox, Ste. B Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 624-4800 **See our Ad on Page 26 Kaweah Delta Urgent Care 1633 S. Court St. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 624-6090 Palm Occupational Medicine David Tenn 235 E. Noble Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-1710 Premier Walk-In Medical, Inc Cindy Douglass 4025 W Caldwell Ave, Ste A Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-6080 5344 W. Cypress, Ste. 102 Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-6080 Valley Industrial & Family Medical Group Rhonda Fishbaugh 225 S. Chinowth Rd. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 627-3222 Visalia Medical Clinic See our listing under MEDICAL CLINIC for details (559) 738-7500

MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING, SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT Bound Tree MedicaL, LLC Vernon Burkett 2237 N. Plaza Dr. Visalia, CA 93291 (800) 533-0523 Tri-Anim Health Service, Inc Vernon Burkett 2241 N Plaza Drive Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-1595 Visalia Imaging & Open MRI Brooke Mack 1700 S. Court St. Ste. A Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 734-5674 **See our Ad on Page 21 Visalia Medical Clinic See our listing under MEDICAL CLINIC for details (559) 738-7500

MEDICAL SERVICES Bryson Cancer Care, Inc. David Bryson 5345 W. Hillsdale Dr.. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 622-0100 David G. Feil, M. D. David Feil M.D. 112 N. Akers St. Ste A Visalia, CA 93291-5121 (559) 733-4372 Eye Surgical & Medical Associates Cynthia Griswold 5021 W. Noble Ave. Ste. A Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 627-9393 Family HealthCare Network See our listing under MEDICAL CLINIC for details (559) 737-4700 Hany Nasr, M.D Inc. Hany Nasr 201 E Noble Ave Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 627-6500 stgeorgespine& Integrated Care Systems Brian Komoto 7140 W Pershing Ct Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 734-2896 Interim Health Care of the Central Valley Sarah Ahmed 1843 E Fir Ave ste 101 Fresno, CA 93720-3863 (800) 446-3878 Visalia Medical Clinic See our listing under MEDICAL CLINIC for details (559) 738-7500

MOTORCYCLE SALES & SERVICE Visalia Harley-Davidson Brenda Allan 30681 N. Highway 99 Visalia, CA 93291-8962 (559) 733-4647

MOVING & STORAGE SERVICES Colonial Van & Storage/ Agent for Allied Van Lines 214 Broadway Street Fresno, CA 93721 (800) 260-6683

Business Connect ion |


Walton Family Moving & Storage, Inc. Glenn Walton Jr. 19766 S. HWY 99 unit C Tulare, CA 93274 (559) 684-0283

Boy Scouts of America Sequoia Council John Richers 230 NW 3rd Ave Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-3424

Executives’ Association of Tulare County Stacey Beall-Strickland PO Box 891 Visalia, CA 93279 (559) 210-1494


Boys & Girls Club of the Sequoias Joe Engelbrecht 215 W. Tulare Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-4422

Family Builders Foster Family Agency Mona Chadwell 6500 S. Mooney Blvd. Ste B Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 685-1200

Cabrillo Civic Club #12 Nelson Parreira PO Box 1875 Tulare, CA 93275 (559) 688-4558

Family Services of Tulare County Cathy Meader 815 W. Oak St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 741-7310

Fresno Bee Leslie Swearingen 525 W. Main St., Ste. F Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-3464 Hanford Sentinel, The Jennifer Fawkes 300 W. 6th Street Hanford, CA 93230 (559) 582-0471 The Business Journal Gordon Webster, Jr. 1315 Van Ness, Ste. 200 Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 490-3400

Visalia Times-Delta Amy Pack 330 N. West St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 735-3200

NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS ABLE Industries Wende Ayers 8127 Ave. 304 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-8150 American Cancer Association Randy Daughtry 2222 W Shaw Ave Ste 201 Fresno, CA 93711 (559) 451-0722 AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY Randy Daughtry 2222 W Shaw Ave. Ste. 201 Fresno CA 93711 (559) 734-0429 Assistance League of Visalia Deborah Stewart PO Box 4108 1007 W center Visalia, CA 93278 (559) 733-0305


Central California Blood Center Carmella Lamb 1515 S. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 302-1300 Central Valley Recovery Services Ramona Robertson 320 W. Oak Ave Suite A Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-2995 Court Appointed Special Advocates of Tulare County Marilyn Barr 1146 N. Chinowith St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-4007 CSET-Community Services & Employment Training See our listing under EMPLOYMENT SERVICES for details (559) 732-4194 Ecology Action Gordon Smith 877 Cedar Street Ste 240 Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (559) 991-5972 Events Visalia Foundation Eric Cribbs 121 E Main Street Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 334-0488

B us i n e s s C o n n e ctio n |

Foodlink for Tulare County, Inc. Sandy Beals 7427 W. Sunnyview Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-3663 Four Creeks Lodge #94 I.O.O.F Albert Mahler 116 S Court Street Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 623-7008 GOLDEN STATE FAMILY SERVICES, INC. Shana Dawson 1206 South O Street Tulare, CA 93274 (559) 897-2534

Habitat for Humanity of Tulare County Betsy Murphy 637 S. Lovers Lane PO Box 848 Visalia, CA 93279 (559) 734-4040 Happy Trails Riding Academy Leslie Gardner PO Box 572 Visalia, CA 93279 (559) 688-8685

Housing Authority of Tulare County Ken Kugler 5140 W. Cypress Ave Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 627-3700 The Housing Authority of the County of Tulare provides rental assistance to very low and moderate-income families, seniors and the handicapped throughout the county Jeff Barnes Brain Injury Foundation Business Manager PO Box 7392 Visalia, CA 93290 (559) 679-3702

Joshua Ray Smallwood Foundation Phil Luna 700 W Center St Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 302-1200 Kaweah Delta Hospice of Tulare County Foundation Karrie Decker 900 W. Oak Ave. Visalia, CA 93291-4716 (559) 733-0642 Love In the Name of Christ Dorinne Henken 10152 Ave 264 Tulare, CA 93274 (559) 688-8870

NAMI Tulare County Karen Maybry 3350 South Fairway Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 732-6264 Order Sons of Italy In America Donna Gist 4211 W. Goshen Avenue Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-0823

Parenting Network, Inc. Mike Gibson 1900 N. Dinuba Blvd. Ste C Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-0384 Proteus Training & Employment Terri Cooper 224 NW 3RD Ave Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 627-0100 Pro-Youth/HEART After-School Program Laurie Isham 505 N. Court Street Visalia, CA 93291-4912 (559) 624-5810 Resources for Independence Central Valley Nalor See 220 N Santa Fe Ste. 131 Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 622-9276 Self-Help Enterprises Peter Carey 8445 W Elowin Ct Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-1000 x600

Sequoia Energy Services (A subsidiary of CSET) Jennifer Taylor 939 E Douglas Ave Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 636-6453 Providing every business & homeowner with:- Solar - Windows - Air Conditioning - Ducts - Insulation and more. FREE CONSULTATIONS! 100% of net proceeds circulate back into your community! Sequoia Natural History Association Mark Tilchen 47050 Generals Highway #10 Three Rivers, CA 93271 (559) 565-3759 Sequoia Parks Foundation William Tweed PO Box 3047 Visalia, CA 93278-3047 (559) 739-1668

SHRM of Tulare/Kings County Cindy Summers PO Box 1044 Visalia, CA 93279 (559) 625-0183

Tulare-Kings Counties Builders Exchange George Elam 1223 S. Lovers Lane Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 732-4568

Soroptimist International of Visalia Lisa Nunes PO Box 747 Visalia, CA 93279 (559) 636-2500

Tulare-Kings Right To Life April Kesterson PO Box 3531 Visalia, CA 93278 (559) 732-5000

The Creative Center Bailey Hagar 606 N. Bridge St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-9329

The Creative Center Foundation Jan Traeger 614 N Bridge St Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 733-4400 The Grace Homes Gale Kuns PO Box 4307 Visalia, CA 93278 (559) 625-1329

Turning Point of Central California Jeff Fly PO Box 7447 Visalia, CA 93290 (559) 732-8086

United Way of Tulare County Ernie Hernandez 1601 E. Prosperity Ave. Tulare, CA 93274-2344 (559) 685-1766 Veterans Memorial District Alex Berrueco 609 W Center St Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-1613 Visalia Elks Lodge Chuck Lee 3100 W Main Street Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 734-6762

Transitions Children’s Services Brian Van Anne 516 W Shaw Ave #105 Fresno, CA 93704 (559) 212-5437

Visalia Emergency Aid Council Iris East 217 N.E. Third St. Visalia, CA 93279 (559) 732-0101

Tulare County Deputy Sheriff’s Association Jaymie Nuckols 1616 W. Mineral King Suite C Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 636-1199

Visalia Fire Assoc. Local 3719 Allen Wilkinson PO Box 4465 707 W Acequia Ave Visalia, CA 93278 (559) 713-4266

Tulare County Farm Bureau Patricia Stever-Blattler 737 N. Ben Maddox Way Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 732-8301

Visalia Lions Band Review Jan Beatty-Taylor PO Box 3203 Visalia, CA 93279 (559) 909-1817

Visalia Republican Women Federated Joyce Nielsen PO Box 1158 Exeter, CA 93221 (559) 259-0921

Visalia Rescue Mission Danny LIttle 500 E Race Visalia, CA 93279-0109 (559) 740-4178 Visalia Sunset Rotary Donn Ritter 2049 N. Peppertree Ct. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 250-8634 Visalia YMCA Taurie Thayer 211 W. Tulare Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 627-0700 Younglives of Tulare County Karen Cardoza 2134 E Mineral King, STE B Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 627-2078

NOTARY PUBLIC Au Enterprises Mobile Notary Craig Fromme 4819 West Nicholas Ave Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 740-2278 Jewel of the Valley Mobile Notary Public Jan Kohake 3535 W Coppola Ave Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 647-1481

NURSERIES & GARDEN SUPPLIES Pioneer Nursery Kevin Blackwell 3740 W. Caldwell Ave. Visalia, CA 93277-9222 (559) 734-0111

Business Connect ion |


OFFICE MACHINE SALES & SERVICE California Business Machines 4260 N Fresno Street fresno, CA 93726 (559) 225-5570 Caltronics Jacob Woolf 7485 N. Palm Ave Ste. 100 Fresno, CA 93711 (559) 244-4242 Cline’s Business Equipment Inc. JD Dolan 320 South Bridge Street Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-9354

OFFICE SUPPLIES & FURNITURE OFFICE DEPOT Scott Jacobsen 2425 S Mooney Blvd Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 741-9710 Total Office Products Steve or Joanne Farnsworth 1919 E. Mineral King Ave. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 625-0792

OPTOMETRIST Integrated Vision Care Optometry Clifford Fukushima 5501 W. Hillsdale Dr., Ste. D Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-5464

ORTHODONTISTS Stephen J. McAuliff, D.D.S., Inc. Stephen McAuliff 1549 W. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-4895

PACKAGING EQUIPMENT & PRODUCTS Serpa Packaging Solutions Fernando Serpa 7020 W. Sunnyview Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-2339


PALLETS & CUT LUMBER United Wholesale Lumber Company Tom Thayer 8009 W. Doe Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-2037

PARCEL DELIVERY & COURIER SERVICES OnTrac Cara Ferris 2247 N. Plaza Dr. Ste D Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-3095 Peninsula Messenger Service Charlotte Olinger 6639 W. Pershing Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 734-6328 peninsulamessengerservice. com


Details Party Rentals & Sales Karen Westbrook 3809 N Mooney Blvd Tulare, CA 93274 (559) 685-8810 Behind every great event coordinator, caterer, wedding or private party, you will find a distinguished rental company. Please visit our new location. Weddings by Lilly Lilly Dunlap 2201 W Mid Valley Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-3777

PAYMENT SERVICES Priority Payment East Bruce Bartolotta 12 main st., ste 1 Essex, CT 06426 (888) 793-0313

PEST CONTROL Clark Pest Control Jesse Valenzuela 1843 E. Mineral King Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-3488

B us i n e s s C o n n e ctio n |

PETROLEUM & PROPANE DISTRIBUTOR J.C. Lansdowne, Inc. Steven Lansdowne 8601 W. Roosevelt Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-1760 **See our Ad on Page 12 Valley Pacific Petroleum Dan Elmer 1633 E. Mineral King Ave. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 732-8381

PHARMACIES Medicine Shoppe Jimmy Kwok 3507 W. Walnut Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (209) 625-5015

Visalia Medical Clinic Rick Strid 5400 W. Hillsdale Dr. Visalia, CA 93291-5140 (559) 738-7500 Visalia Medical Clinic offers the expertise of more than 50 multidisciplinary physicians and providers. Support services include an onsite lab, a wide array of imaging technology (including a 64-slice CT), extended hours through QuickCare and a sleep lab.


Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. See our listing under DEPARTMENT STORES for details (559) 636-2302

Tropics by Design Todd Mackey PO Box 1779 Visalia, CA 93279 (559) 734-4920



Roy Dressel Photography Roy Dressel 115 W. Main St., Ste. A Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 734-2110

Aguirre Printing & Embroidery Rigo Aguirre 9610 West Nicholas Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 636-8130

David G Surdyka, M.D., Inc 2740 West Main Street Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 636-2040

Central Valley Business Forms Gary Amon 7500 W. Sunnyview Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-3595 x28

Sequoia Foot Care Group Richard Motos 308 S. Johnson St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 734-1171

IDEA! Printing & Graphics James Laber 1921 E. Main St. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 733-4149


Thomas F. Mitts, M.D., Inc. Thomas Mitts 205 So. West St., Ste. A Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-4234 Visalia Family Practice Linda Clark 311 W. Noble Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-9200

Jostens Printing and Publishing Marilynn Mitchell 29625 Road 84 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-3300 x308 **See our Ad on Page 2

Nook & Cranny Robert Casarez 119 North Court Street Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-3502 Premier Color Graphics, Inc. Brad Stiers 324 S. Santa Fe St. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 625-8606

Visual 6 Graphics Beth Bruegman 1123 N Plaza Dr Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 302-4550 We can help you maximize your marketing potential and reach your target market with customized, comprehensive, and cost effective print solutions.

PRODUCE SALES & EXPORT C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc. Sean Nelsen 609 N. Akers Visalia, CA 93291-9406 (559) 741-2115 Visalia Citrus Packing Group, Inc Randy Vogt 500 N. Santa Fe P.O. Box 2800 Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 635-3000

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT & INVESTMENT Armstrong Property Management Jim Armstrong 1820 S Central, Ste C Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 733-1322 Bruce Evans Property Management Bruce Evans 805 W. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-0313 Equitable Property Management Greg Costello 8200 W Doe Ave Visalia, CA 93291 (530) 886-1414

Equity Group, Inc. Steve Duerre 421 N Church St Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-8800 x103 Martin & Martin Properties Joshua Martin 4125 W. Noble Ave. St. 381 Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-9089 Mill Creek Management, Inc. Cathy Hutton 300 W. School Ave Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-3385 x16 Vicon Property Management Connie G. Minatta 136 N. Conyer St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 734-2008 Visalia No.1, ACA Gen. Partnership Lisa Reed 6051 N. Fresno St. #110 Fresno, CA 93710 (559) 435-1756

PUMPS - SALES & SERVICE Willitts Pump Jean Jones 30548 Road 196 Exeter, CA 93221 (559) 594-5020

RADIO STATIONS KARM-FM Harvest Broadcasting Company, Inc. Loren Olson 1300 So. Woodland St. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 627-5276 KJUG AM/FM Vaughn Kessler 1401 W. Caldwell Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 553-1500 KTIP AM 1450 Larry Stoneburner 1660 N. Newcomb Porterville, CA 93257 (559) 784-1450 KZPO ‘Kings Radio’ 103.3 FM Lee Smith 5119 W Nicholas Ave Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-4211

Spirit 88.9 (formerly KDUV) Bob Croft 130 N. Kelsey St. Ste. H Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-4111

REAL ESTATE Central Valley Real Estate, LLC a member of The Bradmore Group John Bohn 721 Santa Monica Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90401 (310) 393-9688 Century 21 Jordan-Link & Company Bill Jordan 2009 W. Feemster Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 733-9696 Peggy Wilson (559) 625-6990 CONNIE KAUTZ, REALTOR Keller Williams Realty 400 E Main Street Ste. 110 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-4100 Guarantee Real Estate Sandy Garcia-Ekisian 1398 Draper Street Kingsburg, CA 93631 (559) 624-1122

RE/Max All Estates Realtors Robert Lee 4840 W. Mineral King Ave. Visalia, CA 93291-5244 (559) 734-1400 Darlene Loose (559) 625-9364 Realty World-Investors Realty Brad Maaske 103 W. Tulare Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 733-8360 Sherman & Associates Nola Sherman 1331 W. Center Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-2934 The Real Estate Connection Willie Gallegos 5014 W. Nellis Ct Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 799-1073 Tulare County Association of Realtors, Inc Karl Hampton 2424 E. Valley Oaks Dr. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 627-1776

REAL ESTATE APPRAISALS The Hopper Company Keith Hopper 2918 W. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-1230


Keller Williams Realty Jason Garcia 400 E. Main Street Suite 110 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-4100 Gerrie Giotta (559) 429-7112 Jean Chesser (559) 280-5326 Judi Pirnstill (559) 280-7076 Prudential California Realty Teymour Farhang 1410 S Mooney Blvd Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 732-2500

Bank of Commerce Mortgage Sandy Wheeler 5412 Avenida de los Robles #101 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 272-8174 Country Club Mortgage Steve Rose 525 N. Hall St. #A Visalia, CA 93291-5605 (559) 636-3333 Mission Hills Mortgage Bankers, a division of Gateway Business Bank Jeanne Honley 1810 S. Central St., Ste.A Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 636-8611

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Tucoemas Federal Credit Union Real Estate Jackie Benson PO Box 5011 Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 732-8892 x5616

REAL ESTATE - INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL Burr Commercial Real Estate Douglas Burr 2918 W. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-1600 Coopman Plaza Sue Ann Peterson PO Box 305 Farmersville, CA 93223 (559) 594-4531

Sunset Waste Paper, Cont. Visalia, CA 93292-3156 (559) 739-1595 WM/Waste Management Tom Patron 26951 Road 140 Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 741-1766

RESORTS Holiday Inn Hotel & Conference Center See our listing under LODGING for details (559) 651-5000

Grubb & Ellis, Pearson Commercial Mike Porte 3447 S. Demaree St. Visalia, CA 93277-7013 (559) 732-7300

Wonder Valley Ranch Resort & Conference Center Veronica Delgado 6450 Elwood Rd. Sanger, CA 93657 (559) 787-2551

Hyde Commercial Real Estate Matt Graham 3330 W. Mineral King Ave. Ste F Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 739-9900

Wonder Valley is located in the Sierra Nevada foothills on 75 acres. It’s the perfect resort for conferences, meetings, retreats, day events or even weddings.

The Whitlatch Group Bill Whitlatch, GRI, R.E. Masters 525 W. Center St., Ste. D Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-3034 Zeeb Commercial Real Estate Martin Zeeb 132 N Akers Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-2128

RECYCLING & WASTE MANAGEMENT City of Visalia see our listing under GOVERNMENT for details (559) 713-4536 Pena’s Disposal Maria Pena 12094 Avenue 408 Cutler, CA 93615 (559) 528-3909 Sunset Waste Paper Jim Vagim 1707 E. Goshen Ave.


RESTAURANTS A & W Drive In Craig Van Horn 301 N. Willis St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-1513 A & W Restaurant Bob Cary 2611 S. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93277 (559)733-4445 BIG KAHUNA FROZEN YOGURT Sherri Lewis 4105 S Mooney Blvd Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-4105 Brewbakers Rod Dyer 219 E. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 627-2739 Buffalo Wild Wings Paul Alderete 4125 S Mooney Blvd Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 635-0785

B us i n e s s C o n n e ctio n |

BUSYBEE CUISINE Terri Fell 4303 W Noble Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-4600 Cafe 225 California Bar & Grill Karl Merten 225 W. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-2967 Colima Mexican Restaurant Miguel M. Valencia 111 E. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-7078 Crawdaddy’s Keith Korsgaden 333 E. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-5300 Denny’s Jeff Roland 200 S. Akers Rd. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 636-3160 Double LL Steakhouse & Saloon, Inc. Chris Lum 401 E. Center Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 627-1126 El Rosal Restaurant Pablo Martinez 3718 S Mooney Blvd Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-7731

Figaro’s Mexican Grill Rafael Figueroa 3000 N Dinuba Blvd Visalia, CA 93291 733-5125 Mexican grill Restaurant w/ 3 locations to serve you Hong Kong Restaurant/ Lum Lum’s Cheung Ng 417 E. Center Ave.. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 734-5393

India Curry House Ashok Patel 211 W Main Street Ste A Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 739-1039 Jack & Charlie’s Restaurant David Vartanian 204 E Oak Ave Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 738-5752 Kentucky Fried Chicken - Noble Adam Rodriquez 1699 E. Noble Ave. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 733-4937 Kentucky Fried Chicken - Walnut Mike Rodriguez 5143 W. Walnut Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-1742 Las Palmas Restaurant Gilberto Cortes 309 E. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 734-5405 le Boulevard Cathy Shuklian 520 S Mooney Blvd Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 741-1247 Little Italy Restaurant Joe Vaccaro 303 W. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 734-2906

McDonald’s Restaurants Roger Delph 1822 E. Main St Visalia, CA 93292 (559)738-8588 5215 W. Walnut Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559)636-3323 3636 W. Mineral King Visalia, CA 93277 (559)738-8588 3636 S. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93277 (559)738-8588 1401 E. Noble Ave. Visalia, CA 93292 (559)738-8588 3102 N. Dinuba Blvd. Visalia, CA 93291 (559)738-8588

Me-N-Ed’s Pizzeria Jenny Alvarez 1530 N. Ben Maddox Way Visalia, CA 93292 (559)627-1664 Charlotte Costelo 2131 W. Whitendale Visalia, CA 93277 (559)625-5626 Denise Tuttle 6729 N. Palm Ave., Suite 200 Fresno, CA 93704 (559)432-0399 Port of Subs Store #65 KP Basra 1229 S Mooney Blvd Ste B Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 732-7827 portofsubs.comstore#65

Red Lobster Diana Keller 1545 S. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 738-8527 At Red Lobster, we’re passionate about serving our guests great seafood. It’s our passion. It’s our pride. Because at Red Lobster, we Sea Food Differently. Ryan’s Place Restaurant James Kirk 3103 S. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 734-8394 Sierra Bells dba Taco Bell Brandy Parris 2421 N Dinuba Blvd Visalia, CA 93292 Sizzler Ron Reese 2121 W. Caldwell Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-1290 Tahoe Joe’s Reem Atkins 4015 W. Caldwell Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 735-9079 Tokyo Gardens Losa Jang 3320 S. Fairway Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-0638

Tommy’s Restaurant & Lounge Wayne & Laurie Malcolm 130 N. Encina Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 627-6077 Vintage Press Restaurante John Vartanian PO Box 1534 216 N. Willis St. Visalia, CA 93279 (559) 733-3033 Zen Asian Diner Tony Quach 3233 W Noble Ave Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 636-3288

RETIREMENT COMMUNITY & HOMES Prestige Assisted Living Donna Tavarez 3120 W. Caldwell Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 735-0828 Quail Park Retirement Village Sandy Hagar 4520 W. Cypress Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 624-3500 Visalia Senior Housing Lendell Sims Oak Meadows 111 W School Ave Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-4152 Sierra Meadows 1120 E Tulare Ave Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 623-9212 The Town Meadows 3900 W. Tulare Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 734-3275 Town Meadows 115 W Murray Ave Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 734-3275 Walnut Park Retirement Penny Chase 4119 W. Walnut Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 739-1339

ROCK, SAND & GRAVEL Santa Fe Aggregates Doug Reynolds 22400 Ave 335 Woodlake, CA 93286 (559) 564-3302

RV & CAMPGROUND Visalia/Sequoia Natural Park KOA Howard Bae 7480 Avenue 308 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-0544

SHOPPING CENTERS & PLAZA Tulare Outlet Center Patty Rocha 1407 Retherford St. Tulare, CA 93274 (559) 684-9091 **See our Ad on Page 21 Visalia Mall Shopping Center Richard Feder 2031 S. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 733-3899

SIGNS & BANNERS A-Plus Signs/Mega-Prints Joaquin Federic 4379 N Brawley Ave Fresno, CA 93722 (559) 275-0700 Sign Time Rick & Pat January 1643 W. Caldwell Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-8442 United Signs International, Inc. Bill Dolan 2505 E. Main St. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 733-5910 Visual 6 Graphics See our listing under PRINTING for details (559) 302-4550

SOLAR ENERGY PRODUCTS Air Sun Solar Charlie Klint 9940 W Nicholas Ave Visalia , CA 93291 (559) 747-0111

Real Goods Solar Cheryl Hansen-Abshere 100 N Roeben St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 650-2555

SPORTS TEAMS Visalia Rawhide Baseball Club Tom Seidler 300 N. Giddings St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-4433

STOCK BROKER & INVESTMENTS Merrill Lynch Sam Logan 5545 Avenida de los Robles, Ste. 2C Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 741-9033 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Greg Todd 520 W. Main St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-7211

STORAGE CONTAINERS Haulaway Storage Containers Benjamin Davenport 928 N. Century St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-1336

STORAGE FACILITIES Derrel’s Mini Storage Shannon Garcia 800 N Ben Maddox Way Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 732-5551 Security Self-Storage Kim Rumbaugh 6601 W. Goshen Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-1015

SWIMMING POOL & SPA SERVICES Paradise Aquatech Pools, Inc. John Sweeney 2435 E. Valley Oaks Dr. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 635-9637

Business Connect ion |


Randy Dugan Pool Plastering Randy Dugan 5446 W. Stewart Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 738-0232

KMPH Fox 26/The CW KFRE 59 JR Jackson 5111 E McKinley Fresno, CA 93727 (559) 453-5347

Grand Circle Corp Joan Thorton 347 Congress St Boston, MA 02210 (209) 606-0958


KSEE 24 Elena Valles 5035 E McKinley Ave Fresno, CA 93727 (559) 454-2424

Premier World Discovery Afrodite Pastroumas 2615 190th St, Ste 200 Redondo Beach, CA 90278 (310) 372-3668

AT&T Eric R. Johnson 5555 E. Olive Ave. Fresno, CA 93727 (559) 454-3602

Valley Public Television Michelle Epstein 1544 Van Ness Ave. Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 266-1800


B & P Electrical, Inc. Philip Appelbaum 1534 S. Peppertree Ct. Visalia, CA 93277-8606 (559) 636-2945


Craig Shiman Communications Services Craig Shiman 480 E. Gail Ave Tulare, CA 93274 (559) 687-1405 Sebastian Sarah Damotte 7600 N Palm Fresno, CA 93711 (559) 432-5800 TW Telecom, Inc. Barbara Severin 8050 N. Palm, Suite 310 Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 256-3500

TELEVISION STATIONS & CABLE COMPANIES Comcast Business Services Mike McPhillips 2441 N Grove Industrial Fresno, CA 93727 (559) 788-9128 Comcast Spotlight Claudia Clevenger-Champlin 1031 N Plaza Drive Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 676-5585 KFSN - TV Channel 30 Marisela Vallejo 1777 G Street Fresno, CA 93706 (559) 442-1170


Chicago Title Ted Walters 1750 W. Walnut Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 636-4300 Tulare County Escrow Karen E. Niederrelter 308 West Oak Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 733-1025

TOILETS - PORTABLE Potter’s Porta-Potties J. L. Faubel 321 E. Noble Farmersville, CA 93223 (559) 594-4322

TOWING Central Valley Towing & Automotive Lisa Colburn 777 N Burke St Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 734-4028 Cesare’s Body & Paint Shop Gabriel Jacquez 920 E. Center St. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 625-1161

TRAVEL AGENCIES Collette Vacations David Cook 180 Middle St. Pawtucket, RI 02860 (877) 760-7617

B us i n e s s C o n n e ctio n |

Awards & Signs Unlimited Dave Searcy 1808 E. Main St. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 734-4003


Ruan Transport Corporation Mike Elliott 754 South Blackstone Street Tulare, CA 93274 (559) 686-2857 x277 Bulk Transportation, dedicated carriage management, logistics, lease services, and rental. All available nationwide. **See our Ad on Page 28

UNIFORM SERVICES Mission Linen Supply Paul Romer 520 E. Mineral King Ave. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 625-5423 **See our Ad on Page 36

UTILITIES California Water Service Company Scott Bailey 216 N. Valley Oaks Dr. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 624-1600 **See our Ad on Page 19 Southern California Edison Company Brian Thoburn 2425 S. Blackstone St. Tulare, CA 93274 (559) 685-3213

The Gas Company Colby Wells 404 N. Tipton Ave. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 739-2395

VETERINARIANS Care at the Courtyard Marietta Lindquist 120 N. Akers Rd. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-8651 Redwood Veterinary Hospital John Migliore, DVM 1727 E. Mineral King Ave. Visalia, CA 93292 (559) 733-2703

VETERINARY SUPPLIES MWI Veterinary Supply Robert Sosa 8900 W. Hurley #101 Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 651-2825

VISITORS BUREAU Pismo Beach Conference & Visitors Bureau Renee Fortier 760 Mattie Rd. Pismo Beach, CA 93449 (805) 773-7034 Visalia Convention & Visitors Bureau P.O. Box 2734 Visalia, CA 93279 (800) 524-0303

WATER - BOTTLED Culligan Water Conditioning Nancy Becker 1002 W Mariposa Lindsay, CA 93247 (559) 562-6361

WEIGHT LOSS CENTERS PRISM Weight Loss Program Randy Vogt 330 N. Johnson St. Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 625-1738


Costco Wholesale Bradley Little 1405 W. Cameron Ave Visalia, CA 93277-9527 (559) 735-2400

WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Next Step Communications Bart Lang 1307 So. Mooney Blvd. Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 636-1600 Verizon Wireless Kirt Browning 4007 S. Mooney Blvd Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 625-0700

CIVIC MINDED INDIVIDUALS Cox, Phil (dba Committee to Elect Phil Cox) Phil Cox 713 S Jacob Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 731-7488 Ishida, Allen Wanda Ishida 24788 Avenue 216 Lindsay, CA 93247 (559) 562-4536 Maze, Bill Bill Maze 1601 W. Cherry Ave Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 732-2115

Mirviss, Lynn Havard (Hospital Board) 2005 Green Acres Drive Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 732-4045 Moheno, Lali Lali Moheno 1522 S. Mooney Visalia, CA 93277 (559) 733-4121 Reed, Gary Gary Reed PO Box 1230 Porterville, CA 93258 (559) 784-1472 Ruiz, Fred Fred Ruiz PO Box 37 Dinuba, CA 93618 (559) 591-5510 Salinas, Vincent Vincent Salinas (559) 905-4469 Wittman, Bill (T.C. Sheriff’s Dept.) Bill Wittman 2404 W. Burrell Ave Visalia, CA 93291 (559) 636-4625 Zapalac, John John Zapalac PO Box 622 Lemon Cove, CA 93244

INDEX OF ADVERTISERS Auto Oil Changers ............................................................ 27 Ben-E-Lect .........................................................Back Cover California Water Service Co ............................................. 19 Central Valley Christian Schools ...................................... 36 Citizens Business Bank..................................................... 25 Comfort Suites / Hampton Inn .......................................... 30 Crescent Valley Public Charter School ............................. 15 CSET - Employment Connection ...................................... 36 Delta Nursing & Rehabilitation Center .............................. 16 Family Health Care Network ............................................ 35 Great Lakes Airlines ......................................................... 25 J.C. Lansdowne, Inc. ........................................................ 12 Jostens ............................................................................... 2 Kaweah Delta - Sequoia Prompt Care ............................. 27 Lucky Day Laundry ........................................................... 21 Milan Institute ................................................................... 30 Mission Linen Supply ....................................................... 36 Preferred Outlets at Tulare ............................................... 21 Redwood Springs Healthcare Center ............................... 29 Ruan Transport Corporation ............................................. 28 Seals/Biehle General Contractors .................................... 29 Sharp Insurance & Bonding ............................................. 14 Tachi Palace Hotel & Casino ............................................ 22 Visalia Imaging & Open MRI ............................................ 21 Westgate Gardens Care Center ....................................... 19

Business Connect ion |


at the Rawhide! FRiday, OctObeR 5, 2012 SaVe tHe date Sample a variety of fine WINES, BEER, LOCAL CUISINE, & MUSIC Visalia Rawhide Ballpark Friday, October 5, 2012

Open to Vendors 4:30 – 9:30 p.m.

Open to the Public 5:30 – 9:30 p.m.

For more information, contact: Mike Cox cell: 559-287-7976 or 559-734-5876

Vi salia Chamber of CommerCe, 220 N. s aN ta fe st., Visalia

Blissful Bali Discover

Paradise on a Bali Beach

March 18 – 26, 2013


The Chamber is very excited to present this first-ever tour of Bali which includes seven nights accommodation at the Grand Mirage Resort, daily breakfast, airport transfers, sightseeing tours, and international airfare from San Francisco.

For pricing or registration details, call the Visalia Chamber of Commerce at 559-734-5876 or visit

This tour is brought to you by Indus Travels (CST# 2091307-40) and is priced at $2,490 per person (double occupancy). A non-refundable deposit of $400 is required to book the tour.

Visalia Chamber of Commerce, 220 N. Santa Fe St., Visalia

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