3 minute read
Variety Show
from NCP - Summer edition
by ger doyle


First Memory -
My First memory of Newbridge College is now bittersweet, but I will always reflect on this memory Positively, It was the Camp we do before officially starting First year and it was the First time I had approached someone by myself, I was always very shy growing up and waiting for others to initiate the first introduction, but at this camp was the first time I worked up the courage to introduce myself first to someone, I remember seeing them just walking around also alone and just thinking that they had a really cool haircut and that’s how I approached them, and after that we had lunch together and went on to be in the same class.
First Year Class -
I remember my first year Class very well as everyone in the class practically stayed except with some newcomers in 2nd year. 1W was very entertaining to be in, I spent the next three years with most of those people, and in those classes, especially history someone would always be joking around and it would just honestly be funny and entertaining and was just a very memorable time and I enjoy reflecting on those memories.
Favourite Memory -

Trying to Find a favourite memory from my time is Newbridge would be difficult, but one of the most recent memories which took place my last few days of 5th year, is me simply starting a simple conversation with a girl in my year, only having small talk once or twice before that, and that one conversation turned us into quite the duo, I was heading into 6th year with my friends going into college, and this one conversation which led to me feeling more secure and having some relief for My last and most stressful year of School as I knew I wouldn’t have to spend my lunches alone.I am also very proud of receiving the David Tyrell Dillon Perpetual Trophy and what that means to have been received that
Hopes for Next Year -
What I hope to do next year is focus on my Art, keep working on my skills in Ballyfermot -
3D Digital and Traditional Art and Design or IADT Design for Film

What I will miss -
What I will miss Most about Newbridge College, is most of the teachers I have had throughout the years, who have always been so understanding, who have given me so much help and support over the years and I will always be grateful to them
First memory of the college:
My first memory of Newbridge College was when I was in 5th class touring around the school for the open day. My initial reaction was to be nervous, as from an outside perspective the school is massive! I convinced myself I would never be able to find my way around the school, which ended up being true as I still get lost as a 6th year. All the students touring were lovely, and the teachers gave off a great warm welcome.
My first year class:
It was intimidating being in a class full of people you didn’t know, especially since I was the only one from my primary school class who came to this school. It was easy to make friends, it was long before out class was like a little family, which wrecked our teachers' heads. 1Y is a class ill never forget, full of shyness which blossomed into long lasting friendships.

My favourite memory of Newbridge college is a tough one. The school provided so many activities that everyone thoroughly enjoyed, although I must say the 5th year Dubai trip might take the top place. Besides from that, having a laugh with my friends in the back of the science class, going to the school musicals and variety shows, cutting open hearts in biology and preparing for my leaving cert graduation are all memories I wouldn’t change for the world.
My favourite subjects: I have always been a fan of English, however, it wasn’t until 5th year when my class read "Frankenstein" did I really become passionate about the subject. Something about dissecting poetry to discover the deeper meaning holds a long lasting place in my heart, my English teachers allowed me to discover that side of me as they constantly encouraged me and promoted my work
Next year: I hope to study English, Drama and Film in UCD next year. I would like to become an English and drama teacher and perhaps even come back to the school. The points for this course are high so hopefully with a lot of hard work ill get it, although nowadays, there are so many similar courses. I keep reminding myself that ill always be an English teacher no matter what, no matter where I study I will always get to have my dream job, which I find very reassuring.
What I will miss most: I'll miss the community the most when I leave. Secondary school is a significant time in everyone's lives and it really does flash before your eyes. When I was in first year the 6th years warned us how quickly time flies, and as ignorant little first years we all rolled our eyes, but the weren't lying.
My time in secondary school has gone by like the
an eye. Ill miss seeing my friends everyday and a good few of the teachers who supported me for 6 entire years. The school community is so welcoming and homey, its going to be hard to say goodbye.