1 minute read


Senior Cup Champions
Find that Créme Egg - Photos by Aobh O'Flaherty
Easter Traditions - Niamh Holland.

The Oscars - By Rachel O’Rourke
World Book Day - Isabel Connolly
Library Picks
Compost it - Isabel Connolly
What Chocolate Bar are you? - Heidi Beary
Seachtain na Gaeilge Young Scientist - Hannah Cash
School News thank you to Ms. Mcluskey

Can you believe Easter is here already? The evenings are getting longer, warmer weather is teasing us into believing it actually exists and teachers are constantly talking about some sort of "mythic" beast know as the exams. It can only mean one thing, one more term to go. Before we get too ahead of ourselves, let's take a moment to celebrate all the amazing achievements and events from around the school this term.
Whether you are a member of the Senior Girls Winning Rugby Team, a future entrepreneur, a budding environmentalist, musical prodigy or future world leader, we at Newbridge College are proud of you all and your achievements. which are copious and diligently recorded in the coming pages.
So whether today you are frantically preparing for your Mock orals, dripping with ice cold water in Uisce or simply can't wait for two weeks of chocolate binging and relaxation, everyone here at the NCP wishes you a very happy Easter.