1 minute read
Young Scientist
Girl's Hockey & Rugby - by Niamh Holland
Green Schools - By Isobel Connelly
Catholic Schools Week - By Oisín Conheady
Library Prefect "Perfect Picks" - By Catherine
Logan, Juliette Hurley O’ Dwyer and Saoirse
Film Review - By Rachel O’Rourke
For the Love of Camogie - By Niamh Holland
Valentine's Quiz - By Heidi Beary.
Thank You to Ms. McCluskey
A very warm welcome everyone to the first edition of Newbridge College Press 2023. In this edition we continue to celebrate the passions of our pupils with honest and open insights. We explore how an interest piqued coupled with commitment and determination can lead to a place on the Kildare camogie team (well done Niamh!) and how we continue to prioritise with great energy and enthusiasm the Green Schools agenda with a great reminder on how each of us can contribute through smart use of bin designations. A huge congratulations to the second years who won the recent battery recycling competition. Well done everyone!
We are delighted to highlight the launch of the Newbridge College Drama Club which will give students a unique opportunity to explore and maybe uncover hidden talents. Who knows, we could have the next Saoirse Ronan or Paul Mescal gracing the halls of our school right now….. all roads lead to Ms. O’Connor who will be leading this brilliant new initiative and who has all the details. The breadth and depth of sporting talent at the school always feature strongly in our publication and we are delighted to include a wonder update on the recent successes of our ladies in both hockey and rugby. It is amazing to see this talent recognised at county and national levels and we are super proud of their individual and collective achievements. Also covered in this edition is a very insightful review of Matilda the Musical and some wonderful recommendations if you are looking for a book to read over midterm in our Library Perfect Picks.
We hope that you enjoy our latest edition and please don’t forget that we would love to hear from you if you’d like to share any interests, events or achievements across our Newbridge College Community!
College students take home awards from BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition
A Newbridge College student has won two awards in the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition held in the RDS.
Tara Mulhall achieved first place in the Senior Individual category for her project: Forecasting an individual's political leaning based off their social media profile.