A Gift of Opportunity

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A Gift of Opportunity Leaving a legacy to the Girls’ Day School Trust

Changing lives

Investing in our future

We seek out and educate the brightest, most deserving

Our alumnae, former staff and friends often choose

girls in an environment in which they are truly able

to remember the GDST in their Will in recognition

to thrive. Our students not only outperform their

of the impact their school had on their lives or the

independent and state sector peers, but a GDST education

lives of those they love. It’s a way to give something

offers so much more than great exam results (although our

back, to say thank you, and to give others the

girls achieve plenty of those). It’s about empowering every

opportunity to benefit from a GDST education.

pupil with the four C’s – confidence, composure, courage

Your legacy can be donated to the benefit of all

and commitment – so they are ready for any challenge the

our schools or for one particular school within

world may throw at them.

our network. You could also choose to support bursaries, scholarships or an area of education

We have a 140-year record of achievement, but we never forget our aim that the largest

about which you feel passionate.

possible number of talented girls should benefit from an excellent GDST education. Legacy gifts from our friends and supporters have already helped change the lives of many girls and I know, with your support, we will be able to continue to invest in the future and set new standards for girls’ education. Helen Fraser CBE,

The GDST Bursary Fund

Chief Executive

We have a proud tradition of providing financial assistance to bright, talented girls. We give more bursaries than any other

Leading girls’ education

independent school provider; we award bursary places of 50% of fees or above to

The GDST has been educating talented, bright young

nearly 730 senior school girls. While we direct

women for over 140 years. Today, we have 20,000 students

a significant portion of our annual income

in our care who will go into the world able to follow

towards bursaries, there are always more girls

whatever path they choose, unconstrained by gender

who could greatly benefit from the education

stereotypes. In doing so, they join our former pupils who

we offer.

make a difference to the world and the people they meet,

Since the abolition of Direct Grants and

and are able to draw continued support from each other via

Assisted Places, we have been fortunate that

the GDST Alumnae Network.

our alumnae, friends and supporters have

We can only achieve the stellar results and exceptional facilities that match our girls’ aspirations because of the generosity and commitment of our alumnae, friends and

helped to meet this shortfall by giving to the GDST Bursary Fund. This fund is an investment in future generations of GDST girls and gifts can be for the GDST Bursary Fund as a whole or

supporters. While we fund many bursaries every year from

directed to a particular school. Gifts will ensure

our income, demand always exceeds supply and legacies are

that we are able to guarantee more bursaries

a vital source of support for our bursary programme.

for future generations.

“My time at Sheffield High School was truly the “I would never have come to Howell’s without

happiest of my life. The opportunities available to

a scholarship. I will be forever grateful to

me and my peers were endless. Without any form

those who funded my education and gave me

of bursary support, I and many others would have

opportunities that I could never otherwise have

had our prospects severely stifled.

had. I am very glad that I can now help to give

Needless to say, attending a GDST school has not

the same opportunity to others by supporting

only allowed me to aspire, but to realise that these

Howell’s School in my Will.”

aspirations are not just fantasies, but possibilities.

Cathryn McGahey,

My field is politics. Without the unceasing support

Howell’s School, Llandaff, 1985

of my politics department and supervisors, my dreams would have been just that – dreams. Instead, I am on one of the most prestigious politics courses in the country with a Westminster internship. All thanks to the GDST.” Dehenna Davison, Sheffield High School, 2011 University of Hull student

“Peggy Guillou loved to share her passion for music. Her family left a wonderful gift to Croydon High School that now funds free violin and cello lessons “Miss Jeacock was passionate that all

for all Year 3 girls in the Junior School. Group music

girls should be able to benefit from

lessons are more fun for most seven-year-olds. They

the sort of education she received

learn from each other as well as from the teacher

and left a share of her estate so it

and the collective sound is usually more pleasing

could be used to support girls who

in the early stages. What is also significant is the

might not otherwise be able to have

rise in the number of girls who choose to continue

the benefits of a GDST education at

with instrumental lessons. We hope this would have

Ipswich High School for Girls.”

delighted Peggy.”

David Jeacock,

Alison Cordingley,

Nephew of Miss Hilda Jeacock

Head of Croydon High Junior School

Ipswich High School for Girls, 1932

How can I leave a gift in my Will? Keeping in touch

If you are considering leaving a gift in your

All legacies are exempt from inheritance tax

Will and would like to discuss your intentions

and if you leave over 10% of your estate to

you can either contact us at the GDST or

charity it can reduce the level of inheritance

the school you might like to support. We

tax paid on your estate.


You only need to include in your Will our


will be happy to talk about your options for giving and, if you would like to do so, we can arrange a visit to your school.

charity name (Girls’ Day School Trust),

mention if you would like your gift to benefit

pecuniary (set sum), or a particular item

a particular area, such as bursaries, or a

(stocks and shares or items of value). While,

certain school. If you already have a Will, in

of course, you should first think about your

most cases you can make a simple addition or

personal circumstances and providing for

amendment with a Codicil.

great way to ensure that your generous intentions will not be eroded over time. Every legacy gift makes a difference, no matter


registered charity number (306983) and

You can leave a residuary (share of estate),

those you care about, a residuary gift is a

Please complete and return the form to the address below

Postcode.................................................................................................................................................... Telephone.................................................................................................................................................. Email.......................................................................................................................................................... Affiliation with the GDST or a GDST school (please include years of attendance if appropriate)...................................................................................

We always recommend that you seek the advice of a solicitor before drafting a new Will or changing an existing Will.

what the size.

Keeping in touch It is entirely up to you if you wish to let us know about your intentions, but it will give us the opportunity to thank you and keep you informed of our work and developments at your school. Just return the attached reply form. You may of course change your mind and should not feel obliged to let us know.

................................................................................................................................................................... I have included a gift to the GDST or a GDST school in my Will (please specify which school/s) ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... {{ I have thought about leaving a legacy gift to the GDST or a GDST school and would like to discuss further in confidence {{ I would like to donate now to the GDST. Please send me some more information on how to make a gift Thank you for supporting the Girls’ Day School Trust

Please send your completed form to;

Legacies are vital for the future of our schools. Whatever the size of your gift there’s no doubt it will have a positive impact on our girls.

Janice Larden-Price, Development Manager Girls’ Day School Trust, 100 Rochester Row London, SW1P 1JP Or call on 020 7393 6607 or email j.larden-price@wes.gdst.net The Girls’ Day School Trust, a limited company registered in England No. 6400 Registered Charity No. 306983. Registered Office: 100 Rochester Row, London, SW1P 1JP

Girls’ Day School Trust 100 Rochester Row London SW1P 1JP T 020 7393 6666 info@wes.gdst.net www.facebook.com/TheGDST www.twitter.com/GDST www.youtube.com/GDST1872

www.gdst.net The Girls’ Day School Trust, a limited company registered in England No. 6400 Registered Charity No. 306983. Registered Office: 100 Rochester Row, London, SW1P 1JP

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