Kensington Prep School is a buzzy Independent Day School for girls aged 4 –11. It opened in 1873, the first school to be established in the Girls’ Day School Trust. The school moved to Fulham in 1997 and is set in spacious grounds with netball and tennis courts and pond for environmental studies. There are fantastic dedicated facilities for music, drama, IT, science, art and design. We encourage independence, individuality and questioning thinkers. Our girls achieve outstanding results and places at top day and boarding schools in London and the country.
What sets Kensington “ Prep apart is the inspiring leadership and innovations in the curriculum such as creative thinking The Sunday Times
Independent Prep School of the Year 2009/10
Welcome to Kensington Prep School. To find out more come and visit us, or view our website www.kensingtonprep.gdst.net for further details. We look forward to hearing from you.
Let us show you around
Exam success is almost “ incidental at this school, a by-product of everything else it does – which is how it should be. The result is happy confident girls The Sunday Times
We love it
My teachers really “ make learning fun. They put fun into even the difficult subjects
We pull out the stops to “ nurture friendships and a sense of community � Reception teacher
I feel at home
The atmosphere “ here is really warm and friendly and my teachers are very kind
We have book weeks, science fairs, music concerts, choir tours and every year group has a drama play
There’s so much going
There’s a huge range of clubs from gym “ to Mandarin, bridge to football so you can choose what takes your fancy ”
The high quality, “ caring environment in the school, with its emphasis on developing thinking skills, enables girls to reach high standards in their academic and personal development ISI Inspection Report
School really makes me think
Our aim is to equip girls for a changing world. We want them to think confidently and creatively, to take risks and to leave with a love of learning.
From Year 1 every week we have thinking sessions and philosophy
Our curriculum goes well beyond the national curriculum.
There’s such a wide “ range of subjects you never get bored ”
Look at what we’ve done today
Girls benefit from an “ interesting, challenging and broad educational experience which is outstanding ISI Inspection Report
Young children are naturally curious and we develop their learning initially through play and fun activities. From age 7 we introduce a more structured timetable and specialist teachers for science, sport, art and DT, drama, music and languages (French from Year 1, Latin taster from Year 5).
In Years 4, 5 and 6 we get “ to go on residential trips to the Isle of Wight, Cornwall and France
From the first day at “ school to the day you leave, Ken Prep is a happy place to grow up in Former Year 6 pupil
Growing up at Ken Prep
We believe that girls strongly benefit from attending an allgirls school. In the absence of boys, girls are more willing to take intellectual and physical risks. Girls tend to mature more quickly than boys and require a different approach to teaching.
By the time you reach the end of Year 6 you are well prepared for the challenges of secondary school Former Year 6 pupil
Our girls achieve excellent academic results and gain places at some of the best day and boarding schools in the country.
I’ll miss all my friends and don’t want to leave but feel quite excited about moving on
I feel prepared for the next stage
We have an open door policy, lots of contact with parents, and encourage close ties with the school. We have a very friendly and supportive parent body.
I know of no other school in London that has such a feeling of community between parents, teachers and girls Ken Prep parent
The majority of girls enter our school in Reception class, aged 4. A few places may become available further up the school. Entry at all levels is selective and the offer of a place is based on assessment. The first step is to register your daughter, which you can do on-line from our website. For more details see our website www.kensingtonprep.gdst.net
Come and join us!
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Kensington Prep School 596 Fulham Road London SW6 5PA Telephone 020 7731 9300 enquiries@kenprep.gdst.net
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Kensington Prep School is part of the Girls’ Day School Trust, the UK’s leading group of independent girls’ schools. The GDST has 26 schools throughout England and Wales, 12 of which are in and around London. The GDST is a major force in girls’ education, with 20,000 pupils and 4,000 staff and a track record of achievement and excellence since 1872. For more information visit www.gdst.net