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Southeast Shows

NOV 2021:
NOV 18: COLLIERVILLE TN: MEMPHIS RODDERS RENUNION: Rodder of the Year Award !! Indoor Cruise In: Location - Art & Speed Classic Car Gallery, 89 Easterly St, Collierville All Proceeds Go Towards ShrinersTransportation Fund. Stick Around for the After Party! Time 5pm-10pm NOV 19: SPARTA TN: JOHN SCHNEIDER'S POKER RUN: Show being held at the Sparta Drive-In, 220 Roberts Matthews Hwy. Classic Car Cruise-In at 3:00PM. Entry fee $40.00 for 2 guests per car, includes concert & showing of the new movie: POKER RUN. Winning car gets a photo with John Schneider (Bo Duke) NOV 19-20: LOUISVILLE KY: WINTER RAD NATIONALS: Vendors, Swap Meet, More TBA. Location Art Sanctuary, 1433 S. Shelby St, Louisville. NOV 19-21: MOUTRIE GA: 31ST ANNUAL FALL AUTOMOTIVE SWAP MEET: Over 4,000. Outside Spaces, Antique & Performance Parts, Crafts, Car Corral Cars & Trucks Displayed for Sale Fri-Sat, Collectible & Special Interest items Admission Fri & Saturday $10. Each day, Sunday $5. Children under 12 Free, 3 Day Tickets $20. Additional information www.moultrieswapmeet.com Jerry Kelly 229-896-2150--Location Spence Field NOV 20: HUNTSVILLE AL: “Halloween Cruise”: EVENT HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED from Oct 30th! 10 Mile Cruise Departs 11am SHARP from Murphy’s Mart Parking Lot @ 2601 Memorial Pkwy / Huntsville to the R&R Speed Shop 50th Anniversary Block Party & Cruise In. NO Entry Fee. All Vehicle Invited. Food Trucks. Fun for the Whole Family. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/294879285205974 NOV 20: SHELBYVILLE TN: HOT ROD HOODLUMS WINTER CRUISE: Cruise will meet up at UGO & Planet Fitness parking lot at 8am. Directions for the cruise will be given out when you arrive. Heading to Mt Eagle and the SMOKE HOUSE for lunch. Will continue on planned route after lunch. Sorry…no contact info given.

NOV 2021
NOV 20: LAWRENCEVILLE GA: KARTEL AT COOLRAY AUTO SHOW: Raffles, Music, Prizes, Shopping, Food Trucks. $5 Entry at gate per vehicle, $10. Entry for Vip Parking & Awards Showcase! Categories: Classic, Domestic, Far East & Euro. Location 2500 Buford Dr. More info kirbs@kartel.life or 770-743-7737
NOV 20: BILOXI MS: FALL CELEBRATION OPEN CAR SHOW: This is an Open Car Show: Registration 8-11am day of show. Judging Starts at Noon. Vendor Spaces Available $30. Each, Entry Fee $25. Dash Plaques to first 100 Entries. Top 30 Awards w/5 Specialty Awards, Door Prizes, Silent Auction, 50/50. Allproceeds benefit Make A Wish and Various South Mississippi Charities. Please bring canned or Dry food for each food items get a ticket for 50/50 or door prizes. Location Edgewater Mall, Beach Boulevard, HWY 90. Event 8am-3pm NOV 20: LITTLE RIVER SC: CARS & COFFEE: Welcome all Muscle Cars, Hot Rods, Rat Rods Sports & Classics – All Cars Welcome. Location Coopers Tavern 1521 Us-17, Little River
NOV 20-21: BROOKSVILLE FL: 5TH Annual Field of Dreams Car Show: The Fifth Annual Field of Dreams Car Show will be held at Florida Classic Park, located at 5360 Lockhart Rd. All proceeds go to the Shriners Hospitals for Children. This is an open car show, swap meet, car corral, arts & crafts, food vendors, live music and more. Judging and trophies/awards (60) will be on Sunday. There will be lots of door prizes both days along with a 50/50 drawing. If you pre-register your vehicle before Nov. 1, 2021 it is just $15.00 for the weekend or $20.00 (cash) at the gate. Product vendors can pre-register for just $25.00 before Nov. 1, 2021. You can register on-line at: fieldofdreamscarshow.com. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at (813)956-3503. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/410484054013662/

NOV 2021
NOV 25-28: DAYTONA BEACH FL: 48th Annual Turkey Run: The largest combined car show & swap meet in the USA. Thurs - Sat 8am-4pm. Sun 8am-2pm. $15/day Thurs – Sat. $10 Sun. CASH ONLY at the gates. Kids 11 & under FREE. Register for SWAP MEET, CAR CORRAL (main area ALMOST FULL!) Double spaces ONLY! Call 386255-7355 Now! ARTISAN ALLEY - sold out. RV spaces (vendors only) - sold out. SHOW CARS - PLEASE READ: Show Car registration is only available at our official nighttime events outside the Daytona Speedway (more info below) and at the show car entry gates on show days. For all the details for this event, please visit http:// www.turkeyrun.com/index.html OR https://www.facebook.com/turkeyrun/ NOV 26: LOUISVILLE KY: 6TH ANNUAL THANKSGIVING WEEKEND RACERS AUCTION: Selling All Motorsports. Admission 1 day $10, 2 days $15. Doors Open at 8 Auction Begins at 9am. Contact Allen @ 502-712-6312 No personal Checks – Credit Cards 5% fee. Location 140 Rochester Dr, Louisville. Airport Industrial Center. NOV 27: MT PLEASANT TN: MT PLEASANT CRUISE-IN: Event being held on the town square from 12-3pm. Food trucks, music, vendors AND LOTS OF COOL CARS. NOV 27: DAYTON TN: HOT ROD HOARDERS ANNUAL SWAP MEET: Event being held at Point Park By The Lake located at 185 Chickamauga Drive. Event runs from 8am 1pm. Cars, motorcycles, memorabilia, hot rod parts, racing parts and more. $20 vendor fee. FREE spectator admission. No pre-registration, first come first serve. All proceeds go to a local family in need. NOV 27: PAWLEYS ISLAND SC: CARS & COFFEE: Powered by In The Pits Media, 8am11am, Location Hanser House Restaurant Parking Lot, 1430 Ocean Hwy, Pawleys Island. Anything on Wheels Welcome!