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Swap Meets
MAY 12-14: CHICKASAW OK: 2022 CHICKASAW AUTO SWAP MEET: LARGEST SWAP MEET IN OKLAHOMA. Parts, Classics, Antiques, Street Rods, Muscle Cars, Special Interests. Outside Spaces 10x30. Reserved Spaces $40. Free Admission. Rain or Shine/ Location 712 East Choctaw Ave, Chickasha. For more info go to www.Chickashaautoswapmeet.com MAY 13-14: HANFORD CA: The Great Hanford Cycle Swap: Event returns to the Kings County Fairgrounds for two days of motorcycle parts buying/selling/swapping along with one night of camping plus a chance to show your bike. Event being held at KINGS COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS, 801 S. 10th Ave. GENERAL ADMISSION: $10 Kids under 12 free. Early Bird Shoppers General Admission Wristbands Available: Friday 11am-10pm 40/Each & Saturday 5am-9am 20/Each. For more info or to register go to www.thecycleswap.com MAY 14: HOLLY SPRINGS MS: Swap Meet At The American Hot Rodders Show: Event being held at 159 Old HWY 7 South. BUY-SELL-TRADE, BRING IT ALL!!! AUTO PARTS, TOOLS, ANTIQUES, TRAILERS, CARS, TRUCKS, RACING PARTS, IF IT FITS IN THE SPACE SELL IT!!!
Registration is day of the show at the American Hot Rodders Show booth. All Spots On Asphalt. 20' X 30' - $30 For more information, please contact American Hot Rodders Show at 901-461-9969 or email at americanhotrodders@gmail.com. Additional contact: Holly Springs Motorsports at 662-252-5600 or go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/956589578285060/
MAY 14: PACIFICA CA: TERRA NOVA TECH CAR SHOW & SWAP MEET: Free T-Shirt for first 100 Car Entries. Costs, Cars $40. Swap Meet $40. Company Booth $60. Lunch Included for Registered Vehicles. Times 9am-3pm. Location 1450 Terra Nova Blvd, Pacifica Additional Information Spence 650-222-4723 or Jeff 650-255-0797. Proceeds go to Terra Nova Tech High School Industrial Tech
MAY 14-15: HAMILTON IN: CAR & BIKE SHOW, SWAP MEET: Fun For the Entire Family, Petting Zoo, 50/50, Door Prizes, Loud Pipe Contest, Model Car Build Off, Craft Show, Food Vendors. Dash Plaques for Fist 100 Registered -$15/ Judged Cars, $10. Non Judged Cars. Spectators $5 16+ / Location Double H Farm, 7100 S State Rd 1. Additional Information Dusty www.dustysrodrun.com or 260-243-3330 / Times Sat 9am-6pm & Sun 9am-3pm
MAY 15: BROOKSVILLE FL: LEAD FOOT CITY’S SUPER SWAP MEET, CAR, TRUCK & BIKE SHOW: Burnouts, Drifting, Donuts & Live Stunt Show- Plus Much More. Third Sunday Every MonthTime 8am-2pm- Location 17109 Old Ayers Rd, Brooksville. Additional Information 844532-3366 or www.leadfootcity.com
MAY 15: ORROCK MN: SPRING SWAP MEET: Event runs from 8am to 12pm (setup begins at 6:30am). Event to be held at KJ's REFUGE 26211 184th St. $10.00 per swap space. Automotive and transportation related only. Buyers FREE! More info Call Bob 763-442-0045 or Keith 763-439-6517
MAY 15: SHELBY TWP MI: 45TH ANNUAL ALL MOPAR CAR SHOW & SWAP MEET: Swap Spaces 20x20 & Car Coral Space $25. Set Up Time for Vendors 6-8am, Show Car Entries $10. For Vehicle owner & One Guest. NOMM Members $5. Per Vehicle owner & one Guest. Registration for Cars 7-9am. Awards 2pm, 15 Classes & best of Show. Spectator $5. Adult, Children 16 and Under Free. Food & Beverage available to Purchase on Site. Time 8am.-3pm. Location 4995 Van Dyke Ave. Additional Information marcrozman@icloud.com or 248-398 -2348
MAY 20-21: CORBIN KY: CORBIN ROD RUN, INDOOR/OUTDOOR OPEN CAR SHOW & SWAP MEET: All Chevy & GM Trucks, Top 50 Awards, See General Lee, Special TV Celebrity Moonshiners on the 21st - Location The Corbin Arena. Additional Information www.surfboardpromotion.com MAY 20-21: SPRINGFIELD MO: 2nd Annual Fairgrounds Swap Meet: Event is held at the Ozark Empire Fairgrounds. Looking to sell or hoping to buy, the Fairgrounds Automotive Swap Meet should have just what you are looking for! There will be project vehicles to finished cruisers and everything between, new or used auto parts for vehicles in the 1920's to current, tools, supplies, items for your shop and so much more! It is FREE to attend. There is a $5 per car parking fee. Gates open at 8am and close at 4pm Friday & Saturday. This is a RAIN or SHINE event. VENDOR INFO: Vendor spaces will be 20x20 sized spots for $55 each and include the $5 fee for your Temporary City Business license. 80% of your items must be auto related. Car Corral area is $35 per spot. And remember it’s ALL done online at https://www.ozarkempirefair.com/p/events/ozark-empire-fairgrounds-produced-events/ fairgrounds-swap-meet If you have questions feel free to call 417-833-2660. MAY 22: HAMILTON OH: 50TH ANNIVERSARY CAR SHOW & SWAP MEET: Tool Box Giveaway, $500. Gift Card, 55 Inch LG TV. Food & Drinks, Door Prizes, Dash Plagues for First $250 Registered Cars. Cruise In Early Registration, Sat may 21/22 5-9pm. Gates Open 9am on Sunday. Registration $15. Spectators $5. Location Butler County Fair Grounds 1715 Fairgrove Ave. For More Information call Randy 513-235-3978
MAY 22: HESPERIA, CA: HIGH DESERT AUTO & BIKE SWAPMEET: Buy, Sell Trade & Exhibit. Cars, Motorcycles, Bikes, Parts, Collectibles, Tools, Food & More. $25. For 10x10 Space, Spectators Free. Location Inglis Classics Auto Restoration, 17229 Lemon St, Ste A-2 Hesperia. Times 8am-2pm. For more info inglisclassics@yahoo.com May 22: Marion IL: 54th Annual Egyptian Antique Auto Club Swap Meet: Event will be held at Williamson County Fairgrounds, 101 North Fair Street. Admission $2.00. Times: 7:00am - 2:00pm. Outdoor Space $20.00 / Car Corral Space $10.00. Food concessions, Free parking, 50/50 drawing, For more info, contact Richard Hope 618-944-1426 or Fred Taylor 618-559-7374.
MAY 22: SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CA: THE MAYORS SWAP MEET: Event runs from 10am –3pm. Event being held at 334 Victory Ave. No entry until 10am. No alcohol, no loitering in the swap meet area. MAY 29: CHICO CA: MOTORCYCLE SHOW & SWAP MEET: Free Ride in Bike Show, Best of Show Awarded (Open to All) Vendors 20x10 space prepaid $35, at show $40. No Host Bar by the Elks. Times 7:30am -2pm. Location 1705 Manzanita Ave, Elks Lodge #423
JUNE 3-4: LATHROP MO: GOOD TIMES SWAP MEET: Vendors, This Year Your Spots are FREE, as Long as You Call In Advance to Reserve them (Pay a small deposit to hold your spot). Bathroom & Showers on Grounds, Food Vendors Welcome. Buyers Fee $5 at the Gate, Kids are Free. Rick at 660-868-0759 or Tycene at 660-868-1861 to reserve your spots. Location Lathrop Antique Grounds, 2488 MO_33 Lathrop. JUNE 4: BRASELTON GA: NORTHEAST GEORGIA SWAP MEET: The next NE GA Swap Meet will be at Lanier Raceplex located at 5301 Winder Hwy. Winter Hours: Priority Vendor Set-up 78AM; $30 for all the space you want. Vendor General Admission: 8am; $20 for all the space you want. Spectator Entry: 8am, $6. Show wraps up about 12-1pm. For more information on our show schedule, Priority Vendor Set-up, the Spring and Fall 3-Day swap meets etc. , send your email address to me here, or text it to (706) 424-5035
JUNE 5: LONG BEACH CA: LONG BEACH HI-PERFORMANCE SWAP MEET: This outdoor event has become world renowned for its content of antique, vintage, classic, and highperformance cars and parts for sale at bargain prices. The swap meet is a must visit for hot rod, muscle car, street rod, classic car and truck enthusiasts. The Long Beach Swap Meet has been featured on such television shows as Monster Garage, Popular Hot Roding TV, and NHRA Drag Racing Today. HOURS: 6 am to 1 pm. ADMISSION: Spectators $9 per person. PARKING: Free general parking. For more info or to be a vendor go to www.longbeachhiposwapmeet.com or call 800-762-9785 June 10-11: Lebanon TN: Spring Red Neck Rumble Car Show / Swap Meet: Event being held at the Farm Bureau Expo Center located at 945 E. Baddour Pkwy. Pre-68 Rods, Customs, Rats, Bikes & Swap meet. Spectators $15.00 / Show entry $25.00. For more info go to http://www.bothbarrels.us/ JUNE 12: PEOTONE IL: TRI CHEVY ASSOCIATION 50th Annual Peotone Swap Meet: The Midwest's Largest One Day Swap Meet and Car Display. Gates Open at 6:30 am. RAIN OR SHINE. Parking is FREE on the Fairgrounds - enter on the east side. Event being held at the WILL COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS located at 710 West Street. For more info Email: peotoneswap@hotmail.com or Phone: 630-200-0755 JUNE 16-18: MAGGIE VALLEY NC: MAGGIE VALLEY SWAP MEET & CAR SHOW: Street Rods, Classics, Rat Rods, Muscle, Custom, Pick Ups & Antiques (24 Hour Security). Craft World. Location- Maggie Valley Festival Grounds 3374 Soco Road. For Additional Information www.maggievalleyswapmeet.com JUNE 17-18: POMONA CA: L.A. ROADSTERS 56TH ANNUAL SHOW & SWAP: Greatest Roadster Show on Earth (Roadster Exhibition, Trade Show & Swap Meet. Location Fairplex in Pomona
JUNE 19: BROOKSVILLE FL: LEAD FOOT CITY’S SUPER SWAP MEET, CAR, TRUCK & BIKE SHOW: Burnouts, Drifting, Donuts & Live Stunt Show- Plus Much More. Third Sunday Every Month- Time 8am-2pm- Location 17109 Old Ayers Rd, Brooksville. Additional Information 844-532-3366 or www.leadfootcity.com

JUNE 19: EUBANK KY: 3rd annual Jimmie Dale Nelson Father's Day Show & SWAP MEET: Event being held at Eubank KY. Event runs from 9a.m. to 4p.m. Swap meet, live DJ, 50/50 drawing and dash plaques to the first 50 cars through the gate. All makes and all models welcome. Twenty five award/trophies, $20.00 register, all vehicles must be registered by 2p.m. Great food with Stephanie Kennedy and City Slicker Dawgs. Wildlife Matters and Carol Moore will be there with an animal show for all ages. Sponsored by Vanhook Towing of Somerset. This is a rain or shine event. All swap meet venders must be set up between 7 and 9a.m. Vendor spots are $20.00 for a 10x20 and are for non-food items only. NO FOOD VENDOR SPACES. City Slicker Dawgs has the venue covered. Eubank City Park address is: KY -70, Eubank KY 42567.
JUNE 26: POMONA CA: POMONA SWAP MEET & CLASSIC CAR SHOW: George Cross & Sons, presents the West Coast's Largest Pomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show at the Fairplex. You'll find over 2,500 vendor spaces full of hard to find car parts and accessories at low swap meet prices. Thousands of original and restored Corvettes, Porsches, Street Rods, Volkswagens and pre-1985 Classic Cars will be on display and for sale. Hours: 5am to 2pm, rain or shine, we swap. Admission $10.00 per adult, children 12 and under, FREE. Contact: 714-538-7091 or www.pomonaswapmeet.com JUNE 26: HESPERIA CA: HIGH DESERT AUTO & BIKE SWAP MEET: Buy, Sell, Trade & ExhibitCars, Motorcycles, Bikes, Parts, Collectibles, Tools, Food & More! $25 for 10x10 Space. Free to spectators. Location: Inglis Classics Auto Restoration 17229 Lemon St, Suite A-2. Times 8am-2pm. Additional Information inglisclassics@yahoo.com July 30: Cave City KY: Shop Truck Gathering & Swap Meet: Event will be at the Cave City Convention Center, 502 Mammoth Cave Street. Times: 9:00am - 3:00pm. Entry fee $15.00 per truck & driver, $5.00 for Spectators, $45.00 for swap meet space 10x20. Call or text, 270-834-9155.
JULY 2: BRASELTON GA: NORTHEAST GEORGIA SWAP MEET: The next NE GA Swap Meet will be at Lanier Raceplex located at 5301 Winder Hwy. Winter Hours: Priority Vendor Set-up 78AM; $30 for all the space you want. Vendor General Admission: 8am; $20 for all the space you want. Spectator Entry: 8am, $6. Show wraps up about 12-1pm. For more information on our show schedule, Priority Vendor Set-up, the Spring and Fall 3-Day swap meets etc. , send your email address to me here, or text it to (706) 424-5035
JULY 8-10: SPOKANE WA: ALL WHEELS SWAP MEET: Event being held at the Spokane County Fairgrounds. Spokane's Biggest Automotive Swap meet is coming up! Make sure to visit the Swap website to pick/confirm and save your spot to be a Swap Vendor at www.Spokaneswapmeet.com Here's a couple ideas....how about getting a few car club members together to share a spot and sell off some old parts?? We can put together one or several spots together for your car club group! Air cooled vw area?? Motorcycle area??? Early Ford area?? Mopar area?? GM area?? RACE Car area?! 4x4 truck area?? Vintage bicycles??? If you have a group of friends/car club and want some spots together...NOW is the time to get it figured out! As Vendor spaces sell...this option may not be something we can get put together. It's time to start cleaning out the garage, and making some money selling off stuff you don't need! Automotive collectibles, parts, New/Used, Restored/Rod/Race/ Motorcycles/Truck/Bicycles/IMPORT/Antique/Classic/Memorabilia/Modern Performance, it's ALL welcome at the ALL WHEELS Swap Meet! For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/SpokaneAllWheelsSwapMeet/
JULY 10: STOCKTON CA: STOCKTON AUTO CAR SHOW & SWAP MEET: Open to Automotive & Related Collectible Items. SELLERS: BIG swap meet spaces. Car Corral. Vendor Information sjvautoswapmeets@yahoo.com or 209-948-5307 Times 6am-3pm (Rain or shine event). Event taking place at the San Joaquin Fairgrounds.
JULY 15-16: MAGGIE VALLEY NC: SOUTHEASTERN GAS & PETROLEUM EXPO: The Southeastern United States’ Premier Gas & Petroleum Show. Fun for the Entire Family. Location Exit 20 Off 1-40 to the Maggie Valley Festival Grounds 3374 Soco Road. For Additional Information www.surfboardpromotion.com JULY 15-16: MAGGIE VALLEY NC: MAGGIE VALLEY SWAP MEET & CAR SHOW: Street Rods, Classics, Rat Rods, Muscle, Custom, Pick Ups & Antiques (24 Hour Security). Craft World Location- Maggie Valley Festival Grounds 3374 Soco Road. For Additional Information www.maggievalleyswapmeet.com JULY 15-17: CARLISLE PA: CARLISLE CHRYSLER NATIONALS & SWAP MEET: The Largest Mopar Event In the World- Featuring Over 2,800 Vehicles From All Eras of the Chrysler Brand, Classics, Muscle, High Performance, New Models All Showcased. Park by Vehicle Class and Tailgate All Weekend! Club Tents are Set Up Throughout the Show field. Vending Spaces, Camping Spaces & Trailer Parking Available. Register Early for Discounted Pricing 717-243 -7855 or Visit Carlisleevents.com Buyer. Admission to Spectators Thru-Sat $15. Sun $7 (Free with ticket stubs from prior days) $30. Event Pass.
JULY 17: BROOKSVILLE FL: LEAD FOOT CITY’S SUPER SWAP MEET, CAR, TRUCK & BIKE SHOW: Burnouts, Drifting, Donuts & Live Stunt Show- Plus Much More. Third Sunday Every Month- Time 8am-2pm- Location 17109 Old Ayers Rd, Brooksville. Additional Information 844-532-3366 or www.leadfootcity.com JULY 17: SHELBY TWP, MI: 45TH ANNUAL EASY RODDERS CHARITY CAR SHOW, SWAP MEET & CRAFT SHOW: Show being held at the Packard Proving grounds located at 49965 Van Dyke Ave. Event runs 9am – 3pm. Awards start at 2:30pm. Rain or Shine event. TOP 40 awards, Club handcrafted and $100 to club with most participation. Pre-register for $15 until June 30th. $20 day of show. Motorcycles welcome. For more info contact 586-752-1022 or for the swap meet contact 810-326-0211 or go to www.facebook.com/ events/320298773309157
JULY 24: HESPERIA CA: HIGH DESERT AUTO & BIKE SWAP MEET: Buy, Sell, Trade & ExhibitCars, Motorcycles, Bikes, Parts, Collectibles, Tools, Food & More! $25 for 10x10 Space. Free to spectators. Location: Inglis Classics Auto Restoration 17229 Lemon St, Suite A-2. Times 8am-2pm. Additional Information inglisclassics@yahoo.com JULY 24: MANTECA CA: MANTECA CAR SHOW & SWAP MEET: Dash Plaques for First 100 Entries, Free Parking, Admission $7, Kids Under 12 Free. Car Show Entry Fee $25. Autos for Sale $25. Each, Swap Meet Spaces 18x18 On Pavement. Pre-Registration Recommended Location/ Orchard Valley Promenade Center, 1060 Perimeter Drive. Time 6am-3pm For Additional Information sjvautoswapmeet@yahoo.com or 209-948-5307 & 209-513-8651 AUG 6: BRASELTON GA: NORTHEAST GEORGIA SWAP MEET: The next NE GA Swap Meet will be at Lanier Raceplex located at 5301 Winder Hwy. Winter Hours: Priority Vendor Set-up 78AM; $30 for all the space you want. Vendor General Admission: 8am; $20 for all the space you want. Spectator Entry: 8am, $6. Show wraps up about 12-1pm. For more information on our show schedule, Priority Vendor Set-up, the Spring and Fall 3-Day swap meets etc. , send your email address to me here, or text it to (706) 424-5035
AUG 7: POMONA CA: POMONA SWAP MEET & CLASSIC CAR SHOW: George Cross & Sons, presents the West Coast's Largest Pomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show at the Fairplex. You'll find over 2,500 vendor spaces full of hard to find car parts and accessories at low swap meet prices. Thousands of original and restored Corvettes, Porsches, Street Rods, Volkswagens and pre-1985 Classic Cars will be on display and for sale. Hours: 5am to 2pm, rain or shine, we swap. Admission $10.00 per adult, children 12 and under, FREE. Contact: 714-538-7091 or www.pomonaswapmeet.com
AUG 13: MCMINNVILLE TN: 11th Annual Great BODIES! Car Show And Swap Meet: Benefiting Families in Crisis. Event being held at Champion Chevrolet located at 1600 Sparta Street. Event runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Rain date: 8/20/22 call first! Registration is $25 for one, $40 for two, $50 for three! For more info call 931-743-2461
AUG 21: BROOKSVILLE FL: LEAD FOOT CITY’S SUPER SWAP MEET, CAR, TRUCK & BIKE SHOW: Burnouts, Drifting, Donuts & Live Stunt Show- Plus Much More. Third Sunday Every MonthTime 8am-2pm- Location 17109 Old Ayers Rd, Brooksville. Additional Information 844532-3366 or www.leadfootcity.com AUG 21: HESPERIA CA: HIGH DESERT AUTO & BIKE SWAP MEET: Buy, Sell, Trade & ExhibitCars, Motorcycles, Bikes, Parts, Collectibles, Tools, Food & More! $25 for 10x10 Space. Free to spectators. Location: Inglis Classics Auto Restoration 17229 Lemon St, Suite A-2. Times 8am-2pm. Additional Information inglisclassics@yahoo.com SEPT 1-3: BRASELTON GA: NORTHEAST GEORGIA SWAP MEET: The next NE GA Swap Meet will be at Lanier Raceplex located at 5301 Winder Hwy. Winter Hours: Priority Vendor Setup 7-8AM; $30 for all the space you want. Vendor General Admission: 8am; $20 for all the space you want. Spectator Entry: 8am, $6. Show wraps up about 12-1pm. For more information on our show schedule, Priority Vendor Set-up, the Spring and Fall 3-Day swap meets etc. , send your email address to me here, or text it to (706) 424-5035 SEPT 16-17: Lebanon TN: Fall Red Neck Rumble Car Show / Swap Meet: Event being held at the Farm Bureau Expo Center, 945 E. Baddour Pkwy. Pre-68 Rods, Customs, Rats, Bikes & Swap meet. Spectators $15.00 / Show entry $25.00. For more info go to http:// www.bothbarrels.us/
SEPT 18: BROOKSVILLE FL: LEAD FOOT CITY’S SUPER SWAP MEET, CAR, TRUCK & BIKE SHOW: Burnouts, Drifting, Donuts & Live Stunt Show- Plus Much More. Third Sunday Every MonthTime 8am-2pm- Location 17109 Old Ayers Rd, Brooksville. Additional Information 844532-3366 or www.leadfootcity.com SEPT 18: HESPERIA CA: HIGH DESERT AUTO & BIKE SWAP MEET: Buy, Sell, Trade & ExhibitCars, Motorcycles, Bikes, Parts, Collectibles, Tools, Food & More! $25 for 10x10 Space. Free to spectators. Location: Inglis Classics Auto Restoration 17229 Lemon St, Suite A-2. Times 8am-2pm. Additional Information inglisclassics@yahoo.com
OCT 1: BRASELTON GA: NORTHEAST GEORGIA SWAP MEET: The next NE GA Swap Meet will be at Lanier Raceplex located at 5301 Winder Hwy. Winter Hours: Priority Vendor Set-up 78AM; $30 for all the space you want. Vendor General Admission: 8am; $20 for all the space you want. Spectator Entry: 8am, $6. Show wraps up about 12-1pm. For more information on our show schedule, Priority Vendor Set-up, the Spring and Fall 3-Day swap meets etc. , send your email address to me here, or text it to (706) 424-5035
OCT 9: STOCKTON CA: STOCKTON AUTO CAR SHOW & SWAP MEET: Open to Automotive & Related Collectible Items. SELLERS: BIG swap meet spaces. Car Corral. Vendor Information sjvautoswapmeets@yahoo.com or 209-948-5307 Times 6am-3pm (Rain or shine event). Event taking place at the San Joaquin Fairgrounds.
OCT 16: POMONA CA: POMONA SWAP MEET & CLASSIC CAR SHOW: George Cross & Sons, presents the West Coast's Largest Pomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show at the Fairplex. You'll find over 2,500 vendor spaces full of hard to find car parts and accessories at low swap meet prices. Thousands of original and restored Corvettes, Porsches, Street Rods, Volkswagens and pre-1985 Classic Cars will be on display and for sale. Hours: 5am to 2pm, rain or shine, we swap. Admission $10.00 per adult, children 12 and under, FREE. Contact: 714-538-7091 or www.pomonaswapmeet.com
OCT 16: BROOKSVILLE FL: LEAD FOOT CITY’S SUPER SWAP MEET, CAR, TRUCK & BIKE SHOW: Burnouts, Drifting, Donuts & Live Stunt Show- Plus Much More. Third Sunday Every MonthTime 8am-2pm- Location 17109 Old Ayers Rd, Brooksville. Additional Information 844532-3366 or www.leadfootcity.com OCT 16: HESPERIA CA: HIGH DESERT AUTO & BIKE SWAP MEET: Buy, Sell, Trade & ExhibitCars, Motorcycles, Bikes, Parts, Collectibles, Tools, Food & More! $25 for 10x10 Space. Free to spectators. Location: Inglis Classics Auto Restoration 17229 Lemon St, Suite A-2. Times 8am-2pm. Additional Information inglisclassics@yahoo.com OCT 28-29: ARLINGTON TX: Southwest Swap Meet 2022: Classic & Antique Automobile Swap Meet. Hundreds of classic cars & trucks for sale. Thousands of new and used parts for sale by over 100 different vendors from across the Country. Great food and lots of fun for the entire family. Plenty of hotels, restaurants, and attractions within walking distance. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/1099494180887574/