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Southeast Shows

JUNE 2022:
June 10: Franklin TN: Pre-Father’s Day Exhibition at Somerby Senior Living Center: Come out and bring a smile and a memory to the residents, especially the men who love cars. Somerby is located at 870 Oak Meadow Drive off S. Royal Oaks Blvd. behind the Home Depot, near I-65 and Hwy. 96. Event is from 2-5 pm. All cars and trucks welcome! Food, drinks, and live music provided by Somerby. Prize awarded to Resident’s Choice winner. Rain or shine, all paved parking. No charge to attend, but space is limited. For more info and to reserve your spot now, call Stacy Steinborn, Somerby Sales Manager, at 615-973-5277. Presented in part by the Music City AACA. June 10-11: Lebanon TN: Spring Red Neck Rumble Car Show / Swap Meet: Event being held at the Farm Bureau Expo Center located at 945 E. Baddour Pkwy. Pre-68 Rods, Customs, Rats, Bikes & Swapmeet. Spectators $15.00 / Show entry $25.00. For more info go to http://www.bothbarrels.us/
JUNE 11: OWENSBORO KY: 2022 INAUGURAL OWENSBORO OCTANE CRUISE IN: Music, Door Prizes- Blake Hillards #6 Pro Late Model on Display! All Vehicles Welcome. Location 4810 Frederica St, Church Parking Lot. Time 4-8pm at Union Jack. $35. Entry Fee Benefiting Alzheimer’s Assoc of Indiana.
June 11: Auburn KY: Cruise-In for Cars, Trucks and Motorcycles: Event will be held at Hillside Venue, 115 Quarry Road. Times: 10:00am - 2:00pm....Rain Date June 11th....$10.00 donation per vehicle, 100% of the profits go towards the Hadley JO Foundation. 1st 20 cars to register will receive a giveaway. June 11: Winchester TN: 2nd Annual Car, Truck, Motorcycle Show: Benefiting the Children's Miracle Network will be held at the Old Franklin County High School Football Field, 839 Dinah Shore Blvd. Awards include: TOP 8 Rodders Choice - Car & Truck / TOP 3 Motorcycles / TOP 2 People's Choice / TOP 2 Kid's Choice / Two Store Managers Choice / Teachers' Choice / TOP 2 Walmart Associates Choice. Spectator admission FREE, Vehicle Registration $15.00. Dash plaques for the 1st 50 Registered. For more information, call Pam Dudley 931-691-4604
June 11: Hillview KY: Cruzin' for Cancer Car Show: Event will be held at the Hillview Community Center, 298 Prairie Drive. Rain or Shine! Times: 11:00am - 4:00pm. All proceeds will benefit the Brown Cancer Center. Food, 50/50 drawing, Raffles, Music & Door Prizes. For more info visit http://www.cruzinforcancer.org/

JUNE 2022:
June 11: Fairfield Glade TN: 7th Annual Cruisin' Into Summer: Hosted by Plateau Corvette Club. Will be held at the Square in Fairfield Glade, from Noon - 3:00pm. All makes and models welcome! NO Entry fee! Music, Food, Activities for kids and People's Choice Trophy. For more information, 931-484-3722. June 11: Lafayette KY: History & Heritage Festival: Event will be at 124 S. Main Street. We are planning a Car Show, Specialty Vendors, Food Vendors, Parade, Carnival Games & Kids Activities. Times: Noon - 7:00pm. Lots of Family Fun! Come join us. June 11: Clarksville TN: SML Car Show of Clarksville TN: Hosted by RJ's Mobile Detailing, Resa's Amazing Smells & PR by Cassie. To be held at the Clarksville Speedway, 1600 Needmore Road. Times: 9:00am - 4:00pm. (SML) 2022 Sports Muscle Luxury. Car Entry fee $50.00, Spectator entry fee $10.00. Food trucks and vendors will be onsite. JUNE 11: NORTH CHARLESTON SC: North Charleston Classic Car Show: Join us from 4 to 9pm for our "North Charleston Classic Car Show" as part of the "Fifty Fest" to commemorate North Charleston’s 50th Anniversary!! More Info & Register here: www.rockabillaque.com/ nchascarshow Featuring over 11 Car Show Categories this Car Show will take place in the historic olde village neighborhood of Park Circle as part of the Celebration! Only $20 to register and enter your vehicle for the show online and featuring trophies, prizes and more!! The Car Show will also feature live music, contests, vendors and other features to be announced soon! Presented by Rockabillaque and Pinups and Pumps. Sponsored by Elliot Remington, Parks Auto Parts and Carolina Rides! For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/events/316601857228318/
June 11: Crossville TN: 2nd Annual Car Show - Benefit for Children's Miracle Network: Event to be held at the Walmart parking lot, 168 Obed River Plaza. Times: 1:00pm - 6:00pm. Entry fee $20.00. Awards include People's Choice Award plus TOP 5, Door prizes drawn several times per hour. For more information, call Kimberly Hall 931-287-6543 or Pam Baker 931-200-2290.
June 11: Selmer TN: Rockabilly Car Show: Event near the Farmer's Market in downtown Selmer (Front St & Warren Ave). Registration: 8:00am - Noon, Judging starts at Noon, Awards at 2:00pm. Entry fee $20.00. Welcome all cars, trucks and motorcycles. All entries will receive a photo of their vehicle in front of the Rockabilly Mural. Awards include TOP 50 + 4 Best of Show Trophies. For more information, call 731-646-3627.

JUNE 2022:
June 11: Glasgow KY: 11th Annual Spring Cruise Into Glasgow Car Show: Event being held at the Glasgow Public Square, 301 West Main Street, Rain or Shine! Registration: 8:00am Noon, at the Gazebo on the Court House Lawn. Welcome Classic Cars, Trucks, Street Rods, Restored, Custom, Antique Tractors & Antique Motorcycles. FREE dash plaques and FREE $5.00 O'Reilly Gift Card to the 1st 300 Registered Vehicles. NO Entry FEE!!! but Donations are accepted and will go for upgrades to Glasgow Public Square. For more information, call 270-651-7255 or 270-670-5548.
June 11: Hazel KY: TOP GUN Bicentennial Cruise In Party: Event being held in beautiful downtown Main Street. Times: 10:00am - 4:00pm. For more information, contact Christie Peal 270-217-0732 or Billie or Caroline Peal 270-970-0883.
June 11: Clarksville TN: Show N Shine at Dogwood Bend Assisted Living: Event located 160 Hillcrest Drive. Times: Noon - 2:00pm. Come join us and brighten the day for the residents. For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/412524827155353? active_tab=about
JUNE 11: FOREST CITY NC: JUNE FEAST CAR, TRUCK & BIKE SHOW: Register at 10 am. –Noon, $20 Entry Fee Charity Event: 50/50, Drawings, Benefiting Chase Foot Ball Team. Multiple Awards. Additional Information Johnnie 828-429-7500 Terry 828-429-1181 or David 704-609-2209 Location Carolina Farmhouse Restaurant 2270 College Ave.
JUNE 11: LAWRENCE TN: LAWRENCE COUNTY CLASSICS CAR SHOW AND THE 18TH ANNUAL CAVALCADE OF ANTIQUE CARS: Food, Music, Awards and More. Join the Parade must be 1997 or Older Street & Rat Rods Welcome. Arrive at 9:30 am. Or Earlier to Participate in Parade, Parade begins at 10am. Parade Cruise begins at North End of Lawrence County and Finalize in South End St Joseph Civic Center (lots of food & Vendors) Free Admission Bring Lawn Chairs, For Additional Information Joseph 931-845-4794 or Mason 931- 3003874 or Larry 931-629-1538
JUNE 11: BROOKHAVEN GA: HORSEPOWER AT THE PONY: Open car show. Event being held at the Pink Pony located at 1837 Corporate Blvd. Event runs from noon – 4pm. Rain date June 18th. Open to all years, makes and models, Popular choice awards. 505/0 raffle. Food available. Entry fee is a donation to Fur Kids. For more info go to www.georgiacoolcruisers.org

JUNE 2022:

JUNE 11: TIFTON GA: SOUTHERN GEARHEADS 1ST ANNUAL CARS IN THE PAR CAR & TRUCK SHOW: EVENT POSTPONED – NEW DATE TBD: Entry Fee $25 Day of Show. Stock classes 15, Modified Classes 16, truck Classes 3, Modified 3, Register 8am-11am, Judging Starts at 11:15pm. Multiple Category Trophies, Club Participation Winner (1), (10 Member Minimum) $100. Location 817 Prince Ave. Additional Information www.premiumcarshows.com or 727-455-5969
JUNE 11: MT AIRY NC: 2ND ANNUAL CAR SHOW: Event being held at the Mt Airy/Surry County Airport located at 148 Howard Woltz Jr Way. Event runs 9am -2pm. $20.00 reg fee. $5.00 spectator fee. Open to al domestic, import, classic, exotic vehicles and bikes are welcome too. Trophies, vendors, plane fly-ins and giveaways & prizes. June 12: Murfreesboro TN: SummerFest Antique Car Show by Wilson Bank & Trust: Show will be at Central Magnet School, 701 East Main St. Registration: 8:00am - Noon, Awards at 3:00pm. Entry fee $15.00, 2nd car $10.00, Cars for Sale $15.00. Vehicles judged during Registration, 56 Classes. For more information, contact Jim Pritchard 615400-2054 or Jeremy Byrd 615-691-1835. June 13: MILLINGTON (Memphis) TN: 2022 Hot Rod Power Tour: Dates & Locations Day 1: Monday, Memphis Int'l Raceway, Millington, TN / Day 2: Tuesday June 14th - Nashville Superspeedway, Lebanon, TN / Day 3: Wednesday, June 15th - Hoover Met Complex, Hoover, AL / Day 4: Thursday, June 16th - Pensacola Fairgrounds, Pensacola, FL / Day 5: Friday, June 17th - Atlanta Motor Speedway, Hampton, GA. For more info or to sign up go to www.hotrod.com
JUNE 14: LEBANON TN: HOT ROD POWER TOUR MEET: Hey guys, just a little mid-week C10 Club Tennessee meet. Let's welcome all of the C10’s on the Hot Rod Power Tour to Middle Tennessee. We'll have a meet at the Snow White Drive-In, located at 1714 West Main St., from 5-8pm. Bring out your truck and meet some new people from across the country. For more info go to https://facebook.com/events/s/c10-club-tennessee-hot-rod-pow/413461167296537/
JUNE 16-18: MAGGIE VALLEY NC: CAMERO & FIREBIRD F-BODY SHOW IN THE VALLEY: Location Exit 20 Off 1-40 to the Maggie Valley Festival Grounds 3374 Soco Road. For Additional Information www.surfboardpromotion.com

JUNE 2022:
JUNE 16-18: MAGGIE VALLEY NC: MAGGIE VALLEY SWAP MEET & CAR SHOW: Street Rods, Clasics, Rat Rods, Muscle, Custom, Pick Ups & Antiques (24 Hour Security). Craft World. Location- Maggie Valley Festival Grounds 3374 Soco Road. For Additional Information www.maggievalleyswapmeet.com JUNE 16-18: BOWLING GREEN KY: 20th Annual Holley National Hot Rod Reunion: The event is held each year at the beautiful Beech Bend Raceway Park. Participant and vendor registrations will be accepted thru Friday, May 13th. The Reunion is presented by AAA Insurance and is produced by and benefits the Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum. Show & Shine, hot rods. Custom cars, nostalgia drag racing and more! For more info and to register go to https://nhramuseum.org/holley-national-hot-rod-reunion/ JUNE 18: SPRING HILL TN: Fathers Day Weekend Car Show: The Goldton at Spring Hill loctaed at 3056 Miles Johnson Parkway, has partnered with Muletown Cruisers for a Fathers Day Weekend Car Show. The event will take place from 9am - 2pm. NO Rain Date. Food Trucks, Music, Prizes and over 100 Super Cool CARS!!! This is a family friendly event and is FREE. Dogs welcome on leash (please clean up after you pet, nobody wants to see that). For more info go to https://www.facebook.com/events/1603969759972797/ JUNE 18: EAST RIDGE TN: 8th Annual Kars-4-Kids Auto and Motorcycle Show: The East Ridge Optimist Club will hold its 8th annual Kar-4-Kids Auto and Motorcycle show at the Camp Jordan Arena at 323 Camp Jordan Pkwy. Event location is just off Exit 1 of I-75 behind the Bass Pro Shops. The event will be held indoors and outdoors. There is no rain date. Show is FREE to all spectators. Registration begins at 8:30 am. Registration and Electronic Judging is provided by "Car Show Pro". The registration fee is $25.00. The top 75 points recipients will receive a trophy with an additional 10 Best Of trophies. There will be a People's Choice Award as well. All trophies are provided by O'reilly's Auto Parts. Door prizes will be given away throughout the entire event. A 50/50 drawing will be held as well. This is a Non-Profit event. All proceeds enable the East Ridge Optimist Club to better serve the youth in our community. We look forward to seeing you there. For Info, Contact Jim Howard @ 423-321-9870 JUNE 18: CLARKSVILLE TN: 21ST ANNUAL MUSCLE CAR MAYHEM: Vintage Muscle Car Auction – Open to Public Starting at 10am. /$10. Admission. Location 247 Needmore Rd.

JUNE 2022:
JUNE 18: TALLADEGA AL: TALLADEGA TRACK DAYS: Special package is open to all makes and models. It includes 1 race ticket to the YELLWOOD 500 & 1 car entry to one of the track day events. During track days you get to experience 2 laps around the track in your vehicle, show & shine event in the garages and a photo in Victory lane. Event being held at TALLADEGA Speedway. For all the info call Felicia at 386-681-4071 or email at fvega@nascar.com JUNE 18: FOLEY AL: CAFFM 6th Annual Corn Festival Car Show: Event being held at Coastal Alabama Farmer’s Fisherman’s Market located at 20733 Mifflin Rd/ Co Rd 20. Event runs 8:00AM to 2:00PM. Registration- $15 early bird / $20 after June 1, 2022. Register online at www.CoastalAlabamaMarket.com/events or download PDF Form on the Mikes American Muscle Cars website www.MikesAmericanMuscleCars.com. For Car Show Registration Information or to request a mailed registration form or on how to become a Sponsor call Mike at 251 284-1223. For Vendor Information for the Festival, call Alescia at 251 7094469. We are doing the same awards as the 2021 show, but because we have been trying to get the Jeep’s guys involved, we are adding Jeep specific categories! That will put us up to 40+ trophies!! Watch this event page https://www.facebook.com/ events/598618701306623/ and we will update as we finalize details for the next- BIGGER AND BETTER CAFFM Corn Festival Car Show! All participants should be aware of the hazards inherent with motor vehicle events and agree to indemnify and release the organizers and supporting sponsors, (including, but not limited to) the Coastal Alabama Fishermans & Farmers Market and its personnel and Mike’s American Muscle Cars, collectively and separately from any and all liability from personal injury or property damage, whether by you or your guests while participating in this event. It should also be understand that Mike’s American Muscle Cars and Coastal Alabama Fishermans & Farmers Market reserves the right to revoke registration should any participant or other guest engage in reckless, dangerous, and/ or unsafe behavior. JUNE 18: TULLAHOMA TN: SOUTHERN WHEELS ‘N’ MOTION ANNUAL CRUISE-IN: Event being held at Waggoner Park located at 1300 East Carroll St. Event runs from 9am – 1pm. Drive your car or just come out and enjoy the cruise. Music by Good Times Sounds. Door prizes, dash plaques, 50/50 raffle, swap meet, calk walk, silent auction and vendors. For more info call 931-408-4257

JUNE 2022:

June 18: Hartsville TN: Crusin to December CAR SHOW: Event being held on the square in Hartsville. Times: 10:00am - 4:00pm. Entry fee $20.00. Car Show, Cake walk, Raffle, Silent Auction, Vendors, Face painting, Inflatables, Food, Live Music. Proceeds benefit Alzheimer's Foundation. For more information, contact Robynn Coe 813-785-4651.
JUNE 18: Mayfield KY: Cruise-In Downtown Mayfield: Event held at Broadway at 7th Street. Times: 4:00pm - 8:00pm. Visit http://www.topguncarshows.com/ or Call for more info, Billie or Caroline Peal 270-217-0732
JUNE 18: LEXINGTON KY: MILITARY VETERANS OF AMERICA 1ST ANNUAL CAR SHOW: Special Veteran Awards, Vendor Spots, Top 50 Awards, Grand Prize Winner takes Home $1,750. Ceramic Detail Package. Times 9am-3pm, Location Frederick Douglass HS. 2000 Winchester Rd. Donna.m.parker78@gmail.com for additional information
JUNE 18: MAYSVILLE KY: FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL EVENT LAGUNTZ CAR CLUB CHROME AND CRUISE: Donations Accepted, Vendors, Music and Food Booths, Charity Event starting at 6pm. -8pm. Location McDonald Pky.
JUNE 18: MT VERNON KY: CLIMAX VOL. FIRE DEPARTMENT CAR SHOW: Multiple Categories, Top 32 Prizes, Concessions, Music, 50/50. Entry Fee $15. Free to Spectators Time 10am. To 2pm. Judging Starts at Noon, Location Climax Vol Fire Dept. 7436 Climax Rd.
JUNE 18: ROGERSVILLE TN: ALL JEEP MAIN STREET SUMMER SHOW: Time 4-9pm. Registration $20 per Jeep. Location Main Street.
JUNE 18: ONEIDA TN: FUN RUN – A MIKE SLAVEN MEMORIAL CAR SHOW: Event ebing held in Oneida City park. Open to all cars, trucks and motorcycles. Ho judging or trophies…just fun. Dash Plaques to the first 250 registered. $10.00 entry fee. Registration from 9am –1pm. 20 - $25 cash reward drawing for all registerd and present. Awards drawing begins at 230pm. Concessions available. For more info call 423-286-9500
JUNE 18: Lexington TN: 1st Annual Lexington High School Band Auto Show at Beech Lake: Registration: 9:00am, Judging at 11:00am, Awards at 1:00pm. 1st / 2nd / 3rd Place Awarded in four categories. Car - Bike - Truck - Student. Rain Date June 25th. To Register or more info contact 731-249-0646 or email bandboosters731@gmail.com Mail registrations to: LHS Band Boosters, PO Box 806, Lexington, TN 38351

JUNE 2022:
JUNE 19: BROOKSVILLE FL: LEAD FOOT CITY’S SUPER SWAP MEET, CAR, TRUCK & BIKE SHOW: Burnouts, Drifting, Donuts & Live Stunt Show- Plus Much More. Third Sunday Every Month- Time 8am-2pm- Location 17109 Old Ayers Rd, Brooksville. Additional Information 844-532-3366 or www.leadfootcity.com JUNE 19: EUBANK KY: 3rd annual Jimmie Dale Nelson Father's Day Show & SWAP MEET: Event being held at Eubank KY. Event runs from 9a.m. to 4p.m. Swap meet, live DJ, 50/50 drawing and dash plaques to the first 50 cars through the gate. All makes and all models welcome. Twenty five award/trophies, $20.00 register, all vehicles must be registered by 2p.m. Great food with Stephanie Kennedy and City Slicker Dawgs. Wildlife Matters and Carol Moore will be there with an animal show for all ages. Sponsored by Vanhook Towing of Somerset. This is a rain or shine event. All swap meet venders must be set up between 7 and 9a.m. Vendor spots are $20.00 for a 10x20 and are for non-food items only. NO FOOD VENDOR SPACES. City Slicker Dawgs has the venue covered. Eubank City Park address is: KY-70, Eubank KY 42567.
JUNE 19: BOCA RATON FL: 10TH ANNUAL MIZNER PARK DOWN TOWN DRIVE FATHER’S DAY CLASSIC CAR SHOW: Open Show, All Years, Makes & Models Welcome. Early $25, Day of Event Registration $30. Free to Spectators, Dash Plaques, Swag Bags & T- Shirts to first 100 Registered. Time 9am-3pm. Location 327 Plaza Real. ALL Proceeds to Make A Wish. Additional Information or early Registration Polyproud@aol.com or Russ 954-701-5760
JUNE 19: NASHVILLE TN: CLASSIC CARS AT CHEEKWOOD-EXPOSITION OF ELEGANCE: Featured Cars, Rolls Royce Phantom 1 (1927), Studebaker President (1931) Packard Twelve Coupe Roadster (1938) and Many More Fabulous Rare Cars. Music All Day, Children’s Activities, Something for Everyone. Tickets Gardens, Member Adult $10. Youth $7, Adult $22. Youth 3-17 $14 2 and Under Free. Additional Information Kim Hugo 615-353-6985
JUNE 19: COOKEVILLE TN: DYLAN’S FATHERS DAY RIDE: Ride going to Monkey Town Brewing Co in Dayton TN. Ride starts at BOSWELLS Country Roads Harley-Davidson located at 1424 Interstate Drive Ride departs at 9am. For more info and to sign up call 931-5263139 or go to www.countryroadshd.com