Gearhead Gazzette Vol. 22 Issue #18 August 4-17, 2022

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Ya Gotta know where to Go...The FUN Starts Here “take the time to give someone a break” Lot’s of specialty vehicle businesses looking for help these days...

experience as a shop owner, as a small shop. I do understand fully the need to run work on a weekly and monthly basis, as that’s what keeps the cash flow happening.

If you want to work in the “Specialty” vehicle arena...times are good for you!

Since you cant find EXACTLY what you need in an employee, take the road that TRAINS THE NEW Employee while turning out work.

Like many of you on any form of social media, I have seen a LOT of NOW HIRING signs posted from all kinds of vehicle shops. Big shops, medium shops and smaller shops too. From BIG name business that you read about regularly to unknown shops that build killer rides, they need help.

When you bring a new “rookie” employee into your shop, at a lower cost, you will help shape them into the team member that you need. Will it take some time...yes and longer then you want it to. On the back end, employees are loyal and if you take the time to give someone a break, hire them and start to train them, you will find that they will stay with you, provided you compensate them based on their skill improvement yearly.

If you have the skills these shops are looking for, you can almost name your price provided you can prove your skills to the owners. Coast to coast job relocation is even possible if that interests you. These job postings for many, have run for months with openings not being filled. Lack of required experience as listed on the job posting, is the biggest hold up for shops. In todays specialty vehicle world, there are only so many experienced and trained people who could fill the jobs.

Even if you go to a “trade” school for a new hire, you still have to train them in how you want things done. I don’t know about you, but the best learning that I carry today all came from someone showing me how to do something...give your next employee a break today...

In my view and opinion (feel free to comment) todays specialty vehicle shops need to adopt a different plan of action to fill job openings.

“Drive ’Em Don’t Hide ’Em”

Jimmy B.

OJT… On The Job Training. Before you say no, I have been where many shops are at. I will call my

“the fun starts here”….


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