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Road Rumblings

Road Rumblings

“I am counting blessing starting right now….”

We take for granted all the good we have around us ever yday….

I will raise my hand up first...I complain about stuff. Depending on the day or week it can be a little or a lot.

Go ahead...admit it...you complain about stuff too. I know you do because I see it on social media everyday.

Sometimes we here in the USA complain because we don’t get everything we want, when we want it, and how we want it.

I just got back from spending time in Italy. Beautiful country...great food of all kinds and very nice people.

After being there, it made me think a lot about how good we have it here in America, but we forget that we do, or we let TV, News, Politicians, pundits and others tell us how bad we have it everyday.

We bitch about gas prices, which are up here, but they are nothing compared to Italy!! We drove a rental car that was a diesel( ran great!), but diesel fuel everywhere we went was $7.97 Euro’s a gallon($8.24 US)!! Go back and read that again! Regular gas was a little cheaper.

See what I mean…we don’t have it so bad on fuel compared to other countries.

The other thing that struck me was the fact that there were no “cool’ cars or trucks. You see basically small fuel efficient cars everywhere. We saw 1 Porsche, an older one but that was it. There may be more but they must be put back. Again how lucky are we as gearheads that we can jump in our prized ride and go for a drive, even if gas is higher this year than last year.

Point is, while nothing is perfect, instead of bitching about everything, we need to start being thankful for ALL we have here in the USA.

I know I am counting blessing starting right now…. “Drive ’Em Don’t Hide ’Em”

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