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Southeast Shows

APR 2022:
APR 15: CAMPBELLSVILLE KY: CRUISIN’ ON MAIN STREET: This is a Family Friendly Event, Local Eateries and Food Trucks, Times 6pm Show & Shine Beginning at Hometown Wireless, 8pm- Midnight E Main St Run. Route West to Druther’s, 2/East to Hometown/Not Liable for lost or stolen items Be Respectful of Local Tenants.
APRIL 15-16: MYRTLE BEACH SC: PHANTOM CUSTOM CTC SPRING BREAK CAR & TRUCK SHOW: Top 100 Awards, King & queen, Best of Show and many more. All Car & Truck Clubs Welcome. No Burn Outs- $10 Spectator, $25 to Register. Times 5-9pm Location Burkeys Bar & Grill 4001 N. Kings Hwy. APR 16: Brentwood TN: 22nd Annual KARS4KIDS Show: KARS4KIDS is back on the campus for 2022 at the Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home, located at 1310 Franklin Rd. (just south of Concord Rd.). Open to all cars, trucks bicycles and motorcycles. Registration is $20 per vehicle from 8am to noon. TOP 50 awards selected by the kids and other specialty awards presented by 3 pm. Food priced “by donation only”. Indoor seating available. Silent auction. Fun for the entire family in a park-like setting. Over 175 entrants at the 2021 show! Rain or shine! 100% of the net proceeds fund the Children’s Home Summer Activities Program at the Brentwood campus. Come out and support the kids! For more information, contact Paul Collins at pcollins@sullivanengineering.com or 615-642-5822. APR 16: COLUMBIA TN: 2nd Annual Euro Car Show & Open House: Event runs from 10AM12PM. Event being held at Uslilton Automotive located at 1201 S High St. Everyone welcome. All euro makes and models. USSUAL RULES APPLY. For more info go to https:// www.facebook.com/events/241255474793675/
APRIL 16: INMAN SC: WHITEHALL CHURCH 2022 CAR SHOW: Food & Trophies, $20 Entry Fee. Location 130 Brown Arrow Circle, Inman. For More Information Russell at 864-9091301
APR 16: WEST COLUMBIA SC: LOVE, AUTOMOTIVE SHOW & SHINE: 5/50, 25/25, Drawings, Great Music, Dash Plaques for First 75 Participants. Food Available to Purchase. Entry Fee $20. Time 9am-1:30pm. All Proceeds Benefit Camp Kemo Children’s Hospital, Midlands. For Additional Information Mike 803-957-9737 (rain date 4/23/2022)

APR 2022:
APR 16: Smithville TN: DeKalb County Car, Truck & Bike Show: Event being held at the DeKalb County Complex parking lot. Entry fee $20.00, Entry time is 9:00am, Judging at Noon, Awards at 3:00pm. Awards include: 1st & 2nd Place for Ford / Chevy / Dodge / Production / Modified / Truck / Motorcycle / Rat Rod / Street Rod ('48 & older) & Best of Show. For more information or to pre-register, contact 615-597-5485 or angie@smithvillereview.com APR 16: Russellville KY: Pre-Spring Fling Car-Truck-Bike Show: Hosted by Clay Bilyeu will be at UK Extension Office, 255 John Paul Road. Registration: 9:00am - Noon, Entry Fee $15.00. Vendors, Food trucks, 50/50 drawing, Live Auction, Music and more. Award categories: Car / Truck / Motorcycle / Special Interest. Show benefits Jan Bray's Kidney Transplant Expenses. For more information, Call Clay 270-772-1009. APR 16: McMinnville TN: Shinin For a Cause Benefit Car Show: Event will be held at the Milner Recreation Center, 500 Garfield Street, McMinnville, TN. TOP 25 Awards, Entry fee $20.00. All money raised from this event will be donated to FIVE local families who are battling cancer. For more information, call 931-259-3805. APR 16: Clarksville TN: HOOTERS Annual Cruise-In: Cruise being held at 750 North Riverside Drive between the hours of 11:00am - 4:00pm. Open to all Classics / Hot Rods / Muscle Cars. Hosted by Corvettes of Clarksville, Clarksville Gearhead Car Club and Memory Lane Cruisers. For more info, contact 931-920-8400. APRIL 16: PROSPECT HILL NC: 4TH ANNUAL CRUISE-IN: Bring Your Classic Cars and Family for a Day of Fun, Free Hotdogs, Burgers & Drinks. L & S Customs since 2017 Location 14139 Hwy 86 South. Additional Information 336-562-2233 (Rain or Shine)
APRIL 17: BROOKSVILLE FL: LEAD FOOT CITY’S SUPER SWAP MEET, CAR, TRUCK & BIKE SHOW: Burnouts, Drifting, Donuts & Live Stunt Show- Plus Much More. Third Sunday Every Month- Time 8am-2pm- Location 17109 Old Ayers Rd. Additional Information 844-5323366 or www.leadfootcity.com

APR 2022:
APR 16-17: OPELIKA AL: Southeast Alabama Auto Spring Auto/Motorcycle Swap Meet: Event runs 8:00am-12:00 pm central time. Rainout date if called April 17, 2022 Same Time. Event Site Address: USA factory Outlet, 1220 Fox Run Ave. Free admission for spectators and vendors! We will park in the concrete lot away from the shops unless grass is dry enough to set up there like Fall. There will be a parts swap area and a separate vehicles for sale area. Bring tables or whatever you need to set up, no actual spaces will be marked first come first serve. Please pick up trash and do not leave any items behind when you are ready to leave! NO vendors outside of automotive and motorcycle parts! No exceptions! Food Court in center will be open for food and restrooms. Not a car show, swap meet only! If you plan to bring parts or vehicles, please message me or let me know what you may be bringing so I can add you to the vendor list. Any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to reach out to me (334) 750-1507 or go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/661648874877381/
APR 21: NASHVILLE TN: BOSWELL’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON 2022 BIKE NIGHT: Ride in for a chance to win a $500 gift card from Boswells H-D. Event takes place at the SCOREBOARD BAR & GRILL located at 2408 Music Valley Drive. Event runs from 6-8pm. For more info go to www.boswellsharley.com APR 21: Bowling Green KY: CRUISE & SHOW THE BACK ROADS: Cruise begins and ends at Jones Towing, 1500 Louisville Road. Cruise leaves at 6:00pm with line-up at 5:30pm. After the cruise, join in the pre-party for the Pro-Touring Truck Shootout at the Hot Rod Hideout. Any and all vehicles are welcome to join! APR 22-23: CHEROKEE NC: CRUISE THE SMOKIES 2022 SPRING ROD RUN: Thousands in Cash Giveaways & Prizes, Poker Walk & Cruise, $1000. Pre-Register Giveaway, 50/50 Drawings Daily, Cruise-in Thursday Evening (location TBD), Registered Participant meal Friday Night, Tool Box Giveaway, Food Vendros, Parts, Home Built Trophies Event Merchandise, Live Bands. Contact cherokeerodders@outlook.com for more details and to get registration form. www.visitcherokee.com $30 pre register, $35. At gate. Location 1971 Tsali Blvd.

APR 2022:
APRIL 22-23: BOWLING GREEN KY: PRO TOURING TRUCK DRAG RACING: Drag Racing and Truck Show/ Location Beech Bend Raceway Park. Additional Information www.protouringtruckshootout.com or 866-922-3533
APR 22-24: RALEIGH NC: 7th Goodguys Griot’s Garage North Carolina Nationals: Event being held at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds at 1025 Blue Ridge Rd. Friday, April 22 8:00am to 5:00pm, Saturday, April 23 - 8:00am to 5:00pm and Sunday, April 24 - 8:00am to 3:00pm. Over 2,000 Rods, Customs, Classics, Muscle Cars and Trucks thru '97. All American Sunday welcoming American made or powered vehicles of all years. Goodguys AutoCross - Featuring 16 car "Rumble in Raleigh". Indoor car show featuring Hot Rods, Customs and more. Nitro Thunderfest Dragster Exhibition. Burn Out Competition. Swap Meet & Cars 4 Sale Corral. Fun For The Kids - Fun for the little rodder’s in our world! Fun activities located inside the Graham Building Saturday (10am-3pm) and Sunday (11am2pm). Saturday Night Demolition Derby (5pm - 8pm). All event features subject to change. For more info go to www.good-guys.com APR 22-24: MILLINGTON (Memphis) TN: 35th Annual Memphis Chevy Show: Presented by O'Reilly Auto Parts. To be held at the Memphis International Raceway, 5500 Victory Lane, Millington, TN. (Memphis). ProShow / Drag Racing / Car & Truck Show / Vendor Midway / Swap Meet. The largest Chevy Enthusiast Show. For more info go to http:// www.racemir.com/
APR 22-23: SOMERSET KY: 2022 SOMERNITES CRUISE: Cruise is held in downtown Somerset. This moth is Orphans Showcase, Custom Jeep Display & Vintage Tractor Display. Friday Morning Meet & Greet Presented by Circle K from 10am-2pm at US Hwy. 27 Light #10. Friday Night Thunder from 5pm-9pm at Somerset Mall, US Hwy. 27 Light #23. The Fun Run –Cumberland Falls: Fun Run leaves from Hardee's South on the Saturday morning of the cruise at 8:30am. Breakfast is provided for participants from 8-8:30am. At the end of the Saturday show day at 6pm, show vehicles exit the downtown area and head to six-lane US 27 for hot cruising action. Wall-to-wall hot rods, classics and customs! You simply have to see it to believe it! Cruise your ride all the way to stoplight #25 and back again. Please obey all posted traffic regulations and enjoy cruising the night away. For more info go to www.somernitescruise.com