Health and Wellness 2024

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Thursday, February 15, 2024

Thursday, February 15, 2024

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What to Do When Your Workout Routine Goes Stale MetroCreative

Exercise is one of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle. Routine exercise can help individuals reduce their risk for various illnesses, including cardiovascular disease, and can even have a positive effect on mental health. Making a commitment to routine exercise can be an adjustment for people accustomed to a sedentary lifestyle. But even the most devoted fitness enthusiasts will face certain hurdles on their exercise journeys. One such obstacle is a stale workout. Repeating the same exercises each day for months on end can grow boring, and that boredom may put individuals’ commitment to fitness in jeopardy. If a workout has grown stale, the following strategies might help people stay

on a healthy track. • Don’t wait for a workout to grow stale. The most effective way to overcome a stale workout routine is to avoid it entirely. Switching up a routine every four to six weeks can provide enough change to avoid the boredom that can develop after following the same regimen for weeks. Strength-training regimens can shift from focusing on building muscle to toning muscle. Various fitness experts note that fewer repetitions with more weight is a great way to build muscle, while more reps with less weight can help to tone muscle. Switching back and forth between these approaches can help to avoid exercise boredom. With cardiovascular training, skip the treadmill on nice days in favor of cycling or jogging outdoors.

• Establish new goals. Fitness goals can provide all the motivation individuals need to commit to an exercise regimen. But interest can wane after such goals have been achieved. That’s why it’s important to continue setting new goals. When establishing new fitness goals, don’t forget to consider the fun factor. Pursuit of a goal that’s fun will likely be more engaging, so identify some goals that will be effective and enjoyable. • Bring others on board. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that individuals tend to feel more motivated and they’re more likely to try new activities when working out with a partner. Individuals who have been going it alone with their fitness regimens might find involving others can make workouts less boring, and the pres-

ence of another person can make it safer for individuals to expand their exercise horizons. For example, a person can safely lift more weight if another person is always there to serve as a spotter. • Work with a personal trainer. Personal trainers and other fitness professionals recognize that workout boredom is as big a hurdle as anything in regard to committing to a healthy lifestyle. In recognition of that, personal trainers often know how to switch up a routine so it produces results and remains engaging. Trainers also have the knowledge to tweak routines so they play to clients’ interests and strengths. Workout boredom can be a big hurdle on the road to a healthy lifestyle. But there are many ways to ensure workouts don’t grow stale.

Skip the Salt and Preservatives But Keep the Flavor MetroCreative The human body needs salt to survive. Sodium chloride is required in a nominal amount to conduct nerve impulses, contract and relax muscles, and maintain a proper balance of water and minerals. The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health says it’s estimated people need 500 mg of sodium per day to perform these vital functions. Too often, however, people consume much more salt in their diets than is necessary, which can lead to a host of medical issues. The average person eats 3,400 mg of sodium daily, and that can contribute to high blood pressure, heart disease, and even loss of calcium in bones. Salt is already added to many prepared foods as a preservative and flavor enhancer, so it’s not necessary to add salt to these meals. However, when cooking from scratch at home and flavoring foods, it may be tempting to reach for the salt because of the way it can enhance flavor. Fortunately, there are many salt substitutes that can impart flavor without adversely affecting your overall health. • Potassium chloride: Potassium chloride can provide a salty flavor without all of the sodium that is in regular table salt, which is so-

dium chloride. Potassium chloride typically is mixed with a ratio of sodium chloride in “light” or “low-sodium” salt options and salt substitute products. It can slash sodium by up to 50 percent in some instances, says Consumer Reports. • Acid: Food scientist and blogger Nik Sharma says that people can cut down on salt in recipes if they increase the acid. This includes lemon juice or vinegar added at the end of the cooking process. It can replicate that bite that salt often provides. • Sea ingredients: Kelp, alternative seaweeds or pureed anchovies can impart a salty flavor without the added sodium. While sea water creatures may taste salty, they do not transfer the same amount of sodium to the body as regular salt. These ingredients add the “umami” flavor profile, also known as the “fifth taste.” • Garlic: Pungent and strong, this spice can boost flavor easily without increasing the need for sodium. Double the amount of garlic in recipes when cutting out salt. • Black pepper: Similarly, Healthline suggests reaching for black pepper to spice up foods over salt. Black pepper is a good addition

to savory dishes, and can help decrease inflammation in the body. • MSG: Monosodium glutamate contains two-thirds less sodium than table salt, so adding a little can increase the flavor of foods, says Taylor Wallace, Ph.D., an adjunct professor of food and nutrition studies at George Mason University. • Nutritional yeast: Nutritional yeast offers a nutty, salty, cheesy flavor, and is a popular choice among vegans who want to get a parmesan cheese taste without actually consuming dairy. The yeast adds flavor and is often fortified with B vitamins, making it a healthy addition to diets. • Ginger: Ginger can be peppery and bold

in dishes, and it works well in both sweet and savory foods. • Liquid aminos: This is a liquid seasoning made by treating soybeans with an acidic solution to break them into amino acids, says Consumer Reports. It also can be made from fermenting coconut sap with water. The result is another umami flavoring. And though there is still sodium content, it is less than table salt. • Smoked paprika: The smoky, spicy taste of this paprika may make it easy to skip the salt in some foods. Salt is necessary in small amounts, but too often people consume it to excess. Small changes can help individuals reduce their sodium intake.

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Thursday, February 15, 2024

Begin the Day in a Positive Frame of Mind MetroCreative Each new day brings the potential for change, even amid the routine of the daily grind. When people start the day with positive thoughts, it can affect how they behave and see themselves throughout the day, and may even benefit their overall health. The Mayo Clinic says some studies suggest personality traits such as optimism and pessimism can affect many areas of a person’s health and well-being. Positive thinking that is pronounced in optimistic people is associated with effective stress management, which translates into many different health benefits. Some people abide by the “Law of Attraction,” which states that what a person gives attention to and thinks about throughout the day is what will be predominant in their life. Whether this is true or not, many aspire to have more positive thoughts and be in a generally optimistic mindset. The following tips can put people on a positive path at the start of each day.

Begin the Night Before Certain mental health experts suggest clearing the mind in the evening to reduce stressful thinking and create the mental capacity to wind down and relax. Keep a notepad handy and jot down any invasive thoughts or concerns. Removing these thoughts from the mind and putting them on paper can help you rest more readily. Being well-rested can improve mood.


Know Your Weaknesses

Recognize where you may need some help as you strive to be more optimistic. Map out the behaviors you want to change, and then be intentional about how you want your day to go and which actions will get you there. The Mayo Clinic suggests figuring out what you usually think negatively about (i.e., work, commuting, life changes) and then approach each aspect in a more positive way.

Take a Technology Pause

Do not check email or text messages right after opening your eyes. Similarly, avoid

reading the news or watching news programs on television too early. Negative or scandalous stories often get the most clicks or views, and coming across upsetting information at the outset of the day can adversely affect your mood. Rather, spend time meditating, praying, reading, or just being in the moment until you are awake.

Recognize the Good People Are Doing When you open your eyes and focus on the positives, you’ll see all the good that other peo-

ple are doing around you. Offering compliments or acknowledging others’ actions, whether large or small, puts positivity out there.

Focus on Gratitude

Take a few moments at the start of each day to mentally list all the things you are grateful for. This may be that you have a cozy home or that you are healthy. Even stressful situations or people can be means for gratitude. Starting the day with a positive mindset is easier than one might think. It may take a little practice, but also can begin to pay positive dividends sooner than later.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

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Four Ways Cherries Can Benefit Your Body MetroCreative The first image to come to many people’s minds when they think of cherries may be one of these tiny stone fruits sitting atop an ice cream sundae. That’s an undeniably appealing image, but cherries are more than just a must-have sundae topping. Cherries benefit the body in various ways. Nutritious and delicious, cherries may find their way into even more people’s diets once people recognize the many ways cherries can improve overall health. • Cherries and blood sugar: The American Diabetes Association notes that cherries can help people with diabetes control their blood sugar levels. The glycemic index (GI)

is a system that rates foods which contain carbohydrates, and foods with a low GI rating slowly release glucose into a person’s blood. Cherries have a low GI and can help anyone living with diabetes manage their blood sugar more easily. • Cherries and inflammation: Cherries are rich in antioxidants, which means they boast similar anti-inflammatory properties to fruits such as blueberries. Vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E are antioxidants present in cherries, and the Cleveland Clinic notes that one study found that consuming 45 cherries per day can reduce inflammation brought on by free radicals. However, anyone considering consuming so many cherries is urged to speak with their physician first, as individuals

with sensitivity to salicylates could suffer gastrointestinal issues from consuming cherries. • Cherries and sleep: The Sleep Foundation reports that studies have found that consuming tart cherry juice can promote a better, more restful night’s sleep. Tart cherries are a rarity in that they are one of only a handful of natural food sources of melatonin, a hormone that is secreted at certain times of day to facilitate the transition to sleep. The Cleveland Clinic adds that cherries also contain serotonin, which helps the body make melatonin, and tryptophan, which helps the body produce serotonin. A small glass of tart cherry juice after dinner may help people sleep better.

• Cherries and arthritis and gout: The Arthritis Foundation® reports that studies have found that cherries may help to alleviate joint pain in people with osteoarthritis and lower the risk of flare-ups in individuals with gout. Some people with arthritis look to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as Advil®, to alleviate the pain associated with their conditions. The Arthritis Foundation® reports that some researchers have compared the anti-inflammatory benefits of cherries with those provided by NSAIDs. Cherries are more than just sundae toppings. A closer look at the benefits of cherries reveals that they help the body in various ways.

Tips to Maintain Your Commitment to Exercise MetroCreative At one point or another, millions of adults across the globe have resolved to be more physically active. The benefits of routine exercise are too numerous to cite, but some of the more notable ones include a lower risk for chronic disease and illness, improved self-esteem and greater overall health. With so much to gain from routine exercise, it’s no wonder so many people aspire to be more physically active. But it’s easy to lose motivation when aspiring to exercise more. Each year, one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is to exercise more. In fact, Statista conducted a survey regarding New Year’s resolutions for 2023 and found that exercising more was the most popular resolution. However, a 2021 study published in the International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health found that 64 percent of people abandon their New Year’s resolutions within a month of making them. Exercising more requires commitment, and there are some ways to make it a little easier to maintain that commitment over the long haul. • Break it up. The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health notes that people don’t need to exercise all at once to reap the rewards of physical activity. If time is tight, break up a workout over the course of your day. Some strength-training exercises in the morning can be followed up with a brisk walk or run over a lunch break. This approach makes it easier to fit a full workout into your daily routine. • Employ the buddy system. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that working out with a partner increases ex-


ercise motivation and encourages individuals to be more consistent with their exercise routine so they do not let their partners down. The authors behind a 2019 study published in the International Journal of Research in Exercise Physiology suggested the efficacy of the buddy system may require further study before researchers can definitively say it’s an effective motivation strategy for people who want to exercise more. But there’s no denying that many individuals feel that they are more likely to exercise with a friend than they are if they go solo. • Schedule exercise time. Busy professionals book work meetings, family obligations and other daily tasks in their schedules,

and the T.H. Chan School of Public Health recommends doing the same with exercise. Allotting time to exercise each day may decrease the likelihood that you’ll skip a work-

out, and once results start to manifest you may be more motivated to stay the course. • Identify what progress may look like. It’s easy to become discouraged if a commitment to routine exercise does not produce visible results. But just because your abs are not becoming chiseled a month into a workout routine or the scale is not reflecting significant weight loss does not mean your routine is not working. As the human body ages, it becomes more difficult to transform it. So a workout routine that left you looking lean and chiseled in your twenties may not produce the same body in your forties. But that does not mean the exercise isn’t working and ultimately helping you get healthier. Adults are urged to speak with their physicians and identify what progress with a workout routine might look like for someone their age. Progress may look different than it did years ago, but if the end result is a healthier you, then that should be all the motivation you need to keep going. It’s no secret that making a commitment to routine exercise can be difficult. But various strategies can increase the likelihood that individuals will stay the course as they seek to exercise more frequently.

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Geauga County Maple Leaf

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Three Ways People Can Boost Their Mental Health MetroCreative Mental health issues have garnered considerable attention in recent years, but the scope of the global mental health crisis may be even greater than people realize. A recent study co-led by researchers at Harvard Medical School and the University of Queensland that was published in The Lancet Psychiatry in fall 2023 concluded that one out of every two people in the world will develop a mental health disorder at some point in their lifetime. That makes mental health disorders a more common problem than cancer, heart disease and other physical ailments that tend to garner more attention than mental health issues. Anyone experiencing mental health issues is urged to speak with a medical professional who specializes in such areas. Mental health issues may not manifest with symptoms like broken bones that common sense suggests require the assistance of a licensed medical professional, but that does not mean issues affecting the mind or a person’s outlook do not require the help of someone trained to deal with them. Much like people can heal from a broken bone after seeing a medical professional, individuals confronting mental health issues have much to gain from working with a mental health specialist. A 2021 study from the United Kingdom-based Mental Health Foundation published in the American Journal of Health Promotion found 29 strategies people can employ to protect their mental health. The study considered mental health research

and the views of mental health experts, but also input from the general public regarding ways they confront mental health issues. It’s important that anyone dealing with mental health issues not conflate these strategies with treatment. Though they can help protect mental health, they should be seen as a supplement to treatment overseen by a licensed mental health professional. A rundown of the 29 strategies can be found at mentalhealth., but the following are three recommendations that anyone can apply in their daily lives. 1. Spend more time in nature. The calming effects of nature have been noted for centuries, if not longer. The American Psychological Association notes that spending time in nature benefits both physical and psychological well-being in humans. Perhaps that’s one reason why participants in the MHF study reported walks in nature was their preferred way to cope with stress stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The Japanese practice of forest bathing has been noted for its positive effects on mental health, but even those without ready access to wooded areas should know that simply spending more time outdoors each day can positively affect mental health. 2. Avoid using drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism. The MHF notes that any relief offered by drugs and alcohol is temporary and can even exacerbate existing mental health issues. The American Addiction Centers reports that coping mechanisms are compulsions or habits formed over time that serve to hep people manage particular situ-


ations or issues, including stress. However, the AAC also notes that not all coping mechanisms are beneficial and some, including drug and alcohol use, are maladaptive and destructive. After a particularly stressful day, or during times when people are experiencing anxiety and/or depression, avoid looking at drugs or alcohol as means to coping. 3. Get enough sleep. The MHF notes that adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. Some may see seven hours or more per night as a luxury, but it’s important that such an outlook changes. The

Columbia University Department of Psychiatry notes that there is now robust evidence to support a link between sleep and mental health. Insufficient or even poor sleep has been found to increase negative emotional responses to stressors. Perhaps even more noteworthy is that poor or insufficient sleep decreases positive emotions. So it’s vital to recognize the important role that adequate, good-quality sleep has on mental health. These are just a handful of approaches individuals can take to boost their mental health each day.

Moderate-Intensity Activities To Improve Overall Health MetroCreative Exercise is an important component of a healthy lifestyle. The current Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services indicates adults need 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week. But what constitutes moderate-intensity physical activity? Moderate-intensity physical activity gets the heart pumping, but only around one in five adults and teens get enough exercise to maintain good health, says the American Heart Association. It may be because people are having difficulty figuring out what constitutes moderate-intensity activity. Here is a more detailed explanation of the types of activities considered moderate-intensity.

• Walking very briskly • Heavy cleaning, like washing windows, vacuuming and mopping • Mowing the lawn with a power mower • Playing recreational badminton • Playing doubles tennis • Slow dancing • Shooting a basketball • Water aerobics • Playing volleyball • Heavy gardening • Painting and decorating Anything that doesn’t increase heart rate and breathing speed will not count as moderate-intensity activity towards the recommended amount of activity. However, any exercise is better than no exercise at all. As long as an activity breaks up long periods of sitting still, doctors says it is still beneficial.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

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Thursday, February 15, 2024

Thursday, February 15, 2024

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Tips on How to Stay Healthy While Pregnant MetroCreative Pregnancy can be an exciting time in a couple’s life. Ensuring mother and child stay healthy is a foremost concern during pregnancy, and women can do various things to maintain their health during this magical time in their lives. • Avoid tobacco and alcohol. It is never a good idea to smoke or drink alcohol while pregnant. The moment a woman learns she is pregnant, she should cease these habits if she is a smoker and/or drinker. • Visit an obstetrician for prenatal testing. A health care provider can counsel a woman through the stages of her pregnancy. Routine blood tests and additional screenings are part of prenatal care, which is important for learning about the development of the fetus and ensuring a healthy pregnancy. • Healthy eating is important. Nemours Kids Health says eating a nutritious diet is important for anyone, but when a woman is pregnant she needs to pay special attention to her diet to boost her baby’s growth and development. Nutritious foods include lean meats, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products. • Increase fluid intake. It is important for a pregnant woman to drink plenty of water and other healthy beverages to support the life inside her. Water can prevent excessive swelling of limbs and urinary tract/ bladder infections and help a woman avoid constipation. The Institute of Medicine rec-

ommends roughly 10 cups of fluids daily. • Maintain a healthy weight. Weight gain is common during pregnancy, but it is important to avoid gaining too much extra weight. Physical fitness helps keep the heart, bones and mind healthy during pregnancy. So after checking with her doctor, a pregnant woman should engage in workouts that align with her physical abilities. • Be mindful of medication. Certain over-the-counter and prescription medications are unsafe during pregnancy. A woman should speak with her doctor to find out which medications should be avoided. • Take an Rh factor blood test. According to the Mayo Clinic, Rh factor is an inherited protein found on the surface of red blood cells. Having the protein makes a person Rh positive. The absence of the protein makes one Rh negative. Rh positive is much more common. During pregnancy, problems may arise if a mother is Rh negative and the baby is Rh positive. Although the blood of both mother and fetus don’t usually mix during pregnancy, a small amount can mix during the birth, introducing antibodies. While this will not affect a first pregnancy, subsequent pregnancies can be impacted. An injection of Rh immune globulin typically will be administered if a woman is Rh negative during pregnancy. A second shot may come after the birth if her infant is found to be Rh positive. Women can employ various strategies to increase their chances of enjoying a healthy pregnancy.


How to Utilize Your Diet and Stay Healthy MetroCreative It’s easy to underestimate the power of food in personal health. You are what you eat has never been more relevant. The Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada says eating a healthy diet is one of the essential ways to protect health, as up to 80 percent of premature heart disease and stroke can be prevented through healthy habits. And since heart disease is a major concern for women, healthy eating should be a priority. The World Health Organization says a healthy diet protects against many chronic conditions, such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease. A nutritious diet also helps keep people active throughout the day by providing energy.

What Does Healthy Eating Look Like?

Eating healthy is a matter of balance. Individuals should choose foods that will offer the nutrients they need without much of the ingredients that can be detrimental to their overall health. This occurs by consuming less salt, trans fats, sugars, and saturated fats, and opting for vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and lean protein sources. Both the United States

and Canada offer dietary guidelines for making smart food choices that utilize a plate to demonstrate what healthy eating looks like. They share similar concepts, which include the following: • Make half of your plate full of fruits and vegetables, focusing on whole fruits and not juices. Vary the produce to take in an array of different colors. • Fill a quarter of your plate with whole grain foods, like brown or wild rice, quinoa, oatmeal, and hulled barley. Whole grains contain fiber, protein and B vitamins. • The remaining quarter of the plate can be dedicated to protein, like legumes, nuts, seeds, tofu, fish, eggs, poultry, and lean meats. Try to choose plant-based foods more often. • Switch to low-fat or fat-free dairy, such as milk, yogurt and cheeses. Dairy is important because it provides vitamins A and D as well as calcium.

The Benefits Of Healthy Eating

Eating a healthy mix of foods pays dividends. Here are some of the positive side effects. • Weight loss: Focusing more on food choices can help you keep tabs on calorie consumption. In order to lose weight, you need to consume less energy than you are expending. • Avoid chronic conditions: A nutritious diet can lower an individual’s risk for many chronic health issues, like cardiovascular disease and diabetes. • Strengthen bones and the body: Calcium-rich foods help boost bone health. While dairy notably contains calcium, calcium also is found in sardines, dark green vegetables and calcium-fortified foods. • Improve mood: The insurance experts at Aetna note that studies have shown that nutrition directly affects mental and emotional well-being. Eating nutritionally dense food promotes the growth of “good” bacteria in the gut that influence the production of chemical receptors in the brain related to how a person feels. Sugar is a culprit in poor health because it feeds the “bad” bacteria in the GI tract and is a major culprit in inflammation. Making smart choices with regard to diet can help women live longer, healthier lives.

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Geauga County Maple Leaf

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Turn to Your Plate for Vitamins and Minerals MetroCreative Health is a multibillion dollar industry. People who may be short on time may look to the most efficient routes for maintaining health and wellness. For some, that could mean turning to supplements to ensure they are consuming the recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals. But is supplementation the best way to fuel the body? According to, a supplement and nutrition company, the average American spends close to $56 per month on supplements, which include protein powders, vitamins and more. Those expenditures are in addition to their other health spending, which may include gym memberships and meal plans. However, leading health experts

point healthy individuals in the direction of getting their vitamins and minerals from eating nutrient-rich foods instead of taking supplements. According to VNS Health, a New York-based home and community health care organization, people in good health are better off getting the majority of their daily nutrients from food. Harvard Health seconds that advice, saying vitamin and mineral supplements cannot match all of the biologically active compounds available through a varied diet. There are 13 vitamins in total, and eight belong to the B group. Together with minerals, these nutrients are essential for bodily functions like wound healing, regulating hormones and fighting infection. Nutrients that are consumed

through foods are often easier for the body to absorb. Furthermore, it is much less likely one will experience toxicity from getting too many vitamins and minerals through diet alone, whereas it can be easy to go over the recommended daily values when using supplements. Although vitamins and minerals consumed via a balanced diet are generally the best bet, there are some instances when supplementation may be necessary. A health care provider can guide people as to when supplementation might be necessary. Individuals with Crohn’s disease, Celiac disease or irritable bowl syndrome should know that each condition can make absorbing nutrients challenging. Those with osteoporosis or age-related macular degeneration also

may find supplementation or eating fortified foods can be advantageous. Individuals should keep in mind that many supplements are not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or other countries’ government regulators. Such products may contain hidden ingredients or vitamins and minerals in levels not deemed safe. Also, some supplements can interact with medications. Again, it is best to consult with a healthcare provider before supplementation to find out if it is necessary. People concerned about their vitamin and mineral intake should first turn to food to get all of the nutrients they need, and then discuss supplements with their physicians if they still have deficiencies.

The Effects of Caffeine and What It Does to the Body MetroCreative Around 80 percent of the United States population consumes caffeine regularly, according to data from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, energy drinks, and some headache medications. The National Center for Biotechnology Information says caffeine is the most widely consumed nervous system stimulant. Caffeine is considered a psychoactive drug. That means it alters the mind. Caffeine can change the way people think

and feel. Healthline says the stimulating effects of caffeine contribute to its popularity. Caffeine will cause immediate alertness and temporarily relieve fatigue. Caffeine also may help enhance mood, and Healthline reports that one study found caffeine was linked to a 45 percent reduced risk of suicide in participants. Moderate amounts of caffeine may help increase focus and attention, according to the mental health and substance abuse resource Here to Help. It also may help boost endurance while playing sports or engaging in oth-

er physical activities. Generally speaking, when caffeine is used in low to moderate amounts, it could prove beneficial. It’s when too much caffeine is consumed that people can get in trouble. The following are some of the detrimental effects of caffeine. • Confusion and overstimulation can occur. • Headaches can happen from too much caffeine or from withdrawal. • Irritability also may be a symptom of withdrawal when the body becomes accustomed to caffeine. • Caffeine may help keep a person regular, but too much can do the opposite and lead to diarrhea.

• Excessive caffeine can prevent calcium absorption in the bones, which may increase risk for osteoporosis and bone fractures. • Some women who consume too much caffeine may have trouble conceiving a baby, and if caffeine is consumed in high amounts during pregnancy, there’s a risk of developmental issues in newborns or possibly miscarriage. • Increased blood pressure also may result from consuming caffeine in high amounts. Caffeine can have many effects on the body. It’s important to understand both the positive and negative impact of caffeine on the body and brain.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

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How Your Nutritional Needs Change With Age MetroCreative Healthy eating is important at any age and can set the course for a life of vitality and wellness. Sufficient nutrition can help prevent chronic illnesses and make sure that growing bodies develop properly. As one ages, various changes take place in the body, making healthy eating even more essential. According to Healthline, nutritional deficiencies can effect aging individuals, which can decrease quality of life and lead to poor health outcomes. Individuals should pay attention to their vitamin and mineral intake at various ages so they do not miss out on important nutrients. As a person ages, here are some approaches to consider. • Consume fewer calories: According to Connie Bales, PhD, RD, associate director of the Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center at Durham VA Medical Center, people need fewer calories every decade. That’s because individuals are moving around less and have less muscle. This causes a decline in metabolic rate.

• Include more nutrient-dense foods: Even though caloric needs go down with age, it’s important to pack as much nutrition into the calories a person does consume. That means finding nutrient-rich foods like whole grains, fruits, nuts, beans, vegetables, fish, and lean cuts of meat. • Consume more lean protein: Muscle loss and loss of strength can develop as a person ages. Healthline says the average adult loses 3 to 8 percent of their muscle mass each decade after age 30. Eating more protein could help aging bodies maintain muscle. • Eat fortified cereals and grains: The ability to absorb vitamin B12 can decrease as one gets older and with the use of certain medicines. Many health professionals recommend patients get more vitamin B12 by consuming foods enriched with this vitamin. Vitamin supplements may be needed in addition to food. • Drink more fluids: says sensation of thirst declines with age. Drinking water and other fluids becomes a priority to stay hydrated. It also helps with digestion.


• Prioritize bone health: Osteoporosis is a concern for older adults, particularly women who have reached menopause. Osteoporosis occurs when bones become brittle and can break from only the slightest bump or fall, says the Mayo Clinic. Vitamin D and calcium help strengthen

bones, and older adults may need more of these nutrients. Individuals should speak with their health care providers and nutritionists for further insight into their changing nutritional needs. Such professionals can help customize diets to address specific health concerns.

How to Get Kids More Engaged in Their Dental Health MetroCreative

Use Plaque-Disclosing Tablets

Dental health should be a priority at any age, and is especially important for children. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says more than half of children between the ages of six and eight have had a cavity in at least one of their primary teeth. Also, more than half of adolescents aged 12 to 19 have had a cavity in at least one permanent tooth. Cavities and other oral health conditions, such as periodontal diseases, are largely preventable with proper oral hygiene. Parents know that getting children — especially young ones — to care for their teeth in the correct manner may require some help and then reinforcement throughout the developmental years. However, there are ways to make dental care a more engaging activity for youngsters.

Show children just where they may need to direct more brushing effort with plaque-disclosing tablets. These tablets use food-grade coloring in them, which sticks to areas with plaque accumulation. After chewing the tablets and the child smiles, he or she will see the spots where efforts need to be ramped up. This can be a fun lesson as children will likely enjoy seeing their teeth covered in the tablet color.

Flavored Toothpastes And Mouthwashes Mint reigns supreme in oral health products as the dominant flavor, but not all children are enamored with that flavor. Most oral care products geared toward the younger set come in different flavors like bubble gum and

berry. Kids can take active roles in their oral health by choosing the flavored products they prefer to use.

Electronic Toothbrushes

Children may enjoy using electronic toothbrushes because they are easy to maneuver and can even seem like a toy. According to the Cleveland Clinic, electric toothbrushes generally are considered more effective at removing plaque and keeping teeth clean. That benefits kids and adults because it potentially means fewer painful visits with the dentist.

Make It A Competition

Children love games and healthy competition between peers and siblings. Offer a prize (non-sugary, of course) to children who brush and floss daily for the required times.

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Make Smart Food Choices

Engage children in lessons and choices about which foods are good for oral health and which may be poor. Sticky foods or those with a lot of sugary content should only be occasional treats. The entire family can work together to plan meals around foods that are good for the teeth and gums, such as crunchy veggies, leafy greens, high-calcium dairy products, and fatty fish.

Practice On Pets

Pets need clean teeth, too. Children may enjoy not only brushing their own teeth, but learning how to keep their companion animals’ mouths healthy with brushing and care. Various strategies can increase the chances that kids engage with oral hygiene practices early on.

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Thursday, February 15, 2024

Start Preventing Osteoporosis MetroCreative


How Cardio Benefits Your Body MetroCreative Physical activity is a key component of a healthy lifestyle, and an effective fitness regimen is one that combines strength training with cardiovascular exercise. Recommendations from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services urge adults to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity each week. Aerobic activity includes cardiovascular exercises like hiking, running, dancing, cycling, or other activities that increase the heart rate and improve cardiorespiratory fitness. Though cardiovascular exercise is often discussed in terms of its heart healthy benefits, the Cleveland Clinic reports that aerobic activities benefit various parts of the body, including the heart but also the brain, the joints, skin, and muscles.

Cardio And Your Heart

Routine cardiovascular exercise leads to a decrease in resting blood pressure and heart rate. That’s beneficial for the heart because it ensures the heart does not have to work unnecessarily hard. Cardiovascular exercise also improves good cholesterol levels and lowers blood fats, each of which also helps to improve heart health.

Cardio and your brain

The Alzheimer’s Society reports that studies have shown that exercise that increases heart rate in middle-aged or older adults has led to improvements in thinking and memory and lower rates of dementia. The Cleveland Clinic notes that cardio also decreases stroke risk by increasing blood flow to the brain.

Cardio and your joints

Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become brittle and fragile from a loss of tissue. That tissue loss can be a side effect of aging, but even though the National Osteoporosis Foundation estimates that half of all women over 50 will develop osteoporosis, older adults are not helpless against the condition. The Cleveland Clinic notes that cardiovascular exercise can help fight osteoporosis and reduce risk for hip fractures. It’s also important to note that men are not immune to osteoporosis, which has long been considered a more significant concern for women than men. Though women’s risk for osteoporosis is greater than men’s, UC San Diego Health reports that between 20 and 25 percent of all hip fractures occur in men.

Cardio and your skin

Physical activity increases circulation, which the Cleveland Clinic reports leads to clearer, healthier skin. Cardio promotes better blood flow to the skin cells on the face, which can reduce signs of aging and improve complexion.

Cardio and your muscles

Cardio increases oxygen supply to the entire body, and the Cleveland Clinic notes that allows muscles throughout the body to work harder and more efficiently. In addition, routine cardiovascular exercise allows muscles to adapt to an increased workload, which can improve daily life by making routine physical activities easier. Cardiovascular exercise is a key component of an effective fitness regimen. By committing to cardio, adults can benefit various parts of their bodies.

Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens bones weaken to a point of making them brittle. It may only take a small bump or fall for bones affected by osteoporosis to fracture. Typically a hip, spine or wrist are the areas of the body where these fractures occur. Johns Hopkins Medicine says that 50 percent of women in the United States age 50 or older will break a bone due to osteoporosis, and about 55 million Americans have the condition. The good news is that osteoporosis is largely preventable, and proper bone health that begins early and lasts throughout life can help. • Sufficient calcium intake: Women age 50 and younger should consume 1,000 mg of calcium each day (1,200 mg of calcium each day is recommended for women over the age of 51). Calcium can come from foods, beverages and supplements. • Proper protein intake: Protein also is a necessary nutrient for bone health, says the International Osteoporosis Foundation. Choose lean protein sources. • Get enough vitamin D: Vitamin D is made in the skin after exposure to the sun, but the average person does not get enough. Supplementation often is the answer to ensure healthy levels of vitamin D and by eating foods rich in vitamin D, such as eggs, mushrooms and fortified dairy foods or juices. • Keep active: It is important to engage in regular weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening activities, which also


helps to strengthen bones. • Maintain a healthy weight: Maintaining a healthy weight also is important, as being too thin or having a BMI under 19 is harmful to bone health. • Prevent falls: Take steps to reduce falls. This includes removing slippery rugs and installing grab bars in the bathroom. In addition, engage in activities that can improve balance, posture and coordination to prevent fall risk. • Get screened for bone density: A bone mineral density test is a special X-ray capable of detecting bone loss. Women who are concerned about osteoporosis are urged to speak with their doctors to learn more about prevention and treatment.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Geauga County Maple Leaf

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