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Volume 9, No. 7
Friday, February 2, 2024
Kirtland Native Keith McCrory Named 2023 Citizen of the Year By Donna Robinson
Coffee with Council Coffee with Council is Saturday, Feb. 10 10-11 a.m., at Kirtland City Hall. For more information, contact Joe Smolic at We offer 440-487-8984 or paper JSmolic@ shredding!
When Keith McCrory walked into The Kirtlander Party Center ND LA Jan. 18, he thought heKwas going IR T to a meeting to discuss the Barber-Williams American Legion. Instead, he was greeted by a room full of people there to celebrate him. Unbeknownst to Keith, he was selected — out of 12 nominees — to received Kirtland Kiwanis’ 2023 Citizen of the Year Award for his dedication to service activities in Kirtland; for sharing his time and talents with the community, and making a positive difference in the lives of fellow citizens; and for his demonstration of honesty and integrity. “I was not told about this award,” said Keith, a lifetime resident of Kirtland. “I thought I was coming to a meeting to discuss what Kirtland's Barber-Williams American Legion has been doing. DONNA ROBINSON/KMG Keith McCrory holds his plaque, received by Kirtland Kiwanis member I was completely surprised. I was Stan Krulc during the Citizen of the Year Award ceremony Jan. 18 at The surprised by my family, including Kirtlander Party Center. my sister, Kathy, and my brother, Ken, who came all the way from meant to Keith, he replied, “I didn't There were some great names on West Virginia.” think about it much until I looked at that list.” When asked what the award all the past winners of this award. See Citizen • Page 5
Keith McCrory’s accomplishments include:
• Coaching soccer, basketball, baseball and football for Kirtland Schools; • His work as commander of Barber-Williams American Legion Post 609; • Working Bingo at Kirtland Schools and volunteering to be crew leader to raise money for the Kirtland Boosters; • Being instrumental in planning and executing Kirtland’s Memorial Day Parade; • Helping start the Hometown Hero banners that hang on the flagpoles in downtown Kirtland; • Raising funds for Kirtland students attending Ohio Boys State; • Providing flags (bought by the American Legion) and replacing worn flags for Kirtland resident; • Helping to fund and organize Christmas care packages for Kirtland High School graduates currently serving in the military; • Serving on the Kirtland Schools Parent Advisory Committee.
Hornets Swimmers Win CVC Conference Titles By Alan Kornspan
The Kirtland girls swim team Jan. 20 at the CVC championships.
The Kirtland Hornets swim team recently swam at the Chagrin Valley Conference Championships as they competed in the CVC Valley Division on Jan. 20 at Hawken. Overall, the Hornets swam well as the girls team placed 4th and the boys team finished 5th in the Valley Division. After the CVC Championships, Kirtland's Head Swim Coach Mary Ellen Shepard spoke about her team's performance. “We did really well today (at the CVC Championships), better than expected,” Shepard said. “We had two of the boys place fifth and sixth in the 200 back which we were re-
ally excited about. We had a couple of the girls place in the 100 free. Our relays did outstanding today. They placed in both the free and the medley, so we're very pleased with that. Our relays have been doing well all season.” As Coach Sheppard mentioned, the Hornets did well at the CVC championships. In fact, the Kirtland Hornets girls swim Tteam had two conference champions as they won three events. Sophia Barisic won both the 100-yard freestyle and the 100-yard backstroke. In addition, Claire Dumstorff won the 100-yard backstroke and was also third in the 100-yard freestyle. Dumstorff's time of 1:13.93 in See Hornets • Page 5
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Kirtland Chronicle
Friday, February 2, 2024
Friday, February 2, 2024
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Kirtland Chronicle
A Note from the Mayor Each month, in addition to an update in them to revere and remember on the third the Kirtland Chronicle, I have an opportunity Monday in February. This year, I’ve decided, to write a note in the Kirtland Senior Center in preparation for Presidents’ Day, I will try Newsletter. The newsletter is made available to read a little something about one of the to seniors both in print and online via the more obscure and lesser-known winners community center website. of the Electoral College. So, without much Thinking about this month’s thought and a proverbial toss at the Chronicle update, it dawned on me dart board of President’s names, I that some residents may not know plan to read about Millard Filmore. about the community center webI’m going into the Filmore study site. While the site covers much of blind and with low expectations. what happens at the senior center, Since it’s well established, we it is also a medium by which resigrew up hearing countless tales dents can learn about upcoming about Washington, Jackson, Lincommunity events as well as opcoln or Kennedy, the likes of lesser Mayor tions to reserve the community knowns such as Filmore, Polk and Kevin Potter center for private functions. You Harrison seem to be forgotten or can reach the site via our main city website shelved as if they hardly existed. I realize I’m at or by going directly being a bit presumptuous and for all I know, to many of you are experts on the boring and I mentioned that I write a note in the lack luster reigns of Warren Harding and monthly Senior Newsletter. While this is Chester Arthur. If that is the case, I apolotrue, if you visit the community center site gize. I mean no offense to you or your affinity and read some of my past submissions, you for one term wonders like Franklin Pierce or will quickly see they present much differently Martin Van Buren. than my monthly Chronicle notes. Like I said, the monthly senior note has Over the last two years, my senior notes devolved. But, if you’re in fact interested in have devolved more into lighthearted creative reading the rest of my take on February holiwriting exercises than constructive updates days or would like to hear how a business trip on all things Kirtland. In short, I’ve used the to Savannah revealed to me an obscure tactispace to have a little bit of fun. Although I’m cal map used by General Sherman near the not sure everyone appreciates the fodder, the close of the Civil War, check out the Senior opportunity to entertain myself has become Newsletter page on the community webpage. irresistible. The following is an excerpt from Here’s to hoping for a February devoid of my February note to our seniors that focused frigid arctic air and I look forward to getting on the plethora of holidays that reside in the back to reporting the pertinent business of month of February. Presidents’ Day. Now there’s a holiday. the city in March. Since we’ve had 46 heads of the American Mayor Potter State, it should be easy for us to pick one of
Genealogical Society Meets Feb. 29 Lake County Genealogical Society will be holding its meeting via Zoom on Feb. 29, starting at 10 a.m. Following a brief business meeting, guest speaker Deborah A. Abbott, Ph.D, will present "A Gift of Love: Who's Writing Your Story?" There will be a brief Q & A session at the end of her presentation. LCGS generally meet via Zoom on the last Thursday of the month from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Visit for an invitation to the Zoom session.
8389 Mayfield Road, Suite B5 Chesterland, Ohio 44026 Phone 440-729-7667 OFFICE HOURS FAX 440-729-8240 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Closed Wednesdays Jeffrey B. Karlovec, Publisher John D. Karlovec, Editor Cassandra C. Shofar, News Editor Clay Karlovec, Sales Representative Jamie A. Ward, Sports Editor Clinton Sestak, Sales Representative Ann Wishart, Staff Reporter Karen S. Kaplan, Graphic Design Brian Doering, Staff Reporter Regina Swinerton, Classifieds Amy Patterson, Staff Reporter Pamela J. Molnar, Production Supervisor Emma McGuire, Paginator
Deadlines • Editorial submissions are printed as space is available, at the publisher’s discretion, and may be edited for length, clarity and grammar. All submissions are due by noon on the Monday prior to the first Friday of each month for consideration for that month’s edition. • Email all editorial submissions to • The space reservation deadline for paid advertisements in that month’s Kirtland Chronicle is noon on the Monday prior to the first Friday of each month. Late ads may be accepted at the discretion of management. • Email advertising requests and questions to
Circulation • The Kirtland Chronicle is distributed for free each month to homes and businesses in the communities of Kirtland, Kirtland Hills and Waite Hill. It is mailed through the U.S. Postal Service. • Copies are also available at 5 rack locations within Kirtland. • Circulation in excess of 3,300.
• Produced monthly by the Kirtland Chronicle, LLC. • In case of error, we will re-print that portion of an advertisement that was in error. Notification of error should be made within three days of published date. The Kirtland Chronicle, LLC assumes no responsibility of error contained in any pre-printed material delivered with the paper as an insertion therein. • The Kirtland Chronicle, LLC reserves the right to reject or revise any advertisement or news item for publication. Letters to the Editor reflect the opinion of those signing them and not necessarily that of either the Kirtland Chronicle, LLC, its affiliates or its advertisers. All letters submitted are subject to editing, and none will be returned. • The opinions and representations contained in advertisements are those of the advertiser. They have not been verified by the Kirtland Chronicle, LLC, nor should they be construed to represent the position or viewpoint of this newspaper or its publisher. • Under no circumstances will any record filed in the county be suppressed at any time for anybody, except by order of court.
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Kirtland Chronicle
Friday, February 2, 2024
Kirtland Schools Update Hello Kirtland Community, ing obstacles through creative thinking. This I would like to highlight our students that judged award was given to the team that best have recently competed and excelled in a va- reflected the journey the team took as they riety of competitions. We just wrapped up our experienced the engineering design process annual round of spelling bees in order to deter- during the build season. They will compete mine a district winner who will go on to com- at the Kent State tournament Feb. 3 and the pete in the Lake County Bee. Each State tournament March 9. Thank grade level (grades fourth through you to Donna and Mike Ruder for eighth) starts with classroom level helping coach the team. bees, conducted by the English/ Congratulations to Naomi Reading teachers at KES and KMS. Blankenship on being recognized Those classroom bees determine by state Rep. Jamie Callender for the students who will compete to her second place finish in the six become the winner of each grade through 12th grade “Transportalevel. Once the grade level bees By Chad VanArnhem, tion and Manufacturing” category have concluded, the winners from Superintendent with her “Secret Seat” at the 2023 grades four through eight go on to Ohio Invention Convention! Thank you to compete to become the district winner. Mrs. Leslie Held for organizing the Invention This school year, the winner in Grade 4 Convention. was Bobby Ruggeri, and the runner-up was Congratulations to the Steel Stingers for Nico Lieske. In Grade 5, the winner was a great season! This season they started an Henriette Famularcano, and the runner-up App, helped to host the Kirtland First Lego was Adrianna Margheret. In Grade 6, the winLeague and First Tech Challenge competiner was Liliana Giavara, and the runner-up tions and their robot finished in sixth place was Ryan Schossler. In Grade 7, the winner out of 25 teams! In November, the team won was Grace Kostelnik and the runners-up the “Champions Award” which is the highest were Ben Cook and David Lising. In Grade 8, award possible at the regional tournament the winner was Tommy Loncar and the runand given for being such a well-rounded ner-up was Will Cihula. Congratulations to all team. Hungry Hungry Hornets developed a our winners and runners-up! The district spelling bee was held Jan. game and volunteered at seven STEM events 26 in the Forum. After many rounds, it this season! They have been invited to comcame down to a battle between Henriette pete at the First Lego State Competition in Famularcano (Grade 5) and Grace Kostelnik Troy, Ohio in March! Thank you to Ms. Heidi (Grade 7.) After exhausting the words avail- Grunenberg for coaching this team. Congratulations to the 10 students who repable for study, the rounds moved into selectresented Kirtland at the OMEA District VII Jued words from the Merriam-Webster dictionary that neither had an opportunity to study nior High/Middle School Honors Choir Festival prior to the competition. Each of our top this past Friday and Saturday. Their hard work spellers spelled over 90 words before Grace and dedication led to a beautiful concert! I will be hosting my third “Coffee with Kostelnik came out on top. It was an amazing experience to watch these outstanding the Superintendent” on March 14 at 8 a.m. at students spell so many difficult words! Good Honey’z Cafe located in the plaza next to the luck to Grace as she heads to the Lake Coun- school campus. Later that same day, I will be ty Bee. Thank you also to Mrs. Linn Bowen delivering the State of the Kirtland Schools for organizing and running the spelling bees. at the Community Center at 1:30 pm. I hope Congratulations to the First Tech Chal- to see many of you there. Congratulations to lenge high school robotics team as they won our students and thank you to their coaches the “Think Award” at their Jan. 6 competi- and teachers for providing these amazing option. The award was for removing engineer- portunities. Go Hornets!
Friday, February 2, 2024
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Kirtland Chronicle
Hornets from page 1
the 100-yard breaststroke currently has her ranked in the top 20 at 13th in the Northeast District for Div. II. In addition, Barisic's time of 105.20 in the backstroke has her ranked 18th in the Northeast District Div. II. The girls 200 medley relay and 200-freestyle relay are also ranked in the top 20 in the Northeast District Div. II. Their top time of 2:08.47 has them ranked 17th in the medley relay and they are currently ranked 20th in the 200-yard freestyle with a time of 1:54.69. In the post meet interview, Dumstorff talked about the success the Hornets had in the individual and relay events at the CVC. “So today me and the team, we all swam very well,” said Dumstorff. “Everyone had great times, great swims. I think everyone performed well, especially with everyone’s best events. Both our relays swam very well. Everyone had good times and for me, my 100 yard breaststroke was probably my best race today. I dropped some time, (it) was a good race.” Also, the Kirtland Hornets girls swim
Citizen from page 1
During the ceremony, Keith thanked Kiwanian Stan Krulc and his wife, Christine McCrory, for putting together a great lineup of speakers. “It was great how each speaker represented a different part of my activities in the community,” he said. “I was born in Kirtland with my twin brother, Ken, right at home on Chillicothe Road. Kirtland is important to me. This is such a great community with wonderful people. “I hope that my work here in Kirtland will inspire others, and the younger generation to get involved with our community,” he continued. “Kirtland is great, but we need more people to help out. My motto is like what John F. Kennedy said, ‘I ask not what Kirtland can do for me, I ask what I can do for Kirtland.’” Keith also thanked the Kirtland Kiwanis for honoring him, as well as his wife for her help and support over the years. “We are very proud of Keith,” Christine said. “He has spent countless hours volunteering his time and I want to thank Kirtland Kiwanis for recognizing his work. We also want to thank those who spoke at the ceremony for their kind words about Keith. In fact, I realized there were things Keith had done that I was not aware of or had forgotten about. Lastly, we are thankful for our family and friends who could be at the dinner with us.” Ken also expressed pride for his brother, calling him a leader and his service “selfless.”
team had additional notable performances at the CVC Championships. As Coach Sheppard and Dumstorff mentioned, both relays did very well. The 200 medley relay (Sofia Barisic, Claire Dumstorff, Giorgi Mei and Sophia Shepard) finished second in the conference, while the 200 yard freestyle relay (Sofia Barisic, Sofia Shepard, Nina Vujica and Claire Dumstorff) finished 5th. Also, Dumstorff finished third in the 100-yard freestyle, Vujica finished fourth in the 50-yard freestyle and 100-yard backstroke and Shelby Vermilye finished sixth in the 50-yard freestyle. In the Boys 50-yard freestyle, Walter Knoop finished 7th and Elliot Hostelley finished 8th. Joseph Ciaverelli and Knoop finished 6th and 7th respectively in the Boys 100-yard freestyle. In the 100-yard back-
“He sets the example for other citizens in Kirtland to get involved in outreach programs and civic organizations, including the Kiwanis and American Legion,” Ken said. “In all Keith does, he utilizes a common affection for the military, our country and the Kirtland community where he exemplifies the American Legion preamble to promote a sense of individual obligation to community, state and union.” He added, “Keith is ‘Pure Kirtland.’ Born at home in a snowstorm in Kirtland, raised in Kirtland, graduated from Kirtland High School, raised his family in Kirtland, and continues to serve in the community in Kirtland and communities around Kirtland.” Lynn Mauter, who works with Keith at Painesville City Schools, echoed his family. “Keith always volunteers and works endlessly on causes that benefit others and asks for nothing in return,” she said. Mark Potosky added Keith was responsible for writing down every play for every Kirtland football game. He served in the U.S. Navy for four years and former Kirtland Mayor Doug Davidson, also a veteran, said Keith plays an integral part for current service members. Kirtland Mayor Kevin Potter, who has known Keith for 14 years, presented him with a proclamation, adding, “Keith McCrory does what he does for Kirtland because he loves the community. He truly embodies so many integral things for Kirtland. Thanks for your service and your valuable contributions.”
stroke, Ciaverelli finished fourth and Hostelley finished 5th. Coach Shepard mentioned that the season has been going very well. The coach said that there are four new swimmers including one who is doing very well this season in the backstroke. Coach Sheppard is looking forward to watching Dumstorff and Barisic perform at the OHSAA Sectional Meet. In addition, she is hoping for a strong performance from the relays at sectionals and also hoping for a few of the swimmers to move on to districts. The Hornets will participate in the OHSAA sectionals on Feb. 9 and 10.
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Friday, February 2, 2024
Kirtland Chronicle
Kirtland Library The Kirtland Public Library is located at 9267 Chillicothe Road. Hours are Monday-Thursday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday-Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information about any of these programs or to register, please call the library at 440-256-7323 or visit
Reading Challenges and Goals for 2024 Have you ever participated in a reading challenge? This year, Kirtland Public Library has two ongoing challenges. One challenge is “Read 24 Books in 2024.” This is the fourth year for this challenge and it’s fun. The Reference Librarians came up with 24 different prompts to get you reading beyond your regular favorite authors. Some of the prompts are challenging — and we can help. Janet Johnson participated in the Read 23 Books in 2023 and she won a prize. You can, too. Just stop by the library and pick up the form. The second challenge is “12 months – 12 books.” Each month you read a book for a certain category: In January read a book that was voted ‘Best of 2023’ and in February read a biography or novel about a president.
If you are interested in this, pick up a form and jump in whenever you want. Don’t forget, the Reference Librarians can help you find a book to fit a category. This year, the librarians were inspired to make reading goals for 2024. For example, the director is going to try to read 100 books this year. The fiscal officer is aiming at 24 books. Everyone’s goals are posted at the Circulation Desk and you are welcome to add your goal. Audiobooks and ebooks count the same as physical books. Not everyone wants or needs to participate in a challenge or set a goal for their reading life. And that is just fine. We just want you to enjoy reading; read what you like, read to escape or read to learn, just read.
Feb. 5 • 6 p.m. Open to anyone who enjoys knitting, crocheting or is interested in learning. Bring your own supplies and join the fun the first Monday of the month from 6-7 p.m. Drop in and get hooked.
Color Me Calm
Feb. 16 • 2:30 p.m. Come relax and color with us. We supply the coloring pages, pencils and music. Feel free to bring your own supplies if you like. Just sign up and show up. Registration requested.
Cookbook Club
Feb. 20 • 6 p.m. Try your hand at candy-making for February club. Don’t forget your place setting and beverage. Call the Library for more information.
No Pressure Book Discussion
Feb. 26 • 1:30 p.m. Join us in the Community Room to talk about books . . . any books you've read recently that you want to recommend to others.
Feb. 3 • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Come to the Book Cellar at the back door of the library to find your treasures. Cash only. Price is: $4 per plastic grocery bag and $7 for a larger bag.
Valentine Cookie Decorating Workshop
Feb. 12 • 5:30 p.m. Join Becky From Sweeter Than Honeycomb as she teaches us how to decorate cookies for Valentine's Day. Cost is $10 per person at the door and includes all your supplies. Registration is required.
Lip Balm Craft
Feb. 13 • 5:30 p.m. Want to try to make your own lip balm for the winter weather? We will have an assortment of flavors to choose from. Cost is $10 per person. Registration is required.
Terry Pluto
Feb. 21 • 7 p.m. Join local author Terry Pluto at the library. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Kirtland Public Library. Registration is required.
Fairport Harbor Lighthouse Talk
Feb. 27 • 6 p.m. A Docent from the Fairport Harbor Marine Museum and Lighthouse will discuss the history of the lighthouse in Fairport Harbor and Lake County’s role in Lake Erie history. Reservations are required as space is limited.
YOUTH PROGRAMS Stories and More: Love
Feb. 2 • 10:30 a.m. Families with children age 5 and under, enjoy storytime. In February, we will focus on love. Registration is required.
Teen Valentine Treats
Feb. 6 • 3 p.m. Youth in grades sixth and up, create some treats for Valentine’s Day. Registration required.
Valentine-Making Smörgåsbord
Feb. 7 • 4:30 p.m. This valentine-making session is for all ages. Attendees will create valentines of their own design. The library provides the supplies. Registration is required.
Paper Circuit Valentine
Feb. 10 • 10:30 a.m. Kids in grades K-5, bring your favorite adult to assist you as you create a valentine that really lights up. Registration is required.
Make an Edible Olaf the Snowman
Feb. 21 • 5 p.m. Kids grades kindergarten through K-6, bring your favorite adult. Participants will hear a story about Frozen's Olaf the Snowman and assemble food elements to create an edible Olaf. Registration is required.
Feb. 24 • 10:30 a.m. Families, spend an hour creating with the library’s LEGO brick collection. Once you have completed your creation with our bricks, we will place it in our display case for all to see. Please register.
Leap Year Party
Feb. 28 • 4:30 p.m. Kids grades K-2, bring your favorite adult. This event will feature a story and craft celebrating 2024’s Leap Year status. Registration is required.
Tuesdays • 10 a.m. Bounces, rhymes, one book, scarves and shakers, geared for families with children under the age of 3. (Note: No Lapsit on Nov. 7.)
Wednesdays • 10 a.m. Enjoy great books, rhymes, songs, and surprises with your child. This storytime is geared for families with children age 5 and under.
Friday, February 2, 2024
Kiwanis Korner By Kathy Talty On January 18th, Keith McCory was recognized as the Kirtland Kiwanis Citizen of the Year. We had one of the largest attendances and dined on food provided by Sausalito at the Kirtlander Party Center. Keith was recognized for his vast number of organizations and services he has organized and participated in including the Commander of American Legion Post 609, Kirtland Youth Football and Baseball, and the Boy Scouts. We will be celebrating K-Kids with the Key Club on Tuesday, February 6th, at the Hornet Hall in the Kirtland Elementary School. Great support comes from Rick Fox of the Kirtland Kiwanis, Kirtland High School English teachers, Jennifer Berry and Meriah Duncan, and Key Club members under the direction of Emily Ridgeway, and crew Lauren Palagyi, Sylvia Vosicky, Grace Mastrangelo, Elise Beinhardt, Clare Davidson, and Sylvis Ingram to help with meetings and activities. Pizza and cake will be served as we officiate the first K-Kids Club in Lake County. The mission is to promote caring as a way of life by fostering leadership skills and rendering service to build a better community. The Kirtland Academic Challenge Team
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Kirtland Chronicle
has taped an episode that will be aired on Channel 5 WEWS in the morning on Saturday, February 24th. This year’s team includes Charlie Whittaker(captain), Bo Famularcano, and Liam Logan, and alternates Penny McFadden, Sam Gordon, and Sean Kats. Kirtland Kiwanis helped with the new buzzer systems that each team has to take to these competitions. The Key Club is preparing for the Ohio District Convention in March 15th-17th in Dublin, Ohio. The Key Club is being represented by approximately a dozen students, of which three are lieutenant governors. We wish them great success! The Creative Writing Contest is beginning Thursday, February 1st and goes until March 22nd. This writing competition is open to all students grades 6-12 in the Kirtland School District. The Theme is “What does Love Have to do with It?” Please look for details in our d and submissions may be sent to: aspx or scan the QR code. A quote from our president of the Kirtland Kiwanis, Jerry Bartels, “Remember when you are in a position to help someone, be glad and always do it because that’s God answering someone else’s prayers through you.”
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From left, “Students of the Month” Ivy DeTomaso, of KES, Sabrina Ensinger, of KMS, and Matthew Kahley, of KHS.
Kiwanis Students of the Month The Kirtland Kiwanis “Students of the Month” for February 2024 are fifth-grader Ivy DeTomaso, of Kirtland Elementary School, eighth-grader Sabrina Ensinger, of Kirtland Middle School, and 11th-grader Matthew Kahley, of Kirtland High School. The Kiwanis sponsors the “Students of the Month.” The principal and staff chose one student from each school to be recognized. Each student has their picture taken, receives a certificate and a T-shirt that says “Student of the Month.”
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Kirtland Chronicle
Friday, February 2, 2024