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Timeline – Cover ORIGINAL

A Visual History of Our World

Peter Goes

by Peter Goes

An Visual History of Our World

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As the Middle Ages were coming to an end in Europe, on the other side of the world major cultures were beginning to flourish. One of these was the Incas. In the 13th century the Incas were just a tribe in the highlands of Peru. But in the 15th century they spread quickly across the west coast of South America. Their mighty empire then collapsed under the weight of disease and violence brought by the Spanish conquistadores (conquerors).


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15th century The discovery of printing had a huge impact worldwide. Books could quickly spread new ideas. In the 15th century, the Hundred Years War between France and England came to an end as well. The long and costly war had, however, helped the cloth trade to flourish in what is now Belgium and the Netherlands. In the east, Byzantium had been defeated by the Ottomans. It was a new dawn.

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aBOUT GECKO PRESS Gecko Press, founded in 2005, is a New Zealand-based independent publisher of curiously good children’s books.

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Gecko Press publish award winning books for kids. We produce books from around the world, international best selling books, and recommended books for children.

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12/08/15 3:50 pm

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awards & reviews Here is a glowing sucker octopus, with its limbs spread out, pumpkin-colored, looking like a just-exploded Roman candle in the night sky. Wall Street Journal (US) Beginning with the Big Bang, Goes covers mass extinctions, the rise and fall of empires, wars, and pop culture trends, conveyed with playful details and masterly use of negative space. Starred review Publishers Weekly (US)

Maize felds


curiously good books


In around 1200 the Aztecs, a nation of warriors, settled in Central America. They founded a powerful empire. Their greatest city was Tenochtitlan, which lay in the middle of a marshy lake. The Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés conquered the Aztec Empire between 1519 and 1521. The Aztec emperor Montezuma had believed that the arrival of the Spanish fulfilled an ancient prophecy so he offered them hospitality. But things ended badly for the Aztecs. Not only did hostilities break out, but the Spanish also brought with them diseases against which the Aztecs had no resistance. Many died, including Montezuma.

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Ages 7+  370 mm x 270mm  80 pages Hardback ISBN: 978-1-77657-069-0 Origin: Belgium

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The Big Bang The origins of life Dinosaurs Extinction of dinosaurs First humans First settlements Mesopotamia Ancient Egypt Ancient Greece The Celts The Roman Empire The Byzantine Empire The Huns Ming Dynasty The Middle Ages The Vikings

The Ottoman Empire 14th century 15th century Inca Empire & Aztecs 16th century The great explorers 17th century 18th century 18th-century America 19th century First World War Interbellum Second World War 1950s Space travel 1960s 1970s 1980s

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List of spreads

about the book A perfect introduction to history for young and old, this illustrated journey through our world’s culture and events travels from the Big Bang to the iPod and into the future. This is a trip through time, past dinosaurs, Vikings, Aztecs and spaceships. It looks at wars and disasters; introduces artists, explorers and leaders; shows us living in castles, yurts and skyscrapers. And it does not neglect the imagination—here too are dragons, mythical figures and TV characters, alongside world-changing inventions borne from the imaginations of scientists and explorers. Each scene puts global events in perspective, in space and time. For adults and older children, these detailed images reward a close study to test your own knowledge of political, cultural and historical events. For young children, each spread provides a slew of talking points, with the world’s stories concisely represented. Spot the prehistoric woolly rhino on p.8, an early kung fu practitioner on p.26, Al Capone on p.54, Mr Spock on p.60, and Harry Potter on p.68 . . .

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From the Big Bang to the present day, illustrated scenes tell the history of our planet in one continuous story

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Peter Goes lives in Belgium where he works as a freelance illustrator. He was also worked as a stage manager and studied animation at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK) in Ghent, Belgium.


Book suitable for ages 7 and above




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12/08/15 3:50 pm

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