GED Magazine - March 2023

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W I T H E M C E E A L E X A N D E R R O D R I G U E Z V I P T I C K E T S & I N F O :
For Ticke 760-334-8382 L imi T e D e NGAG eme NT FEBRUARY 24 - MARCH 18 The Margaritaville Resort Palm Springs
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From The Editor



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Spring is almost here and with it a new weekend of events for enjoyment – NEST FEST at The Roost Lounge presented by The Roost Foundation. This issue has interviews with many of the entertainers performing throughout the weekend, including our cover model David Hernandez, dance diva Pepper MaShay, Tom Goss and Brian Scott. You’ll also get a peak at the man behind the brand, Andrew Christian. GED will see you at NEST FEST and we are looking forward to bringing you more events, columns, and excitement as 2023 progresses. As always, the GED Magazine Team is committed to bringing you the best in LGBTQ entertainment, nightlife, travel, and lifestyles.

Visit us on the web at and sign up for our monthly insider newsletter. Insiders will also be entered into future drawings for trips, event tickets, dinners and more. And for all the updates on social media, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok @GEDmagazine and tag us in your photos - #GEDmag. GED MAGAZINE is here for YOUR entertainment! | 9
Cover Model: David Hernandez Cover photo by: Bobby Quillard Photo courtesy of Kimora Blac
Venus D Lite Expressing Herself
Photo courtesy of Venus D Lite

You never know where drag performer and celebrity impersonator Venus D Lite is going to pop up next. In addition to joining the Drag Race family early on in Season 3, she has also appeared on The Ricki Lake Show, Botched, Skin Wars, Christina Aguilera’s “Hurt” video, and on a very popular episode of My Strange Addiction. In addition to her powerhouse live performances, she has also shared with her fans, very candidly, the honest truths about her drag, including her meager beginnings, her addiction to looking like Madonna (to the tune of almost $200 K), issues with other Drag Race alum, and dealing with social media trolls.

She has remained strong and dedicated to her craft. After fighting the odds, she and her true self have come to terms and she has found life’s balance between personal and entertainment life. Venus will take the stage at NEST FEST at The Roost Lounge in Cathedral City and we cannot wait; we know she will BRING IT! We are thrilled that Venus is our Drag Centerfold this month.

Let’s get to know the Queen of Impersonation:

Hometown:  Rosemead, California. If you don’t know where that is, it is about 10 minutes east of Downtown Los Angeles.

Guilty pleasure?

Great food and great sex. I have a big appetite for both and I love variety in both.

Favorite part about doing drag?

After doing this for 20 years I would have to say my favorite part is the world’s enjoyment of the art and how the interest in this art is universal. Performing in front of all different types of people from different backgrounds, cultures, and genders and receiving their enjoyment of the art of drag is honestly my favorite part.  Drag has come a long way in the last 15 years and the audience has grown so much.  I can’t wait to see what the future holds for the art of drag.

Least favorite part about doing drag?

It might seem weird to say but let me explain. I honestly hate the makeup part of it all and getting ready.  Some entertainers and non-entertainers get stage fright. I don’t, I get PRE-STAGE FRIGHT.  Getting ready time puts me in an intense, perfectionist, full of anxiety state of mind and I hate having to feel that every single time. Even after 20 years I still go through this before every single performance.

Craziest drag story?

There are many… I really should write a book. Honestly, the main one that always comes to my mind is the time I went to Madonna’s Confessions Tour concert and I went dressed as Madonna in the style of her “Sorry” music video.  I was constantly asked to take photos with fans who were at the concert and one guy asked for a photo, then said to me, “I love your look.  Here are two front-row passes. I am the manager here at the Forum and these are for you.” I felt like

the luckiest drag queen on Earth. I spent the rest of the concert five feet away from Madonna and she even noticed me and smiled.  It was one of the most unforgettable nights of my life.

Most undrag thing you do?

I would have to say the most undrag would be to get in drag and not go against certain conventional normalcies of the world.  Drag is Punk!!! We are here to push boundaries, disturb the peace, and wake people up and recognize that there is more to life than just apples and oranges, or a, b, and c. Never forget about the other walks of life, and keep in mind that we are all the same.

Strangest hobby or talent?

I am a huge disco music fanatic and DJ. My interest in and knowledge of disco music started in 1994, as a young adult, and has grown so much.  I still to this day find gems of disco music that I have never heard of and can’t stop listening to.  I go to disco events all over the United States and Europe and I also DJ a monthly disco event at Executive Suite in Long Beach called “Disco Fever.”

What celebrity most needs a drag makeover?

Mickey Mouse. [Laughs] Well, times have changed so why not?

Favorite nightlife hotspot?

Nightlife is one of my favorite things in the whole wide world.  And having traveled and been to many clubs all over the world, I would have to say that my favorite club on the West Coast is The Globe Theatre in Los Angeles.  And on the East Coast, it would be Hunters Nightclub in Fort Lauderdale.  Both have made me feel like I am dancing and living the fantasy of being at Studio 54.  The music is always amazing, and the dance floor is always packed and the ambiance of both places is visually stunning.

Favorite non-profit?

The Trevor Project. I admire their services and aid to the youth.  Coming out gay as a teenager is never easy and I feel the experience does affect the rest of your life; a safe haven like theirs does save lives.

Favorite binge food?

Chocolates. I love chocolates and Hot Tamales. Never leave me a whole box of them if you want to have some the next day. You have been warned. [Laughs]

Go-to cocktail?

I don’t really drink much anymore these days but when I am in the mood for a cocktail I will drink a Negroni.  A classic cocktail that hits you strong and gets you dancing. | 11

What would the name of your biography be?


Favorite song to perform to:

“Vogue.”  Every Single Time. There is magic to that song, I feel, and it’s always a crowd-pleaser.

What is your after-drag ritual?

I am a very social butterfly and I love having little intimate after-parties. Whether it’s at an all-night restaurant or in my hotel room,  I just love having a gathering of great friends, or new friends I met during the show, and having the chance to create even more memories and relations after the show.

What’s your favorite pickup line?

Flattery will get you anywhere with me. But I really love when someone says to me, “Would you like to dance?”

How have you changed the most since starting drag?

I would say that I have opened up emotionally a lot more and become more transparent.  As a child, I was raised in a very military style and was taught to act in certain ways

and to be non-emotional.  Doing drag helped me break that cycle of constantly feeling I had to act a certain way to be accepted.  I now feel a lot more comfortable being myself in and out of drag and I like the person I see in the mirror.

How do you keep your individual identity while being a Madonna impersonator?

Balance is the way. I put as much effort into my everyday “boy look” the same as I put into my impersonation.  I never let one empower the other.  There was a time in my life when I used to eat, sleep, and breathe Madonna, however, as I grew wiser I learned that expanding yourself and getting to know yourself however you may choose is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

What is your message to your fans?

Always be true to yourself and do what makes you happy without permission or validation from others. And if you can do what makes you happy and make income from it,  KEEP IT GOING,  and NEVER COMPROMISE FOR ANYONE.

Where can we find and follow you? You can follow me on Facebook at   or   Instagram   @venusdlitemadonna

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Photo courtesy of Venus D Lite
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David Hernandez This Idol Has Staying Power

It has been 15 years since David Hernandez first made national attention for his run on the 7th season of American Idol. Since that time, he has not stopped using his voice – both literally and figuratively – to support and active the LGBTQ community while addressing important issues like body positivity and sexual stigmas that exist within our family.

David started singing and performing in theater at a very young age. Before Idol, he sang on cruise ships and joined a handful of singing groups. An instant hit with the three judges during his San Diego Idol audition, he went on to become a fan favorite. Post Idol, he was featured on The Ellen Show, The Today Show, MTV’s TRL, EXTRA, Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood, Teen Choice Awards, & TV Guides’ Sexiest Stars, among many others. A highlight was his appearance at the Inaugural Kick-Off Celebration ball for Barak Obama, performing alongside celebrity recording artists John Legend & Maroon 5. His original music has kept him in the spotlight, including his first hit “Beautiful” which reached the Top 100 of the Billboard Dance charts and would start an extensive library of continuous material. He kept the music going during COVID with his concert live streams, creating an intimate and much-needed digital safe space for his fans. Every year he tours to packed houses at LGBTQ events and beyond.

Most recently, we got a very intimate look at David’s career with his performance in Vegas’ Naked Boys Singing and his album Don’t @ Me where the singer went full frontal. Not just a thirst strap, he used the opportunity to share his struggles with body issues and to start the conversation towards removing the stigma of gay sexuality from the media.

David will be one of the headliners of this year’s NEST FEST at The Roost Lounge in Cathedral City, as he takes the stage Saturday, March 4th. We caught up with him to chat personal life, sexuality, and his candid view on the LGBTQ community and the music industry.

How have you changed the most as an artist from your time on American Idol?

I have learned to trust myself more through the years. A lot of it just comes with trial and error. When I auditioned for the show, I was only 23 years old. So I’ve had plenty of time to explore my vocals and songwriting abilities. I also think that overall, as a person, I’ve gained more confidence in my choices. I’ve also been able to be a part of the industry and have learned what does and what does not work for me.

How have you changed as a person the most from your time on American Idol?

I’ve always remained myself, but that show gave me the platform to travel the world so I’ve been able to see so many different cultures and places. I’m super grateful for the opportunities. I’ve also got to collaborate with some incredible people, so in retrospect I’ve always been the same David but, life experiences have opened my mind up a lot.

Your music has surpassed the LGBTQ fan base, what do you think makes your music so universal?

Photo credit: Bobby Quillard Photo credit: Bobby Quillard

I honestly don’t know. I just try to write things that are authentic for me. Things that are from my heart. And I think on some level, people can relate to that. I’m always trying to speak my truth. I think all walks of life can appreciate that.

You came out publicly before our current boom in openly LGBTQ entertainers, do you think coming out ever limited your career?

Well, what I will say was that it provided some setbacks. I think there’s a lot of homophobia that exists within the queer community itself. I had a lot of gay agents and managers tell me that I should never come out publicly. And then, when I did, it was liberating. I think the only things that are really limiting are self-imposed ideas and thoughts. If I would’ve just stayed true to myself, whatever those people were saying to me would not have mattered.

What is your advice to an LGBTQ musician just hitting the scene?

Be bold! Be unapologetically you! …just go!! Release your music. Don’t second guess it. The more songs and albums, the better.

How can we build better bridges between other minority groups?

Have difficult and vulnerable conversations. Being vulner-

able is the key to connectivity. We are all human beings just seeking to understand.

You have played several Pride events around the globe. Do you think we should still continue to book and spotlight straight performers as headliners?

I think the priority should be members of the queer community. But, it’s also important to support the allies that support us too. So, both!

What sets you apart as a musician in today’s industry?

I love getting to connect with my people. My fan base. I feel a deep connection to my supporters because a lot of them have been showing love since 2008 when I was on Idol. So I’m grateful to them for how long they’ve been riding with me.

We got to see A LOT of you in the past couple of years, from your album to Naked Boy Singing. You’ve also shared a lot about your fitness journey. How do you deal with body image issues, especially in our community?

Body image is always an issue for me. I have ups and downs, like everyone else. But I try to talk to myself in a positive way because your thoughts become actions and I don’t want to treat myself poorly. I really think at this point in my life I’m being more gentle with myself. I realize I always hold myself to a very unreasonable and unrealistic standard that I

Photo credit: Bobby Quillard

don’t hold anyone else to. I’m a work in progress.

What was it like performing in Vegas for an extended period? What did you love, what didn’t you love?

I loved all of it! I will say the only tough part was being away from my dog and boyfriend. Six months of traveling & driving back and forth to LA is exhausting. But overall, I loved the Vegas culture and the queer community was super supportive of our show. I left that city with new friends.

What inspired you to go “full frontal?”

Honestly, it was the Naked Boys Singing contract. It really took me out of my shell and gave me so much confidence in my body. I also thought “look, you’re fit, your young-ish, and you’re proud of yourself and the work you put in… why not?” So, I did. [Laughs]

What are you working on that you are most excited about?

I’m actually working on a podcast right now centered around mental health and addiction, specifically men’s mental health and also the queer community. Not only do I have a lot of experience in that area but I have a lot to say. Additionally, I am releasing a deluxe album from the EP that was dropped last March Don’t @ Me.

What can we expect from your performance at NEST FEST at The Roost Lounge?

Great energy and big vocals!!

Who are some of your current musical inspirations?

I love all of the greats from way back but I’ve been inspired lately by SZA and H.E.R. They’re such lyrical masterminds.

You had an early start in musical theatre, followed by Naked Boys, any chance of returning to your musical theatre roots again?

YES!! I would love to return to musical theater. I would love to be on Broadway one day! I’m manifesting that!

What are your keys to success in maintaining a healthy relationship while in the entertainment industry?

As far as the relationship is concerned, total transparency and vulnerability are what I find to be most effective. Having those difficult conversations is necessary and always leads to a healthy outcome.

What is your message to your fans?

Thank you for loving me and supporting me all these years! And stay tuned. The best is yet to come.

You can follow David on IG: @DHernandezMusic

Safer Substance Use Saves Lives

Improving fentanyl overdose outcomes is just one facet of DAP Health’s New Harm Reduction Program

DAP Health Harm Reduction Supervisor Neil Gussardo and his colleagues also distribute opioid overdose treatments proven effective: injectable naloxone and the nasal spray Narcan. Persons who overdose cannot typically self-administer such aids, so the products are provided to fellow users who can come to the rescue should need be. Proper training for administering overdose therapy is given as well.

While some feel the program enables drug abuse, Gussardo counters that, by reducing disease transmission, the program is saving society a considerable amount of money and time spent treating people infected with HIV or hep C.

Proponents understand the program also lessens the current fentanyl overdose epidemic. The drug is a legally prescribed painkiller that in the last 10 years has become a widely used street drug up to 50 times stronger than heroine and 100 times stronger than morphine. It’s often added to other drugs due to its extreme potency, which makes substances cheaper, more powerful, more addictive, and much more dangerous.

The number of overdose deaths involving fentanyl countrywide increased from 1,615 in 2012 to more than 71,000 in 2021. According to the California Department of Public Health, there were 408 overdose deaths involving fentanyl in 2021 in Riverside County. Statistics for 2022 are not yet available. It’s been reported to Gussardo that participants have used either naloxone or Narcan provided by DAP Health to reverse 104 overdoses from September through January. “That’s 104 lives saved,” he marvels.

The majority of those in DAP Health’s Harm Reduction Program, Gussardo reveals, are unhoused. Twice a week, his team drives its van to churches on the western end of the Coachella Valley, linking arms with local nonprofit Well in the Desert, an organization that provides hot meals five days a week for working poor, persons without homes, and others.

The road to recovery from substance abuse is not only long, but also one pockmarked with potentially lethal pitfalls. That’s why, last year, DAP Health instituted its Harm Reduction Program (overseen by Director of Community Health and Sexual Wellness C.J. Tobe) to make drug use safer for locals unprepared for abstinence.

Specifically, the team provides drug use paraphernalia such as fresh syringes, test strips to determine if a more dangerous synthetic opioid like fentanyl is mixed in with other substances, cookers to help convert drugs in solid form to liquid, and clean pipes, glass bubble bowls, pipe extensions, and foil used in smoking opiates.

Gussardo is quick to add that he and his colleagues neither provide counseling nor encourage users to enter recovery. Also, a relatively new initiative involves the Harm Reduction team establishing a presence on Palm Springs’ Arenas Road, where a number of gay bars are located, so as to extend its services to gay men who use crystal meth — and potentially share syringes — in sexual situations.

Anyone interested in receiving clean supplies is encouraged to visit DAP Health’s Harm Reduction team in the field. Call 760.323.2118, Extension 504, to inquire about schedules and locations.

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DAP Health Director of Community Health and Sexual Wellness C.J. Tobe Photo credit: David A. Lee
reduction is health care

Tom Goss Takes Us to Gay Church

Like an outlaw hymn for him and him, love is rebellious and revelatory. It is a barn burning, earthshaking, all-consuming ascension into the queendom of gawd, and Tom Goss is its most passionate padre.

Over five million fans have streamed his searing, visceral video for Son of a Preacher Man, and Goss will be packing the proverbial pews at The Roost’s Nest Fest the first weekend of March. We caught up with the heavenly singer/songwriter to ask him all about inspiration and inclusion. Take us to church, Tom!

Your music is a wonderfully unique mix of soulfulness and playfulness - what can audiences expect from your live show?

Exactly that! They can expect good stories, laughter, and when they least expect it, to be moved. For me, performance is about connecting with the audience and having a shared experience.

On the flipside, what do you get from the audience?

Audiences do not realize that they are what makes a show good. Not me. I get the magic necessary to create and maintain that shared experience from the audience itself. They provide the energy that is necessary to feel joy, laughter, connectedness, and even love, in that moment.

How does your stage persona differ from and/or mirror your studio aesthetic?

It’s bigger. I really work hard to be authentic in whatever moment I’m in. So me, in the studio, is me in person, is me performing. But remember that energy from the last question? That energy really uplifts me and allows me to expand, like a flower, at the most opportune time.

Could you share a fun/fierce/freaky anecdote from your musical journey thus far? Anything particularly memorable or weird - we’d love to hear it!

I mean, this life is so strange… I’d say one of the weirdest moments was in the first year of performing. A drunk audience member tried to get a wheelchair bound audience member to walk. He [was] screaming at her, grabbing her, and invoking God, like a tent revival. I stopped the show and made sure he left her alone for the duration of the night. It was so strange and offensive.

Photo courtesy of Tom Goss

Who/what are your creative muses?

I can’t deny that my husband has been my greatest muse. He’s the reason I am here, happy, thriving, complete. How can you not sing about that? I am a prolific writer. I used to think I had run out of ideas, melodies, chords, but I don’t think so anymore. The other day I was chatting with a friend, who was fascinated by songwriting. I told him to give me a concept, he said “CPAP machine.” Ten minutes later I had a song. I really like the song!

Your videos have delved into the realm of politics and religion, but they succeed in going beyond the surface and into core emotions. How do you balance your themes and messages so elegantly?

THANK YOU! What a wonderful compliment. For me, I don’t shy away from the vulnerability necessary to connect with people. It is not dissimilar to the questions you ask about live performances. I speak directly from the heart. I don’t concern myself with “being cool,” I concern myself with being authentic. As a result, I can tell stories that a lot of people are afraid to. My goal is to connect with an audience deeply, not to tap into a trend and generate fame for the sake of being famous.

What does it mean to be a successful LGBTQ+ performer in the year 2023?

I am so very grateful for the career I have, and have had. I have been out my whole career. I could never dream of not being authentic to the love I share with Mike. I am so grateful that my music, and my message, have resonated with an audience. I don’t exaggerate when I say they have become my closest friends and family over the years.

Could you discuss your involvement with NEST FEST?

I am always excited to be a part of a festival and collaborate with other artists. I know, and have shared the stage with some of these artists. It is such a great lineup! I love what everyone brings to the table. I am excited to bring my unique perspective, performance, and positivity to the festival. It’ll be impossible to leave my show without a smile.

How familiar are you with Cathedral City, Palm Springs, and The Roost Lounge specifically? Feel free to give shout-outs aplenty!

I love Cat City and Palm Springs. Several of my best friends and closest collaborators live in the area (Deven Green, Ned Douglas, Jeremiah Clark, Gregory Douglass). One day I will have a home there. Additionally, I’m so excited to perform at The Roost Lounge. I love what Jeffrey has built there, the energy is so positive and familial. My 2022 show at The Roost was canceled because I got Covid, so I’ve been anticipating this show for almost a year!

More broadly speaking, what does community mean to you?

EVERYTHING! The whole is always greater than the sum of its parts.

What’s next for Tom Goss?

I am releasing a new record in the next couple of months. I’m at the point where the record is done and I’m just working on cover art. I am extremely excited.

What do you want our readers to know right damn now?

You are valuable, interesting, beautiful and I want to meet you!

Closing thoughts: any words of wisdom or whimsy you’d like to share?

Always be authentic to yourself. If you do that, you’ll find love and community essential to happiness.

Coincidentally enough, love, community and happiness are all on the menu at this year’s Nest Fest, so get your tickets now! | 31
Photo courtesy of Tom Goss

Swoon River Saddle Up with Brian Scott

Not to alarm you, but we can read your mind… and it’s filthy. Your fantasies are a swirling wonderland of cowboys, love songs and manly swagger. It’s like Brokeback Mountain: The Musical in that brain of yours!

But don’t worry (much) because there’s a macho maestro who’s ready to orchestrate OMG to the max. Brian Scott will be romancing your pants off at NEST FEST, so we hitched a ride to this rising star to learn his heartthrob/honkey-tonk origin story.

I was born and raised in Orange County, California. So, I’m a California boy through and through, but my mother lived in Arkansas, so I spent a lot of time in the South getting my roots. That’s where my country comes in. But this community has always embraced me as just a regular citizen and me as Brian Scott.

There’s a dazzling duality at play whenever Scott opens his scruffy mouth. He regards his on-stage persona as a separate entity altogether, but his beefy baritone weaves both halves of his identity together as he continues crooning.

I have always been a performer at heart, and I am a Gemini, so I have two different personalities. I’ve got one that is kind of shy and a little reserved, and that’s off the stage, but when I am on a stage, I turn into a performer where sex comes out in my performance. It’s just a sexiness that I really don’t think I have off the stage… So, you’re going to get a little bit of sex appeal. You’re going to get a little bit of flirtation in my show. I can’t do a show without getting into my audience. I cannot just stand on the stage and sing for you. I’ve got to get out into the crowd, I’ve got to see you face to face, and I’ve got to make that connection.

Not only does Scott’s velvet vibrato strum our heartstrings, but he also taps into the depths of harmony and togetherness that we all crave.

I’ll perform for anybody who gives me a microphone, but I just love performing for my community, and the more I do, the more I see them falling in love… I have a lot of people that come to my show and come up to me afterwards and they’ll tell me, “You know, I wasn’t a country fan until I heard you, and now I’m hooked. Now I’m there with you.” And it’s like, wow. And then I always try to find out why that intersect is happening for them… I was a theater major in college, and I didn’t find country music until Garth Brooks, and when Garth Brooks hit the scene, I kind of intertwined my theater into my country. So, I feel as though I’ve got a little bit something different for the country community that the LGBTQ+ community can grab a hold of, and I’m turning people into country fans daily with my shows, and I love that.

It’s a love that will be on full display at Nest Fest the first weekend of March.

I’ve never been to The Roost as far as a performer goes, so it’ll be my first. I’m a Roost virgin, so that’s exciting for me. And what

I’m going to do is I’m going to intermix a lot of upbeat, fun music that people can clap along to, sing along to, and as well as some original material that I’ve written myself. So you’re going to get a preview of a little Brian Scott original music. I can’t wait. I’m super excited and I’m thankful that they’ve asked me to be a part of it.

Scott is a roving romantic, but no matter how far he roams, the warmth of our desert family always draws him home.

Sometimes I get this itch to go try something new. I’m very adventurous, and I’ve moved to New Mexico and I opened up a restaurant and a retail store and made all that success, but… I came back and then I worked another 10 years here, and then I went to Oklahoma to be with my father and stayed there for a couple years and always wanted to come back. It’s just like this I know is home, and just to be able to be embraced by this community with what I do as an entertainer is such a blessing… There is a sense of love, community, safety. It just feels like home, it feels like comfort. And we all, as human beings, all gravitate to where we feel comfortable. This community, Palm Springs, the entire Valley makes us as a community, as the LGBTQ+ people, feel safe and embraced and where we can be ourselves. I mean, what better scenario can you ask for than to be yourself, or to be able to walk down the street holding hands, to be able to flirt with the male people in my audience or the lesbians in the audience? It’s just such a community, and we are all so lucky to be able to live here, really.

When given the opportunity to speak directly to fans with his considerate closing thoughts, Brian Scott doesn’t disappoint.

I just won the 2022 Male Entertainer of the Year via GED, and I just want to thank all of the readers and all of the people who tirelessly come to my shows week after week after week and support me and love me and embrace me. I just want to give them a big shoutout and a big thank you very much, and I love them, and as long as God gives me a voice, I am here for you.

And we’re so here for you, Mr. Scott! To be precise, we’re at The Roost Lounge eagerly awaiting your arrival. See you on the fierce frontier…

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Photo courtesy of Brian Scott

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Pepper MaShay Diving in to More Than Just The Pool

Pride Diva and Dance Momma Pepper MaShay packed up her things and left Indiana in her twenties, determined to be a singer, without a clue about how colorful her life would turn out to be. She would start her career with an extensive run as a background and session singer, most notably singing backup for Tina Turner for the soundtrack of the film What’s Love Got to Do with It. Once she went solo, her career rocket launched into the dance charts, with single after single of successful dance music, instantly becoming part of club culture. When her hit “Dive in the Pool” became an anthem on the U.S. version of Queer as Folk, she instantly became the mother, sister, and godmother of the LGBTQ community. Every year she hits the Pride circuit with new music, with no signs of slowing down. If Pride was a goddess, she would be it. Her latest dance hit “Dancin Lights Part 2” celebrates diversity with a club beat infused with a reggaeton and Cuban influence. As her alter ego, Sista Jean, she has equally dominated the folk and blues genre. Once you hear her version of “House of the Rising Sun,” you’ll never hear it the same again. As Sista Jean, she toured the globe with Hugh Laurie & The Copper Bottom Band (yes, that Hugh Laurie).

As a person, she is beyond gracious. One of the nicest people in the industry you will ever meet. She always has time for her

fans, and you never know when she’ll bust out with an acapella tune. As life would have it, she went from being a performer for the LGBTQ community to becoming a member of the community. A decade ago, she met and fell in love with her wife, Ellen. The two are connected at the hip and make a delightful foil for each other. Since meeting Ellen, Pepper’s life has become that much brighter.

Pepper helps us kick off NEST FEST at The Roost Lounge in Cathedral City with a night of disco and house music, performing her hits and helping us welcome Crystal Waters. We caught up with Pepper during one of her days off on her ranch as we chatted about the music industry, coming out, Pride, and more!

How has the music industry changed the most from your perspective?

It’s basically become too tame for me when it comes to the vocals. I miss hearing the singers I love on the radio. Power vocals of Jocelyn Brown, Michelle Weeks, Inaya Day, Chicago’s Best Dajae, the late Kim English, and my Queen, Ms. Martha Wash!! It gave me life every time I heard all of them.

Photo courtesy of Pepper MaShay

I’ve always loved singers who hit their “Feel Button” when it comes to the bass and the drums. That’s why I’ve always loved the Basement Jaxx vocalists, and DJ Armand Van Helden singers. I’ve always been a “Child Of The Groove.”

How did you meet and fall in love with your wife Ellen?

Ellen and I met at an AIDS benefit called “Saddle Up LA.” I volunteered to perform for the organization in return they would let me ride a horse for 3 hours, and I would sing during their dinner. Ellen saw me and came up to me after I had performed, introduced herself to me, and from that meeting, we emailed each other for 6 weeks. I invited her to some of my shows, she invited me to her farm to see her horses. After that meeting, I never stayed another day and night in my home. I knew just by being with her that I had found my soulmate. We will be married for 10 years this October.

Do you think you always had feelings for women or has your sexuality evolved?

I really think it evolved when I met Ellen. She opened the door to me, and I walked right in. I had been on the road performing for 12 years and had come to realize I needed someone to come into my life. I was ready to stop living by myself. We had a lot in common, we both were married to men, have two adult children, have a blended family, I loved riding horses, and she loved traveling with me to my shows.

Was it a hard adjustment for your family when you came out?

My two sons were just happy that I had found someone to love. They felt like I didn’t have to be all wrapped up in their lives anymore. And they were right. They accepted Ellen, and so did Ellen’s son and daughter. I never felt like I was unwanted by both children. It’s been a beautiful life. We’ve been blessed.

Do you think it is easier to

come out later in life than earlier?

When I was performing “Dive In The Pool,” I had so many young people coming to me and saying that the song gave them the courage to come out to friends and family. I thought it was so strange and I felt empathy toward their lives. They would have tears in their eyes when they would tell me. I think it was easier for me after those moments. Ellen was coming out of a relationship with a woman when we met. I had always had my gay friends, and they were all supportive when they would meet Ellen. It was the hand of fate that put me and her together.

How do you maintain a healthy relationship while in the music business?

I take my wife Ellen on the road with me. She loves to travel, which is a blessing for me. I spent too many years traveling alone, and even though my traveling singing as a background singer with folks like Bobby Caldwell and Hugh

Laurie, and as Pepper MaShay was great, it’s better when you can be with someone who really loves and cares about you.

How has the LGBTQ community changed the most from your perspective?

I’ve had to accept myself for who I am as a lesbian. The community opened their hearts to me before I even knew who I was deep in my heart. I feel exactly how they feel about life. It’s that eternal longing for love that we all search for in our lives.

How has your music changed since coming out?

I’ve been more involved in creating different types of music like blues, jazz, and country. I feel less limited in the different genres I choose to do. Ellen gives me a lot of good feedback on what I want to do. There are no limitations.

Has your coming out limited your mainstream blues singing career?

No, not at all. When I became a member of Hugh Laurie’s band as Sista Jean, I was treated with nothing but respect. I kept my Pepper MaShay persona to myself. I didn’t want to confuse my newfound fans. Ellen and I got married while I was with Hugh and the Copper Bottom Band. It was glorious. Now my blues fans know me as Pepper MaShay who does dance music and Sista Jean McClain as a blues singer. It’s great!

Your early hits are still demanded at every performance you do…how do you keep the songs fresh?

Since I only go out to perform my songs during the summer months, it energizes me when I start to rehearse the songs for an upcoming show. I don’t get bored as I did in the early days of being on the road.

What do you love most about performing for the LGBTQ community?

Their undying love for what they hear and see in me which is the warmth and love that I feel when they start to hear “Dive In the Pool,” their coming out song that saved their lives when they heard the song for the first time. This was always expressed to me at my meet and greets. Their smiles and glowing faces fill me with so much joy.

How is your recent music different than your earlier hits?

My earlier songs were all my personal feelings about unrequited love, feelings about my marriage to my ex-husband, and wanting to have success as a writer and singer.

What do you think the biggest obstacles are for an independent artist in today’s climate?

I feel lucky I›m an older artist now, and I don›t feel like I have the kinds of pitfalls younger female artists have

Photos courtesy of Pepper MaShay

today. I used my ex-husband as a shield to protect me so that no one would come on to me back in my early days. By the time we had divorced in the late 90s, I was looked upon as an older artist. I was free to be myself. I can’t imagine any of the younger female artists of today not being able to escape from the Me-Too Movement. I hope they haven’t been made to do things to reach their goals. I’m lucky to have had the releases of songs that I’ve sung and written in the 22 years of releasing my own music on my own label.

What are you working on that you are most excited about?

I have been able to do dance music as Pepper MaShay, and blues music as Sista Jean, as my other persona. My latest song as Pepper “Dancin Lights Part 2.” was a great experience that I’m still promoting. It was composed by my co-writer DJ Marisol Musick who happens to be Cuban. She put together Reggaeton and Tribal Remixes that are just off the chain. We went #1 on the National Latin Music Chart this last August.

And as Sista Jean, I just finished working with my live band, Sista Jeans Blues Machine, which was an exciting experience. We did two songs on a Christmas special on the local PBS channel. My guitar player Carlyle Barriteau and I have a duo named Sista Jean & CB, that we put together in 2010. We have two albums of blues Back To The Root and Requiem For A Heavyweight (Tribute To Odetta). Both albums are up on all streaming platforms. Our next release will be “Shadow People,” a song about immigration, which will be released hopefully on March 10th. And lastly, I’m already planning to finally do an EP of country songs that my friend and songwriting partner Lauren Cazden and I have written and worked on for the past 20 years. The working title will be My Life’s Journey.

What can we expect from your performance for NEST FEST?

I plan to have some fun. We’ll all sing “I Got My Pride,” “Send Me An Angel,” “Dancin Lights Part.2,” and “Dive In The Pool.”

What are some other hobbies/talents we’d be surprised to find out?

I’m fully Involved in the political realm in trying to save our Democracy as well as climate change, stopping the hate towards the LGBTQIA+ community, and gun violence, and in making a better place for my grandchildren and great grandkids’ futures.

What is your biggest wish for the LGBTQ community in 2023?

That we all can live our best lives without folks hating a community such as ours that has given so much to make the world a better place for all.

What is your message to your fans?

Keep yourself fully engaged in living, don’t give up on yourselves, and make sure you have a good place to lay your head down at night.

The Man Behind the Brand Andrew Christian

It’s hard to think of a time when men’s underwear wasn’t fashionable or sexy and merely held stuff together in a bland, block cut of white. It’s also hard to think of a time when Andrew Christian, the Patron Saint of Men’s Underwear, wasn’t leading the way and pushing boundaries in celebrating the male form without apology for gay sexuality. For decades, Andrew Christian, the real designer behind the brand, has been curating cuts, patterns, and textures that celebrate the gay community while also putting activism behind his product. Touring the globe each year, he has appeared with his models at about every Pride there is and additionally, the company has donated products and time to numerous non-profit events and organizations.

The past year has been an evolution for the company. Not only has the Andrew Christian line expanded into makeup, skincare, and adult toys, but they have also expanded their inventory to include larger sizes and unveiled Unleashed, their new, limited edition fashion line that doesn’t even attempt to try to appease mainstream audiences. Unleashed is for the new gay male,

where gender fluidity, a dash of flash and fringe, and body positivity abound.

Helping kick off NEST FEST, Andrew and his models will be seen at The Roost Lounge for a fun and sassy fashion show, giveaways in hand, on Saturday, March 4th at 4 pm. We caught up with the designer over a cocktail near his Palm Springs home.

How do you keep ahead of the trends in men’s fashion?

I would have to say I follow my instincts regarding men’s fashion. It can be a little tricky trying to predict what is going to be in style a year ahead, so I usually don’t worry about it. I follow my heart, I follow my interest, and I move forward and hope that my designs help set the trend. I would rather set the trend than have to worry about following it.

What is your creative process from idea to production?

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Photo courtesy of Andrew Christian

I storyboard every collection along with the swatches of all the fabrics I am going to use for that season. This really helps me visualize the collection and see how it all works together. Then we make the pattern and make multiple changes to the pattern and samples until I feel that the fit is perfect and everything looks amazing.  I really love the creative process even though it is a lot of work to do it correctly.

What was the inspiration behind the new Unleashed line?

To be a successful fashion designer, one always has to keep in mind what is commercially viable. However, for Unleashed I really wanted to ease those rules and let go of these restraints and let my imagination run wild. It’s my fashion perspective putting limits on the designs regarding if it is or isn’t commercially viable.  Unleashed is a small capsule collection, it is really an authentic expression of what I think is interesting right now.

Unleashed is very different from the rest of your fashion, what do you love most about the line?

I love how Unleashed lets people be truly unique and lets them express their true selves through fashion. Unleased is gender fluid, it’s non-commercial and I love pushing fashion in a new direction with this line. That’s what fashion is supposed to be...unique and personal and pushing the limits.  If it isn’t a little bit shocking, then I am not doing my job as a designer.

Your pleated skirt has been a big hit! Why do you think it’s such a successful piece?

I think my pleated skirt is a success because deep down many of the younger LGBTQ+ community grew up with Britney’s “Baby One More Time” video, Mean Girls, or Clueless and the skirt evokes that fantasy. It›s also extremely sexy to see a guy embracing gender fluidity wearing a super short plaid mini-skirt! | 41
Photo courtesy of Andrew Christian

We have seen mainstream men’s fashion start to play with gender fluidity, do you think this is a phase or is it the future of fashion?

I think gender fluidity is the near future of fashion. Conventional standards of what men can wear have been changing for years. This is a natural evolution and I embrace it. Of course, as with everything else, fashion goes in cycles but in 50 years I think men’s and women’s fashion will ultimately converge.

How do you think you’ve changed the most as a designer from your early years?

I have learned to listen to my customer’s needs and wants. Also, a commercial designer has to design clothes that can be worn every day. One can’t design items just to shock or only design items they themselves love and expect everyone to embrace them. Design is a two-way street between the designer and the customer with a sprinkle of imagination mixed in.

You have started to carry larger underwear sizes…are those sizes here to stay? What made you start to carry 2XL?

My 2XL line extension is here to stay. In fact, I am rolling out

2XL into more styles including swimwear and sportswear. Fashion should be accepting of all body types and provide fun for everyone.

Your models have become very diverse, even in terms of body hair. Has this been a conscious decision by the team?

We have always had diverse models and I have always thought it was important to highlight different types of people. I have always thought that beauty and sexiness originate in all types and I am glad the industry is taking notice.

What do you feel your customers love most about your products?

I believe my customers love my products because we take extraordinary painstaking measures to perfect the design and cut to flatter the body.  It isn’t unusual for us to make five or more patterns and samples for a single garment to perfect the fit. Most designers do not do this extra time-consuming and costly work...but I expect perfection and our customers have also come to expect this. Our clothes may cost a little more but they are going to fit perfectly.

You have expanded the fashion line to include skincare, makeup, and sex toys. What else can we expect on the horizon?

I am designing the ANDREW by Andrew Christian line which are super fun capsule collections of one-of-a-kind themed items.  The concept is Andrew goes to.... I am fairly sure these are going to become collector’s pieces for AC fans.

Excited to see you and your boys at Nest Fest this year, what can we expect to see?

Expect the unexpected! There is always a surprise when I bring my models onto a stage.  Should I have the models participate in a dildo deepthroat contest?  Let me know!

What are some of the realities of working a Pride event with your models? Is it all fun and games?

It’s always fun getting to attend Pride events all over the world with super-hot models, but at times it’s like having kids because the models are so excited to be there they tend to go crazy. But at the end of the day, it’s amazing to get the opportunity to meet so many people.

What is your Pride message for 2023?

Be proud and united with your LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters. We are living in difficult times where our community is under attack from so many sides. We are stronger together. Our community has been through a lot and has been through difficult times and has always emerged stronger and more united. We are strong, we are beautiful, and we are fierce!

Check out and get Unleashed!

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Photo courtesy of Andrew Christian



LIKE WATER FOR CHOCOLATE – Orange County: I don’t think I have ever recommended a ballet in this column but an upcoming opportunity caught my eye and I wanted to share it with you. Like Water for Chocolate began as a novel written by Laura Esquivel and released in 1989 and has sold several million copies. It was subsequently released as a film in 1992 and was the highest grossing foreign film in the USA and Canada up to that time. Its newest life is as a three-act ballet danced by the American Ballet Theatre. The family saga set in 19th century Mexico tells the story of Tita, a young Mexican woman who is overwhelmed by a sense of duty and family tradition, unable to marry until her mother dies. It has now been staged as a full-length ballet by Christopher Wheeldon, who also directed and choreographed the Broadway hit MJ The Musical. The original score by Joby Talbot will be performed live by the Pacific Symphony under the direction of Mexican conductor Alondra de la Parra. The production at Costa Mesa’s Segerstrom Center will be the North American premiere and will only be seen for six performances from March 29 – April 2. Tickets start at $29 and are available at

CORTEO – Los Angeles and Palm Springs: Cirque du Soleil constantly reinvents itself. Their newest outing, Corteo, is actually a revival of a 2005 production which toured the world in Cirque’s huge, brightly-striped tent, but it has been re-staged. Corteo is Italian for cortege, the parade that follows a funeral. A clown that has died watches his own cortege which includes the important people in his life, and those people are the circus acts. The original production was retired in 2015, but it has been revived to play large arenas with the audience sitting on only two sides, facing each other, and also in large proscenium houses (audience facing one direction towards a traditional stage). For their Los Angeles dates they will use the 7,000-seat Microsoft Theatre, across from Staples Center, from March 23 – April 30. Tickets are available at or www. They will also return to Southern California for four performances in Palm Springs’ new Acrisure Arena August 31 – September 3. For those tickets go to Corteo and scroll down through the cities until you come to Palm Springs. For our readers in the Coachella Valley it will be a great opportunity for a first look at the arena -- and a terrific show!

DID YOU SEE WHAT WALTER PAISLEY DID TODAY? – La Mirada: I take great delight in finding new shows, theatres, and presentational styles. Sure, I have had to kiss a few frogs, but I have also found some of my most exciting evenings in the theatre. I came across Did You See What Walter Paisley Did Today? being performed at the La Mirada Theatre this month and I’m excited to trek out to see it (La Mirada is just north of Buena Park). This is a world premiere musical but its creators all have numerous Broadway hits in their resumes, and the La Mirada season will serve as a proving ground before the show hopefully moves to Broadway. Described as “A beatnik horror comedy musical,” the story involves a beatnik sculptor in San Francisco who stumbles upon a new style of art that thrusts him into fame, fortune, and perhaps some big trouble. That’s all the tease we get. Three-time Emmy winner Randy Rogel (“Animaniacs”) serves up a delightfully varied score of cool jazz, Petula Clark-like knockouts, Neil Sedaka bubblegum pop, and more. Sounds like a lot of fun! The musical plays from March 18 to April 2 and seats range from $28 - $40. Tickets and further information at

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3-5 12PM NEST FEST ETHYL'S PLACE BINGO MARCH 2023 FRI-SUN SUNDAY TUESDAYS THURSDAYS FRIDAYS SATURDAYS 6 8 7 1 8 E P A L M C A N Y O N D R # 2 0 3 , C A T H E D R A L C I T Y , C A 6 8 7 1 8 E P A L M C A N Y O N D R # 2 0 3 , C A T H E D R A L C I T Y , C A 7 6 0 - 5 0 7 - 8 4 9 5 7 6 0 - 5 0 7 - 8 4 9 5 || W W W . T H E R O O S T C C . C O M W W W . T H E R O O S T C C . C O M KARAOKE W SEAN KESIHA D BILL RAMIREZ / DISCO GENNINE JACKSON THE ROOST LOUNGE THE ROOST LOUNGE 6-9PM 6-9PM 6-9PM 6-9PM

We’re Still Here!

‘Welcome,’ ‘welcome back,’ and ‘it’s good to see you again,’ are three phrases that those of us living in Puerto Vallarta yeararound never get tired of using. And we find ourselves using them constantly as they relate to the increasing influx of tourists arriving from places north of the border in recent months. You see, like the rest of the world, Puerto Vallarta took a huge beating from the pandemic. But now that we’re embracing the so-called ‘new normal,’ we are happy to report what some daring souls have known all along: Puerto Vallarta is still here for you to discover and enjoy!

Of course, if you’ve visited us within the past couple of years you already know that. But in case you haven’t, or if this is your first time considering a Puerto Vallarta destination, here are some things that have changed and others that remain the same.

Emiliano Zapata is Still King (Queen?)

You know it as Old Town, Romantic Zone, South Side or the Gayborhood. We call it by its proper name, Emiliano Zapata, and it is still the area to be if you are a member of the LGBTQ+ community and want to explore the destination. Construction did not stop during the pandemic so you may find an increasing number of buildings in the neighborhood (more Airbnb properties to choose from?) chipping away from our small-town identity. Ironically, us locals frequently chuckle over the fact that Emiliano Zapata has enough bars for you to enjoy during a two-month stay, and yet not a single supermarket. Fortunately,

the number of high-end convenience stores has increased in the neighborhood, so you will find everything you need—from fun to frolic, from sexy to sustenance—within walking distance. And of course, your favorite LGBTQ hotels are still there and enjoying better-than-ever occupancy rates.

Feeling Hungry? Check Out Versalles

When we last connected, Versalles, a colonia or neighborhood located further north in the city—some 20 minutes by cab from Emiliano Zapata—has continued to evolve, becoming an increasingly wonderful dining destination for those looking to explore our city’s diverse culinary offering. Don’t get me wrong…. you’ll love the restaurants in the gayborhood. But if you are adventurous enough to expand your comfort level, befriend a local and go to Versalles for dinner some evening. You will not find all the art galleries, shops and boutiques you will find in Emiliano Zapata, but you will discover one of several neighborhoods some of us locals now call ‘home.’

There is Even More Talent

For many years now, Puerto Vallarta has been blessed as a place where many world-class entertainers make a stop after their Provincetown-Fire Island-Ogunquit-South Beach circuits, from New York cabaret singers you’d spend an arm and a leg to enjoy live at places like 54 Below, to the latest RuPaul’s Drag Race alumni. There is plenty to choose from and lots of information is available either through flyers posted all over the neighborhood, or on one of the local printed gay guides.

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Staffing Is a Challenge

Like the rest of the world, Puerto Vallarta is struggling with a considerable staff shortage to meet the needs of a constantly increasing number of visitors from Mexico, the United States and other countries. We will do our best to pamper you to bits, but do keep this in mind if the service at your favorite restaurant in town is not as swift as it used to be, or even worse, not what you are used to north of the border. Give yourself the chance to unwind during your vacation, enjoy the slower pace that is common here, and go out of your way as much as you can to be understanding and show appreciation wherever you go. Kindness and empathy are good for your soul and ours as well!

Your Dollars Are Valuable, But…

The US economy is different from Mexico’s. This is not easy to explain, and many people rely on the short but not always accurate maxim, everything is cheaper in Mexico. For us, it is not quite that simple, but rather than burden you with details, do let me offer some well-intended suggestions. Many places, attractions, restaurants and such, are now unabashedly priced for tourists. If that’s your cup of tea, by all means, enjoy! But know that you can also fall in love with Mexico by venturing into places that cater to locals (Spanish and English-speaking) and they can be just as rewarding. Also, please tip generously—15-20 percent is the norm—but do keep in mind that it is a lot easier for you to exchange dollars into pesos, than for your average worker to go stand in line at a local bank to exchange a few US singles for Mexican currency. Are your bags packed yet?

Catch up with Paco Ojeda live Monday - Saturday at 10:30 am local time, on his talkshow, “Coffee & Headlines,” where he shares headlines and stories for Puerto Vallarta’s local English-speaking community. | 47




47900 Portola Ave

Palm Desert, CA 92260 760 346-5694


745 N Gene Autry Trail Palm Springs, CA 92262 760 778-6262


101 Museum Drive Palm Springs, CA 92262 760 322-4800


1 Tram Way

Palm Springs, CA 92262 888 515-8726



315 E. Arenas Rd Palm Springs, CA 92262



217 E. Arenas Rd Palm Springs, CA 92262



301 E. Arenas Rd Palm Springs, CA 92262 760.327.0753


302 E. Arenas Rd Palm Springs, CA 92262 760.323.0700


67555 E Palm Canyon Dr Cathedral City, CA 92234 760.537.3111


125 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way, Suite 108 Palm Springs, CA 92262



(Speakeasy inside Bouschet) 611 S. Palm Canyon Dr, Suite 22 Palm Springs, CA 92264 760.327.7701


200 S. Indian Canyon Dr Palm Springs, CA 92262 760.778.4326


224 E. Arenas Rd Palm Springs, CA 92262 760.320.1266


67-625 E. Palm Canyon Dr Cathedral City, CA 92234 760.321.9688


333 S Palm Canyon Dr Unit 2, Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-902-6630

THE ROOST LOUNGE 68718 E Palm Canyon Dr Cathedral City, CA 92234 760.507.8495


600 E. Sunny Dunes Rd. Palm Springs, CA 92264 760.320.3299


2100 N. Palm Canyon Dr Palm Springs, CA 92262 760.416.7584



888 N. Indian Canyon Dr Palm Springs, CA. 92262 760.699.7641


288 E. Camino Monte Vista Palm Springs, CA 92262 760.320.1928


615 S. Warm Sands Dr Palm Springs, CA 92264 760.320.5650


525 Warm Sands Dr Palm Springs, CA 92264 760.327.5913


601 Grenfall Rd Palm Springs, CA 92264



650 San Lorenzo Road Palm Springs, CA 92264



586 S. Warm Sands Dr Palm Springs, CA 92264



555 San Lorenzo Rd. Palm Springs, CA 92264 760.322.7993


1930 S. Camino Real Palm Springs, CA 760-841-1455


574 S. Warm Sands Dr. Palm Springs, CA 92264 760.322.2404


305 E. Arenas Rd Palm Springs, CA 92262 760.416.6436


650 E Sunny Dunes Rd #1 Palm Springs, CA 92264 760.322.3363

ROUGH TRADE LEATHER 321 E. Arenas Rd Palm Springs, CA 92262 760.699.7524



170 North Palm Canyon Palm Springs, CA 92262 760 354-9154


301 N Palm Canyon Dr # 102 Palm Springs, CA 92262

760 322-5049

JUST FABULOUS 515 N Palm Canyon Dr Palm Springs, CA 92262

760 864-1300

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226 N Palm Canyon Dr Palm Springs, CA 92262

760 322-8555


120 N Palm Canyon Dr Palm Springs, CA 92262

760 318-3553


108 S. Indian Canyon Dr Palm Springs, CA 92262



606 E Sunny Dunes Rd Palm Springs, CA 92264



1109 N Palm Canyon Dr Palm Springs, CA 92262

760 322-2999


192 S Indian Canyon Dr Palm Springs, CA 92264

760 537-1311


68487 E Palm Canyon Dr Suite 43 Cathedral City, CA 92234

760 992-0028


750 E Tahquitz Canyon Way, Suite 3 Palm Springs, CA 92262




2905 E Tahquitz Canyon Way, Palm Springs, CA 92262



Conrad Miller (DRE #01973983)


Brandon Holland (DRE # 01986968)




1501 N Palm Canyon Dr Palm Springs, 92262



315 E. Arenas Rd Palm Springs, CA 92262



2080 North Palm Canyon Dr Palm Springs, CA 92262 760.656-0067


849 N Palm Canyon Dr. Palm Springs, CA 92262 760.325.8490


6 La Plaza Palm Springs, CA 92262 760.322.2724


196 S. Indian Canyon Dr Palm Springs, CA 92262 760.778.0017


35325 Date Palm Drive, Unit 111, Cathedral City, CA 92234 760-324-041


1596 North Palm Canyon Dr Palm Springs, CA 92262 760.325.2127


1107 N Palm Canyon Dr Palm Springs, CA 92262 760.548.0041


69034 E Palm Canyon Drive Cathedral City, CA 92234 760.770.4030


69950 Frank Sinatra Dr Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 760.324.5515

SHERMAN’S DELI 401 E Tahquitz Canyon Way Palm Springs, CA 92262 760.325.1199


68-718 E Palm Canyon Dr Cathedral City, CA 92234 760.328.2300


707 N. Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs, CA. 92262 760.854.8746

WILMA & FRIEDA’S 155 S Palm Canyon Dr Palm Springs, CA 92262 760.992.5080



1695 N. Sunrise Way, Palm Springs, CA 92262 760 323-2118


DESERT OASIS HEALTHCARE 275 North El Cielo Road Palm Springs, CA 92262 760 325-DOHC (3642)

EISENHOWER HEALTH 39000 Bob Hope Drive Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 760 340-3911

MICHAEL’S HOUSE 1910 S Camino Real Palm Springs, CA 92262 844 768-0633

PALM SPRINGS ANIMAL SHELTER 4575 E. Mesquite Ave, Palm Springs, CA 92264 760 416-5718



2150 N. Palm Canyon Drive Palm Springs, CA 92262 760 548-0970

LGBTQ COMMUNITY CENTER OF THE DESERT 1301 North Palm Canyon Dr, 3rd Floor Palm Springs, CA 92262

760 416-7790 | 49
B r i n g i n g t o g e t h e r W I N E L O V E R S A N D L G B T Q + F R I E N D L Y W I N E R I E S , R E S T A U R A N T S , H O T E L S , A N D O T H E R S , F O R A C O M M U N I T Y E X P E R I E N C E L G B T W I N E S O C I E T Y C O M

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