Shame Based Fun by Sasha Fisher

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When I first started masturbating I felt like it was this horrible secret only I had. It was nice to know that other girls my age jacked it too.

Soon after though, I found myself at a Catholic high school where everyone’s favorite activity seemed to be calling girls sluts.



I tried to be mature and nuanced in the debates I’d often get into at school regarding sexism. But that didn’t last very long.

I was angry as a kid, and like, always trying to prove something so instead of like, going on a Take Back the Night march or pro-choice rallies I did something that I thought was way better.! I started practicing "spite feminism" ! It’s super fun and it….achieves….nothing ! It's kind of like, l "wow, that guy's a douchebag" or "wow that portrayal of what men are like on television really makes guys look like douchebags"! so then YOU go! "I think I can be an even BIGGER douchebag! you wanna bet?”! and no one wants to bet but you do it anyway. ! I wound up deciding it was a really good idea to fuck virgins. I also liked fucking foreign exchange students because you didn’t really have to talk to them. I spite-fucked frat boys and I cheated on every boyfriend I had. I justified this by explaining that boys simply couldn’t separate sex from emotion but that I have needs. I HAD to fool around with other guys because it was in my nature! However, whatever boyfriend I had at the time needed to be purely devoted to me because there are boys for fucking and there are boys for boyfriends and never the twain shall meet! !


I was the worst. ! And like any good feminist I hate gendered insults but…! I was a total cunt. And not in the “take back the word, yeah!” way. ! It was more in the “If there’s a hell you’re probably going, you petty bitch” way. !

! !


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