Let the games begin.... PROF. RICHARD PAGE, CHAIR OF COUNCIL
We are far from Olympia and Ancient Greece, but the increase in activity around the school grounds especially on a Saturday might well form a mini-Olympics in their own right. Schools are supposed to be a hive of activity, colour and motion and it has been fantastic to see vibrancy across all sections of the school during recess, lunch, sports training and of course weekend sport. Sport of course is a visible example of the rich and diverse content provided under the liberal educational experience on offer at The Geelong College. This is combined with music,
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arts, experiential education, not to mention the length and breadth of traditional education on offer during the course of a normal school week. As restrictions have eased, the school has been able to deliver normal classes, sport and extra-curricular activities including use of the Otway Campus. This has been welcomed by all as we learn to function and adapt to the COVID normal environment.
Thanks must go out to all the staff for their ongoing commitment to enable this, despite challenges created by unplanned leave. The greater school community has also enjoyed re-connecting at various school functions including the fabulous sell-out Autumn Ball enjoyed by a large number, eager to make the most of a long-awaited night out.