Give to your College in 2019 Following on from our successes in 2018 we would like you to consider a gift to one of three ongoing projects in 2019. The Cloisters The Cloisters is the heart of the College. It comprises of 15 classrooms and the magnificent central courtyard. After works to four in 2018, we have 11 to complete to regenerate this precious heritage building and make it an outstanding space for 21st century teaching and learning. Please help us to continue this important project. The Pegasus General Excellence Scholarships In 2019 we have welcomed new students who have been assisted by our Pegasus Scholarships. These students have contributed in the classroom, in sport, music, public speaking, and in the boarding houses. We have selected outstanding candidates for 2020 and applications are already open for 2021. There are so many deserving students and families, please help them experience a Geelong College Education. The Dr Bill Williams Tjungurrayi Scholarship The College is committed to Indigenous connections through education, leadership and by offering opportunities for Indigenous students to live and learn at Geelong College, and to be supported through their journey. Over the next few years we hope to raise an endowment for the Dr Bill Williams Scholarship so that this honour for Bill will exist in perpetuity and support the education of Indigenous students by investing in their, and in our, future. Please consider a gift to the Dr Bill Williams Tjungurrayi Scholarship fund. Thank you once again for your consideration of a gift to The Geelong College. Your gift, of any size, does make a significant difference to the learning and lives of our students, now, and into the future.
*Cut along dotted line
Give to your Community.
My gift $20
Name ___________________________________________________________
Phone: (home) _______________________ Mobile ______________________
Payment method Visa
Cheque (enclosed) or
Credit Card
Other: $________
Foundation House Challenge House Name: ____________________ $_________ Cloisters classrooms $_________ Pegasus Scholarships $_________ The Dr Bill Williams Tjungurrayi Scholarship $_________
Address _________________________________________________________
Email ____________________________________________________________
I would like to direct my gift to:
For more information on these projects visit: www.geelongcollege.vic.edu.au/community/foundation *All gifts to these projects are tax deductible
I would like to give a gift to The Geelong College Foundation (not tax deductible)
Name on Card ___________________________________________________ Card No. CSV
Expiry *CSV 3 digits on reverse of card
Signature of Cardholder______________________________Date ________
My choices: I would like my gift to remain anonymous I would like to include the College in my Will (please send me information about bequests) I would like to know more about becoming a Foundation member. Or donate online at www.geelongcollege.vic.edu.au/community/foundation P (03) 5226 3779 E foundation@geelongcollege.vic.edu.au
58 Ad Astra Issue No 136