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A Bellerin Project update
Almost 12 months into its construction, the main building is slowly starting to come out of the ground. Lyons Construction has been working hard to get the basement completed, with approximately 30,000 m3 of excavation material exported offsite. This excavation has made way for an underground car park, and will also provide spaces for the grounds and maintenance teams.
A recent site walk for the Grounds department enabled staff members to get a sense of the scale of the new building and to visualise the space for their operation.
Above the basement, the main slab for the double-court basketball/netball courts has been completed. This is accompanied by a spectator seating structure. The new courts will provide elite playing surfaces which meet international competition standards, with almost 1800 m2 of unencumbered playing space. Adjacent to the courts, the ground floor slabs for the change facilities, weights and conditioning spaces are also nearing completion.
The structure for the lift shaft and stairwells, as well as the columns for the level one floor, are also starting to take shape. Once complete, level one will provide new classrooms, a multi-function room and staff offices.

The total footprint of the new facility can now be appreciated.
Inground building services are largely completed, with the next phase of work to focus on the main steel structure for the gym courts.
It is expected that construction on the roof over the gym courts will commence in late July, with the masonry facade to commence soon after.

The target completion date is tracking for the commencement of Term 2, 2024.