4 minute read

Farewelling our Year 12s


Staff and students continued their amazing flexibility in flipping from in-person to remote learning for the umpteenth time, and making the most of the different learning environments from Term 3 to 4. However, no matter how adaptive our community has been during remote learning, nothing beats the real thing. Schools are an empty place without student voices echoing along corridors.

It was a pleasure to be able to share the Valedictory Ceremony with the Year 12 students and staff after yet another absence of students from version six of the lockdowns, and the subsequent period of remote learning. It was a shame that parents were unable to join in person, however, the IT and audiovisual team did a superb job bringing the event ‘live’ to lounge rooms. This happened not just in our region but also went global to Japan and China to help share the experience with the families of the finishing international students. An amazing feat, that would have been hard to imagine just a few years ago. To that end, I share with you the thoughts imparted with the finishing Year 12s: reflect on what has happened as your time at school comes to a close.

What do we mean by interesting? An adjective – describing the quality of a noun. Meaning arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching attention. Synonyms: Absorbing, engrossing, fascinating, riveting. All good words for the English exam. English is a fascinating language and a word like interesting can take on many inflections: Like – interesting / fascinating!! Or ‘interrrestinggg’…. Implying the opposite - for a lot of us this year we may lean towards the latter. We reflect not just the year that has passed, but on all your time at The Geelong College - for some, it is most of your life to this point in time. In many ways it may feel like 2021 didn’t pan out quite as we had planned. In fact, this is true for all of us in many ways – but plans seldom do.

Don’t lose sleep about the things you cannot control but spend time figuring out the things that you can influence and then make a plan on how to tackle those.

Be confident, knowing that you are prepared for the future. It is said that nothing prepares for action better than a crisis. Well, you can all say that over last two years you have lived through a global crisis, a scenario that is a one in 100-year event. What does that mean? What will happen - next week, next month, next year? All good questions, and like many good questions they don’t have simple answers.

However, you have been prepared and can feel secure knowing you have the resilience and tenacity to handle pressure and uncertainty any time of the day or night. You are prepared for the future – not just by this year, but all the experiences both inside and outside school.

When moving on to the next phase, such as our neighbouring city up the road, people are often amazed at the positive vibe of the students from The Geelong College and the affection they have for their time at school.

Why the difference, why such pride in their schooling? Clearly the quality support of the teachers and coaches is a key element. But College students know how to keep working hard – despite not always winning. They remember to be kind. They know how to laugh – which according to the Mayo Clinic - enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases endorphins released by your brain. It reduces stress responses and is a therapeutic medicine. Enjoy and soak up these last moments, they are fleeting and then gone – but not forgotten. The last month of school and exams goes quicker than you realise, so knuckle down and do your best – it’s never too late to do a little better. Then you can sit back, know it’s done, be satisfied it is out of your hands, and that you are prepared for the future – not just over the last month, but over the last 14+ years with the support of all those that walked with you along the journey. When you go to your toolbox of life, remember it contains all the experience and preparation that make you who

“You have been prepared and can feel secure knowing you have the resilience and tenacity to handle pressure and uncertainty any time of the day or night.

you are today. Be confident yours is brimming with the tools that will enable you to do more than you expect. It is filled with all the learning, knowledge, and support from peers, teachers, your parents, families and friends that has got you this far. This has you ready, not only for the upcoming exams, but for the next stage of life. Be confident that you are ready and your toolbox is well equipped. This phase is not an ending for any of you, but the next step in a journey that is the rich tapestry of life. Take the time to stop and soak up the sun along the way and be confident knowing you are well prepared by the experience, not only inside these halls and out on the playing fields, but all you have done up until now. Good luck class of 2021- remember to work hard, be kind and to laugh - because you are ready for the future!

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