If: Revived

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dear delta....

Dear Delta is an advice column allowing students to reach out anonymously via Delta's online webpage, voicing their problems and dilemmas in the form of a question. 'Delta' is the name that has been given to the panel of students providing honest and uplifting council to students in need, answering any questions submitted to help students struggling at school, and to provide advice. The name 'Delta' was chosen as it embodies the struggles of COVID-19 in the year 2021: the infamous Delta Strain, and the harships caused by it.

Q. Q.

Dear Delta, After a brilliant year at Timbertop, a countryside haven detached from the struggles of the urban buzz, I formed so many incredible friendships with girls who I thought would be my friends for life, however, after returning down to Corio, I am struggling with finding my place. Up in the bush, none of my friends gave a crap about how they looked or what they did; they were always their pure, authentic selves because they didn’t care who was watching. Down here, I feel like everyone has changed - all they care about is boys and their snap score! I feel so out of place, and just want things to go back to the way they were. Any advice? - Anonymous 43


Dear Anonymous 43, One of my favourite quotes about friendship is "Friendship isn't about who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you" and proved it." I couldn’t agree with this more. Although your Timbertop year was surely incredible, the memories and friendships you made there do not define you as a person, nor do they set in stone your friends forever. Year 10 is a big year for everyone, it is a year where people develop and find new interests, and with this comes new friendships. Don't beat yourself up or let yourself feel isolated around the people you once had so much in common with, but branch out and re-find the people that you still do have things in common with! My friendship group has changed countless times, and the best way to go about it is to not limit yourself to a set group of people, but rather, be friends with everyone. xoxo Delta

Dear Delta, I need your help. Amongst never-ending lockdowns and restrictions, I have been feeling super isolated and simply alone. Even without covid, I've always been an introvert, but now that we're constantly locked up, I've lost contact with even more of my friends. Worst of all, I don’t even have a desire to see them, but rather I am getting major social anxiety for when the time comes that I can see them again. What can I do to stop this? - Anonymous 37

A. Dear Anonymous 37, I totally understand where you're coming from. When you’re feeling your most lonely, you doubt yourself, feel anxious socially, or are just unmotivated and want to be on your own. It seems almost counterintuitive to interact with others, especially when you are feeling socially anxious, but that’s exactly what you need to do. Start off small, organise to go on a walk with one of two other friends and build it up from there. Believe in yourself - you've got this! xoxo Delta

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