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Amidst the ongoing impact of COVID-19 and its associated turbulence, our School community’s unwavering willingness to care, cooperate, and so generously support each other was an overwhelming highlight. It is my privilege to thank you for your kindness and belief in future generations of Geelong Grammar School (GGS) students. The leadership and philanthropy of the Geelong Grammar Foundation and its members enables our learners to feel a genuine sense of belonging and a confidence to open their hearts and minds to the myriad of opportunities available at GGS. Thank you for your generous and enduring support of our School.

Our annual Impact of Giving report is a powerful reminder of the positive difference we can all make to be an uplifting example to others. Against the backdrop of a relentless pandemic, the characteristics of a caring and resilient community are self-evident in the following pages and stories, which are defined by a profound desire to help others. The compassionate and encouraging role of community is a compelling thread that brings to life Luke’s Gospel: “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.”

Community is at the heart of our Annual Giving Scholarships. Funded by the many donors who have contributed to the Foundation’s fundraising campaign, donations large and small have supported the education of numerous students; twins Sebastian (Seb) and Holly Durran, who finish Year 12 at the end of 2022, are a fine example of this. Similarly, community is integral to the Hermitage Scholarship that gifted Lilli Cowan (He’21) a life-changing opportunity to join GGS from Darwin. Now at Monash, Lilli is studying for a dual Bachelor of Laws with Honours and Bachelor of Global Studies, determined to shape a better world for her community.

Community came in different shapes and sizes for Mody Yim (FB’21), who was our 2021 dux with a perfect IB score of 45 (equating to an ATAR of 99.95). Mody came to Australia from Hong Kong in Year 8. Thanks to a scholarship sponsored by the Lee Hysan Foundation, a family foundation that has supported seven students to receive a GGS education since 2013, Mody was immediately welcomed into our own Hong Kong community, especially by the incomparable Roland Wu (P’93). When the pandemic struck, Mody was sustained by the beautiful care of his Australian guardian, Susie Officer (Potter, Je’83), and her family. Mody spent two years living with the Officer family and “learned how to become a better person because of them”.

The ability of our community to improve the lives of others resonates too through the kindness of Tony Poolman (FB’60) and Max Schultz (FB’50), whose selfless generosity is making a positive difference. Their legacy exists in the belief that an exceptional education is an aspiration to be lovingly shared; ultimately, such a legacy lives on through future generations of GGS students.

It was thrilling and humbling to announce that we exceeded our target of $1 million for our GGS Giving Day in June 2021, raising $1.3 million from 671 donors. Thanks to the generosity of our matched donors, gifts on the day were doubled until we reached our target, boosting fundraising efforts for our Australian Rural and Regional Scholarship (ARRS), as well as other scholarships and appeals. Our first ARRS recipient started at Timbertop in 2021.

We are so fortunate that our students today are supported in their access to exceptional learning opportunities through the ongoing generosity of our community. Currently, almost 25 percent of students at our School receive some form of financial assistance. Scholarships are vital to the ongoing diversity of Geelong Grammar School. The provision of life-changing opportunities for so many young people who otherwise could not afford a GGS education, especially those from remote, rural, regional and Indigenous communities, is a blessing that would not be possible without the Foundation’s support, led by Penny McBain’s ambition for the School and our young people.

Our bequest society exemplifies our community’s philanthropic leadership – leadership that strengthens and sustains our provision of Exceptional Education. We are buoyed that the Biddlecombe Society grew to 223 members in 2021. I am thankful for all those who have provided a Bequest in their Will to the Foundation, thereby benefiting the future of our School.

The function and spirit of the Geelong Grammar Foundation and its members continues to serve our community well. Throughout the often tempestuous times of 2021, we were calmed and energised by the Foundation’s generosity and expertise in supporting our students and the future of our School.

Yours warmly and gratefully,

Rebecca Cody Principal

We are so fortunate that our students today are supported in their access to exceptional learning opportunities through the ongoing generosity of our community.

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