Evaluation of Melody Magazine

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Creator Geeta Gohil


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In what ways does your media product use,develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?


How does your media product represent particular social groups?


What kind of institution might distribute your media product and why? Who would be the audeince for your media product?

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Above is an image of the creator and editor of ‘Melody’ Magazine, asd detailly evaluates her work by answering the questions which is listed out on the left.

How did you attract/address your audience? What have you learnt about technologuies from the process of constructing the product?


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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Scan the QR CODE to aceess my blog where all tasks from this project is shown.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?


uring the period of constructing and designing my magazine, I used an existing music magazine as a style model in which I adapted by incorporating my own ideas. If I follow a certain existing music magazine with its general style and basic conventions then there is a full guarantee for my magazine to be successful and get to look professional. As for me, I researched and looked at many music magazines from a wide range of music genres. I used ‘Billboard’ Magazine as I believed its layout throughout the magazine is very successful in getting the reader’s attention. Each magazine cover has a feature artist supported with the sell line to inform the reader about what their article will be about. For my front cover, I used a close up shot of my model. This image perfectly fits in. The purpose of having a close up, main cover image is so that it can attract the readers due to the direct eye contact which would tempt them into purchasing the magazine as well as making the reader feel like they are part of something. Billboard magazine successfully uses this method on their front covers, however from my research tasks of looking at few front covers, I’ve mainly found out that all of those magazines use a close-up image in which the artist has direct eye contact to the reader, making it a compulsory convention of a magazine. The main cover line is the artist’s name ‘KIM J’ with

a quote which has been taken out from the ‘exclusive interview’. The box text above the name briefly explains and introduces the artist in 3 words to the reader so that they know who she is, instead of just reading her name and not be interested. The main cover line is placed on the left of the cover. This is called a ‘Sweet Spot’ as the reader eyes would firstly hit the left side of the magazine to read the main cover line. The masthead ‘Melody’ is a musical term and fits very well into the music genre I’ve chosen which is R&B. The masthead is in purple which is another feature that is popular to recognise on what genre music it is. The drop shadow makes sure the masthead is visible clearly to the readers. The colour scheme of my magazine is Purple, Teal, Silver, Black and White. These colours associate with the genre - R&B. The colours are rich and appealing as well as being bold and easy to stand out for the readers. Purple signifies loyalty, passion and attitude in which the music genre

R&B has which it proves through the genre of the media product – music. An example like Q Magazine has a set colour scheme of Red, Black and White. The cover lines focuses on other artists of that certain music genre. In this case, my magazine focuses not only on the main feature artist, but other R&B artists and what is new about them. I decided to use other artists to be part of my cover lines as not every member of my target audience could like a specific artis. So I had to look for other options in which I can gain more readers to read this magazine. I used popular and controversial artists currently to be featured in the cover lines as my target audience are up to date with the music industry. The cover lines are another compulsory convention which I have applied into my own magazine. The font I’ve used throughout the magazine is simple. Some fonts are bold whereas some are just normal. This is to make sure the magazine doesn’t have one simple font which wouldn’t be as intriguing than having couple of different styles of font. Another convention in order to inform readers about the magazine is the date and the issue number, it’s a great way of quickly knowing which month or week a magazine is from just featuring that on the front cover. It’s commonly placed

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near the barcode, however I have challenged this convention and placed it at the bottom of the masthead as I believe that the masthead would be read and from the way how readers read from left to right, I placed it on the left in which it would get the eye of the reader. The layout of my contents page is structured. I decided to put the title ‘Contents’ at the side of the page as it’s one of those conventions which is important however the readers are not paying attention to the heading. Above the ‘contents’ at the side ‘Inside January is another convention which is sometimes recognised. On the right there is an editor’s note, and they are not recognised by many readers, so I decided to place that the left, as we read from left to right and the first part of the page our eyes pay attention to is the left top corner. My contents page are set out in columns, there are 4 columns which consists of the text and images which are slightly irregular and taking up to 2 columns. The page numbers are big and next to each image to direct the reader easily on what page to go to. In a music magazine it’s common that there are images and conventions like ‘Features’, ‘Regulars’ and ‘Exclusive’. My contents page has the same colour scheme as the front cover illustrating the

consistency I’ve kept when designing my magazine, it’s also known as the house style. The artist index is another con-

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vention I have developed, as I’m following ‘billboard’ magazine, I’ve developed my contents page by adding a convention which is not permanent. This convention is placed on the right side of the page, some existing magazines like NME, usually place the band/ artist index on the right however in my case I have challenged this convention by positioning it on the right side of the page. The purpose of an artist/band index is so that readers who are not interested with anything on the contents page and the front cover, they have a chance to see on what their favourite or a specific artist is featured on. This is another way to gain more readers, as the target audience are like to be updated with recent news of a specific artist(s). The website is positioned at the bottom of the page alongside the page number, the type of page and the magazine name on the other side of the page at the bottom. These are typical conventions which features in every magazine, in order to make the reader know about the availability of digital side of the magazine. There are different variety of shots in this page. There is a high angle establishing shot from a concert, to a close up of another music artist. Images are a key convention of a contents page. The image on the front cover isn’t used again as the magazine wouldn’t be interesting and can risk in putting the reader off. There is usually a large image of the main featured artist and smaller images of other artists and relatable images. It’s more common for images that feature in the contents pages are outdoor location which makes the page more realistic instead of having white background images which would make the page have white spaces. The social media box is a way in which the target audience can get in contact with the magazine. As

technology and different social media networks are been used more often. Magazines nowadays have a twitter account, Facebook page, a YouTube channel all in way which the target audience can have more chances to see exclusive videos or articles. The first double page spread which leads to the main article of the magazine, introduces the artist formally. Commonly in magazines, there is always a full bleed image which covers half the page and the other side has some text to support it. My first double page spread follows the same idea however I’ve challenged these conventions by adding an image from an outdoor location which covers up the majority of the spread. Supported with the name of the artist and the introductory text. This page is visual in order to make new readers get drawn into the article.

Scan the QR Code to take a quick look at the full magazine.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?


y media product represents my particular social group with the use of costume, props and the type of language and tone used within the magazine pages to communicate with the reader. This particular social group are sociable, fashionable, and elegant as well as being talented. My social group categorise in the social class of C1 –E, attracting reader who are students in some kind of higher education and part-time workers who have a strong interest in R&B music and the latest news in the music industry and artists. I have attempted to attract this certain social class groups by the use of mise-en-scene used throughout my magazine. As my model in my media product (Natalie Rogers) is a young female, who is ‘in character’ of an upcoming artist who is the main feature in my magazine‘Kim J’. Her appearance strongly represents the attitude which is quite common in R&B as female artists in general show a lot of fierce feminism and attitude. Her outfits are quiet dark, and varies from the type of outfit she is wearing. Furthermore, my model’s makeup is not exaggerated however it is minimal and doesn’t have dramatic hairstyles which means that the images can maturely attract readers to read the article due to the simplicity used, and also beating the stereotype of my social group and the music genre.

The body language of my model in my media product is mature and sophisticated. She is also being interactive with the readers by have direct eye contact to the reader, making them more interested in the magazine or the article. The different poses in each images show some kind of attitude and show ‘female power’ which is commonly recognised in the social group my media product represents. Female power has risen in the social group I’ve chosen to represent through my media product.

Within my magazine, I’ve added a constant house style to ensure the magazine looks professional. I have used Purple. Teal, Black, Silver and white. I’ve used a range of colours in order to emphasise the musical genre of the magazine. It appeals to my particular social group I have chosen. I’ve added many boxed and bold pull quotes in order for them to stand out and make it appealing to the reader. The lexis used throughout my magazine is informal, mainly my article features many conversational features in order to make it sound more realistic. The lexis used it appropriate and ideal for my social group to read. The informal register makes the reader feel like they understand what they are reading, and making them feel like they are part of the whole topic.

Props are an essential part in trying to appeal to different social groups. In my media product, I’ve made sure that social groups can easily recognise the media product and let them know what the magazine will be about before reading it. In my contents page, you will see photo of my other model (Georgia) who is holding onto a microphone. Other photos include headphones which is a big giveaway of what type of magazine it is. Props like these have been used in order the emphasis the topic and the genre of the magazine- music.

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What kind of institution might distribute your media product and why?


he kind of media institution that can possibly distribute my magazine is IPC media. I chose IPC media who would likely to distribute my magazine as they are a company which don’t have many music magazines distributed compared to another institute like Bauer Media which distributes music magazine like ‘Q’, ‘Kerrang!’ and ‘Mojo’, all popular and common music magazines. If I chose Bauer Media it would mean that the chance of my media product being accepted to be distributed by them would reduce. In which is why I chose IPC media, as they would be a good distributor as they only have one music magazine to distribute - ‘NME’, however the let-down of having NME the only music magazine they distribute is that NME is a very popular magazine, as there is a possibility that my magazine will be competing against it.

IPC Media currently caters two third of the female population and as my magazine is 80% female to 20% male, I believe that IPC would be a great institute to focus on the appropriate audience. By my media product being aimed at both men and women, IPC media can benefit from having a music magazine aimed at both genders. They currently only publish few music magazines such as NME, by

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publishing my R&B magazine it will bring them more revenue as audiences may begin to buy my media product ‘melody’. Furthermore this will draw in another niche market as my magazine caters in a specific music genre. My media product will differ from an existing music magazine published by IPC Media as NME is a rock magazine and attracts a niche audience, similarly my media product is an R&B magazine which would attract a niche market only. IPC Media are known to be distributors of popular magazine ranging in from different genres and topics, for example - fashion, beauty, sports and lifestyle. Popular names are Marie Claire, Now and Look. This makes me confident in that my media product will have a chance to be distributed by this certain institute. Furthermore IPC media will be able to promote my media product through multiple platforms as looking at the success of NME which is a Multi-platform success as they have a radio station, their own award ceremony. I believe that my music magazine can have the chance to be promoted through different Multi platforms such as TV, radio, and online. New media and technology will be the way in which I will promote my media product. New media and technology includes online/digital ver-

sion of the magazine, apps on iPhones and android, QR Codes for easy access and social media. If I launch a phone App for both iPhones and android then I believe that it will become a controversial topic, gaining more people to download which would lead to a greater popularity of my magazine as smartphones are used every day and more often. As my target audience are up to date with technology, there is a greater advantage for them as they are a young audience ranging from 16-25. Social media sites like twitter and Facebook have boosted into popularity and this is another best way to promote my magazine through advertisements and having an account or page for my magazine. It is also another way to get to readers interacting with the magazine as well as updating them with the recent news and exclusive features. The use of social media can mean that my magazine can be seen and heard from around the world, creating a greater market.

Who would be the audience for your media product?


or my media product, I have a specific target audience which would be suitable. The audience would be in a certain age group and social class however in different demographics and psychographic. As my media product is a music magazine, it only focuses on focuses strongly on R&B music artists, this is why the target audience have a different demographics and psychographics to readers of a rock magazine. My audience for my media product fit in the age range of 16-25 and aimed at 80% female and 20% male, the 60% difference differ from each other, this is because I’ve researched that mainly females are likely to read a magazine compared to a male reader. R&B is known to have a more female readership however a magazine for example; Kerrang! Would have more of a male readership this is because of the music genre. My media product is aimed roughly at 20% males is because there is a chance they would buy my media product because of a certain artist or a certain topic is featured in the magazine. If a female artist like Beyoncé or Rihanna is featured then it’s likely that male readers would also buy the magazine, however if there was an artist like Chris Brown or Drake then it’s more likely that more female readers would buy it, this is all based on the readers interest of their favourite music artist and the way they are portrayed in the magazine. My target audience would mostly be in higher education, which would include them going

to Sixth Form or University. In their free time they like to catch up on reading news and articles about their favourite music artists and the latest ‘gigs’ to be more social as well as having a high interest in many activities which include socialising mostly with their friends via online technological social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Keek and Vine, and they like to use the latest technology gadgets to socialise. They also like to play sports, due their energetic and active personality. My target audience also has a passion in performing which include singing and dancing. My audience are mainstreamers and aspirers, also they would classify as individualists as well. They go with the flow however they want to show the world that they are different. They fit in the social category of C2 D E. The target audience would read this magazine for information of their favourite music artists and entertainment/escapism. It will also build their personal identity, to identify people, situations, issues in the text which is similar to the reader, also by reading the magazine they are building their personal relationship with the magazine and the people around them who also read the magazine as they have the same common interest as the other readers, and it would also be a controversial topic for them to talk about, making the name of the magazine being spread out and have more readers reading it. My target audience will have a strong relationship with the magazine via social media. As my target audience are young they are usually up to date the current technology and social network, this is an advantage to the music

magazine to have its word spread out across the nation. My audience have an interest in fashion which would lead them to dress up in highly trended clothing however they like to go casual occasionally and in my media product there is a ‘fashion & style’ feature which can engage the reader more into my media product, not only that, there are more features like competitions, exclusive articles and more. They are my ideal audience for my media product as they are individuals who like to express themselves more. R&B is a genre where an artist is portrayed elegantly. My audience having a strong interest in music and having a strong connection between their favourite artists can mean that they are the perfect audience to read my magazine, which focuses on R&B artists only. My media product will only be aimed at them so satisfy their needs on what they want to read in particular, and as all artists featuring in my media product don’t go off to another genre of music, it’s easier for my audience to understand and recognise those artist and gain or develop a like for them. My media product is aimed at this specific audience as I believe that they would like to instantly known about the current musical affairs as well the events happening around them to get them involved. This shows that are sociable and are keen to know what happening the Musial industry as well as finding information about ‘gigs’ and ‘albums’ before they attend or buy. The audience are readers who would want to read first and think about it. They also love to know about new music artists and listen to a wide range of musical artists.

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How did you attract/address your audience?


ithin my magazine, there are many components that are contained to ensure that the product would be sold to the right target market. From competitions to the genre used is all thought wisely in order to attract my audience into buying the magazine. Before producing the media product, I had made sure I did enough research about my audience and how I could attract them into purchasing my magazine. Furthermore, I researched on how existing music magazine like NME and Billboard have drawn many of their readers to buy it. My magazine contains the following to make sure that it sells; a close up image in full bleed of the main artist who is the focus of my magazine on the front cover, the reason why the image of the front cover is a close up and in full bleed is to intrigue the reader and make them pick up and bug the product. The artist will help attract the audience into buying this magazine. Throughout the few pages of the magazine, I have used 2 different fonts which completely build up the style of my R&B music magazine. The house style of the magazine consists of the colours Purple being the main colour, supported with a teal, silver, black and white. These are simple, visible and outstanding colours which blend together very well and I believe that these colours definitely express the music genre ‘R&B’. As my target audience are both genders, I decided

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to use unisex colours which attract not only one gender but both. Similar on the contents page, I used the same house style in order to make sure it looks constant and professional. Carrying on, the list along the right hand side of the page contains a list of popular artists of R&B who are mentioned somewhere in the magazine. By having the contents page laid out very precisely, it makes the reader navigate themselves easier throughout the magazine. The artist featured in my magazine can also attract the audience into buying it as they may have a certain interest in them. My main artist ‘Kim is a breakthrough artist which has got advantages and disadvantages,

because some readers may not know this certain artist and from that, they would not buy the magazine however to solve this issue of reader getting put off buying the magazine as they don’t know the artist featured on the front page, other artists who are popular are featured and mentioned on the front cover, giving an impression to them that the magazine does focus on

all music stars of R&B. I made sure that the images I have chosen to be in my magazine, some way communicates with my audience with direct eye address or some body language to make the audience understands them. Other images include concert images of my own which makes the contents page become more realistic and more professional, this is an advantage as some readers may only be interested in gigs and tours review, so that they don’t get bored in reader other article which it may not interest them. I believe that the layout of the article on my double page spread is unique which would attract the audience very well, focusing on both the article and the image is a great way to give the reader a first impression of the artist. A whole A4 page has a full bleed image of the artist with a caption at the bottom, the caption can strongly get the readers eye due to the place where it’s positioned. In between the article pull quotes and box outs are included to make sure that the reader doesn’t get put off with a whole full double page of text, not only that, the pull quotes are used to make sure that certain parts of the article can attract the reader. The article has a informal register, however the tone of it is relaxed which can put the reader into ease and allow then to enjoy the article and the images. The article features comical points which would help the reader into making them read on further.

As my media product is a music magazine, my audience would be attracted into buying the product for entertainment. According to the uses and gratifications theory, my readers have the need of Surveillance. My audience are appealed to find out what is happening around them in the world of the music industry and want to be part of it. They would also like to read a specific magazine. My target audience are attracted to the genre of my magazine – ‘R&B’, meaning they like to know what’s happening in music artists lives as well the industries. My music magazine is a great way to receive information about a certain topic for my target audience. In my magazine, the use of new media has got a big contribution to it so that it can sell well amongst my target audience. As my audience are very well known with the latest gadgets and technology, the best way to be interactive with them and as well as making sure the magazine sells via technology, there are many features like subscription of the magazine, QR codes to download certain assets related to a specific article or page of the magazine, social media networking sites are also important, this is to make sure that we can get views from readers and have exclusive chances for the readers with extra information or limited edition articles from the magazine to spread the word. This can strongly attract my audience as they read magazine for Surveillance and Escapism, this is the best way to make them get more attention towards the magazine. Internet and Smartphones are popular amongst Young age groups, and as my audience are part of this age category, my magazine at its best attracts the audience. My magazine can be accessed digitally via

smartphones and internet. There can be an App for my magazine so that audience can access via their phones, and there will be a website in which they can get more information and access to the online version of the magazine. Overall I believe that I have been very successful in targeting my audience to my media product. With feedback from the audience survey which I conducted before producing my magazine pages it has helped me understand the needs of my target audience in order for my media product to sell. Also with previous tasks I have done for example; Colour Scheme, Masthead Name Ideas, Props and costumes, I have looked back into them and applied it to my magazine in order for my magazine to be able to sell

Here are some evidence in which proves that my magazine has somehow attrated the readers and address them very well.

Scan the QR Code to be directed straight to my blog where there are more evidence and tasks.

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?


uring the production of the magazine, I have gained and improved my skills into using technologies and software’s, these include – Adobe InDesign CS6, Photoshop, Scribd, Slideshare, Blogger, Dafont. com, Prezi and photography and camera skills. Furthermore I’ve also had the chance to use professional equipment in order to get high quality images for my media product, which includes the cannon SLR camera, the lighting folding umbrellas and spotlights. With each of these software’s, websites, and equipment, I’ve had the chance to show my creativity in which I want to put into my media product. Before beginning this project, I was familiar with Photoshop and how it works, giving me a great advantage to be able to start straight away in editing images for my project. In GCSE I was taught all the basic skills of Photoshop and I learnt few intermediate skills in which I applied to my GCSE project. When it came to this project, many tools which I was familiar to, came in handy when editing images from this project. I used tools ranging from the spot healing tool, burn tool, patch tool, to different effects like ‘Contrast/ Brightness’ to ‘Colour Range’ which was very handy in cutting the background of the image. So my confidence in using Photoshop boosted more in order to show my skills more into my magazine. InDesign is a much more professional pragma to make

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magazine quickly and similar media products. InDesign is a software in which you can make templates which you can input into each page all at once, known as master pages, to ensure the pages looked constant and had a flow to it. Furthermore InDesign has allowed me to focus more on the content rather than messing around with text boxes and shapes; the software has simple quick tricks which were very beneficial. As the main thing about the article pages the text, to make sure it was constant, In InDesign you can have the ability with the text box to extend them and put them in columns and then copy and paste the article into the text box at once. I’ve posted a tutorial on how to do this certain skill on my blog. Text Wrap was also an easy way to get the text around the image. It allows you to select the picture and then text automatically fits around the picture, also you can change the distance of the text wrap if you don’t want the text right next to the edge of the image. Each tool I’ve used has made my magazine to look professional and have a finished look. Many top magazine companies are very familiar to this software due to the simple tools which are very effective. The end results of making my magazine were very good and consider using it in later project ahead. My favourite feature of this software has to be the colour swatches and the paragraph styles, in which I can save my own style of font and then in one click I can use it when adding another text.

The colour swatch enabled me to save colours which have been used for my magazine, and then once used, it’s easy for me to access and make sure the magazine has a smooth look to it and keep the house style constant. Other technologies I’ve used throughout this project are Scribd, blogger, Slideshare, Prezi and dafont.com. Scribd has allowed doing my work on Microsoft word and PowerPoint and then uploading it as a blog post via embedding them. This allows me to share my work easily with other users. Once it becomes a blog post, there is a neat presentation of the work which can be viewed in the blog page. Slideshare is also another website, similar to Scribd; it can allow me to upload power points and word documents, embed them on my blog and share it. It’s another great website into uploading planning ideas for my magazine. Blogger is one of the main places where I can put all my work to present it. I have developed even more skills into presenting my work. I have learned how to label posts and follow other people’s work and teacher’s blogs. Blogging can help me keep up-to-date on what work I’ve done and what work I need to complete. Whilst working on my media product I have used Dafont.com to help enhance my final product as it allowed me to download any different and more exciting fonts making my product look more professional.



Prezi has allowed me to create different and appealing presentation which could be blogged and be easily access to present. Prezi we a great website to use as once I’ve embedded my work onto my blog and I need to edit it, I had to worries but to go on Prezi and edit it and it would automatically update the Prezi which has been embedded on the blog. Equipment wise, I did my photo shoot using a Canon 55OD DSLR, I am familiar with the camera as I’ve used it for pervious tasks and projects, I knew the functions of the camera very well. As the camera is digital, I got the chance to look back at images at see which ones were good and bad, also giving a quick preview after taking the picture was beneficial to see how the image came out, furthermore the images taken by this camera were high definition and clear. As I was using a 16GB memory card, which stores approximately 4,000 images, I knew that the capacity of the card was more than enough for me, and resulted in taking over 250 images of my photo shoot. After the shoot, I could easily and quickly transfer my images onto the computer by using a SD card USB Reader. I also got access to lights and a white backdrop for my studio photoshoot which improved the images itself so that it could have a better high quality. The white backdrop also made the images easy to edit without having any difficulties. The lights are used for professional shoots which will provide high quality and professional looking images which I took due to the equipment. The lights were easy to adjust, and I was shown by one of the media teachers on how to adjust them.

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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?


rom looking at my preliminary task I have felt like I have gained more skills and learnt more about InDesign, while in the progression of making my final product. From making a school magazine to a music magazine, there have been similarities and differences between making them. In the preliminary task I used basic

that my images could look more professional in music magazine. There was no planning and research into my preliminary task however for my actual final task, I got the chance to plan and have a rough visual idea of what my music magazine would look like. In the preliminary task I only got a chance to

editing skills when making it which included placing an image as well as including text. The preliminary task didn’t look as professional as my final product this because I got a chance to do a high-quality photo shoot so

draw sketches on the front cover and contents page however, on the other hand in the final task I had to write a proposal on what my magazine would include, carrying on, we had to plan on

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the colours we would use, the equipment, the style of the magazine, who my target audience are, sell lines, article write up, and many more tasks before I actually got the chance to construct it. Planning was a great chance for me to be organised which is a key skill I have developed

compared to when I created the preliminary task which I had to do in a certain time period. Researching was a big skill which improved throughout the project; I had to research about current

readers, different magazines, technology so that it can be applied to my own magazine. I also had to look into styles and trends in which it would help me know the costumes my models would wear for the photoshoot. Once I started creating my final task, I didn’t have to rush and make things up on the spot as I planned everything out and was completely confident into making my magazine. However when I was producing the school magazine, I didn’t make a plan which got me loosing time in making up sell line and which colours to use and more. The progress I believe I have made is good. While making the preliminary task it was the first time I used a new software called InDesign, it made my school magazine look unprofessional because I wasn’t familiar with the to the tools and the software in general. Once I started make my final task, I was more confident in using InDesign as I got practice in using the tools and understand how the software works, alongside that, I watched many tutorial in order to help me and at the end I made a tutorial to help everyone else and show my progression. Time management has improved as I was organised in what tasks I had to do in time. While during the progress of my preliminary task I had a certain date in which I had to complete it. From the comparison between my two products there is a clear difference between the quality of the design and the content, also you can see in which magazine I have put more time and effort in, and once again it has been aided with my confidence in using InDesign. With my time man-

agement skill, I made sure all tasks were done as soon as possible so that I could start creating my magazine, meaning I had a longer period to produce it while in the preliminary task I had a month to create it. Furthermore I have increased my knowledge and understanding of how media products have to appear, with some following the codes and conventions and some not. When it came to inspiration, for my preliminary task I didn’t have any inspiration in comparison to my music magazine

where I got inspiration from big current music magazines like vibe and billboard, this got me to produce my own music magazine with great inspiration. Overall in general I believe that the progress I’ve made from the preliminary task to the final task is major this is because I got to show my skills of editing and designing in my music magazine compared to the preliminary task I didn’t get a chance to take a high-quality images and think about which images I have to put. In editing my images I have been confident before using Photoshop and always have been this is a great advantage, however I gained more stronger skills when it came to just editing a simple image. I have learnt shortcut tricks of Indesign on the keyboard which is very helpful in speeding up the process on producing and quickly editing for bits and bobs of the magazine. ‘Ctrl + Shift + >’ - Font Bigger ‘Ctrl + Shift +<’ - Font Smaller ‘Ctrl + Shift + ]’ - Brings object foward ‘Ctrl + Shift + [‘ - Brings object back ‘W’ - Hides Guidelines At the beginning of using InDesign when completeing my preliminary task, i was struggling to use the software itself as it was brand new to me as well as not knowing which tools are which, however with the help of perserverance, techers tricks and tutorials, I made all the small edits using the shortcut keys.

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