7 Best Tips for the first day at kids’ play school It is the first day at school for your child! This is a life changing experience for your child. Many moms spend so much time preparing their children for school that they forget to prepare themselves for the rush of emotions surrounding this life transition. Give yourself some time to think about it and how will you respond to it. Shobha had applied heavy mascara but it soon turned into the melted black eye look when she teared up after leaving her daughter on her first day of school. She immediately introduced herself to the teacher so that she can feel at home. These are the few things you can do before preparing for a positive change in life. These little things can give you confidence to help you deal with the first day with confidence. Now, that you have dealt with your emotions, we can focus on the child. How to prepare your child? 1) Most kids immediately start liking kindergarten but the more you can prepare your child emotionally and mentally for the transition, the easier it can be. 2) Before the school starts, start the school routine by laying out the next day's clothes, pack a backpack and sack lunch, wake up on schedule, etc. This will prevent any unwanted surprises for your kids on the first day at your kids’ play school. 3) Make the first day exciting by building excitement in the child’s mind. Celebrate it to make it special. Go for shopping for school supplies, new clothes, big family breakfast and take lots of pictures. 4) Even a five year old can have some feeling of fear as the situation is unknown. Learn to listen to what your child is saying and help him/her face his insecurity. 5) Ask open ended questions that give your child room for asking questions. The whole purpose is to encourage your child to talk while you listen. 6) Make it a point to work with your child’s teacher on the behalf of your child. This will build a good bond and monitor progress of your child. It gives the child the message that the teacher is trustworthy. 7) You can do a role play and imagine a scenario where your child is the teacher and you are the student. You can ask questions related to the bathroom, etc. which can be a reason for concern for your child on the first day at your kid’s play school. Although there are many other tips for managing this transition, support your child emotionally. All the best and go with the flow to embrace the first day at your kid’s play school.