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The real and perceived cost barrier will only worsen with inflation
Food prices pose a challenge to healthy eating, particularly given the high rates of inflation in Portugal.
The price of non-processed foods increased by 15% in just one year, while wages have stagnated.
Mobility challenges disproportionately impact elderly residents, who depend on public transit to access their food.
Percentage of people that use public transportation to get to the grocery store, broken down by age
Elderly residents use public transit 2x more than other age groups to shop for food
Both near the universities, where there is extremely limited access to food and in Boa Hora, where there is a cluster of food places, most people observed spending time outside were waiting for public transit. Bus stops have a great potential to be high-impact spaces for interventions that encourage healthy food routines.
Seniors Students
68% of seniors take public transit to get groceries
91% of people observed at the university during the stationary survey was waiting for the bus to arrive