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Medical Research Honors Program
Current first-year medical students are eligible to join the Medical Research Honors Program (MRHP). With a mentor’s guidance, you will drive this long-term, thesis-focused research experience. By completing the requirements while remaining in good academic standing, you’ll graduate with an honors distinction.
Through the MRHP, you will:
• Advance fundamental scientific knowledge
• Stand apart in competitive residency application fields
• Refine scholarly communication
• Gain a mindset of continual growth and learning To complete this 4-year program, you must submit a research project proposal, write a thesis and deliver an oral defense. You will also write abstracts, present posters and publish findings while building toward their thesis defense. Your research experience is guided by a research mentor, a thesis advisory committee and the program director. We encourage you to participate in the Summer Research Immersion Program as well.
Application deadline:
Friday, April 15, 2022
Application packet must include:
• MRHP application form • Letter of support from research mentor • CV • Acknowledgment of mentor’s expectations • Project proposal: Title, specific aims, hypothesis, background, preliminary data (if available)
Be a mentor
Submit a mentor data form to: mrhp@som.geisinger.edu Be sure to indicate your willingness to commit time, facilities and resources to a student as needed throughout the program.
Questions about the MRHP program or mentoring?
Contact: Sonia Lobo, PhD Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship slobo@som.geisinger.edu Adam Blannard, MS Program Manager ablannard@som.geisinger.edu