Her Eyes With Truth

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HER EYES were Writing from the Battered Women & Children’s Shelter of Bexar County in partnership with the Writers in Communities program of Gemini Ink

Cover Art: “Virginia” 12 x 13.5”, Acrylic on Panel Courtesy of SAY Sí

Her eyes were Truth

“Her eyes were truth... She sent to me I know. I know God sent this angel to me.” - from “The Angel I Know”

Her eyes were Truth Writing from the Battered Women & Children’s Shelter of Bexar County in partnership with the Writers in Communities program of Gemini Ink Writer-in-Residence: Kirk Walsh Editing, Layout and Design by: Victoria Hanan Funded by Joan M. Cheever in memory of her mother, Sally M. Cheever Childrens’ Service Administrator, BWCS: Dorothy Huerta Writers in Communities Director, Gemini Ink: Victoria Hanan Executive Director, BWCS: Marta B. Peláez Executive Director, Gemini Ink: Rosemary Catacalos

© 2006 Gemini Ink

Foreword Last fall, a generous gift from Ms. Joan M. Cheever allowed Gemini Ink’s Writers in Communities program to embark on our first-ever partnership with the Battered Women & Children’s Shelter – and what a collaboration it was! Meeting once a week for six weeks, writer-in-residence Kirk Walsh helped mine and celebrate the lives of these resilient women and children. The result is what you see before you: musings on solitude and starry Californian skies, thoughts on friendship between a boy and his dog, and even the heartwarming confession of a Christmas tree thief. Although the residency was brief, we think you’ll agree the simplicity and sweetness of these works are timeless. We are so honored to help these women and children rediscover their voices and restore a sense of normalcy. Despite undergoing severe trauma, they are finding renewed strength by searching their memories and roots - the strength they need to move forward. It is a privilege to be part of that process. - Victoria Hanan Director, Writers in Communities Gemini Ink


and Acknowledgments Gemini Ink would like to thank Joan M. Cheever for making this anthology and workshop possible; Dorothy Huerta and the other dedicated staff of the BCWS for their enthusiastic support of this residency and overall wonderful work; Writer-in-Residence Kirk Walsh for her dedication, professionalism and commitment; and SAY Sí Executive Director Jon Hinojosa and Visual Arts Associate Director Claudio Aguillon for their generous donation of our lovely student-created cover image. Most of all, we thank the residents of the Battered Women & Children’s Shelter. Your courage, tenderness and beauty is a gift to us all.

The authors’ work has been edited as lightly as possible in order to most closely honor the original voices.

Women's Writing

Country Love Song Please not another country love song on the radio reminding me of how much you did me wrong, when you didn’t treat me right. That’s it. Turn it off, the radio. I believe you got what you deserved when I took off with the cat and dog, and left in the Chevy truck. Too bad now. You’re sitting and crying. Well, turn off the radio cause I’m gone. I didn’t leave no change of address. Sorry I’m not coming back. Let me know when you find God because I’ve turned off the radio.

- S.S.


The Angel I Know She had the skin of cotton soft. Her eyes were truth. And her hair as white as snow. She sent to me I know. When I was with her, there was so much peace. I know God sent this angel to me.

- Y.R.


Breath: Where Does It Come From and Where Does It Go What is it? What does it look like? Cool as ice or hot as the sun. Breath, which way does it go? Once you speak, your lips open and close. You breathe through your nose. Your lungs clear as air. The deep breath you take is a mystery from above, The Creator.

- Y.R.


Untitled El amor es lo mas bello de todos los sentimientos del ser humano. Brinda amor y recibirås amor Y si no lo recibes no importa, Tu brindalo y no esperes nada a cambio. Y que Dios te bendiga por leer mis palabras. Gracias. - L. Love is the most beautiful of human emotions. Offer love and you will receive love. And if you don’t receive it, it doesn’t matter. Just offer and expect nothing in return. And may God bless you for reading my words. Thank you.


La Soledad Es triste consejera pero muchas veces la mejor solución a muchos de los problemas. Es fría sin aliento pero mas sin embargo nos ayuda a darnos cuenta cuando necesitamos de ella. Es la amiga fiel. siempre esta donde quiera ella no te deja. De día, de noche, es paciente pero a su vez ligera, esa es la soledad, amiga sin igual. - T.

Solitude She is a gloomy advisor but often the best solution to many problems. She does not live or breathe but still helps us understand. She is a faithful friend, always with you. She won’t leave you. By day, by night, she’s patient and at the same time luminous. She is Solitude, friend without equal.



I remember very well the year of 1989. It was New Year’s Eve. My sister, my brother and I had already gotten presents from our mother and grandmother. We were going to celebrate New Year’s Eve only with our friends. Everything was ready but we did not have a Christmas tree. I decided to get one. I went to a certain place, cut a tree, brought it home and everyone was very happy. We decorated the tree, celebrated New Year’s Eve and had a good time. I was afraid of everything for I knew what was waiting for me the next day. A man came to my house and Told my grandmother what I had done. She had to pay for the Christmas tree. I felt very foolish and sad. - N.V. (This piece has been translated from Bosnian.)


California In California, there is a place called Santa Inez Mountains. You can see the comets and the stars. You can practically see almost everything, and it is very beautiful. Especially when you look over, you can see Santa Barbara with bright beautiful lights. I miss that. - E.R.


Children's Writing

Starry Sky Looking at the starry sky, I saw storm tracks riding high. Riding to the Milky Way? I can show you where. That way! _____

Learning Learning is fun! Learning is great! Learning puts a smile on your sibling’s face. - A.C.


Me & My Dog Me and my dog hopping down a dirt road, having the time of our lives. Never wanted it to end. We take a little break. I eat an ice cream pop; him eating a fat, juicy bone. Then I carry him home like it was the last time I saw him. Then we get home, we snuggle in the bed, and watch a movie about a girl and her dog having a good time. Then I’m changing into my pjs and we get into bed and snuggle in the bed and go to sleep together. And it will start all over again, tomorrow. - L.G.


Friends I am grateful for my friends, because they keep you company so you have someone to talk to. They take care of you sometimes. If someone wants to fight you, they take your back. When you have friends, you might feel accepted. Or sometimes you joke around and have fun. You feel happy. What I mean by happy is excited, like as if you were at a party. I get very energetic, like riding a roller coaster. You might kind of feel restless or out of breath. It feels like you get a weird feeling. Like falling off a cliff. Sometimes frightened, maybe this is because you’re having too much fun. - A.P.


My Dreams at Night When I Sleep I don’t have dreams. It is pitch black. It is like a computer screen when it’s turned off. I may hear the click of the heater going on and off. I don’t feel anything when I am sleep. I am a deep sleeper. I don’t feel anything when I am sleep unless it is my sister rolling me off the bed to wake me up! Sometimes I don’t even feel that. I may have a dream of me falling but it is just my sister pushing me off the bed!!

- L.G.


My Memory of the Stars and Constellations We were on our way to pick up my oldest brother from his girlfriend’s house in Floresville, Texas. I was in the back of the truck and that night I saw the Milky Way and a satellite. The Milky Way looked kind of like a faded light with dark white dots which were the stars. The satellite was two blinking lights. Red and blue, I think. They were not that bright. It was a very scary dark night. I could hear noises in the woods that were surrounding us. They sounded like someone was walking in the woods. The sound of crickets was also heard. They were very loud. I was with my brother Adam in the back of the truck. He didn’t do much because I guess he had already seen them before. I was excited. I had never seen the Milky Way before. I was amused! - A.P.


GEMINI INK is the only community-based center for literary arts and ideas in San Antonio and South Texas. During the past year, we served more than 5300 readers, writers, and literary performance-goers representing a diverse sampling of our community’s population. Writers in Communities (WIC) sends professional writers with specialized teaching experience into a wide range of community settings to work alongside students of all ages, needs, interests and abilities. WIC writing workshops have been offered in schools, justice settings, neighborhood community centers, and healthcare facilities, among many other venues. While in residence,WIC writers help students create dynamic writing projects, often reflecting their own lives, that challenge, celebrate, inspire and enlighten. Most WIC residencies culminate in the publication of an anthology of participants’ work and a celebratory public reading. For more information, visit www.geminiink.org; or call 210.734-WORD (9673). Toll-free: 877.734WORD (9673).

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