I, too, sing America

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“I, too, sing America” Poetry by students from the San Antonio Independent School District in partnership with Gemini Ink’s Writers in Communities Program

Fall 2008

NOTE: The authors’ work is edited as lightly as possible in order to honor and preserve their original voices. When parental relase forms are unavailable, only first names are used.

“I, too, sing America” Poetry by sixth grade students from the San Antonio Independent School District in partnership with Writers in Communities, Gemini Ink Fall 2008

Writers-in-Residence: Grisel Acosta Xelena González Laurie Guerrero Vincent Toro Muralists-in-Residence: Ruth Buentello Fadela Gacis Castro Adriana García Michael Marks

Design & Layout by Adriana Sánchez Alexander Funded by the Brackenridge Foundation ELA Coordinator, SAISD: Mary Dowd Writers in Communities Director, Gemini Ink: Adriana Sánchez Alexander Superintendent, SAISD: Dr. Robert J. Durón Executive | Artistic Director, Gemini Ink: Rosemary Catacalos © 2009 Gemini Ink

Davis Middle School

Writer-in-Residence: Grisel Acosta Muralist-in-Residence: Fadela Gacis Castro Host Teacher: Ms. Reed


America Is…. by Jaylen Guess My America is my quiet neighborhood. My America is always supposed to look its best. My America is having flashing lights. My America is seeing my people rise, from slaves to presidents. My America is always going to have someone silly.

Colors by Barbara Gramby I am a beautiful rainbow, mixed with colors. I am bright. I am dark. Sometimes you can’t see me because we’re far apart. Sometimes you may think that I’m far, but I’m close, near. Sometimes I can’t even hear. There are days that are bright; there are times that are dark. But always remember, I am close, near.

Confidence by Alexis Dembo I am Black, the color of caramel the sweet fragrance that you smell. I am me and ever so mighty!

Billie Holiday by Sabrina Jazz is the music from the soul Falling in love Hands Red sky Warmth Death Titanic Swimmin’ in the middle of the ocean


Gracefully, I walk as interesting as I talk. I will rise like the sizzlin’ summer cries! I am me, sweet as iced tea. I float like an angel, can sting like a bee. May be as hard as a rock, but I’mma be me. I play like a cat, and am tall as a tree, and like I said, I’mma be me!

I Am Beautiful by Kiara Fagan I am beatiful. What makes me beautiful is my funny, laughing, exciting family that is there for me. I am also beautiful when I praise dance. It’s so exciting that I praise dance for God. I am beautiful when I play basketball. I move like the wind. I am beautiful in many ways. Inside I am also beautiful. If anybody judges me, I will walk away and say “I am beautiful.” I am beautiful; but, do I really know it?

Who Am I? by Aurdaejah S. Boston I am trapped between confusion and understanding. My heart has courage. My mind has knowledge. I am Somebody. I am a rainbow Mixed with different colors. You may not see all of my colors, But you do see one. I am a leader. I am two people, But when it is dark, I am one. You may not know me. I am strong and fast like a cheetah. I am like a lion. I am the Queen of the jungle. When I roar, the earth shakes; It is like an earthquake. My lion family cares for me. My cougar and tiger friends like to gossip, But not too much. I am a female lion, Smarter than you think. The question is, “Who Am I?” I am Aurdaejah S. Boston, The most different.

Who Am I? by Gerrell Ali …the coal that you put on a pit. I am the tortilla that you feed to your children, and I am the spaghetti that you eat. I am everything; I’m even the jazz stepping you hear on the apartment floor. I am the fiesta inside of you and me. I am the Italian stallion that runs free inside of me. We need to see who we are inside of us. We have something special inside of all of us.


That’s Me! by Jessica Redmon Actress… People look at me funny. “What a dummy,” They think. I’m a young girl going to act on stage. They stare at me like I’m a monkey trying to get out of an invisible cage. They laugh at me, but I laugh back Because everything is going the way that I planned; Everything is in tact. I say my lines with emotion and power. I feel like an ant who is bigger than the Eiffel Tower! They stare in awe… “Can she do that? How does she do that?” The smile on my face will last forever As the crowd puts their hands together. Artist… “So she can act?” They say. “Just wait ‘til I pick up a pencil!” I say.

They roll their eyes and walk away. I get my paper and draw out my soul To let them see, to let them know… that is my ultimate goal. I draw a map of my life in one line, The colors of my past in another. I doodled on it a bit because I was bored, And now I’m ready to show it to the world! Author… By now you’ve seen a part of me, But there’s an author in this girl that you have not seen. From the beginning to the end. In my mind, I’m a best-selling tweenage writer-girl. For now, I’m the one straight and red strand of hair in Goldie Locks’ blonde curls. But still…Three A’s is what I want to be. Actress, Artist, Author… Yup! That’s me!

Special About Me by De Vonjae Smoots When I dream my world is . . . Full of passion, joyful times, and loyalty.

During the holidays my family is … Playful and fun to be around them because they love me and I love them. What inspires me the most is… When I see someone help the community out or help me out in my time of need.

The most special thing about me is… That I could be a good friend. In the future I believe we will… Be successful people and all of our dreams will come true.

I have the most fun when… I get to be around my little baby cousins because I love them so much.


Thanksgiving Magic by Brittany Baca At Thanksgiving, two years ago, my family, including my grandma and mom, spent most of their time in the kitchen. My mom was the only girl, so it was her (and sometimes my older cousins) helping out. They stayed up all night preparing for the big day. My dad spoke to my uncles in the living room. Sometimes I would help out. I couldn’t do much, but I tried. Every time, in the kitchen, a conversation would get started and it never stopped; so I sat around and listened, but soon enough, as usual, I got bored and left.

Sister’s Graduation by Jade I woke up on Saturday Jumped out of bed And remembered what day it was I smelled BBQ Heard the aluminum foil It’s Saturday! It’s Saturday! My sister graduates on Saturday! I took my shower, put my clothes on and ran to help my mom When it was 5:00 p.m., we went downtown So many cars, so many people We got inside, found our seats, and waited The lights dimmed low Then, suddenly, no lights at all A spotlight came on All the graduates came out I saw my sister’s friend, and then… My sister! I screamed so loud My head hurt for the next two hours People were looking back and staring I didn’t care I kept on screaming

My Parents by Maria Piedad

My mom was pregnant. It was another happy day for her Because another kid would come to life. I was being born. My brothers and sisters were all bored. They just couldn’t wait at all, So they went to the mall. When I came out, My dad was as happy as a clown. They said that I was a tiny, little unicorn That would soon be a big rainbow.


My Trip to NYC by Johannah I went to New York City with my cousins last year on Christmas to visit my great grandma who lives in Manhattan. We stayed at the Waldorf Hotel, and with the snow and the gigantic hotel, I felt like a princess of the snow. We visited my grandma who lives in a brownstone. We all went to Central Park which looks like a winter wonderland. We visited the harbor, and I saw Lady Liberty and her torch shining like a beacon in the distance. I closed my eyes and thought about the immigrants who saw her light, and suddenly I knew how they must have felt when they saw the United States for the first time. Shortly afterward, we visited Columbia University where my sixteen year old cousin, Jasmine, applied because she is graduating a year early. While she applied, my cousin Zena wandered around the campus grounds aimlessly, looking for something to do. I caught up with her, and when she turned around, I threw a snowball at her. We got in a snowball fight, and when we were done, it looked like a whipped crème explosion.

Family by Daniela Muùiz During the holidays, my family gets together with love and care. What inspires me the most is my family and friends because they tell me what to do and what not to do to help me for the future. The most special thing about me is that I have a family; I have a house to live in, and I have a special friend who is God. In the future, I believe we will be more caring towards everyone else; there will not be people destroying the world with smoking, littering, wars, and all kinds of other disasters. I have the most fun when I’m with all my family, my mom and dad, and when I study the Bible, and pray to God at night when I go to sleep and in the morning.



Christmas Past

by Celeste Canalez

by Samantha Riojas

You are gone now and will never return. It shatters my heart every day. I always remember what you told me. “To the living, I am gone; to the sorrow, I will never return; but to the people I love, I am at peace.” He was always a deep and happy man. He was my very own poet. He told me he would recite quotations to someone else, But for me, he wrote them himself.

Everyone together at last. Only today. Why? Favorite uncle, He’s coming home, finally. Love forever. Everything is changing. Past the gifts, lights, food, Past the whole façade, We all come together at once. Only today. Why?!?

I Have Been Given a Package by Michael Guia

Everybody has a Package by Joseph Rivera

There are many things in the package. There are things I like: Everybody has a package. Food The package is yours. Family You may have a family. Friends You may have friends. There are also things that I hope to get: You may have money. To be taller You may have everything. To be better at school To be better at sports But still there are items you don’t want in your package, Like losing somebody you loved. You may lose your dad at a young age, like me. You could be bankrupt and find a million dollars. You may find the best pet ever. Somebody may give you the best beach house ever. Somebody may give a nice car. But it’s not what the package gives you or doesn’t give you, It’s what you do with your package.


Lowell Middle School

Writer-in-Residence: Vincent Toro Muralist-in-Residence: Ruth Buentello Host Teacher: Mr. Campbell


The Butterfly by Toni Garcia When the butterfly spreads its wings, I feel special. The butterfly is as sweet as a good friend. The butterfly is like an angel above. The butterfly is colorful like my friends. The butterfly flies above everyone like my teacher. The butterfly is like a shooting star. The butterfly is free like the moon. The butterfly spreads its wings like love. The butterfly is my family.

Mademoiselle Who by Melissa Mademoiselle who purrs like a motor boat And sleeps on my chest Who is sweet and sour at the same time Whose fur is made of silk Is too frisky to come inside today Who reminds me that she loves me Who lets me know when I annoy her

Heroes by Isaiah My dad who flees battles with my mom And fights for his rights. My dad who is a scared possum trying to hide. My dad who says, “Don’t be me, be you.” And tries to get to the bottom of me. My dad who is now the Terminator And goes into battle for me. My dad who is ready for his biggest mission: Me. My dad is the laugh that never dies.


Grandma Who by Jose Grandma who cares for me When I’m down as if I fell off a cliff. Grandma who sleeps all day As if she were a flame that went out.

My Mom is Also the Lights by Joshua My mom who nags me when I’m asleep… My mom who leaves the printer with no ink… My mom is the computer. My mom is also the lights. My mom is a book. My mom is the open sky at night.

Light Rain by Valerie Stars are fireflies flying high in the sky. Stars are blinking lights that never blow out. Stars are the lights that shine over us. Stars rain light on us.

Spilled Glitter by Briana Vidal Stars are a night light without batteries or a plug. Stars are eyes watching. Stars are the pattern on a painting. Stars are electric appliances left on in a house. Stars are spilled glitter on a black sheet of paper.

A Star Is… by Savannah A star is a bright child. A star is a twinkle in your eye. A star is a boy who got an “A” on his history test.


Flowers and Stars by Candi A flower is a newborn child. A flower is the heart in your body. A flower is a cure for grass. A flower is the beauty that creates us. A star is the twinkle in your heart. A star is a bright person. A star is the brightness of the sun. A star is the twinkle in your eye. A star is the water that runs through pointy rocks. A star is the “A� you get on a test.

Love by Jordan Love is the beauty of a flower. Love is the stinging of bees. Love is the wind blowing in the sky. Love is the rain falling to the ground. Love is the flow of a river. Love is the tears of a baby. Love is the hands of a clock slowly ticking. Love is the sweetness of candy.

Sweet and Sour by Kevin I am from movie theaters showing scary movies and comedies. I am from good and bad. I have seen people that pay and people that steal. I am from white houses. I see empty sidewalks where nobody is walking. I am from tasting the sweet and sour, Cookies, donuts, and lemon.

America by Brandon America is a scary not so silent night. America is every place filled with cigarette smoke. America is people yapping on their 500 dollar cell phones.


I Am from Here by Quinton I am from tagged up walls. I am from homies having a good time at school. I am from the twisted bumping of cars. I am from the enchiladas of a Mexican restaurant. I am from the smell of gas.

1,000 Heartbeats by Sandra I am from a house with a 1,000 people in it… but only two people get paid; so some days we end up looking like lions hunting for food. I am from the sound of a beating heart that never dies, a beating heart that cares for others.

The Sun in San Antonio by Paul Crail I’m from cars speeding by. I’m from tasting papas con chorizo. I’m from cracked windows and broken floors. I’m from wearing black Dickies and white t-shirts. I’m from torn-up shoes. I’m from eating grits for dinner. I’m from the shine of the sun. I’m from the wind blowing. I’m from sharpening my pencils with a knife. I’m from San Antonio, Texas.

Of the City by Chris

I am from all the animals that live in the jungle. I am from the sound of the subway. I am from the fragrance of the city. I am from the feel of hard cement. I am from my grandmother’s lasagna.


America is Class Poem America is a web of skyscrapers and maple trees. America is a zoo of parents and children. America is underground rap bumping through a car stereo. America is pigeons. America is an apple falling from a tree. America is a backyard barbecue on a Saturday. America is Mayans, Apaches, and Comanches. America is laughter and tears.


Page Middle School

Writer-in-Residence: Xelena Gonzรกlez Muralist-in-Residence: Michael Marks Host Teacher: Ms. McKendrick


My Days by Estevan Torres People making a lot of noise in the morning Cherry ice cream on Sunday afternoon Kids playing hopscotch on the afternoon sidewalk Roses in the early mornings The hard wood floors cold in the winters

The Way I Live… by Alexis Berlanga I am poor, and I live right next door to my grandma’s house. The color of her house is cloud white. Mine is baby blue. We always wave when we catch a glimpse of each other. When my mom goes somewhere, I walk next door and ask grandma to watch us. The good thing is I get to take care of her. She is sick with diabetes. The only thing I wish is that we could live together.

Life by Victoria Sanchez A big brown house Pictures on the walls Dogs and cats everywhere Cars moving through the streets Kids running on the grass Birds singing the sound of air Loud music playing in Spanish The sweetness of bananas, apples, oranges The spiciness of Mexican food The feel of my mom’s warm arms

Billionaire by Adolph Arellano If I had a billion dollars I would buy a big house for my family and one for myself. I would support my family and be there for them all of my life. I would buy their groceries, other stuff they need, clothes and shoes for church or weddings. Then I would look for a job to make more money and have lots of parties with my friends invited.


Mexican by Estevan Torres Mexican. Latino. Chicano. Whatever you call me, I am still a man like you inside. Just because we are different on the outside Doesn’t mean we don’t have feelings. We all feel the hard wood floors in the morning. It don’t matter if you are white, black, or brown; we even play the same. So what is the difference?

Is There a Difference? by Briana Rangel Mom says we are rich because we have a roof over our heads. But the rich kids don’t love what they have. We’re supposed to be different. I don’t understand why. What is different about the Southside and Northside? We have money, so do they. We have nice houses, so do they. They have beautiful buildings, and we do too.

That Mexican Feeling by Amy Salinas That Mexican feeling Eating enchiladas One of the best experiences Like doing the hat dance The mariachis yelling Ayayayayiii!!!!!! It is a rush A rollercoaster on 5 de mayo

They are rich people. We are too. Aaahhh! I see. There is no difference.

What I Hear, What I Feel by Sabreena Garza

Mi’ja, don’t be so stingy.

I feel my head throbbing with anger.

Don’t be ashamed if death is in the family. I feel sad when I hear that.

Rich people are not nice and don’t think of anyone but themselves.

This makes me so sad for the poor people who deserve more respect.



My Poem!

by Gilbert Balderas

by Pearl Mejia

Good Intelligent Lost Bored Excellent Right Talker

I love you, but at the same time I hate you. I don’t want to kiss you, but my lips can’t resist you. I don’t want to see you, but I find myself walking around hoping to bump into you.

About You by Victoria Perez I Love you. OMG! You make me mad Gahhh…you give me butterflies in my stomach. Bleh. You make me lose my appetite When I see you. I will never forget you. But ewwww, you’re not for me. You’re in My heart 24/7 in a very big black hole. You put a big smile on my face when you see me. Your curly hair is CUTE. I hate your hair. But you’re in my life forever. But ‘til then I hate you.

My by Amber Diaz My heart is like a bunch of grapes getting squished easily My eyes are like a chocolate fountain flowing My feet are my walkers

Landing by Kenya I land on grass green as my eyes. It sparkles like a shiny airplane flowing to the ground.


I Like When‌ by April Gaona Butterflies come out in the afternoon like brown leaves in fall.

Weather by Abigail Contreras

Life Before Life Started by Heather Alaniz Let Nature take over and everything will be the same. When we first came to the new place, everything was pretty, perfect. And someday, everything will go back. No loud noise, no mall, no nada. Just blue water, tall trees, the sound of birds in the morning, the squirrels eating their food, waterfalls everywhere, the wind rushing through the green grass. Everything was so beautiful before we came.

Let the rain fall down all over the place. Let it wash the leaves across my street. Let the hot sunny weather turn into a cold dark feather. Let the sun flow away, out of the state.

Let the Wind Flow by Destiny Jones Let the wind brush your hair. Let the wind cool you down. Let the wind sing to you. The wind will put you to sleep. The wind will blow away your troubles. The wind is all around.


Poe Middle School

Writer-in-Residence: Xelena GonzĂĄlez Muralist-in-Residence: Adriana GarcĂ­a Host Teacher: Ms. Villarreal


Living Poetry by Leonora Poems have endured, throw life in different ways, breaking the pieces of that life through the hands of the moon and the eyes of the earth. The beating heart of the sun puts your life together again. It takes the bad and makes it good; it lives the life you have. The joy of the shooting stars gives you strength to live your life, gives you the love of your family. The life of atmosphere gives you the life you live, the hope you have and the hope you give These things make you a life, not a person but a Soul, Life. It makes you You.

I Am a Rose by Isaak Rose I am a Rose. I was born a Rose. People make fun of me. I just ignore them. They shove roses in my face to provoke me. I hate the way they look at me. If they mess with me I say‌ I am Isaak Rose, And I love my name, So leave me alone Because I am a Rose In a beautiful garden of flowers.


I Come From‌ by Veronica I come from my mommy, from taquitos with red chile and avocado and my annoying sister who yells constantly about nothing and all my favorite movies especially scary ones. I come from a clean house so clean that I can see my face on the floor and junk food lots and lots of junk food hot fritos, chocolate, soda, onion rings, hamburgers, crispy tacos, and chili hot dogs. I come from the sound of rock and pop music and my dog staring at me with those big green eyes.

My Life by Oscar Cardona I come from a family of talking animals I come from petting animals the way my grandmother did I come from a mom who is a restaurant making burgers, pizza, homemade tortillas, mole, and salad I come from my dad’s fruit trees papayas, oranges, apples and mandarins I come from my sister’s graceful drawings and violin playing I come from family movies every Saturday night I come from wonderful times with my friends

Who I Am by Destiny Esquivel I am a symbol of my mom and dad I’m as brave as a bear As clumsy as a baby bird learning to fly I share the emotions of a mother who lost her child I’m as imaginative as your younger sibling who sits and daydreams about impossible journeys

I Come From… by Paola Valle A place where I jump on a bed so exciting A place where I eat cookies n’ cream A place where I can dance and sing like Celine A place where I hide under a bed so spooky yet clean A place where I play my violin A place where bedtime is 11 pm A place where I am just me I know that place is lovely


Part Of My Blood


by Belen Juarez Part of my blood runs to the smell of red chile and tortillas warming on the stove Eating my mom’s hot atole Seeing the brown eyes of my dad working in a sunny day My blood beats in my veins to the music of salsa moving in my ears Playing along with my dad on the guitar Part of my blood pumps a heartbeat from my Hispanic culture

by Jocelyn J. Rodriguez I am the color white. I am hardly used because I let no one in. People think I am useless anyway. So I sit here in the box all alone, Isolated like a butterfly in her cocoon. But you know, They still make my color, And I’ll tell you why. Blend me with another So you’ll see I’m not just a blank color I am an addition to thee.

A Walk Through My City by Savannah Reyes I always enjoy the clear blue skies that hover over me The San Antonio River glistening in the sun As beautiful sparkles seem to jump off the ripples of water Blue jays flying over my head, chirping away in harmony The sound of tourists enjoying their stay, filling up RiverCenter Mall The giggling of small children playing hopscotch on a sunbathed sidewalk The neighborhood dogs, running about the streets, barking, waking up neighbors It’s amazing how many wonderful things happen in this city That I’m proud to say is my home

A Winter Poem by Mario Winter is the best season of them all. When winter comes around I hear leaves fall everywhere. When winter comes around I see lights all over. When winter comes around I sip hot cocoa. When winter comes around I feel the warmth of angels.


Christmas by Karina Gonzalez

The World’s Description

The cold, windy, freezing days, The cool colors of Christmas Shining bright like the sun, Laughter of all the children Like hungry hyenas waiting For Christmas Eve, All the happiness of people Who surround you, Fresh chocolate chip Cookies out of the oven With a warm glass of milk

by Angela The flowers are lovely. The sun, shining and glinting. The oceans are still. The animals are playing today. The grass is green on the ground. The sky is bright blue. There is no war. No one is fighting. The world is at peace today.

Before You Know It by Mary Ramos You can bundle up in coats and scarves. You can taste hot cocoa and oatmeal. The outdoor chill makes your spine tingle with delight. The Christmas lights, like different colored suns, bring happiness. The ornaments remind you of giant gumballs, bright and sweet. You can feel the cold air rush through your teeth and hair. You can fall asleep cold and, before you know it, wake up warm… …It is summer.

The Trees Know by Alyssa Cruz Let the trees scream For they know. They know the world. They know what’s happened, What’s happening. Let the trees yell For they’ve seen our problems, The struggle. They saw Martin Luther King speak out.

They heard the cheer when Neil Armstrong landed. The trees speak out just the same. Feel the wind blow. Feel that emotion That the trees scream, yell, and speak. Feel sadness, kindness, anger, thrill. Just listen, You’ll hear and feel. The trees will talk For those who listen.


Let Animals Be by Elizabeth Garcia

A Little Bit More Than Amazing by Tatyana Matthews The light shines through the waterfall like a butterfly in the sun. My heart beats like sticks on a drum. Dreams take you on an adventure like a twisting rollercoaster. Trees whistle in the wind, singing a lullaby while the bells ring and a stampede of children sprint out into the world like a herd of wild animals trying to escape a predator. Pencils on paper spread like a wild fire that can’t be extinguished. Birds whistle in the trees creating a symphony of music. The clouds create astonishing murals in the sky. The elegant green grass dances in the wind like the waves of an ocean when the wind glides across it. The wind whispers “Love is all around you.” These things that are A little bit more than amazing surround us everyday. This world may seem like a different place, but Take the time to notice it, and you’ll find that this world is a little bit closer than it seems.


Let the animals be. Their eyes are filled with pain. Everyday they make a loud sound Of fear and suffering. They don’t need to be killed. They should be treated like humans. They are supposed to protect you, Not be hurt by you. Don’t you see their pain? Especially when they’re bleeding. I know you’ve seen at least One dog on the side of the road. They have feelings and They have brains too. So don’t be mean to them. Let them be.

The Dreaming Boy by Jordan Beasley Let the rain wet you Let the sun dry you Feels like a thunder storm Lighting strikes you You pass out and later wake up In a dark place that is your room It was all just a nightmare

Comparing by Aida Anguiano Snow is falling from the sky Like when I fell from the monkey bars. A frog is jumping up and down Like when I was excited to get my first puppy. A spider is crawling to her web Like when I crawled to my mom’s lap. A little bird tries to fly Like when I took my first steps.

Silent Day by Shariyar Khan


The night sky sparkles like diamonds on an NBA ring. Darkens like a black jaguar pouncing on a monkey’s tail. So quiet and deep like outer space and beyond. It’ll never stop, just like the number infinity. So peaceful like you’re taking a nap on a raft in the ocean. It goes by so quickly, as if it never appeared. Those are the silent days in my nightmares!

by Alyssa Herrera The leaves are falling Into a flowing river. It pours in my heart. The rain falls down hard, Slowly and steadily on. Music fills my soul. My head is about to burst. Mother told me not to. I’ve been reading again! Walking, jogging, running Trying to escape The monster inside me.

If I Could… by Paul Ramirez If I could… break all the rules there are to break, first, I would get a car, go as fast as I could go. Second, I would explore the second floor, and I would sneak into the library.


Why? by Damian In the streets, so young and small, in the premises of the man, surrounded by cops and soldiers, drinking, smoking, or something else, we do this to stay alive. Graffiti looks stunning, considerate. The ones that tag think they’re writers, in their own way. Kids say they are. Yes, they’re good writers. But, why can’t they make a book?

I’m Out! by Robert Allen I always like the afternoon best You can hear the school bells go off The kids are dashing, thump-thump, bang-bang Then you step out of this prison And can taste the great afternoon sky Slapping its light right across your face Then you wake up the next day Knowing you are going back To that prison again

At night the bottles go sssssssss, click. Hearing, seeing this just sickens me. San Antonio is a good place to be. So why do we do these things? When I touch the graffiti or the can, it feels so smooth!!!! Sometimes I want to tag too. But I stop when I remember the little kids watching.


Free Beating by Christopher Why do all the kids only listen to hip hop and rap? Why don’t they listen to the music inside their head? They could make their own Beat in their soul, Beat a new future.

Rogers Middle School

Writer-in-Residence: Laurie Guerrero Muralist-in-Residence: Michael Marks Host Teacher: Ms. Willet


Dog Painting

The Child Artist by Mikal Dominguez I, too, love to draw. I am a child artist. I like to draw cartoons and portraits. Tomorrow, I will be drawing something new. Besides, there is nothing else I love to do.

by Jonathan It was at home on a Saturday. I was painting the doghouse, and my naughty dog, Tricky, came. When I turned to get some more paint, the bucket of paint was all over her. I started brushing her with the paintbrush, and she got painted green. I blamed it on my brother.

I, too, love to draw.

Only Brother by Joshua Brown

Home by Georgina Galarza Mom mops. The mop goes slush, slush. Every time she cooks, She makes the rice and beans. She makes them rise up to the sky.

The only brother The only boy in the family Tomorrow it will not change Besides, who will carry on the name? The only brother

A Cut by Jarred Gutierrez

Today I Hope You Remember‌ by Joshua Brown When you fell off the roof and almost broke your arm. Today I hope you remember the day your uncle Jimmy died.


I had fallen on the gravel and started to bleed from my head, and then I cleaned it with alcohol, and then it stung like a fire-ant bite.

Butterfly by Emily Molina Orange and black Like a pumpkin Flapping its wings Tasting nectar Sweet as honey

Car by Denny Orange as the sun Brighter than the fourth of July Roaring like a dinosaur Smooth and soft

Chocolate by Celeah Brown Like coffee In silver wrapper Looks like foil Sweet as a kitten Melts like ice in sun Got eaten

Gum by Fernando I’m pink As a pig, Sweet as Sugar, Chewy as Chicken, Round as A basket Ball.

Shark by Lucian I am a shark in Sky blue water, Eating smaller fish, Getting attacked by prey, But caught by a fisherman.


In the Early, Early Morning by Joe I am the leader of waking up my little cousin, getting his clothes and fixing his cereal, and then I get my stuff and walk him to school, then wait for my bus. When the sun is high above me, I get out of school and get on the bus, go to my house, and leave my stuff, then go get my brother, help him with homework, then go outside and play with him. And when I lay my head down at night, I must first put my cousin to sleep, then I think about my life. I never thought that my aunt would die, and I would have to take care of my 5-year-old cousin. This is why I take care of my cousin, because his mom died and I was his favorite, so I decided to take care of him and do things I never thought I would have to do.

I, Too, Have Parents That Are in Love Betting and Loss! by Adrian Saenz My stepdad and I had a bet. If the Chicago Bulls win, I get $150. If the Spurs win, I get a hair cut. My dad, uncle, two cousins, and I went. We were on the 8th row, Which were pretty good seats. The Bulls had them, But the Spurs won. When the Spurs won, I felt bad. I didn’t win the bet, So I got my hair cut. Better luck next time.


by Danielle MuĂąoz I am Mexican. My dad is black. My mom is white. They are in love. They are married. Tomorrow, they will love each other. I will be happy. They will not fight. I, too, have parents that are in love.

In the Early, Early Morning by Joe It feels like I am going to have a long day today. I think school should be able to be Monday through Thursday. When the sun is high above me, I am ready to go to work. When I lay my head down at night, I’m thinking what I am going to do with the next day and about the schools, too. I never thought I would be this busy before. This is why I make good money every week.

Untitled by Luciano Marquez In the early, early morning, I smell something good cooking. I think of the things I am going to change. I think of what I am going to do during the day as a leader. I tell the kids what I am going to change. I think of the good and bad things I did. I think of other things I should do that the kids will like. I never thought it was so hard to have leadership and the responsibility. This is why I am a leader, because I have both leadership and responsibility.


Wheatley Middle School

Writer-in-Residence: Laurie Guerrero Muralist-in-Residence: Ruth Buentello Host Teacher: Mr. Gill


In the Early, Early Morning by Alea In the early, early morning, I see a lot of pets and smell wet all over the place. When the sun is high above me, I head on to the shop. I see tons of customers. And when I lay my head down at night, I think about how life will be even better. I never thought I would go this far in life. This is why I keep my head up high. I keep on going with my dreams.

Time Passes By by Isamar Every day that goes by, the time is coming closer when my sister will be a mom. She is barely fourteen, with a nice heart. She doesn’t know much about babies, but she is working it out. Sometimes she cries because she is scared. Sometimes she just keeps it to herself. I feel bad for her, but what can I do? Not much, but wish her good luck. It is her life. That’s why the day passes by… the night passes by… soon a baby will be coming into her life.

Baby’s Eyes by Isiah

Family By Keiana Family is like a tight, twisted rope. Every time we fight the rope gets loose. When we are having a great time, the rope gets tighter.

In the early, early morning, I look at my mom gazing above me. When the sun is high above me, my mom’s eyes sparkle like an angel. And when I lay my head down at night, in the crib I stare at the stars spinning above me. I never thought I could think about how my room looked and when I look at the sky, I see the dark. This is why I sleep with my teddy bear at night on the soft mattress.


Past Future by Brandon One day I told my parents I had a dream. I was going to be successful. All they heard was a little boy and his imagination. I started growing up— going toward my goal, being successful. First, middle school, high school, college. Now, my career. Then, I was done. I went to my parents’ house and told them, I am successful like I said. I’m glad I proved you wrong.

The Nightmare by Roberto Enriquez I have a big dream for children… one day someone will end TAKS tests that look like books. The nightmare of kids from 1st to 12th grade will finally be over. No more stress nor sweat. The naughty children won’t have to cheat and get in trouble.


Pleasing People By Mary Anne Trying to please people, I hate letting them down. My most hated word is NO. The sight of a person’s face when they hear no is a knife through my heart. It is not solid enough to survive. Even people who aren’t close to me, something in my heart doesn’t like to disappoint people. If somebody is left out, it makes me say, Come on. When someone is hurt it makes me help. If someone feels bad, it makes me talk it through with them. This feeling in my heart, I just can’t explain. It makes me do good. And if I disobey, this rule of not saying no— my conscience will haunt me until I say yes. I’ve learned to live with it, my only choice.

Left Home by Devin

Help Our World by Alanis Dear world, I have a dream that children should be better. Little by little the world is starting to change. It’s getting worse, not better. We children are the people of tomorrow, so let’s show some respect, help make our world a better place. As we get older, we start to recognize that our world is calling for help, so let’s reach out and help it. As we get deeper into Mother Nature we realize that we can do many things. So let’s start a foundation— think of all the things we can donate to the less fortunate, things we throw away everyday. Volunteer, use your voice, and say, Help, please, make our world a better place.

Felt the sunlight on me like I was burning ashes in my small bed and pillow. Sunlight slithers like a snake. My mom wakes me up to go to the airport to drop her off. She left me with my brother for Christmas. She left to spend her vacation with my dad in California.

Told What To Do by Bianca Soto You have to let the voice speak out to you— instead of ignoring it, like when mom tells you to clean your room. You hear every one of your family members telling you what to do as if you were still a child. It sounds like a million flies just buzzing around you, not knowing that you hate the sound of their sound and want them to just shut up for once. It feels like you’re burning and won’t burn out. Little by little, you find you can’t be told what to do. You have to go out and live your own life that you can control.


Whispering by Virginia I, too, whisper for help. I am the good girl. When I need help I don’t ask, but I try. I do get a bit better. Tomorrow, I will ask— be the best. Besides, I know I am good. I, too, yell for help.

Summer by Raeny Go to mom’s house in blazing hot summertime. Smell barbecue chicken cooked on the grill. When heading towards pool, you see water on ground— a terrible hurricane hits. You are in the pool, hear bells jingling loud and think you are in a car. After the day is over, feel a blanket over you, think it’s cats. Feel air – you think you are a freezer. You are fast asleep.


Untitled by Isaiah My soul travels through the cloud in my head, while sorrow whispers around me. The other side of my head is full of loneliness and emptiness inside me, figuring out why everyone is slipping through my hand. I am close to getting out of the maze, but I fail to succeed. It feels like I’m hammering my soul to the wall. It’s too much loneliness to be ignored, too much in me to be told.

Thanks for reading.

Gemini Ink nurtures readers and writers and builds community through literature and the related arts. We are the only community-based center for literary arts and ideas in San Antonio and South Texas. Each year, we serve an average of 5,000 readers, writers, and literary performance-goers representing a diverse sampling of our community’s population. Four programs currently serve our mission: •WRITERS IN COMMUNITIES (WIC) sends professional writers into diverse community settings to work alongslide students of all ages, needs, interests, and abilities in free workshops based in oral traditions, reading, and creative writing. •The AUTOGRAPH SERIES presents writers of national and international stature - many of them recipients of major prizes such as the Pulitzer or National Book Award - each spring and fall in free public performances at major local theaters. •The UNIVERSITY WITHOUT WALLS (UWW) offers three semesters of fee-based reading groups and workshops and also many free literary events led by professional writers, scholars, and interdisciplinary artists. •DRAMATIC READERS THEATER (DRT) features professional actors interpreting literary works in free performances, often accompanied by original music.

For more information, visit www.geminiink.org or call 210.734-WORD (9673). Toll-free: 877.734-WORD (9673).

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