"Beauty Is..."

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“Beauty Is...”

an exploration of beauty in self and world by young women of all ages in partnership with the Writers in Communities Program of Gemini Ink literary arts and ideas and Girl Scouts of the San Antonio Area “…where girls grow strong…” © 2006 Gemini Ink

“Beauty Is...” an exploration of beauty in self and world by young women of all ages in partnership with the Writers in Communities Program of Gemini Ink literary arts and ideas and Girl Scouts of the San Antonio Area “…where girls grow strong…” Designed and edited by Bett Butler with assistance from Amanda Haas, Pilar Martinez, Michelle Mitchell, and Rene Villanueva Funded by Girl Scouts of the USA, in cooperation with the Annenberg Foundation Additional funding for the Writers in Communities Program by the Alice Kleberg Reynolds Foundation © 2006 Gemini Ink

What is “Beauty Is…”? The average woman is bombarded with 400-600 advertisements a day; by age 17, she has been exposed to over 250,000 commercial messages. Half of those images use beauty as a product appeal. Research shows that exposure to air-brushed images of young, slender female bodies is linked to loss of self-esteem, depression, and eating disorders in girls and women. In America, we are surrounded by images adhering to an increasingly narrow standard of beauty that is unattainable for most. A young woman has only a 1% chance of being as thin as a supermodel, yet 69% of girls in one study claimed that supermodels influence their standards of perfect body shape; and Teen magazine reported in 2003 that 50-70% of normal weight girls think they are overweight. In a 1986 study of 500 schoolgirls, 81% of ten-year-olds reported that they had been on a diet at least once. Between elementary and high school, the percentage of girls in the U.S. who are “happy with the way I am” drops from 60% to 29% (www.healthyplace.com, www.media-awareness.ca). In 2004, the Writers in Communities program at Gemini Ink, literary arts and ideas, felt the need for a conversation about issues like these. Funded by the Alice Kleberg Reynolds Foundation, we partnered with Girl Scouts of the San Antonio Area in a series of six workshops on body image and self-esteem. Led by professional Writers-in-Residence, girls ages five to seventeen examined the manipulative techniques of ideal beauty and body image used by advertisers to sell products, explored standards of beauty in eras and cultures beyond their own, and talked, drew, read, and wrote. The program was so well received that Girl Scouts Program Manager Erika Birck applied for and received a grant from Girl Scouts of the USA to expand the “Beauty Is…” workshops the following year, offering them everywhere from the inner city to small towns like La Vernia, Boerne, and Pearsall; from churches and libraries to community centers and juvenile justice settings. Girls from all walks of life began a conversation about inner and outer beauty, using creative writing as a tool for exploring the nature of beauty in themselves and others. In these pages we have the rare privilege of eavesdropping on that conversation. For some, the words written here reflect the beginning of critical thinking about media motives and messages about outward appearance; for others, the beginning of self-acceptance. For most, they reflect the beginning of a heightened awareness of the beauty all around them. “A person being herself is beautiful…contentment and acceptance and freedom are beautiful,” writes author Anne Lamott in Traveling Mercies. Nowhere will you find these courageous young women being more themselves…and more beautiful. Bett Butler Director, Writers in Communities Gemini Ink (“Beauty Is…” workshops are available to schools, churches, community organizations, and private individuals. For information on cost and availability, contact Gemini Ink at 210.734.9673 or e-mail at wic@geminiink.org.)

Gemini Ink would like to thank:

Girl Scouts of the USA, in cooperation with the Annenberg Foundation, for funding this project. Writers-in-Residence Kristi Beall, Xelena Gonzalez, Donna Peacock, and Michele Stanush, who helped these young women tell their stories and create wonderful moments and memories with words; and Marian Haddad, Jenifer Hamilton, and Aretha Williams, for their work in helping shape this project. Girl Scout Program Managers Erika Birck and Brenda Stewart, and Director of Girl and Volunteer Services Lea Rosenauer, whose vision, enthusiasm, and hard work made this project possible. Gemini Ink Interns and Volunteers Amanda Haas, Pilar Martinez, Michelle Mitchell, and Rene Villanueva for their editing and proofreading work. Claudia Zapata, for her excellent coverage of the “Beauty Is…” project in the San Antonio Express-News. The Alice Kleberg Reynolds Foundation, for initially seeing the beauty of “Beauty Is…,” and for their ongoing support of the Writers in Communities Program.

Gemini Ink

Executive Director: Rosemary Catacalos Managing Director: Rachel Christilles Operations Manager: Pat Wall Director, University Without Walls: Nancy S. Borris Director, Writers in Communities: Bett Butler PR Director: Lynn Gosnell Development Coordinator: Kristi Johnson Interns: Michelle Mitchell, Rene Villanueva, Pilar Martinez

The authors’ work has been edited as lightly as possible in order to most closely honor the original voices. Where parental release forms are unavailable, only the authors’ first names are used.

Illustration by Emily Rothbauer

My Picture of Beauty

Beauty is. . . the sunrise a sports car out of the ordinary or very ordinary a field of flowers a box of girl scout cookies that cute little teddy bear a trip to Disney World a bird in a tree a rainstorm my computer games but the most beautiful things of all. . . my family, friends, and my personality that would complete my picture of beauty Rachel Walker, age 10


I don’t wake up with the “Perfect” look. I’m not scared to rub my face because I might take off my look. My face isn’t seen world wide. My hair isn’t curly one minute and straight another. I don’t spend my time looking at the total number of fat in food so that I won’t gain 5 extra pounds. I don’t do the catwalk to impress others. I don’t wear 5 inch boots to look taller or have tight jeans to make my butt look bigger. But then again I don’t hang my head down low so I won’t be noticed. I don’t stay quiet so the teacher won’t call on me. But I do try to stand out but at the same time be me. I try not to do something that everyone else is doing. I try to do my best. I try to “do” me. Amber Garcia, age 10

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OK Not Good Enough for the Magazines There are many things I do not have a perfect body, perfect clothes, not my grabs. Applied make-up, well-done nails, and de-frizzed hair. When I look in the mirror I don’t get that glare. But somethings I have, that “they” do not. People would say different than “Oh, she’s hot.” But instead I have other special things kindness, friendships, those are my “rings,” Instead of a photogenic smile or pearls and lace, I have good friends, and a smile on my face. Hannah Anderson, age 11

Your True Color

People say “life is like a box of chocolates.” But I lean more to a colorful way of looking at it. Life is like a box of freshly opened crayons Some of us are like the color Black, the first to go, used up before they are truly needed. Others are like the colors red, blue, and yellow, primary, average, the beginnings of all. All others, excluding white, are exotic, not only for their color, but that they are based on others. Then last off is white, watching the day go slowly as others go happily by. No matter what color you represent, black, white, red, brown let your true color shine through. No matter what crayon you are sparkle for one and all to see.

I Wish

I wish life didn’t have to be perfect and fake. I wish Guys didn’t care how much you weigh or what you look like. I wish imperfection was beauty because if it was I would be the star of reality. But no matter how hard I wish upon a star we will always stay the way we are. Carina, age 13

Rose Thompson, age 14

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Midnight Rose

I’m Not Perfect

I walk along the cold midnight beach. Stopping periodically to look at my reflection. I see a figure in the distance, walking towards me. We meet and walk together. Speaking not a word. I glance at her, and can’t help but think about how much more good looking than me she is. I spy a rose. No pretty, red thing though. A dark, drooping one. Then I realize it resembles me. It dawns on me, it doesn’t matter how my appearance is on the outside. A rose is a rose, dead or alive. I am who I am, beautiful or average.

I’m not perfect, so you see, I don’t have straight, sparkly teeth; My body’s not a trim, hollow stick, My hair’s not shiny, sheen, or slick; To me, nails are meant for biting, Not for polishing or fighting; Jeans and T-shirts are my style This poem ended because I’ve been talking for a while! Raquel Espino, age 13

Lorah Smith, age 13

Who Cares?

I may not look like Hilary Duff or Lindsay Lohan, but who cares? I don’t. Boys may. But I don’t. I don’t wear make-up, who cares? I don’t dress flashy, who cares? Who cares if I’m not perfect? I don’t. Kelsey, age 13

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My Hair is perfect unlike my Legs. As Long as I try to make myself look beautiful, I look the same. God made me this way for a reason. Even though I don’t have a boyfriend I still have my friends. No just because I’m related to Dale Earnhardt and my dad races I’m not famous. I want to be an artist just like my sister. My friends say I’m great. I like to help people, especially elderly people. This is the truth of myself.

Maybe pretty Maybe ugly Maybe tall Maybe short Maybe fat Maybe skinny Maybe brave Maybe scared but who cares because you should be happy for who you are. Kristi Coyle, age 10

Kelsie Earnhardt, age 11

Celebrities Aren’t Me

Real Beauty Is…

Celebrities are usually pretty with makeup, clothes, and everything, some are taller, some are smaller, some just like to sing, they are well-known in lots of places, here and there you see their faces, some of those things I can’t be, but most of all I still like me

A butterfly is pretty because it has a lot of decorations. And it flies. And I wish I can fly. Angelica Marie Garza, age 7

Amber Duelm, age 11

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Beauty. . .

Most Models are perfect Some Aren’t, Some May just be mean They pose poses for Magazines. They love to get celebrity men. They hate to get dirty. They love to be in all the Model Magazines. But me I don’t wanna be a model, Because Models They just aren’t me. Heather Eubank, age 11

Beauty is What

beauty is pretty beauty is ugly beauty is cute eyes what is beauty? Beauty is a clean bathroom, a clean room, a clean kitchen, beauty is everything.

Beauty is everywhere, At night under your covers, In the morning in your bedroom mirror. Beauty is everywhere In the middle of the day, beauty is at school. Beauty is everywhere. Jacky


Sad: When I feel like a tiger scratched through my heart. Mad: Lightening bursts through my heart. Happy: The sun is shining through my heart. Samantha Rosales, age 9

I Just Want to Be Me

I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m kind of glad that I’m not you. I don’t have perfect hair, or perfect nails, or perfect anything. I’m just me. Most people want to be like Kelly Clarkson or Britney Spears, but not me. I just want to be myself and try my best at the challenges that I may meet later on in life. All I’m saying is that I don’t want to go through the pressure of being a movie star, I just want to be me and not care about what other people think about me.

Kayla Coyle, age 10

Real Beauty Is… My dog is special to me. I like to walk him, and he likes it too. He walks like a person when he walks on four legs.

Claire Marie DeRocher, age 11

Talloro Ann-Marie

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Who Am I?

Popular, sort of real pretty not really boys like me? only the geeks smart who is? liked real good I’ve got a few friends. care about my looks kind of Proud of my self Sure!! Short (it’s opposite day) loves animals? Yeah favorite color? orange My style, funky I try to be cool or fast. Yeah Do I get dirty? Yeah, totally I like to act and be put on stage I’ve got a twin-friend named Rachel W. I like my self Yeah I think I’m unique Well, what can you say? I’m proud of my unibrow And I Love my smile

Phenomenal Girl

Pretty Girls wonder where my secret lies I’m not popular or built to suit a fashion model’s size But when I start to tell them, They think I’m telling lies, I say It’s in the confidence in my step The warmth of my smile The bells in my laugh The kindness of my heart. I’m a girl phenomenally Phenomenal Girl That’s me. Melissa Bannon, age 16

My Beauty Within

being in a magazine or TV in a way I could see it being me but I’m not picture perfect I just want to be me being a normal teen is great hangin with my friends reading magazines, even though I could see me in a magazine It just wouldn’t be me being me is fun going through change seeing new things life for me couldn’t be better my beauty within is what matters to me Yolanda Dugie, age 14

Andrea Johnson, age 11

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a way of life

Love and Beauty

Bridget Blankenship, age 13

Laura B. Zinsitz, age 15

beauty is that of a tree standing proudly for all to see. beauty can be whatever it wants to be it can come from hello kitty driving speed boats, perfect nails, and perfect hair. straight down to memories that are no longer there. it can come quietly or in the tap of a heel. it’s always there, like the spin of a wheel. beauty is a way of life.

Beauty is the color of the sunset after a storm. It tastes like water after a hard workout. Smells like honeysuckle and jasmine. Sounds like the voices of loved ones. Beauty is like dew on roses—they represent love. I see beauty every day. It feels like the wind in my hair. It lives in your heart. I feel beautiful when someone tells me they love me. Beauty is life, love, and courage.

Illustration by Ashley

Letter to a Loved One

As my sister I think you are the most intelligent and beautiful person I know. God made you in his image, and what is more beautiful than that? I know you’re struggling with your appearance, but you are not fat. Fat is what gives us shape and a glow. It keeps our skin tight. When elderly people lose it, that’s when their skin sags. You are beautiful and full of life. I look up to you for guidance. Your appearance is wonderful, and you don’t want to lose it. Laura B. Zinsitz, age 15

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Eye of the Beholder The softness of the sky, The brightness of the star, The gurgle of the river, Mother’s soft whisper, The simplicity of beauty, envelopes us all.

Illustration by Melissa Bannon

The Nasty Wake-Up Call

It caresses the crawling beetle, the polished shell a rare gem. It holds a rose, the petals withered and filled with last traces of fading fragrances. The deformed hunchback’s laugh is pure, echoing with beauty, hidden from the face.

A nasty wake-up call, not done by an angry morning sun but by reality, cold reality. Like a lion it pounces tearing away your small world.

All are beautiful, none are ugly, How can there be light without the darkness? The brilliance of white is lost without the shadows of black.

The smell of work, once far away is now your daily companion. No knight in shining armor come to be your champion.

Maybe beauty doesn’t exist, Maybe it has faded with the dawn, before the dead, beyond the living, for none are ugly, all are beautiful.

Sweat sometimes is the only drink you get. No social life can save you now, no parent is there to stop it.

In the end there is only peace, a sense of oneness with the galaxy, a muted lullaby both alien and familiar. And maybe it is all in the eyes of the beholder. Patricia Bennett, age 14

School, the world mocks you. Once it was something that was ignored but now you yearn for it. “Where are my friends?” you cry. But they are gone, forced to fighting on their own. This is the wake-up call, the nasty one that can’t be turned away. It’s the wake-up call, the nasty wake-up call and physical beauty can’t help. Alyssa Bennett, age 12

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Beautiful Day

Beautiful leaf-filled branches Sway to the time Of the music of the wind. Brilliant blood-red roses Raise their awesome heads As if in praise To the citrine sun. Luxurious green grass Covers the earth like a tapestry, Wonderful to touch. Cotton candy clouds Float across The vast, vivid, aquamarine sky. What an awesome, beautiful day! Melissa Bannon, age 16

Beauty Is…

Appearances are everything and nothing. They are only a cover for a book that is so complex and evolved it is almost frightening. Some people find it to their liking, merely to avoid internal conflicts of their own and others, by looking only to the cover. The human eye is automatically drawn to those who are visually appealing. That is why we must always look for beauty on all levels, beyond the cover. However, to make friends, we must draw them to us and show them the pages. No one wants to look at something ugly, but nothing is ugly depending on the viewpoint. If we can see all perspectives then we will see nothing but beauty. (Beauty cannot exist without ugly.) Beauty is a never ending circle, our ally and betrayer all at once, a subject as deep and complex as any human being. Patricia Bennett, age 14

Beauty Is…

Physical beauty is something humans constantly measure and change. Beauty also can be a cage forged by social groups. People are afraid to step out of the outlined areas of popularity and fashion. The difference in some people who fear not having the most friends is that there tends to be two groups; one that only shows their un-unique side around others and who allow their deeper parts to die. Then there are some who are drawn even more than others to beauty and allow this social cage to close in around them, without even noticing it. They never realize that they are caged and unoriginal because they simply don’t know any better. Their friends are like them, and they themselves have been like this so long they’ve never noticed it. But beauty isn’t always negative. Beauty can be used to support some people and not everyone who is beautiful allows their other parts to be hidden or die. Alyssa Bennett, age 12

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Little Me

If I had a Little Me and I put it on a place of my body that was mysterious, gross, or changing, I would chose my face because it is always changing. Little Me would explore and say: “Her eyes are medium size, brown, and sparkled just a bit. Her nose is big and beautiful. Her lips are small and always moving to talk to someone. Her ears are waxy and always listening. Her cheeks, always pink and bumpy. Her forehead, quiet and still. Her chin, tiny and smooth. That’s what I saw.” That’s what Little Me would say. Gabriela Sanders, age 10

Midnightʼss Magic Midnight

A deep, dark, rich sky Enveloping the world. The moon, bloodless, full, bright Shining like a beacon in the night


I’m me No one else Not just anyone Or what I become

Millions of stars, shining Distant galaxies far away A rustling wind, whispers, howls Blowing past the sleeping earth

I think I need to fit friends’ standards But do I? No

Crickets chirping rhythmically Pulsating beat, soothing Occasional sounds, startling Heartbeat quickens, fear grips me

I try to be my self But people want me to change So what if I do? What if I don’t? Will anyone care? I think they won’t

The disturbance passes Calm ensues Why must beauty Also be terrifying? Why must we fear the dark? Why are most drawn to the light? This I ask of you dear moon Queen of the Night.

I am just me No one else Not just me Or what I become

Deanna Riggs, age 13

Katie Sheppard, age 12

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A Way

i was chosen Last picked out of many treated different yet fell against the rest. your voice sent signals of warning, but my acceptance let the words fall against face just like the rest. Illustration by Laura Zinsitz

it never changed my mind, your chance took its toll i pushed your eagerness away & searched for a happier way. i looked within for my special self realizing the stronger i got, i was & still am different, compared to the rest but my individuality takes that compassion and throws it all ways so I am happier this way. Angela Leija, age 17

I want to be anything but ordinary, please Metallic locks form over our death defying hearts. Bloody tears roll down our souls alone. But please don’t go Because I can’t stop the pain. I can’t seem to close my heart; My dreams are slowly falling apart. The stitches in my heart Unravel at your feet. I cry out Crawling along the broken glass, Finding I am alone. But please don’t go. I can’t stand to be alone. Bridget Blankenship, age 13

Nail Bed

Mini me has been put under my nail…it’s dark and hot and brownish. You can barely see my skin. The smell is a light cottonish smell mixed with a bit of pineapple. My skin feels squishy and cold. When I stand upright it’s hot and gross feeling, so hot and humid it’s hard to breathe. The smell, although light, makes my eyes water. Megha

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Beauty is Hiding Your words hurt, make them stop it always hurts but what you say you may never take back but in my head I can I know I can I have the courage to keep them out Because I’m a confident beautiful woman We all are beautiful We all are no matter what you Say We all we all we all are Beautiful

Alyssa Teniente, age 11

Your Beauty

What lies inside our Bodies that’s buried deep within the soul? It’s that special piece of Beauty that no one doth know. For this shy shade of yellow is hidden deep within rest, covered by the shallowness of what our minds call the Best. So timid, so scared of what Beauty is to all, listen to the voice inside & it won’t let you fall. For Beauty is not a definition written in a book, described by letters that are taken in by looks. Beauty is Light that shines through one’s voice, the chance to make a difference, beauty is your right choice. There is not one specific characteristic of beauty to define, Beauty is a rare piece that doesn’t change with time. This is what lies inside, so open your eyes & see Your individual soul is your true beauty indeed. Angela Leija, age 17

Body Walking

It is all warm and sticky. It’s deep like a tub of ice cream. The smell is a mixture of coleslaw and sour clothes. It is also big like a volcano. It is full of lint, or so I think. This place, this mysterious and foul place is my belly button. Kerri Celeste Thomas, age 13

Hurtful Words

One time my friend and I were in a fight. I can tell when she is being serious. She came up to me, mad, and truthfully told me that I was the ugliest person she had known. I came home crying that night, and my dad helped me through it. That night I cuddled up with my dog and realized that even though we still are not friends, I will always be beautiful to myself. Chelsie Miller. age 12

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I Know Somebody Is Mad When...

Proactive Beauty

Their eyes or eyebrows go up. Their mouth gets stubborn. It gets a little grin. It puffs up.

Look in the mirror and tell yourself all the good things about yourself Ignore everything that’s said to you and move on. Let yourself know not to say or think you’re ugly or bad.

And they call me by my whole name.

Brigette, age 11

Janese Olvera, age10

What Makes Me Happy? Horses running a hill.


When I am surprised, my heart thump-thumps real fast. Esperanza Martinez, age 6

Alize Moshay Anthony, age 6

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Jenny Jenny,

Radiant Within

Beauty is the color of coffee and sugar with different amounts of cream or milk added for different tastes It smells sweet like lavender or vanilla fresh and pleasant It tastes sweet and pleasant like Grandma’s homemade food like candy after a month of no candy I see Beauty about every time I look around the corner in anyone with a big open heart

You say that your friends don’t understand you. You’re right. You say it’s because you’re fat. You’re wrong. Do you not know That you are slowly killing yourself? Do you think That no one cares about you? Your family cares about you! Your friends care about you! You don’t need to be anorexic To be beautiful. To be a supermodel! Beauty is not always What’s on the outside. It’s also what’s in the inside. You’re 16 years old. Do you want to throw your Life away?! Get help now While you still have a chance. Please think On what I’ve said. Melissa Bannon, age 15

It is a red siren the crunch of a potato chip music of the culture It feels like silk sadness, happiness like believing in yourself I know I am beautiful every time I look in the mirror When I have accomplished something really amazing When my swagger feels just right and my beauty within feels radiant Group Poem by Anyka Costilla, Chelsie Miller, Brigette, Ms. Sandra, and Ashlee Kelps

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New Girl

The following is a true story: When one of my best friends moved to my city and went to my school she was sad because she missed her friends, scared of how people would treat her, nervous about attending a new school, and hopeful that she would meet new friends. She was very emotional, which is natural. My class soon learned that her name was Rebecca. After meeting her and getting to know her a bit, my friends and I invited her to sit with us at lunch. Rumors quickly spread that Kitt was sitting with “ the new girl “ at lunch. People told her nasty lies about me, but she doesn’t and she never will regret sitting with my friends and I for lunch that one day because now we have bonded and shared the same interests. We are really good friends and call each other almost every day. I soon gave her two nicknames, Reba and Becca. She has learned to answer to three names. Becca is a very kind person who doesn’t judge by what others say and doesn’t judge by outer beauty. If she hadn’t judged me by inner beauty we probably wouldn’t be good friends. Kitt W., age 11

Words of Wisdom on Inner Beauty & Outer Beauty

Inner beauty is what is on the inside, your personality, your style, your mind, your body, your soul, and your spirit. That should be how you choose your friends and how you judge people. Never judge by what others say. One last thing: never ever judge by what someone has done, judge them by what they are doing now. Outer Beauty is what you are on the outside. Most people care about outer beauty for attention, to feel good about themselves, to express themselves, or simply to catch others’ eyes. Your clothes, hair, and jewelry can say a lot about you, whether you’re sporty or a fashion diva. Scars can say that you are brave, cuts can say you are adventurous, and wearing stained clothes can say you are clumsy. Your outer beauty screams your inner beauty. One thing outer beauty cannot express is your attitude, whether your nice, mean, kind, grumpy, caring, etc. Outer beauty can say a lot about you, but inner beauty is so much more important. Kitt W., age 11

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What Is Close to My Heart?

Beauty Feels Like Pure Home

My puppy is small and cute, But he bit my little sister on the cheek. I feel sad about my puppy biting my sister. I want my puppy to be good.

Beauty is a sunflower that grows with grace shines bright like the sun

Esperanza Martinez, age 6

Beauty lives in your soul, mind, body heart and brain It’s inside us all sometimes you have to dig deep It smells like perfume from India like flowers in the spring time.


It tastes like sweets fit for a god fun and pretty like your favorite ice cream or flavor of cake or a favorite candy you can’t always have

When I am sad, I feel like an elephant crushed my heart. When I am mad, I feel like a thunderbolt. When I am happy, I feel like a new me just appeared. When I am excited, I feel like a fire just blazed up inside me. When I am surprised, I feel like I was born again.

I’ve seen beauty billions, trillions, of times everyday in creation I have lost count of how many times... Beauty is the sound of the brush as it spreads make up or the ring of laughter as we relax and be ourselves a bird singing, a cool ocean breeze people having fun

When I am disappointed, I feel like my wish didn’t come true. Celeste Antonia Balcazar, age 10

It feels like pure home a place that’s comfortable like the sun shining on you one warm summer day I feel beautiful when I’m getting ready for school when I don’t have any make up on and I am my natural self after a shower whenever I feel free from the world around and I’m in my own Group poem

Real Beauty Is…

It is blue. I got it when I came out of my mother’s stomach. It makes me warm and it is soft. Alexis Garza, age 8

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Real Beauty Is… My basketball— because it’s lucky. and it loves me. and because it’s my ball.


My “ba-ba”— because I’ve had it my whole life. because I still love it. because my mom got it for me. My jersey— because it’s my lucky number. because it makes me feel good. because it’s like no one can control me but me. Ashley, age 13

When I feel sad, I feel like there is a dark cloud over my heart, When I feel mad, I feel like I could crush an elephant. When I feel happy, I feel like I could glow like the sun. When I feel excited, I feel like I could run as fast as a cheetah, When I feel surprised, I feel like someone just jumped out of a cloud. When I feel disappointed, I feel like a sloth that can’t pass a river. When I feel shy, I feel like I don’t belong anywhere. Mariah Busby, age 8

Illustration by Celeste Balcazar

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The Clothes Pin I have style! I am beautiful. If you don’t like The way I look, It doesn’t matter. I like myself! Cameron, age 6

Deep Inside You

Beauty doesn’t taste sour or bitter, Illustration by Eva Dunn It tastes like your favorite flavor candy, It smells like your favorite air freshener, It’s sounds like your favorite melody Playing in your ear, Why it’s beautiful to me— It feels like your favorite stuffed animal, telling the truth. It looks like my mother, And my mother’s mother, Because it brings out It looks like the girl sitting next to you, who people really are. And like your favorite celebrity, Beauty is the color of the rainbow, Tania Hurd, age 14 Because beauty is different for everyone, Your favorite plant represents beauty, Because everyone has a different perspective of beauty, It hides deep inside you and creeps up your skin and shows itself, Beauty lives within every person, I see it now, I saw it the first time I opened my eyes, I am beautiful inside. I see it every day, every hour, minute and second, The outside is nothing I feel beautiful when I smile, But When I look in the mirror, Skin And when I laugh, Deep. I feel beautiful, Everyone is beautiful in their own way. Rayana

Truth Is Beauty


Ren Gonzales, age 13

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Beauty Is...

Beauty is a rose of every color A rose of every scent It’s a rose that can be anywhere, any time, any place Beauty is what I see everyday of my life I hear it as I smile, I hear it as I mourn Beauty is what makes me feel safe It makes me warm, even if I cry I know beauty is there no matter where I am Beauty is my history The people who came before me and the people before them They give me confidence They give me strength Beauty is.... Life.

The Dream: a Fairy Tale

Michelle Colmenero-Clark, age 13

I woke up this morning a basketball player. One with no skills, no intention, just a basketball player. But then I thought— if I love it so much, then I need to learn the game.

Beauty Is Everywhere

Beauty is the color of fuchsia. It has a mixture of violet, pink & Amanda Reed, age 11 all the most beautiful colors you could ever think of, in the whole entire universe. It has the taste of peanut butter & chocolate. When you taste beauty it is very satisfying and pleasing. Beauty lives everywhere. Underneath your skin, in your hair, in your lips, even up your eyeballs & nose. It doesn’t matter what you are on the outside just the inside. Beauty has a delightful aroma, the scent of Mother Nature’s flowers, but most of all the romantic red rose. Beauty looks like everyone. The male peacock is the animal that represents beauty. Its feathers shine in the beautiful daylight and glisten in the moonshine. Beauty sounds like my mother when she sings to me. Mud swooshes Beauty feels like all the softest animals on earth that God has created. Mustard swooshes Beauty is everywhere. Ketchup swooshes I see her, feel her, hear her, smell her, taste her. Swooshhhhhhh I see beauty everyday. She visits me and the life around me. Kenosha, age 5 Beauty is Everywhere


Miranda Gonzales, age 11

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Love Letter to Lip Gloss

I was at my grandma’s house. She held my hand. It fit like the sun in the sky. She says, “Mija, yo te quiero.” I shed a tear. “You are the life of my day.” I say “Yo te quiero.” The sun hides behind a cloud. I hold back my tears. She burst out into tears, saying I was the image of her. Then I cried. It felt like the pain in the world vanished.

Lip gloss, oh lip gloss— You smell fresh, like a sea breeze. You make me feel rejuvenated, even after a day when I’ve had three tests: science, geography, and math. Oh my! You are so smooth, like the inside of a shell. You’re slimy, like a slug. (Slugs are gross, but…. slugs are beautiful to birds looking for tasty treats.) You shimmer like the dew glistening on a fresh-cut lawn. Reds. Pinks. Purples. Sometimes even Brown. Oh lip gloss—you never make me frown! Group poem

Kymberly Valle, age 12


Beauty Is…

To me beauty is when you are who you are, and no matter how cute a guy is, or how cool a person is, you don’t change how you are. You stay the same. Dorine Zeola Lopez, age 13

My soul feels like the wind practically untouchable, but still there. My soul sounds like the wind, rushing against leaves. My soul is beautiful because it is diverse, like me. It can be bad, good, sad, mad, nice, and mean. Leslie Ramos, age 10

Beauty Shop for the Soul

The bell DINGED as the door opened. The girl walked in, frowning, and told me she wanted a manicure, pedicure, some highlights, and, lastly, a new hairdo—all for her attitude. She said it rudely, but I knew I could fix it. So I washed the hair of her attitude and got to drying. Then I went right to work on the highlights. Once they were done, I lifted the hair out of the way and put it into a bun. Next, I picked a happy, rosy color for the nails. When I was done, she looked into the mirror, smiled and sweetly said: “Thank you.” I had given her an EXTREMEMAKEOVER—SOUL EDITION. Many people come to the (Soul)-on and leave a new person. Some people feel a makeover is not needed, but others are eager. Some come in nice, and leave even nicer. Others come in rude, and leave only a bit nicer, and are told to come again next week. BUT ALL LEAVE HAPPIER THAN BEFORE! Shelby Valero, age 11

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Beauty Shop for the Soul

The bell dinged as the door opened, signaling another customer arriving. It was another one of those prissy people who are all about their looks. “Tee-hee! Is this the Salon For the Soul?” “Yeah. Step into a little gizmo over there called ‘The Care-o-Tron.’ ” So I led the prissy girl who cared for herself and only herself to a big purple metal-machine with a puffy purple chair that drained anyone of their selfishness and made them caring for all. “Will this hurt or anything?” she asked, a little concern in her bright blue eyes. “Depends on who you are and who you care about,” I said. This was true. The Care-o-Tron really hurt you if you were as selfish as Scrooge. But felt like a peaceful ride if you were selfless. I sat her down on the purple chair; she was shaking slightly, and I revved up the machine. It started buzzing, and she looked around nervously, then closed her eyes. She started screaming in a shrill cry. I had to cover my ears it was so loud! I guess she was really selfish. When she was done, she was a little wobbly, so I led her to the next machine that was called the “Outer Beauty-o-Tron.” It changed all her perspectives on how her outer appearance looked. She seemed peaceful on this one; that’s how you felt if you cared about your outer appearance. Now she seemed really nice; and once she left, she even gave me a tip. Mia Kozlovsky, age 11

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Illustration by Bridget Blankenship

Beauty Shop for the Soul

The bell ding-ed as the door opened. She came in. I had known her for a year or two. We used to be good friends but…after a year, she seemed to not like me or talk to me anymore. I couldn’t wait to fix her soul up. I knew exactly what I would do to her. First, I would put curlers in her hair. They weren’t really curlers—they were actually used to cut sensitivity down. The more you curled her hair, the less sensitive she would be. Being sensitive is good, but sometimes there can be too much of a good thing. I would just make her a little less sensitive. She wouldn’t get sad at the littlest thing. Then, I would have her realize how mean she was to people. I put some dye in her hair. It was the exact same shade as her hair—you wouldn’t be able to see the difference. But the more you put in, the more aware she was of how others felt. She would know when someone talked to her or asked her to join, that was NOT leaving her out. She would learn that everyone didn’t have to do what she did. She would learn that if someone said to her, “I don’t know,” they weren’t mad at her; they just truly didn’t know! Oh, yes. When she left that salon, she would be like a whole new person. She would be happier this way too—as would everyone else. And she wouldn’t look much different: just a few more curls in her hair. Kelly Echavarria, age 11

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Beauty Shop for the Soul When You’re Hungry Beauty Is...a Hot Dog

My stomach is feeling blue. Cookout! Food! Attack! I’m hungry. I’m hungry. I’m hungry. . . The hot dogs smell like heaven. Heaven is a wonderful place. It’s warm and tasty, and you can play with the clouds. And meet God. And eat the angels. They taste good, and fresh. (Of course, angels are people, so you can’t eat angels unless you’re in hot-dog heaven.) I wish hot dogs would come down from the sky every time it rains. The sky is falling! You’d catch them in a bucket. You’d have the ketchup ready and you’d have the table fixed with the forks and other food. (You’d also have steak, macaroni, rice, turkey, and mashed potatoes.) We would look like sugar ants over candy. The ground would look like a big old plate. Everybody would be laying on the ground with their mouths open.

“Ding,” the bells rang as the door opened. That sound—oh how many times I had heard them! On my first day, I thought I would go mad! You never really notice how many people come into a shop. Especially “The Soul Sifter.” The name “The Soul Sifter” came along because we “sift” your soul and all of the unwanted flaws fall through. At the end, all you have left is perfection. Or your money back! (Okay, I got that line from our commercial, but that’s pretty much what we do here.) Anyway, the bells over the door rang out, signaling that another customer had arrived. The person who came through the doors, this time, was not a “regular.” She was timid-looking; her clothes were all gray. “MMM-MMM!” snapped one of the other salon workers. I motioned for her to come over. She looked as though she had never seen a soul make-over shop. I told her all about what we did and she seemed resistant. “Why are you here?” I finally asked. She answered after a period of about five minutes and said: “I don’t know.” She got up and walked out the door. That was the last time I ever heard those bells. Emily Cavazos, age 11

Beauty Is…

Beauty can be like a game. Like hide and seek. Like the beauty is hiding and you have to look deep, deep inside to find it. When I look in a mirror, I see a joyful, happy, and fun little girl. But at the same time, I see a girl with a woman’s mind. I can act like a woman at times, but still look like a little girl.

We would feel as happy as a dog that got a huge turkey leg; a lion with an antelope; the angels eating; the stars dancing. Girl Scout troop group poem

Amanda Mendiola, age 12

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My Grandma and I

My Great-Grandmother

My grandma is sitting in her rocking chair, She’s in her blue and white polka-dotted dress, listening to her favorite country song, and she’s teaching me to make tortillas. “It’s Five-O’clock Somewhere.” I watch how her hands move through the dough, She’s cooking her famous menudo. and then she shows me how to turn it into It smells so good I can almost taste it. a circle, then flatten it with a roller. Her smile makes me feel all warm inside, It was the first time I had seen her in a year. like when a fire first starts. I was seven years old. Her tan sandals make me think of her While I watch her, I look at her face smooth brown skin. and she’s smiling Her blue dress makes me think of all the just to be working with her hands. fun times we had at the beach, and all the laughs we had, Maricela all the hugs and kisses she gave. Her cute little nose reminds me of a strawberry. The love in her heart makes my eyes sparkle. The sparkle in her eyes makes me love her even more. Her eyebrows make her always look surprised. When we’re next to each other and just holding on, it makes me get all tingly inside. Her sweetness inside makes me think of a birthday party. The curls in her hair make me think She would wear long, colorful skirts of a swirl in a cinnamon roll. with nice, beautiful shirts. The moles on her face make me think She had long, black hair. of my freckles. And her hair was silky Her dark brown eyes remind me and I would just want to touch it. of mine.

My Grandmother

April Wayne, age 11


Today is the color of blue and red, Black and orange Every color holds a good memory And a life to show. Anna

She was in a wheelchair. She would let me sit in her lap and then I would push her in her wheelchair. When I would do that, her wheelchair would squeak. She would ask me if I was good in school, and I would say yes. After that, she would tell me she loves me. Abuelita: M’ija, como estás en la escuela? Dulce: Bien. Abuelita: Ohhh! Que bueno. Yo te quiero. Dulce: Yo te quiero, también. Dulce Torres, age 12

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My Grandmother

My grandmother’s name is Yolanda, almost the same as mine, just with an “R” instead of the “Y.” She is beautiful with her pretty wrinkles, and her wonderful eyes glowing as bright as the sun. They are the color brown, but I still love them. I love everything about my grandma. Her wrinkles look like a wrinkled rose petal, her curly hair is curly like a pig’s tail, her voice is like a bird’s whistle, singing so wonderfully. I love my grandma. Rolanda Guerra, age 11

My Grandma

I see my grandma in her favorite pink dress, with purple designs on it. The dress is long, and kind of faded. She’s sitting and clapping to the beat of the music at her 80th birthday party. The music is so loud I feel as if I’m in a school dance. My grandma’s blush is a light honey color. I can see in her big, brown eyes she is having fun. When I think of my grandma, I feel happy and sometimes sad. When I’m happy about my grandma, I feel as if I’m riding a horse with her. On her last day on Earth, she was still wearing her favorite pink dress. Brittany Villegas, age 11

Illustration by Celeste Balcazar

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My Sister Lynitha.

She’s trustworthy. I can tell her anything. I feel like nothing can pull me down. I feel like a jumping kangaroo. I can run fast as a cheetah. Big as a dinosaur, full of imagination and wisdom. Nothing can put you down. Illustration by La Monica

I feel like my soul is free. By just her calling me, or me seeing her face. She could be driving by in her little gold car, waving at me, and it makes my face brighten up. Something that is so beautiful— nothing can happen to it. She’s got the most beautiful hazel-green eyes. You just smile when you see them. And it’s the way she expresses herself. She doesn’t let anything put her down. She might be down on the inside, but she never lets anybody see it. In middle school, she was like an ugly duckling, and she said, ‘I’m not going to worry about what I look like.’ Now she’s like a tall, pretty pink flamingo. Vonda Velasquez, age 12

My Cousin, Stephanie

She’s happy, and she has a beautiful blouse and beautiful capris. She is getting her baby. Her baby is three; he has no shorts. He’s only wearing a diaper and a shirt. It looks like they are playing. She makes me feel so much better when I feel like a half a moon. And whenever I feel like that, she is the one I can count on to pick me up. When I’m down. Like when I was crying because I wanted to spend time with my dad on Father’s Day, but I didn’t. So I called her and when she said ‘hello,’ I felt warm inside, like the sun in summer. Ashlay Jaramillo, age 12

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My Mother

As I open my eyes and shut them I hear the beauty all around me It’s music to my ears. But if you see all things are beautiful, Then you are a true poet.

My mom, I love how she laughs. She knows so much about cures, even though she isn’t a doctor but now she’s a CNA, a kind of nurse. Anyway, sure she gets mad with me a lot, but I will always love her forever. She’s nice, mean, and sad at different times.

Allie, age 9

My mom’s eyes are as brown as my hair. Her hair is as wavy as an ocean. Her face always makes me very happy when I think about it. Her hair is kind of a honey color— not bright, nor dark blonde. She’s beautiful inside of her cheering self. I can hear her laughing right at this moment. My mom’s laugh is so heart-filling. Jenalee Carreon, age 11

Beauty Is…

I think beauty is what you really are —like your mind, body, and soul. Like my grandma says: “You have a beautiful personality.” My dad says that I’m beautiful because I have a good heart. I think my parents are beautiful because of the way they are inside. I also think that they love me. By that I mean that love is beauty. Just so I won’t seem mean, I love my parents now and forever more. Alysha Jaramillo, age 13

My Uncle Mando

My uncle Mando made me feel like the sun would always shine. He brightened my day. When I picture him in my mind, I wish I could be with him right now. He had thick black hair, and I always remember how he would talk, and how he would smile half-way. Uncle Mando would always take care of me. He would always make jokes out of anything. If I did something wrong, and my mom would tell me to go to my room, he would always change her mind about being mad, and he would make jokes about why she was mad. Whenever I would get hurt, he would tell me a little something to make me happy, and he would make it up. Like he made this one up: Coco coco go away coco coco so much pain coco coco so much pain coco go go go away. This is what made my uncle beautiful. When he passed, I was sad. Heather Ramos, age 13

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She Has No Reason to Lie


The woman in my heart never lies. She tells the truth, and it never dies.

You can look at her and know she tells the truth. She never gives up and says she’s through. When she tells the truth, she feels such relief. I see a beautiful woman on the porch drinking tea. If she were to lie, I would feel like I’m stuck in a cloud. Struggling, fighting, screaming out loud. When she tells the truth, she smiles and feels proud. I wake up in the morning and say, “Thanks, Grandma.”

Sometimes I choose a cloud and I think about it. Sometimes I choose a color and remember something. Sometimes I remember about my family. Sometimes I dream about what I see. Bri Bri, age 9


Tania Hurd, age 14

I like myself. I’m sexy inside and outside.

If I Were a Girl Penguin, Looking for Boy Penguins, Beauty Would Be…

I like myself. I’m silly with my hair all crazy.

They would have to have a squeaky voice. They would have to walk with their chest out They would have to smell like a fish. They would have to feel soft. And have a clean beak. Shelby Caruthers, age 14

I like how I look and smell. I’m fresh and fun like sunshine. I like myself. I make a lot of friends and people like me for who I am. Dajah, age 9

Closing My Eyes

Things Stick

What do I see when I close my eyes? I see me so in love The beauty of the world. I can see what can be and what can’t be. That’s what I see. Angels fling around in the air.

A word sticks in the wind’s throat like a picture sticks in a wind’s eye like a pencil sticks to a paper like a heart sticks to a person like a person sticks on a word that hurts. Barbara, age 12, and group

Dajah, age 9

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Just Thinking

I wonder why the night stays so long. I wonder how hearts are pretty. I wonder how people grow up so pretty. I wonder if hearts can be blue. I wonder how to build a house. I wonder how to build a castle. I wonder how people watch TV all day long. I wonder how people read all day long.


I remember that color. It’s as black as a black cat. As pink as a baby’s cheeks. That color is a sign of something special. That color is light blue like the sky. That red is the color of a rose. The color that reminds you of something May be the best one to value. Samantha, age 9, and group

I wonder how Taeylor can be so nice. How the sky is so beautiful and How it looks up there and How the sun can shine. I wonder how I can do the right thing. I wonder how people go to the moon. I wonder how to get on the TV show “Figure It Out” I wonder how Santa Claus gets to our house. I wonder how the pilgrims caught the turkey. I wonder how my dog feels when he loses a whisker. I wonder how to be a good girl scout. I wonder a lot.

Secret Me

I am purple and pink, Red, white, and blue Yellow and green I am an elephant, tiger, and butterfly A yellow apple that’s delicious A violin or flute That plays sweet music. My secret name is me, just me. Arizona, age 9, and group

Collaborative poem, ages 5-7

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Oh sunshine, oh sunshine, soon it will be sunset The sun is fading and the moon is popping out. The starry sky has taken over. All you can hear is the howl of the wolves. But tomorrow is a new day for the sun to pop out. So rest your head on a pillow and lie fast asleep. Allie, age 9

Like Flowers

My words are like flowers Flowers are pretty They rain like May showers. Flowers are just the beauty in you. Your words are like flowers The language you use needs nourishment.

Word Magic

Maybe the grasshopper treasure floats on a circle Chopsticks glow inside the moon mirror The zigzag mirror said yes and whispered a color Always whisper always. The “Pilgrims,� ages 5-8

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They are so cool, so beautiful. Anna

Who Am I?

I am a natural beauty waiting to be discovered. If you look closer, you’ll see that my eyes are like glass and you can see through them. My teeth are like gleaming stars. My smile is like sunshine on a rainy day. If you come even closer you’ll see something you can’t see on the outside. If you go d e e p e r you shall see beyond my cold hard shell. My true beauty will shine through and that is my heart filled with fear, faith, hope, and, most of all, my love.

Word Play

Tickle moon Bubble perfume Maybe glass Sizzle inside Grasshopper floats Circle tomorrow Tumble treasure. Chavonne, age 6

Leslie the Writer, aka Olivia


I wonder why the clouds move I wonder why the dogs bark How cats bite my face

The Rubberband

Stretchy, it wiggles and plays tricks. It’s smooth, too, and looks like sand on the beach, or brown—the color of a dried flower or a chopstick. It says “Boinngg!” and rolls itself into a ball like a slingshot. Collaborative poem by “The Pilgrims, ” ages 5-8

I wonder who my best friend is Why cats eat fish Why God is in the sky. How do blue and yellow make green? Why is the Holy Spirit watching us? Why are people mean to each other? I wonder how I could work at the movies And I wonder how God watches us and How does our heart beat? Why is there racism? I wonder why People always hurt my feelings and why Some people can see farther than others. I wonder. Collaborative poem by “The Pilgrims, “ ages 5-8

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In the Mirror

I see my beautiful hair. It reminds me of my grandmother who died. I see my eyes. They look like two waterfalls. I see my nose. It looks like a heart. I see my eyelashes. They look like curls. I see my ears. They look like monkeys! Then the mirror speaks to me and says You are beautiful inside, too, Because you’re thankful for people.

Waiting for the Moon

I am waiting for the moon to come. It’s soon to be noon. Day goes by so night comes to stay. It seems like the day takes forever Just for the day to go by. I wait six hours for the moon. It’s five hours past noon. But now I’m waiting for midnight. Allie and group

Samantha (“Steel”), age 9

For Donna the Peacock


I invented a follow moonlight castle That lights up in the dark. I follow a moonlight castle That glows in the dark. The moonlight castle has snow in it.

I am more than the mirror sees. I am a yellow and green drum I am a light beat of a drum I am a tiger I am the sweet smell of strawberries


Chavonne, age 6


Away down deep and away up high Inside my brother’s head, I see The things I cherish the most and love. I see people in heaven. I see all, up high and deep down below. There’s always a purpose. Angel and group


Sometimes I feel kinda only kinda lonely, kinda empty inside like empty spaces that you feel and fill again. Sometimes I feel happy but sometimes kinda sad like all hope is gone. I feel sad and worried. I hope that it will clear, something will disappear. I really hope I won’t feel kinda only kinda lonely, kinda empty inside. Barbara, age 12, and group

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Did You Know?


I am a squirrel. I like to touch the air I am blue and like to listen To Winnie the Pooh. I am hip-hop music with a dog and a frog as a pet. My nickname is Anna It rhymes with banana. Did you know that I am beautiful inside and out?

It’s like a bass clarinet in a library. It’s like dogs eating pizza. It’s like playing a slow song in a Hummer. It’s like having a panther at the dinner table. It’s… odd. Ariel, age 13


Looking at a Clothes Pin It’s really soft Softer than I thought. It’s made of real wood And silver that shines.

“The Pilgrims, ” ages 5-8

Things That Are Beautiful Illustration by Angelica Garza

Lovely Dreams

Let’s dream of every lovely thing. Let’s think of the things that we cherish Like hugs from your family or all your beliefs. Like a beautiful picture of me or a flower Like kisses from your family. All the wonderful things in your mind, Lovely to dream about. Olivia, aka “Leslie” and group

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People Earrings Cats Pictures of my family Dogs Flowers Castles More cats! Pinatas Princesses Peacocks Puppies Butterflies Autumn leaves Charley’s dog-ears All these things are Beautiful.

“The Pilgrims, ” ages 5-8

Wonderful Words Silly Peacock Autumn Heart Hurry Hairy Peanut butter Crazy Bells Belly Jelly Doodle Cheese puffs Holy Spirit.

Bubble blossom Peanut butter belly Doodle cheese puffs Crazy autumn Hurry doodle. Hurry silly jelly heart.

Things That Are Beautiful (Some First Thoughts) Nature, like Roses, like Butterflies and roses. Pink flowers Purple flowers Sunflowers The ocean The beach Panda bears My face Are beautiful.

“The Turkeys,” ages 9-13

An Acorn (Slightly Crushed) I am beautiful because I look like a dandelion A yellow flower And because I am An acorn.

“The Pilgrims,” ages 5-8

“The Pilgrims,” ages 5-8

Looking at Myself

In the mirror I see blonde hair like golden apricots. blue eyes that glow with reflection. But the mirror cannot see the deep. Deeper I see a kind heart, beauty inside and out. I see a girl who makes people laugh. Allie, age 9

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Looking in the Mirror and Thinking My hair is beautiful. My eyes are a beauty. My eyes are brown. My skin color is Mexican. I have good teeth.

I have feelings. Sometimes I think about death. I am thankful for being here instead of dead. I am worried and uncomfortable too much in my mind. My dreams are sometimes beautiful and sometimes bad. But my life is good. My heart is beautiful. Samantha, age 9


Inside the Nickname

Cuddly and so soft, but Under the skin I’m broken and Torn apart Inside, and there’s no one to Express my feelings to. Sharmayne (“Cutie”), age 13


Now I see it and then it is gone. Reality is nightmares you go through one ear and out the other as worlds roll upon our worlds. It is just your imagination the world is green. The day has gone by and the next one will come! Savannah and group

If you look at me You might think me ordinary. If you look closer you will see I’m absolutely extraordinary. Pure beauty inside and out with my brown hair shaped like the ocean’s waves, brown eyes warmed by the glowing sun, my smile a shining star, my face as soft as an angel’s wings. Inside I am much, much more. Unique, intelligent, sophisticated even. Filled with kindness and dreams I am me. Nothing more but everything.


Sometimes I feel Happy Sad Mad I feel feelings that can’t be explained Feelings like scars on me for life. Frightened. Sometimes. Rayana

Barbara, age 12

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Life of a Baby

Inside this pencil, inside of everything there’s a filling. Inside a pencil there is wood. Inside of every pencil there’s a life to welcome. I see a very special lid. I feel thoughts and emotions, the things inside of you, too.

Now That’s Natural Beauty!

Nature is everywhere in the sky, in the Atmosphere and in the earth. True love is nature, too. It’s beautiful Underneath even when like a broken heart it Really hurts until you meet that special someone Especially the one who loves you back. “Sunset”

Sharmayne (“Cutie”), age 13, and group

My Dream

I placed my dream inside a boat My dream is like the paddles. Every time I paddle, I get stronger.

Look Deeper

My eyes are shaped like almonds. My head is the shape of a peanut. My eyelashes are thicker than words can describe. I see a beauty dot that looks like a chocolate chip.

What happens just happens in the boat. Sometimes you don’t know a single note A dream can only come true if you let it. I put my dream inside the boat I like to dream inside the boat Life is but a dream they say.

But if you look deeper, you will see Something you haven’t seen before. I am not ordinary, but smart, beautiful, Unique, and altogether extraordinary.

Ariel and group, age 13

That’s what you’ll see. The real Me. Sharmayne, age 13

The Smell of Beauty

I Close My Eyes and See

Beauty smells sweet. But a different kind of sweet. Beauty is like a flower. Every flower is different and every flower smells different. Just like beauty. Everyone’s beauty is different in its own way.

When I close my eyes, I see wonderful stuff. I see thoughts within thoughts, sunshine smiles on a rainy day a glowing rainbow flower and a beautiful girl who can accomplish anything.

Danielle Ortiz, age 14

Brianna, age 9

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Beauty Is

More than the Mirror Sees

I am beautiful in my own way The way I see things makes my day The flowers The sun The way that the hummingbirds hum I am trustful, nice and have my own way Of doing things. Not that fast, not that slow Just the way the birds go Quiet like the sun Loud like a drum We are all different And that’s what makes us The same.

I am more than the mirror sees. I am a lion’s roar A scary yell A soft drum beat A bird singing A soft guitar I am a butterfly A lioness, a mockingbird I am a blueberry mixed with green grapes A strawberry with spaghetti I am all the things I am and more Than the mirror sees. A collaborative poem by some “Pilgrims” (ages 5-9) and some “Turkeys” (ages 9-13)

Anissa Ramirez, age 11

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That Moment

Beauty is every color forever changing to fit its surroundings like a chameleon It lives inside your smile far away and close sometimes in a garden filled with flowers It’s a lollipop sweeter than sugar and never bitter or sour made of the most perfect fruits

Boom! is the sound of thunder when I run Lightning flashes in my hair of streaks. My eyes are dark like the midnight. I dance fast like a rainstorm. My friends say I’m all of what I say, But I’m not sure. We are all beautiful in our own way. Nicole Renne Adame, age 11

It sounds like sign language a heart beat a family Beauty feels like comfort and confidence a kiss on your cheek a suit of armor like soft clouds strong enough to hold you up I feel beautiful when I’m smiling in a nightgown, in my birthday suit, in a loved one’s arms, in the sun and moon’s light At that moment I feel a little bit lighter perfect Group poem by Katie Sheppard, Alyssa Teniente, Angela Leija, Meghan, Gabriela Sanders, and Kerri Celeste Thomas


I’m easy to tickle like scratching a dog with fleas! My skin is like gold, like a gold polished ring My muscles will be big as oranges glistening.

My Doll Karen

It has a really round body, and dirty fingernails, and its ears are a little chewed. Its eyes are not as bright and shiny as they used to be. And it’s not as white as it used to be. But when I’m with her my heart is always filled with joy and happiness, and my sky is always clear. Ashley Nangle, age 15

Lorena Montes, age 10

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I Am Beautiful

I am beautiful for the way I am, Every bone in my body People say I am like a tree: “Strong, useful In many unique ways.” People love me for my unique self, Reasons, my issues, But that’s what makes me unique. Every bruise on my body, cuts Tears of sadness and of joy But that’s what makes me unique Or a freak I got all my beauty from my family line. Morgana McClellan, age 11

Animals Our Hearts

Laughter and joy from our animal friends Our hearts go “Pop” until the end When we laugh When we cry They will always be there By our side When they live When they die I don’t know if you will cry But they will be in our hearts Any animal, dog or cat All we know is they are rats They get in our stuff Chew our homework But when we get home, They are in our hearts.

Love Hurts

When I’m alone in my room, I think of you, I start to cry cuz I was once with you, but you messed it all up for both of us. As I think of you, I wonder Should I knock? I hate when you tell me No You don’t know, but deep down you’re hurting me cuz I miss you. My birthday just passed. You didn’t give me anything. You saw that I kept looking at you. All I wanted was a smile. Now you tell me that out in the free, you will give me what we want. I remember as I looked at you, I was falling in love once more. As we stood by our doors we both said I love you to each other. As I walked in my room I cried cuz it hurts me to see you with someone else. I love you! Anonymous

Roses are red Violets are blue I think beauty can be skin deep How about you? Lisa, age 16

Anissa Ramirez, age 11

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I Love to Sing and Dance I love music I love to sing I love to dance When I’m seen

I could sound like them I could be like them I always memorize songs And sound like the bomb

I’m a Memorizing Machine I’m a memorizing machine I like to make up moves I also like to sing. Either sing low or high Sometimes a lullaby I dance to the beat Side to side Forward and back I dance kinda crazy, and sing a little good

Sometimes I don’t know them So I try to memorize them So when a song comes up Me and my friends remember them So we will always remember I love music I love to sing I love to dance When I’m seen Elijah Curz, age 10

I even get mad If you bother me in my room Whenever I’m singing and dancing Sometimes I eat Hot Cheetoes


When you look at me This is what you’ll see: Round cheeks, dimples Wait awhile You’ll see a smile I will glisten When you listen This is what you’ll hear Funny laugh Whisper, scream Or maybe even a quiet dream

When there’s a new song, Me and my friends Call each other on the phone and start to memorize it. I’m a singing and dancing machine. Itzayana Garza, age 11

Darien Aguilar, age 11

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To You

When I got to know you, you seemed pretty cool. But little did I know your words could be so cruel. Your jokes and your lies are just torture and pain. Your attitude and voice just make me go insane. You know it hurts me and you just don’t seem to care. All this hurt and crying is more than I can bare. I go to bed trying to sleep. All this anger inside is crowding within me. I keep thinking about the things you said to me, and I still don’t know what you want or expect from me. I tell you I love you. You tell me you do too. I don’t know if what you’re saying is really true. I woke up this morning with a smile on my face. I have some things to tell you, and they really aren’t that great. Today I am leaving my past behind me. My anger and crying are no more in my mind. I loved you yesterday, and I still love you today. I can’t believe I let my life go this way. My past was bad, but my future will be better. Still, in my mind, I will always remember. Krystle, age 16

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There was this day where I felt so happy. It was when I was with you, but now I feel so all alone because I am without you. Why do my days have to be like this? Why do you have to be such a diss? Why can’t I just have one last kiss? Can’t you see it’s you I miss? Tina, age 17

Makeup Does No Good

Makeup does no good; No eye shadow, mascara or lipstick. Nothing matters, However you comb your hair Or put jewelry on. There is no use, Beauty is a natural thing, that comes by itself. My beauty is my past, present, and future But still I prep myself up before the mirror, fussing over every detail, practicing whatever that may please him. I cannot help myself. I’m tossed about between Natural beauty and fake beauty. Wishing that whatever I choose Will please him.


Beauty is the color of a sunset With its orangish, redish, pinkish Rays flowing in the evening sky. It tastes like cold, sweet iced tea On a hot summer day. Smells like a bouquet of white roses sprayed with baby’s breath. It is a white rose, for it has long beautiful White petals with a real light Pinkish strip on it. Beauty sounds like an ocean’s waves going on and off the shore. Feels like a silk furry blanket rubbed across flesh, skin. Beauty lies Within yourself. I’ve seen beauty All my life. Krystal

Heather, age 15

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Do you have to look like Halle Berry or have a body like Selena to be beautiful? Of course not. You get physically beautiful by doing the basic things like brushing your teeth, bathing, and by completing skin treatments. For deep cleansing, you can use a soap, wash thoroughly, then use a face cream like Clearasil or Neutrogena. You have to leave them on for awhile, then wash off. Then you could add Noxzema or Nivea. You have got to get plenty of rest. Your body gets so exhausted (tired) that you need to let it rest. For eye bags, I recommend plenty of sleep and some slices of cucumbers. That’s skin beauty. You do not need to pay a lot of money for this; all you have to pay is dedication to your skin. Next you can add a little bit of makeup. Eye shadows, mascara, lipliner, eyeliner, lipstick, and lip gloss. I suggest you don’t because all the oils go into your pores, which cause breakage of skin. But if you do use any, if you’re out in the nighttime, use honey, cappuccino, whites and pearl colors. If you’re out in the light time, use darker colors like brown, dark brown, bronze, and black colors. I would recommend a hairstyle you like, not only one that you prefer, but one that also goes with your personality. Lastly, get a pretty dress or outfit you like, an outfit you’ll enjoy from head to toe. The major thing about beauty is recognizing and accepting it yourself. You have to have that beauty within you. I mean the emotional beauty that you’re born with. You just have to know how to use it. You have to have high self-esteem. This refers to how you think and feel about yourself. It is your sense of self-worth, your belief about how valuable and worthy a person you are. People build up self-esteem from the messages they receive from others and from themselves. Always cheer yourself. For example, everyday when you wake up say, “I am talented, loveable, capable, happy, strong, and an understandable, intelligent person.” That creates an outgoing sensation out of you. You’ll feel good and beautiful. You do not want to be a person with low self-esteem. They feel badly about themselves. You want yourself and your reputation to be positive. Beauty is not only the outside. It is also what’s within you. The thing about beauty is that you want to look and feel good. Follow your heart! Hope can sometimes be a part of beauty, but it is really up to you to restore that hope and make it a living dream. You are beautiful, if not in somebody else’s eyes, in your own eyes. Your beauty is your most precious gift, so treasure it! If you don’t treasure it, who will?! Sincerely, Alma, age 17

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I remember when I first started showing off parts of my body, wearing short shorts, short skirts, tight jeans, and small shirts. I guess all those times I was trying to impress these guys. I had a very low self-image, so I did all these things to myself. All those times when guys were with me, then just ditched me. I started to think that my mom was right, that all they wanted was the sex. I am not saying that I will stop doing those things. I am still learning. Still right now I have a very low self-image, but it’s getting better. All I want to say is: Don’t try to impress people. Just be you. And I hope that when I get out, I’ll be myself and teach young people, the way these adults are teaching me. Desirae, age 14

Finding Me

When I think about my Beauty I look everywhere my eye can see But when I look Skin Deep Do you want to know what I see? I see my characteristics, my strengths, and the beauty within me

My Traits

The color I admire is peach for my skin, The softness I admire is snuggles for the sort of skin I have, But what I admire most are my legs, brown eyes, and my eyebrows.

So now I know my beauty is not only what I see It’s everything inside of me Now you know what I mean when I say beauty is Skin Deep

Natalie Jimenez, age 13


Sylvia, age 16

I’m crawling out of your nose, I’m on the tip, I see your toes. As I move up to your light brown eyes, I see you wanna cry, I’m hurting you aren’t I. I slowly back down, and on your face I see a frown. It seems out of place. I’m on your mouth now, all wet And yet, I’m still alive. So I dive Down your throat Where I fall and start to float. I feel sleepy, I pass out, and when I wake, when I see I remember I’m just a flea. Leah, age 16

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The Real Beauty

I think beauty isn’t physical, it’s a feeling like when someone special tells you, you look pretty and That they love you. Or when you look in the mirror and you like what you see. No one should ever think Beauty is the way you Look. Sylvia, age 16

Last night I had a dream of all the things we did together. Just you and me. I think about all the holidays and memories you won’t be there for, but I know you are looking down on me, letting your tears pour. Why did you do it? Why did you leave? I’ll miss you on holidays, especially Christmas Eve. I wish I could have been there, instead of being here. All the memories are more than I can bear. I have one more thing to say before I let you go, there’s just one more thing I want you to know. I hope you’re in a better place, and god takes care of you, so when I’m done here I can come visit you. I hate to do this, but I have to say goodbye. I have to do this before I break down and cry. Goodbye for now, until I see you there. I hope all goes well and you take care. Krystle, age 16

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Beauty is Kind

Beauty is at your side until you die so don’t ever think negative about your self and cry no matter how many freckles and wrinkles you have Remember someone loves you like no one else ever has you know there’s beauty within yourself too and I think that is the one that counts the most keep this poem in your mind and know that beauty makes you kind Michele, age 15


Beauty lies within the heart. Beauty lies within every touch. Beauty is in every person’s eyes. Without beauty there would be no world. You don’t have to be a model to be beautiful. The biggest thing that is so beautiful is life. How you cherish it and take care of it. Also the most that is beautiful is a mother giving birth to a child. Its first words and stride across the kitchen floor. Beauty smells like a freshly picked petunia. Beauty is also like a heaven scent strawberry plus the gentleness in an angel’s touch. Beauty is like the evening horizon of a hot summer’s day. Beauty sounds like a baby humming bird. If you listen...its heart Just skipped a beat.

What makes a woman beautiful? What makes a woman beautiful? Is it the color of her eyes, The curve of her hips, The smoothness of her voice, What do you think? Is it the gentleness of her touch, The color of her skin, The thickness of her thighs, The size of her feet? I think it is the passion of her feelings her kindness, her caring, the love in her heart, the limitlessness of her knowledge, the trust and honesty in her eyes, the beauty she holds skin deep for that’s all that matters, the beauty beneath her skin. Jasmine Culton, age 16


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My reflection

I sit in my room thinking of you, thinking of everything we have been through.

A Lesson

I sit on my bed looking so dead I look at my reflection, the dread of my reaction. It scares me to see what you came to see, the end of all eternity I look at my face, I take a step back I look at my reflection, the one that made the window crack. I wonder why a perfect guy like you would break such a heart like mine Then I look at my face and I start to cry.

Rosie, age 13

the hurt the pain the never ending day When you came to say it was all a big game. you said I was ugly you said I was fat but that didn’t stop you from coming right back.

Standing Tall

I look at my reflection as confused as my reaction I don’t see the same person, the one with sadness and pain I see my reflection so happy to be me, not letting anyone bring me down to my knees I don’t have that pain I don’t see that broken day everything’s running through my head so fast I don’t even know what to say this is my reflection and I came out to say, don’t worry about the past or about your ex that left a gash You are beautiful and that will forever Last. Stephanie Michelle

When I get a compliment it feels like no worries and from that I learn to not worry about what people think.

It takes a moment to think you’re beautiful to smell like candy to look in to the mirror A whole life time to ever change what you think For it takes courage to show that you are happy with what you are And everyday when the sun rises and falls You still stand proud of the beauty you show. Avonlea Zimmerlie, age 14

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I Remember

I Remember the first time I ever saw him It was in my history class I glanced at him and when he looked I turned way I Remember the first thing he asked me I answered and then started fidgeting with my hands I Remember all the times we passed each other in the halls And never said a word I Remember the day he was going to leave, so I wrote him a letter That asked if he would call I Remember sitting by the phone waiting for his call I Remember when he called and how happy I was I Remember the day I went to his house and how we would Stare into each other’s eyes I Remember when I got arrested, And the last words we said But most of all I remember him, Jacob, the guy that I still want to be with Kayla, age 15

Beauty Is...Skin Deep

When I wake up I look at myself in the mirror I ask why am I still shorter? Why can’t I grow and stretch to be thinner? I ask God my Lord, Please help me get somewhat thinner And please let it be before the big day—November 25, 2005. But then I think, if I’m like this it’s because I am beautiful the way I am I don’t have to look like them Thank you God for giving me my answer Amen Frances Martinez, age 16

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My Love for You

I remember that sweet day, how we laughed and played. When I needed help, you were at my aid. I thought I was a fool to fall into your game, thought I was the one getting played. But I was the fool when I found out your feelings were true. I told you all about me, the things you never knew. But when I almost cried, you looked into my eyes, at those feelings I tried to hide. And when our day was up, and we had to come back inside, I almost died. These past two nights I’ve cried. When I see you or think about you, my feelings I cannot hide. But I’m falling in love with you. It’s written on my face. And I’m not going to hide it or fight it, as long as you’re by my side. Kathy Jo, age 16


The beauty lives, inside of your heart, your personality gives you your own beauty, beauty looks like yourself, you’re beautiful in your own way, and me, I’m beautiful in my way, don’t let no one bring you down, beauty, it sounds like your voice, your voice is what your beauty sounds like, have you ever seen beauty, I think you have, look in the mirror, you are your beauty, because you, yes you, you are unique Nicole Jimenez, age 16

Beauty Sounds Like...

Rain falling on the ground A pounding piano creating a masterpiece A baby’s cry A mother’s soothing voice as she tends to her child Children’s laughter as they play innocently Beauty Sounds like...love, music, thoughts and nature. Elizabeth, age 17

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What Is Beauty?

Beauty to me is described as the color pink, which smells like candy. Beauty is like a pretty blooming Rose that looks awesome. And Beauty is in each and every one of you! No matter what other people think of you, You’re still beautiful! Simonique A. Sanchez, age 14

Beauty Is Skin Deep

Come close and look inside, and see what my outer shell tries to hide, Determination, Motivation, Complexity, Serenity, All the things that make me what you see, Come closer and look harder than before, you haven’t gone deep enough, still there’s more, Leader, Achiever, Daughter, and Friend, still keep going, you’ve only rounded the bend, Scientist, Mathematician, Philosopher, Pediatrician, still you have farther to go, still there is one thing more, My beauty is skin deep, not at the front door.

Beautiful Me!

I’m here sitting on my stomach and all I feel is the smoothness of my creamy, vanilla skin. I look and see curves that make people’s heads spin. I know I am beautiful! I touch every little hair that’s placed just right on my body. I slowly feel my stomach rising and falling with each breath I take. The rhythm soothes me, I am radiant! Knowing this makes me feel exotic, No body’s like me. I’m beautiful in my own way, from my pear shaped body to my sky blue eyes and my curly brown hair Nobody’s like Me! I’m unique, we’re all unique, and sooner or later you’ll find you’re unique too. Nobody’s like me or you! Mayleene, age 14

Jasmine Culton, age 16

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GEMINI INK is the only community-based center for literary arts and ideas in San Antonio and South Texas. We now serve annually more than 4500 readers, writers, and literary performancegoers representing a diverse sampling of our community’s population. Four programs currently serve our mission: •Each spring and fall, the Autograph Series presents writers of national and international stature in a community-wide public program. Previous Autograph Series writers have included Annie Proulx, Margaret Atwood, Grace Paley, Tim O’Brien and Phil Levine. •The University Without Walls (UWW) offers three semesters of workshops, classes, readings, and events led by recognized professional writers, as well as artists and scholars whose work relates to writing. •Dramatic Reader’s Theater (DRT) features professional actors interpreting literary works in a reading format, often accompanied by original music. •Writers in Communities(WIC) sends professional writers with specialized teaching experience into a wide range of community settings to work alongside students of all ages, needs, interests and abilities. WIC writing workshops have been offered in schools, justice settings, neighborhood community centers, and healthcare facilities, among many other venues. While in residence, WIC writers help students create dynamic writing projects, often reflecting their own lives, that challenge, celebrate, inspire and enlighten. Most WIC residencies culminate in the publication of an anthology of participants’ work and a celebratory public reading.

For more information, visit www.geminiink.org; or call 210.734-WORD (9673). Toll-free: 877.734-WORD (9673)

Additional copies of this anthology may be available for purchase from Gemini Ink. All proceeds support the Writers in Communities program.

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