A Blanket of Stars: Poems & Stories by Children from SA Youth

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a blanKet of StarS

PoemS & StorieS by children from Sa youth

San antonio, texaS 2016

gemini ink’s collaboration with Sa youth and this publication were made possible by the Kronkosky charitable foundation, Sa youth, texas commission on the arts, and the texas education agency 21st century community learning centers. cris bazaldua, erica de la rosa, amanda flores, Kamala Platt, christine Quattro mccain, clint taylor Writers-in-residence Jen Knox Writers in communities Program director, gemini ink Sheila black executive director, gemini ink Student work has been edited as lightly as possible in order to honor the original voices

gemini ink

Š 2016 by gemini ink

1111 navarro St San antonio, texas 78205 210.734.9673 geminiink.org



Poems & Stories by children from SA Youth

San Antonio, Texas 2016


a blanket of Stars



The release of A Blanket of Stars marks the successful completion of a partnership between Gemini Ink and SA Youth to bring creative writing to the students at Heritage, Fenfield, Hutchins, Palo Alto, Kindred, Carrillo, and Benavidez Elementary schools, and Losoya Intermediate. Gemini Ink and SA Youth worked together to send published writers into each of these schools to augment afterschool programming and provide students with a new appreciation for reading and writing. Gemini Ink’s Writers in Communities program is dedicated to encouraging creativity by helping individuals to explore their realities through a creative lens. SA Youth has over 30 years of promoting the positive development of those children living in poverty and at risk of dropping out of school. Our missions, combined, are displayed in this creative anthology of student work. This publication truly shows the strengths and talents of our city’s youth. These stories, poems, and short essays offer insight, humor, and new perspective. These voices are honest, raw, exploratory, and powerful. These are the voices of the next generation, and they epitomize the creative spirit that is alive in San Antonio. Thank you to Sheila Black, Executive Director for spearheading Gemini Ink’s mission to reach the communities of San Antonio; Anisa Onofre, Publications Director, who designed this lovely publication; and Bernadette Smyth, Development Director, who assisted with proofing. Thank you to Valeria De Leon and Cynthia Le Monds at SA Youth for the amazing partnership and support. Thank you to all of the site coordinators who assisted us through SA Youth. Thank you to our Writers in Communities instructors: Amanda Flores, Christine Quattro McCain, Clint Taylor, Erica De La Rosa, Dr. Kamala Platt, Andrew Hale, and Cris Bazaldua. And thank you to our students—you are the voice of the future, and your words matter.

Jen Knox Writers in communities Program director


inSide benavidez elementary Pg 5 heritage elementary Pg 25 fenfield elementary Pg 47 carillo elementary Pg 55 hutchinS elementary Pg 75 Palo alto elementary Pg 85 Kindred elementary Pg 111 loSoya intermediate School Pg 129 about the WriterS in reSidence Pg 147


l A Blanket of Stars l

l SA Youth * Benavidez Elementary l

Benavidez Elementary Writer in Residence Amanda Flores



l A Blanket of Stars l

Sa youth * benavidez elementary

the life of the living crayon There was once this crayon who thought it was human because of the way it was moving and when the person was writing with the crayon it was like walking down the road at night and on the way the crayon saw some sleeping bags that were actually crayon boxes with other crayons in them and when it was about to be sunny the crayons woke up and saw the other crayon and the other crayons became friends with the crayon and the other crayons rolled up the sleeping bags and started to walk with the crayon and when they started to walk in the view they saw a mountain that was actually a chair with a blanket over it and after that they all stayed friends and took adventures all around the world.

Jakob d. granado.

bacKWardS bob Backwards Bob is a blob, he doesn’t even have a job. Sometimes he goes with the flow and uses all the things he knows. He changes colors to show feelings and he is very gleaming. He has a lot of friends and when they have races he never stops and keeps chasing, that’s why he is so amazing and dazing! He is brave and enters an evil, spooky cave, but instead of it being spooky it is kooky. There were clowns, but instead of them having a smile they had a frown. Backwards Bob is crazy.

Jakob d. granado.


a blanket of Stars


old Pam bacKWardS There is a dog named Old Pam Backwards and he likes to walk. This is why Old Pam Backwards was backwards, because he talks. But all the people from where he comes from, they just bark. He tells them to roll over and don’t go inside and eat his sweet tarts. They obey what he said, but they don’t listen when he doesn’t listen to them. But what he just recognized is that they obey cats, but what’s weird is that they wear hats. His town is called Cat Antonio. He knows what they say even though they just moo. Would it make sense that a cat jumped over the moon? Of course it does, why wouldn’t it? I just have to say, Pam’s clothes don’t fit! The bears are so sweet, but why are the bunnies so mean? The bear sleeps in the cage and the bunnies sleep in the cave! But what’s more backwards is that the holidays are more confusing than this. The bunny is good at destroying gifts, and Santa is bad at hiding eggs.

Shyanne Serna

bacKWard dog The dog is upside down on that bat. The bat is in the air. The dog was taking a bath in the mud. He sounds like a rat. He tried to go in a hole, he wore sunglasses. He jumps like a fish. He talks like a deer. He flies like a duck. He jumps like a fish. He sleeps like a pig. When the sun comes up, he acts like a rooster. He breaks into a building. He acts weird. He poops on the chair. He sleeps on food. He plays with a spoon. He swims in the leaves. He runs fast. He eats like a horse. He smells like a bee. He shaves his legs. His name is Coco, the mighty hero. He drives a fast car. He drives crazy. He eats barbeque while he is driving. The cops tried to get him, he says no to them. They hit his car, he gets mad. He goes to the gas station, he hits the cop car. They bring their guns out, they shoot the car. He turns his music loud, he doesn’t listen to them. They caught him. He used his sleeping gas, they got tired. They took him to jail.

xavier cervalles

Sa youth * benavidez elementary

bacKWardS turtle Backwards Turtle, he’s so fast! When he races, he’s never last. Then he waits for the racers to come. Then he gets really bummed. His feet are really big. He eats like a pig. Then when he gets lost at a fair, he ends up calling his friend, the hare. Then they both get lost at the fair, They end up using a big old flare!


teen titanS fun Turn into a gorilla. Elephant is a form of Beast Boy. Elevator is in the Titans building. “Never give up!” Robin also says, “Teen Titans go!” and Cyborg loves Ice cream and Airplanes and Never bother Raven and They be Sassy. Fun is my vocabulary. Unlike my sister, Nancy.

Jaslin garza


a blanket of Stars


televiSion biKe How was your day, bike? I smell fish. How does it taste? I can’t taste the fish. What can you see? I can’t see anything. Can you hear the people? No. What can you feel? I cannot feel, I can splat things. How was your food? I don’t know. How does it look? I don’t know. You do know I am a T.V., right? I did not know.

xavier cevalles

bob and bill’S brotherly baKery Bill brought brother Bob to build a bakery. It will be bedazzled, brilliant, bright, and busy. Bill was bothered by Bob because he broke Bill’s big backpack. Bill bumped Bob back. They built a battle and burst, but later on they built a bold bond and went back to build “Bob and Bill’s Bakery.” It was black and brown.

Jakob d. granado.

Sa youth * benavidez elementary

invoKing the SnoozeS I sit at the table. I eat my sandwich with a tablespoon. The cheese keeps flowing, but I use a tablecloth to clean it up. What a terrible taste in my mouth! I tell my mom what I ate. She wants to take me to Mars, but we run into a taxi man and he tries to get the taste out. The taxi man didn’t get the taste out. So there we are, getting ready to take off to Mars. My sister is a tattletale and tells the doctor my bad news. The doctor laughs and drinks his taffy. We take off to Earth, but my teammate got us lost in space! We see our target from far away. We’re out of fuel and can’t go outside to play on our swings. I can’t even swing with the stars. All our gas has been taken from the flying pig. And then there’s Dr. Seuss trying to get some gas from the sun. I guess I didn’t know you can’t go to the sun; let’s just say I got a lovely tan. I see his long nice tail from Earth. Wow! I wonder how did he make it to Earth so fast and why didn’t he take me with him? I hear a loud noise from out of nowhere, “Get up for school! You’re going to be late!” I wake up asking, “How did we make it to Earth so fast? How did we make it to Earth so fast?!” It turns out it was a crazy dream! So I never did go to Mars, but I will one day. Just wait and see.

mariah gonzalez

billy bob’S bugS Billy Bob’s bed bugs bit him. Bumble bees bothered Billy at the batting cage. Billy Bob had beans and burritos for breakfast. Billy barely bounced in the bounce house. Billy buried bananas because he wants to feed big, beautiful bugs.

gabriel conde


a blanket of Stars


SPurS Spurs never give up no matter what! Put their minds to the game and runs. Up and down the court. Run super fast on the court! Spurs are always in my heart, no matter who comes and goes.

amanda Amazed about hats. My craziest poetry teacher. And tells funny jokes. Nice to her class. Depends on us to write awesome poems. Amazed about colorful pants.

SiSter Sits at the window. Is nice to my older sisters. Sits and sleeps in the car. The one that the twins only get to pick on. Entertains people sometimes. Runs like a maniac at the house.

mariah gonzalez

WacKy Wally Someone sold silky stinky socks at the sticky store on Sound Street. Wacky Wally woke up on Wednesday looking at Wendy out the window.

emerald mora

Sa youth * benavidez elementary

Juice, Write my Poem! I can’t write a poem because I’ve been waiting forever, And my friend just left. Then mom gave me an idea… I don’t know what to write! I spilled some juice on my paper, And my hands are sticky. I don’t know what to write! My pencil is sticky, My clothes are juicy, My sleeves have a juice stain And there’s juice in my hair. I don’t know what to WRITE!!! Do you know what to write for me?

Samantha garcia

chole the cat Chole the cat ate cake and candy. She was crazy, clumsy, confused, and curious, confident too. She caused a lot of confusion to other cats. This crazy cat was as confident as a candy man, so the moral of the story is to stay confident like Chole the cat.

aaralyn alvarado


a blanket of Stars


Watch me haiKu “What time is it, Mom?” “Time to get a—” “Watch me, Mom!” I am just playing.

aaralyn alvarado

School SWing Shiny haiKu School is so much fun. The swing goes so high; the slides Slippery, shiny.

alyssa d.

Whataburger zone Apples Be Crazy! Don’t Eat


Girl Just Of

I Kind Stop

Top You X-ray Your Zone

aaralyn alvarado


Sa youth * benavidez elementary

one PerSon’S traSh Time took too long to pass through the long day. I had nobody to talk to through the whole long day. But it only happens every Tuesday and Thursday. I go outside and talk to trees and turtles. I tell the trees to drop apples and talk the turtles into going faster. I interrupted the turtles with my talk one time, too, ’til the turtles turned and ran. And that’s when I talked to the Treasure Trash. And the Treasure Trash said, “There’s treasure in the Treasure Trash!” I was in trouble, I think, because the Treasure Trash said there was someone else doing it too. Tricky. But then! The Treasure Trash tattled; the Treasure Trash told me where the treasure was.

otto inming

loSt in tea Party I am not going to take off my backpack, Because we are too tall for the house. My teacher is the best, and we can work as a team. When we play a game, we do teamwork. My Mom taps on me, and I can talk to her. She can take my toy (and she has taken my tea), But she can’t take my T’s—no, not my T’s and I can taste the cake at the table, she can teach me how to make a cake, she can tell me what to do I can stay on task, I can! I am tame.

arianna gomez


a blanket of Stars


learning to Poet I can’t write a poem. I’ve never even tried, and when I was thinking, I’m pretty sure I almost died. The way it almost happened was because I was woozy, I’m really really tired and droopy. I never felt like this, it’s super weird, and for some reason there is this pirate with a really long beard. He keeps saying, “Hardy, har, har!” So I tried to chase him away with a roar, roar, ROAR! This poem is getting on my last nerve. I can’t even write because there are no lines so my words go curve. I really can’t do this, it’s too hard, and my arm got cut by a glass shard. My arm is starting to bleed, it’s getting all over my paper! Grrr! It hurts so bad! My teacher gave me a band-aid, then all of a sudden, when I closed my eyes with stress, I saw a mermaid. Writing a poem is really difficult, but I had imagination & an idea in a jolt! Now I get it, I know how to do it; all the things I talked about showed me how to write a poem and I learned to poet. Those are the reasons, until now, I couldn’t learn to poet.

Jakob d. granado.

eW! haiKu I like to go play! The backyard is ugly—EW! Can I go inside?

aaralyn alvarado

Sa youth * benavidez elementary

i can’t Write a Poem becauSe... I can’t write a poem because I’m too lazy. Maybe it’s caused by me being crazy. I can’t write a poem because it’s too hard. Maybe I’ll think of something on the Planet Mars. I can’t write a poem because I’m too wacky. Maybe I’ll stop when I see my friend Macky. I can’t write a poem because I can’t think. Maybe it’s ’cause I’m running out of ink? I can’t write a poem because I’m on La La Land Or maybe because...I can’t control my hand!


Kaylie garza

i can’t Write a Poem becauSe... I can’t write a poem because I am on Jupiter. I can’t write a poem because I am a banana on Jupiter. I can’t write a poem because I ran out of paper. I can’t write a poem because my pencil broke, and I can’t read—I can write a poem because I am a big girl. I can write a poem because I am a big girl, and I am not a baby. I can write a poem because I am a good writer. I switched where I put the line. I switched from can’t to can because I thought when I said that, that I could not write a poem, but then I started writing! And it changed to CAN.

enessity Sanchez


a blanket of Stars


i can’t Write a Poem becauSe... I can’t—I can’t write a poem because My tea spilled in my backpack because It busted open because It had a big dent in it, and I kicked it, okay?! I kicked it, and it busted open, THERE! Be-cause! So...that was bad luck for me. Sometimes I’m disappointed in myself. So? I got mad. “OMG, I can’t believe it!” I said In my head SO many people were laughing so hard! So? So embarrassed. I sigh I cry I tie I spy I wish I tie my shoe I fight I try I love I shy I cry I sigh Do you?

chloe ledesua

lucKily, unlucKily Luckily, I got to school early. Unluckily, I forgot my pencil. Luckily, my friend had an extra. Unluckily, I got hit in the face. Luckily, I did not get a black eye. Unluckily, I did have a bruise. Luckily, it went away. Unluckily, I floated away. Luckily, I found my way home. Unluckily, I dropped my backpack in the river. Luckily, I had an extra one!

viktoria hancock

Sa youth * benavidez elementary

lucKily, unlucKily Luckily, I didn’t forget my homework. Unluckily, I forgot my binder at home. Luckily, I never forget to get my pencil at home. Unluckily, I never forget my extra homework at home.

Jacob gutierrez

roWdy roland Rowdy Roland is rude and rough; it is rare that Rowdy Roland is responsible or reliable. Rowdy Roland is rich and restless. Rowdy Roland ditched school when he was told to be responsible. Rowdy Roland snuck out and went to a rock n’ roll concert! Rowdy Roland got in trouble for rude behavior. BUT! Rowdy Roland got a really good report card, so! Rowdy Roland wanted revenge on his parents for yelling with rage. Rowdy Roland grew up, became responsible, and became a rapper.

roland hernandez

lucKily Luckily—I want to eat food. Luckily—there was. Luckily—there was no food. Luckily—there was nothing. Luckily—we went to the store. Luckily—we are hungry.

destiny Salinas


a blanket of Stars


i can’t Write a Poem I can’t write a poem there Is too much noise I’m too Tired to work not inspired to Do anything I’m too hungry OH NO Spilled drink worst day of My life it smells in here I’m Too squashed to write too many distractions no Paper to write on they turned off The light my friend left I have no idea

roland hernandez

robert ran a relay race Robert ran a relay race. Batman bought bouncy balls. Jaden saw a person named Jeff. A tall man told Timmy to take it back.

Jaden P.

lucKily, unlucKily Luckily, I lost my tooth! Unluckily, I look funny. Luckily, I got my money! Unluckily, I spent it Luckily, I got another dollar! Unluckily, I spent it.

Jaden P.

Sa youth * benavidez elementary

i can’t Write a Poem I can’t write a poem because I have to go home. My Mom said we have to go home today, she grabbed my hand and put in the keys, she had to go home to cook some ramen noodles, but instead I ate an ice cream cone. My Mom got mad. She sat on my hair and threw away the ice cream cone. No, I spilled the ramen noodles because I was being goofy like my brother, I got in trouble when I burned my hand by touching one of the noodles. I got sad the next day I went to school. I get my journal so I can write, I will write about when I burned my hand because I have a cast. But I still can’t write a poem because my right arm is in a cast.

isabelle esquivel

i have to Write a Poem I have to write a poem It’s so hard, like a guard. I found a kid named Naurd. He took all of my stuff! Now I’m going to CUFF him! It’s going to make his head POP like a piece of bubble gum. Then I’m gonna tumble him, down the stairs, and I’m going to say, “Tumble away, you little kid! Tumble AWAY! CAN’T YOU SEE I’M TRYING TO WRITE A POEM?!”

ethan c.

meoW haiKu The cat goes MEOW All cats have the same loud sound. They MEOW all day

ethan c.


• A Blanket of Stars •


xoxo haiKu TIC TAC TOE, X O TIC TAC TOE, three in a row I finally win!

alexie m.

the adePt dPt. Apples attract more animals with opinions that are alike. Dad desired Mom’s dress at the debut party. Elephants eat and enjoy yams that explode. Party places have playgrounds and potatoes with pilgrims inside The potatoes.

matthew g.

lucKily, unlucKily Luckily, I ate chicken wings. Unluckily, they were burned. Luckily, we had a second pack to cook them right. Unluckily, I forgot we ate them last week. Luckily, we went to the store to buy some more. Unluckily, the store had run out of the chicken wings. Luckily, we asked a worker to see if they had more. Unluckily, they said no to us. Luckily, we went to a different store and had a good dinner.

matthew g.

Sa youth * benavidez elementary

a day in the life of a volleyball A day in the life of a volleyball is very weird and a tad bit gross because a lot of hands touch it and it goes in the air and it hits the volleyball net and it gets hit to the floor and...it’s just very gross! You don’t know who they’ve touched or what they’ve been doing. I just wouldn’t want to be a volleyball because everybody would touch me. And some of the kids who use me smell very badly! When they hit me, I can smell their armpit stench! And when they hit me, they are very aggressive, and they scream when they do it and spike me and they almost burst out my eardrums and it’s like my ears are bleeding. And some of the girls who use me wear a lot of perfume—I can taste it they wear so much! So, that’s my life as a volleyball. “Service!”

mia beltran



l A Blanket of Stars l

l SA Youth * Heritage Elementary l

Heritage Elementary Writer in Residence Chrissy Quattro McCain


Sa youth * heritage elementary

once there WaS a lady Once there was a lady that had a cat on her hat and she sat on something fat She was very happy And saw something flappy And saw some dogs And maybe some hogs She was having fun In the sun, where the couch is fluffy But her nose is stuffy.


my dream My dream was weird. I dreamed about me, so this is how it started. I was in school, playing on the monkey bars. Well, this is more like a weird nightmare. Anyways, I was on top of the monkey bars, it was foggy, so there was a man dressed in black outside. All of my friends were gone, even the teacher, but there was one of the people I don’t like! His name is _____. He was hiding somewhere. Then, me and Jesse went outside, but it was rainbowish outside, but creepy people inside.

ashley l.

my goal My goal is to be a basketball NBA star, just like Stephen Curry and Lebron James. I could do Lebron James, punks, and threes like Stephen Curry. I could do a free throw and dunk like Michael Jordan.

evan t.


a blanket of Stars


annabel One day there was a little girl that was moving. The girl’s name was Annabel. Annabel was excited, but when she saw the house it was ugly. The place had spider webs, but there was one thing she didn’t see—her room. When she walked in to her room it was hideous. She didn’t even know it was the basement. She opened the closet and got the chills because there was a doll. The doll was scratched up. She was really scared.

araceli S.

minecraft Minecraft is a game that I enjoy because my dreams come true, because you could try to survive or build houses like castles. Houses you wanted. It’s cool, that’s why I like it.

alfred a.

the cat WaS fat The cat was fat. The dog was fat. The pig was fat. The wolf was fat. The elephant was fat. The baby was fat. The kid was fat. Everyone was fat.

alexis l.

Sa youth * heritage elementary

my favorite thing My favorite thing is my family. They are quiet like a mouse. I have a big family like a frog. They like to help like a cat. They are loveable like a dog. They like to stay up like a bat. We stick together like glue. We love each other like a kangaroo And her Joey. Whenever we are young, Our families look for food like an eagle, And it’s family.

zoe a.

my favorite memory My favorite memory is when I went to SeaWorld. First, I saw the dolphins and the sharks. Second, I saw the beluga. Then, I saw penguins. It was 5 o’clock—that means the Killer Whale Show is going to start! When it is done, I go home. It was beautiful like the sunset. It smelled like fish. It was fun inside.

camilia f.

i love, you love I love you, Mom, because you take care of me. Because you love me so much. I love you because you tell me everything. I love you, Dad, because you take care of me so much, And you love me.

adrian l.


a blanket of Stars


the SticKy dog In my neighborhood Me, my sister, and my dad were walking On a late Saturday night We found a dog Because it was cold we wanted it It didn’t have rabies So we have it A dog on the street The sticky dog Barking Cold breeze A plain nothing

eriana d.

he underStandS I love my dad. He buys me almost everything. He understands whatever I tell him. He gets mad if somebody messes with me. He cares about me so much. I know I’m going to miss him when he passes.

vannity c.

Sa youth * heritage elementary

in the ocean The ocean is a place where there’s sand and water, where you can have fun. The ocean has lots of sand where you can make sandcastles. Another thing that is fun to do in the sand instead of making sandcastles is digging yourself in the sand, running in the sand, and drawing in the sand, or writing stuff in the sand. While you are in the water, you will maybe go fishing. Sometimes you will see a shark, fish, starfish, shells, and crabs. The water is good exercise, and play with a beach ball, or just swim. When you’re in the water you should always be careful for something.

christopher P.

marShmalloWS I was at my house My mom, my dad, brother, and sister My dog got lost Because he was playing with a ball And he lost it So he went to look for it I saw nothing I didn’t smell him I heard him barking I felt the coldness I tasted marshmallows out of the bag

Kimberly g.


a blanket of Stars


delicioSa I like to eat meat. It smells like feet. a mi me gusta comer carne Roja porque esta deliciosa Hermosa carne esta deliciosa Porque me gusta ponerle chile Deliciosa gat churros Estala muy deliciosa

Janie v.

baSKetballS and batS Basketballs and bats came out with a bash. Bats got hit with a bean. Even the bats are eating the beans. They usually come out at 7p.m. The bats swoop down at my team. Me and my cousin are not scared. Bats are cool and I like them much.

Samara r.

i SaW a great booK I saw a great book In the library That smelled like A blueberry Then my mom got married To a raspberry So we all went back To the library.

briana c.

Sa youth * heritage elementary

i Went to claSS I went to class, And it went slow in class, And I daydreamed in class, When I had a bad dream. It started to be very mean I dreamed about a football. And until I fell, And I did well, In football, And my friend threw the football, To my friends, And my friends are men, And my shirt is colored red, And my friends tackled me, And then my friends were free.

Jose h.

once uPon a friday night We jumped, Me and my cousin, Once upon a Friday Night At my house On a trampoline Because they visited us. We did flips I felt confident like I could Jump off a roof When I flipped it felt like I was flying My sense was that I was going to land on my head.

michael Q.


a blanket of Stars


i Went to a muSeum I went to a museum. I saw a ginormous cocoon of a buttery, It landed right when I sighed. I saw the mummies. Then I saw their tummies. It was so awesome. And I saw the opossum. They were rock and rolling. Then I saw a man mowing, And I saw the rat. And I saw the cats. I saw a man selling bologna. I called him my homie. And then I heard a boom. Then a kaboom!

gabriela d.

the chair The chair went Click click clack When I crashed into it I tripped and I tumbled And I trembled So I skipped And the sun was so hot


Sa youth * heritage elementary

cloWnS I am afraid of clowns. Clowns are my most feared thing because of their creepy makeup and their freaky bush hair. Then when they are in that small car they get out at the same time. It’s just freaky. Also, I saw a clown at a circus and that’s how I got scared of clowns.

denise l.

family I went to the restaurant, With my family. I went so I can be with my family. I heard their noise from their mouth. I was tired from their noise, So I screamed.

Kayla m.

i love you So much it fillS my heart I love you so much it fills my heart. You are the only one in my life that gets up everyday to work for us, and I love that you don’t have to do that, but you do that because you love us. You have six children and you take care of us. I know sometimes it can be rough, but we’re the Griegos so we can fix anything.

mercedes g.


a blanket of Stars


SnaKe Once at my dad’s house I woke up to feed the animals, like my dog, cats, horse, cow, birds, and my chickens. So, I went to the chicken coop and I saw a snake, but I went to go and touch it, but it wasn’t all the way there and then my sister said to stop that, that was a real snake. I thought it was a fake snake, so I pretended to hiss at the snake and it hissed at us, and it blinked so then I knew that that snake was real. So me and my sister ran to my dad’s house, told him, and he came outside and we ran so when we got there we started to throw rocks and my dad got there and got it by the head and tail. He threw it on the ground and got a shovel and he held the snake by his foot and hit the snake on the head until the snake didn’t move. Then we waited three days and the vultures took the snake and we fed the rest of the animals and after the three days were over, the next day we did the same thing—fed the animals and found that our baby chickens died because a fox ate them. I think because the fox was gone the next day and were very sad that our chickens died. And about the snake part, we tried to get the two take the chickens out, but our dad made us go inside.

alexia m.

my Pie life I like pie, and sometimes I start to sigh, and I saw goodbye when I’m done eating my pie. I dyed my hair red in the back of my head, and then I go to bed instead.

hayden J.

Sa youth * heritage elementary

baSKetball I like playing basketball. I have to bounce the ball, you have to hit the backboard. We have to sit on the bleachers. I play for the Little Spurs. In the game, you have to have a basketball court. We go to the gym to warm up for the game. We just touch our toes for we cannot hurt our legs.

daniel h.

the cat I went to my at I saw a cat The cat was rosy The fur was cozy The cat was a cutie My brother thought it was patootie.

gabriella g.

my favorite memory My favorite memory is when my mom had my three baby brothers, but we were spending the night at my grandma’s house. My mom kept sending us pictures. Their names are Eddie, Jose, and Adrian. Then, they came home. They are so cute, and they are triplets. They are small like chiclets.

ariana d.


a blanket of Stars


it WaS my firSt day of School... It was my first day of school, and I met a friend. We were the best friends because I just started to talk to her and she talked to me. When I noticed that she lives close to me, I felt amazing. I heard the breeze. I went to her house and her mom made pies. It smelled good.

ariana o.

i love... I love my cat She’s a little fat. I love my mom, She’s the bomb. I love my dad, He gets a little mad when I’m bad. I love my dog, I wish he could blog. My sister is little, She likes to eat pickles, She likes it when they’re sour, They give her some power. I love my other sister, She has some blisters. I love my sister, She likes to play twister. I love my brother, He’s like my mother. I love me, Because only I can be me!

toni r.

Sa youth * heritage elementary

legoS I love LEGOs because you could build with them and one time I made a big house with them. One day I want to do a big city. Today, me, my brother, and sister tried to make one.

rolando r.

SeaWorld I went to SeaWorld to see some killer whales and went to slide down some slippery slides. I went swimming to cool down, the water was so pretty and green. I got in and it was so clean. When I left, it was sad. My dad said it’s okay, the world’s not going to end, we will come back tomorrow. See you next time SeaWorld.

mckayla f.

i Went to the zoo I went to the zoo, Today after school. I went there for fun, While standing in the nice cooling sun. But then it got hot, like a boiling pot. So I put on my shades, And ran and played.

raquel b.


a blanket of Stars


i’m Scared of a bat I’m scared of a bat, That is getting a little fat. I am scared of the dark, It’s like everything is marked with black. I am also scared of a shark Because it could give me a bad mark. I am scared of a bat Because it could attack At any time. I am afraid of spiders Because of their biters.

Jason P.

i love my dog I love my dog, He is very fat. I love my mom, She is the best. I love my dad, He is the best. I love my family, They are the best!

luke m.

Sa youth * heritage elementary

i Went to the Store I went to the store, And saw a great door, Which led to another door, Which led to another store. The store had a lot, Had a lot to ďŹ ll your stomach With joy and good food To eat, oh thank god For this food We eat today So good, so good, so good today!

alfred a.

i Went doWntoWn I went downtown With my family and It was on a weekend afternoon I saw an Elvis Presley guy When I walked by the sidewalk I saw a young girl performing on stage I smelled cinnamon churros on the way I heard a beautiful voice I felt the strong wind And ate a good smoothie for the win.

zoe l.


a blanket of Stars


i once Sat on a darK, dull, Silent bench I once sat on a dark, dull, silent bench. The bench was at the park. I heard the wonderful noises of the night. I saw the dark black shadows of all the things that surrounded me. I stayed there until the middle of the night, until I was really super, duper tired. I saw a duck, a bird, a cat, and a dog. Some of the bright colors of the animals I could see: brown, yellow, white, and black and white. I was sitting on the bench because I love sitting in the nighttime under the wonderful twinkling stars.

abigail S.

When i firSt Started School When I ďŹ rst started school at Heritage my teacher was Ms. Scott. I started in third grade. I liked third grade a little because I didn’t have anywhere else to go for school and we found a location that was inside Heritage.

Klaribel v.

ShoPKinS I love Shopkins a lot because they are cute! Look at the eyes, they are cute, and look at the rest of it, it is cute. Right, it is like a cute kitten with puppy eyes! Look at it! I love them a lot. Some are candy or food or things like that that are in your home. I have 36 Shopkins at home. My favorite is the Donut from Season 4.

arianna g.

Sa youth * heritage elementary

i am afraid of the darK I am afraid of the dark Because I think there are monsters. But my dad wants me to be scared So I get scared anyway, And the monsters come. They started looking for prey. Then, they started banging on the wall for attention But I didn’t want to look. Then, I peek and I see all the monsters. Then, when I looked at the monsters, I jumped and ran out of the room. Then the monsters went to the kitchen, and I was there too. Then, I grabbed a pan and “Whack!” I hit them with the pan. That’s how I saved the night, And in the morning I woke up And I ate breakfast and played. I am a night hero.

Kenauri S.

at my tÍa’S houSe At my tía’s house My family was there And it was at night And we spent the night We have not seen her at all. I saw my tía We smelled pizza, I heard laughing, I felt a breeze, I taste pizza.

laila a.


a blanket of Stars


zoo I went to the zoo, I saw a raccoon, I saw a tiger That moved Like Jagger, The zebra was black and white, The tigers were at fight But they were playing, And that’s all I’m saying.

azalia c.

i Went to my claSS I went to my class I had to bring a pass I went to my seat Under the heat I was burning I was running in a hurry I wanted to take off my shirt But my hand hurt Afterschool I was sleepy I woke up it was creepy I walked to my room I heard a boom I went outside I was scared, I went to hide I went from under where I hid My dad was talking to Sid

Saven c.

Sa youth * heritage elementary

i liKe candy I like candy because it is sweet and tasty. Some candy is chewy. Some candy is hard. Some candy is colorful. Some candy is mixed flavors, and the main reason I like candy is because it has sugar. I sometimes like to be hyper. I like to be hyper because when I am hyper I’m really active and I like to be active. When I am active, I play a lot. Then, I get worn out and get tired. But I do not like to sleep because sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and get scared, so when I eat candy I eat some then when I come inside, I eat more. And when I’m done with my candy I eat a snack and play more. Then, I eat dinner and play my PS4 until bedtime.

emily r.

incredible Pizza One day there was a laser tag championship at Incredible Pizza. Me and my brother on Friday the 29th, we won the game. We had nothing better to do. I shot 15 random people. The theme was an ocean so I saw sea creatures. It smelled like the ocean. I heard waves, I felt fake sharks. The fake sharks tasted like it was real and it looked like a real shark.

christian r.

Pool, cool Me and my brother going to the pool, My brother jumped in the pool. I went to the pool when I was in third grade We were racing in the pool It was hot, but the water in the pool, Was cool.

david K.


a blanket of Stars


Pizza At SeaWorld My mom, dad, and I When I was four Went on the roller coaster We wanted to do something The pizza place Smelled like pizza I saw how they make the pizza I felt the pizza box I tasted the pizza.

matthew g.

Short feet It has eyes It eats pies I don’t know why It eats the pie It has short feet It eats sharp beef It has red and blue eyes Its teeth are yellow And its mouth is orange.

ryan v.

l SA Youth * Fenfield Elementary l

Fenfield Elementary Writer in Residence Cris Bazaldua



a blanket of Stars

SA Youth * Fenfield Elementary

loSt dog I found a small puppy once. He looked sick and tired. I felt bad for him because he was so small. He was just a baby and too little to be feeling that bad. I named him Coco. I gave him food and water everyday and when he was feeling better we would fall asleep and take little naps together. I love Coco. He’s a good dog.


final battle Frisk was walking through the Hall of Judgement when she cast her eyes on Sans. It was then that the Final Battle began. Sans threw bones but Frisk dodged them all. Sans summoned Master Blaster and laid waste. Frisk was getting low on health and let out one last desperate attack. Sans was hit and fell to the ground bleeding. He said his final words and then slowly disappeared. Frisk’s health level went to 20. This was the Final Battle.

John Paul

i’m getting a dog I really want a dog. You can train them well and they can run super fast. They can also protect you and get super duper big.


a letter to me You are so so cool boy. I’m going to give you $1,000,000 today.



a blanket of Stars


chunKy boy One day there is this little chunky boy. He is my brother. His name is Jake. He can eat like there is no tomorrow. But I love him so much, More than anything in the world. That’s my story.


originS It all started when she was born. Her parents sent her to Earth to protect her from the Alien Wars. So she tried to live an ordinary life on Earth, on a farm, with lots of cows and pigs. When she found out about her powers she was able to fly and talk to animals. She spent the rest of her life protecting the people of Earth from the Hot Dog Men.


iceman Iceman came from the Planet of Ice and visited Earth. He went to a restaurant and burnt his mouth on a burger because it was so hot. He wasn’t used to eating hot food. On his planet all the food was cold. He devoted the rest of his life to making all the food on planet Earth cold so nobody else would burn their mouths like he did. But not everybody wanted to eat cold food and some people like their meals hot. That’s how he became a villain.


SA Youth * Fenfield Elementary

beSt thing ever I will sell you the best thing ever. It is a robot that will do all of your chores for you. But you must feed it popcorn or it will destroy your house. $300 please. Attention consumers: you must buy this product or it will make you explode!


unicorn SPray You should buy this because it turns you into a unicorn and gives you rainbow throw-up. It will also make you y and you will leave behind a rainbow trail.


Sergio Smart Excellent Responsible Good Incredible Outstanding


chata I love my Chata Chata is my pet and friend Chata’s a pitbull



a blanket of Stars


a letter from my future Self to my Past Self dear PaSt gabby, People in the future don’t drive cars; we travel through tubes. And since it is too dangerous for dogs to ride in the tubes, dogs drive cars. Also, we don’t wear soft material anymore; all our clothes are steel now.


dear me in the future, I hope you make good choices, have a good job, don’t do drugs, and buy a nice car. Most of all, I hope you stay handsome and try and go to U.T.

Sincerely, aiden

to me in the PaSt, I hope you get to sleep a lot, keep playing around, make good choices, and still be handsome.

Sincerely, aiden

deadPool Deadpool is the best superhero in the world. He regenerates and doesn’t die. He has all kinds of crazy weapons and swords. He had cancer and then he became a hero and he doesn’t die. He’s so cool. I’m his friend and Isaiah is his friend, too, and he’ll protect me from anybody that tries to mess with me. He’s way better than Batman and Robin; he totally took them out.


SA Youth * Fenfield Elementary

it’S loving and cold I like to think That it is snowy And I’m holding my mom. Saying hi to her Loving her tonight and last Just being with her.


deadPool Hey, this is Deadpool talking and I’m going to tell you a story. We better hurry because the bad guys are after me. Well, I became Deadpool because I had cancer and this guy told me he could cure me and make me a superhero, blah, blah, blah. So he took me to his place and gave me the antidote and some girl punched me in the face and then everything exploded. After that, I was Deadpool. Sorry. Gotta go. I have some bad guys to dispatch.


erazaPhobia Once there was a little boy who was poor and he lived in a small cabin in the woods. He worked in town as a farmer and only got paid $4 a day. He could hardly buy any food to eat like his friends who could buy candy and all kinds of cool stuff. His dad was very old and very very sick. He had Erazaphobia, which makes you throw-up a lot and very sleepy. Every day at school was really bad because he would get picked on, but there was a girl there he really liked named Jennifer. She was always really nice to him. Ten months later she asked him out on a date and they went to Faze Bear Pizza and even though the little boy lived a hard life, he was still able to have a good time.



l a blanket of Stars l




Awesome Magical Incredible Smile Tremendous Youthful

Magical Awesome Respectful Careful Incredible Excellent



math ScientiSt


My cat smells like weird

Great Useful Independent Loud Lovable Easy Relaxing Muscular Oligarch

He is a math scientist I am good at math


the tree Trunk in the tree Rivers in the tree Eating in the tree Everything in the tree



l SA Youth * Carillo Elementary l

Carrillo Elementary Writer in Residence Kamala Platt



a blanket of Stars

Sa youth * carillo elementary

i remember… group Poem I remember that the Poet Laureate Told us that he wants to Make a National Poem. I remember when I was in Heaven God told me I was going to be beautiful, And I think I turned Out just how he wanted. I remember when I was A little bald baby. I remember when I was A little baby. I used to hit my Mom and Dad With my bottle. I remember the First day of school When I met new friends. I remember when I met my first Math teacher I remember when I was a little girl I used to read books To my little sister. I remember when my Mom showed me her new job. I remember when I got My first bike I remember when I got a Godzilla Comic book; it was $15.41 Then on my birthday I got two Comics.


a blanket of Stars


I remembered that I went to camp. I remember the mountains were tall Where the pecans would fall and where The birds fly so high I remember the big mountains that were rocky and solid. I will never forget about the Rocky Mountains. I remember that haikus are sentences that Are short on top, and in the Middle there are a lot of words, and The last one is short. I remember when I first Saw the best teacher YOU I remember the first day We started to do poetry.

alejandra n. Salas, Jayda martinez, layla, Jaylen, valerie, logan Jaramillo maria, david, cyriana Jiselle rocha, gianna Jordan escamilla, leila

love Love is to be shared Hate is to control Plants are nature’s best wind.

daniela arcos

Sa youth * carillo elementary

going camPing Going camping Mountains are dry where birds fly. Rivers Give me shivers. How about you?

cyriana Jiselle rocha

motionS Swimming Hiking Picking flowers Climbing Looking for cool rocks Exploring Relaxing Camping

cyriana Jiselle rocha

red Red I’m cool And Awesome And I do My Homework

Juan Perez


a blanket of Stars


the ecliPSe of the SuPermoon group poem The supermoon was awesome, it is coming back in 2031 and It got closer I barely saw the picture of the supermoon and it was cool. The moon was really cool, I saw it And I thought, “That looks awesome.” The supermoon meant that it was Time for the vampires To come out. The supermoon is orange at night No one go outside before the Werewolves bite. When you go Outside, get ready to die. You can’t Protect yourself as long as you try. This moon is Cool. I won’t See one till I’m 29. The supermoon is red and dark. The juicy blood is fading from My heart. Oh no! I won’t see supermoon Till I’m 29. The supermoon is juicy red Supermoon The moon got full

Sa youth * carillo elementary And it is close And it was Pretty. The supermoon is orange The supermoon makes The clouds turn orange. I saw a supermoon!

logan Jaramilla, maria, gianna Jordan escamilla, leila, david, miranda annie garcia, daniela, cyriana Jiselle rocha, Jayda martinez, Jaylen

my dog My dog is on lock down He brings me down to the ground To the ground He brings me down to the ground

Jayda martinez

Poetry She told me don’t worry About poetry I love



a blanket of Stars


Poetry meanS to me… group Poem Poetry is calming and relaxing. It makes me feel Like I’m alone at the beach.

Serenity arta Poetry means to me to learn how to make a poem.

Jaylen Poetry is special to me because I like to do fun stuff and I like to write poems.

Klarissa veloz Poetry means to me Because you can do fun poetry. You can also do a rhyme with poetry.

maria escalera Poetry means to me life and friendship with Ms. Kamala.

Juliana Poetry means To me So much to me.

elijah Poetry means to me everything is fun with Miss K. Like writing poems.


Sa youth * carillo elementary I had the most fun In poetry when I Was doing the Poetry in a picture. I drew a hand and Did it about friendship With my best friend.

valerie guerrero

hoW outSide feelS! The trees are moving, it feels so Good. Everyone is so happy. Everyone is At the park. The kids are having Fun too.


the big Polar bear Polar bears sleeping on ice and the Polar bear has brown eyes. Polar Bears eat big seals and they Eat big seals for their big appetite.

miranda anne garcia

family Family say they loved you today and That they loved you yesterday And that they always have They always will.

cyriana rocha


a blanket of Stars


eKPhraStic Poetry collective Poem The man is made out of flowers.

leila lopez The pic makes me feel Like a girl touching.

layla The symbols make me think about The sun because they are colorful, orange And yellow.

gianna escamilla In China they make a kite. You can’t see it. You need Eyesight for you to see It. When you are riding your Bike you always turn Right.

anonymous Ducks are yellow and green. They play all around the water. All can swim and fly.

valerie guerrero

haiKu No one is watching There is a swing full of snow Snow falls on the swing.

gianna escamilla

Sa youth * carillo elementary

family My family Likes to spend The day with Me but my mommy Needs to go to Work on Friday And Saturday and Sunday, but would She be back?

maria escalera

funny bull The painting looks Like a funny bull… When the bull is Mad it turns purple And then it has plants On the side because It gets to cuckoo.

maria escalera

colorS It has colors And it’s very big And nice. It looks Like pretty flowers Washing Away in the sun.



a blanket of Stars


the Wolf, the Seal, the turtle There’s a wolf The wolf is looking brightly past the sun The wolf is sad and mad The wolf. The ice breaker is standing by Straight, the birds are on it And they look very pretty on it The seal is laying on the momma The momma is laying proudly The seal is too The seal is happy And so are you The turtle is swimming In the sea the sea has colors Pink blue and green. Those are all Emotions in the sea. Turtle swimming Turtle swimming up Turtle for life Birds fly up They fly down, they fly around.

Jayda martinez

thiS Picture This picture inspires me because I like the art and the mountains. The colors Are orange and red. It makes me feel happy. The art looks like a boat.

Klarissa veloz

Sa youth * carillo elementary

Sound liSt PoemS Dogs barking Foot steps Birds, cars People talking Flag pole, Door slam Car music‌ Sticks crunching Tree waving winds Dog barking Tejano music

maria escalera & alejandra Salas

our friendShiP We are like ďŹ re and ice combining We are completely opposite and have almost nothing In common. Fire and ice can no longer be Separated again. We are stronger than Fire and Ice. This is our secret never To be told.

alejandra Salas & daniela


a blanket of Stars


mountainS in fall Motivation for life Outside in nature Universes in our hands Nature can never fail Tall mountains everywhere Autumn is mountains Inspire me mountains Nature can never fail Streams are cold in autumn Ivy is close to you Nutritious plants Forever mine, mountains Across the mountains we go! Like me on an ocean’s surface Learn about nature!

daniela arcos

acro Stic Sa youth * carillo elementary Feelings Reason Intelligent Endless Numchucks Daniela Love One Visit Ever after Polite Elegant Rough Edible Zebra Juan Unique Awesome Noble Generous Inspire Awesome Nice Noble Adorable Jokes Owl Rockstar Dummy Amazing Nature

Entertain Sand Craft Ant Mom Incredible Land Little Art Lovable Adventurer Young Likable Awesome Rose Only Sees Eggs Key Elephant Yoyo Land Apple Nice Dear Marvelous Anxious Rainbow Incredible Apple


Poem S

a blanket of Stars

70 Monkey Act Giraffe Dolphin Art Lizard Elephant Nice Ant Egg’s Snake Create Adventurer Lamp incrEdible Rocks Awesome Krasy Awesome Marvelous Esplendid Rocks O’ Awesome N Harmless Cool Young Rocks Intelligent Adorable Nice Awesome

Dog Attack Vet Insane Digger Bugger Eerie Nice Active Violent Ignoring Dismissed Encouraged Scary Jokable Incredible Smart Extreme Laughable Lonely Earrings Rockstar Openminded Colorful Honest Active

acro Stic Sa youth * carillo elementary Joyful Extraordinary Seal Snack Intelligent Cuttle Anteater

Kick Rose Iguana Seagull Tall Eggs Love Cut Ant Sparkle Touch Intelligent Like Extreme :<)

Lovable English Interesting Likable Acceptable Marvelous Awesome Rockstar Intelligent Extreme Lecture Outstanding Pretty Eat Zebra


Poem S

a blanket of Stars


david, KeePer of the SPiritS My Dad is scary as Darth Vader. My Sister is stubborn as Jabba. My Brother and me fight like Obi-Wan And Anakin.


Picture PoemS & other tranSdiSciPlinary artS Lady bugs, red with polkadots I see them everywhere I walk They even camouflage On my red and polkadot dress.

maria escalera

to the tune of itzy bitzy SPider Itzy Bitzy Spider went up the water spout Looking out for rain But there was the longest drought. Out came the sun And dried up all the earth Itzy Bitzy Spider cried For all she’s worth.

class poem

Sa youth * carillo elementary

riddleS & if i Were a… Persona Poems I am heavy. I am usually gray And I am used to building houses. What am I?

Serenity orta

gueSS it!? It is born in an egg. It lives In the sea and it is green.


if i WaS a dog If I was a dog I would crawl on The floor. I would go to sleep by The door. I would sit by the Door all day. I will be happy when They give me food.

Klarissa vela

c.o.P. I’m gonna be a cop that wishes to hop. But I have a belt with all these weapons…



l a blanket of Stars l


nerd I’m a nerd that’s friends with a bird That sings like a nerd word so I saw a Nerd Bird. He sing like a curd bird.

gianna escamilla

the cloWn coStume On Halloween I will be a scary clown. I will Wear a joker shirt and pants. I will wear a clown Mask and a big hat that has superheroes on it. On my joker shirt I will have a flower and I will not talk. I will have a card that says Trick or treat because if I talk they will Hear my girl voice instead of a scary voice and It won’t be scary. I will buy white gloves. So when I hold my card that says trick or treat I Don’t want the people that are giving candy to see My nail polish. On Halloween night I hope I get a lot Of candy so when I get home I will look Through it and eat it and watch a very scary Movie in my PJ’s. But last Halloween I had a white Hershey Bar in my Halloween bag then I left my Bag on the table then I put on my PJ’s then I went to go eat the white Hershey bar then It was gone; it vanished. I thought it was my Brother or my Dad because my Dad always Tries to get our Halloween candy and my Brother likes chocolate. Or maybe it was my Sister who stole it because we went to The store and my dad and my sister had Our candy bag and they were eating our candy.

mercedes martinez

l SA Youth * Carillo Elementary l

Hutchins Elementary Writer in Residence Amanda Flores



a blanket of Stars

Sa youth * hutchins elementary

dreamS When you dream, you sleep in a bed of clouds and a blanket of stars. Dreams are the windows to our soul. They open up the doors to our darkest Secrets and deepest desires. From falling off A building to walking in space. Dreams can Be anything you imagine.

layla amador

lucKily, unlucKily Luckily, my Mom baked a cake. Unluckily, she dropped it on the floor. Luckily, she baked another. Unluckily, it burned. Luckily, it was only a small fire. Unluckily, it set my whole house on fire. Luckily, we called 911. Unluckily, they got here too late. Luckily, we bought another house. Unluckily, it was haunted. Luckily, we defeated the ghost. Unluckily, there were more in the attic. Luckily, we found ghost-hunting tools and defeated them all. Unluckily, BOO! Prompted by a study in personification, Layla writes: “The backpack closed its mouth with a ZIP.”

layla amador


a blanket of Stars


bacKWardS becKy Backwards BECKY! Her glasses are on Her head. She is swimming in The shower. Becky Backwards is Taking a bath in the sink. Backwards Becky is wearing her clothes in The bath. Backwards Becky is everywhere (And nowhere) in the Backwards Town.

Jackie casarez

What am i haiKu From a grave I come. I am all about the brains. I love my pet worm.

mia Prieto-meyer

PoKemon acroStic People say Pokemon party in pairs. (Only some are stubborn.) Kind of like how cotton candy loves Exhilirate your spirits! Manners they have not. Ohhhh, they and their partners are like two peas in a pod. Nobody loves Pokemon like me!

mia Prieto-meyer

Sa youth * hutchins elementary

bacKWardS Sally Backwards Sally from Backwardsville is like a banana that isn’t peeled, & She has a pet dog that knows how to MEOW and a pet dog that knows how to GROWL. Her shoes are made of sparkly cotton, & her gloves are apples that are rotten. She brushes her teeth with filth & says eating junk food is good for your health. Just like a banana that isn’t peeled, she’s Backwards Sally from Backwardsville!

mikaela cortez

dad haiKu I love my Daddy. He smells very good. Like leaves And maple syrup.

mikaela cortez

cricKet haiKu A cricket makes sounds It gets annoying at home I can’t go to sleep

lyzette rosales


a blanket of Stars


to toP it off One day, young Leo Jr. was at Wal-Mart, and with his little eye, he saw a silly little beanie. He started hearing sounds that said: the left string... the left string… Pull the left string… So he told his Mom to buy it for him and left the store with it on his head. The next day, little Leo Jr. pulled that left string, and something happened—something cool, something awesome. Out popped a green hat, blue shirt, yellow pants, and red shoes. With a guy inside them. Little Leo Jr. said, “Wh-who are you w-w-what are you doing here w-where d-did you c-come from?” “My name is Bill,” the genie said. “And now you are my Master. I shall listen to you and only you. I have been waiting for 50,000 years for someone to pull that left string and since you are the first one, you get three wishes. What shall they be, what shall they be? Just think of…anything you can think of!” Little Leo Jr. thought about his three wishes. “For the first wish,” he said, “I would like a dog. And for the second one I would like a phone and for the last one…umm, ummm… Oh! I know! For my last wish, I would like one hundred thousand million…more wishes. You think you could do that for me, Bill?” “Mmmmm, suuure Master—uh, anything.” “Thanks!” Little Leo Jr. was happy that he had a genie, but the genie was smelling everything, and touching everything, and always tasting EVERYTHING! THEN, to top it off, the Genie of the Beanie couldn’t give me more than three wishes after all, so my last wish went wasted, and Bill went… back to Genie Jail, sadly. Leo’s last wish was going to be to stay with Bill forever.


Sa youth * hutchins elementary

full houSe acroStic Full of our family Understand the kids Laugh out loud Like my Mom. Home is the biggest Our house is little Usually people come Some people cry, but Eating is our favorite.

lyzette rosales

rainboW acroStic Real cute, colorful, And pretty Incredible. Nice reds, oranges, yellows, greens, Blues and purples. Oh, how the ribbon of colors ow When the leprechaun rides his car down the rainbow.

mia Prieto-meyer

haiKu I am awesome, and If you think that I’m not, poo On you. And you too!



a blanket of Stars


bounce, alliteratively Bill bought bouncy things from Backwards Bill, but they weren’t any good. Bill bought balls that didn’t bounce! Bill thought of buying things that didn’t bounce. BORING! Bill thought. The fun of things is—BOUNCE!

Sarah zuniga

the hat that feedS you One day, my best friend gave me an ugly hat. “Thank you,” I said, and threw that hat in the trash. Then came a genie! Who smelled like pizza! (I was surprised because genies don’t exist.) “I will grant you three wishes!” the genie told me. “Buuut—” he also said, “ONLY hat wishes.” (S0 that was a bummer.) Hmmm, I have been needing a computer for five years. So, “I wish…for a computer hat!” Then, I wished for a food hat. (Because I get hungry after class.) Finally, I wished to be the Hat Queen of the Hat Genie. I was living the life! Then my brother came in and started asking for a money hat. I hollered, “Never in a billion years!” (And kicked him out.)

Sarah zuniga

Sa youth * hutchins elementary

Summer haiKu Got a new sister Went to the swimming pool Summer brings great things

anissa mungia

ring around the Story haiKu I touched a ring, once It tasted like Sour Patch I smelled a story

anissa mungia

lucKily, unlucKily Luckily, I went to sleep early. Unluckily, I woke up late for school. Luckily, the bus was late. Unluckily, I didn’t eat breakfast. Luckily, we didn’t have a test. Unluckily, next week we did have the test. Luckily, we left school early. Unluckily, when I left, I went on a trip. Luckily, I got to school early. Unluckily, someone dropped their lunch on me on purpose! Luckily, the next day someone dropped their milk on the person who dropped their lunch on me. Unluckily, someone tripped me at school. Luckily, I found twenty dollars on the floor! Unluckily, someone stole my twenty dollars. Luckily, I got twenty dollars back from the dead! Unluckily, George Washington came back from the dead, too, To take his twenty dollars.

Sarah zuniga


a blanket of Stars


bacKWardS david from bacKWardSville Backwards David from Backwardsville writes with a chicken quill. Backwards David puts his shoes on his hands and his gloves on his feet. He shakes with his head when he meets Other backwards people on the street. Backwards David uses a broom to brush his teeth. When Christmas comes, he takes down his wreath. Backwards David runs backward to score a touchdown. Backwards David turns the knob down to make a sound. When he makes a mistake, he erases it with his chicken quill. That’s Backwards David from Backwardsville.

lyzette rosales

Sa youth * Palo alto elementary

Palo alto elementary WriterS in reSidence clint taylor & erica de la roSa




a blanket of Stars

Sa youth * Palo alto elementary

emma the Wizard One day, Emma went on a trip to New York. While she was on her trip, Emma found a girl named Layla. Emma the Wizard turned Layla into a frog. Layla hopped away. Emma returned back to Texas, her home. At her house, Emma received an invitation to the Cat Ball. She wore her blue jeans with glitter. At the Cat Ball, she met a boy named Edward. She danced all night with him. When the ball was over, she turned Edward into a slug.

dazalyn balderrama

my hero Mom is my hero. Mom is so fun and funny! My mom makes me laugh!

dazalyn balderrama

ode to gramPa Great Respectful Amazing MagniďŹ cent Powerful Angel

dazalyn balderrama


a blanket of Stars


haiKu I play piano Poetry is fun to me I like to color

Sophia bazaldua

my biggeSt hero My biggest hero is my mom She helps me a lot She is the best mom in the whole world She helps me through my problems

Sophia bazaldua

i am from I am from Mom and Dad and my sister, and from beach swimming. I am from Crockpot Chicken. I am from Call of Duty, Black Ops 3. I am from “We’re Sitting Ducks,” and winter—I like wearing jackets. I am from getting on my sister’s nerves. From my favorite movie, Little Nicky and chocolate. I’m from my greatest joy and favorite people – my family. From my life dream—becoming a famous YouTuber.

noe campos

Sa youth * Palo alto elementary

if i Were a SuPerhero... I would be Duckman. Duckman is so cool! He has a cool cape. He has a boomerang in the shape of bread. He is superior.

noe campos

if i Were a SuPerhero... If I were a Superhero, I would call myself Cat Woman. I would wear black because I will ďŹ ght at night. You will only see my shadow. I will be so fast! I will save the night with my sidekick, Fluffy the Cat!

diamond ellison

cat Woman Contagious to justice, active to save the night. Tease the bad, women and men will be saved! Oh, how I love to ďŹ ght the bad! Movement fast as lightning, even my cat can catch up! Never be afraid.

diamond ellison


a blanket of Stars


Sally Sally is brave As she fights monsters Loves to eat rats Likes to play catch the rat Yeah, she says, “Don’t judge me!”

diamond ellison

SuPer madde If I were a superhero I would fly In the sky. I would save my family My school My dogs My cats My friends. My name is Super Madde.

madeline espinoza

haiKu I would be a dog Because they are so so cute They have tiny paws

madeline espinoza

Sa youth * Palo alto elementary

haiKu SerieS #1 Lizette is pretty.

She is very nice to me too. Lizette is my friend.


The teachers help us. My best friend is very nice. I like baseball games.

nataly garza

Winter The cold freezing weather the time for snow snow

snow snow

snow snow falling people drinking hot chocolate and coffee the best thing is there’s No School...yay!

thomas gomez


a blanket of Stars


i am from I am from Texas, From my mom, dad and sisters, And from my swimming pool because I love to swim. I am from bean and cheese tacos. I am from Deadpool games. I am from “It’s raining cats and dogs,” And from the fall season. I am from baseball And math. From God and Family From wildflowers. I’m from my greatest joy: the day I was born. From my life dream to be in the NBA and having a pretty wife.

rudy gonzales

muShy It makes my brain feel mushy like I’m not smart. Math! It hurts my brain. The deep thoughts I have, I can’t think straight...all the distractions. My brain hurts again. I wish I knew how to be better at it...Math.

thomas gomez

Sa youth * Palo alto elementary

the Summer The summer is like The best! It is cool Because there is no school! And NO HOMEWORK!

rudy gonzales

i am from I am from San Antonio, Texas, from my friends, Marleena, Isabella and Abzedy, and from Corpus Christi because I like to swim. I am from cheesy, pepperoni pizza. I am from the video game Left for Dead. I am from LOL and winter because that’s when I was born. I am from cheerleading, my greatest strength and my greatest weakness—fighting with words. From my friend, Marleena because she supports me. She is my best friend. From chocolate because it smells good and awesome. I’m from my greatest joy—going to cheerleading practice and spending time with my friends and family. From my life dream of becoming a teacher.

Joanna henderson


a blanket of Stars


#1 dancing I love to dance... country and hip-hop dancing but mostly hip-hop. Hip-hop dancing makes me feel like I’m freeeeee! I love to dance! After school, I get my phone, put music on, and start dancing.

#2 Joanna Unique, loving, caring, funny Sibling of Abby, Elija, James, Nayla, Daniel Who fears sharks and roller coasters Who needs money Who loves her friends

Joanna henderson

haiKu The people show up The people are gathering People are helping

iliana hernandez

haiKu If I Were a superhero I would save people I will be Super Kaytlin I’ll be in a rush

Kaytlin longoria

Sa youth * Palo alto elementary

free verSe I am amazing at math Reading Social Studies I get 100s 90s That makes me feel excited because I am smart

iliana hernandez

grandma My biggest hero is My Grandma She does a lot of things for me A lot She buys me the things I need from the store.

Kaytlin longoria

Kaytlin She is Kind and friendly. She is Above and beyond normal people; she is wonderful. She Yells at people that make her mad. She Takes care of her friends. She’s a Lovely dresser like a fashion model. Kaytlin is an Intelligent person who can pass the STAAR Test. She uses Natural resources to help other people in their work.

gizelle madrid


a blanket of Stars


i am from I am from San Antonio, From Mom, Dad, sisters, brother Tim, uncles, cousins And from Washington D.C. because of all the historic monuments. I am from enchiladas. I am from freeze tag. I am from “when pigs fly” and “piece of cake,” And winter I am from my family standing up for me And losing family members. From cherry blossom because it smells sweet. I am from spending time with family. From being an architect.

Judith J.

about Sa youth I like coming here Gemini Ink is awesome! I have lots of friends.

gizelle madrid

Jordan He is a Joker. He is a One adventurous man! He likes the color Red. He doesn’t like to be Disappointed. He doesn’t like to be given Attitude. He is Nice.

Jeremiah menchaca

Sa youth * Palo alto elementary

free verSe SerieS #1 big oWl There was a big owl who found a tree. He had no food or clothes. So, he went shopping at Walmart to buy food and clothes. Then, he ďŹ xed it in his new house.

#2 the monKey I would like to be a monkey. Monkeys are my favorite animals. Did you know they can climb really high? Monkeys are also funny. I really like the baby monkeys.

lizette madrid

haiKu SerieS #1 my oWl My owl has a heart My owl has a hat and bow Her name is Joylin

#2 Sa youth I like SA Youth SA Youth is awesome too SA Youth is cool

lizette madrid


a blanket of Stars


haiKu SerieS #1 grandPa My grandpa is fun. Grandpa has green eyes like mine. My grandpa loves me.

#2 Juan Juan has cool shoes on. Juan has his hair to the side. Juan is in the school.

Joseph martinez

i am from I am from San Antonio, from Mom, Dad, sisters, Franky, Abzdey, and from the beach because I like the nice soft sand. I am from Chinese Food. I am from SORRY. I am from “piece of cake!” and summer because I get to go swimming. I am from volleyball and softball. From Selena Gomez and Mom and Dad. From chocolate and Dad’s cologne. I’m from my best friends. From my dream to become a doctor and be very rich.

angelina medrano

Sa youth * Palo alto elementary

iliana Intelligent Likes math Interesting Awesome TaleNted in her own ways Amazing

angelina medrano

broccoli oli is very healthy cc







you. It


very nutritious. it is very delicious too.

Broccoli is healthy for you. It is very nutritious. It is very delicious too.

Jeremiah menchaca


a blanket of Stars


haiKu I was playing games, until Mom told me, “bedtime.” Sleep, I did not do.

francisco mora

i am from I am from San Antonio, Texas, from Mom and Dad, and from Grandmother’s house because it is peaceful. I am from ice cream! I am from Xbox 360... Deadpool video game. I am from pizza and winter because that is the only time I get to eat lots of ice cream. I am from my love to play video games and John F. Kennedy. From the smell of cake and my favorite T.V. show, “Wolfblood.” I’m from my greatest joy—video games! From my life dream of becoming a famous marine.

francisco mora

haiKu I like to learn things. SA Youth teachers are nice. We make friends here too.

Justine mora

Sa youth * Palo alto elementary

i am from I am from south San Antonio, From my mom and dad because I love my family, And from my favorite place: the mall. I am from piaya because it is good. I am from Pokemon. I am from “piece of cake,” And summer because I get to swim. From my mom because I love her. From strawberries because they smell good. I’m from my mom because she makes me smile. From giving people cars and houses.

Justine mora

loving baSKetball Basketball! It’s my favorite sport! I have good playing skills. I’m the best at it. I love to play basketball!

franky orosco

my mom, my biggeSt hero My Mom is so nice. She helps me with my homework. She helps me a lot.

franky orosco


a blanket of Stars


free verSe SerieS #1 SPaghetti The food that’s like me is spaghetti. I think spaghetti is like me because it is skinny. I am skinny like spaghetti. Also, spaghetti is wiggly. I like to move around. Spaghetti is so good like me. I am so good in school and class.

#2 a neW booK Some can be FUN And some can be HARD But if you try your best You can do it

#3 my favorite SeaSon My favorite season has a tree. We can decorate it. We can eat tamales and bake cookies. We can sing and dance. We can open presents. It is really cold.

emily ortiz

Sa youth * Palo alto elementary

my biggeSt hero: albert Awesome Loveable Bilingual Expert gamer Royal Technician

ryan Pena

i’m a cat... I’m a cat because cats are playful animals A cherry because I’m bright I’m like the white snow that falls and gets thrown in a snowball fight.

ryan Pena

daiSy the bird There is a bird, her name is Daisy. Daisy lives in an enchanted forest. She lives with her mom, dad, little sister and big brother. Daisy likes to do daring things like attack people. She stares to make other creatures scared. She is an awesome owl.

briana reyna

if i Were a SuPerhero If I were a superhero I would be GoodGirl I would save the world And help other people

briana reyna


a blanket of Stars


i am from I am from San Antonio, Texas, from Mom and Dad, and from the aquarium because I like to watch the sea creatures swim. I am from steak because it has protein. I am from ROBLOX. I am from “a piece of cake” and summer because I don’t have to go to school. I am from playing wrestling with my brothers and improving my grades. From God and my family and the smell of pumpkin pie From my greatest joy—swimming! From the Walking Dead and Would You Rather. I’m from my life dream of becoming a marine biologist.

elena Ponce

a hero

if i Were a SuPerhero

A hero is good

I will save the day

GoodGirl is a strong person

Everyone will cheer for me

She will save the world

I’ll ride a jetpack

briana reyna

Juan rodriguez

Sa youth * Palo alto elementary

JoSePh Joseph is cool. He Observes animals. Sometimes he’s bad. He Eats Pizza. He Plays football. He is so much fun!

Juan rodriguez

free verSe SerieS #1 if i Were a SuPerhero If I were a superhero I will be Super RJ Super RJ is so cool He can y He has a long cape And he is STRONG!

#2 big toaSty Pizza Cheesy

the SuPerhero He is so awesome! Lasers, he can shoot them far! He likes to save lives.

isac Serna

zebra I would like to be a zebra. Black and white stripes blending in with my surroundings.

nadine Serna

Jr. Jr. is generous. He likes to hang out with his friends. Jr. is my older brother.

catarino Soto


my oWl

Soft tomato

My owl likes fashion.


My owl likes to go to stores.


My owl looks fancy.

Meat supreme.

rosendo ruiz


abzdey Sigala

a blanket of Stars


fridayS SA Youth is cool. We play fun games on Fridays. I’m in the fourth grade.

isabella yost

haiKu SerieS #1 dJ My hero DJ she makes me laugh everyday!! She likes lots of fruit.

#2 “SubJectS in School” Math makes me worry. I don’t always pass the tests. Reading is my strength.

nadine Serna

haiKu SerieS #1 the eye The eye is growing It is growing and growing It’s a god flower

#2 hiPSter cat The cat has blue hair My cat’s name is Hipster Cat It has purple shades

christopher tijerina

Sa youth * Palo alto elementary

i am from I am from San Antonio, from Mom, Dad, brother, sister and my best friend, Emily, and from Amazing Jump. I am from lasagna. I am from Candy Crush. I am from OMG and summer. I am from cheerleading and Into the Woods. From my favorite person in the whole world, Emily. I’m from my greatest joy—talking. From my life dream of becoming rich by working hard and owning my own nail salon.

abzdey Sigala

Serena She doesn’t like hot Sauce. She is Enchanting. She is Rude sometimes. She likes HallowEen. She doesn’t like teNnis. One of her hobbies is playing basketbAll.

marleena tristan


a blanket of Stars


i am from I am from San Antonio, Texas, from my mom, dad, and sisters, and from Peter Piper Pizza because it is fun! I am from spaghetti. I am from Xbox’s Just Dance and the T.V. show series, Scream. I am from #Starbucks and winter because in the winter, it’s my birthday. From my favorite people—my niece, cousins, and friends. From the smell of noodles because they are delicious. I’m from my greatest joys—tennis and writing. From my life dream to go to New York and become a writer.

marleena tristan

the very, very hot day My favorite season is summer because there’s no school. I can to go to the beach and swim! Play at the park! Go to the movies! There’s so many things We can do! I just love SUMMER.

analyna Wescott

Sa youth * Palo alto elementary

lizette She is Loving towards her family. She likes coconut Icees. She likes cheesy piZza. She likes to eat bEan and cheese tacos. She Takes really good care of her family. She likes to play sofTball. She is genErous.

analyna Wescott

the tired teddy bear Once, there was a bear named Teddy Freddy. Teddy Freddy is a doctor who takes care of humans. He helps his human patients with broken bones, sick tummies, headaches, and fevers. Teddy Freddy is always sleepy. He cooks for his family. He works all day. He stays up late watching movies and eating pots of honey. Sometimes, Teddy Freddy wants a day off. He wants to sleep all day and watch his own movies. All he wants is peace and quiet. One day, Teddy Freddy had enough! He shouted to his family, “Can I please go to sleep?! I’m very tired. I take care of sick people all day! I just need to close my eyes for a bit.” His family shouted back, “YES!” Teddy Freddy’s eyes grew very heavy. His family lovingly tucked Teddy Freddy in bed, and he fell fast asleep.

hilaria, Julian, Kreysa, Jayden and diego


a blanket of Stars


the greateSt day ever! group Poem On the greatest day ever, we have fun! We hang out with our friends. We go to the park! And we are happy to be here, in Gemini Ink’s class. On the greatest day ever, we have a sleepover! We watch scary movies! Eat popcorn, And see our favorite superhero movies. We love having fun! We have dinner And dessert Together! We play outside! In the morning, we eat wafes! And have fun all over again! On the Greatest Day Ever!

hilaria, Julian, Kreysa, Jayden and diego

Sa youth * Kindred elementary

Kindred elementary Writer in reSidence: erica de la roSa




l a blanket of Stars l Local community artist/educator Ernesto Cuevas, Jr.’s “Campesino Man” is based on a series of drawings and paintings that detail the personal stories of migrant farm workers and their families. His mission is to organize, rally and educate others on the rights of campesinos and their families. Students were asked to write a short story or a series of short haikus based on the idea of Campesino Man. Many students renamed the image “SpaceMan” or “SpaceWoman.” Some students went a step further and imagined themselves on adventures of discovery in space. Others identified the image as “SpaceKid” or “SpaceGirl” or “SpaceBoy.”

Sa youth * Kindred elementary

SPacegirl She has a jetpack. She loves strawberries so much. Her hat is greenish.

ilema aguilar

i am from I am from San Antonio, born on August 12, 2005, from Mom, Joe, Damien, Grandpa and Grandma, and from Kindred Elementary, Mrs. Arredondo, Grade 5, and my best friends, Angela and Jazymey. I am from cheese pizza, ice cream and lasagna. I am from The Hobbit. I am from my stuffed bear, Mr. Teddy Bear and Disney Infinity on the Xbox. I am from Peter Piper Pizza because it has so many games. From my favorite song, I See Fire by Ed Sheeran. From my greatest strength—creating art! I’m from Batman because he is strong and brave and he helps people who are in danger. From my life’s dream of becoming a veterinarian or an artist because I like animals and to create art.

ilema aguilar


a blanket of Stars


mom/elvira She Entertains me so much. She is Lovable. She is Very happy and fun.

In the house, she sleeps. She likes to Rest. She is Active!

ilema aguilar

Jazmine Jazmine is silly! Yes, she is a smarty pants. Jaz is my best friend.

angelina de leon

my dog My dog has passed. He was so fast. He gave so much love. He was gentle like a dove. We spoke in secret words. He loved to bark at birds. Sometimes, I wished I were a dog too. Because now he’s gone and I am blue.

angelina de leon

Sa youth * Kindred elementary

cheerleading! I love cheerleading! Stunts, backflips, cartwheels, team spirit! Backflips are the best!

lola mattingly

i am from I am from San Antonio, born in 2004, on 11/22, from Mom, Dad, brothers, sisters, aunts and tíos, and from Kindred Elementary, Mrs. Arredondo’s 5th Grade class and my best friend Abigail. I am from salad, candy, pizza and bean & cheese tacos! I am from my favorite book, The Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I am from my iPhone 6 and Call of Duty 2. I am from when my sister was born because she’s my whole world. From my greatest strength and joy, cheerleading! I’m from my Mom who is my hero because she takes care of me and I look up to her. I am from my life dream of becoming a doctor because I want to save people’s lives.

lola mattingly


a blanket of Stars


Sofia Sofia has a happy attitude! Over all, she has a lot of confidence within herself. She is my Friend. She is Incredible! She is Amazing!

lola mattingly

i am from I am from San Antonio, Texas, From Mom, Dad, sister, brother, tía, and tío, and from Kindred, 4th grade, Ms. George and Jazmine. I am from pizza. I am from Dark Star. I am from LEGOS And from Justin. I am from Peter Piper Pizza because it has lots of games and from The Weekend and softball. I am from being like Supergirl because I can help people. From becoming a pediatrician because I can help kids.

angelina de leon

haiKu Strawberries are good. I have a sweet strawberry. Astronauts are cool!

Selena gutierrez

Sa youth * Kindred elementary

Kindred Kind Intellectual Nice Different Radical Exciting Dynamic

adrian duran

fall Fall is so funny. Leaves change colors and fall down. Wow, I love the fall!

adrian duran

friendS My friend is Angie. Natalie is my friend too. Sammy is cool too.

Jazmine mayberry

haiKu Do you like Ms. Erica? Do you like Ms. Erica’s classroom? This class is so cool!

natalie thornton


a blanket of Stars


the mySteriouS Planet Tom was heading to a mysterious planet because he found a map. The planet was called Fruitlandia! On his way, he passed a group of strawberry asteroids. Tom was hungry, so he ate his way through them. When he arrived, Tom was in awe! Fruitlandia had every fruit on it; they were so big! It was Tom’s dream to reach that planet. His dream came true.

carlos villarreal

Kindred Kindness Intelligence Niceness Daring Reasonable Electrifying Determined

carlos villarreal

obServation Poem I am scary with scales and sharp teeth! Orange and purple, my skin reects with radiating red eyes. I hunt humble herbivores! They call me The Terrifying T-Rex!

natalie thornton

Sa youth * Kindred elementary

my favorite activity It shows my passion Expresses all my feelings Drawing is awesome!

Sharlotte Sarro

Winter Snowing very cold snowman kids playing kids wearing jackets people wearing jackets. My favorite season is winter.

Sharlotte Sarro

if i WaS a SuPerhero I am Sweet to everyone I know. I have Ups and downs but I get back up. I Protect people in my community. I am Excited around everyone. I am Respectful to others and myself. I am Helpful. I am Epic and creative around anyone. I am Reverent around friends, family and teachers. I have Outstanding outcomes no matter what I do.

Sharlotte Sarro


a blanket of Stars


Softball Softball is fun and exciting! Cool Nice teammates Oiled up mitts Sometimes I miss the ball and I have a tiny fit! I love softball! It’s one of my favorite sports. I love it just as much as a strawberry too.

allyanna rosario

my grandma, i love you I miss you a lot. Some days are worse than others. I love you, Grandma.

anastasia gaytan

my mom My mom is bright and nice, invaluable like a penny. My Mom likes pepperoni pizza perfectly! She does not like candy. She’s my homework helper, who makes her muscles mean and lean during her workouts at the park. Majestic, marvelous, magical, miraculous is my Mom!

anastasia gaytan

Sa youth * Kindred elementary

gramPa JeSSe Jaunty Excellent Sweet Silly Energetic

Sergio gaytan

dad/Sergio Sergio is mad, happy and sad. Sergio is nicE. SeRgio likes pizza and candy. SerGio does not like mac-n-cheese. Sergio likes to brush hIs teeth. Sergio like to play on his phOne. Sergio is cool.

Sergio gaytan

claudia, my mom Claudia is very nice and conďŹ dent. She is Loud and crazzzzzzy!! She is Advanced in Math and Reading. She is Useful and very smart. She is Decorative at every holiday. She is Intelligent and helpful. She is Attractive and beautiful.

erik mendoza


a blanket of Stars


i am from I am from Boston, the Women’s Hospital at 8:16 on August 17, 2004, from Ansel, Erik, Claudia and Andres, and from Kindred, Grade 5, Mrs. Arredondo and Victor. I am from pepperoni and cheese pizza. I am from Big Nate Flips Out. I am from LEGOs, my iPad and my GoPro and Call of Duty Black Ops II, Destiny, GTA 5 and FIFA 16. I am from LEGO Land! From “Uptown Funk” by Bruno Mars. From my greatest strengths—soccer, tests, and school. I’m from Superman because he is super strong. From my life’s dream of becoming a game creator and YouTuber because I like to entertain people.

erik mendoza

Staar STAAR test, it’s so so hard. Concentrate! So you can pass.

abbygail rodriguez

Sa youth * Kindred elementary

SuPerhero free verse with acrostic remixed Superhero Up in the sky likes always Pretty awesome, Even funnier Rock star forever and ever Hero, he is super cool Have you Ever met him? You should meet him! (You are a) Rock star, like always. WhO is He? He is a Superhero!

abbygail rodriguez

hero I am a hero that is happy, more funny than Jim Carrey, cooler than Antarctica, Oh yeah and he is an opera singer.

Julius reyes

haiKu Run away from him! Let’s have a b-day party! Let’s go to the store.

thomas gaytan


a blanket of Stars


SuPerhero Serious Unbelievable Powerful Energetic Radical Hidden from the public Exemplary Radiant Outstanding Citizen

angela leal

Sa youth Safe Able Young Open-minded Usable Trustworthy Helpful

thomas gaytan

regenerate I was a hero but I lost my powers. I’m not strong anymore. I will get my powers back on March 17th.

thomas gaytan

Sa youth * Kindred elementary

School’S challengeS and victorieS Math is hard... the problems stress me out! I couldn’t do it! Practice...practice... my teacher showed me how and helped me. I’m great at Science! I’m always doing experiments! I could help others by helping them too!

Sydney ibarra

haiKu I like the cowboys. I like to play Tic-Tac-Toe. I love cheerleading!

breana fischer

Kit Kit is positive and a little shy. She Is always proud of herself and she likes hot dogs, pizza and candy. Lots of candy! Kit is acTive. She hates boys and she is very pretty.

breana fischer


a blanket of Stars


i am from I am from San Antonio on September 24th from Mom, Dad, Uncle, Grampa and Gramma, and from Selena, Rose, Abby, Ms. Garcia, the 5th Grade and Kindred Elementary. I am from chicken alfredo and chalupas. I am from Monster High’s “Boo York.” I am from bouncy ball and Five Nights at Freddy’s. I am from Paris, France—to see the Eiffel Tower and from wanting to visit Tokyo too! From Taylor Swift’s “Bad Blood” and Silentó’s “Watch Me Whip...” I’m from Captain America because he has his shield and his strength. From my dream of becoming a doctor because I want to save lives.

Sydney ibarra

little miSS Sydney My name is Sydney. I have a kidney. I am nice. I like fried rice. I don’t like that mouse because it’s in my house. Please HELP ME! I am a leader because I killed the rat.

Sydney ibarra

Sa youth * Kindred elementary

i am from I am from San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., born on April 27, 2005, from Mom, Dad and my four brothers, and from Selena, Maya, Amelia, Kinder Elementary, 5th grade and Ms. Alegra. I am from pizza, chicken, candy and burgers. I am from Little Red Riding Hood. I am from my Nintendo DS and Jenga. I am from my favorite place in the whole world, Six Flags, because I like going on the best rides! From “Blank Space” by my favorite musical artist, Taylor Swift. I’m from my hero, who is my Cheerleading Coach because she told us that we need good grades to stay in cheerleading. From my dream of owning my own pet shop because I get to work with pets.

breana fischer

thomaS g. Thomas has a nice attitude. He is confident and fearless. Opening new toys, is what he likes. Michael Myers and other killers go on his dislike list. After 10 o’clock, gaming is his habit. Soccer is one of his hobbies. Good and nice is his appearance.

Julius reyes


a blanket of Stars


i am from I am from San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., born in 2005 from Mom, brothers, sister and Nana, and from Kindred Elementary, Ms. Alegria, 5th grade and Thomas and Joshua. I am from supreme pizza. I am from my favorite book, The Widow’s Broom. I am from Xbox 360 and Saints Row: The Third. I am from my house because I love it and my mom is always there to help me. From Eminem’s “Lose Yourself” and archery. I’m from my hero, my mom, because she is always there to help us. From my dream of becoming a spy, when I grow up because I am really sneaky.

Julius reyes

Sa youth * losoya intermediate School

loSoya intermediate School Writer in reSidence clint taylor



a blanket of Stars




I love wolves because

Daring to soar

They are cool and beautiful.

Reaching for something

See you in my dreams.

Exist to go further

adriana valdez

the monSter The monster Went Down Stairs OMG! Someone gets eaten.

alexandra guerrero

haiKu I hate mean people. I hate enemies and so, I hate to be mean.

alexandra guerrero

Wolf I see you in my dreams. You howl at the moon. You are pure white when I see you.

adriana valdez

Adventure awaits Move forward

alina escamilla

untitled I love E.I.A. I also love to sing in Choir, it’s the best.

alina escamilla

i care! I help my friends. They love me for that. They care about me. I care about them.

angelica martinez

Sa youth * losoya intermediate School

i am from I am from San Antonio, Texas, southside, From my mom and my friends, And from school because of all my friends. I am from watermelon, and bean and cheese tacos. I am from Black Ops Call of Duty. I am from “I woke up like this” And from winter because of snow and my birthday. I am from taking people’s problems and solving them And emotions. From a 5th grader and 6th graders that care for me And they care for me because they’re truly best friends. From lavender because it’s also a color. I’m from seeing my friends and sharing things with them. From being a veterinarian because I love animals and I want to save them.

angelica martinez

muSic My escape from the reality I live in. Music My stress reliever. Music My neverland to take me to another world. Music My way to stay chill in times of madness. Music my escape

angie rodriguez


a blanket of Stars


angie A caring person Not a quitter Great at making people smile Intelligent Everyone’s best advice giver

angie rodriguez

neverland Neverland is a place of freedom. We will all go there one day. We just haven’t gone yet. Because Peter Pan is giving us Another chance To fix our problems.

ashlyn rivas

life Life is an exciting thing. Something very interesting Full of unexpected things. To get the good things You’re going to have to learn To deal with the bad. Life is a wonderful thing Unlike no other thing You would ever be able to dream of. One choice can change Everything.

caitlin orozco

Sa youth * losoya intermediate School

baSKetball Basketball is my way of life. Something that sets me free. Where I can escape the madness.

caitlin orozco

henry Helps me through everything. Everyone relies on him. Never negative and always makes me smile. Really supportive. Young at heart.

caitlin orozco

Player I’m a legend. Play ball like a king. My goal is to be Curry A good baller And have a good life.

carlos valero


a blanket of Stars


i am from I am from San Antonio, TX, From Mom and Dad and my best friends, And from my tia’s house because I can just hangout. I am from tacos with eggs and beans and chicken noodle soup. I am from Minecraft: story mode. I am from “what a wonderful world” And summer because there’s no school. I am from being really good at running And my little brother yelling. From my friend Giddy because he’s funny And he is really awesome. From cookies baking in the oven. I’m from when the new Minecraft game came out on my birthday. From seeing my grandma.

fatima lugo

What iS going on? What is going on? Why is everyone crazy? Why are they running?

fatima lugo

Some PeoPle Some people are mean. And some people can be jerks. I am not like them.

gidyeon martinez

Sa youth * losoya intermediate School

i am gidyeon I am Gidyeon. My middle name is Patrick. I’m a Martinez.

gidyeon martinez

haiKu I like to run and Also I like to play sports. I’ll play with my friends.

isaiah moreno

dreamS I like to fly in the air. To fly with the birds. And in my dreams I can see myself flying.

israel casillas

haiKu Pandas are so cool. Plus they have kids like humans. Most humans like them.

Karolyn chavez


a blanket of Stars


i am from I am from Southside San Antonio, From Mom and Dad, and sister and brother, And from Six Flags Fiesta Texas. I am from pizza with cheese and pepperoni. I am from Call of Duty Part 3. I am from “don’t stop being yourself” And summer time because we can go outside and play with friends. I am from challenging my brother And all the homework. From Justin Bieber because he has changed. From walking on the beach and smelling the ocean and sand. I’m from being myself and being who I am. From being a Doctor one day.

Jennel arriaga

When i come to School When I come to school There are some people waiting, Like Adriana.

Karolyn chavez

very cloSe PeoPle Very close people Are special to me and I Really care for them.

magali Paxtian

Sa youth * losoya intermediate School

i am from I am from San Antonio, Texas on the south side, From my mom, my dad, and everybody else in my family and friends And from Whataburger because their chicken is delicious. I am from pepperoni pizza and spaghetti. I am from COD: Black Ops 3 I am from “I can do anything as long as I have God” And summer because I can go swimming. I am from improving my reading skills And listening skills. From people in my squad because they always have my back. From lavender because it smells beautiful. I’m from being with my best friends. From becoming a QB in the NFL.

Kyle Squires

mom My mom is a person out Of the ordinary. Very special to Me, Always guiding me through life (I love you, Mom).

magali Paxtian

Summer Summer is my favorite season. Every day I wait for it to come. The sun is the best part. Happiness come to me in the summer.

Seth balderas


a blanket of Stars


gymnaSticS Gymnastics is my favorite thing in the world. It is fun! We exercise and it is good for our body. I want to do gymnastics for the rest of my life.

andrea zuniga

zebraS I love all zebras, Because all zebras are cute And they are awesome!

andrea zuniga

d.a.r.e. D.A.R.E. is fun. D.A.R.E. helps me a lot. I love how we eat healthy all the time And how we pray Before we eat in D.A.R.E.

armani de los Santos

haiKu Pop tarts are perfect. I like them in the morning. And even at night.

brandon cantu

Sa youth * losoya intermediate School

can’t live Without I can not live without Water, sun, air, plants. I love my dad and My gram especially. I can not live without God And all of the puppies.

armani de los Santos

i am from I am from San Antonio, From Mom, Dad, and two sisters, And from my room because it’s quiet. I am from cocoa puffs and beef tamales. I am from Minecraft. I am from “I have a dream” And summer because there’s no school. I am from football because I’m good at it, And Math because I’m not so good at it. From Eminem because I like his music. From the smell of tamales during Christmas I’m from panda memes. From living with pandas for one year.

brandon cantu


a blanket of Stars


haiKu I think bears are cool. I want to stop messed up guys. My friends are awesome.

domionik felan

friend Fun Respectful I love them Excellent Never gives up Does everything 100%

francesca barrera

friendS My friends are my key to happiness. You see, my friends help me out if I’m in trouble. I’m always stuck in a bubble. They are my key to life. If I didn’t have them I would die. They make me alive.

francesca barrera

Sa youth * losoya intermediate School

i am from I am from Mexico, From my mom, sisters, best friends, and my dog, And from Dallas because my tia lives there. I am from extra cheesy pizza, and cheese and jalapeño tamales. I am from Five Nights at Freddy’s. I am from “Be better than you were yesterday” And autumn because I love Halloween. I am from basketball, And Math. From my mom because she takes care of me, And my dad because he loves me. From brownies because they are soooo good! I’m from meeting my mom’s tia. From being a veterinarian.

esmeralda rivera

haiKu I use to have six. Now I have two small puppies. I’ll always love them.

gladys rivera

haiKu I love polar bears Because they are so cuddly. They are super white.

Kaitlyn castro


a blanket of Stars


family Family is necessary because they help. They help you with the things You think you can not do. Family is helpful.

Kassandra de la garza

eSme My friend is Esme. Because she’s very helpful. She is my best friend.

Kassandra de la garza

haiKu I love my mommy. I love all of my best friends. I love my big sis.

madison martin

george WaShington I like to write about history. I love to learn about George Washington. He was our ďŹ rst president.

michael Sandoval

Sa youth * losoya intermediate School

i am from I am from San Antonio, Texas, From Mom, Dad, and two sisters, And from Corpus Christi, Texas—Selena grew up there and I love her. I am from pepperoni pizza and tacos. I am from Dance Central. I am from “Believe in yourself” And winter because it’s cold and pretty. I am from playing my flute, And reading which is my weakness. From Martin Luther King, Jr.—he changed the world. From perfumes—they smell pretty. I’m from playing my instrument and seeing my sister march on field. From my life dream of being an F.B.I. agent (don’t let your dreams down).

leona reyes

i love... I love kangaroos. I love giraffes at the zoo. I love dogs so much.

michael Sandoval

SPortS I like sports because they’re fun. It helps me exercise. My favorite sport is basketball. Everytime I play sports I get super excited!

nazareth myers


a blanket of Stars


brandon Brandon is awesome. He comes up with funny jokes. He is super cool.

nazareth myers

noli Nice Overdrive Loving Imaginative

noli albarez

friendS One thing I can’t live without is friends. They always make me happy when I’m sad. They always make laugh And show my personality.

noli albarez

not a monSter I hate the monster. Be a friend not a monster. Be a nice person.

Samantha lopez

Sa youth * losoya intermediate School

floWerS Roses

Daisies Pretty Pink White Blue Red Tulip Beautiful Lovely

Samantha lopez



a blanket of Stars

Sa youth * losoya intermediate School


about the WriterS in reSidence Cris Bazaldua graduated from the University of the Incarnate Word (UIW) with a Bachelor’s degree in English in 2011 and a Master’s degree in Administration in 2013. While working as a graduate assistant at UIW, Cris worked in academic and professional development as well as the editing, reviewing and researching of writing assignments and projects of the graduate and doctoral student body. He is currently working on a series of iBook-based children stories with Raining Popcorn Media. Erica De La Rosa earned her degree from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. She was the Teaching Artist for EmPoWords, a playwriting workshop for young women at the Martinez Street Women’s Center, and she taught poetry to the students at the Cyndi Krier Juvenile Correction Treatment Center with Gemini Ink’s WIC program. Erica is a co-founding member of the Mahina Movement Performance Troupe and Production Company in New York City. Amanda Flores studied at Trinity University, where she earned her degree in English and Creative Writing. She has represented San Antonio for seven consecutive years at the National Poetry Slam competition, and has performed all over the nation, including West Palm Beach, FL; St. Paul, MN; Madison, WI; Oneonta, NY; Charlotte, NC; and Harvard University in Cambridge, MA. She holds the titles of the 2011 & 2012 Grand Slam Poetry Champion of San Antonio, 2014 Grand Slam champion of San Francisco, and has had the honor of being crowned 2013 & 2014’s La Voz of San Antonio in San Antonio’s city-wide spoken word poetry competition. She is currently the creative writing instructor for Bihl Haus Art’s GO! Arts program and also administers workshops throughout the city both independently and as part of Gemini Ink’s Writers in Communities program. Her performances have been featured on Russell Simmons’ All Def Digital channel, the KABB FOX and WOAI Morning Shows, KENS 5 Great Day Sunday show, and KSAT 12’s Instant Replay sports segment during the 2013 NBA Western Conference semifinals.

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a blanket of Stars

Kamala Platt, Ph.D., M.F.A. is an adjunct professor, artist, independent scholar and author in South Texas and at The Meadowlark Center in Kansas. Her collections of poems include: Weedslovers: Ten Years in the Shadow of September (Finishing Line Press, 2014); On the Line (Wings Press, 2010); and (as compiler and contributor) Kinientos (Wordsworth, 1992). Through “green rascuache” lifeways, she champions environmental and social justice and well-being amidst the crises of a feverish planet. Christine Quattro McCain, author of the book Call Us College Ready, is originally from Upstate NY and recently moved to San Antonio to continue her career in educational administration. In addition to stage acting, Chrissy is also a songwriter, urban dancer, and stunt performer, as well as a teacher of gymnastics classes at The Little Gym and homeschool acting classes at The Magik Theater Performing Arts Center. She has an MS degree in Student Affairs Administration and a Master’s Certificate in Business Management from Binghamton University, and her BS degrees in Childhood Education and Earth Science are from SUNY Oswego. She has previously worked at the Southwest School of Art as the Director of Student Affairs, and the Herkimer Diamond Mines as the Director of Curriculum, Personnel, Special Programs, and Activities. Clint Taylor is an actor, teaching artist and professional volunteer. He is also a member of the San Antonio Latino Theater Alliance (SALTA). With over 20 years of experience in community theater, he has performed in various shows throughout San Antonio. As a Writers in Communities instructor, he has also led successful creative writing workshops at the Martinez Street Women's Center.

gemini ink helps people create and share the human story Writers in communities (Wic) sends professional writers into diverse community settings to work alongside students of all ages, needs, interests, and abilities in free workshops based in oral traditions, reading, and creative writing. autograph Series presents writers of national and international stature—many of them recipients of major prizes such as the Pulitzer or national book award—in free public performances. We offer three semesters of fee-based creative Writing classes and reading groups, and also many free literary events, all led by professional writers, scholars, and interdisciplinary artists. contributions and donations of time and resources are gratefully accepted.

gemini ink 1111 navarro St San antonio, texas 78205 210.734.9673 geminiink.org

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