Rocket to the Moon and Other Children's Stories

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Rocket To The Moon and Other Children’s Stories Writings by residents from W.I.N.G.’s For Life (Women In Need of Greater Strength) in Marion, Texas A residential facility for At-Risk Teen Mothers in partnership with Gemini Ink, readers and writers today and tomorrow Spring 2010



Rocket To The Moon and Other Children’s Stories

Writings by residents from W.I.N.G.’s For Life (Women In Need of Greater Strength) in Marion, Texas A residential facility for At-Risk Teen Mothers in partnership with Gemini Ink, readers and writers today and tomorrow Funded by the Texas Commision on the Arts Gemini Ink thanks Writer-in-Residence Natalia Treviño, Artist-in-Residence Regina Moya, and Student Service Coordinator at Wings for Life, Jennifer Coulter Editing, Layout & Design Stephen Guzman, Daniel Torres, Gemini Ink interns Anisa Onofre, Director, Writers in Communities Rosemary Catacalos, Executive | Artistic Director, Gemini Ink Student work has been edited as lightly as possible in order to honor the original voices Spring 2010 ___________________________________________________________________________

513 S. Presa San Antonio, Texas 78205 210-734-WORD


Foreword By Natalia Treviño, Writer-in-Residence

One workshop day, at the W.I.N.G.’s (Women In Need of Greater Strength) For Life facility, the authors of this storybook

and I went outside to make notes of the sounds we heard. Carrying their newborn babies, pens, and notebooks, we all went out under the trees and in the shade of the courtyard where we held our class that day. I asked them to be still and to listen to nature, voices, cars, wind, anything that they could hear. By that time, they had already written several stories, and seeing them now, tuning in to the sounds of the earth, made me realize they were no different from any other writers I know. They were tuned in to their gift – the ability to record their world on paper. It was a great pleasure to work with these young women, and it was a humbling experience too. For twelve weeks, I conducted a writing workshop with them through the most awe-inspiring writing circumstances: surrounded by newborn babies. At W.I.N.G.’s, young mothers have the chance to start again under the care of an amazing staff that guides them each step of the way. There is an incredible bond between the girls themselves, and the staff members who help them and their babies in their day-to-day lives as they adjust to the demands of motherhood. During the course of the workshop, five beautiful, healthy babies were born. And through the many changes that naturally come with new motherhood, the young women continued working on their stories knowing that their babies would read them in this book one day. Between diaper changes, feedings, and rocking babies to sleep, there was the pen and paper. They wrote. They wrote when they were exhausted, and they wrote well. Sadly, one writer received news of her child’s father’s death – injuries from a car accident – just days before she gave birth, and she had the strength to keep writing. She wrote a love poem for him privately. In this dramatic, shifting environment, many of these young women took exams, graduated high school, started college, and set the pace for a new life. They are filled with fresh purpose and intent so that their babies will have the best lives they can offer them. As writers, they also blossomed, and more importantly, they allowed their imaginations to fly. From the streets of Lubbock where Ghetto Cindanilla lives to palaces and magical ponds in the forest, love does what it always does – saves lives and hearts. 4

Contents 1 If You Give a Mouse a Pail and Shovel – Chrystal S. 2 Ghetto Cindanilla – Alexandra C. 2 3 Valencia – Kymberli G. 5 4 Hoppin’ Along – Chelsea M. 6 5 Rocket To The Moon – Kayla H. 8 6 The Lollipop – Kim’ Vy T. 10 7 Eizabella’s Pooh Bear – Chrystal S. 12 8 The Magical Hospital – Skyy B. 14 9 Mysteria – Kymberli G. 16 10 The Big Girl Bike – Brianna E. 21 11 Tommy Wants To Play – Alexandra C. 22 12 Baby, It’s Okay – Chelsea M. 24 13 The Bunny Pond – Laura R. 26 14 Pridest Possession – Kim’ Vy T. 27




If You Give a Mouse a Pail and Shovel Chrystal S.

If you give a mouse a pail and shovel, he’ll want to go to the beach. He’ll ask for swim shorts so he can play

in the water. Once he’s done in the water, he’ll play in the sand. He’ll get sand in his swim shorts and on his hands and legs. Once it’s time to go, he’ll want to rinse off. He’ll ask for his towel so he can dry off. He’ll be so exhausted on the way home, he may just ask to lie in the pail and fall fast asleep.


Ghetto Cindanilla Alexandra C.

One day in Lubbock, Texas there was a girl name Cindanilla. She had the daddy that walked down

the street and never came back. Her daddy’s girlfriend, Ty’Shay, was staying with them and her two kids named Taquana and Concresha. They were twins that were the same age as Cindanilla. They made her cook chicken and fries all the time. She had to wash their dirty drawers and clean the room they shared. Ty’Shay would always talk bad to Cindanilla. “Cindanilla, you sho is ugly. Why yo dad have to have you?” One day while Cindanilla was cleaning the room next to the living room, she heard Ty’Shay on the phone. “Yea girl, that rappa gon have a party at the DUB Friday. He say he need a new girlfriend. Twylo is a nice lil rappa, gurl. He go hard. Anywho.” Cindanilla could not help but to get live. But she knew she could not go. “What, I’m getting live for no reason. Well anywho I can’t just come out and ask Ty’Shay. Maybe I’ll sneak out the house and then she would not even know. I could wait ‘til she goes to sleep and tell Juke to pick me up by the 7-11. That’s what I will do.” Cindanilla went to call Juke. “Hello,” she said in a sleepy voice, “Juke,” Cindanilla said. “You know Twylo come Friday so this is what we gon do. I’m gon go pick me out somethin’ to wear and then I’m gon have you pick me up at 7-11, okay?” “Yo mama not gon let you go to that party,” Juke said. “What she don’t know won’t hurt,” Cindanilla said. “Well, OK,” Juke said The next day Cindanilla asked Ty’Shay for the car. Ty’Shay was so into getting ready for the party that she gave her the key, and Cindanilla ran and got some money from under her bed, and then got into the blue jeep and dusted off. She ran in the mall and found the cutest pair of red heels. “Man, I just have to buy these heels. Man, I just have to!” So she found a red and white outfit with no sleeves, and it was a body suit. “Man, OK.” 2


Well, Cindanilla paid for the suit and ran out the mall. When she pulled out in front of the house, she put the groceries and sacks that she got on the way home in front of the Forever 21 bag. Well, as you know Ty’Shay and the gurls was so ready to go to the party they didn’t pay attention to Cindanilla. She cleaned up and got in the tub. While in the tub, she heard Ty’Shay say “We on our way to the DUB.” “OK” Cindanilla said, smiling to herself. She got out the tub and ran to her room, put on her clothes and called Juke. “I’m at 7-11. Come get me.” “OK,” Juke said. “I’m on the way.” Juke pulled up in minutes in her red and green B.M.W. “OK, gurl, let’s go,” Cindanilla said. Things were going through Cindanilla’s head. “What if they see me?” When they pulled up to the DUB, all Cindanilla’s worries went away. Juke and Cindanilla got out the car and went to the door. “I.D.’s please,” said the guard. Cindanilla gave the man her I.D. and walked off forgetting it. Cindanilla seen Twylo and Twylo looked at Cindanilla and walked to her. “What’s up?” “Hey,” Cindanilla said. “I’m Cindanilla.” “I’m Twylo.” “I bet,” Cindanilla said. “Well, you want to go somewhere get out of here.” “Yes,” Cindanilla said. Cindanilla was halfway out the door when her stepmother saw her. “Cindanilla, why you ain’t at the house and Twylo, you don’t want her! She don’t look like that every day.” “You fake,” Twylo said. “Don’t talk to me, bro. Don’t say nothin’ to me,” Twylo said. “Well OK,” Cindanilla said. “If you can’t love me for who I am, then don’t talk to me.” That’s when Twylo told her, “Whatever,” and left and went back into the club. Cindanilla walked off. She was so mad when she looked up she was at her door with one shoe on. Before she knew it, Twylo was at the front door. “Cindanilla, I think you left yo shoe.” Cindanilla fixed herself and opened the door. “I’m just glad you came,” she said. Twylo told Cindanilla all about his house in the West Side, and she left with him happily ever after, she thought. 4

Valencia Kymberli G.

If you give Valencia The Squirrel a packet of seeds, she will want a flower pot. Her sundress is covered

in sunflowers and her hat catches the sun. She is very loud and noticeable, but she is humble too. She will need soil to grow the seeds. You will have to get her a glass of water for the dry soil. She will want a water break too. After the water, snacks will come and she will want that, too! If you give Valencia these things, look what happens. She will need to use the potty, which will lead to a need of toilet paper, napkins, soap, and guess what? More water!


Hoppin’ Along Chelsea M.

Once there were two little frogs. Their names were Clarissa and Zack. They were in love and were

always together. They lived in the San Jacinto neighborhood, and went jumping from backyard to backyard. Their favorite backyard had the biggest pond you ever could imagine. It was beautiful and had rocks around the shore with tall grasses around it. One day they were at Clarissa’s brother’s Lily Party when the mean, ugly bullfrog leaped over and saw them in the middle of a sticky frog snuggle. His name was Steven and he was secretly in love with Clarissa because of her sparkly personality and gorgeous hazel eyes. So when he saw Clarissa and Zack together on the lily pad, he got very jealous and turned deep forest green so that he blended in with the tall grasses. And because of his jealousy he jumped on the lily pad they were on and Clarissa and Zack went flying through the air. They landed in the water and got soaked! Steven hopped over to them and he thought he would get Clarissa mad at Zack by inviting Zack to go to Dark Pond to hunt Dragon Flies. “Ribbbit, yea, why not? Ribbbit.” Zack replied. Clarissa got mad and said “Ribbit, I’ll tell you why not – because you invited me here, so you can’t leave!” Zack said, “Ribbit, I’m sorry. Let’s get away.” They went back to the Lily Party. The next afternoon Clarissa and Zack and all their friends were at the Leapin’ Inn Hotel swimming pool, and Steven jumped over and asked Zack to borrow his Froggy Buggy, but Zack drove him somewhere instead. Clarissa got mad because he left without telling her. When he came back she said, “Ribbit, How can you just leave like that? You did it and you knew I would get mad!” “Ribbit, I just gave him a ride. I was going to be back in five minutes, but he kept prolonging it by sticking his tongue out the window, and we got pulled over! Then he wanted some Frog Candy, and he took forever.” She wasn’t quite sure he was telling the truth, and she sighed and raised her eyebrows saying, “Ribbit, Okay.” 6

The next night, Steven called Clarissa on his Froggy pad, and asked her if she wanted to go to the Hoppin’ Diner. She said she was waiting on Zack, but they could all go as soon as Zack drove over and got her. So she called Zack and told him to pick up Steven first and then to come and pick her up. Later that night she was still waiting for Zack and Steven to come and get her! She finally got a hold of Zack, but Steven tricked her into getting mad at him to the point where she almost ended their Froggy Friendship. Zack made up for it by leaping over to her and saying, “Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!” and taking her to their friend’s Tree House. Clarissa forgave him, and he bought her some chocolate covered flies. Steven kept calling her asking if she wanted to go with him, and she kept replying no. He kept trying to talk to Zack, but Zack ignored him, too. And Clarissa and Zack went on living their lives one hop at a time.


Rocket to the Moon Kayla H.

There once was a three-year-old boy named Cameron who lived with his dad and his mom, Kristy.

Cameron’s dad was an astronaut. So Cameron wanted to be like his dad when he grew up and become an astronaut too. After dinner one night, when it was time to go to bed, after his dad read him a bedtime story, Cameron fell asleep and dreamed about being an astronaut. When he woke up he was so excited about his dream that he told his dad. “Dad, I had a dream that I went to outer space with you, but floated off, so I brought the moon to you, and then we rode home on the moon.” His dad said, “That’s good, son, but I’m afraid the moon is too heavy to pull. It doesn’t move.” Cameron then got upset and said, “Yes, I can. I’m stronger than the Hulk, and the moon can move. It moves and I can prove it. The sun has to move for the moon to come out, and then the moon has to move for the sun.” His dad said, “I guess you’re right, son.” Cameron then ran into the kitchen and helped his mom with breakfast. He ate and asked his mom if he could go to his friend Creg’s house. His mother said, “As long as you’re back before dinner.” So he ran and got his bike and peddled as fast as he could to Creg’s house. When he got there, they went to Creg’s room and Cameron told Creg about his dream. Creg thought it was a good idea. So they went outside and built a spaceship. They were almost done with the spaceship when they decided to go get a snack and pack a lunch for the trip. After they packed their lunch they went back outside to finish their spaceship. Once they finished, they took it to the baseball field. There they settled into the spaceship and launched off. Up in the sky they saw the land, houses, and people grow smaller and smaller. They passed the clouds, and saw nothing but a black sky with sparkly white dots. They passed what seemed like a million stars. Then Cameron saw this one beautiful blue and white star. It was so pretty. Fifteen minutes later, Cameron woke up from his nap and noticed a rainbow in the sky. After taking in the beauty of the colors, he saw a rocket ship pass by. He reached and reached for it until it went bye bye. 8


The Lollipop Kim’ Vy T.


azel eyes, brown hair, mixed baby boy standing proud and tall. He appears to have a smug look on his face. “I wonder where my lollipop went,” he asks himself. But there it is in the green grass, two inches away from his black Jordans. All the emotions go running through him, sad, hungry, the adrenaline just goes running wild with all these unanswered questions racing through this four-year-old boy’s brain. “Will I get another one? I wonder if I can just wash it. Where’s water when you need it? I want a lollipop now!”

After he soon discovers it on the floor and that no one has taken it from him, in a calm manner, he leans over it and picks it up with his tiny little fingers. As he discovers all the particles left on the lollipop, he looks at it strongly, and thinks, “I need a new one.” So he goes into the kitchen where a tall, but average sized woman is sitting on a steel stool. She sits there sipping her mocha coffee while he anticipates her next move. He is so worried about his strawberry mango lollipop that he does not notice the eyes that lay so sharply on him. So he moves from one side of the room to the other in a slow but eager pace because he’s trying to get to the jar full of lollipops. But at the same time, he does not want anyone to notice because he’s already had 10

one for the day, and he knows that Mama won’t give him another one. So when he finally sees the clear glass jar, he takes one attempt to grab a hold of the item, not once, not twice, but the third jump to get the jar closer to the edge of the gray marble countertop. When he has the jar in his vision a little better, the excitement makes him become more jumpy and fidgety. Without any hesitation, he goes for the jar. His grip it not that tight and the jar slips from his hands falling straight toward the floor. BOOM! BANG! BOOM!

The glass jar goes shattering all around the floor making the BIGGEST CRASH EVER. “Now, what I’m gonna do?” he thinks. Quickly, he is accompanied by the lady that was with him in the kitchen this whole time. She looks puzzled and asks him, “What are you trying to do, son?” He begins to answer, but takes a second to start to think. “What if I tell her that someone took it from me? Or maybe if I tell her the truth she will give me one anyway?” 11

Eizabella’s Pooh Bear Chrystal S.


here was once a little girl. She was the prettiest little girl of five years. Her name was Eizabella. One morning, Eizabella’s mom told her they were going on a trip. “Be sure to pack your bathing suit and whatever else you want to bring.” So Eizabella went upstairs to pack her things. She packed her towel and swim suit, and then started to wonder how long they would be gone. She went downstairs and asked, “Mom, how long will we be gone?” And her mom replied, “Three days, so be sure to pack everything you might need and want to have while we’re gone.” Eizabella went back upstairs to finish packing. When she was sure she packed everything, she carried both of her suitcases and her backpack. “Mom,” she called, “I’m ready to go!” “Good,” her mom said, “So am I.” And they both got in the car and were on their way. “Mom,” said Eizabella, “Where are we going?” “Well, sweetheart, we are going to Corpus for a vacation. We are gonna have so much fun on the beach and you’ll get to play in the sand. At night we’ll stay in the hotel and rent movies. How’s that sound?” “Great!” said Eizabella. Eizabella and her mom arrived at the hotel at 7:30 p.m. While Eizabella got ready for bed, her mom picked out movies and ordered pizza. Then all of a sudden, Eizabella screamed. She forgot to pack Pooh Bear! Eizabella couldn’t sleep without Pooh Bear. She started to cry. “Eizabella,” her mom said. “Why did you scream, and why are you crying?” “Because Mommy, I don’t have my Pooh Bear. I thought I packed it, but it’s not here.” “Bella,” her mom said, “I packed it because you left it on the couch. Come on, Bella. Let’s look in my bag.” When Mommy opened her bag, Eizabella’s Pooh Bear wasn’t there. She started to cry even more. “Hold on,” her mom said. “I know I packed it. Let me go look in the car to see if it fell out.” It seemed like Mom was outside for hours. When she came back inside, she didn’t have anything in her hands. She started to cry again. But her mom said, “Wait, before you cry, close your eyes and count to five. 12

When you get to five, open them.” She counted, “one, two, three, four, five.” When Eizabella opened her eyes she saw Pooh Bear in her Mommy’s hands. She was so excited she started jumping up and down. She ran to her Mommy and gave her a big hug and kiss for finding her Pooh Bear. When her Mommy put Eizabella down, there was a knock on the door. The pizza was here. When Mommy was finished paying for the pizza, Eizabella and her mom climbed on the flower quilted bed and watched Happily Ever After while eating pizza. When the movie was over, Eizabella was so tired she curled up next to her mom and fell asleep with Pooh Bear wrapped in her arms. 13

The Magical Hospital Skyy B.

Once upon a time in a magical hospital called Babies With Love, there was a beautiful three-week-old

baby girl named Jaselynn Ann Burleson. Her whole point of life was to help people who couldn’t help themselves, or people that were having problems in their life. Her main talent was her magical kiss. Whenever she kissed you, your problems went away and joyful thoughts filled your head instead of all the negative thoughts that were once there. Although that was her main talent, she had many more which included her vibrant smile. Whenever she gave you one of her brilliant smiles, your heart would fill up with compassion and understanding. Another one of her extraordinary talents were her amazing eyes. When you looked into her eyes all the hatred in your heart would turn into love, problems would disappear, and friendship would replace the problems you had! Jaselynn worked in a very special place. She worked in this magical hospital. This particular hospital was filled with magic, understanding, and lots of love! In this special hospital, the doctors nurses, and receptionists were newborns, infants, babies, and toddlers instead of grown-ups! When you walked through the doors of Babies With Love, the scent caught your nose. The smell was outstanding. It was the smell of sweet icing, the flavor of chocolate on a sunny day, the smell made the problems you were having go away. And as soon as you smelled the chocolatey delight, just as quickly as the smell caught your nose, the sight made you weak in the knees with astonishment and excitement! There were flying babies everywhere with heart-shaped wings and on these wings were the names of the babies so you wouldn’t get confused about which baby was who! Certain babies were placed with certain people depending on the problems they were having, and the babies would help the grown-ups with whatever problems they were having and give them things to help them get better such as magical hugs and kisses. Babies flew overhead dancing and sprinkling good luck on people that were waiting to be seen or people who were walking in and out of the hospital! And there was this extraordinary sound that sounded like harps, but when the grown-ups talked above them, they saw that it wasn’t harps at all, but the baby wings making lovely music! This sound soothes grown-ups; calms and relaxes them so their problems go away. When baby doctors saw grown-ups, the baby’s touch was filled with delight and love, and as soon as that happened your problems or sickness went away, and made you feel a thousand times better! As soon as your baby doctor visit was over, babies would pass out different kinds of sweets such as cookies, cakes, and doughnuts filled with love, sweetness, and kindness, so you could take out everything the babies taught you so you won’t get overwhelmed! 14


Mysteria Kymberli G.

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Ally who lived in Dallas. She was a very beautiful girl. People


were very envious of her, but she always smiled. She always helped anyone and everyone in anything they needed. One day, Ally walked down the street silently weeping. She always thought to get away and live the happiest life ever. Instead, she wept for three days and three nights, wondering if she could ever find the boy of her dreams, run off and get married. Going into town, she fell into a dry hidden well and fell into a deep sleep. Suddenly she saw horses and golden carriages, and heard peddlers and strange beautiful bells. The town was painted with gorgeous lights made of gold. Ally then stumbled upon a bread shop that served supper. After she finished eating, she had to pay but realized her pockets were empty. Struck by the thought of imprisonment, she asked if there was anything she could do to pay her debt, when Prince Hermes suddenly appeared. “No need. You are way too beautiful to wash supper dishes,” he said. As he introduced himself, Ally heard the most deep, promising voice she ever heard, and she uttered the words, “Why, I’ve never met a real prince before. How do you are? I mean, how do you do?” Silence came about as they gazed into each other’s eyes. Ally caught herself and said thank you, before bidding him farewell. “Wait one minute. I didn’t catch your name,” said Prince Hermes. “It’s Ally,” she told him as she walked away. As darkness fell, Ally was stuck wondering to herself, “What if . . . he is the one?” Meanwhile, Prince Hermes was stunned asking, “Who might that girl be? Is she from here? Who is her father?” The prince’s men replied, “Sir, she told you her name was Ally. We have no knowledge of who she is.” “We must find her, and she must come to meet my mother and father,” Prince Hermes ordered. Alone in the woods by a lake with nowhere to go, Ally came across sticks and rocks to make a fire. Snuggling close to the fire, she thought about the young man she just met. For other strange reasons, the prince was out in the night. Ally heard sticks crackling in the woods, and becames curious about what it might be.


“Who’s there?” she asked bravely. “It is I,” replied the deep voice. “It is whom?” “Prince Hermes.” “Is it true? You are the one from earlier?” “Yes.” “How did you get here? Aren’t you a prince? Aren’t you supposed to be in your castle?” “I came to find you,” he replied with a smile. “Why? For what reasons?” I’ve thought about you from the moment I met you. I’ve been looking all around for you, and I couldn’t find you. Please, come with me.” “To where might I ask?” “To a beautiful place made of nothing but gold.” “Why me? I’m just a peasant girl.” “Because I would like to understand you.” “You don’t know me to want to understand me,” she said, but inside her heart was smiling. “Well I know for sure you have nowhere to go.” “What a rude thing to say, but it’s true.” “Are you going to come with me?” Prince Hermes asked. “Well I have no choice, no?” As they walked along the riverside, their reflections were cast on the waters. Prince Hermes told her about himself. “I was born into a royal family. It is basically a divine right. Some things that I do, I have no choice.” “Well, why don’t you just leave?” “I’m afraid I have no choice to do that either. It is mandatory that I find a wife to marry. You are just so beautiful. I’m afraid I can’t resist.” “So what is this journey about? Why are you telling me these things? Why must I know? Like I said before, I am just a simple a peasant girl.” “That’s where you’re wrong. But before we say any more, I would like you to come to my castle to meet my mother and father who are the king and queen.” They climbed into the horse’s carriage, and off they went. 18

Arriving at the castle, Ally was amazed by all the gold she saw. Prince Hermes helped her out of the carriage and guided her to the Great Hall that was filled with golden apples, beautiful portraits, and carpets spun of gold that slightly blinded her. Ally then realized she was no longer alone with the prince, but with his parents too. Queen Hera was draped in the finest jewelry, and had the most stunning natural beauty. She greeted the prince’s guest. “Whom might this peasant be? Why is she in the presence of royalty? What is your name?” “Although I am not of your liking, my name is Ally.” “What type of name is Ally? That is not even a name of royalty.” “Well, I apologize if my name offends you, but I am only of the company of the prince.” King David, the most mightiest man of his time spoke. “Well, young lady. Would you have the slightest idea what he brought you for?” “Yes sir. Why it was only to meet you.” Queen Hera, with the scariest frown, asked her son, “What do you make of this?” “Well, you told me a long time ago that the only way I could be happy being in divine rights was to have a wife. And with your consent, I must marry her.” “This is nonsense!” Queen Hera raged. “You will not marry her! And if you so much as try, I will lock you both up and never let you out.” “Father, what is it that you have to say?” Kind David, with the smelliest breath Ally had ever encountered, then said, “Son, your mother is right.” “I am no longer in your presence,” Ally said. “Goodbye.” “Wait!” “I’ve taught you never to bow down to a woman,” said Queen Hera. “I am going to marry her one way or the other.” As Ally found her way from this castle of doom, she was joined by Prince Hermes. He said to her, “We don’t need to have the consent of my mother or father. We will marry at once. We will run away into the sunset and have the most beautiful ceremony you ever imagined.” “Why would you cause yourself so much pain? If all is true, 19

you are who I thought you were.” “Whom might that be?” “The man of my dreams.” Several hours later, the prince’s squire made certain adjustments for the most beautiful wedding ever. Ally’s dress was hand sewn and stitched with beautiful golden nuggets. The prince wore a long, golden cloak made of lion’s mane, and they recited vows to one another. Several seconds away from being crowned Prince and Princess of Normandy, Queen Hera stormed in as angry as can be. “Stop! If you put that crown upon her head, I will have you sent to the lion’s den.” “Mother, I am not a child anymore. You told me I could be happy, so now I am going to be happy and have someone join me in my happiness. I love her, and she loves me, so we are having this ceremonial gathering that will pronounce us husband and wife.” Queen Hera was expressionless. She uttered, “You are right, son. I love you dearly, and when I die, you will become king and queen. You will have all my belongings, and I am sorry for causing you all this distress.” As Ally approached Queen Hera, she told her “Thank you for making me the happiest princess and giving me the honor of marrying a good prince like your son.” Ally and Prince Hermes were then crowned, and everyone was intrigued with the sight of their diamondencrusted, golden crowns. From then on, they were known as Princess Ally and Prince Hermes. *** As Ally sat up and dusted off her clothes, she found she had a headache. She then screamed, “Help! Down Here! Someone please help me!” “Listen, I am going to throw this rope down. I want you to catch it and hold on tight. I will pull you up. As Ally grabbed hold of the rope, she said to herself, “That voice is familiar.” A strong young man began to pull her to the top of the well. As she arrived at the beginning of where she started, she saw a familiar face to go with the voice. “Hi, I am Hermes.” Right then, she noticed why that voice was so familiar. It was the same deep and promising voice that proposed marriage to her in her dream. “Hi. I am Ally,” she said.


The Big Girl Bike Brianna E.

One day after school, I saw my friends riding their bikes and I thought to myself, “Why don’t I try to

have a bike?” even though I did not know how to ride a bike. Then I went to my dad and said, “Daddy, will you teach me how to ride a bike like the other kids?” Daddy sat me on his leg and he said, “Lovlie, honey, I will buy you a bike and I will teach you how to ride it.” We went to the bike store and I saw this pink bike with the cheer pom-poms, and it had Girl Power on the side of it. But wait. There’s a problem. There’s no training wheels on the bike! I look to Daddy with a sad face because I really loved this bike, and Daddy said, “Is this the bike that you want?” I said, “Yes, Daddy. I love this bike. Can I get it, please, can I get it?” Daddy took a look at the bike and said, “But darling, there’s no training wheels on the bike.” I gave Daddy a sad look that said, “Please, can I have it?” “Honey, I don’t know about this.” “But please, Daddy, oh, please?” Daddy said, “I’m not sure because you don’t know how to ride a bike. Maybe I’ll get you a bike with training wheels, and I’ll teach you before I get you a big girl bike.” I was sad, but I said “Okay.” We went to the bike store and bought a little baby bike. Boy, I was scared, too scared to get on the bike. But I got on the bike and tried to ride. It was fun! I was going and going, but I fell and got a scratch on my knee. I cried and cried, but dad laughed and said, “Darling, it’s going to be okay, but you did good on the bike. Just get back on the bike and keep going, and remember – Big Girl Bike!


Tommy Wants To Play Alexandra C.


wake up in the morning to my red and blue room. Mommy tells me time to pick out my clothes. I pick out my Lightning McQueen shirt with jogging pants. The smell of bacon fills the top of the room. I’m in the bathroom brushing my teeth with my yummy toothpaste, with my McQueen car in one hand. I go downstairs to see daddy. Daddy says, “I have to go to work,” with his deep, shaky voice. He has to go to WORK! I want Daddy to stay and play. I want him to stay and play. I want him to stay with me all day. If Daddy can’t stay, I’ll go with him! Maybe I could get into the car with daddy. He could never tell me no. I’ll get my things and put them in my case like Daddy. I’ll take my lunch and color books too. What will Daddy take for him? If I go with Daddy, I’ll need to dress nice in a black suit. I don’t have one, but blue will do. I’ll have to shave like the grown-ups do, but it’s okay. I can do that too. Daddy’s going to love my going to work with him. I’ll play Office Man and talk on the phone. “Hello, this is Tavon Childress’ office.” I’ll even drink coffee with Daddy. Mommy will have to bring our snack, and after nap I’ll wake up to more fun. Daddy is going to love me going to work with him. WE CAN GO AND PLAY! I should tell him my idea. So I tell him, “Daddy, I will go with you today. I will go so we can play.” Daddy says, “No, I have to work, Tommy. I’m sorry. I just can’t stay and play.” Daddy walks out the door and gets in his car. My goodness, I was too late. Daddy’s gone, and it’s all my fault. I don’t want to play all by myself. I want to play with my Daddy. “Tommy Lee Johnson, Come here!” Mommy says. My heart just drops. I think I’m in trouble. I see Mommy’s blue eyes lift up, and that is how I know Mommy’s not mad. Smelling like Mommy’s pretty stuff in the bottle on her dresser. “Daddy, will come back. Daddy will play.” That’s what Mommy says as I stand at the door and watch Daddy go away. When I walk in the backyard with a blue slide with my green pool, Uncle Jamar was there. Daddy’s brother wants to play ball with me and swim too! We are going to have a good day! 22


Baby, It’s Okay Chelsea M.

There’s a young girl named Shanice. She’s lived in a little town since birth. All the little boys and girls

in her town were always mean to her and called her names. One boy, named D.J., told her “You’re so dirty and smelly! Why do you keep coming around? Why don’t you just leave and never come back?” So Shanice went home crying to her momma. Her momma said, “Come here, beautiful. What’s wrong?” “Momma,” Shanice sobbed, “D.J. always picks on me. He called me dirty and smelly. Why is he so mean?” “Baby, it’s ok. You know you’re beautiful. Don’t pay him any attention.” Then the next day, Shanice went to school. D.J. told her, “Your clothes are so raggedy and you still smell, and you got dirt all over you. Go away already!” When Shanice got home, her momma and daddy had gotten money and went shopping. They got her all brand new clothes and soap and shampoo. Shanice was so happy to see all her new clothes. She jumped in the shower. Then she put on her new clothes and went back to school. D.J. saw her and was star struck. All the boys and girls thought she was so pretty. They tried to make friends with her and Shanice gave them all the respect she had learned to give others. She became the most popular girl at school. Everybody loved her. “Momma, Daddy?” Shanice said one day. “Yes, honey,” They replied. “Where’d you get the money to buy me that stuff?” “Well, Sweetie, if you really want to know, D.J. came over with his parents and gave it to us.”



The Bunny Pond Laura R.

There once were two bunnies, a pink girl bunny with hazel eyes, and a tall, sandy brown boy bunny.

They met each other by a sparkly blue water pond, and started talking to each other about where they came from. The boy bunny said he came from the rich bunny land, and the girl bunny said she came from the poor bunny land. They got along so well that day that they wanted to get married, so they did. From then on, they weren’t rich like a king or poor like a homeless person, but simple. A few months passed and they had a pink baby bunny, and named her Eva. Then they lived happily ever after under the big, green oak tree.


Pridest Possession Kim’ Vy T.

Deep down in the green fresh forest full of trees a girl named Pryci’lla Vy sat washing pots. The shining

sun reflected on the puddle of water. The birds were relaxed and humming when Reggie walked behind her. To get her attention, he flicked some drops of water on her. She turned around and said, “What was that for?” And all he could do was laugh at her facial expression. Over time they chatted and decided to meet there again. They made a pact to not tell anyone about this place because it would be sacred. Pryci’lla Vy was a very determined girl. She knew her favorite color was blue. She knew her favorite food had to be spicy, and she also knew she had just met the man of her dreams. But there was one problem with Reggie. He was Black, and she was Asian. When she came home, she was so excited that she told her family. Her family questioned why she chose this boy and also did not approve because he was very different from her heritage. Her family just thought he wasn’t good enough for her even though she told them over and over that he was good enough and had a noble heart. Pryci’lla Vy knew in her heart that it was love at first sight, but they did not see the same as her and still wouldn’t listen to anything she had to say. What did happen though was that one of her uncles found him and told him a lie. “In the past she’s been a very bad girl,” he said to Reggie. With a puzzled look, Reggie said, “Are you saying she’s a sloppy eater?” “NO! That’s not what I mean, you fool! I’m trying to say she’s no good for you.” “What do you know about what’s good for me?” “Trust me on this one. You don’t want to get to know her.” He wanted to make Reggie lose interest in her, but that did not happen. “But why?” “She’s very naughty.” Reggie felt sick to his stomach to know that one of her own uncles was saying this, and he decided to find the truth because she seemed very humble. When he first saw her, he was in awe. Her amazing beauty made his heart smile. Nothing was going to get in Reggie’s way. More motivated than ever, he had the guts to get to know her truly. 27


The next day when they met at that sacred place, the sun was out early, and they ran smack dab into each other because of their careless rushing. It was so early; the morning skies were still gray, purplish and violet. This sacred place was a tree house made of the finest bamboo. They were both walking through the forest, side by side along the dark green grass, and suddenly a startled sound caught his attention, and Reggie quickly maneuvered himself to the scene pulling Pryci’lla Vy by the hand. Then, Reggie’s eyes lay on a hurt but free-spirited Panda Bear. She was small and petite. He wanted to see what was wrong with her and to fix the problem, but he didn’t know how. Pryci’lla Vy quickly came up with this fabulous idea of bringing the bear back to their secret place. He agreed so she helped him carry the Panda Bear. There, they cleaned her up and combed out her fur and fed her some juicy bamboo, and she seemed almost okay. While doing all this, they noticed that something else was still not right. Pryci’lla Vy made eye-to-eye contact with this bear and saw that she was uncomfortable. She would squirm. She would tense up. She would even yelp like she needed help. Reggie felt the need to sing to the bear, and in a quick second, a black and white baby cub flew into the girl’s arms. She was very flabbergasted to know that he had saved both of them. Because of this innocent creature, the girl had been missing for a couple of days now. Her parents were out looking for her, and they knew the forest was her favorite place, so they decided to go there first to search for her. “Pryci’lla Vy! Where are you?!” After five minutes of walking into the forest they saw clues that led them to believe their daughter was there. After a few turns, they were exactly where they needed to be for Pryci’lla Vy to hear her parents’ call her. So surprised, she climbed down the tree and wanted to show them what happened. In the beginning, her parents did not really like Reggie, but after hearing how the pandas were saved, they had a new outlook on him. Her dad was the proudest of them all, so proud that he got together with the mayor and told him all about it. The mayor’s forehead wrinkled up in excitement and he wanted to grant Reggie a marvelous wish for his brave and heroic act. The next day, the mayor came into the forest to tell Reggie about this. “I have some news to tell you!” “And you are?” “Why I am the mayor of this city! Don’t you know? Young man, what do you go by?” “I’m Reggie.” “Well, Reggie, The news I have will make your socks rock! You’re going to get any wish you want. So what will it be?” 29

The fresh air was hitting his face while he was thinking long and hard. “I wanna wish that . . . A perfect wish would be . . .” He was definitely confused. He wasn’t sure what to wish for. He looked around for something to wish for and his eyes grew big when they fell upon her sparkly white smile. “I got it! I want to marry Pryci’lla Vy with her silky, long black hair!” And that’s exactly what happened. Their happiness was up and down the newspaper. They were still meeting a month later in that same spot, and one day an anonymous check appeared at their sacred place. This was his chance to have another ultimate dream fulfilled, which was to open up a care center just for pandas. They both came up with a name for it. It couldn’t be any ordinary name. It had to be just perfect. SPICY BLUE SUPREME PANDA PLAYHOUSE. Three years later, they welcomed a third addition into their house of love. Little Prync’ton Ly opened his eyes to a loving mother, a baby panda, and his father, the noble-hearted hero. The End!



About the Writer and Artist-in-Residence: Born in Mexico City and raised in San Antonio, Natalia Treviño is an assistant professor at Northwest Vista College where she teaches developmental English, literature, and creative writing. Natalia is a member of the Macondo Foundation, a writer’s collective aimed at creating non-violent social change. A graduate of UTSA’s bachelor’s and masters in English programs, she is currently an MFA student at the University of Nebraska. Her poetry has won the Alfredo Moral de Cisneros Award, the Wendy Barker Creative Writing Award, and the Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Prize. Her fiction appears in Curbstone Press’s Mirrors Beneath the Earth. Regina Moya was born in Mexico City and graduated with a degree in Communications from Anahuac del Sur University. She has also studied graphic design and journalism and has two published books: Memorias de Dos Mujeres Mexicanas (México City, D.F., Editorial Atomo), and Donde Anidan las Palomas (México, D.F., Casa Juan Pablos). Moya has worked with WIC as both a writer-in-residence, and as an artist-in-residence. She also writes and illustrates personalized children’s storybooks.


“Gemini Ink nurtures writers and readers and builds community through literature and the related arts,” is our mission. This calling is amplified by our vision statement: “At Gemini Ink we believe human story in all its diverse and complicated forms and genres — from poetry and fiction to memoir and oral tradition — is essential to developing compassion and richness in both individual and community life. We encourage focused reading, writing, and exchange at every level, from elementary school student to incarcerated youth and from polished professional to the elder who has always wanted to record her family stories.” Our four programs serve an average of 5,000 patrons annually: Writers in Communities (WIC) sends professional writers into diverse community settings to work alongside students of all ages, needs, interests, and abilities in free workshops based in oral traditions, reading, and creative writing. The Autograph Series presents writers of national or international stature — many of them recipients of major prizes such as the Pulitzer or National Book Award — in a free public performance and a ticketed colloquium luncheon the following day. University Without Walls (UWW) offers three semesters of fee-based reading groups and workshops and also many free literary events, all led by professional writers, scholars, and interdisciplinary artists. Dramatic Readers Theater (DRT) features professional actors interpreting literary works in free performances, often accompanied by original music. For more information, visit or call 210-734-WORD (9673) Toll-free: 877-734-WORD (9673) 33


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