IS SEEKING NEW CONTRACTED SERVICE PROVIDERS FOR THE FOLLOWING SERVICES HOMEMAKING HOUSING SEARCH: could consist of various scenarios; a pending evic on, house fire, living in a hotel, living
with family, moving, inappropriate housing, etc.
EMPLOYMENT SEARCH: could consist of assis ng with resume wri ng, interviewing skills, looking for employment, transpor ng to local agencies for employment.
RESOURCE and REFERRAL: is connec on to various community resources/programs that help to meet the client’s iden fied needs.
Transporta on services can be u lized for transporta on when mee ng an employment goal as well as a housing search goal.
PARENTING EDUCATION Paren ng Educa on is offered to clients
for various reasons. Paren ng Educa on sessions can be u lized when requested by DCS or court ordered in family court systems.
Crisis Interven on services are
u lized when therapeu c interven on is needed to help stabilize a family unit. Family as well as Individual Therapy is offered and then connec ons are made for more long‐term therapeu c services.
8400 Louisiana Street Merrillville, Indiana 46410 www. Sanford R. Kauffman President Nicholas M. Neal Director Geminus Family Services Brandy Jania Program Manager Geminus Community Partners
Mentoring services are u lized when a child or children are ac ng out in the home and the parents are reques ng services to help understand and be er relate to children. Mentoring services can be requested from DCS as well.
FOR MORE INFO ON HOW TO BECOME A PROVIDER FOR GEMINUS COMMUNITY PARTNERS Contact: Brandy Jania — Program Manager, Geminus Community Partners
Email: Phone: 219.757.1956