Smoking is a Public Health Issue Geminus Corporation Prevention Cares About Lowell, Indiana is Now Smoke Free Did you know that Lowell, Indiana has gone smoke free due to the efforts of Lake County Tobacco Cessation Coalition and the efforts of Cynthia Sampson, Director, with the assistance of Eric Evans, from our Geminus Prevention Department? Noted after the vote, by the Lowell Town Council President was, “this is what the majority of Lowell residents want.” ‘He noted that 95% of the people in town wanted to get this ordinance passed. Congratulations to Cynthia, to Eric and our Prevention Department for great work to curtail the use of tobacco and our exposure to secondary smoke in our Northwest Indiana communities. Cynthia noted, as Lake County’s Tobacco Control Coordinator, that she views Northwest Indiana’s high tobacco usage statistics “as a reminder that more effective policies and affordable, accessible, programs are needed within our communities, to help people quit smoking.” One program currently in existence is our state’s free Tobacco Quitline. The Indiana Tobacco Quitline is a program that provides free help for every smoker in our county who is ready to quit. Smoking is a public health issue that Geminus Corporation cares about. Geminus focuses on prevention and education regarding smoking cessation and/or not beginning to smoke or use tobacco products at all. Smokers can call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visit for free help from trained quit coaches. Smokers who enroll in the free Quitline program also have the opportunity to receive two weeks of free nicotine patches or gum. This is an outstanding free resource. Anyone can call the Quitline, seven days a week, from 8 am to midnight for assistance. Assistance is also available for local employers and healthcare providers that want to help their employees, clients or patients quit smoking. Even if you do not smoke, it is likely that you know someone who does. We challenge you to take a moment and encourage that person (or yourself) to make a call to 1-800-QUIT-NOW.
GEMinus Mad Hatters Crochet Group Donates Time, Talent and Warmth to Geminus Head Start
Norma Jean Juel, Executive Assistant to the President at Geminus Corporation, has a talent for needlework. Her hands are rarely idle as she learns and hones her crafts, which include crocheting and knitting. Early in 2010, she asked if any Geminus staff members were interested learning to crochet hats and mittens. A group quickly started, and met each Tuesday during lunch breaks. The group enjoyed making the hats and mittens so much, that many of them continued throughout the summer months, at home, making the items, mostly or children’s size heads. Because one of Geminus Corporation’s major programs is Geminus Head Start, the group decided to donate the items to the Geminus Head Start Program, as there are many children in the program in need of warm hats and mittens. Geminus Head Start serves children ages 3 to 5 years old. Geminus Head Start recently added the Early Head Start Program to its services and serves children from birth to age 3. Some of the needle workers made baby hats and booties for the infants in the program. Yarn for the project was donated by Bert Fowler, of Portage, a knitting/crochet friend, and mentor, to Norma Jean.
Shown here are Camille Propes, Patient Financial Services; Linda Smith, Leslie Daniels and Sue Farag, Medical Records; Norma Jean Juel, President’s Office; presenting crocheted and knitted items to Dr Leonard Jozwiak, Vice-President of Geminus Head Start. Not pictured are Leticia Ledesma and Desiree’ Salinas who also donated their time and talent to this project.
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Home-based Head Start received many of the crocheted hats and sent this cute thank you (right) to the GEMinus Mad Hatters for giving them warm hats and mittens for the winter. The time and talent of the GEMinus Mad Hatters was truly appreciated by the children!
Geminus Information Services partners with Netsmart Technology to meet criteria of the certified Electronic Health Record and provisions for Meaningful Use for Regional Mental Health Center by Barbara J. Markle, Communications Manager, Geminus Corporation In 2009, President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The law includes the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act or the HITECH Act. The HITECH Act establishes programs under Medicare and Medicaid to provide incentive payments for the Meaningful Use of Certified Electronic Health Records Technology. For the past several years, the Geminus Information Services Department, lead by Vice-President Walter Gustafson, has partnered with Netsmart Technologies, to work towards a certified Electronic Health Record, or EHR, for Regional Mental Health Center. The goal of the HITECH legislation is to improve healthcare outcomes, to facilitate access to care, and to simplify care. It is believed that the installation of electronic health records in medical practices is just the beginning. The goals of HITECH are met when the EHR is used in a meaningful way. So, what is meaningful use? It is the use of a certified EHR for e-prescribing; use of certified EHR technology for the exchange of health information (such as with other providers of care, or with business partners, such as labs or pharmacies); and/or use of certified EHR technology to submit clinical quality information and other measures. In addition to monetary incentives, use of EHR technology can improve quality of care, advance patient safety, increase customer satisfaction and enhance office efficiencies. Facilities using the EHR may also experience increased profitability through reduced costs and increased revenue.
In certain states, like Massachusetts, physicians who have not adopted a certified EHR in their practices will not be able to renew their medical licenses after the year 2015 — so this is serious stuff... So, where are we today with the certified EHR for Regional Mental Health Center? Regional Mental Health Center is preparing to meet the Meaningful Use requirements. A team has been formed and meetings scheduled, to understand the changes in eCET that will be required to qualify for incentive funds. Regional is using InfoScriber for-prescribing and tracks several of the criteria already, however more processes will need to be changed. Results thus far are as follows: Geminus has worked to provide Regional Mental Health Center with a complete EHR, eliminating the need for paper. Billing is done weekly, instead of monthly, due to the fact that the clinicians enter all of their information and documentation concurrently. With the implementation of FrontDesk+, point of service cash collection went from $5000-6000 per month to $25000+ each month, by having the information in front of the check-in staff, and asking the patient up front for part of their balance. Accounts Receivable days are down from 160-180 days to 55-60 days. Clients are active participants in the documentation of their health record due to concurrent documentation done with the client in the room. The clients enjoy seeing their words inserted into the documentation. Robert D. Krumwied, President & CEO of Regional Mental Health Center noted: “The electronic health record works for all of us. The individual clinician has an easy to use tool at their fingertips and that makes documentation faster, easier, and more meaningful to client care. Administration has a system that is crafted specifically to attend to documentation needs for third party and client needs, which makes it easier to monitor for completion and compliance. The client knows what records we keep, how we keep them, and they get a sense that the benefits of the technology is being put to good use to help them. Best of all, information is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year, on an almost instantaneous basis. Easy access, secure maintenance and faster retrieval will equal safer and much improved client care and outcomes.”
Geminus Information Services Team Standing L-R: Elizabeth Buckley, Kyle Marschke, Patricia Campbell, Christine Cokusis, Walter Gustafson, Dolores Irizarry, Kevin Mikalouski, Sherman Hayes, and Brian Colwell Sitting L-R: John Washington, Valerie Daniels, Chris Singel, Hulette Williams and Scott Harris (as seen on cover of this issue)
Now, that is exactly what meaningful use is about — a certified EHR that offers faster retrieval, and affords safer and much improved client care and outcomes and increases profitability through reduced costs — that is just where we are headed. By partnering with Geminus Information Services and Netsmart, Regional Mental Health Center is well on their way to a certified EHR and Provisions and incentives for Meaningful Use.
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Region 1 Celebrates One Year Anniversary of Fatherhood Initiative Region 1 recently celebrated the one year anniversary of
REAL FATHERS INITIATIVE GEMINUS REAL FATHERS INITIATIVE is a county-wide collaborative effort with Geminus Corporation’s Family Services, the Indiana Department of Children’s Services in Lake County, Lake County Superior Court Juvenile Division, Lake County Prosecutor’s Office Child Support Division, Community and Faith Outreach Initiative Ministry and numerous community organizations. The primary goal for this program is to work with non-resident fathers whose children are in the child welfare system. The mission of the program is to increase involvement by fathers and their families in the lives of their children, by providing prevention and treatment services. REAL FATHERS INITIATIVE engages and empowers fathers and their families to become involved in their children’s lives. It addresses paternity issues, DNA testing and child support issues. Fathers are involved in parenting support groups and receive one-on-one counseling for any mental health and substance abuse issues. Fathers receive support in finding housing, employment, medical assistance, transportation and visitation with their children. Pro bono legal services are provided in addition to any assistance in other legal issues.
Wendy Akers, Program Manager, adjusts the safety helmet for one of her students at Hobart Head Start.
Geminus Head Start - Hobart has reached Level 3 as a Paths to Quality Provider A substantive milestone has been reached by our Geminus Hobart Head Start site. The Hobart site has achieved a Level 3 in Paths to Quality, state quality assessment system. The next level of assessment, Level 4, has the goal of reaching accreditation through the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Reaching Level 3 affirms that the Hobart Head Start site’s planned curriculum guides child development, and school readiness. Congratulations to Wendy Akers, Program Manager at Hobart Head Start, and her dedicated staff for their success in reaching Level 3. If you would like more information regarding Geminus Head Start/Early Head Start call: 1 -888-893-6891. We have locations in Lake and Porter Counties.
Co-parenting and batterers’ groups also exist to help fathers improve relationships with the mother of their children. REAL FATHERS INITIATIVE is unique as it provides fathers with services all in one agency, so the father does not have to work with multiple REAL FATHERS INITIATIVE partners celebrating the one year anniversary are as follows: Standing L-R: Arlene McKinley, Office Assistant; Reniqua Baymon, Supervisor Community Services; Mimi Gardner- Suggs, Vice-President Geminus Family Services; Hilda Emelogu, Supervisor, Family Services, Kim Holmes, Program Manager, Community Partners; Eileen Roby, Program Secretary; Nicholas Neal, Program Manager Real Fathers Initiative. Seated L-R: Terrence Velligan, Family Reunification Worker; Brandy Jania, Family Unification Worker and Dorothy Mysliwy, Executive Assistant Family Services. Not pictured: Gerry Mendoza, Family Advocate. Page4 4
A Geminus Head Start Program to Combat Childhood Obesity I AM Moving, I Am Learning, is a proactive approach for addressing childhood obesity in Head Start children. IMIL seeks to increase moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) every day, improve the quality of movement activities intentionally planned, and facilitated by adults, and promote healthy food choices every day.
I Am Moving, I Am Learning, is a National Award winning Project and a recipient of the 2006 Partnering for Health & Human Services Excellence Award.
Take a journey through IMIL by reviewing the research, video clip, testimonials at Choosy Kids, LLC and Head Start Body Start National Center for Physical Development and Outdoor Play (HSBS) on the web for further information. Each month HSBS creates new resources to help educators and parents promote MVPA and healthy lifestyles year-round. In an effort to promote IMIL, this past October of 2010, was designated as
“Take It Outdoors Month” for Geminus Head Start children, parents and staff. Activities varied at sites and included an outdoor walk (involving parents and children) to promote information about breast cancer prevention, exercise, nutrition and getting regular check-ups, a parachute toss game, and even potato sack races. Playing outdoors, in general, along with specific activities were planned by the Head Start site Program Managers, staff and parents, at the various Geminus Head Start sites in Lake and Porter Counties.
St. Mark Head Start parents, staff, and children take a healthy walk outdoors to enjoy “Take it Outdoors Month” by showing awareness for breast cancer prevention, via regular check-ups, healthy nutrition, and exercise. St. Mark’s Head Start site Program Manager is Nicole Ascar.
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Geminus New Head Start Site at St. Patrick School in East Chicago Now Open Following multiple moves Geminus Head Start in East Chicago has found a new home at St.. Patrick’s School, located at 3810 Grand Boulevard. The staff invited the public to the East Chicago Head Start’s new location, celebrating with an open house which featured refreshments, giveaways, and Lake Area United Way’s Freckles the Frog. Pictured below are some scenes from the open house, the classrooms, the staff and the children enjoying Freckles the Frog. Mr. James O’Neal of East Chicago, won the grand prize in the raffle which was a $100.00 gift certificate to Albert’s Jewelers. We thank Albert's for their generosity! The staff at St. Patrick’s welcomes your calls regarding more information and enrollment.
1-888-893-6891 Head Start Services are Free to Eligible Families
Mr. James O’Neal, East Chicago is pictured here with Ms. Connie Landers, Program Manager at Geminus Head Start St. Patrick. Mr. O’Neal won the grand prize, a $100 gift certificate to Albert’s Jewelers! HEAD START
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Head Start Offers Many Services Beyond a Pre-School Education for your Child Geminus Head Start Teaches Children While Serving Families Education, Health, Dental, Wellness, Nutrition - We are much more than a pre-school! We focus on Family Participation, Education and Engagement Families have a say in their child’s education at Head Start The successful Head Start Program has been working for children and families since 1965 and has been at Geminus since 1997. We’d love to hear from you soon!
Head Start Services are Free to Eligible Families Call toll free for all locations in Lake and Porter Counties
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WALK-A-THON FOR CHILD SAFETY co-sponsored by Lake County Division of Child Services & Prevent Child Abuse Lake County
“KEEPING KIDS SAFE IN OUR COMMUNITY” Saturday - April 2, 2011 South Gleason Golf Course 3400 Jefferson Street (across from Indiana University Northwest) Donation: $10.00 checks payable to PCALC or cash okay Registration at 8:30 a.m. Walk will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 10:30 a.m. Rally begins at 10:30 a.m. immediately following the WALK-A-THON There will be information from different vendors in the community and many surprises too! You may register on-line at or call Eileen Roby at (219) 757.1813 Page8 8 Geminus Corporation Receives Award
Geminus Corporation Receives Award from the Indiana Division of Mental Health & Addiction’s Project Aftermath Sandy Appleby, recently attended the second Annual “Resilience and Disaster Mental Health Response” conference in Indianapolis where she accepted an award for Geminus Corporation, from the Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction’s Project Aftermath. Geminus Corporation was recognized for outstanding contributions to the mission of the Indiana Disaster Mental Health All Hazard Committee by the Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction’s Project Aftermath. The award is inscribed as follows: The Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction Project Aftermath Recognizes Geminus Corporation for outstanding contributions to the mission of The Indiana Disaster Mental Health All Hazard Committee November 18, 2010 Geminus Corporation and Regional Mental Health Center have partnered to support ongoing readiness, education, and mental health response in times of disaster. By providing assistance to the District One Disaster Mental Health Team, immediate response was available during the 2008 flood that affected 18,000 families in three counties in Indiana, and he ongoing rebuilding that continues through LARRI, Lakeshore Area Regional Recovery of Indiana.
L-R: Andrew Klette, Assistant Deputy Director, Division of Mental Health and Addiction; Angie Valente, Ph.D., District One Health Disaster Team Member, and Sandy Appleby, District One Team Leader and Director of Accreditation and Certification for Geminus Corporation, accepting the award for Geminus.
The Indiana Disaster Mental Health All Hazard Committee Project Aftermath Award was presented by Andrew P. Klette, A ssistant Deputy Director, Division of Mental Health and Addiction, to Geminus Corporation. Accepting the award for Geminus is Sandy Appleby, the District One Team Leader and Director of Accreditation and Certification at Geminus. Accepting along with Ms. Appleby is Angie Valente, Ph.D., District One Health Disaster Team Member. 9
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Geminus Corporation was recognized for outstanding contributions to the mission of the Indiana Disaster Mental Health .
PARTNERING FOR THE FUTURE 8400 Louisiana Street Merrillville, Indiana 46410
Sanford R. Kauffman President
Geminus Prevention SPF SIG (East Chicago Intervention) Geminus SPF SIG (East Chicago Intervention) headed by Prevention Program Manager, Ann Vasquez, has placed billboards in several locations in East Chicago, Indiana, to make families aware of the risks of drug usage in teens. The billboard notes that research shows that kids who learn a lot about the risks of drugs from their parents, are up to 50% less likely to be users…
SPF-SIG is a odd name for a program, so you may be asking “what is SPF SIG?” Indiana’s Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant is known as (SPF SIG). SPF SIG is a 5-year grant program from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration/Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (SAMHSA/CSAP) awarded to the Office of the Governor to reduce substance use and abuse across the lifespan of Indiana citizens. Below is the billboard you may see in several locations in East Chicago, Indiana.
Partnering for the Future
For more information on Geminus Prevention SPF SIG East Chicago Intervention:
Call Program Manager, Ann Vasquez at (219) 757-1811 INFOGEM is a publication of
Inhouse Communications Barbara J. Markle, Managing Editor — Sanford R. Kauffman, President