Bike your life

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Bike: a great motor of change, conscience and empowerment.

Approaches us to a more human reality, slow down time offering it to us.

The trip on two wheels makes us discover simplicity and think again our way.

P E D A L is not only an act, is an action, a rhythm, a way of doing, observe, move and live. Slowly, with your own energy. F r e e

L I F E is for living it. You must pedal yours.

ÂŤCar gives me freedom, but also takes itÂť

S l o w l y Why to pedal? Cars. They alienate us. Make us foreigners of surrounds.

ÂŤThink with the mind, move by feetÂť 'cause is you who generate the movement. In an appropriate speed for perceive what is moving around you. 'Cause makes you conscious, participant and CAPABLE.

Opening present f r e e d o m

N or th th e Lo se

Closed disconnection isolation dependence false power = arrogance

S I M P L I F Y Simplicity makes you + FREE: less you have, less problems existing. Leave away the false needs and make yourself free.

When you travel just with what is useful, and







luggage, you realize that nothing else is needed. All is reduced and it's simplified, and life becomes easy, present, it simply finds you and you just have to take it.

C R E A T E Invent. ReCreate. Think. Dream and make it real.

Create with hands. Touch again. Fill yourself of life.

Do It Yourself Repair. Makes to love more what is had. Makes it nearer.

C O N S C I E N C E H E A L T.H -medication +conscience Lets be responsible of ourselves.

Create Groups of Mutual Support, taking again the power of our health: body, mind and heart.

Decipher and understand the message more than turn the face burying it.

P O L I T I C S from dictionary: taking decisions process in human groups. ÂŤDemocracyÂť -the people power- is made by the ones farther from daily floor. Politics must be from down. From people, the peoples. Takes part in our day by day, of how we organize.


O R I G I N I D E N T I T Y Diversity and identity of peoples, with no physic borders neither movement control. «My home is my body»

R E L I G I O N Religion divides, believe unites. Farther than religions and beliefs, we're persons. Respect with opened mind. Nature gives us and teaches us. «One people, one hearth, one soul»



for being able to love and allow that others love you. Be a complete orange.

Find inside before searching out.

L O V E It is difficult to separate love from sex? Love is not possessive, you can feel it with lots of people. And it doesn't have sex.

S E X all finishes in sex? Generates rage to give the hand and others take your tits. Sex is free and own. And not everybody is looking for it.

L E A R N I N G The Street: the university of life. Share knowledge. Opened attitude. Recuperate confidence, ask, contact.

We have lots of media, but few communication. c o n n e c t

W O R K is not only those hours we differentiate from our own time. It is in the day by day, in every step we make to advance and enjoy life. It's to create, to take care of you, the others and your surround. illusion to make possible what you imagine and you want to live.

N E E D S Reduce your needs. Find the real ones and work will be less.

P R E S E N T «You have watches, we have time» (tuaregs) Time is marked by nature and the own body. L i s t e n

t o

y o u

To stop acceleration which disconnect us from the essential.

E A R T H «Under the asphalt there's the earth» Connect again with roots. Feel. Observe nature. To get lost in silences.


Make things easy, don't look for complications. Just go for it! Sometimes we lose so much energy only planning and making all safe that we stop our intentions. T R U S T on you and allow yourself to get lost in order to find again the way and discover new places and opportunities.

A T T I T U D E At the end all is about Act. Try it infinite times. To fall for rise again and continue. ReInvent Not to stuck in outlines. Be flexible, adaptable.

You are. L U C K Y

it's an. E L E C T I O N We have determined cards. But we choose how we play them! Change the point of view. Lose your fears and you will be free.

F E A R? A big problem. u n r e a l Danger exists, but not fear.

E X P L O R E The best way of discovering, is to allow oneself to get lost.

A L O N E? Being ok with yourself, you will not feel alone. Opened and with trust you will find many people on the way.

S p e ak


Leave behind the fear of languages and even if is not the correct way, use all you know and be expressive!

We are arrows that connect, Show and share ways.

P O W E R ÂŤIs not richer who have more but who need lessÂť Be free. Try other ways.

A C T I O N Activism = 24h / 7 days a week act according to what we believe

M O N â‚Ź Y Network: exchange and share. responsible consume. Best things on life are free. Stop and enjoy.

the F R â‚Ź E Reduce your needs. Appreciate what life offers you. Allow that things arrive at its time. Don't be in a hurry.

break away

Find your own way.

Renounce Accept the risk of commit a slip Look simply Discover Get free

Се гледаме! («se gledame», macedonian)

see you! you never know when we will meet again.

may 2015 edition in l'Estruch, Sabadell (Catalunya)

Gemma Gelabert Gonzalo

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