Who We Are
Our Mission
Titus 2 Principle
Our Vision
The GEMS Aim
What We Believe Statement of Faith
Partnering with Churches, Christian Organizations, Families, and Missionaries
Our Programme A. Awareness Level B. Advanced Level
Where and When You Should Meet
The Length of a Typical Club Meeting
Club Meeting Overview
The Club Coordinator
The Counsellor
Applying for Membership/The Partnership Agreement/Getting Your Club Started
Curriculum and Club Uniform Choices
Ordering Supplies
GEMS Girls’ Clubs, a division of Dynamic Youth Ministries | PO Box 7259, Grand Rapids, MI 49510 Written by Jan Boone, Layout by Nicole Zaagman Printed in the USA No part of this publication may be altered or used for any purpose other than to start an international GEMS Club. All quoted Scripture is taken from the New International Version, © 1984 of the Bible unless otherwise noted. Copyright © 2011 by GEMS Girls’ Clubs
Girls Everywhere Meeting th e Savior
tional! GEMS is a relationWelcome to GEMS Girls’ Clubs Interna club Programme creship-based and relationship-building anized in local churches ated especially for girls. Clubs are org ir primary purpose is to and other Christian organizations. The through 18. If you desire to evangelize and disciple girls ages 5 n about the love of Jesus create a setting where girls can lear Him, with their leader, and Christ, develop a relationship with ile discovering how they with the other girls in their club, wh n you have come to the can change their world for Him, the right place!
WHO WE ARE • Training, equipping, and inspiring women to serve as effective mentors to all girls. • Providing biblically based, culturally relevant curriculum for girls ages 5-18. • Promoting the organization and growth of clubs around the world so that more and more girls might know how high and how wide is the love of Jesus Christ.
GEMS Girls’ Clubs began in 1958 and has grown over the years to include well over 900 clubs, 24,000 girls, and 5,400 women involved in our worldwide ministry. GEMS Girls’ Clubs is a non-denominational ministry with club participation in many different churches. Clubs are established in Christian Reformed, Reformed, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Mennonite, Brethren, and in many other Bible believing, denominational and nondenominational churches. Clubs also exist in other Christian organizations including Christian home school associations and Christian schools as after school clubs.
TITUS 2 PRINCIPLE While many classrooms, events, and activities in church and school create opportunities for girls and boys to come together in one setting, GEMS Girls’ Clubs provides a different kind of experience for girls. We embrace and value the Titus 2 principle where God instructs women to mentor girls. Women are to teach and train younger women and girls what is good – to be loving and kind, self-controlled and pure. This is a foundational belief of the GEMS ministry.
OUR MISSION The name GEMS is an acronym for Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior. Our name represents both our passion and our mission. The mission of GEMS Girls’ Clubs is to help bring girls into a living, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ.
OUR VISION Our vision is to see girls around the world actively and enthusiastically expressing love for God and others – girls equipped, motivated, and passionately engaged in living out their faith.
This mission is carried out by: • Partnering with churches (and other Christian organizations) to establish thriving club Programmes where Christ and His Word are taught and modeled. ~3~
THE GEMS AIM A rich tradition has been established in GEMS throughout the 50 plus years that clubs have been meeting. During the opening of club meetings, girls and Counsellors repeat in unison an acknowledgement of the club aim which is based on Micah 6:8. The Club Coordinator asks: GEMS and GEMS Counsellors, what does the Lord require of you? Counsellors and girls reply: To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God. Micah 6:8 Through the repetition and study of this aim, girls learn: 1. To act justly means to be truthful, honest, and to help right the wrongs we encounter. 2. To love mercy means to be glad for every opportunity to be kind, do good, and care for people and all that God has created. 3. To walk humbly with God means to surrender the control of our lives to God and live obedient lives; to be grateful and thankful for who He is and for all He has done for us. WHAT WE BELIEVE Statement of Faith The basis of the ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs is the infallible Word of God, the Bible.
1. We believe the Bible to be the infallibly inspired Word of God. 2. We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Genesis 1:1-2; John 1:1 5, 14) 3. We believe that God created all things from nothing. He created men and women in His image and without sin. (Genesis 1:27) 4. We believe that man rebelled against God and sinned. Therefore all humans are sinners. (Romans 3:23) 5. We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and is truly God and truly man. (Luke 1:35) 6. We believe that Jesus died on a cross to pay the price of our sins. Those who accept Him as Savior are justified by His blood. (Isaiah 53:5 and Romans 5:8-9) 7. We believe that Jesus arose bodily from the grave and returned to Heaven where He is our High Priest. (1 Corinthians 15:3-4; Hebrews 4:14 16) 8. We believe that the Holy Spirit bestows the gift of faith whereby mankind is born again in Christ and becomes a child of God. (1 John 3:1; Romans 8:16-17) 9. We believe that the Holy Spirit abides with and comforts us until Christ’s return. (John14:16) 10. We believe that when Jesus returns from Heaven all will be raised; those who believe will have eternal life in Him; those who do not believe will be eternally condemned. (John 5:28-29)
Bible and includes colouring pages for girls. In the Awareness level, the counsellor (leader) tells a Bible story and asks girls questions related to it. The story, questions, Scripture memory verse, as well as games and other activity suggestions are found in the Awareness Level Counsellor Helps book. A Story Banner is used by the Counsellor as a helpful visual tool for each lesson. Girls utilize a Colouring Page for all their lessons. Illustrations on the Colouring Pages correspond with the illustrations on the Story Banner.
GEMS International is connected to a network of churches, Christian organizations, parents, and missionaries that have joined hands to serve with us. Our partners share in our beliefs and vision, and are an important part of the work we do around the world. Partners find that the GEMS ministry becomes a crucial part of the overall Christian Education Programme offered to girls. And they recognize that GEMS is a highly effective outreach tool. Girls learn to apply the truth of Scripture to their everyday lives and develop strong relationships with their counsellor (leader), with other girls, and with the Lord Jesus Christ. Churches frequently report that unchurched families begin attending worship services at their church as a result of their daughter’s involvement in GEMS.
Advanced Level The Advanced Level is for older girls between ages 10-16, and up to 18 (depending on reading abilities and maturity levels). The curriculum offers topical and age appropriate Bible studies. Each lesson helps girls apply Biblical truths to everyday life. Important practical life skills like sewing, cooking, gardening, and money management are also taught. Every lesson in the Advanced Level includes three different sections: Head, Heart, and Hand. The counsellor begins with a Bible study—girls are able to gain head knowledge as they discover more about God, their identity, and interacting with other people. Next, the counsellor discusses questions with girls so they understand the information and are able to apply what they have learned to their own lives. Then girls memorize the main verse so they can take God’s Word and hide it in their hearts (Psalm 119:11). Finally, girls learn a practical life skill. Often, these are fundamental skills that benefit girls, allow them to bless others, and involve hands-on activities. Each lesson is laid out in detail for the leader in the Advanced Level Counsellor Helps book. Advanced Level girls also have their own book, the Advanced Level Girl’s Book, with ample space for writing answers to key questions or any memory verses.
For parents, churches, Christian organizations, and missionaries, one of the most important things to know about GEMS is that club is a place to belong! In today’s society, isolation, bullying, and cliques are commonplace. It is heartwarming to know that there is a place where young girls can go to feel valued and loved for who they are – children of God. At GEMS all girls have a place to belong. OUR PROGRAMME To accomplish the mission of GEMS Girls’ Clubs, curriculum materials have been developed to foster spiritual growth in all areas of a girl’s life: mental, physical, emotional, devotional, and social. Two Programme levels exist in the International curriculum: Awareness Level The Awareness Level is for younger girls between ages 5-10, and up to 12 (depending on reading abilities). The curriculum is based on stories from the
WHERE AND WHEN YOU SHOULD MEET Whether you have five girls or 250, whether you meet in a church, in a school, or in another location, leaders can effectively minister to girls ~5~
Snack and Dismissal: Girls enjoy a snack together before helping to clean up and go home.
in all settings. You may choose to meet yearround, during the school year, or throughout the summer months only. Most clubs meet for the same months of the school year; however, you can choose the months that will work the best for you. You may also choose meeting days and times. Clubs meet at many different times – Saturday mornings, Sunday afternoon, after school, and other times as well.
THE CLUB COORDINATOR As a church or Christian organization, one of the first things you will want to do is recruit the right woman to serve as the Club Coordinator. The Club Coordinator organizes the club and serves as the enthusiastic team leader for counsellors. The Club Coordinator has three primary responsibilities: To organize club: to help recruit counsellors and ensure that they are trained, to develop a club schedule, to make sure counsellors have the necessary materials and supplies, to ensure that the club operates smoothly, and to fulfill all membership/partnership requirements.
THE LENGTH OF A TYPICAL CLUB MEETING Most clubs adopt a 1 ½ - 2 hour format; however, the Programme is designed to be adapted to your needs.
To serve as an effective team leader: to foster warm, caring, supportive relationships among counsellors; to show counsellors how to have healthy and joy-filled relationships with girls and continuously encourage them to do so; to help maintain order and discipline in the club; to model for others what it means to walk closely with the Lord.
CLUB MEETING OVERVIEW Every club structures their format to meet their own particular needs. But many clubs choose to follow a format similar to the one below: OPENING: Everyone meets together for the welcome, singing, prayer, and to repeat the GEMS Aim.
To support parents and guardians: to provide clear and on-going communication with and encouragement to parents and guardians.
SMALL GROUP SESSIONS: Bible Lessons: Girls and counsellors separate into smaller groups for Bible lessons based on their age and Programmeme level. It is recommended that clubs recruit enough Counsellors so that groups can remain small in size so that real relationships can be formed with each girl. One Counsellor for every 6-8 girls is recommended. Activity: Younger girls remain in their small groups for colouring and games; older girls remain in their small groups and learn an important practical life skill and do a related activity.
A Club Coordinator follows these steps to accomplish the above: 1. Prays regularly for the girls, counsellors, and the worldwide ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs. 2. Ensures that the club meets regularly throughout the year. Contacts girls or counsellors absent from club and encourages them. 3. Keeps accurate records so the club receives needed supplies and materials. 4. Recruits counsellors by inviting godly women to join the counsellor team. 5. Conducts regular meetings with club leaders for the purpose of growing together as Counsellors and sisters in Christ. Reviews the mission and vision of GEMS International periodically.
CLOSING: Everyone comes back together for Scripture memory review and prayer.
6. K eeps parents, the church, and the church leadership informed throughout the year of the club’s activities and invites them to visit and/ or participate in club. 7. P lans and organizes GEMS Sunday with other counsellors and church leaders. Prepares girls to sing, recite Scripture, and/or present a short play to the congregation. 8. P rovides the GEMS International Service Centre with requested information and club updates. 9. S tays in touch with regional GEMS leadership, if available in the area.
6. Establish and consistently enforce club rules. 7. Teach and share Scripture with excitement and joy. 8. Treat each girl with equal respect. 9. Use integrity at all times. 10. Be honest and open with girls. 11. Pray regularly for the girls, other counsellors, and the worldwide ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs.
TRAINING Because of the important role which counsellors and Club Coordinators play in the lives of girls, the GEMS ministry provides training and counsellor enrichment opportunities. Videos are available for viewing at no cost on the GEMS International website. Go to www.
THE COUNSELLOR Counsellors are the women who work directly with the girls in small groups at club. Their primary responsibility is to develop loving relationships with all the girls who are members of their small group. Ideally, one counsellor works with 6-8 girls. She leads them in Bible study, discussion, and activities. Counsellors are mentors, teachers, and friends to girls. Counsellors speak into the lives of girls and have the opportunity to bond with them in a deep and lasting way.
In addition to video instruction, training tips, fundraising ideas, craft ideas, skill building activities, and other games are also available at the GEMS International website. COSTS The costs to operate a GEMS International Club are quite modest. Lesson materials are available as downloads which makes materials affordable. The only lesson materials not available as a download is the Story Banner for Awareness Level girls. The banner as well as t-shirts for use as club uniforms may be ordered from the online store. These items will be shipped via international post.
Counsellors are women who: 1. U nderstand the primary goal of GEMS Girls’ Clubs International: to help bring girls into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. 2. M odel the kind of relationship with Christ and with other counsellors that girls admire and want for their own lives. 3. R ead through the assigned lessons from the GEMS International curriculum before each club meeting. 4. C ome to club fully prepared to lead girls through lesson plans. 5. C onfidently lead the girls through the lessons so that good discussion and dialogue take place.
Churches, Christian organizations, and individuals are also invited to help support the international ministry of GEMS. Our ministry depends upon the faithful contributions of others.
Are you ready to establish your own GEMS Club? We will be delighted to have you join us! Churches and Christian organizations who believe in our mission, embrace our statement of faith, agree to provide prayerful selection of and support to leaders, and help support the ministry with prayer are warmly invited to become members.
STEP ONE: Pray. Ask God to lead and guide you through the process of establishing this club for girls. STEP TWO: Complete and submit a Partnership Agreement. The terms of this agreement include:
GEMS Girls’ Clubs International agrees to: *P rovide Christ-inspired and Christdirected leadership to the overall worldwide ministry *D evelop effective, inspiring Programmeme materials for girls and their mentors (counsellors) which are biblically based and culturally relevant *O rganize, plan, and provide training opportunities for mentors (counsellors) so they can be prepared and equipped to lead *R egularly pray for the girls and counsellors in GEMS Clubs everywhere The applying church or Christian organization agrees to: *U phold and seek to accomplish the mission of this ministry – to help bring girls into a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ * E mbrace and hold as truth our Statement of Faith
* Provide for regular and consistent Bible study in club by utilizing the materials produced by GEMS Girls’ Clubs International * Provide Christ-inspired and Christdirected leadership to the girls in club through the prayerful selection, supervision, and support of counsellors – mentors of girls * Ensure that the club meets regularly throughout a designated season * Ensure that the club participates fully in the responsibilities of being a “Sister Club” to other clubs around the world by completing and submitting the necessary questionnaire regarding club activities three times per year * Ensure that a special Sunday is set aside annually to highlight the work of God in the lives of girls through the GEMS ministry. This Sunday, often called GEMS Sunday, provides girls with opportunities for leadership through singing, creative movement, Scripture reading, personal sharing, skits, etc. * Support the International ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs through regular and consistent prayer * When possible, support the work of the worldwide ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs through offerings and/or individual gifts
The membership application process is not difficult! Simply fill in ALL the requested information on the Membership Application/ Partnership Agreement Form (located in the back of this book and as a separate form online), and return it to the GEMS Girls’ Clubs International Service Center. Once your membership application has been received and reviewed, you will be contacted via letter officially welcoming you to the ministry, and you may begin to purchase club supplies at that time. STEP THREE: The next step in forming your club will be reviewing and selecting the curriculum that you will use for your club. Curriculum samples for all
Programme levels are available for previewing online through the GEMS online store (www. To order materials you will need to first set-up an account. This is a very simple and quick process. Simply follow the online instructions to set-up an account.
Questions are always welcome. Do not hesitate to email us with your questions. Our email address is: If you would rather contact us via phone, you may call us at the International Service Center at 001 616 241 5616, extension 3032 for store related questions, extension 3031 for all other questions.
Both Awareness and Advanced Level materials are available for Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3. You will want to start with Year 1 materials. After your club has been in operation for 3 years, it will be very easy for you to simply repeat and reuse Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 materials. STEP FOUR: Recruit the Counsellors needed for your club and schedule a time for the Club Coordinator and the Counsellors to watch the free online training videos. Next go over the curriculum you have ordered with Counsellors. Take time to go through at least the first two lessons together so that every Counsellor understands the materials and how to use them in club. STEP FIVE: Make all arrangements necessary for a meeting location. Whether you meet in a church or school or other location, the facility owner/ manager needs to know the exact times you will be using the facility each week. STEP SIX: Purchase other materials that might be needed for club: pencils or pens, crayons, Bibles, etc. STEP SEVEN: Invite girls! Identify girls from your church and community to join you for the start of an exciting Programme just for girls! Make sure you clearly communicate the starting date and time and location. STEP EIGHT: Together as Counsellors and Club Coordinator, pray, plan and prepare for your first meeting! Make sure everyone knows exactly what she will be doing throughout the club meeting. STEP NINE: Conduct your first club meeting!
Provide Christ-inspired and Christ-directed leadership to the overall worldwide ministry
Develop effective, inspiring programme materials for girls and their mentors (counsellors) which are biblically-based and culturally-relevant
Provide Christ-inspired and Christ-directed leadership to the girls in club through the prayerful selection, supervision, and support of counsellors – mentors of girls
Ensure that the club meets regularly throughout a designated season
Ensure that the club participates fully in being responsible to sister clubs around the world. Each club does this by completing and submitting three times per year, the required online questionnaire highlighting club activities
Ensure that a special Sunday is set aside annually to highlight the work of God in the lives of girls through the GEMS ministry. This Sunday, often called GEMS Sunday, provides girls with opportunities for leadership through singing, creative movement, Scripture reading, personal testimonies, skits, etc.
Organize, plan, and provide training opportunities for mentors (counsellors) so they can be prepared and equipped to lead
Develop, implement, and oversee the Sister Club Programme which provides support to international clubs
Regularly pray for the girls and counsellors in GEMS Clubs everywhere
The applying church or Christian organization agrees to: •
Uphold and seek to accomplish the mission of this ministry – to help bring girls into a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ
Support the international ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs through regular and consistent prayer
Embrace and hold as truth our Statement of Faith
Provide for regular and consistent Bible study in club by utilizing the materials produced by GEMS Girls’ Clubs International
When possible, support the work of the international ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs through offerings and/or individual gifts
Name of Church Church Denomination (if any) Email
Church Phone w/Country Code
Street Address City
Postal Code
Pastor/Church Leader’s Name Pastor’s/Church Leader’s Signature
Name of Club Coordinator Street Address City
Phone w/Country Code
Postal Code
Please mail the completed application to: GEMS Girls’ Clubs International, PO Box 7259, Grand Rapids, MI 49510, USA, or
THE GEMS EXECUTIVE BOARD As a worldwide ministry, GEMS Girls’ Clubs is organized as a non-profit, charitable organization and is governed by a board of directors called the GEMS Executive Board. This board is comprised of ten to twelve women who currently or have previously served as GEMS counsellors. Day-to-day operations are entrusted to the GEMS Executive Director and her staff.
STARTING A GEMS CLUB IN YOUR CHURCH OR CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION If your church or organization is interested in starting a GEMS Club, the enclosed International Membership Application/ Partnership Agreement must be completed and mailed to the address printed on the form.
As an alternative, you may complete and submit the form electronically. Please visit the link from our website to do so:
The basis of the ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs is the infallible Word of God, the Bible 1. We believe the Bible to be the infallibly inspired Word of God. 2. We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Genesis 1:1-2; John 1:1‑5, 14) 3. We believe that God created all things from nothing. He created men and women in His image and without sin. (Genesis 1:27) 4. We believe that man rebelled against God and sinned. Therefore all humans are sinners. (Romans 3:23) 5. We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and is truly God and truly man. (Luke 1:35) 6. We believe that Jesus died on a cross to pay the price of our sins. Those who accept Him as Saviour are justified by His blood. (Isaiah 53:5 and Romans 5:8-9) 7. We believe that Jesus arose bodily from the grave and returned to Heaven where He is our High Priest. (1 Corinthians 15:3-4; Hebrews 4:14‑16) 8. We believe that the Holy Spirit bestows the gift of faith whereby mankind is born again in Christ and becomes a child of God. (1 John 3:1; Romans 8:16-17) 9. We believe that the Holy Spirit abides with and comforts us until Christ’s return. (John14:16) 10. We believe that when Jesus returns from Heaven all will be raised – those who believe will have eternal life in Him; those who do not believe will be eternally condemned. (John 5:28-29)
For additional information, please contact:
e are delighted to share the ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs International with you. GEMS is a relationship-based and relationship-building club programme created especially for girls. Clubs are organized in churches and Christian organizations around the world. Their main purpose is to evangelize and disciple girls, ages five through eighteen. If your local ministry is interested in creating a setting where girls can learn about the love of Jesus Christ, develop a relationship with Him, their leader, and other girls in their club, as well as learn practical life skills, we invite you to read on.
GEMS Girls’ Clubs began in 1958 and has its roots in the Christian Reformed Church in North America. We are a non-denominational ministry which has grown to include over 900 clubs, 24,000 girl members, and 5,300 women who serve as leaders or counsellors in our ministry. Clubs are primarily located throughout the United States and Canada, but are present in other countries including Zambia, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, Belarus, Spain and Nepal.
The name GEMS is an acronym for Girls Everywhere Meeting the Saviour. Our name represents both our passion and our mission. The mission of GEMS Girls’ Clubs International is to help bring girls into a living, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ. This mission is carried out by:
OUR GLOBAL VISION In 2005, God opened the door for GEMS to establish clubs in Zambia, Africa. Since then, God has opened the door even wider, calling us to expand our work to a global level. The International Curriculum is GEMS’ endeavour to truly provide the opportunity for every girl to meet the Saviour.
• Partnering with churches and other Christian organizations to establish thriving club programmes where Christ and His Word are taught and modelled, and girls delight in attending week after week
While the church and school often create opportunities for girls and boys to come together in one setting, GEMS Girls’ Clubs provides a different kind of experience for girls. We embrace and value the Titus 2 principle (Titus 2:3-5) in which God calls women to teach and train younger women and girls “what is good” – to be loving and kind, self controlled and pure – following Christ’s example in all we do. This is indeed the role of every leader, every counsellor in GEMS.
The international ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs works in partnership with local churches and Christian organizations. Each participating church or organization is required to identify one woman who will serve as the Club Coordinator for her club. As the Club Coordinator, she receives training, recruits and develops relationships with the women who serve as counsellors to the girls in the programme, organizes the club, recruits girls to attend club, and maintains communication via the website (www. with other clubs around the world.
OUR CLUB MEETINGS One of the great things about a GEMS Club format is that it is adaptable. Every club structures meetings according to their needs. Our curriculum presents this general club format: Prayer, praise, and worship are included.
• Develop effective, inspiring programme materials for girls and their mentors (counsellors) which are biblically based and culturallyrelevant
LESSON: Girls divide into small groups and meet with
• Organize, plan, and provide training opportunities for mentors (counsellors) so they can be prepared and equipped to lead
their counsellor to study their Bible and learn to apply its truth to their lives. During this time, older girls are also introduced to important, practical life skills. ACTIVITY TIME: Games, demonstrations, projects, or
• Regularly pray for the girls and counsellors in GEMS Clubs everywhere THE APPLYING CHURCH OR CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION AGREES TO:
colouring picture pages are activities often included.
• Uphold and seek to accomplish the mission of this ministry – to help bring girls into a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ
CLOSING AND PRAYER: Girls are challenged to learn the lesson memory verse and club closes in prayer.
• Embrace and hold as truth our Statement of Faith
SNACK: Girls receive a snack or small gift of food to enjoy.
• Provide for regular and consistent Bible study in club by utilizing the materials produced by GEMS Girls’ Clubs International • Provide Christ-inspired and Christ-directed leadership to the girls in club through the prayerful selection, supervision, and support of counsellors – mentors of girls
AWARENESS LEVEL: for younger girls, ages 5 – 10, and through 12 (depending on read-
• Ensure that the club meets regularly throughout a designated season
ADVANCED LEVEL: for older girls, ages 10-16, and through
• Ensure that the club participates fully in being responsible to sister clubs around the world. Each club does this by completing and submitting the necessary questionnaire regarding club activities three times per year.
CIT OR COUNSELOR-IN-TRAINING: for older girls ages 16
• Ensure that a special Sunday is set aside annually to highlight the work of God in the lives of girls through the GEMS ministry. This Sunday, often called GEMS Sunday, provides girls with opportunities for leadership through singing, creative movement, Scripture reading, personal sharing, skits, etc.
ing skills). The curriculum used is based on actual stories from the Bible and includes colouring pages.
• Providing biblically-based, culturally -relevant curriculum for girls
18 (depending on reading skills). The curriculum is based on Scripture and the application of it as well as teaching practical life skills such as sewing, cooking, gardening, money management, etc.
• Partnering with parents to help them in their role as the primary faith nurturers of their children
• Provide Christ-inspired and Christ-directed leadership to the overall worldwide ministry
OPENING: Girls are greeted and warmly welcomed.
• Training, equipping, and inspiring women to serve as effective club leaders and mentors
• Promoting the organization and growth of clubs so more and more girls might know Jesus Christ personally as their Lord and Saviour
- 19 (14 or 15, if very mature) who have been in the GEMS programme a minimum of two year, are spiritually mature, and wish to prepare to become a counsellor.
• Support the international ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs through regular and consistent prayer • When possible, support the work of the international ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs through offerings and/or individual gifts
e are delighted to share the ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs International with you. GEMS is a relationship-based and relationship-building club programme created especially for girls. Clubs are organized in churches and Christian organizations around the world. Their main purpose is to evangelize and disciple girls, ages five through eighteen. If your local ministry is interested in creating a setting where girls can learn about the love of Jesus Christ, develop a relationship with Him, their leader, and other girls in their club, as well as learn practical life skills, we invite you to read on.
GEMS Girls’ Clubs began in 1958 and has its roots in the Christian Reformed Church in North America. We are a non-denominational ministry which has grown to include over 900 clubs, 24,000 girl members, and 5,300 women who serve as leaders or counsellors in our ministry. Clubs are primarily located throughout the United States and Canada, but are present in other countries including Zambia, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, Belarus, Spain and Nepal.
The name GEMS is an acronym for Girls Everywhere Meeting the Saviour. Our name represents both our passion and our mission. The mission of GEMS Girls’ Clubs International is to help bring girls into a living, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ. This mission is carried out by:
OUR GLOBAL VISION In 2005, God opened the door for GEMS to establish clubs in Zambia, Africa. Since then, God has opened the door even wider, calling us to expand our work to a global level. The International Curriculum is GEMS’ endeavour to truly provide the opportunity for every girl to meet the Saviour.
• Partnering with churches and other Christian organizations to establish thriving club programmes where Christ and His Word are taught and modelled, and girls delight in attending week after week
While the church and school often create opportunities for girls and boys to come together in one setting, GEMS Girls’ Clubs provides a different kind of experience for girls. We embrace and value the Titus 2 principle (Titus 2:3-5) in which God calls women to teach and train younger women and girls “what is good” – to be loving and kind, self controlled and pure – following Christ’s example in all we do. This is indeed the role of every leader, every counsellor in GEMS.
The international ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs works in partnership with local churches and Christian organizations. Each participating church or organization is required to identify one woman who will serve as the Club Coordinator for her club. As the Club Coordinator, she receives training, recruits and develops relationships with the women who serve as counsellors to the girls in the programme, organizes the club, recruits girls to attend club, and maintains communication via the website (www. with other clubs around the world.
OUR CLUB MEETINGS One of the great things about a GEMS Club format is that it is adaptable. Every club structures meetings according to their needs. Our curriculum presents this general club format: Prayer, praise, and worship are included.
• Develop effective, inspiring programme materials for girls and their mentors (counsellors) which are biblically based and culturallyrelevant
LESSON: Girls divide into small groups and meet with
• Organize, plan, and provide training opportunities for mentors (counsellors) so they can be prepared and equipped to lead
their counsellor to study their Bible and learn to apply its truth to their lives. During this time, older girls are also introduced to important, practical life skills. ACTIVITY TIME: Games, demonstrations, projects, or
• Regularly pray for the girls and counsellors in GEMS Clubs everywhere THE APPLYING CHURCH OR CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION AGREES TO:
colouring picture pages are activities often included.
• Uphold and seek to accomplish the mission of this ministry – to help bring girls into a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ
CLOSING AND PRAYER: Girls are challenged to learn the lesson memory verse and club closes in prayer.
• Embrace and hold as truth our Statement of Faith
SNACK: Girls receive a snack or small gift of food to enjoy.
• Provide for regular and consistent Bible study in club by utilizing the materials produced by GEMS Girls’ Clubs International • Provide Christ-inspired and Christ-directed leadership to the girls in club through the prayerful selection, supervision, and support of counsellors – mentors of girls
AWARENESS LEVEL: for younger girls, ages 5 – 10, and through 12 (depending on read-
• Ensure that the club meets regularly throughout a designated season
ADVANCED LEVEL: for older girls, ages 10-16, and through
• Ensure that the club participates fully in being responsible to sister clubs around the world. Each club does this by completing and submitting the necessary questionnaire regarding club activities three times per year.
CIT OR COUNSELOR-IN-TRAINING: for older girls ages 16
• Ensure that a special Sunday is set aside annually to highlight the work of God in the lives of girls through the GEMS ministry. This Sunday, often called GEMS Sunday, provides girls with opportunities for leadership through singing, creative movement, Scripture reading, personal sharing, skits, etc.
ing skills). The curriculum used is based on actual stories from the Bible and includes colouring pages.
• Providing biblically-based, culturally -relevant curriculum for girls
18 (depending on reading skills). The curriculum is based on Scripture and the application of it as well as teaching practical life skills such as sewing, cooking, gardening, money management, etc.
• Partnering with parents to help them in their role as the primary faith nurturers of their children
• Provide Christ-inspired and Christ-directed leadership to the overall worldwide ministry
OPENING: Girls are greeted and warmly welcomed.
• Training, equipping, and inspiring women to serve as effective club leaders and mentors
• Promoting the organization and growth of clubs so more and more girls might know Jesus Christ personally as their Lord and Saviour
- 19 (14 or 15, if very mature) who have been in the GEMS programme a minimum of two year, are spiritually mature, and wish to prepare to become a counsellor.
• Support the international ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs through regular and consistent prayer • When possible, support the work of the international ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs through offerings and/or individual gifts
e are delighted to share the ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs International with you. GEMS is a relationship-based and relationship-building club programme created especially for girls. Clubs are organized in churches and Christian organizations around the world. Their main purpose is to evangelize and disciple girls, ages five through eighteen. If your local ministry is interested in creating a setting where girls can learn about the love of Jesus Christ, develop a relationship with Him, their leader, and other girls in their club, as well as learn practical life skills, we invite you to read on.
GEMS Girls’ Clubs began in 1958 and has its roots in the Christian Reformed Church in North America. We are a non-denominational ministry which has grown to include over 900 clubs, 24,000 girl members, and 5,300 women who serve as leaders or counsellors in our ministry. Clubs are primarily located throughout the United States and Canada, but are present in other countries including Zambia, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, Belarus, Spain and Nepal.
The name GEMS is an acronym for Girls Everywhere Meeting the Saviour. Our name represents both our passion and our mission. The mission of GEMS Girls’ Clubs International is to help bring girls into a living, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ. This mission is carried out by:
OUR GLOBAL VISION In 2005, God opened the door for GEMS to establish clubs in Zambia, Africa. Since then, God has opened the door even wider, calling us to expand our work to a global level. The International Curriculum is GEMS’ endeavour to truly provide the opportunity for every girl to meet the Saviour.
• Partnering with churches and other Christian organizations to establish thriving club programmes where Christ and His Word are taught and modelled, and girls delight in attending week after week
While the church and school often create opportunities for girls and boys to come together in one setting, GEMS Girls’ Clubs provides a different kind of experience for girls. We embrace and value the Titus 2 principle (Titus 2:3-5) in which God calls women to teach and train younger women and girls “what is good” – to be loving and kind, self controlled and pure – following Christ’s example in all we do. This is indeed the role of every leader, every counsellor in GEMS.
The international ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs works in partnership with local churches and Christian organizations. Each participating church or organization is required to identify one woman who will serve as the Club Coordinator for her club. As the Club Coordinator, she receives training, recruits and develops relationships with the women who serve as counsellors to the girls in the programme, organizes the club, recruits girls to attend club, and maintains communication via the website (www. with other clubs around the world.
OUR CLUB MEETINGS One of the great things about a GEMS Club format is that it is adaptable. Every club structures meetings according to their needs. Our curriculum presents this general club format: Prayer, praise, and worship are included.
• Develop effective, inspiring programme materials for girls and their mentors (counsellors) which are biblically based and culturallyrelevant
LESSON: Girls divide into small groups and meet with
• Organize, plan, and provide training opportunities for mentors (counsellors) so they can be prepared and equipped to lead
their counsellor to study their Bible and learn to apply its truth to their lives. During this time, older girls are also introduced to important, practical life skills. ACTIVITY TIME: Games, demonstrations, projects, or
• Regularly pray for the girls and counsellors in GEMS Clubs everywhere THE APPLYING CHURCH OR CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION AGREES TO:
colouring picture pages are activities often included.
• Uphold and seek to accomplish the mission of this ministry – to help bring girls into a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ
CLOSING AND PRAYER: Girls are challenged to learn the lesson memory verse and club closes in prayer.
• Embrace and hold as truth our Statement of Faith
SNACK: Girls receive a snack or small gift of food to enjoy.
• Provide for regular and consistent Bible study in club by utilizing the materials produced by GEMS Girls’ Clubs International • Provide Christ-inspired and Christ-directed leadership to the girls in club through the prayerful selection, supervision, and support of counsellors – mentors of girls
AWARENESS LEVEL: for younger girls, ages 5 – 10, and through 12 (depending on read-
• Ensure that the club meets regularly throughout a designated season
ADVANCED LEVEL: for older girls, ages 10-16, and through
• Ensure that the club participates fully in being responsible to sister clubs around the world. Each club does this by completing and submitting the necessary questionnaire regarding club activities three times per year.
CIT OR COUNSELOR-IN-TRAINING: for older girls ages 16
• Ensure that a special Sunday is set aside annually to highlight the work of God in the lives of girls through the GEMS ministry. This Sunday, often called GEMS Sunday, provides girls with opportunities for leadership through singing, creative movement, Scripture reading, personal sharing, skits, etc.
ing skills). The curriculum used is based on actual stories from the Bible and includes colouring pages.
• Providing biblically-based, culturally -relevant curriculum for girls
18 (depending on reading skills). The curriculum is based on Scripture and the application of it as well as teaching practical life skills such as sewing, cooking, gardening, money management, etc.
• Partnering with parents to help them in their role as the primary faith nurturers of their children
• Provide Christ-inspired and Christ-directed leadership to the overall worldwide ministry
OPENING: Girls are greeted and warmly welcomed.
• Training, equipping, and inspiring women to serve as effective club leaders and mentors
• Promoting the organization and growth of clubs so more and more girls might know Jesus Christ personally as their Lord and Saviour
- 19 (14 or 15, if very mature) who have been in the GEMS programme a minimum of two year, are spiritually mature, and wish to prepare to become a counsellor.
• Support the international ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs through regular and consistent prayer • When possible, support the work of the international ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs through offerings and/or individual gifts
THE GEMS EXECUTIVE BOARD As a worldwide ministry, GEMS Girls’ Clubs is organized as a non-profit, charitable organization and is governed by a board of directors called the GEMS Executive Board. This board is comprised of ten to twelve women who currently or have previously served as GEMS counsellors. Day-to-day operations are entrusted to the GEMS Executive Director and her staff.
STARTING A GEMS CLUB IN YOUR CHURCH OR CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION If your church or organization is interested in starting a GEMS Club, the enclosed International Membership Application/ Partnership Agreement must be completed and mailed to the address printed on the form.
As an alternative, you may complete and submit the form electronically. Please visit the link from our website to do so:
The basis of the ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs is the infallible Word of God, the Bible 1. We believe the Bible to be the infallibly inspired Word of God. 2. We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Genesis 1:1-2; John 1:1‑5, 14) 3. We believe that God created all things from nothing. He created men and women in His image and without sin. (Genesis 1:27) 4. We believe that man rebelled against God and sinned. Therefore all humans are sinners. (Romans 3:23) 5. We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and is truly God and truly man. (Luke 1:35) 6. We believe that Jesus died on a cross to pay the price of our sins. Those who accept Him as Saviour are justified by His blood. (Isaiah 53:5 and Romans 5:8-9) 7. We believe that Jesus arose bodily from the grave and returned to Heaven where He is our High Priest. (1 Corinthians 15:3-4; Hebrews 4:14‑16) 8. We believe that the Holy Spirit bestows the gift of faith whereby mankind is born again in Christ and becomes a child of God. (1 John 3:1; Romans 8:16-17) 9. We believe that the Holy Spirit abides with and comforts us until Christ’s return. (John14:16) 10. We believe that when Jesus returns from Heaven all will be raised – those who believe will have eternal life in Him; those who do not believe will be eternally condemned. (John 5:28-29)
For additional information, please contact:
THE GEMS EXECUTIVE BOARD As a worldwide ministry, GEMS Girls’ Clubs is organized as a non-profit, charitable organization and is governed by a board of directors called the GEMS Executive Board. This board is comprised of ten to twelve women who currently or have previously served as GEMS counsellors. Day-to-day operations are entrusted to the GEMS Executive Director and her staff.
STARTING A GEMS CLUB IN YOUR CHURCH OR CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION If your church or organization is interested in starting a GEMS Club, the enclosed International Membership Application/ Partnership Agreement must be completed and mailed to the address printed on the form.
As an alternative, you may complete and submit the form electronically. Please visit the link from our website to do so:
The basis of the ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs is the infallible Word of God, the Bible 1. We believe the Bible to be the infallibly inspired Word of God. 2. We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Genesis 1:1-2; John 1:1‑5, 14) 3. We believe that God created all things from nothing. He created men and women in His image and without sin. (Genesis 1:27) 4. We believe that man rebelled against God and sinned. Therefore all humans are sinners. (Romans 3:23) 5. We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and is truly God and truly man. (Luke 1:35) 6. We believe that Jesus died on a cross to pay the price of our sins. Those who accept Him as Saviour are justified by His blood. (Isaiah 53:5 and Romans 5:8-9) 7. We believe that Jesus arose bodily from the grave and returned to Heaven where He is our High Priest. (1 Corinthians 15:3-4; Hebrews 4:14‑16) 8. We believe that the Holy Spirit bestows the gift of faith whereby mankind is born again in Christ and becomes a child of God. (1 John 3:1; Romans 8:16-17) 9. We believe that the Holy Spirit abides with and comforts us until Christ’s return. (John14:16) 10. We believe that when Jesus returns from Heaven all will be raised – those who believe will have eternal life in Him; those who do not believe will be eternally condemned. (John 5:28-29)
For additional information, please contact:
Awareness Level
Colouring Pages
JESUS AND THE CHILDREN Jesus loves children
God is the powerful Creator
God never sins
G E M S G I R L S ’ C LU B S ~ I N T E R N AT I O N A L C U R R I C U LU M
Awareness Level
YEAR 1 Counsellor Helps
Jesus and the Children
Jesus with children
Jesus loves children
Wave hand, “Come here”
Days of Creation represented
God is the powerful Creator
Show rock
The Fall
Adam and Eve in garden
God never sins
Show fruit
Tower of Babel
People & tower
God is never proud
Put one fist on another , as if building
God Calls Abraham
Abraham, Sarah, Heavenly visitors
God keeps His promises
Clasp hands together
A Wife for Isaac
Abraham’s servant at well with Rebekah
God hears all prayers
Kneel in praying position
Joseph- Favourite Son to Slave
Joseph sold into slavery
God is always present
Show colourful fabric
Joseph – Prison to Power
Joseph’s brothers bow before him
God’s plans are perfect
Close eyes
Moses and Pharaoh
Moses, Aaron in front of Pharaoh
God has power over nature
Show walking stick
The Passover
Passover blood on doorposts
God has power over death
Show ten fingers
Out of Egypt
Parting Red Sea
God guides His people
Stretch out hand
David, the Shepherd Boy
David as Shepherd
God looks at the heart
Place right hand over heart
David, the King
David as King
God brings joy
Jesus’ Birth and Early Life
Stable with Joseph and shepherds
God is the Father of Jesus
Show Bible
Jesus Calls His Disciples
Jesus calling disciples
Jesus calls followers
Point to shoes
Jesus Walks on the Water
Jesus outside of boat calling Peter
Jesus shows He is God’s Son
Move hands in shape of man
Jesus Tells of the Good Samaritan
Good Samaritan helping man
Jesus loves everyone
Pound fists, as if punching
Jesus Tells of the Lost Son
Prodigal son returning home
Jesus welcomes lost sinners
Show money
Jesus Prepares His Disciples Jesus washes disciple’s feet
Jesus calls followers to serve
Stoop down, touch feet
Jesus Teaches about the Holy Spirit
Jesus speaking to disciples
Jesus is always present
Place right hand against heart
Jesus Goes to Jerusalem
Triumphal entry
Jesus is King
Lay tree branch on ground
Jesus Suffers and Dies
Jesus in the garden praying
Jesus was a man and the Son of God
Fall to ground, as if suffering
Jesus is Alive
Jesus, Mary in garden, crosses in background
Jesus has power over death
Show palms of hands
Heaven, New Jerusalem
Apostle John with upraised face and arms
Jesus keeps His promises
Show pencil or pen with Bible
GEMS Girls’ Clubs, a division of Dynamic Youth Ministries | PO Box 7259, Grand Rapids, MI 49510 Written by Kathy Brace Revised by Emily Thomas Printed in the USA No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher or as otherwise indicated in the publication. All quoted Scripture is taken from the New International Version, © 1984 of the Bible unless otherwise noted. Copyright © 2011 by GE MS Girls’ Clubs
Dear GEMS Counsellor,
Girls Everywhere Meeting th e Savior
have dedicated yourself Being a counsellor means that you closer to God. You to helping the girls in your club grow them each week, ng omi welc by can show them His love er questions, and making encouraging them when they answ , discuss questions, the Bible come alive as you read, pray vities together. learn practical life skills, and do acti ed to forming a bond As a counsellor, you have also committ el, an older and wiser with your girls. You are their role mod of their lives. Help friend who will become a part of each you care for her, are each girl to trust you by showing that especially in prayer. listening to her, and will support her, lesson, the Advanced In addition to the Bible study in each basic life skills that curriculum includes information on grow older. As their girls ought to know and use as they through the material counsellor, it is essential that you look yourself to teach such presented in this book and prepare your girls in every to material. Prepare to be an example aspect of how you live your life. a place where girls will How can you make your GEMS Club other girls, and with , grow in their relationship with God r faith as they thei use to with you? How can you train girls can you How ? ices cho life gain new skills and make daily Use this fun? and ning lear for e make your GEMS Club a plac sed and so will you! book as a guide. The girls will be bles May God lead you as you begin to use a GEMS counsellor.
| Awareness Level CH | YEAR 1
this book and become
GEMS is a relationship-based, relationship-building club programme created especially for girls. The primary purpose of the ministry is to evangelize and disciple girls. The name GEMS is an acronym for Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior. Our name represents both our passion and our mission.
In 2006, God opened the door for GEMS to establish clubs in Zambia, Africa. Since then, God has opened the door even wider, calling us to expand our work to a global level. The International Curriculum is GEMS’ endeavour to truly provide the opportunity for every girl to meet the Saviour.
The mission of GEMS Girls’ Clubs is to help bring girls into a living, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ.
We have sought to make the curriculum appropriate for girls, ages 10-18, in underprivileged circumstances. Please note that in this regard, the lessons offer basic information. We invite you to incorporate any cultural specifics to these lessons when appropriate, in order to make them more interesting and applicable for your girls.
Our vision is to see girls around the world actively and enthusiastically expressing love for God and others – girls equipped, motivated, and passionately engaged in living out their faith. A foundational Scripture for the ministry is Titus 2:3-5. In this passage, God commissions women to teach and train younger women and girls “what is good” – to be loving and kind, self controlled and pure – following Christ’s example in all they do.
YEAR 1 | Awareness Level CH
The basic responsibility of the GEMS counsellor is to develop loving relationships with the girls who are members of her small group at club. The counsellor is to teach, guide, enjoy, and model Christ-like love to her girls. COUNSELLORS SHOULD:
This Counsellor Helps book is your tool to help introduce girls to our loving God and help them learn to walk in His ways. It has six units. Each unit has four lessons. There are 24 lessons in all. Both a spiritual focus and a practical skill focus are found in every lesson. The corresponding Girl’s Books provide space for Advanced level girls to write in answers to lesson questions.
1. Understand the primary goal of GEMS Girls’ Clubs: to help bring girls into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
1. The COUNSELLOR DEVOTION is the first thing written in each lesson. Be sure to read the devotion yourself before coming to club.
2. Model the kind of relationship with Christ and with other counsellors that girls admire and want for their own lives.
2. Instructions for using this book are given in BOLD letters: PRAY, READ, SAY… These instructions should NOT be read to the girls.
3. Using the GEMS curriculum, read through the assigned lesson before each club meeting. Be prepared to lead girls through the lesson plans. Confidently lead the girls through the lesson so that good discussion and dialogue take place.
3. Words with boxes around them are NOT to be read to the girls. They are intended to guide you as you teach the girls.
6. Treat each girl with equal respect.
4. Answers to discussion questions are shown in bold letters. Encourage girls to answer the questions in their own words. It is okay if their answers are a bit different from what is in the book. Once girls respond, affirm the correct answer and say the answers given in bold.
7. Use integrity at all times.
5. Lessons are divided into three sections:
4. Establish and consistently enforce club rules. 5. Teach and share Scripture with excitement and joy.
8. Be honest and open with girls.
Head—Bible knowledge is gained as passages are read and questions are asked
9. Pray regularly for the girls, other counsellors, CITS, and the International ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs.
Heart—Scripture is made applicable and personal through discussion, examples, and verse memorization
Hand—Practical life skill information is studied and skill development is acquired through participation in related activities
The regular format of our club programme includes sharing a snack during the closing session of each meeting. Eating together can be an important setting for counsellors and girls to get to know each other better.
6. Important Bible facts that girls will write in their books are underlined. Allow plenty of time for girls to write the answers in their books before moving on to the next section. 7. Each lesson is designed to be completed in one or two meetings. If you divide the lesson into two meetings, do the practical life skill and review the memory verse in the second meeting. 8. An Appendix is provided at the back of this book. Please refer to it for a listing of extra resources and activities that may be used along with different lessons. The appendix also contains a listing of additional tools for your personal use. It is your responsibility to bring this book, a Bible, the Girl’s Books (if you are in charge of them), and any supplies you may need to every club meeting.
| Awareness Level CH | YEAR 1
Title: Format of Lesson Scripture: Focus: Visual Aid:
SHOW your Bible and SAY • the name of today’s BIBLE STORY • where it is found in Scripture • the FOCUS of the story READ the STORY with expression and enthusiasm! REVIEW the story by REREADING the UNDERLINED POINTS, if necessary.
BEFORE CLUB READ the COUNSELLOR DEVOTION: PRAY. READ the Scripture in the Bible. PRACTICE reading the story and SAYING the memory verse aloud. THINK about how the girls might answer the questions.
REPEAT/SAY THE FOCUS This story reminds us that______. Say it with me ,_____. We will say it again,_____. READ, TALK ABOUT AND ANSWER the QUESTIONS READ the SUMMARY
OPENING MEET TOGETHER – ALL AGES BEGIN by welcoming all the girls. Be enthusiastic! Smile! PRESENT the GEMS Club Aim found in Micah 6:8 of the Bible Counsellor asks: And what does the Lord require of you? Girls answer: To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God. Micah 6,verse 8
SAY the MEMORY VERSE together. Sing, chant, clap, or dance while saying the verse. ACT OUT the Bible story or READ the Scripture or ASK someone to retell the story. HAND OUT COLOURING PAGES and crayons. Let girls colour the picture. PLAY the GAME suggested or another game of your choice.
SING your favourite songs that glorify God.
PRAY asking God to lead and guide your time together
SAY the MEMORY VERSE. Advanced girls say their verse for the Awareness girls to hear and Awareness girls say their verse for Advanced girls to hear.
ENCOURAGE the girls to learn their memory verse for the next club meeting.
DIVIDE INTO SMALL GROUPS Awareness girls and counsellors meet separately from Advanced girls and counsellors
CLOSE the club meeting in PRAYER and give thanks for a snack.
SAY the Memory Verse from the last meeting. Repeat it together.
ENJOY a snack together and DISMISS the girls when they are done eating.
SHOW COLOURING PAGES or POINT to the PICTURES on the STORY BANNER. REPEAT the FOCUS for previous stories. Point to the pictures. See Table of Contents for Focus list. SHOW COLOURING PAGE or POINT to the PICTURE on the STORY BANNER for today’s story.
YEAR 1 | Awareness Level CH
SHOW this world map (or any other you may have) to the girls in your group. POINT on the map and SHOW the girls where in the world they live. 8
| Awareness Level CH | YEAR 1
SAY There are girls just like you meeting in other GEMS Clubs. These clubs are in many countries around the world. The girls come to GEMS to learn more about God and to develop a relationship with Him. And God loves them all very much.
Use this map to REMIND and ENCOURAGE the girls to pray for those in other countries.
YEAR 1 | Awareness Level CH
This is a resource for you. As the Holy Spirit leads, use this information to share the message of salvation with the girls in your small group. Invite girls to open their heart to Jesus, to know Him as their Friend. Then show them the way to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour using the points listed below.
God asks us to admit that we have done wrong things in our lives and have sinned. We need to realize that we are sinners and be truly sorry for our sins.
… for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God Romans 3:23
We have to believe that Jesus is who He says He is. He is our Saviour, and He died to pay the price for our sins. When we accept Him as our own Saviour, we become His children forever.
Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved… Acts 16:31
When we come to Jesus Christ, He will come to us. When you ask Jesus to come into your heart, you can know for certain that He will, and that you are His child.
Come near to God and He will come near to you. James 4:8
Knowing Jesus as Friend, as Lord, and as Saviour means you are a child of God. Now you can know the joy of living each day with God and spending eternity with Him in Heaven.
| Awareness Level CH | YEAR 1
Jesus and the Children
Scripture: Luke 18:15-17 Focus: Jesus loves children Visual Aid: Wave hand
OPENING MEET TOGETHER – ALL AGES WELCOME girls! SING songs that glorify God. PRAY, asking God to lead and bless your time together.
SMALL GROUP TIME DIVIDE INTO SMALL GROUPS OF AWARENESS GIRLS TELL the girls about GEMS. SAY The name GEMS means Girls Everywhere Meeting the Saviour. Repeat after me: Girls Everywhere Meeting the Saviour. A GEMS Club is a place to belong, and a place to get to know God and others better. Repeat after me: GEMS is a place to belong.
JESUS AND THE CHILDREN But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little Jesus loves children children come to me, and do not hinder them.” Luke 18:16a BEFORE CLUB READ the Scripture and this COUNSELLOR DEVOTION:
At GEMS girls learn how to have a living, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ. Repeat after me: GEMS is a place to learn about Jesus. CREATION
God is the powerful Creator At GEMS girls study the Bible, colour, sing songs, and play games. Repeat after me: GEMS is a place to have fun!
SIT in a circle so girls can see each other as they share during the next activity.
Are there people you think are more important than others? Perhaps politicians or preachers? In God’s eyes everyone is equal. God loves children as much as adults, and He loves people with power as much as the powerless. Story after story in the Bible shows God’s great love for people. He wants people to come to Him and know the joy of His presence in their lives.
SAY Let’s get to know each other. Please say your name, age, and your favourite colour and why you like it.
PRAY girls will understand what a GEMS Club is all about. Pray they will understand that Jesus, God’s Son, loves them and wants them to come to Him as they learn about Him in the Bible. PRAY for the GEMS ministry and clubs around the world.
SAY The GEMS Club Aim is found in the book of Micah, chapter 6, verse 8 of the Bible.
DISCUSS three to five important club rules with the girls. State rules positively, so girls know what is expected of them. Review these each week until the girls know them.
Counsellor asks: And what does the Lord require of you? Girls answer: To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God. Micah 6, verse 8 SAY To act justly means to be honest and to do what is right. To love mercy means to care about other people; to show kindness.
YEAR 1 | Awareness Level CH
To walk humbly with your God means to be thankful for who God is and all He has done for us, and to act in ways that please and honour Him. REPEAT Micah 6:8 two times. SAY Each week at GEMS we will hear a story from the Bible and talk about it. We will remember one important aim or truth from God’s Word. We will learn a verse from the Bible. We will also colour a picture page and play a game. We hope to see you each week at GEMS ready to learn and have fun! SHOW COLOURING PAGE or POINT to the PICTURE on the STORY BANNER. SHOW your Bible and SAY • The name of today’s BIBLE STORY is Jesus and the Children • This story is found in Luke 18 • This story reminds us that Jesus loves children READ the STORY with expression and enthusiasm! The Bible is God’s Book. Its pages are filled with true stories that tell us about who God is and what He has done. The Bible also tells about God’s Son, Jesus. God sent Jesus to live on earth for awhile to show people how much He loves them. Each week you come to GEMS you will hear a story from the Bible and learn what it means. You will learn how you can live for God. The first story is about Jesus and His special friends who were His disciples. These men stayed with Jesus wherever He went. Jesus taught them about God and how He wanted them to live. One day some mothers and fathers brought their children to Jesus. They wanted Jesus to touch their children. Wonderful things happened to people when Jesus touched them. Sick people got well, blind people could see, and people who were sad could smile again! The parents knew their children would be blessed and happy if Jesus touched them. But when the disciples saw the children coming to Jesus, they tried to stop them. One disciple said, “Jesus does not have time for children.” Another said, “Jesus has more important things to do than hold babies.” The mothers and fathers sadly began to walk away. When Jesus saw this He was very upset with His disciples! He waved to the parents (WAVE YOUR HAND IN A WAY THAT MEANS “COME HERE”) to bring their children to Him. He said to the disciples, “Let the little children come to me. Do not get in their way. If you want to please God, you will need to be humble like these children.” The disciples were surprised – they must be like children? They had so much to learn from Jesus! They watched with wide eyes as Jesus took the children gently in His arms and put His hands on them and blessed them. The 12
| Awareness Level CH | YEAR 1
mothers and fathers and their children went away with smiles on their faces and love in their hearts. The parents knew Jesus loved children. They understood that Jesus wants children to come to Him. That day the disciples learned something important about how to live for God. They must become like children! The Bible has many stories like this – stories that will surprise you and make you smile; stories that will encourage you and give you love in your heart. And stories that will force you to think hard and decide how you will live your life. The Bible is God’s Book. It is a treasure, a gift from God to His people. Listen to its words. Take them into your heart and mind. They will be your best guide in life. REVIEW the STORY by REREADING the UNDERLINED POINTS above, if necessary. REPEAT/SAY THE FOCUS This story reminds us that Jesus loves children. Say it with me, Jesus loves children. We will say it again, Jesus loves children. READ, TALK ABOUT, AND ANSWER these QUESTIONS 1. Why did parents bring their children to Jesus? (They wanted Jesus to touch them because Jesus’ touch healed and changed people.) 2. What did Jesus do when the disciples tried to stop the parents from bringing their children to Him? (He got upset with the disciples and told them to allow the children to come to Him. He held the children and blessed them. He told the disciples they must become like humble children to please God.) 3. What do we learn about Jesus in this story? (He loves children.) 4. What does this Bible story tell you about how to live for God? (You should come to Jesus and learn about Him in the Bible.) READ this SUMMARY Jesus wants children to come to Him. He loves them as much as adults. Come back to GEMS to learn more of what the Bible says about Jesus and His Father, God. Come back to feel the touch of Jesus in your life! SAY We will say our MEMORY VERSE together. Repeat after me: But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them.” Luke 18:16a SAY the MEMORY VERSE together again. Sing, chant, clap, or dance while saying the verse.
ACT OUT the Bible story or READ the Scripture or ASK someone to retell the story. HAND OUT COLOURING PAGES and crayons. Let the girls COLOUR PAGE 1. PLAY this GAME or another one of your choice: Act it out Players stand in a circle. One person says her name and does an action to go along with her name, like stomping her left foot, waving her right arm, tossing her head... The rest of the group says, “Hi, (name of girl)” and imitates her action. The next person says her name and does an action and the group says, “Hi, (name of girl)” and imitates her action. After going around the whole circle, the group tries to say each girl’s name and do her action without stopping.
CLOSING MEET TOGETHER – ALL AGES SAY the MEMORY VERSE. Advanced girls say their verse for the Awareness girls to hear and Awareness girls say their verse for Advanced girls to hear. ENCOURAGE the girls to learn their memory verse for the next club meeting. CLOSE the club meeting in PRAYER and give thanks for a snack. ENJOY a snack together and DISMISS the girls when they are done eating.
YEAR 1 | Awareness Level CH
Advanced Level
YEAR 1 Girls’ Bo ok
God Loves Children
Child Care
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Be a Woman of Faith
1. Dorcas Shows Us How to Use Our Talents for Christ 2. Hannah Shows Us How to Deal with Difficult Situations 3. Lydia Shows Us How to be Kind to Other Believers 4. Miriam Shows Us How to Avoid Pride and Jealousy
1. 2. 3. 4.
Grow in the Fruit of the Spirit
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Know Who God Is
Team Sports
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. Learn the Fundamentals 2. Practice to Develop Skill and Stay Fit 3. Choose the Right Attitude 4. Apply Personal Discipline
Meet God in Prayer
Rest and Renewal
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Build God-Honouring Relationships
Careers and Callings
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Gems are God’s Children God’s Heart Overflows with Love for His Children God’s Heart is Full of Fatherly Love Children are a Gift from God’s Heart
Love, Kindness, Goodness Joy and Faithfulness Peace and Gentleness Patience and Self-control
God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit Three in One
Prayer is Communication with God Prayer has Different Elements Prayer is both Regular and Spontaneous Prayer Involves Others
Commit to Friendships with Girls Be Respectful to Adults Show Honour to Parents and Caregivers Act Wisely around Boys
GEMS are Precious Love for Children Child Growth and Change Child Safety
Importance of Learning to Sew Basic Stitches Cloth Types and Sewing Supplies Needlework
Good Gardening Practices Gardening Tools and Tips Gardening Troubles Time to Grow
Rest and Renew the Body Renew the Spirit Renew the Mind Renew the Whole Self
Career Interests Career Choices Calling and Purpose Faith in Career and Calling
GEMS Girls’ Clubs, a division of Dynamic Youth Ministries PO Box 7259, Grand Rapids, MI 49510 Written by Kathy Brace and Emily Thomas Printed in the USA
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher or as otherwise indicated in the publication. All quoted Scripture is taken from the New International Version, © 1984 of the Bible unless otherwise noted. Copyright © 2011 by GEMS Girls’ Clubs
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UNIT 1 Discover GEMS: God Loves Children
HEAD/HEART FOCUS: GEMS are God’s Children HAND FOCUS: GEMS are Precious
1. The name GEMS means:
the S
2. A GEMS Club is a place to belong – a place to with your counsellor, and with God.
– with other girls,
3. At GEMS Clubs, girls learn how to have a living, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ.
4. At GEMS Clubs, girls study the Bible, share ideas and thoughts, learn important new skills, sing songs, play games, and have fun!
5. Getting to know more about each other and God’s Word will help us .
5. The GEMS Club Aim is found in Micah 6:8 of the Bible. Counsellor asks: And what does the Lord require of you? Girls answer:
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God.
6. During each club meeting there will be time to do these things: Learn from the Bible and Deuteronomy 7:6 means
Advanced Level Girls’ Book
At GEMS I will also have the opportunity to Psalm 119:11 means
At GEMS I will GEMS girls are
Enjoy drawing pictures of precious gems and GEMS girls!
Advanced Level Girls’ Book
Awareness Level Advanced Level
YEAR 1 YEAR 1 Counsellor Helps Counsellor Helps
God Loves Children
Child Care
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Be a Woman of Faith
1. Dorcas Shows Us How to Use Our Talents for Christ 2. Hannah Shows Us How to Deal with Difficult Situations 3. Lydia Shows Us How to be Kind to Other Believers 4. Miriam Shows Us How to Avoid Pride and Jealousy
1. 2. 3. 4.
Grow in the Fruit of the Spirit
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Know Who God Is
Team Sports
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. Learn the Fundamentals 2. Practice to Develop Skill and Stay Fit 3. Choose the Right Attitude 4. Apply Personal Discipline
Meet God in Prayer
Rest and Renewal
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Build God-Honouring Relationships
Careers and Callings
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Gems are God’s Children God’s Heart Overflows with Love for His Children God’s Heart is Full of Fatherly Love Children are a Gift from God’s Heart
Love, Kindness, Goodness Joy and Faithfulness Peace and Gentleness Patience and Self-control
God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit Three in One
Prayer is Communication with God Prayer has Different Elements Prayer is both Regular and Spontaneous Prayer Involves Others
Commit to Friendships with Girls Be Respectful to Adults Show Honour to Parents and Caregivers Act Wisely around Boys
GEMS are Precious Love for Children Child Growth and Change Child Safety
Importance of Learning to Sew Basic Stitches Cloth Types and Sewing Supplies Needlework
Good Gardening Practices Gardening Tools and Tips Gardening Troubles Time to Grow
Rest and Renew the Body Renew the Spirit Renew the Mind Renew the Whole Self
Career Interests Career Choices Calling and Purpose Faith in Career and Calling
GEMS Girls’ Clubs, a division of Dynamic Youth Ministries | PO Box 7259, Grand Rapids, MI 49510 Written by Kathy Brace Revised by Emily Thomas Printed in the USA No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher or as otherwise indicated in the publication. All quoted Scripture is taken from the New International Version, © 1984 of the Bible unless otherwise noted. Copyright © 2011 by GE MS Girls’ Clubs
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Dear GEMS Counsellor,
Girls Everywhere Meeting th e Savior
have dedicated yourself to helping Being a counsellor means that you God. You can show them His love the girls in your club grow closer to ouraging them when they answer by welcoming them each week, enc e alive as you read, pray, discuss questions, and making the Bible com and do activities together. questions, learn practical life skills, ed to forming a bond with your As a counsellor, you have also committ r and wiser friend who will become girls. You are their role model, an olde girl to trust you by showing that you a part of each of their lives. Help each will support her, especially in prayer. care for her, are listening to her, and lesson, the Advanced curriculum In addition to the Bible study in each s that girls ought to know and use includes information on basic life skill ugh lor, it is essential that you look thro as they grow older. As their counsel such h teac to and prepare yourself the material presented in this book your girls in every aspect of how you to ple exam an material. Prepare to be live your life. r a place where girls will grow in thei How can you make your GEMS Club train you can How ? , and with you relationship with God, with other girls skills and make daily life choices? new gain they as girls to use their faith a place for learning and fun? Use this How can you make your GEMS Club sed and so will you! book as a guide. The girls will be bles this book and become a GEMS May God lead you as you begin to use counsellor.
GEMS is a relationship-based, relationship-building club programme created especially for girls. The primary purpose of the ministry is to evangelize and disciple girls. The name GEMS is an acronym for Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior. Our name represents both our passion and our mission.
In 2006, God opened the door for GEMS to establish clubs in Zambia, Africa. Since then, God has opened the door even wider, calling us to expand our work to a global level. The International Curriculum is GEMS’ endeavour to truly provide the opportunity for every girl to meet the Saviour.
The mission of GEMS Girls’ Clubs is to help bring girls into a living, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ.
We have sought to make the curriculum appropriate for girls, ages 10-18, in underprivileged circumstances. Please note that in this regard, the lessons offer basic information. We invite you to incorporate any cultural specifics to these lessons when appropriate, in order to make them more interesting and applicable for your girls.
Our vision is to see girls around the world actively and enthusiastically expressing love for God and others – girls equipped, motivated, and passionately engaged in living out their faith. A foundational Scripture for the ministry is Titus 2:3-5. In this passage, God commissions women to teach and train younger women and girls “what is good” – to be loving and kind, self controlled and pure – following Christ’s example in all they do.
| Advanced Level CH | YEAR 1
God asks us to admit that we have done wrong things in our lives and have sinned. We need to realize that we are sinners and be truly sorry for our sins.
… for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God Romans 3:23
We have to believe that Jesus is who He says He is. He is our Saviour, and He died to pay the price for our sins. When we accept Him as our own Saviour, we become His children forever.
Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved… Acts 16:31
When we come to Jesus Christ, He will come to us. When you ask Jesus to come into your heart, you can know for certain that He will, and that you are His child.
Come near to God and He will come near to you. James 4:8
Knowing Jesus as Friend, as Lord, and as Saviour means you are a child of God. Now you can know the joy of living each day with God and spending eternity with Him in Heaven.
The basic responsibility of the GEMS counsellor is to develop loving relationships with the girls who are members of her small group at club. The counsellor is to teach, guide, enjoy, and model Christ-like love to her girls. COUNSELLORS SHOULD:
This Counsellor Helps book is your tool to help introduce girls to our loving God and help them learn to walk in His ways. It has six units. Each unit has four lessons. There are 24 lessons in all. Both a spiritual focus and a practical skill focus are found in every lesson. The corresponding Girl’s Books provide space for Advanced level girls to write in answers to lesson questions.
1. Understand the primary goal of GEMS Girls’ Clubs: to help bring girls into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
1. The COUNSELLOR DEVOTION is the first thing written in each lesson. Be sure to read the devotion yourself before coming to club.
2. Model the kind of relationship with Christ and with other counsellors that girls admire and want for their own lives.
2. Instructions for using this book are given in BOLD letters: PRAY, READ, SAY… These instructions should NOT be read to the girls.
3. Using the GEMS curriculum, read through the assigned lesson before each club meeting. Be prepared to lead girls through the lesson plans. Confidently lead the girls through the lesson so that good discussion and dialogue take place.
3. Words with boxes around them are NOT to be read to the girls. They are intended to guide you as you teach the girls.
6. Treat each girl with equal respect.
4. Answers to discussion questions are shown in bold letters. Encourage girls to answer the questions in their own words. It is okay if their answers are a bit different from what is in the book. Once girls respond, affirm the correct answer and say the answers given in bold.
7. Use integrity at all times.
5. Lessons are divided into three sections:
4. Establish and consistently enforce club rules. 5. Teach and share Scripture with excitement and joy.
8. Be honest and open with girls.
• Head—Bible knowledge is gained as passages are read and questions are asked
9. Pray regularly for the girls, other counsellors, CITS, and the International ministry of GEMS Girls’ Clubs.
• Heart—Scripture is made applicable and personal through discussion, examples, and verse memorization
ABOUT CLUB MEETINGS The regular format of our club programme includes sharing a snack during the closing session of each meeting. Eating together can be an important setting for counsellors and girls to get to know each other better.
• Hand—Practical life skill information is studied and skill development is acquired through participation in related activities 6. Important Bible facts that girls will write in their books are underlined. Allow plenty of time for girls to write the answers in their books before moving on to the next section. 7. Each lesson is designed to be completed in one or two meetings. If you divide the lesson into two meetings, do the practical life skill and review the memory verse in the second meeting. 8. An Appendix is provided at the back of this book. Please refer to it for a listing of extra resources and activities that may be used along with different lessons. The appendix also contains a listing of additional tools for your personal use. It is your responsibility to bring this book, a Bible, the Girl’s Books (if you are in charge of them), and any supplies you may need to every club meeting.
| Advanced Level CH | YEAR 1
::: LESSON # ::: SAY the memory verse from the last meeting. Repeat it together.
Head/Heart Focus: Hand Focus:
INTRODUCE the lesson by asking the given question.
FIND and READ aloud the verses in the Bible. Have girls write key words or phrases in their books.
TALK about the questions.
PRAY for girls in your club…PRAY for yourself and other counsellors…PRAY for the GEMS ministry and clubs around the world.
Talk about, write about and memorize God’s Word
READ and prepare for the lesson. BRING everything you need for the small group time, including any materials needed for the activity.
TALK about the questions. Have girls write answers in their books. ASK girls to write the memory verse in their books. SAY it aloud together a few times.
Learn a practical life skill
READ and DO the activities for the practical life skill. PRAY in your small group.
SING songs that glorify God. PRAY, asking God to lead and bless your time together.
CLOSING MEET TOGETHER – ALL AGES SAY the MEMORY VERSE. Advanced girls say their verse for the Awareness girls to hear and Awareness girls say their verse for Advanced girls to hear. ENCOURAGE the girls to learn their memory verse for the next club meeting. CLOSE the club meeting in PRAYER and give thanks for a snack. ENJOY a snack together and DISMISS the girls when they are done eating.
YEAR 1 | Advanced Level CH
SHOW this world map (or any other you may have) to the girls in your group. POINT on the map and SHOW the girls where in the world they live. 8
| Advanced Level CH | YEAR 1
SAY There are girls just like you meeting in other GEMS Clubs. These clubs are in many countries around the world. The girls come to GEMS to learn more about God and to develop a relationship with Him. And God loves them all very much.
Use this map to REMIND and ENCOURAGE the girls to pray for those in other countries.
YEAR 1 | Advanced Level CH
UNIT 1 – Discover GEMS: God Loves Children
CHILD CARE ::: LESSON 1 ::: Head/Heart Focus: GEMS are God’s Children Hand Focus: GEMS are Precious
I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:1
READ this COUNSELLOR DEVOTION: What does it mean to you to DISCOVER something? The dictionary says it means finding out or learning something new. It is God’s desire that you discover much about Him. His Word, the Bible, is the best place to discover who God is and how He wants you to live. As you look into the Bible, read its words, and ponder its meaning in your heart and mind, you will discover His truths. Discovery takes looking and thinking. It takes time and effort. But you will be blessed as you prayerfully discover what God says. You will also be blessed as you then lead the girls in your club to make their own discoveries. What excites you the most about discovering new things about God through GEMS? What kind of unexpected discoveries might you make along the way? PRAY for girls in your club: that they will understand what GEMS is and will be excited to meet God, you, and other girls at club. PRAY for yourself and other counsellors: that God would prepare all of you in mind and heart to lead. PRAY for the GEMS ministry and clubs around the world. READ and prepare for the lesson below. BRING everything you need for your small group time, including any materials needed for the activity. AT CLUB
OPENING MEET TOGETHER – ALL AGES WELCOME girls! SING songs that glorify God. PRAY, asking God to lead and bless your time together.
| Advanced Level CH | YEAR 1
DIVIDE INTO SMALL GROUPS OF ADVANCED GIRLS SAY To introduce you to GEMS, I would like to ask you a question. How do you feel when you discover something new? (Excited, hopeful, surprised, thankful.) SAY GEMS is a place to discover things – things about God, things about the Bible, things about yourself and your friends, and things about the world around you. I am glad you decided to come to GEMS. Let me tell you all about it! PASS OUT Girls’ books and pencils or pens. Girls will write the important, underlined words in their books.
SAY As I tell you about GEMS, you can write important words or sentences on the empty lines in your book. In Lesson 1 we will learn GEMS are God’s children and GEMS are precious. LESSON 1: DISCOVER GEMS 1. The name GEMS means Girls Everywhere Meeting the Saviour. 2. A GEMS Club is a place to belong – a place to build relationships – with other girls, with your counsellor, and with God. 3. At GEMS Clubs, girls learn how to have a living, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ. 4. At GEMS Clubs, girls study the Bible, share ideas and thoughts, learn important new skills, sing songs, play games, and have fun! 5. Getting to know more about each other and God’s Word will help us get to know Jesus better and learn how to live for Him! SAY Let’s discover something new about each of us. Please say your name and one fact about yourself that the other girls might not know. For example, you might tell us something special about your birth, your name, your family, your favourite activity, song, or Bible verse. Repeat this activity at future meetings, if possible. Remind girls to share new information each time. DISCUSS three to five important club rules with the girls. State rules positively, so girls know what is expected of them. Review these each week until the girls know them. SAY The GEMS Club Aim is found in the book of Micah, chapter 6, verse 8 of the Bible. We can read it together from your Girls’ book:
Counsellor asks: And what does the Lord require of you?
Girls answer: To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God.
SAY At GEMS you will also have the opportunity to talk about, write, and memorize God’s Word - to hide God’s Word in your heart. Point to your heart. Write the words: Talk about, write, and memorize God’s Word.
SAY To act justly means to be truthful, honest, and to do what is right.
SAY Now turn to Psalm 119:11 in your Bibles and let’s read the verse:
To love mercy means to be glad for every opportunity to do good and to care for all people
I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
To walk humbly with your God means to be grateful and thankful for who God is and for all that He has done for us – to live each day for Him!
Write in your books by Psalm 119:11: I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
HELP girls find Micah 6:8 in their Bibles by explaining it is in the middle of the Bible, at the end of the Old Testament. Read Micah 6:8 aloud together a few times. REMEMBER! Girls should find verses in the Bible whenever possible. They should follow along as one person reads or all girls could read the verse aloud together. You may need to practice finding books and verses in the Bible. Sometime during a club meeting, play a game of calling out scripture verses to see who can find the verses the quickest. SAY During each club meeting there will be time to do many things including: Gain Bible Knowledge Learn from the Bible and gain head knowledge Point to your head. Write the words: Gain Bible knowledge in your books. SAY Now turn to Deuteronomy 7:6 in your Bibles and let’s read the verse:
For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession.
What does God call His people? (His treasured possession.)
SAY What do you think that means? (Girls are chosen, special, and precious to God!) SAY Write in your books by Deuteronomy 7:6 means: I am God’s treasure.
Talk about, write about and memorize God’s Word
SAY the MEMORY VERSE together a few times. SAY What do you think that verse means? (Learning what the Bible says and memorizing Scripture will keep you from sinning. It will also help you know God and how much He loves you.) SAY Write in your books by Psalm 119:11 means: Memorizing God’s Word is good for me. SAY Lastly, at GEMS you will learn a practical life skill. You will learn how to use your hands Show your hands. and do things in ways that bless God and benefit you. Write the words: Learn a life skill. Learn a practical life skill: GEMS are Precious SAY There are four different lessons to help you discover something new about one practical life skill, such as caring for children, sports, or sewing. SAY This first lesson will help you understand more about GEMS as you discover new things about gemstones. In the last three lessons of this unit you will learn about child care. SAY Do you know what gemstones are? They are precious stones which can be cut and polished and then used to make beautiful jewellery or decorations. Some examples of gemstones or gems are diamonds, emeralds, rubies, and sapphires. Have you ever seen a gemstone or gem? (Various answers.) How do people usually feel about gems or gemstones? (Often people treasure these stones and consider them to be very valuable.) SAY Many people consider diamonds to be the most precious gem. The world’s largest diamond was discovered in 1905 in a mine in Pretoria, South Africa. It was called the Cullinan diamond. This gem was the size of a man’s fist and considered so valuable that no one person could afford to buy it.
YEAR 1 | Advanced Level CH
SAY Gems are precious stones to some people. But all GEMS girls are precious treasures to God! Just as gemstones reflect light to create beauty, GEMS girls create heavenly beauty by reflecting the light of Jesus! Write in your books, GEMS girls are: God’s treasures! DO THIS ACTIVITY with the girls: Draw pictures of precious gems and GEMS girls! SAY At the end of small group time each week, you will have the chance to share prayer concerns with me and the girls in our group. This means you can tell me or all of us what you are thankful for and what you need to talk to God about. We can pray about the things you need or things that worry or concern you. PRAY IN YOUR SMALL GROUP Pray for the girls by name; thank God that they are coming to GEMS; offer their prayer requests to the Lord. As the girls become more comfortable, invite them to pray aloud for one another.
CLOSING MEET TOGETHER – ALL AGES SAY the MEMORY VERSE. Advanced girls say their verse for the Awareness girls to hear and Awareness girls say their verse for Advanced girls to hear. ENCOURAGE the girls to learn their memory verse for the next club meeting. CLOSE the club meeting in PRAYER and give thanks for a snack. ENJOY a snack together and DISMISS the girls when they are done eating.
UNIT 1 – Discover GEMS: God Loves Children
CHILD CARE ::: LESSON 2 ::: Head/Heart Focus: God’s Heart Overflows with Love for His Children Hand Focus: Love for Children
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! 1 John 3:1a BEFORE CLUB READ this COUNSELLOR DEVOTION: Can you remember a time of drought that was followed by rainfall – a season when everything was brown and dead and then after generous rains, the earth became alive and green? This is a picture of the human heart without God and then the human heart that has been abundantly blessed by God’s love. It is God’s desire that we be alive in Him, that we know His generous and overwhelming love, and that we be changed by this love. 1 John 3:1a says, How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! What does it mean to you that God has “lavished” His love on you? (Hint: think about the rain example) What does it mean to you that you are a child of God? As God’s creation, we are made in His image and blessed to be His children. But as children of faith and heirs of His kingdom, we are especially loved by God. His love is lavished—poured out and overflowing—on us. As you acknowledge God’s generous love, you will be ready to pour out His love on young girls. What a privilege you have to show girls how much their Father God loves them. May you experience the power of God’s lavish love on YOU as you do so! PRAY for girls in your club: that they will know how precious they are to God. PRAY for yourself and other counsellors: that you will all develop a special relationship with each girl and become a positive force in their lives. PRAY for the GEMS ministry and clubs around the world. READ and prepare for the lesson below. BRING everything you need for your small group time, including any materials needed for the activity.
| Advanced Level CH | YEAR 1