poems from a queer heart

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Blank paper

As a poet, it is my sorrowful duty To mar the unblemished paper To destroy pristine perfection In hopes of making something better In hopes of making something stronger In retrospect, I am much like the fate You know the one Who has control over pain Who has control over fear The one who mars your perfection With hardship to make you better With sorrow to make you stronger So even as I cringe at the thought of ruining perfection I take solace in the fact that what I write may be better More meaning than perfect whiteness For if you think on it Nothing is perfect and it is merely my pen’s job To find a path through the endless possibilities of Blank unblemished paper

My heart’s dark place

My heart has a dark place Much like everyone else My dark place opens When I pick up my pen Till than it absorbs my pain My sorrow and hate It waits for when I pick up my pen To spill the ink over the paper Like blood To stain the ink over my hands Like blood The blood of my demons The blood of my hate My dark place is my ally My pen is its weapon So I can expel the bad Before I overflow That is why I write I write to keep my sanity

The reason Hear me o’ reader Hearken to my words What is life but a pathway to death? All the pain and punishment All for naught So much fighting over temporary things So why don’t we stop and just Await what comes after That would be the reasonable thing to do But humans are not reasonable not one bit NO! There is a reason for the things we do in life There is a reason we don’t wait like cattle to the slaughter There is a reason we fight for brother, for sister, for mother, for father, for country, for hope, and above all we fight to put off death That reason is love A love for all things good A love of life A love so strong we mistake it for hate A love so strong even us who believe death to be better than life find reason to put it off That reason is love So hearken my words dear reader And love life in full For that is what we are made to do For the day you have nothing to live for

Is the day you have nothing to die for O’ reader please hear my lesson For I have just told you the meaning of life Tis not forty two nor is it god’s master plan The meaning of life my friends Is love The meaning of life is love

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