Reconnect to Your Family Stories with Newspapers

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Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

1942. Obituary. Boston Herald (Boston, Massachusetts), 22 January 1942, page 21. (Source:

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

The Bellingham Herald (Fairhaven and Whatcom, Washington) 24 April 1906. p. 1

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Hampshire Gazette (Northampton, Massachusetts) 21 March 1832, page 3

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Westchester Herald (Mount Pleasant, New York) 29 December 1818, page 4

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

New Hampshire Republican (Dover, New Hampshire) 25 January 1825, page 10

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Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Boston Centennial (Boston, Massachusetts) 5 August 1818, page 1

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

“The writer of this shed tears to hear him … recount the sufferings and privations he endured while fighting for liberty.” New Hampshire Patriot (Concord, New Hampshire) 8 May 1851, page 2

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories • Nathaniel Hayford • One of the last living soldiers from the Battle of Bunker Hill – 17 June 1776 • Survived by his wife – “the partner of his youth” • He was 96 years old when he died - 1851 • Annual Town Meetings – blessing of liberty

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

• Battle of Lexington & Concord • Served 5 years • Most of the principal battles • Battle of Bunker Hill

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Massachusetts Spy (Worcester, Massachusetts) 15 July 1851, page 3

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

• Battle of Concord • “on Bunker Hill, but not in the engagement”

Massachusetts Spy (Worcester, Massachusetts) 15 July 1851, page 3

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

New Hampshire Gazette (Portsmouth, New Hampshire) 23 April 1850, page 2

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories Thomas Hill: •

Battle of Lexington & Concord - 14-year-old boy

Battle of Bunker Hill “with his father and eldest brother Abraham.”

They were part of “the volunteer minute men who fought.”

He went on to fight in “two campaigns in the Jerseys and New York.”

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

New Hampshire Gazette (Portsmouth, New Hampshire) 23 April 1850, page 2

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories “Listen my children and you shall hear Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five; Hardly a man is now alive Who remembers that famous day and year.” Longfellow published his poem in January 1861, just 10 years after Thomas Hill & Nathaniel Hayford died.

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Barre Gazette (Barre, Massachusetts) 31 July 1840, page 2

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

The Seattle Times (Seattle, Washington) 5 March 1991. p. A4

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Morning Olympian (Olympia, Washington) 1 May 1910. p. 4

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Stamford Advocate (Stamford, Connecticut) 1 May 1931, page 1, 8

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

• Started – 1 Nov 1889 • Carrier #1 • Retired - 1 May 1931 • 4 deliveries a day

Stamford Advocate (Stamford, Connecticut) 1 May 1931, page 1, 8

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Stamford Advocate (Stamford, Connecticut) 1 May 1931, page 1, 8

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

• Started – 1 Nov 1889 • Carrier #1 • Retired - 1 May 1931 • 4 deliveries a day • Tough Winter Snow Stamford Advocate (Stamford, Connecticut) 1 May 1931, page 1, 8

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Stamford Advocate (Stamford, Connecticut) 1 May 1931, page 1, 8

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

North Street Bridge Stamford, Connecticut

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories • Started – 1 Nov 1889 • Carrier #1 • Retired - 1 May 1931 • 4 deliveries a day • Tough Winter Snow • Flood – Delivered Mail by boat Stamford Advocate (Stamford, Connecticut) 1 May 1931, page 1, 8

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Stamford Advocate (Stamford, Connecticut) 13 March 1874, page 3 - age 36

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Stamford Advocate (Stamford, Connecticut) 14 September 1877, page 2 - age 40

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

New York Herald (New York City, New York) 19 August 1894 section 3 page 1 - age 48

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Argus (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) 13 November 1872 page 4 - age 36

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

• Found a “stampless” letter from Jonathan Huse to his “aged mother Anne” – written in 1809

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

• Letter mentioned that the “5 children” were doing fine. • Letter did not name the children

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Eastern Argus (Portland, Maine) 17 March 1825 - age 17

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

• Sarah Araline Huse • Made in 1813 – age 6

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

• Return Jonathan Meigs (1764-1825) • Governor of Ohio • Postmaster General of the United States • US Senator Wikipedia

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

• Return Jonathan Meigs (1740-1823) • Colonel, Continental Army • Federal Indian Agent Wikipedia

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

New York Herald Tribune (New York City, New York ) 21 October 1891

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories • General John Stark (1788-1822) • “Live Free or Die” • Continental Army


Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories


Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Massachusetts Spy (Boston, Massachusetts) 18 February 1824, page 3

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

The Evening Picayune (New Orleans, Louisiana) 2 December 1856. p. 4

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Huntsville Gazette (Huntsville, Alabama) 5 November 1881, page 1

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Huntsville Gazette (Huntsville, Alabama) 5 November 1881, page 1

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories


Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Oregonian (Portland, Oregon) 30 May 1915 Section 3, page 9

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories • “The Starbird Children“ • Clarissa (Peters) Russell • Painted in 1841 • Henry E. Starbird, age 10 • Caroline M. Starbird, age 8 • Louis D. Starbird, age 5 Metropolitan Museum of Art

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Boston Daily Advertiser (Boston, Massachusetts) 13 February 1888, page 1

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Boston Daily Atlas (Boston, Massachusetts) 12 May 1847, page 1

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Boston Evening Transcript (Boston, Massachusetts) 29 July 1850, page 3

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Boston Evening Journal (Boston, Massachusetts) 15 April 1884, page 1

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Boston Herald (Boston, Massachusetts) 17 September 1926, page 2

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories Jon Lynn Bergland died in a car accident at the age of 19. This letter was found by his parents among his possessions.

The Seattle Daily Times (Seattle, Washington) 22 September 1975. p. 8

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

The Seattle Daily Times (Seattle, Washington) 22 September 1975. p. 8

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Patriot (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania) 22 January 1908, page 6

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Lorine Massey – Facebook – Marcia Amanda (Young) Richmond’s Recipe for Popovers

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories • Captain Elisha Smith • Family records said that he lived in New Hampton, New Hampshire • Task: Find his obituary

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

American Advocate (Hallowell, Maine) 16 April 1825, page 3

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

• Age 74 • 1751 – 1825 • Living in Lyman, Maine?

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

• Age 74 • 1751 – 1825 • Living in Lyman, Maine?

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

New Hampshire Patriot (Concord, New Hampshire) 7 July 1834. page 3

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Boston Journal (Boston, Massachusetts) 23 July 1913. p. 12

Practical Tips – Birth Records

Practical Tips – Birth Records

Practical Tips - Marriages

Practical Tips - Obituaries

Practical Tips ◦ Try Surname Search First ◦ Add first name ◦ Add year ◦ Try abbreviations ◦ William ◦ Wm. ◦ Bill

Practical Tips

Practical Tips

Practical Tips

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

Reconnecting with Your Family’s Stories

1942. Obituary. Boston Herald (Boston, Massachusetts), 22 January 1942, page 21. (Source:

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