2 minute read
The Lonely
The Lonely

Photo by Genel Lynne Rivera @genellynne
I am a firm believer that with life comes many different seasons. Seasons of hope, seasons of joy, seasons of sorrow and even seasons of loneliness. There is nothing more real to you, than the season you are in. It is easy to feel on top of the world when you’re in your best season. Yet it is much harder when that difficult season decides to root itself for who knows how long. When your world begins to collapse and you feel that all you are left with is yourself, when silence resides, and you are left to your own fears...they begin to play louder than they have ever played before. That is when reality hits. No one seems to be close enough to your reach. No one looks for you like they did before. It is just you... and God. And even then, sometimes it still only feels like it’s just you. Life goes on as we know it and you are still stuck.
Have you ever been in that place? Do these things sound familiar? Now, when that season finally ends, have you ever gone back and remembered that very place you were once in and thought about the people around you who could be in that place, too? Have you thought about all the smiles you have encountered on a daily basis and realized that even though they smile on the outside they could very well be crying on the inside? Have you ever been the friend that’s always the first to reach out? When you stop you realize how many people don’t reach out to you—it hurts, doesn’t it?
The lonely season is often the most difficult one to swallow. Even when there is a group of people around you, or you’re surrounded by a home full of loved ones... it’s as if there is only you. No one really sees or hears the cry of your heart but God Himself. I can attest to this very thing because I have lived through this season on more than one occasion. I remind myself often that I am not the first, nor will I be the last. More often than not we get so busy with life that we forget that not everyone is in their “best season.” And I believe it is so important that we are intentional with those in our lives we say we love and make a point to be there for them in those seasons. When holidays pass and you’re having a great time, remember that some people are mourning the loss of their loved ones. Many do not even have families to spend the holidays with.
In life it is easy to become so self-preoccupied that we isolate ourselves from others and what’s going on in their lives too. In fact, it takes work to intentionally remember to reach out and check on the ones you love because we just assume they’re okay—that is where we fail. That is where we miss the signs that more often than not are sitting right in front of us. Yes, most of our lives are nonstop. But somewhere out there, there is someone waiting to hear from you.
Waiting to be seen, waiting to be heard, waiting to be hugged and waiting to feel loved.
I believe at some point in our lives we will all taste loneliness and that is okay.
And no, it doesn’t make you weak. In fact, it only makes you more human. My hope in sharing this is to encourage you to be mindful of those around you. That even if where you are seems grand, it's not always that way for everyone else. Whenever someone comes to mind, even if it’s in the middle of your busy day, reach out to them and see if they are okay. Extend kindness, love, and even an invitation to your home for that day, because you never know what that very act itself will do.