2 minute read
New Heights, New Sights
story by Olivia Walls
photography by Angela Carabelas
where will you go?

photo by Angela Carabelas
If you’re like me, you have a mental list of places that are must-see’s but still have yet to go to any of them. Since the pandemic hit, travel has become more of a harzard than an avenue for adventure. It now comes with mixed emotions and the fear of contagion. While people are still traveling in the midst of COVID-19, domestic and international travel is temporarily not an option for many others.
All of this has put things in perspective for me and I realize how much of a privilege it is to go out and see the world—to see the heights and sights this earth has to offer. I always put off the ‘‘big’’ trips for the future and never execute any real plans to make it happen. However, I think now is the time to turn that mental list into a real, written out strategy.

photo by Angela Carabelas
On the next page, I invite you to write down your top five destinations that you’d like to travel to. Start off with the most feasible destination and begin planning out the logistics. Starting is always the hardest part. It’s much easier to plan out a trip way ahead of time when the pressure is off and while there’s plenty of time to look at all the options. Whether you are planning your trip for next year or for the year after, you’ve gotten the hard part out of the way and you’re several steps closer to your dream destination!
list the top 5 destinations you’d like to travel to

photo by Angela Carabelas
Explore locally
If you’re not quite ready for traveling, there is a world of new sights right outside your neighborhood and perhaps, right in it! A friend and I were discussing a few local cafe’s that we’ve scouted out on Instagram but have yet to physically go there. There are so many nooks and crannies around town with special gems tucked away. Local shops, cafe’s, and nature reserves are all around us just waiting to be rediscovered by the people who pass them by everyday.

photo by Angela Carabelas
After a season of strict quarantine and waves of new rules and safety regulations, I’ve gained a sense of desire to see and try new things. It’s no longer enough to say ‘‘we have to go there one day’’. In safety and wisdom, we can explore what’s right outside our door. Most often, there is inspiration and beauty that’s waiting patiently for our attention. In turn, our local discoveries may lead to a greater appreciation for the community we live in.

photo by Angela Carabelas